The Story of Isaiah - The Prophet of Salvation and Divine Judgment | Biblical Stories

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The Story of Isaiah - The Prophet of Salvation and Divine Judgment | Biblical Stories
Video Transcript:
a long time ago in a land called Judah there lived a man named Isaiah he was born during a complicated time when God's people were divided into two kingdoms Israel in the north and Judah in the south in the first chapter of the book of Isaiah verse1 we read about the time he lived the vision concerning Judah and Jerusalem that Isaiah son of amamos Saw during the Reigns of Uzziah jotham ahaz and Hezekiah Kings of Judah and at that time things were changing quickly and the people faced many challenges Isaiah grew up in the city
of Jerusalem a very important place for God's people from a young age he learned about God and the laws that he had given to the people Isaiah observed everything around him watching how people lived and treated each other he noticed that people didn't always follow God's ways and that concerned him greatly when Isaiah was young king oziah ruled Judah in the book of set Chronicles 26:5 we find a description of that time he sought God during the days of Zechariah who instructed him in the fear of God as long as he sought the Lord God
gave him success because of this the country was doing well people had food the Army was strong and they were building many new things Isaiah saw all this happening around him he noticed how the cities were growing and how the soldiers were training to protect the country it seemed like everything everything was improving and people were happy but Isaiah also realized that not everything was perfect and there were hidden problems beneath this Prosperity even with all this wealth Isaiah began to notice injustices some people were becoming very rich While others were getting poorer in chapter
5 of the book of Isaiah verse 8 we see how he would later speak about this woe to those who add house to house and join field to field till no space is left and you live alone in the land Isaiah knew that this was not fair and that God did not like this situation moreover many people were starting to worship false gods forgetting the true God who had freed their ancestors from Egypt Isaiah was saddened to see these things happening and he knew that one day he would have to speak out against these issues
meanwhile the world around Judah was becoming dangerous a country called Assyria was growing very strong and threatening to attack Israel the neighboring Kingdom to the north people in Judah were worried wondering if they would be next some wanted to make deals with other countries to protect themselves later in chapter 31 verse 1 of the book of Isaiah he would speak about this problem woe to those who go down to Egypt for help who rely on horses who trust in the multitude of their chariots and in the the great strength of their Horsemen Isaiah knew that
the people should trust in God not in alliances with other nations he saw that people were looking for security in the wrong places and this worried him Deeply One Day something incredible happened to Isaiah in chapter 6 of the book of Isaiah verse 1 we read in the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord high and exalted Seated on a throne and the train of his Robee filled the temple Isaiah was in the temple the special place where people worshiped God suddenly he had an impressive Vision he saw God sitting on a high
and Majestic Throne it was something so Grand that Isaiah could hardly believe what he was seeing the temple seemed to be filled with God's presence this vision would change Isaiah's life forever and mark the beginning of his mission as a prophet of God in verses 2 and 3 of chapter 6 Isaiah describes what he saw around God's throne above him were seraphim each with six wings with two Wings they covered their faces with two they covered their feet and with two they were flying and they were calling to one another holy holy holy is the
Lord Almighty the whole earth is full of his glory these seraphim were like Angels Celestial beings who served God their voices were so powerful that they made the temple Shake Isaiah was both terrified and amazed at the same time he had never seen anything so incredible in his life the Holiness and greatness of God were overwhelming more than anything he could have imagined but then Isaiah realized something that troubled him deeply he became aware that he was a sinful man living among sinful people how could he be in the presence of such a holy God
in verse 5 of chapter 6 we see how he reacted woe to me I cried I am ruined for I am a man of unclean lips and I live among a people of unclean lips and my eyes have seen the king the Lord Almighty Isaiah thought he would be destroyed because of his sins he knew he didn't deserve to be in God's presence this moment of recognizing his own sins and the sins of the people was crucial to the mission God had for him but God didn't want to destroy Isaiah instead he wanted to purify
him and use him for a special task in verses 6 and 7 of chapter 6 we read then one of the seraphim flew to me with a live coal in his hand which he had taken with tongs from the altar with it he touched my mouth and said see this has touched your lips your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for this must have been painful but it was an important symbol God was showing Isaiah that he could cleanse even the deepest sins at that moment Isaiah felt clean his sins had been forgiven
and he was ready to serve God then something incredible happened Isaiah heard God's voice speaking in verse 8 of chapter 6 God asked whom shall I send and who will go for us it was as if God was looking for someone to be his messenger someone to speak to the people in his name Isaiah didn't hesitate he immediately responded here am I send me he was ready to do whatever God asked no matter how difficult the task would be Isaiah wanted to serve the God he had just seen and who had forgiven him he knew
that his life would never be the same after this incredible experience God then gave Isaiah a difficult task in verses 9 and 10 of chapter 6 he said go and tell this people be ever hearing but never understanding be ever seeeing but never perceiving make the heart of this people callous make their ears dull and close their eyes this meant that Isaiah was to go and speak to the people but God warned him that many would not listen to the message the people would hear but not understand they would see but not perceive this seemed
discouraging but God wanted Isaiah to keep speaking even when things got tough it was a mission that would require a lot of courage and perseverance from Isaiah Isaiah was concerned about this hard message and asked God how long it would last in verse 11 of chapter 6 we read his question for how long Lord he wanted to know how long the people would be blind and deaf to God's message God's response showed that difficult times s were ahead he spoke of cities that would become empty and houses without inhabitants this meant that a time of
judgment and hardship was coming for the people but even in this hard message there was a glimmer of hope in verse 13 of chapter 6 God gave Isaiah a message of Hope to share he said and though a tenth remains in the land it will again be laid waste but as the terbin and Oak leave stumps when they are cut down so the holy seed will be the stump in the land this meant that even though hard times were coming God would not completely abandon his people there would always be a stump a faithful Remnant
that would survive God had a plan for his people and that plan included a future of Hope and restoration from that day on Isaiah began his journey as God's prophet he would speak to Kings priests and Ordinary People sometimes his message would be a warning of what would happen if the people did not return to God other times he would bring words of comfort and hope Isaiah knew it wouldn't be easy but he was determined to fulfill the mission God had given him he had seen God's glory experienced his forgiveness and accepted his call now
he was ready to face any challenge that lay ahead thus began Isaiah's Ministry the vision in the temple was just the beginning of a life dedicated to being God's voice to his people Isaiah left the temple that day as a changed man ready to make a difference in his world he would confront powerful Kings speak out against Injustice and idolatry and bring messages of Hope about a future savior his life would never be the same and through him God would speak to his people for many years after receiving his call in the temple Isaiah began
his work as God's Prophet his early years of ministry were filled with challenges one of the first things Isaiah had to confront was idolatry in Judah in chapter 2: 8 and9 Isaiah speaks about this problem their land is full of Idols they bow down to the work of their hands to what their fingers have made so people will be brought low and everyone hum humbled Isaiah saw that many people were worshiping statues and false gods instead of the true God this made him very sad and concerned he knew this Behavior would bring trouble for the
people so he started speaking out against it Isaiah reminded the people that there was only one true God The God Who had freed their ancestors from Egypt and made a covenant with them another major problem Isaiah saw was social injustice many rich people were treating the poor and weak unfairly in chapter 3: 14 and 15 Isaiah speaks harshly about this the Lord enters into judgment against the elders and leaders of his people it is you who have ruined my Vineyard the plunder from the poor is in your houses what do you mean by crushing my
people and grinding the faces of the poor declares the Lord the Lord Almighty Isaiah was very angry when he saw the rich taking advantage of the poor he said this was wrong in God's eyes the prophet called on the rich and Powerful to treat others with Justice and kindness he reminded everyone that God cared deeply about how people treated one another especially the most vulnerable Isaiah didn't stop there he also spoke a lot about the need for repentance in chapter 1: 16 16 and 17 he says wash and make yourselves clean take your evil Deeds
out of my sight stop doing wrong learn to do right seek Justice defend the oppressed take up the cause of the fatherless plead the case of the Widow Isaiah wanted the people to change their ways and return to God he said it wasn't enough just to go to the temple and make sacrifices what God really wanted was for people to live justly and lovingly Isaiah called the people to care for Orphans and widows who were the most vulnerable in society at that time he taught that true worship of God was shown in how people treated
one another along with his messages of repentance Isaiah also spoke about the Judgment that would come if the people didn't change their ways in chapter 5 he uses a powerful image to talk about this in verse 1 and two he says I will sing for the one I love a song about his Vineyard my loved one had a Vineyard on a fertile Hillside he dug it up and cleared it of stones and planted it with the choicest vines he built a watchtower in it and cut out a wine press as well then he looked for
a crop of good grapes but it yielded only bad fruit in this Parable God is the owner of the vineyard and the people of Judah are the vineyard Isaiah was saying that God had taken great care of his people but they were not producing the fruit he expected that is they were not living the way God wanted them to Isaiah continues this parable of the vineyard in chapter 5 veres 3-6 saying now inhabitants of Jerusalem and Men of Judah judge between me and my Vineyard what more could have been done for it that I have
not done when I looked for good grapes why did it only yield sour grapes now I will tell you what I am going to do to my Vineyard I will take away its hedge and it will be destroyed I will break down its wall and it will be trampled I will make it a wasteland neither pruned nor cultivated and Briars and Thorns will grow there I will command the clouds not to rain on it this was a strong message of judgment Isaiah was warning that if the people did not change their ways God would allow
bad things to happen he used the image of the vineard to help people understand that their actions had consequences while Isaiah was busy preaching to the people he also started to get involved with the kings of Judah one of the first Kings Isaiah interacted with was zah has in chapter 7 we see Isaiah advising the king during a very difficult time vers verses 1 and 2 tell us when ahaz son of jotham and Grandson of Uzziah was king of Judah King resin of Syria and Pekka son of ramelia king of Israel marched up to fight
against Jerusalem but they could not overpower it the House of David was told Syria has Allied itself with Ephraim so the hearts of ahaz and his people were shaken as the Trees of the forest are shaken by the wind this was a very frightening situation two powerful kingdoms Syria and Israel also called Ephraim had joined forces to attack Judah King ahaz and all the people were terrified it was during this crisis that God sent Isaiah to speak to King ahaz in chapter 7:3 we read then the Lord said to Isaiah go out you and your
son Shia jashub to meet ahaz at the end of the aqueduct of the upper pool on the road to the launderer field God wanted Isaiah to deliver a message of comfort and guidance to the king in verses four and five Isaiah tells ahaz be careful keep calm and don't be afraid do not lose heart because of these two smoldering stubs of firewood because of the fierce anger of resin and Syria and of the son of remalia Isaiah was telling the king not to fear these two two kingdoms threatening Judah he wanted ahaz to trust in
God rather than panic but ahaz struggled to trust Isaiah's message so God did something remarkable in chapter 7: 10 to2 we read again the Lord spoke to ahaz ask the Lord your God for a sign whether in the deepest depths or in the highest Heights but ahaz said I will not ask I will not put the Lord to the test God was offering ahaz the chance to ask for any sign he wanted to prove that the message was true but ahaz refused pretending to be too religious to test God in reality he had already decided
not to trust God and to seek help elsewhere it was then that Isaiah gave one of the most famous prophecies in the entire Bible in chap 7:14 he says therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign the Virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and will call him Emmanuel this prophecy was about something that would happen many years later the birth of Jesus the name Emmanuel means God With Us Isaiah was saying that one day God would come to be with his people in a very special way this message was for both
ahaz and God's people Through the Ages even though things looked Bleak at that moment God had a bigger plan years later Isaiah continued his work as a prophet during the reign of another king named Hezekiah Hezekiah was a king who tried to follow God unlike his father ahaz in chapter 38 we see an incredible story about how Isaiah helped Hezekiah verses 1 and 2 tell us in those days Hezekiah became ill and was at the point of death the prophet Isaiah of Amos went to him and said this is what the Lord says put your
house in order because you are going to die you will not recover Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the Lord Hezekiah was very sick and Isaiah came with a hard message from God telling the king that he was going to die but the story doesn't end there Hezekiah prayed fervently to God asking for more time to live and God heard his prayer in chapter 38: 4-6 we read then the word of the Lord came to Isaiah go and tell Hezekiah this is what the Lord the god of your father David says
I have heard your prayer and seen your tears I will add 15 years to your life and I will deliver you and this city from the hand of the king of Assyria I will defend this city God not only promised to heal Hezekiah but also to protect the city of Jerusalem from the Assyrians who were powerful enemies at that time to confirm this promise God performed an incredible miracle in chapter 38: 7 and 8 Isaiah says this is the Lord's sign to you that the Lord will do what he has promised I will make the
shadow cast by the sun go back the 10 steps it has gone down on the stairway of ahaz and that's exactly what happened the the shadow on the Sundial went back 10 steps it was as if time had reversed a little showing that God was giving Hezekiah more time to live this miracle must have been very encouraging for both the king and the people showing God's power and his willingness to answer prayers during hezekiah's Reign Isaiah also had to give advice on political matters one of the biggest problems was the constant threat from Assyria a
very powerful ful Empire that wanted to conquer Judah many people including some of the king's advisers wanted to make an alliance with Egypt to protect themselves from Assyria but Isaiah knew this wasn't what God wanted in Chapter 30 veres 1 and 2 he says woe to the obstinate children declares the Lord to those who carry out plans that are not mine forming an alliance but not by my spirit heaping sin upon sin who go go down to Egypt without consulting me who look for help to Pharaoh's protection to Egypt's shade for Refuge Isaiah kept insisting
that the people should trust in God not in political alliances in chapter 31:1 he says woe to those who go down to Egypt for help who rely on horses who trust in the multitude of their chariots and in the great strength of their Horsemen but do not look to the Holy One of Israel or seek help from the Lord Isaiah was trying to show the king and the people that trusting in other nations would not save them only God could truly protect them he wanted them to understand that their choices had consequences and that seeking
help in the wrong place would only bring more problems Isaiah's advice wasn't always easy to follow sometimes it seemed safer to rely on armies and alliances than on a god they couldn't see but Isaiah kept reminding the people that God had already done incredible things for them in the past and that he would continue to take care of them if they trusted in him in chapter 37 when Assyria actually attacked Judah we see how important Isaiah's advice was Hezekiah prayed to God for help instead of relying on human alliances and God miraculously saved Jerusalem through
all these these events the healing of Hezekiah the miracle of the son's Shadow and the protection from Assyria Isaiah kept showing the people God's power and faithfulness he wanted them to understand that God was in control of everything even the great Empires and the events of History Isaiah's messages weren't just for that time but they would remain important for future Generations including ours they remind us to trust in God in every situation even when things seem difficult or scary besides speaking to the people of Judah Isaiah also had messages from God for other nations these
messages are called oracles and many of them talked about the judgments that would come upon these countries one of the most important Nations Isaiah mentioned was Babylon in chapter 13: 1 and 2 Isaiah begins a prophecy against Babylon that I Isaiah son of AOS saw raise a banner on a bare Hilltop shout to them beckon to them to enter the gates of the Nobles at that time Babylon was growing more powerful but Isaiah was saying that one day it would fall he described how God would use other armies to bring Babylon down this was an
important message because it showed that no Empire no matter how strong it seemed was greater than God Isa isah also spoke about Egypt and Ethiopia which were important Nations to the south in Chapter 19 Verse one he says a prophecy against Egypt see the Lord rides on a swift cloud and is coming to Egypt the idols of Egypt tremble before him and the hearts of the Egyptians Melt With Fear Isaiah was saying that God would judge Egypt causing the nation to face many troubles he talked about how there would be fighting among the Egyptians and
how their plans would fail but Isaiah also gave a message of Hope for Egypt in the same chapter verse 22 he says the Lord will strike Egypt with a plague he will strike them and heal them they will turn to the Lord and He will respond to their pleas and heal them this shows that God's goal in judgment wasn't just to punish but to lead people to turn to him Isaiah didn't stop there he also spoke about other countries like Moab Damascus and TI in chapter 15 he talks about Moab describing how the country would
be destroyed and its people would be deeply saddened in chapter 17 he speaks about Damascus the capital of Syria saying that it would no longer be a city and would become a heap of ruins and in chapter 23 he talks about TI a city that was rich because of its maritime betray Isaiah said that Ty would be destroyed and forgotten for 70 years all these messages showed that God was in control not only of Judah but of all Nations he used Isaiah to warn these countries that their actions had consequences and that they too were
accountable to God one of the most important ideas Isaiah spoke about was the day of the Lord this referred to a future time when God would would judge all nations in chapter 2: 12 and 13 Isaiah says the Lord Almighty has a day in store for all the proud and lofty for all that is exalted and they will be humbled for all the Cedars of Lebanon tall and lofty and all the Oaks of Bashan Isaiah was saying that a day would come when God would set everything right the people and Nations that thought they were
powerful and didn't care about God would be humbled this day of the Lord was both terrifying and hopeful terrifying for those who rejected God but hopeful for those who trusted in him because it meant that one day all Injustice would be corrected but Isaiah's messages weren't just about judgment he also had wonderful visions of Hope and restoration for the future one of Isaiah's most beautiful prophecies is in chapter 11 in verses 1 and two he says a chute will come up from the stump of Jesse from his roots a branch will bear fruit the spirit
of the Lord will rest on him the spirit of wisdom and of understanding the spirit of counsel and of Might the spirit of the knowledge and fear of the Lord Jesse was the father of King David and Isaiah was speaking about someone from David's family who would come in the future this person would be filled with the spirit of God and would rule with Justice and wisdom Christians later understood that this prophecy was about Jesus Isaiah went on to describe what it would be like when this perfect ruler came in chapter 11: 6 to9 he
paints a beautiful picture of Peace the wolf will live with the lamb the leopard will lie down with the goat the calf and The Lion and the yearing together and a little child will lead them the cow will feed with the bear their young will lie down together and the lion will eat straw like the ox the infant will play near the Cobra's Den the young child will put its hand into the Viper's Nest they will neither harm nor destroy on all my Holy Mountain for the Earth will be filled with the knowledge of the
Lord as the waters cover the sea this image of animals that are usually enemies living peacefully together was Isaiah's way of saying that one day God would bring complete peace to to the world where there would be no more violence or fear another very important prophecy of Isaiah is found in chapter 53 there he talks about someone whom God would send someone who would suffer to save the people in Verses 4 and 5 Isaiah says surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering yet we considered him punished by God stricken by him and
Afflicted but he was pierced for our transgressions he was crushed for our iniquities the punishment that brought us peace was on him and by his wounds we are healed this prophecy is very special because it speaks of someone who would suffer in the place of others so that they could be forgiven and healed Christians believe that this prophecy was fulfilled in Jesus who died on the cross to save people from their sins Isaiah also had visions of a wonderful future that God Was preparing for his people in chapter 25 he speaks of a great banquet
that God would hold for all nations in verses 6 to8 he says on this mountain the Lord Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for All Peoples a banquet of aged wine the best of meats and the finest of wines on this mountain he will destroy the Shroud that infolds all peoples the sheet that covers all nations he will swallow up death Forever The Sovereign Lord will wipe away the tears from all faces he will remove his people's disgrace from all the Earth the Lord has spoken this image of a great banquet was Isaiah's
way of saying that God wanted to bring joy healing and unity to all people the idea of God wiping away tears shows just how much he cares about each person's suffering Isaiah also spoke of a New Jerusalem a perfect City that God would create in chapter 65: 17 and 18 He says see I will create new heavens and a new Earth the former things will not be remembered nor will they come to mind but be glad and rejoice forever in what I will create for I will create Jerusalem to be a delight and its people
a joy Isaiah was saying that God would not only fix what was wrong but also make everything new this new creation would be a place of constant Joy where there would be no more sadness or pain it was a message of great hope for people going through hard times a very important part of Isaiah's messages of Hope were his words of comfort for the people who would one day be taken into Exile even before that happened God was already preparing words of consolation through Isaiah in chapter 40 one of the most fam famous chapters of
the book Isaiah begins with beautiful words of comfort in verses 1 and 2 he says Comfort Comfort my people says your God speak tenderly to Jerusalem and Proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed that her sin has been paid for that she has received from the Lord's hand double for all her sins these words were like a hug from God for people who would be far from home and feeling abandoned God was saying that he had not forgotten them and that their time of difficulty would come to an end Isaiah continues in
chapter 40 with words that show God's power and Care in verse 11 he says he tends his flock like a shepherd He gathers the Lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart he gently leads those that have young this image of God as a gentle Shepherd was very comforting for the people it showed that even in the hardest times God would be taking care of them with love and attention Isaiah wanted the people to know that no matter what happened they could trust in God's care another important message of comfort is found
in chapter 43 in verses 1 and 2 Isaiah says but now this is what the Lord says he who created you Jacob he who formed you Israel do not fear here for I have redeemed you I have summoned You by name you are mine when you pass through the waters I will be with you and when you pass through the rivers they will not sweep over you when you walk through the fire you will not be burned the Flames will not set you Ablaze these words showed that God would be with his people even in
the most difficult and dangerous situations it was a promise that he would never abandon them no matter what Isaiah also spoke about how God would use even foreign Kings to help his people in chapter 45 he mentions a king named Cyrus who hadn't even been born at the time of Isaiah in verses 1 and 4 he says this is what the Lord says to his anointed to Cyrus whose right hand I take hold of to subdue Nations before him and to strip Kings of their armor to open doors before him so that Gates will not
be shut for the sake of Jacob my servant of Israel My Chosen I summon you by name and bestow on you a title of Honor though you do not acknowledge me this showed that God had plans for his people's future even when things seemed hopeless he would use even a king who didn't know him to help Israel Isaiah's Prophecies of Hope and restoration were not just for the people of his time they continued to be important for many years giving hope to people in difficult times in chapter 55: 12 and 13 Isaiah says you will
go out in joy and be led forth in peace the mountains and Hills will burst into song before you and all the trees of the field will clap their hands instead of the thorn bush will grow the Juniper and instead of Briar the Myrtle will grow this will be for the Lord's renown for an everlasting sign that will endure forever this image of joy and all of nature celebrating showed that the restoration God would bring would be complete and would affect all of creation Isaiah also spoke about how God would change people's hearts in chapter
44:3 he says for I will pour water on the Thirsty land and streams on the dry ground I will pour out my spirit on your offspring bring and my blessing on your descendants this showed that the restoration God would bring wouldn't just be external but also internal he would change people from the inside helping them live in a way that pleased him it was a promise of a deep and Lasting transformation one of the most remarkable aspects of Isaiah's prophecies is how they combined messages about things that would happen soon with things that would take
place much later in chapter 61 which Jesus later read in the synagogue saying that he was fulfilling those words Isaiah says the spirit of The Sovereign Lord is on me because the Lord has anointed me to Proclaim good news to the poor he has sent me to bind up the Brokenhearted to Proclaim freedom for the captives and release from Darkness for the prisoners to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor these words spoke of Freedom healing and good news reflecting God's heart for people who were suffering Isaiah's messages of Hope end with an incredible vision
of a new Heaven and a new Earth in chapter 65: 17 and 18 He says see I will create new heavens and a new Earth the former things will not be remembered nor will they come to mind but be glad and rejoice forever in what I will create for I will create Jerusalem to be a delight and its people a joy this vision of a perfect future where all the bad things from the past would be forgotten was a powerful promise it showed that God's ultimate plan was to bring complete and eternal joy to his
people all of Isaiah's messages of Hope and restoration were like a beacon of light for God's people not just in his time but for many generations to come in chapter 60: 1 and 2 Isaiah says arise Shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord Rises upon you see Darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples but the Lord Rises upon you and His Glory Appears over you these words were a call for God's people to be a light in the midst of Darkness even when things seemed tough and
dark around them Isaiah was saying that God would bring a bright light to his people and through them to the whole world Isaiah also spoke about how God would bring people from All Nations to worship Him in chapter 56: 6 and 7 he says and foreigners who bind themselves to the Lord to serve him to love the name of the Lord and to be his servants all who keep the Sabbath without desecrating it and who hold fast to my Covenant these I will bring to my Holy Mountain and give them joy in my house of
prayer their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my Altar for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations this showed that God's plan was much bigger than just the people of Israel he wanted people from All Nations to come to know and worship him one of the most beautiful images Isaiah uses to talk about the restoration God would bring is that of a desert blooming in chapter 35: 1 and 2 he says the desert and the parched land will be glad the Wilderness will rejoice and Blossom like the crocus
it will burst into bloom it will rejoice greatly and Shout for Joy the glory of Lebanon will be given to it the Splendor of Carmel and Sharon they will see the glory of the Lord the Splendor of our God this image of dry lifeless places suddenly bursting into flowers and life was a powerful way for Isaiah to say that God can bring life and Beauty even in the most hopeless situations Isaiah also spoke about how God would change the way people live together in chapter 2:4 he has an incredible vision of world peace he will
judge between the Nations and will settle disputes for many peoples they will beat their swords into plowshares and their Spears into pruning hoods Nation will not take up sword against Nation nor will they train for war anymore this image of turning weapons into farming tools showed that God's ultimate plan was to bring such deep peace that people wouldn't even think about war it was a vision of a world where everyone would live in harmony Isaiah's prophecies about the future also included Promises of physical healing and restoration in chapter 35: 5 and 6 he says then
will the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped then will the lame leap like a deer and the mute tongue shout for Joy water will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert these words spoke of a time when God would heal all sickness and disabilities it was a promise that one day all physical suffering would end and everyone would experience life in its fullness one of the most surprising things about Isaiah's messages of Hope is how he talks about God doing new things in chapter 43: 18
and 19 he says forget the former things do not dwell on the past see I am doing a new thing now it Springs up do you not perceive it I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the Wasteland Isaiah was saying that God wasn't stuck in the past even when people thought they already knew everything about God he could still surprise them with new and wonderful things it was a call for people to stay alert and hopeful always looking for what God might do next Isaiah's Life as a prophet of God was
full of challenges and required a lot of perseverance one of the greatest obstacles he faced was the opposition from false prophets and corrupt leaders in chapter 30:1 Isaiah reveals how some people reacted to his message they say to the seers see no more visions and to the prophets give us no more visions of what is right tell us Pleasant things prophesy Illusions this resistance to the truth made Isaiah's work very difficult he had to be brave and faithful to continue delivering God's message even when people preferred to hear comfortable lies God God gave Isaiah several
signs to reinforce his messages one of these signs was the name of his son Shia jashub in chapter 7:3 we read then the Lord said to Isaiah go out you and your son Shear jashub this name means a Remnant will return and it was a constant reminder of Isaiah's Central message even in times of judgment God would always preserve a faithful group every time Isaiah called his son or someone asked about the name's meaning it was an opportunity to speak about God's promise of future restoration sometimes God asked Isaiah to perform symbolic actions to convey
his messages more powerfully a striking example is found in Chapter 20: 2 and 3 at that time the Lord spoke through Isaiah son of os take off the sackcloth from your body and the sandals from your feet he did so going around stripped and Barefoot then the Lord said just as my servant Isaiah has gone stripped and Barefoot for 3 years as a sign and portent against Egypt and Kush this dramatic action must have been extremely difficult and humiliating for Isaiah but it demonstrates his total obedience to God and his commitment to his prophetic mission
one of Isaiah's constant challenges was confronting those those who trusted more in political alliances than in God in chapter 31:1 he warns woe to those who go down to Egypt for help who rely on horses who trust in the multitude of their chariots and in the great strength of their Horsemen but do not look to the Holy One of Israel or seek help from the Lord Isaiah frequently opposed leaders who sought Security in agreements with other nations instead of trusting in God this stance put him in direct conflict with the powerful figures of his time
but he remained steadfast in his message despite all these challenges Isaiah persevered in his mission his unshakable faith in God and His conviction in the importance of his message kept him going even when he faced rejection ridicule and even threats Isaiah's perseverance is a powerful example for for all of us showing that we can remain faithful to God and to the truth no matter how difficult the circumstances may be in his final prophecies and Visions Isaiah delivered some of the most powerful and hopeful messages of his entire Ministry one of the most significant is found
in chapter 61: 1 and 2 where he speaks of the coming of the Lord's Anointed The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me because the Lord Lord has anointed me to Proclaim good news to the poor he has sent me to bind up the Brokenhearted to Proclaim freedom for the captives and release from Darkness for the prisoners to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor this prophecy speaks of someone who would bring good news Freedom healing and would declare God's favor centuries later Jesus would read this passage in the synagogue and declare that it
was being fulfilled in him revealing the deeply Messianic nature of this prophecy Isaiah also had breathtaking visions of a glorious future that God would create in chapters 65 and 66 he describes new heavens and a new Earth in chapter 65:1 17 he proclaims see I will create new heavens and a new Earth the former things will not be remembered nor will they come to mind he goes on to describe a place of perfect Joy where there would be no more weeping no death and no Injustice these Visions offered hope to God's people showing that no
matter how difficult the present circumstances were God's ultimate plan was to make all things new and perfect the restoration of Israel is another prominent theme in Isaiah's final prophecies in chapter 60 ver1 he declares arise Shine for your light has come and the the glory of the Lord Rises upon you Isaiah foresaw a time when Jerusalem would be rebuilt and become the center of worship for all nations he described how people from all corners of the Earth would come to know and worship the god of Israel these prophecies were especially significant for a people who
would face Exile and the destruction of their Homeland they offered hope that even in the darkest times God had a plan to restore and Elevate them once again one of Isaiah's most powerful final messages is the great invitation found in chapter 55 in verses 1 and 2 he proclaims Come All You Who are thirsty come to the waters and you who have no money come buy and eat come buy wine and milk without money and without cost why spend money on what is not bred and your labor on what does not satisfy this invit ation
reveals God's heart Desiring all people to come to him and find true satisfaction Isaiah is emphasizing that the most important things in life like God's forgiveness love and grace are freely offered to all who seek them Isaiah concludes his book with Promises of God's Eternal Covenant in chapter 55: three he says give ear and come to me listen that you may live I will make an Everlasting Covenant with you my faithful love promised to David these words show that God's love and commitment to his people are Eternal and unshakable even after all the warnings and
judgments Isaiah had to announce throughout his ministry the final message is one of Hope eternal love and God's unwavering faithfulness Isaiah's final prophecies and Visions are a powerful Testament to the greatness and love of God they show that despite difficulties and judgments God's ultimate plan is one of redemption restoration and complete renewal these messages were not only relevant to the people of Israel in Isaiah's time but they continue to offer hope and encouragement to people of all ages including our own the life and Ministry of Isaiah teach us valuable lessons about faith courage and perseverance
he faced con Conant opposition had to deliver difficult messages and even perform actions that exposed him to ridicule yet he remained faithful to his calling trusting that God was in control and that his promises would come to pass Isaiah's story reminds us that we can trust God even when circumstances seem dark and that he always has a greater plan in motion Isaiah's prophecies about the Messiah the restoration of Israel and the Glorious future that God has prepared for his people continue to inspire and encourage Believers today they remind us that God is at work in
history to fulfill his purposes and that his love for us is eternal and unconditional Isaiah's visions of a world where peace Reigns where justice prevails and where all nations come together to worship God give us hope for the future and motivate us to work for justice and peace in our own time dear viewers we've come to the end of this incredible journey through the life and messages of the prophet Isaiah his words written thousands of years ago still resonate powerfully in our hearts today they remind us of God's immense love his perfect Justice and his
wonderful plans for the future if you've been touched by this story don't keep it to yourself share this video with your friends and family help us spread the these messages of Hope love and transformation don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more inspiring content like this together we can continue learning growing in faith and Diving deeper into the riches of God's word Isaiah's messages challenge us to live with Integrity to seek Justice and to trust God in all circumstances may we like Isaiah be faithful in our calling and continue proclaiming the good news of
God's love to the world thank you for joining us on this journey through the life of Isaiah may his words continue to inspire and transform lives as they have done for Millennia until the next video may God bless you richly
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