How to reinvent & rebrand yourself | Create your alter-ego to change your life

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Using alter-egos has changed my life on so many levels and in this video I am sharing how to create ...
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new year new me how many years have we said this already and how many times did we actually manage to change too many I know you and I both I mean I would start the year feeling very hopeful about my transformation to become this newer better version of myself and then weeks would go by even months and I would go back to my old patterns and being my old self again listen there is nothing wrong in being your old self but your old self has been around life already your old self has gone through traumas
and has accumulated a lot of limiting beliefs along the way which are now holding her back from reaching her full potential and in the end we can only do what we believe we can do in other words what I mean by that is our identity meaning our set of beliefs and limiting beliefs kind of Define how far we will go in life for instance if you can see yourself being this business owner and living this very glamorous life then the chances for that happening for you are much higher that if you could never picture yourself
in that reality the point is if your mind has not conceived that reality yet then it cannot do the things that it needs to do to make this reality happen in the end your identity does determine what is possible and what is not possible for you just as if you see yourself as this lazy person who is always procrastinating and not doing the things that you need to do to get you further in life then that is what you are that is what you're telling your mind to believe and your reality will align with that
belief because the truth is your identity creates your reality so your identity could either push you forward and towards your dream life or hold you back but the good news is nothing is set in stone and if you want to change you can now I know some of you might be like yeah I don't know if it's good for us to change and become a new person we need to be okay with living authentically as ourselves well I am not telling you to become this whole different person well not really but what I mean is
for you to become your higher self so that you can tap into that full potential it's still going to be you but maybe 10 times or 100 times better who does not want that once again I need you to remember one thing nothing changes if nothing changes so if you have wild dreams and high expectations for your life which I really hope that you do then you need to be ready to change now the question is are you ready for it because we are about to create your Alter Ego first things first what is an
alter ego I first learned the concept of the alter ego from Todd Herman's book the alter ego effect and it has profoundly changed a lot of aspects of my life from my scarcity mindset to my performance at work or in sports it has really helped me level up and break free of my own B boundaries the concept of having an alter ego is for you to create this alternative Persona that has the traits and the characteristics that are going to help you reach your full potential it is not a New Concept at all and it
has been around for a while but you can mostly see it in the entertainment and sports industry let me give you a few examples of alter egos Beyonce she created Sasha fears so that she could show up with much more confidence when she was on stage Lily sing she created Superwoman now if you're not familiar with Lily's story when she initially started YouTube she was kind of depressed and so she needed to have this Persona that she would step into to channel the funny and the entertaining part of herself Dwayne Johnson is commonly known as
The Rock an alter rgo that really helped him level up in his wrestling career and Kobe Bryant is known as the black member because he wanted to embody the very smooth and Swift moves of a black member on a basketball court the list goes on and I am very surprised that the concept of alter egos is not more talked about because I feel like it's truly the best kept secret of top performers anyways I am going to stop rambling about Alter Egos and we are going to start creating one for you you need to identify
a goal or an aspect of your life that you really want to work on that is where your Alter Ego is going to intervene for the sake of this video Let's just say that your goal is to become a badass business owner/ entrepreneur now creating an alter ego from scratch is definitely possible but might require a bit more work so what I like to do is kind of like use a role model and create that Alter Ego inspired by that person usually you do not need to look too far it's already someone that you admire
and look up to and ideally it's also someone that is kind of aligned with your Vibe and your values in general for me the the person that I am going to use as an inspiration for my Alter Ego is Victoria Beckham and now that you have chosen that person you are going to ask yourself tons of question to understand that Alter Ego better and really do not hesitate to dig deep so questions like what time does she wake up in the morning what does she do first thing in the mornings what's her morning routine like
does she work out if so how many times a week and what kind of workouts what time does she start working what kind of clothes does she wear what kind of makeup does she wear how does she walk how does she carry herself what is her attitude like what is her posture while she is standing while she's sitting how does she feel to her close ones and how does she feel to strangers what does she eat and what is her nighttime ritual like you get it the goal is really to answer these questions in writing
with as many details as possible and Beyond just the appearance or The Superficial things I need you to take a minute close your eyes and try to feel like that person does personally to help me answer those questions and since my Alter Ego is based on Victoria Beckham who is very public figure then what I did is I went on YouTube and I watched all of her interviews for me to get real information as to what she does in terms of her habits and her routines and after answering those questions I created a board on
Pinterest that would reflect the Vibes and the Aesthetics of my alter ego which brings us to the next point the physical transformation we all love a good glow up moment but that is actually necessary when it comes to giving birth to a new alter ego and you can go all out have a full hair transformation do your nails and have a glow up dedicated day but it doesn't need to be that dramatic I sometimes find that just an everything shower can do the trick what is really important is that the Aesthetics that you're going for
really aligns with the identity of your Alter Ego so what you're going to do is go for your wardrobe and go find the pieces that align with the identity of your Alter Ego if needed you can buy a few new ones too on top of that if your Alter Ego wears makeup then learn that signature look that you're going to be wearing every day to show up as her and to wrap up that transformation you're going to need a totem that will help you Trigg the manifestation of your Alter Ego this can be an accessory
a piece of jewelry a scent a signature eye look a signature lip look just something that is going to remind you of what you're trying to do here and who you're trying to be it can be really anything for me for example whenever I play sports namely paddle and golf I wear this very specific black bracelet and I always find myself touching it to kind of like remind me of who I'm trying to show up as next we are going to practice being her okay so at this point we know how she looks like and
we also have the tools that are going to help us be more like her but now we need to understand how it feels to be her and by the way if you want to give her a name then buy all mean so what I was saying is that we need to understand how to feel like her and the way that we're going to do that is to take her out for this step I suggest that you go in a very new setting so it can be a new cafe or restaurant or either take a walk
in a new neighborhood just somewhere where you can be this Alter Ego more freely I would start small just to get a feel of that new person that you're trying to be and just remember anytime that you feel confused as to what you should be doing and how you should be reacting then ask yourself this what would your Alter Ego do right now and that is exactly what you should be doing and to be honest once you have done all this work of understanding this new Alter Ego it's going to be so easy for you
to go about your day and let your Alter Ego guide you to the new habits and new rituals of your life I personally always ask myself what would VB do right now whenever I don't want to wake up or I feel a bit lazy to work out because I know what she would do and that is exactly what I should be doing dealing with self-doubt now I'm not going to lie to you just because you created this new person does not mean you won't be facing any type of self-doubt because you are at some point
you might be asking yourself wait am I actually this productive person am I actually this disciplined person you're going to face impostor syndrome and in these moments it is so important for you to have a portfolio of proof to show yourself that you can actually do all the things that you want to do what is a portfolio of proof you may ask well it is kind of like a recollection of all the instances and the things that you did in your past life that are going to prove you wrong whenever you facing self-doubt that are
going to show you that you can actually do what you're setting yourself to do let's say that your goal is to become a disciplined person then in your portfolio of truth you're going to find those moments and instances where You' shown that trait so maybe during a week every day you manage to wake up at the same time that shows discipline and that goes in your portfolio of proof so just find those little moments and things that you did in the past that are aligned to your goal and put it in the portfolio of proof
so that when you are facing self-doubt you know for a fact that you've got this and you can do whatever you want to do but there's one more thing at this point you have transformed both physically and mentally for your identity to be more aligned with your vision of life and with your goals in other words you have become a new person but the truth is there is no birth birth without death I know that sounds so dramatic but it is so crucial especially if you want those changes to be longlasting and if you do
not want to fall back in your old patterns it's definitely going to be a bit ofo sweet moment but you need to be ready to kiss and hug yourself goodbye what I mean by that is be very grateful for your old self for everything that she's done for you because you are now here because of her but now it is time for you to release her and along with that all the limiting beliefs that are attached to her for instance if you used to identify as a lazy person who was always procrastinating now it is
time to release you and to move on from that that was before we're not going to talk about it again if you were bad at managing your finances and had a scarcity mindset now it is time to release it that era is over and now you are a master of the abundance mindset coming back to my initial example now you are a business owner you're making x amount of month you're so disciplined and consistent and you are going to leave according to that truth this is what you're going to affirm and this is how you're
going to show up every day you see most people when they embark on those transformational Journeys whether it is because it's the new year or they're turning whatever age they start by changing their habits first because they're hoping that by changing their habits they're going to become that new person I just find that there is so much more friction there and a lot more resistance I find it harder so I like to address the problem the other way around I would first shift my identity because I just feel like if I start living as that
new person then obviously my rituals and habits are going to change accordingly maybe it's a bit of a shortcut I don't know but I urge you if ever you really want to start making moves this year and really change who you are to level up then try shifting your ident identity you would be surprised of the Avalanche effect that it has down the line and how much more longlasting this change would be anyway I think that is it for my video on how to reinvent and Rebrand yourself to go off to the life of your
dreams I hope you enjoyed it I really want to know what do you think about this concept of alter ego comment below your thoughts I'll be reading and replying to all my comments and as usual if you like this type of content then like and subscribe it really means the world to me and I will see you soon for another video
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