The Power of an Instrument - Bishop T.D. Jakes | The Pacemaker Series

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The Potter’s House of Dallas
The journey toward prosperity requires dutiful preparation. We must exercise patience so that God ca...
Video Transcript:
[Music] get your Bibles and go to First Samuel chapter 16 verse 14 through 23 first samuel chapter 16 verse 14 23 i'm going to be reading out of the NIV version of the bible listen very carefully everybody with me thank you I'm waiting on some late comers they got to get the glasses then they got a power up the phones a man a man now the Spirit of the Lord had departed from Saul and an evil spirit from the Lord tormented him Saul's attendant said to him see an evil spirit from God is tormenting you
let our Lord command his servants here to search for someone who can play the lyre he will play when the evil spirit from God comes on you and you will feel better so Saul said to his attendants find someone who plays well and bring him to me one of the servants answered I have seen a son of Jesse of Bethlehem who knows how to play the lyre he is a brave man and a warrior he speaks well and is a fine-looking man and the Lord is with him then saul sent messages to jesse and said
send me your son david you remember how hard it was for David to be recognized before you see how your gift will make room for you and bring you before great men you remember when Samuel came to Jesse's house and David was out in the field and nobody was asking for him and nobody was seeking for him and now they're calling for him by name I don't know who that's for but God will make a way for you he'll make a way for you might start out kind of rocky but God will make a way
for you and they'll be asking for you by name send me your son David I don't send none of the other boys that you tried to promote send me the black sheep of the family the one that was rejected the one that was ostracized send me your son David who is with the Sheep so Jesse took a donkey loaded with bread a skin of wine and a young goat and sent them with his son David to Saul and David came to Saul and entered his service Saul liked him very much and David became one of
his armor bearers then Saul sent word to Jesse saying allow David to remain in my service for I am pleased with him whenever whenever whenever the spirit from God came on Saul David would take up his lyre and play then relief would come to Saul he would feel better and the evil spirit would leave him I want to talk to you from the subject of power of an instrument the power of an instrument say that with me father God in the name of Jesus I pray that the Lord would just move in such a way
in this place that we would never be the same and Lord I would be pleased if you would translate through me what you have put inside of me that you would use me as a conduit as a pipeline from the throne of God to the people of God that they would receive bountifully everything that you have placed inside of me for them and that they would never be the same I thank you for what you're about to do have your way in this place in the name of Jesus we pray everybody who loves him shout
amen you may be seated in the presence of God it is funny to note that whenever we start talking about David and we've been talking about David the Davis Tabernacle for weeks you ought to go to sleep saying David make your husband nervous [Applause] have him shake it you talking about who is David because ever since a year begin and a little bit before it started I have been talking about David so you ought to feel like you know David you know the fact that David's primary story that everybody preaches about is David and the
slingshot that he that he threw the slingshot he threw a rock at Goliath and hit Goliath in the head and Goliath fell over and he cut off the laughs head with his own sword if that's how David got attention he got his attention from a slingshot but the sling got him there it was the heart that kept him there I want you to think about the DES sling got him there but it was the heart that kept him there sometimes what gets you in a place is not what keeps you in a place say for
instance marriage what got you married might not be what keeps you married the sling got him there but when he he took the slingshot he killed Goliath and he went back into the sheep field to take care of sheep now he is anointed to be king but he's taking care of sheep he has an anointing to rule but he is in a mediocre situation anybody else would get frustrated and quit but God has not forgotten David and God has not forgotten you now all youth is on the upswing you don't get that I'm talking to
people who who are going through a setback right now and and and and you have an anointing to be up here but you have in a situation that's that that's who I'm talking about and I'm telling you not to despise the day of small beginnings because God has not forgotten you he knows exactly where you are and I know you feel like you're ready to take the kingdom but sometimes the kingdom is not ready for you the Bible says he prepares a place for us so you have a prepared person but you also have to
have a prepared place you may be praying for something that your children aren't prepared for that your wife isn't prepared for that your situation isn't prepared for and God has to get everything ready because he only brings you in when the place is prepared God didn't create out of them and then say oh my god I need to create water cuz Adams gonna be thirsty oh I created Adam I forgot to create air God didn't put Adam in place until everything around him was ready for him to be sent in a place and I sensed
God saying that he's going to set somebody into a place that it's taken him a little time to get ready for but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength David is such a valiant warrior there's so many things that could be said about it the Bible here says he's eloquent that he's nice-looking the Bible talks about that he is a man of war there's so many attributes that can be said about him you can be gifted in a lot of ways that your situation doesn't show you can be gifted in so many
ways and then be out there shoveling sheepdog good-looking didn't shop it eloquent didn't stop it being a mighty man or warrior didn't stop it you don't understand the dichotomy you got a warrior out there shoveling sheepdog I want to talk to all the misplaced people who feel like I'm bigger than my situation that my circumstance this is a word for you today God has not forgotten you he didn't give you all of that for what you're doing right now but if you don't pass the test of what you're doing right now you won't be prepared
for what God is about to do talk to me somebody the thing that we really don't talk much about is the thing that kept David in the palace David was a musician he was a musician and to be a mighty man a warrior he was kind of odd kind of musician maybe you don't see too many men who could fight like David dancing on mountaintops writing poetry and singing songs that come on now you know it would be weird if you drove past my house and I was out in my backyard dancing around in the
woods by myself singing songs in the heavens of blowing kisses toward God you would want to wrap me up in a padded cell and put me in a suit that's real tight that I couldn't get out of sometimes you got to be willing to look like a fool for God God says I have found me a man who is after my heart he doesn't care what he looks like he doesn't care where I put him he doesn't care what situation that he's in he doesn't allow his ego to exempt him from my service he is
fully committed and engaged of the service of the Lord and he says I have found him I'm going to make him King but not yet King but not yet say that King but not yet said again King but not yet said again one of the biggest mistakes I see young people making today is that if they don't get something quick they don't think it's going to happen but sometimes for great things to happen in your life I have learned it takes time for great things to happen in your life if I go to the store
and I buy some M&Ms I can buy them real quick but if I want to buy the store it's gonna take longer y'all didn't even get that I'm gonna try that again you can buy a pack of M&Ms real quick but if you're gonna buy the store the deal is going to take longer big deals take time oh my god big deals take time you thought it was gonna be a couple of months and it ended up being a couple of years but when you get it it's gonna be worth it big deals take time
due diligence takes time checking the right boxes takes time and God says this is gonna take a little time but I'm gonna make you a king if you can stand to be anointed to be king and smell like sheepdog when I raise you up I know I can trust you and so David is back in the hills again he's back in the hills again he's back in the hills again he's back in the hills again he's back with the Sheep again he's back on the mountaintops writing poetry to God the Lord is my salvation of
whom shall I fear the Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid he's backing to skipping around they're saying all of this crazy stuff that doesn't fit his situation he's back in the Hills again playing his instrument and singing songs to God doing something that seems totally immaterial to his destiny David who is known for his rag and his rock is not brought to the palace because of the rag of the rock it was not the instrument of war that brought him there it was the instrument of praise oh my
goodness it was the instrument of praise that ultimately sent David in the palace to stay he actually is sent for by the King not because he's a warrior not because he killed Goliath not because he's fine not because he's articulate but because he's a musician and the thing we say nothing about is that David was a musician you don't hear anybody preaching about this dichotomous situation that exists in the life of David then he can fight like an animal but he can play like an angel this is for all the people who feel like you
don't match with yourself if maybe only 10 people in the world will understand what I'm saying when you look at yourself this part of me better go with that part of me if they did a profile piece on you they would did they would say that you were schizophrenic because this over here doesn ormally live in the place where you got that over there and you got all these different pieces of yourself God is here about to give you a hookup he's about to bring it all together he's about to make it all make sense
he's about to show you divine purpose for your life say man somebody he's artistic enough to play the lyre the Harb he's artistic enough to do that he's gifted enough to do that but he's analytical enough to run a country jazz you hardly ever see both of those in the same person most people who are extremely analytical are not very artistic and most people who are artistic I mean really artistic are not analytical they don't pay bills on time they don't like to be a work on time but their artistic they're just floating around with
visions of grandeur and and so that they can be very very very artistic but haft I have a very difficult time being regimented being structured but David was both he was Shepherd and minstrel he was king and kid he had all of these different things going and it was all the divine setup I want you to understand that nothing that you have will be wasted they didn't hear me let me try you all up in the balcony right here nothing that you have will be wasted y'all get pretty good nothing that you have will be
wasted get their pumpkin pretty good over there nothing that you have will be wasted let me try you all that you have will be wasted do you hear me nothing that you have will be wasted nothing that you've been through nothing that she's learned nothing that you've been doing nothing that you know about yourself God is going to make all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord who are the called according to his purpose I taught you several several months ago God is going to make you an answer to somebody's
problem oh my god this is getting good he's gonna make what you have an answer to somebody's problem you're gonna fit somewhere you're like a key you're a jagged in all the right places you're crooked in all the wrong places you never understood why this part goes up and that part goes down until you find the log and then God's gonna open up open open open open open open open open open open open open open open open open open if it didn't open it wasn't for you if if they don't like you they're not the
one when you find the right place the right job the right church something is going to click and suck what I love about God is that he created the answer and then created the problem [Applause] he gave David this weird gift that didn't fit his situation while Saul was still anointed to be king and then when Saul was no longer anointed to be king David made sense you might not make sense out of your life at twenty I hate to tell you this but you might not make sense out of your life at 20 you
might not make sense out of your life at 25 or 30 you might have to do some in-between things to get to the main thing that's going to change everything in your life that's why I sterben to kill yourself cuz you haven't met who you killing you don't know who you kill it see when you when people kill themselves they killed themselves based off of their past you know in your past but you haven't met your future when you meet your future it's going to change everything suppose David had killed himself saying I'm too mighty
to be in this situation I'm too smart I'm too elephant to be in this situation I might as well die and then the phone rings for him but he's not able to answer cuz he just got the call somebody's about to get the call I don't know who it is if you ever got the call in your life make some noise God is just prepping things what what makes the answer profound is the question anybody knows that whether you're a comedian telling a joke or whether you're a speaker speaking a message or whether you're a
preacher preaching a text anytime you give the answer before the question the answer doesn't sound smart it is the question that becomes the canvas of which the answer is painted David is the answer Saul is the question you see Saul who was anointed to be king over Israel has lost his anointing and in place of the anointing of God an evil spirit from the Lord is taking his place and evil spirit I always have to deal with this when this comes up because the first time I read this almost fainted it put me in a
theological conundrum how could an evil spirit come from the Lord it doesn't mean that God is an evil spirit it means that he controls evil spirits that evil spirits are subject to him that they can't go right or left safe God allow them to go right or left that they can't attack you safe God allow you remember would say they came up and says I've been going to and fro up and down throughout the earth and God said have you considered my servant job he said you know I can't touch him see even evil spirits
are subject to the king of kings and the Lord of lords that's why whenever you're afflicted you can still go to God even if the affliction is of the enemy because God had to allow it [Applause] Saul was never a deeply spiritual man he was never God's choice for king he was the children of Israel choice for King because they envied the world and anytime you envy the world and you want to be like something in the world you reject God they wanted to be they wanted a king like that like the other nations had
and so God relented and let them have a king and I'm knowing that Saul to be the first king over Israel but Saul was never a deeply spiritual man he never really valued the presence of God I love the word value every time I get to that word I pause I didn't really appreciate the word valued until I got about fifty because I learned by the time I got about fifty that most people are where they are because of what they value I'm trying not to mess with that value what you value is what you
sacrifice for what you will give up something for what you value which what you value has a lot to do with where you are right now cuz you give yourself to what you y'all ready sound never valued the presence of God he valued the position he valued the position he even valued the power but he didn't he value the presence of God he wanted power he wanted to be bossy he wanted to be in control he didn't he didn't appreciate being anointed and anything you don't appreciate you will lose whether it's a spouse or checked
if you don't value it enough to appreciate it if you don't value money you lose money if you don't value it if you just throw it anywhere and give it to anyone and do anything with it God will take it from you and give it to somebody who if you don't value me God will take me from you and give me to somebody Saul didn't value the kingdom so he lost it he's still in something that he's lost my god I'm gonna say that again he's still in something that he's lost you lose things before
you lose them they're gone before they go are you gonna hear what I'm saying people don't get divorced the day the divorce is decree they were divorced long time ago you you can still be in something and be gone Saul is still in the position but he's gone his his anointing is gone Samuel has prophesied to him you're gonna lose his kingdom and immediately an evil spirit replaces the anointing because you're gonna be filled with something and a dark cloud of rejection has now come to rest upon the key there is nothing as scary as
a guy in power whose dysfunctional somebody how to shout me down right here I will think about that because when when you have rejection issues it affects the atmosphere you know hear what I'm saying the thunderous impact of the evil spirit coupled coupled with the rejection complex of soul has created such a conundrum that then he's hard to work for he has become so hard to work for there's a man of under him are making suggestions saying why don't we find somebody to come play some music see because that bad leadership effects the atmosphere I
learned a long time ago the churches have personalities and the personality of the church is generally like the pastor if the pastor is evil the church folks are evil if the pastor is friendly the church people are friendly they take old personalities because leadership affects atmosphere nothing worse than coming home to an angry person I could be happy and wring the door open up the door and walk into evil and it didn't come from me it's coming from the atmosphere you said in the house somebody say atmosphere atmospheres either attract or distract people away from
being near you your atmosphere people love people who create a wonderful atmosphere Saul had created a horrible atmosphere and so bad that the people who had to be in his atmosphere are trying to find a solution a few weeks ago I taught you that that music is the cheapest way to redecorate the road you can redecorate the room without changing the furniture by playing music and all of a sudden somebody up under him has the insight to say we need some music I've been hearing that if you if you heard some anointed music some anointed
godly music it would change everything this is the problem that creates the opportunity for David to be called a way with prayer that Saul wouldn't have an evil spirit it is exactly the evil spirit that created an opportunity for the Holy Spirit or y'all without working with me this morning the evil spirit created an opportunity for the Holy Spirit to operate in the room it is it is what's wrong with me that determine what's right with me are you hearing what I'm saying Saul is brooding and dark and dank and evil and breaking stuff and
later throwing javelins and just just being an idiot schizo and they said for David because he was unbearable to be around and David had magic in his fingers when when David played when David played his harp [Music] when David played his harp when he just played but he stroked it when he touched it when he played the evil spirits departed keep on playing David never knew when he was playing on the backside of the mountains bet his gift [Music] would make room for him and that he would go from plan for sheep - playing for
kids I don't know who I'm talking to but you're going to find out why you had to go through what you had to go through because god is about to make room here he's about the width of the goal for you he's about to use what you've got to make it better for somebody else you are the answer to somebody's question you are the solution that somebody's listen [Applause] what you got ain't nobody do what you do like you in a class all by yourself you're in a place of distinction you have been created [Music]
[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] three people telling something is about to happen gods about to change the atmosphere God's about the chains atmosphere God's about to change atmosphere that's about to change their atmosphere God's about to change [Music] [Applause] you see what we begin to understand is that David entertains God's presence with music [Music] I didn't I can't play I just want to stand over there while she play the music draws [Music] the music affects me the music changes the atmosphere the whole room felt different but she just started [Music] see you
have to understand that it is not David's fighting that brings him to the palace it's his music [Music] his music summons the presence of God and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is [Music] [Applause] we're up at the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty - David day [Applause] you're right Rock you have never seen before [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there's something I learned thank you there's something I learned there's something I learned I started studying thee the instruments of the Old Testament because what made David mighty when he gets ready to go to Zion
when he gets ready to go to Zion it is almost a repetition of how I came to the palace he comes to the palace as a musician he is promoted to an armor bearer later we will read that he comes back to be king and the reason he had to have music is because he had music the first time so David is going back to something somebody needs to go back to something you threw away when you were in trouble the first pad you used to call on the Lord now you think you're smart but
if you go back to calling on it like you know you dr. so-and-so and when you make eight figures but oh my god I didn't realize I get it I know the slingshot was a weapon but this is a weapon too [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] play it just a little bit more this is a weapon against the enemy the enemy that sits all is affected because this is just as much weapon as the slingshot was [Music] the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds it
might not look like a weapon but love is a weapon balance in the weapon praise in the weapon it might not be intimidating it might not look like this but when you in a spiritual battle but put psalms 150 up on the screen can I teach this thing praise the Lord in his sanctuary praise Him in his mighty heaven we ought to just do that somebody just praise Him in the century for his ass the flower present for his Sebastian greatness praise him with the sounding of the trumpet praise it with the heart and the
lyre present with the tempo and the dancing praise it with the screen of the pipe praise it with the clash of cymbals praise him with the resounding cymbals that is the sound that drives back the enemy that is a sound that prepares the stage for what God is about to do next that is a sound that brings healing to your body piece for your mind Lord for your soul that is a sound that called you're worried spirit that is a found that the Flex the which the reed worker the soothsayer rose weapon formed against you
shall sit down tonight let me show you something the only difference between David praising God on the harp and David praising God when he brings back the Ark of the Covenant is this time he's using everything this time he's using everything the first time he used something this time he's got a whole band the the power of Davis Tabernacle is that Davis Tabernacle see Moses gave us ordinances and sacraments Davis Tabernacle gives us instruments and David created instruments there are no brazen altar is no brazen Laver is no table should we have no altar incense
there's only instruments so I started studying on instruments and all of the instruments that were used in the day of David and for the most part that are used today have something in common they are either creating sound to touch a win [Music] blow the trumpet for me blow the trumpet in Zion [Music] I told you when the service started that that was the sound that calls the children of Israel together and if you google blow the trumpet it is all over the Old Testament because it was a signal for the saints to assemble that
something was about to happen that the presence of God was about to move but what I didn't tell you is that in the Bible the trumpet was made out of silver silver that had been through the fire in the scriptures silver represents Redemption the price that he paid to purchase you silver represents Redemption the trumpet was made out of silver so the instrument itself is Redemption but the wind is the Holy Spirit blow the trumpet in Zion [Applause] that's nothing but the wind of God blowing through the redeemed that's lesson but Acts chapter 2 when
the day of Pentecost was fully come and they were in one place with one Accord suddenly there came a sound from heaven because the wind of God is blowing through the people of God and the Holy Ghost begin to fall because God is blowing his trumpet in Zion what I learned what I learned is if even today all of these instruments either respond to wind or touch touched at all [Music] [Music] see see see when when when you play the organ normally they would describe you they would describe you as accompaniment because in our culture
the music is designed to accompany the singer but when the Bible says to praise him on the organ it means if nobody sings [Music] that every time you touch every time you touch iki it produces a sound every time you touch a key it produces a sound and this organ is really imitating a pipe organ which produces Wynn and every quick you see its design when you pull the bars you get different sounds to imitate the pipes and the organs and the wind and the wind produces a sound and the sound goes up before God
as a symphony so if nobody ever adds a lyric your music alone is praise to God so whenever you play you play as giving praise to God what separates you from Beyonce's drummer Michael Jackson's drummer or somebody else's drummer is whenever you play on the house sounding cymbals you're giving praise to God giving just a little bit of prey [Applause] [Applause] when in the kingdom when you play Oh every time you think about something that God did for you every time you think about something that God did in you every time you think about where
God brought you from if you don't say a word if the choir don't sing if they don't write a lyric just just just praise Him on the drums one more time just free [Music] see God understands what that means God understands what you're trying to tell him God understands what you see this God understands what you feel in your sphere that goes up before God as a sweet-smelling favor whenever you think about where God brought you from whenever you think about what God did in your life whenever you think about what an amazing story you
are to God and you get ready to express praise if you've never seen them load if you've never danced with your feet hit them strings and give God some praise [Music] [Music] every touch every string every note every note every string every touch every touch every string every note every note every touch chemistry [Music] if he's ever done anything for you if he's ever been good to you if he's ever blessed you if you've ever brought you from a mighty long way it did that keyboard and just tell him thank you with music with music
with sound [Music] as if you were at the throne if you were at the throne if you were in the presence of God if you had gone through the veil and you stepped right into the throne room and you got ready to play for the master if you were right in the palace with the King of Kings and the Lord of lords and you look back and talk where he brought you from what would you say what the keys [Music] [Music] did you hear that warship going up can you hear that worship going up now
now now we did it we did it in a loose fashion but we're gonna do it we're gonna do it we're gonna do it like we do it like we do it we're gonna throw our culture and then we don't throw our own individual culture to it and we're gonna rock that thing for just a minute we're gonna rock that thing we don't want this thing come on come on let's walk that thing fellas come on let's go with me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] are y'all getting what I'm saying to you now this is what
I want you to see when David starts writing 150 division of songs he starts with the instruments he doesn't tell the instruments to accompany the people he says to praise him on the instruments what we have been doing is praising him on the instruments David created the instruments that were to praise God but when David is creating the instruments he is imitating God let me show you this and I'll be finished everything you heard today even got touched or it got blown into so when man creates instruments he does it by touching or blowing into
it when God created instruments he created you you see everything else that God created he didn't touch it he just spoke to it and said let there be yet it became what it was but when it came to man he touched it because land is an instrument and when he got to touching him he got down because you are an instrument of go with the Bible said let everything [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you are a cacophony of praise you are a symphony of praise a cacophony of sound when we all get
together we make a joyful noise I don't care where you live I don't care what you drive I don't care how many degrees you got I don't care how nice-looking you are until you learn to praise God [Applause] the reason you are here the reason you are on the planet the reason you are alive is the gift [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you'll never be successful no matter how much you accomplish if you fail to become an instrument of praise you will never be successful because when God wanted to be
praised he created you one more thing I want to tell you and then I'll be through the reason the never Haitian it's not for your car it's not for your house it's not for your degree but the reason the devil Haitian is way back in eternity past he used to be in charge of washing in heaven but because wickedness and iniquity was found in him God fired him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] seven people [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause]
[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] you were created you are created to praise the Lord you've been saying I don't know my purpose and I don't know why I'm here and I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing I don't know what I don't know where you know now if you do all of those other things and you don't praise the Lord then you are living beneath your purpose you were created the book of Ephesians said that we should be to the praise of his
glory [Applause] there is no right way and wrong way to praise it you don't have to leave like me and you don't have to run like earth but to be grateful to blow the trumpet in Zion and sound an alarm even if it's in a hospital even if it's in a wheelchair let everything that hath breath [Applause] praise the Lord Isaiah told Hezekiah your time has come today and Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and in essence he said God if you kill me the grave cannot praise you God's up out there running out
the court said go back and tell Hezekiah that if he'll praise me I'll add 15 years to his life you doing all this other stuff to add years to your life you take it zinc and vitamin B and C and given injections and doing all kind of stuff and that's nice you jog him at five o'clock in the morning that's nice but God told Hezekiah I'll add 15 years to your life if you'll just praise me if you stop see them looking important than just [Applause] if you stop feeling sorry for yourself and just if
you'll stop feeling guilty about things you cannot change it just [Applause] Mount Zion today is not just a geological location it's a state of worship Hebrew says we have not come to a mountain that can be touched we're coming into a place in the spirit what I am trying to do as a pastor is to shift this church into radical worship [Applause] bridle kawashima means one person weeps while another person dances while another person drops down on their knees while another person sits and puts a head in their hands there is no rule to it
but you are the Symphony that orchestrates heaven and you sing a song that the angels cannot say I've been redeemed I've been washed in the blood of the land I don't want this till the end of the series and then you go back to normal I envisioned a church where the worship of God is so strong that there is no sermon [Applause] I envisioned a church where the worship is so strong that people get healed without ever being touched or laid hands on the demonic powers are broken just because of the way we worship that
you won't come dragon in here and I relate because you'll be afraid to miss what God is about to do I envision a church where the glory is so strong that you get frustrated watching it on your iPad and saying I gotta I gotta be in that atmosphere an atmosphere and atmosphere and atmosphere and atmosphere I told my staff in the back I said I don't want a message I want a moment I want an atmosphere of glory all my job is to do is to take you to the king not to me to help
you get into the presence of God where you can get everything you need from the Lord to get you wrapped up and tied up and tangled up in the presence of God I have learned something as a pastor the problems you have are too much for me they're too complicated they're too deep for me I give all I got trying to help as many people as I can and I'm frustrated because I go to bed at night because I've owned I haven't been made a dent in the people that are listening I can't do it
I can't do it I can't pitch why your grandmama didn't raise you and your mama didn't love you and your auntie took you in and your auntie wasn't alcoholic and she molested you when you was five everybody in this room got a story I can't fix it back you on your fifth husband I can't do anything about that I can't I'm honest I'm honest I'm just being honest with you I can't I can't do I can't do anything about it I can't fix it and call in the middle of the night screaming on the phone
I can't do it [Applause] and so all I want to do all I want to do all I want to do after 42 years of preaching the gospel I have learned that if I can be successful and bringing you into the presence of God that God will do the rest that God will do the rest that God will do the rest he'll wash off for you what life put on you heal heal heal your broken heart your broken mind your vows your fears your phobias your anxiety your disorders or dysfunctions your problems I can't I
can't do that I'm not God I can't do it I got my own stuff I got my own stuff I'm working on but in the presence of God there is fullness of joy and at that right hand there are pleasures forevermore reach out to join hands with somebody is there no balm in Gilead is there no physician there why being it's not the health of the daughter of my people recovered God said I am your physician if you come to me I'll heal you I'll fix you out bless you out strengthen and restore you I'll
comfort you I don't lift that grief right out of your spirit I'll take that anger out of your heart if you if you come to me if you come to me don't go to Jake's if you come to me [Music] [Music] I am in the midst of my people the Bible says that when we praise Him he sits down in our praise literally in the Hebrew he is enthroned in our praise you make him King in your praise and what you just witness is a coronation service where we crowned him Lord of all that's what
happens on Zion we crown him Lord of all [Music] he is our king
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