Two Men Swapped Wives For A Day | @LoveBusterShow

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Do you think it’s normal to get bored with someone you’ve been with for long?  Bob made his wife, V...
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stand up straight hey uh I don't I don't have any extra cash but I can trade my wife for yours what you [Music] want yeah deal right go go go go go go [Music] ah and uh what's wrong with yours oh I I'm embarrassed to take you anywhere she's always at home wearing Rags oh yeah but but don't worry don't worry she's great at housekeeping and she cooks pretty well wow cheting all right so uh now my wife is a top-notch beauty and standing next to her you feel yourself you know impressive and your friends
will Envy you and all that stuff you know what me it's wrong to treat us like objects to trade oh it's wrong I know better I'll explain you everything I'm your husband now cheers yeah cheers [Music] man honey I'm home no no no no no no no no no ah honey did we get robbed no why would you think there it looks like a tornado he displayed and all our savings are gone oh uh we'll go cleaning and money isn't gone I invested it wisely in then your dresses why did you take the money without
asking sweetie if you want stylish and elegant wife you need to invest in her just look at this beautiful [Music] dress so what's what I dinner tonight I don't do this stuff order something or we could go to restaurant oh uh I can show off fun my new dress my maybe you should cook something after all [Music] enjoy you kidding you think only about yourself and you don't care about family at all yes this is exactly what you wanted unlike my wife you're a terrible housekeeper if everything was so great why did you want to
sell her now you've got what you [Music] wanted here you go honey you can have lunch at the office do you want my colleagues to laugh at me no I just don't ever breath me food to my work again last time I was embarrassed because of you look at yourself no one would ever want someone like you even for free oh really [Music] let's give it a try what have I've done I'm getting my wife back tell me where your husband took her hey what do you think you're doing grab your hands out of my
wife hey what's the problem now she's my wife now that's not true legally I'm her husband the deal is off uh I'm want her back maybe she's better off with me why don't you ask her [Music] first sweetheart please forgive me I I was such a fool I treated you terribly and I I didn't appreciate you but now I realize that you are the best wife in the world don't you get it he is my friend I asked them to help me change your attitude hi Bob I won't tolerate being treated as a servant anymore
yeah of course and I'm going back to my job I want to be independent As You Wish from now on things will be the way you want [Music] [Applause] them have you seen my keys what what I are are you serious you bought a new rack Andy I bought it with my own money I told you a million times there is no your money it's our money so stop spending our money how don't it look good on me I don't care you're my wife anyway if it's up to me I don't know you could wear
a trash bag would be perfect just please thank you thank you darling that's a great start to our evening uh H what is [Music] this a gift for Steven Lauren gift what kind of gift a coffee machine coffee we don't even have a coffee machine are you serious no no no no they can keep going and buying their coffee and we're going to keep CU you don't drink coffee I can start anytime actually I was thinking what a great day to start drinking coffee so I'm going to keep it because I want it great so
now what are we going to get the guys for their iversary I don't know this house is like a junkyard it's like a gift shop just be creative we're going to find something creative think come on Perfect Look painting is going to be great it's great perfect what are you doing they've been to our house and seen it hundreds of times man they are the most incentive people ever they're never going to no this it's it's great I'm telling you it's going to be great it's going to be a great gift what anyway yeah I'm
going to I'm going to wrap her up this is it trust me it's going to be perfect guys that's a painting from your apartment no no it's not no yeah it is no no it's uh it's from the same artist but uh it's a completely different Series so it's it's it's another one yeah definitely finally we have been waiting for you hey hey oh it's a painting from your living room yeah it is it's defitely yeah yeah I found this painting with you at the gar sale the salesman liked Amanda and he took advantage of
it and voila he bought this painting for nothing no it doesn't really ring a bell no I remember it very well yeah that's definitely [Music] it okay so there's no way to hide anything from you guys guys uh there is this new online friendship challenge that I was reading online and basically you find something most valuable in your apartment and you give it to your best friend okay so the most valuable thing in your apartment is this $50 pting Steve Steve it's not about money it's about it's a momentum of our friendship it's it's very
deep I'm just kidding guys I love it really I love it yeah it's a really great painting thank you very much well I'm happy I appreciate it it's Priceless for us but anyway something smells great so why don't we just you know dig in come guys sure sure all right so you bought yourself a boat uh I insisted Steve got a promotion and it's okay to treat yourself yeah it's it's a 200 more so 200 mot man that's she black what kind of promotion was it $20 come on promotion promotion how about you Andy did
you finally get a [Music] job no there's a lot of options I'm just uh trying to figure out which one is the best I'm waiting for the right amount of money I'm going to get it eventually I don't see how it's any who wants some more ah thanks I think I've had enough for now honey no no it's okay I just need to stretch my legs it's nothing really [Music] okay what is this some kind of joke it's a game for you guys what is it and the what are you talking about supposed to be
funny it's G what is it you can be really worse sometimes buddy but we love you for that you are so trueful fool don't watch your damn mouth I'm sorry guys you know it's part of my new new psychological treatment I'm working on my anger issues so I love you guys too how about we get down this delicious food and uh cheers and thank you for having us okay please eat and then he asked me out it was like a fairy tale no way I can't believe you two went to that party Uninvited it was
my fa Lauren do you think I could have some more water yeah drink mine oh Andy isn't that romantic crazy romantic guys oh my God yeah but St was so weird that night talking all the time I didn't hear my name and called me Lauren can I have some sauce for the hot dog yeah of course no but everything is on the table yeah you're right actually yeah that's just right so how did he call you he called me and the barbecue why does it smell so good like you guys are eating wood or you
know I'll tell you I'll tell you later after the dinner okay sure sure okay so that night Steve did hold me laen last thing I'm sorry uh I've heard you love flowers and so do I do you think maybe we can go and check your garden uh right now I mean I cannot wait I've heard so much about it yes so yeah let's go check okay that's funny that they talking about the flowers right now but okay so and then he confessed that he was talking about the princess from Star Wars no way that's crazy
what is wrong with you are you crazy there was there was a bee guys there was a bee I flew away yeah really there was a bee I was trying to protect her come on what did you think come on if anything you're welcome it could sting her so yeah anyway um congrats congrat happy anniversary guys all right the sweets are in the house honey looks amazing great friends I want to tell you what you already know first of all your great couple second of all you're wonderful friends you've held us out so many times
we will always be grateful for your generosity and kindness yeah to Steve and Lauren Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers Ste Lauren yeah yeah honey are you okay yeah yeah you know it must be too many delicious ERS so I'll be right back uh carry on with the fun please carry on carry on the fun don't [Music] [Applause] [Music] worry okay [Music] Laur is that your new phone yeah you mind if I take a look yeah of course so are you happy with it was it worth the money yeah I think it is okay it feels very
light feels like a toy it's crazy yeah a little bit too small too delicate for me I guess oh yeah and the cake looks delicious I know what what the hell is this what [Music] H who D I don't know who is it oh you don't know but but it's s stud I really don't know who is it it's probably stupid I I don't think it is honey what are you talking about I don't think it is a joke honey that's that that picture was taken in our in our home what Lauren that night with
you was delightful shall we do it again who do you think I am you think I'm going to I'm going to fall for your stupid excuse who are you cheating on me with I have no idea who is it okayy guys enough with these lies I cannot take it anymore I was not supposed to say anything but the other day I saw Lauren talking to some guy and I don't want to get into details but I follow them and I'm afraid she's been cheating on you man Andy what are you talking about sry R that's
darl what is it true no it's not true yeah yeah he deserves to know the truth I'm sorry yeah honey it's a joke Lauren I um I want to divorce what sorry lur crazy I [Music] know crazy [Music] yeaha we need to talk um I want a divorce sorry what yeah I want I want a divorce yeah I said it I I I want a divorce yeah Andy could you please explain me what's going on there's nothing to explain I wanted to have a divorce for a long time I just before I couldn't and and
finally I can so so there it is I'm free and I'm going to be rich again and I'm back in the game and feels good oh man it feels good to say so go team Andy oh man sh what a thr so feels good feels kind of good so it's coming ah you got it's it's coming it's just uh you don't get it it's just it's uh where is it it's why it's not coming Andy the text is not coming well what text what how you know about the text I sent you those texts and
the tasks and even fake notifications from the bank what what why I wanted you to reveal your true nature I wanted everyone to know the real Andy greedy materialist and lonely but the only thing you're right about tonight honey is that we're getting a divorce but it's not because of your wealth it's because of your greed and inhumanity you guys knew yes they agreed to play along with me they agreed because they were sure you wouldn't betray them such a shame it turned out that you were willing to ruin the lives of people close to
you forever for money so there you have it darling your [Music] reward come on guys I knew from the beginning it was just a joke you know me I'm a prankster come on get out get out you can thank it for you get out man [Music] [Music]
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