this is the brand new Rolls-Royce Spectre and costs over $530,000 and today I'm in Beverly Hills going undercover to expose how these luxury car brands brainwash you to buy using dark psychological principles first up is Rolls-Royce I'm heading inside to see what dark tactics that they use to get me to buy and here is our first suspect what's this colorful this guy's already on to me down so we switched to our secret recording glasses which were used to capture all of the Unseen tactics that these brands use to 10x their profits the start St the illuminated you start it up here those three features alone cost well over $30,000 if you don't know me I'm sub subby I'm an investor on Shark Tank I've generated $7. 8 billion for my clients I let him know that I was a serious buyer and was looking for a new car for Wii but before I could take this thing for a test drive I was forced to check out their bespoke Design Center all the materials you get to pick from people do the red huh and this is where the real money is made it's not only the extras it's the colors that change the colors you can get there's a color that has actually glass in it so it is more GL it's just more intense some of these interior options can cost upwards of $20,000 that alone is the price of a used Tesla treat fine let's take this puppy for a test drive it feels like being in a cloud the electric is ridiculous it is this is the ultim now here's where he'll pull out all the stops and do the real selling how long was this in the plans 100 years they wanted 100 years they wanted to be electrical for originally because it's you can't hear anything in their engine he told me that this model I was driving cost a whopping $545,000 120 Grand of EX yeah but you have a package Spector package which is 20,000 bondet up there is another 10 grand stereo is 10 Starlet doors 13 everything roll does is extra with the cost of the upgrades alone you could buy a brand new new Mercedes S-Class you're done where you going from here Rolls-Royce are absolute Masters At The Red Velvet Rope pricing strategy The Velvet Rope pricing illusion is where Brands double down on the price they don't shy away from it and then they build value to that price and you think [ __ ] this is so expensive it must be the good the whole time he was talking about this is how much it cost and he wasn't shying away from the price he came out and told me straight away this is how much all the extras cost and that this thing is going to be $530,000 the family's arriving next week I I wouldn't drive this to Yos but yeah we're going to go out there no you would really why not but then he went on to tell me about all of the craftsmanship that go actually into this he used the price to actually build the value and make me want it in the first place and then just kept on repeating once you drive in a Rolls-Royce you are done the problem is when you get in this you're you're done you're done this goes against everything that most sales people do when selling they'll do everything to not tell you the price until they've made their pitch where Rolls-Royce does the opposite they actually drop the price up front and then build value to that price up sound this has the adaptive cruise control heads up display he was a Season Pro but this was nothing compared to what's coming next at McLaren and here we have McLaren these guys do over $1. 1 billion per year in sales but here's the thing they only sell 2,000 units of their cars per year as I head inside to check out a brand new 750s and gritted by absolutely no one no one's coming to help us who do we have to Wrangle around here to sell us at $454,000 car like it looks like a Game Boy it's like full analog like not like modern especially after being in the rolls it feels like it's like very durable but it doesn't like is all carbon fiber the thing about McLaren is they're all about performance half of their revenue comes from merch and the affiliation with Formula 1 all right they were still ignoring me so I went up and asked about the car how many of those do you make year uh this is one of 60 in the world that has this Li bro didn't even introduce himself this particular one is celebrating Leon I don't even know what that means but it sounds provocative I've got the lambo but my buddies are really trying to convince me to get a McLaren what would you say the biggest differences this BR is really cool really cool I used to manage for 4 years in Lamborghini for five port for 10 years technology you're not spending 3 million right now you're spending under half a million what a bargain all our doors open the yeah sick all our cars are you starting to sell more halfway through his pitch he abandoned me once again to take a quick phone call and I was back to waiting around for help so McLaren is clearly using the rude sales clug strategy these guys didn't even serve us for the first 10 minutes that we were in there I had to literally go knock on the dude's office door and be like yo we're hit to by car all right we'll do once they came out they were very stand off CU we're the number one dealer we've been selling [ __ ] really one [Music] second it wasn't until I flexed on these guys I've got the lambo did he start to give me the attention that it is that I wanted there's been studies that show that the rudder that the sales clerk is the higher the sales and the person comes in with a bit of Chip of their and they want to feel included no one's coming to help us and as a result of that you've being mean to them and they're like [ __ ] this guy like I'm going to buy this Lambo or I'm going to buy this McLaren right now it's definitely a tactic that these guys use one second most businesses they do the opposite and if you're just way too over the top people don't believe you they feel like you're just going to tell them everything that it is that they want to hear instead what you want to do is be a little bit more laidback and you're going to make way more sales I had to chill out after that one so I headed over to Bentley to see exactly what these expert Craftsmen have in store they hand make each one only sell 6,000 cars per year and make $3.
1 billion doing so I don't know much about Bentley going into this aside from the fact that they're supposed to be really high quality and are really expensive right off the bat this guy greeted me with a handshake and a smile sa nice to I told him I was looking for something that I could drive every day back to my $64 million alibu Mansion what would you recommend is it just going to be you and someone else usually have like I've got three kids but this is going to be predominantly for me G he had me take a look at a brand new Continental GT which starts at a base price of over $27,000 this is the new Bentley cotal GT when you said that these are hand stitched literally literally mhm all the leather that you see here this cowhide yeah goes through a mineral D process okay this guy went on to talk about the intricacies of the steering wheel for a whole 5 minutes father was doing it his father was doing it and it's Generations just with the steering handle alone wow it's the craftsmanship these engines they last forever it's insane really really beautiful harmonious like in between of luxury and Port you can just feel it it feels great you know hand crafting everything should we outside and have a look at one yeah let's throughout his entire sales pitch he kept on just harping on about the craftsmanship and how they make these all by hand and kept telling these stories about every single detail he did a good job sing no he just St to believe that [ __ ] but there was one thing that went horribly wrong during his pitch something par oh what's that doing did you see that I put my phone in the middle of the dash and he saw he saw the recording thing and he was like I just saw like this hot wave of heat run through his body and was like oh [ __ ] that guy was on to it thought for sure he was going to call us out I went in there just to see what they were doing but my God he told a beautiful beautiful story he was talking about how generations of people have been sewing the steering wheels he sat with the grandfather and saw how he hands stitched everything I was like man like I might actually buy one of these cars this guy's doing such an incredible job and that just goes to show how far a good story will go and most business owners they have an incredible story to tell just telling people that you go from a merchant to a brand where people are bought into what it is that you're doing and that you are the best person to help them solve this problem in the first place next up is Porsche these guys do an insane 44. 6 billion a year in revenue and sell over 320,000 cars and what's even crazier about these guys is they are the number one luxury and premium brand in the world beating out Brands like Louis Vuitton and Chanel and the sneakiest move that Porsche is known for is their elaborate price ladder so let's go on in and let's see if they use this tactic on us the price ladder is where Brands lure you in on their lowest cost option yeah I just want to come and look at a 911 okay you want sure and then cleverly work you all the way up their lineup until you leave the store spending way more than you had planned to 301 not bad man this feels more Loco way more racy even than like the McLaren like this all carbon fiber is this the top of the race yeah this one go yeah I asked her to show me the cheapest 9911 model so we headed upstairs let's see if she pulls the price ladder on me this model is started with corera then it goes to the c s and they go to the C 4S from fourwh Drve SC yeah I'm looking for an everyday driver So Def 4S is always the best op she just walked me up the price ladder by $100,000 like it was nothing this is a fors the new one is around 200 to 220 okay so it starts at 220 yes what do you sell the most of course yeah but she was just getting started I told her that I wanted to buy so she took me upstairs to her office let me go to the website because also trer is good for every she's really trying to sell me into one of the most expensive cars the $243,000 Turbo S so that's one you recommend turbo better yes but it doesn't stop there one of her Associates has entered the chat but what about picking like the paints and the interiors and Stu you can't they're ranging probably around 20 over now we're up to a minimum of $263,000 just depends on how many we get so it's going to be around 7 8 months and then it's going to take 3 to 4 months to get here you know the demand is extremely high on this last round hopefully we get it all six or seven allocation spots if we get two or three yeah it's going to be pretty nuts dude that was definitely the ritualized buying process I've ever seen it seriously these guys were telling me that wanted to change the color of the car I was going to have to wait a year and a half in order to get it if you think of anything that is luxurious you always associate a long period of time either to make that or to buy it if the process takes a long time to get it then you naturally want it more and you associate a higher level of quality with things that take time to get you can get your info just reach out to you probably be middle of December when you have inventory you really feel like you're earn it you're earning the right to buy this car that is ritualizing the buying process and that's going to make that person want to actually sign up even more we are on our way to Lambo in a Lambo to go see if we can buy a Lambo so we're going to get dripped out as a crypto millionaire I thought I was these people don't know what's coming so we want to see how they treat us any different I'm going out there dripped out either crypto millionaire or rapper but we're going on into Lambo these guys do over $2.