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[Music] hi my name's rob walker [Music] i live here in london i work in london and i write about london i work for a magazine called london 24 7. i write about life in london the people the theater the restaurants it's fun i love london it's a great city [Music] hi my name's jenny zielinski i'm from new york the number one city in the world i'm the assistant editor of a magazine new york 24-7 [Music] but this week i'm on a business trip to london this is my first time in the uk it's very exciting
[Music] [Applause] good evening madam hello i have a reservation my name is jennifer zielinski can you spell that please z i e l i n s k i for five nights yes that's right can i have your passport please just a second here you are thank you can you sign here please thank you here's your key it's room 306 on the third floor the lift is over there the lift of the elevator yes enjoy your stay mr linski thank you good evening madam hello i have a reservation my name is jennifer zielinski can you spell
that please z i e l i n s k i for five nights yes that's right can i have your passport please just a second here you are thank you can you sign here please thank you here's your key it's room 306 on the third floor the lift is over there the lift oh the elevator yes enjoy your stay mr linski thank you [Music] is your tea okay yes thank you it's very quiet this evening yes very relaxing are you on holiday no i'm here on business where are you from i'm from new york what
about you i'm from budapest in hungary really oh sorry no problem hello is that jennifer yes this is rob rob walker from london 24 7. oh rob yes of course hi hi how are you oh i'm fine thanks a little tired that's all i can meet you at the hotel tomorrow morning is nine okay for you it's perfect great okay see you tomorrow at nine thanks see you then bye would you like another tea uh no thanks it's time for bed good night and enjoy your stay good night i'm here on business i'm from new
york what about you no problem is that jennifer this is rob rob walker that's perfect it's time for bed [Music] uh jennifer rob yes hello nice to meet you jennifer call me jenny good to meet you too welcome to london am i late um just a little what time is it 9 15. i'm really sorry the traffic is terrible today no problem how are you how's the the hotel is very nice but breakfast isn't great i'd like a good cup of coffee not hotel coffee real coffee okay let's get a coffee do i have time
i have a meeting at 9 30 with daniel yes don't worry we have lots of time the office is very near so jenny where do you live in new york [Music] can i help you what would you like jenny uh an espresso please single or double double can i have a latte please regular or large large to have here or take away to take away anything else no thanks a brownie for me please and uh croissant okay how much is that that's 12 45 please sorry how much 12.45 thank you and your change thanks can
i help you what would you like jenny uh an espresso please single or double double can i have a latte please regular or large large to have here or take away to take away anything else no thanks uh brownie for me please and uh croissant okay how much is that that's 12 45 please sorry how much 12 45 thank you [Applause] and your change thanks [Music] here we are this is the office and this is karen hello karen karen this is jennifer zielinski from the new york office hello jennifer nice to meet you karen is
our administrator we all depend on her don't listen to rob but that's true is this your first time in the uk jennifer yes it is but it isn't my first time in europe i have family in poland really and where do you live in new york in manhattan do you know new york yes my sister lives in brooklyn i have family in brooklyn too where does your sister live jennifer daniel how nice to meet you at last would you like something to drink tea coffee water no i'm fine thanks cry oh karen what time is
my next meeting at 12 o'clock that's good we have time okay come into my office jennifer thank you talk to you later rob yeah sure here we are is this your first time in the uk would you like something to drink talk to you later hey jenny oh hi rob is that coffee for me yes a double espresso oh wow thanks that's really nice of you no problem do you have a meeting with daniel yes another meeting and you i'm going to the office too i have an interview in 20 minutes oh really with who
a theater director sounds interesting what time is your meeting with daniel uh at half past nine oh oh no are you okay i'm so sorry fine i'm really sorry you can't do an interview in that shirt don't worry there's a clothes shop over there i can buy a new one okay i can help you choose one oh that's my phone sorry i need to answer this see you in there [Music] okay can i help you yes what size is this shirt let's see it's a small what size do you need a medium this is a
medium thanks where can i try it on oh the changing rooms are over there thank you how is it it's fine uh how much is it it's 44 pounds 99. can i help you yes what size is this shirt and let's see it's a small what size do you need a medium this is a medium thanks where can i try it on oh the changing rooms are over there thank you how is it it's fine how much is it it's 44 pounds 99 so jenny what do you think of london i love it eddie it's
so cool what about the people in the office they're really nice and they're very polite what are you doing right now you aren't in the office i can hear traffic right now i am standing outside a men's clothing store your what i'm waiting for rob do you have a new boyfriend already don't be silly he's just a guy from the office he's buying a new shirt wait a minute so you're waiting for a guy named rob outside a men's clothing store stop it i don't have time to explain it all now oh here he is
now i have to go okay have fun bye eddie love you so what do you think you can not be serious it's strong you don't like my new shirt no way you can't wear that to an interview come on let's go back into the store and change it okay it's so cool right now don't be silly wait a minute i have to go what's wrong no way so jenny we have a free morning what do you want to do well you're the expert on london life what do you suggest well we can go cycling i
don't have a bike we can rent bikes it's easy that's cool okay great so we can cycle through the parks and you can see a bit of london oh hang on oh it's daniel daniel hi hi rob you need to do an interview this morning with an artist he's at the tape modern can i do the interview on monday sorry he can only do this morning okay send me the details thank you very much rob i'm sorry that's okay i understand work is work but i can meet you later outside the tate modern it's on
the south bank i can find it i have a map i can cycle there let's meet at 12 o'clock then great [Music] excuse me please where's the tate modern sorry i don't live here [Music] excuse me is the tape modern near here the tape modern it's near here but i don't know exactly where sorry thank you [Music] excuse me can you tell me the way to the tate modern face yes of course go straight on go past the church then turn left at the traffic lights and it's at the end of the street sorry could
you say that again please yes go straight on go past the church then turn left at the traffic lights and it's at the end of the street you can't miss it thank you excuse me please where's the tate modern sorry i don't live here excuse me is the tape modern near here the tape modern it's near here but i don't know exactly where sorry thank you [Music] excuse me can you tell me the way to the tate modern place yes of course go straight on go past the church and then turn left at the traffic
lights and it's at the end of the street sorry could you say that again please yes go straight on go past the church then turn left at the traffic lights and it's at the end of the street you can't miss it thank you [Music] sorry about the weather yeah what a view it's a great bridge too it's the millennium bridge it's not for cars only for people it was the first new bridge of the thames in 100 years you sound like a tour guide sorry i interviewed the architect last year so what would you like
to visit what is there to see well we could see the tate martin first as we're here and then we could go to the globe theater do you like shakespeare not really i studied too much shakespeare in college it's daniel i'm sorry hi daniel hi jennifer how's your free day are you enjoying london absolutely it's fantastic listen i have some free time today would you like to meet for lunch oh that's really nice of you daniel but i'm sorry i can't i'm really far away from the office right now that's okay no problem maybe another
time definitely bye what did he want anything important not at all hey let's go inside the tate modern now yeah of course there's a great restaurant on the top floor the view is fantastic the tape modern was a power station until 1981. did you know that i didn't do you know anything else about the tate modder thank you for asking i know a lot about [Music] what a view what would you like to visit what is there to see we could go to the globe theater would you like to meet for lunch that's really nice
of you maybe another time yeah of course thanks for showing me around london yesterday i had a great time me too so what did you do last night nothing really i had a lot of work to do emails phone calls what did you do i wrote my article about the artist that i interviewed yesterday morning can i see it sure it's on my laptop hang on a second there i'm sorry hi eddie happy birthday to you happy birthday to you but listen i can't talk right now i'm in the office okay yeah later have fun
okay sorry but it's my birthday today really happy birthday maybe we could have dinner tonight jennifer oh hi daniel i'd like to take you out for dinner this evening this evening yes for a working dinner we have a lot to talk about before you go back to new york i know a very good restaurant yes of course great see you later yes sure sorry rob good evening do you have a reservation yes a table for two my name's daniel o'connor come this way please are you ready to order yes the soup and the mushroom ravioli
please i'd like the mozzarella salad and then the chicken please what would you like to drink just water for me a bottle of mineral water please still all sparkling is sparkling okay yes sparkling thank you sir thank you good evening do you have a reservation yes a table for two my name is daniel o'connor come this way please are you ready to order yes the soup and the mushroom ravioli please i'd like the mozzarella salad and then the chicken please what would you like to drink just water for me a bottle of mineral water please
still all sparkling is sparkling okay yes sparkling thank you sir thank you so jenny i hear it's your birthday today yes that's right well happy birthday how do you normally celebrate oh nothing special maybe i go out for dinner with friends or see a movie well we could go out somewhere after dinner would you like a dessert not for me thanks okay no coffee a decaf espresso same for me two decaffeinated espressos certainly so you know jenny you've got beautiful eyes i get them from my mother anyway what are your plans for the july edition
of the magazine the um july edition i am [Music] i have to take this sorry no problem hi barbara jenny just a quick call we really like your idea about rob walker he's a great writer so can i ask him yes go ahead that's great good luck i hope he says yes me too good news yeah that was barbara my boss from the new york office she just gave me a little birthday present so would you like to go somewhere else i'm sorry daniel i'm a little tired yes of course waiter can have the bill
please nothing special would you like a dessert not for me thanks a decap espresso same for me go ahead good news can have the bill please [Music] rob jenny hi sorry i'm a bit late no problem really really i got your message would you like a coffee or something no i'm fine thanks so what did you want to talk about you think london is the best city in the world and you don't want to go home not exactly we'd like you to come to new york me to new york i talked to barbara about you
you know barbara my boss she loves your articles too so would you like to come over to new york and work for us just for a month and write a column for new york 24 7. and maybe a daily blog wow sounds great what could i call it an englishman in new york why not are you interested yes very it's amazing but i need to think about it of course when do i need to decide for the end of the week okay great thank you and now i really have to go [Music] could you call
me a taxi please yes of course where to to paddington station and when would you like it for now please [Music] how much is it that's 1360 please make it 15 pounds and could i have a receipt thank you very much could i have a ticket to heathrow airport please single or return single please standard or first class standard please that's 18 pounds can i pay it by credit card yes of course could you call me a taxi please yes of course where to to paddington station and when would you like it for now [Music]
please how much is it that's 1360 please make it 15 pounds and could i have a receipt could i have a ticket to heathrow airport please a single or return single please standard or first class standard please that's 18 pounds can i pay by credit card yes of course [Music] are you looking for this bob i can't believe it my phone you're a hero thank you so much no problem gave me a chance to see you again and i had more time to think about your offer and i'd love to accept i really want to
come and work in new york oh that's great rob i'm so happy me too oh you had a call from eddie i didn't answer it is he going to meet you at the airport eddie no he's at college in california in california does he teach there teach no he's a student a student well he's only 19. eddie's my brother next departure i need to go well have a good journey thanks rob bye hi i'll see you in new york i can't believe it thank you so much i'd love to accept i'm so happy have a
good journey i see you in new york my name's jenny zielinski [Music] i live and work in new york i'm the assistant editor of a magazine called new york 24 7. a few months ago i visited our office in london to learn more about the company daniel how nice to meet you i'm at the manager daniel o'connor would you like something to drink tea coffee i had lots of meetings with him of course and a working dinner on my birthday would you like to go somewhere but i spent more time with rob walker [Music] he's
one of the writers on the london magazine double espresso oh wow we had coffees together no problem we went sightseeing hey let's go inside the tate modern now so i even helped rob buy a shirt he was fun to be with great i liked him a lot i think he liked me too rob isn't the most punctual person in the world but he is a great writer we invited him to work for the new york magazine for a month and he agreed see you in new york so now rob's coming to new york i know
he's really excited about it it's going to be great to see him again [Music] so hello reception hello this is room 613. how can i help you there's a problem with the air conditioning it isn't working and it's very hot in my room i'm sorry sir i'll send somebody up to look at it right now thank you good evening reception hello i'm sorry to bother you again this is room 613. how can i help you i have a problem with the wi-fi i can't get a signal i'm sorry sir i'll put you through to it
thanks [Music] hello reception hello this is room 613 how can i help you there's a problem with the air conditioning it isn't working and it's very hot in my room i'm sorry sir i'll send somebody up to look at it right now thank you good evening reception hello i'm sorry to bother you again this is room 613 how can i help you i have a problem with the wi-fi can't get a signal i'm sorry sir i'll put you through to it thanks [Laughter] so here you are in new york at last yeah it's great to
be here it's really exciting and how's your hotel it's fine my room is really nice do you have a good view from your room i can see lots of other buildings tomorrow i'm going to show you around the office and introduce you to the team barbara's looking forward to meeting you you remember barbara my boss oh yeah sorry and then you can start thinking about your blog and the column have you got any ideas yet rob rob what sorry jenny you must be really tired yes i am a what time is it now it's nine
o'clock nine o'clock that's two o'clock in the morning for me let's finish our drinks you need to go to bed i guess you're right so i'll see you in the office at 11 in the morning at 11. is that okay it's perfect thanks jenny there's just one thing what's that don't be late either way it's great to see you again yeah it's great to see you too here you are in new york at last it's great to be here do you have a good view barbara is looking forward to meeting you you must be really
tired i guess you're right by the way it's great to see you too [Music] well i think that's everything what do you think of the office it's brilliant and much bigger than our place in london oh here's barbara rob this is barbara the editor of the magazine it's good to finally meet you rob it's great to be here is this your first time in new york no i came here when i was 18 but only for a few days well i hope you get to know new york much better this time barbara i'm going to
take rob out for lunch would you like to come with us i'd love to but unfortunately i have a meeting at one so i'll see you later we're meeting at three i think that's right have a nice lunch hey are you rob walker yes hi i'm holly holly tyler hello holly we're going to be working together really didn't barbara tell you i'm going to be rob's photographer oh well we're just going for lunch cool i can come with you i mean i had a sandwich earlier so i don't need to eat but rob and i
can talk is that okay um sure so let's go are you ready to order yes please can i get you something to start with no thank you i'd like the tuna with a green salad and for you sir i'll have the steak please would you like that with fries or a baked potato fries please how would you like your steak rare medium or well done well done nothing for me okay and to drink water please still or sparkling sparkling [Music] the tuna for you man and the steak for you sir i'm sorry but i asked
for a green salad not fries no problem i'll change it [Applause] excuse me yes sir sorry i asked for my steak well done and this is rare i'm really sorry i'll take it back to the kitchen [Music] so are you ready to order yes please can i get you something to start with no thank you i'd like the tuna with a green salad and for you sir i'll have the steak please would you like that with fries or a baked potato fries please how would you like your steak rare medium or well done well done
nothing for me okay and to drink water please still or sparkling sparkling [Music] the tuna for you man and the steak for you sir i'm sorry but i asked for a green salad not fries no problem i'll change it excuse me yes sir sorry i asked for my steak well done and this is rare i'm really sorry i'll take it back to the kitchen so tell me rob what are you going to write about well to start with my first impressions of new york you know the nightlife music things like that are you planning to
do any interviews i'd like to do you have any suggestions well i know some great musicians musicians you know guys in bands and i also have some contacts in the theater and dance that would be great maybe we could go to a show and after you could talk to the actors i really like that idea can i bring you anything else could we have the check please yes ma'am [Music] here's your check thanks uh excuse me i think there's a mistake we had two bottles of water not three you're right i'm really sorry it's not
my day today i'll get you a new check thank you we're going to have a fun month rob yeah i i think it's going to be fantastic okay time to go you have your meeting with barbara at three oh yeah right [Music] so tell me rob well to start with do you have any suggestions that would be great could we have the check please excuse me i think there's a mistake okay time to go [Music] hey rob come on keep up sorry i'm a bit tired this morning you aren't exactly in good shape are you
i know i know i think i'm eating too much then eat less it isn't easy i eat out all the time and the portions in american restaurants are enormous you don't do enough exercise i walk a lot walking isn't enough rob do you do anything to keep fit i cycle when i'm in london so why don't you get a bike here i'm only here for another three weeks anyway my hotel's near the office i don't need a bike you know jennifer goes running all the time before and after work but i just think that running's
so boring i mean where's the fun yeah i'm not very keen on running so why don't you play basketball with me and my friends okay that's a great idea but i don't have any trainers trainers sneakers you can buy some is there a sports shop near here sure there's one across the street [Music] can i help you sir yes do you have these innate just a minute i'll go and check here you are these are an eight do you want to try them on no thanks i'm sure they'll be fine uh how much are they
they're 83.94 oh it says 72.99 yes but there's an added sales tax of 15 oh okay do you take mastercard sure [Music] can i help you yes i bought these about half an hour ago yes i remember is there a problem yes i'm afraid they're too small what size are they they're an eight but i take a uk eight oh right yes a uk 8 is a us-9 do you have a pair i'll go and check just a minute [Music] i'm sorry but we don't have these in a nine but we do have these and
they're the same price or you can have a refund um i'll take this pair then please no problem do you have the receipt yes here you are brilliant [Music] can i help you sir yes do you have these in innate just a minute i'll go and check here you are these are an eight do you want to try them on no thanks i'm sure they'll be fine uh how much are they they're 83.94 oh it says 72.99 yes but there's an added sales tax of 15 oh okay do you take mastercard [Music] sure can i
help you yes i bought these about half an hour ago yes i remember is there a problem yes i'm afraid they're too small what size are they they're an eight but i take a uk eight oh right yes a uk eight is a us-9 do you have a pair i'll go and check just a minute i'm sorry but we don't have these in a nine but we do have these and they're the same price or you can have a refund um i'll take this pair then please no problem do you have the receipt yes here
you are brilliant hi jenny oh hi have you had a good day oh you know meetings what about you it was great i went to brooklyn and met some really interesting people and you had time to go shopping too what oh yeah i just bought these what are they a pair of trainers uh sneakers nice why did you buy sneakers i think i need to get a bit fitter oh i'm impressed you know i go running every morning in central park do you it's so beautiful early in the morning why don't you come with me
uh sure why not great i'll come by your hotel tomorrow morning okay what time 6 45 6 45. can we make it a bit later say 7 45 that's too late rob let's make it 7 15. okay excellent see you later great basketball and running rob you must have a lot of energy uh yeah have you had a good day oh you know meetings why don't you come with me can we make it a bit later say 7 45 let's make it 7 15. [Music] [Music] uh you okay me never better it's beautiful here isn't
it i think this is my favorite place in new york yeah it's great so how's it all going are you happy you came to central park at 7 15 in the morning to new york rob yeah of course i'm happy it's fantastic really you aren't just saying that no i mean it you need to get in shape rob i know i'm a bit tired of eating out all the time it isn't good for my figure it's the restaurants you go to why don't you come over to my place after work i can make you something
a little healthier i'd really like that thanks so how do you feel now you ready to go again oh yes i'm ready for anything are you sure you're okay absolutely okay we'll only go around two more times two excellent good morning can i help you i'm not feeling very well i think i have flu what are your symptoms i have a headache and a cough do you have a temperature no i don't think so are you allergic to any drugs i'm allergic to penicillin no problem this is ibuprofen it'll make you feel better how many
do i have to take two every four hours sorry how often two every four hours if you don't feel better in 48 hours you should see a doctor okay thanks uh how much is that 6.99 please thank you you're welcome good morning can i help you i'm not feeling very well i think i have flu what are your symptoms i have a headache and a cough do you have a temperature no i don't think so are you allergic to any drugs i'm allergic to penicillin no problem this is ibuprofen it'll make you feel better how
many do i have to take two every four hours sorry how often two every four hours if you don't feel better and 48 hours you should see a doctor okay thanks uh how much is that 6.99 please thank you you're welcome [Music] that was a lovely meal thanks jenny that's okay it's been great being in new york you know your offer to work here came at a very good time for me really yeah i was looking for something new something different you see i broke up with my girlfriend a few months before i met you
oh right what about you [Music] what about me you know relationships oh i've been too busy recently to think about relationships getting this job at the magazine was a really big thing for me i guess that's taken up all my time and energy but that isn't very good for you only thinking about work i mean why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well this morning we didn't have to go for a run i wanted to go it was nice well i'm glad you're feeling better would you like another coffee no thanks i think i
should get back to the hotel now i've got a really busy day tomorrow do you have a telephone number for a taxi yeah but it's much easier to get a cab on the street okay then i'll see you in the morning if you're feeling okay oh i'm sure i'll be fine thanks again for a great evening anytime good night night rob that was a lovely meal that isn't very good for you i'm glad you're feeling better i think i should get back to the hotel now i'm sure i'll be fine thanks again for a great
evening anytime that was a good day's work rob you did a great interview you took some great photos too they're really nice thanks hey let's have another coffee i don't know i have to get to manhattan you don't have to go right now i'm not sure i don't want to be late why do you have to go to manhattan i've got um a date you have a date is it with anybody i know no it isn't anyway excuse me a minute i need to go to the restroom that's very american i'll order more copies okay
is that you jennifer oh hi holly um is rob there yeah one second rob not anybody i know huh hi jenny rob are you still in brooklyn yeah you know the reservation at the restaurants for eight right don't worry i'll be there oh how do i get to greenwich village on the subway how do i get to greenwich village on the subway go to the subway station at prospect park take the b train to west 4th street how many stops is that six or seven okay and then from west 4th street take the a train
and get off at 14th street could you say that again okay from prospect park take the b train to west 4th street and then take the a train to 14th street that's only one stop where's the restaurant come out of the subway on 8th avenue go straight on for about 50 yards and take the first left that's greenwich avenue the restaurant's on the right it's called the tea set okay thanks see you later and don't get lost how do i get to greenwich village on the subway go to the subway station at prospect park take
the b train to west fourth street how many stops is that six or seven okay and then from west 4th street take the a train and get off at 14th street could you say that again okay from prospect park take the b train to west 4th street and then take the a train to 14th street that's only one stop where's the restaurant come out of the subway on 8th avenue go straight on for about 50 yards and take the first left that's greenwich avenue the restaurant's on the right it's called the tea set okay thanks
see you later and don't get lost jenny i'm here hi i'm so sorry there was a problem on the underground we call it the subway here right anyway the train stopped for about 20 minutes i tried to call but there was no signal i've been here since 7 45 i know i ran from the underground subway station i'm so sorry you're always late it's funny isn't it i said i'm sorry look why don't we go back inside the restaurant i waited for an hour for you i don't want to stay here anymore maybe we could
we could go for a walk we could find another restaurant i don't feel like a walk it's been a long day okay but the night is still young maybe you have time to meet up with holly again holly i'm sorry i didn't mean to say that i don't care about holly forget it rob now if you don't mind i'd like to go home listen to me jenny holly is just a colleague i said forget it it's okay no it isn't okay look i know i'm always late and i know the underground is the subway but
that's not the point i'm not interested in holly i came to new york because of you the only person i'm interested in is you [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] i'm so sorry i said i'm sorry i don't want to stay here anymore i don't feel like a walk it's been a long day i didn't mean to say that i can't believe it your month here is nearly over it's gone so fast i know i've had a great time jenny me too it's been really special but but what it won't be the same when you're in london and
i'm here but we'll still be in touch you can visit me in london and i can come back here to see you still won't be the same no no it won't maybe i could come back to london with you you can't do that jenny you've just got this job that's true well we still have some time together we're going out for dinner tonight yes and i'm going to take you somewhere really nice look at the time i have to go now it's my last interview in new york i don't want to be late okay see
you later then bye jenny is rob here oh you just missed him barbara i really need to talk to him i'll try him on his cellphone hello rob it's barbara can you give me a call there's something i'd like to talk about hello broadway grill oh sorry i have the wrong number new york 24 7. how can i help you hello can i speak to barbara keaton please just a second i'll put you through hello hi is that barbara no i'm sorry she's not at a desk right now can i leave a message please sure
can you tell her rob walker called i'll call back later i'll give it a message you could try your cell phone yes i'll do that thank you i'm sorry i can't take your call at the moment please leave a message after the beat hello barbara this is rob returning your call new york 24 7. how can i help you hello it's rob again can i speak to barbara please just a second i'm sorry the line's busy do you want to hold okay i'll hold hello hi barbara it's me rob rob hi i tried to call
you earlier what did you want to talk about hello broadway grill oh sorry i have the wrong number new york 24 7. how can i help you hello can i speak to barbara keaton please just a second i'll put you through hello hi is that barbara no i'm sorry she's not at a desk right now can i leave a message please can you tell her rob walker called i'll call back later i'll give it a message you could try your cell phone yes i'll do that thank you i'm sorry i can't take your call at
the moment please leave a message after the beat hello barbara this is rob returning your call new york 24 7. how can i help you hello it's rob again can i speak to barbara please just a second i'm sorry the line's busy do you want to hold okay i'll hold hello hi barbara it's me rob rob hi i tried to call you earlier what did you want to talk about [Music] [Music] jenny rob i have something to tell you i have something to tell you too you go first well i thought again about moving to
london but you don't need to move to london what barbara called me earlier what about she offered me a job here in new york what oh that's great news you don't seem very pleased i am i mean it's it's great it's just that i sent barbara an email this morning and i told her i was quitting i'm moving to london don't worry maybe she hasn't read your email yet i'll call her hello barbara it's jenny oh hi jay um have you read your emails recently there's one from me uh yes i can see it i
haven't opened it yet don't open it delete it please just delete it i'll explain later okay it's gone is everything all right jenny yes thanks never better [Music] you go first that's great news i'll call her i'll explain later is everything all right never better [Music] so my name's jenny zielinski and new york is my city i live here and i work for a magazine new york 24 7. my name's rob walker i'm a writer on new york 24 7. you can probably tell from my accent that i'm not actually from new york i'm british
and i came over to the states a few months ago i met rob in london when i was visiting the uk on a work trip he was writing for the london edition of 24 7. are you okay we got along well right away i really liked him [Music] [Applause] so why am i in new york because of jenny of course tomorrow i'm going to show you around the office when they gave me the opportunity to work here for a month i took it immediately it gave us the chance to get to know each other better
when they offered me a permanent job i couldn't believe it barbara called me earlier what about she offered me a job [Music] i helped rob find an apartment and now here we are together in new york i'm so happy i just hope rob's happy here too i really loved living in london a lot of my friends and family are there so of course i still miss it but new york's a fantastic city i've got a great job and jenny's here too things are changing pretty fast in the office we have a new boss don taylor
[Music] and things are changing in my personal life too this evening's kind of important i'm taking rob to meet my parents for the very first time i just hope it goes well [Music] i can't believe we got here so late i'm sorry jenny i had to finish that article for don don't forget the chocolates okay oh no i don't believe it don't tell me you forgot them i think they're still on my desk you're kidding you know what my desk is like yeah it's a complete mess but i ever tidy it [Applause] we could go
and buy some more how can we get some more we're already late hi there you made it sorry we're late so this is my mom and dad harry and sally and this of course is rob hello so nice to meet you at last yes jenny's finally decided to introduce you to us well come in come in mom i'm really sorry we bought you some chocolates but we left them at the office oh what a pity but never mind yeah don't worry about it we know what a busy young woman you are and your mom has
made way too much food for this evening anyway oh harry but i also have some good news really what's that well you know we have a new boss he's still new to the job and needs support so today he made me the managing editor of the magazine so you've got a promotion how fantastic that's great news hey does that mean jenny's gonna be your boss rob uh yes i guess so well not exactly i'm a manager but i'm not rob's manager let's go and have dinner what a great idea you're kidding i don't believe it
really how fantastic that's great news what a great idea oh no what a pity never mind you know our jenny has done incredibly well rob she's the first member of our family to study at harvard she's a very capable and ambitious young woman dad no it's true jenny and what about you rob how do you see your career do you see yourself going into management me no not really i'm more of a writer really what kind of things do you write oh you know interviews reviews things like that and i'm doing a lot of work
for the online magazine rob's a very talented writer dad he's very creative that's great but you know being creative doesn't always pay the bills you know my dad's a very keen photographer he took all these photos now rob won't be interested in them but i am interested i mean i like photography and i think i recognize some of these people that's because most of them are of jenny but there are some great jazz musicians too that smiles davis and isn't that john coltrane and that's wynton marsalis you know about wynton marcellus no about him i've
interviewed him how incredible i love that guy he's a hero of mine well he's a really nice guy i spent a whole day with him chatting and watching him rehearse really i want to hear all about it have the cookie robbed go ahead son sally makes the best cookies in new york how do you see your career not really i'm more of a writer oh you know interviews reviews things like that i mean i like photography that's because most of them are of jenny how incredible well he's a really nice guy go ahead son [Music]
you work hard but your money's all spent haven't got enough to pay the rent you know it's not right and it makes no sense to go chasing chasing those dollars and cents chasing chasing those dollars and cents that was great kerry thanks kerry you used to be in a band now you play solo why did you change what happened with the band is private i've already said i don't want to talk about it in interviews all i'll say is that i have a lot more freedom this way i can play and say what i want
did your relationship with the band's lead guitarist affect the breakup no comment i never talk about my private life your dad was in a famous punk band and your mum's a classical pianist have they influenced your music of course they have what do you think isn't everyone influenced by their parents when did you start playing i started playing the guitar when i was about four four that's pretty young yeah the guitar was nearly as big as me i think that your new album is your best yet it's a lot quieter and more experimental than your
earlier albums thank you i think it's my best work so what have you been doing recently well i've been writing and recording some new songs and i've played at some of the summer festivals in the uk and what are you doing while you're in the states i'm going to play at some clubs here in new york then i'm doing some small gigs in other places i just want to get to know the country and the people it's all very new to me good job rob she isn't the easiest person to interview she's okay and this
video clip will work great online well thank you for coming in today kerry now i suggest we have some lunch rob could you call a taxi so when will you be coming back to new york carrie oh i don't know hi guys is everything okay yes it's delicious thank you that's great new york waiters never leave you alone i really don't like all this hi guys is everything okay stuff what you mean waiters aren't friendly in london oh they're very friendly yes they're friendly but not too friendly they don't bother you all the time can
i get you anything else more drinks maybe no thanks we're fine fantastic see what i mean personally i think people in london are a lot more easy going london's just not as hectic as new york i'm sure we all like peace and quiet but in my opinion new york is possibly well no it's definitely the greatest city in the world don't you agree to be honest i definitely prefer london oh come on rob you've lived in both what do you think oh well i have to say london's very special it's more relaxed it's got great
parks and and you can cycle everywhere it's dangerous to cycle in new york why would you cycle when you can drive a car you can't be serious okay i agree london has its own peculiar charm but if you ask me nothing compares with a city like new york the whole world is here but that's the problem it's too big there are too many people everybody's so stressed out and nobody has any time for you i don't think that's right carrie new yorkers are very friendly oh sure they can sound friendly with all that have a
nice day stuff but i always think it's a little bit fake you've got to be kidding me oh i'm sorry i'll just have to take this hello yes yo who the taxi driver what did she leave a cell phone right okay um yes we're still at the restaurant see you in about five minutes personally i think but in my opinion don't you agree to be honest what do you think okay i agree but if you ask me i don't think that's right oh sure thank you for a nice lunchtime you're welcome thanks for coming guys
have a nice day see nice friendly service maybe but i think she saw the big tip you left on the table [Music] did you mean what you said in the restaurant rob did i mean what about missing london sure i miss it jenny really but hey not that much it's just that moving to a new place is always difficult but you don't regret coming here do you no no not at all it's just that you seemed so homesick in there the parks cycling well there are some things i miss but oh hang on a minute
look over there taxis i'm back excuse me man for me what is it i believe this is your cell phone you left it in my cab what oh wow thank you have a nice day that was so kind of it see new yorkers are really friendly people did you mean what you said in the restaurant rob it's just that you seemed so homesick in there oh hang on a minute taxis come back i was so kind of it monica jenny how are you you look great thanks jenny you look really good too hey why don't
we get some coffee i'd love to but i'm on my way to meet oh come on five minutes so how is everything oh great things couldn't be better actually scott and i we're getting married you're what oh congratulations thank you when did you get engaged only a few days ago i i'm glad i saw you actually i was gonna call you we've only told family so far i can't believe it monica the wife and to think you used to go clubbing every night that was a few years ago all i want to do now is
stay in and read wedding magazines and how are the plans coming along i haven't done anything yet my mom and scott's mom want to organize the whole thing themselves that's what mothers are for true but what about you you look fantastic well i guess i'm kind of happy too uh-huh what's his name rob you've been keeping him very quiet is it serious it's kind of you know so it is it's still early we haven't been together for long he only moved here a few months ago from london what he's british and you think you can
persuade him to stay in new york that won't be easy i think he likes it here you know how guys are you never know what they're thinking when can i meet him oh that's him now do you mind if i join you of course not come on sit down thank you i have to leave in a minute anyway could i have a large latte please of course uh rob this is monica nice to meet you rob you too monica you know jenny talks about you a lot and i've seen college photos of you two together
at jenny's parents house of course you have my dad's photos you've hardly changed at all what a nice man i can see why you like him jenny the perfect english gentleman your latte oh thanks can you pass the sugar sure sorry guys but i have to go you're sure i haven't interrupted him before not at all it's just that i have to meet someone but let's get together very soon we will bye rob nice meeting you bye bye bye she seems like a happy person she is especially right now she's getting married that's fantastic news
yeah it is i guess we're at that age now most of our friends are settling down and getting married yeah oh speaking of friends i i want to ask you a favor is it okay if we change our plans a bit this week sure what's up i've just had a call from an old friend of mine paul i haven't seen him since we were at university and he's traveling around the states at the moment anyway he's arriving in new york this evening and i've invited him to stay for the week cool it'll be fun to
meet one of your old friends what's he like oh paul's a laugh he used to be a bit wild but that was a long time ago he's probably changed completely well i'm looking forward to meeting him just one other thing could you do me a big favor i i have to work late this evening so would you mind meeting him at the airport not at all i'd like to meet him and do you think you could take him to my flat i'll give you the keys no problem rob thank you so much jenny you're a
real star do you mind if i join you of course not is it okay if sure can you pass the sugar sure could you do me a big favor would you mind meeting him not at all and do you think you could take no problem [Music] hey man oh it's great to see you mate you too paul it's been years you haven't changed at all just got better looking how come you're so late paul's flight from la was delayed and then the traffic coming back was just awful that gave us time to get to know
each other yeah paul told me all about his travels every detail and look at this your own new york flat how cool is that it's good it's really good but uh do you want something to eat i got some things on my way home stay in it's my first night in the big apple let's go out and have a pizza or something i thought you'd be tired after the flight no way man i am ready for action great i'll get my jacket rob i think i'll go home if you don't mind i'm exhausted oh okay
then so it's a boys night out just like the old days and after the pizza we can go on somewhere else rob we've got a lot to talk about hey man it's great to see you mate how come you're so late no way man rob i think i'll go home if you don't mind just like the old days rob we've got a lot to talk about [Music] bad luck mate nice shot i've had years of practice you used to play pool a lot at university you did too yeah i don't really have the time anymore
or anybody to play with so uh what do you do in your free time the magazine keeps me pretty busy and when i'm free i'm usually with jenny your turn don't blow it what is it i was just thinking about you what about me do you remember the great times we had at uni you had such crazy hair last time i saw you it was blonde don't remind me those were the days look at you now with your girlfriend your nine-to-five job if you don't come back to london soon you'll become an all-american boy come
off it it's true i mean just look at that shirt what's wrong with my shirt you look like a businessman do you buy it me no it was a a present from jenny i thought so what does that mean it's jenny's taste yes and i really like it jenny seems to know what she wants and she probably gets it that's one of the things i like about her oh terrible you said it [Music] sorry paul we've got to go oh come on rob we haven't even finished the game another time jenny's waiting for us [Music]
jenny right [Music] [Applause] oh yeah that was good so what should we do now what do you want to do well i haven't been on a dance floor for weeks now i've got to move my body let's go dancing i'm going running in the morning why don't you join me no thanks i'm not very keen on running but i've read about this place called deep space where they play great music we could go there a club what don't you feel like dancing not on a wednesday night what about going to the late show at moma
moma what's that moma it's the museum of modern art there's a kandinsky exhibition yeah that uh isn't exactly my idea of a great night out what about staying in and watching a movie on tv i'm in new york i can watch tv anywhere who's that it's a text from kerry she's doing a gig at the bowery ballroom carrier kerry johnson i interviewed her last week kerry johnson i've seen her play live she's cool do you like her jenny i have to admit i'm not crazy about her music or her for that matter i didn't think
so so shall we go there why not actually kerry's staying very near here and she doesn't know new york very well we could meet her outside and go together that's a great idea i'll send her a text i think i might have an early night you two can go on your own are you sure you don't mind of course she doesn't mind no rob it's fine i have another busy day tomorrow you do too actually i know we're meeting don i haven't forgotten oh it's kerry she's on her way now what are we waiting for
let's go [Music] [Music] hello hi monica it's not too late to call is it jenny no why are you okay i need to talk can you come over why don't you take a cab okay thanks what should we do now let's go dancing why don't you join me no thanks i'm not very keen on running we could go there what about going to the late show what about staying in shall we go there why not we could meet her outside that's a great idea wow rob hi jenny are you okay where are you anyway i'm
at home i'm feeling terrible we got back really late last night why doesn't that surprise me you know you're not a student anymore i know there was a party after the gig kerry invited us and of course paul said yes and this morning's meeting in 10 minutes that's why i'm calling i'm not going to make it i'm really sorry rob it's a very important meeting i'll cover for you this time but i won't be able to do it again it won't happen again i promise anyway paul's leaving he's leaving that's right he's off to boston
this afternoon and maybe that's a good thing i mean it's not that i don't like paul but i know i know i have to go talk to you later jenny have you seen rob i wanted to have a word with him before the meeting and he isn't even here i know he just called to say he can't make it he what i was with him last night he wasn't feeling very well but it's okay he told me everything i need to know for the meeting oh okay then you know rob he's such a professional [Music]
where are you anyway that's why i'm calling i'm not going to make it it won't happen again he's off to boston this afternoon i mean it's not that i don't like paul but i wanted to have a word with him before the meeting such a professional [Music] hi hi there it's me shall i come up [Music] [Applause] paul that's right hi hi you okay uh yes fine thanks it's just i am what i wasn't expecting to see you really well as you can see i'm still here seems rob just can't live without me yeah he's
going to miss me when i'm gone but not for long we'll meet up again when he goes back to london goes back yeah he told me last night he was planning to leave new york pretty soon [Applause] he went hi jenny do you want some breakfast i've got bagels oh thank you rob why don't you two enjoy them what's wrong no idea i just said you were planning to leave new york soon and she you what i didn't say that you didn't have to this new york life isn't you rob and you know it no
i don't i like new york and jenny's here oh come on what's the big deal it's not like you want to marry her well you do look paul i'm serious about new york and i'm serious about jenny and i want you to leave today you're joking mate i'm not i'll even buy the ticket [Music] hi jenny rob paul told me what he said to you and it's not true i'm not planning to leave new york oh really could you tell me why paul is still in your apartment well he couldn't get a ticket to boston
you told me he was going a few days ago or was that another lie no of course it wasn't he couldn't get a ticket the buses to boston were all full so do you know if he's got one now i bought it he's leaving this evening but that isn't really the issue here is it you have to believe me i don't want to leave new york how can i believe you i know you're missing london because you said the same thing to carry at the restaurant look rob i'd like to know what you really want
what do you mean when you and paul were together it was like you were a different person you know what paul's like what was i meant to do but that isn't the kind of life i want anymore i'm not like that i know you're not but i wonder if you really want to be here i wonder if jenny what is it forget him jenny what are you worrying about don't know if this is gonna work out you're not serious i just i'm just not sure if we want the same things anymore that's crazy jenny oh
good morning rob don i need a word can you tell me what you decided at the last meeting right away dawn uh rob was just leaving [Music] could you tell me why paul is still in your apartment do you know if he's got one now i'd like to know what you really want i wonder if you really want to be here can you tell me what you decided at the last meeting but what can i do jenny what what can i say to convince you i'm serious no rob wait what paul said just isn't true
it isn't just what paul said it's obvious you want to go back oh of course i miss london but i love my life here what proof do you want of my commitment to new york to you to everything i don't know there must be something i can do look we're going to see my parents later i don't want us to be late we won't be late and i won't forget the chocolates this time either well that's a start i guess but jenny we need to talk about this we don't have time to discuss it now
jenny what is it what if i propose to you proposed that's right i propose like will you marry me exactly [Applause] on one knee i can do that so what would you say rob stop it it's embarrassing tell me [Applause] are you for real yes i am actually yes it's obvious you want to go back of course i miss london but i love my life here and i won't forget the chocolates this time either and that's a start i guess if i propose to you rob stop it it's embarrassing you
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