11 Signs That Your Cat Is Lonely - But You Don't Know

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Is your cat acting a little different lately? In this video, we’ll help you uncover the signs your c...
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cats might act like they're the royalty of Independence strutting around as if they don't need a single thing from us lowly humans but even the most introverted Felines and let's face it none of them are extroverts can suffer from loneliness and they're absolute experts at hiding it what's even scarier a lonely cat might be silently suffering right under your nose and many cat parents never even realize it recognizing when a cat is feeling lonely can be surprisingly difficult cats are masters of subtlety and their cries for help often show up in ways that seem well
just like normal quirky cat behavior that's why we've uncovered 10 undeniable signs that your cat might be struggling with loneliness signs you simply can't afford to miss sign number one cat siren have you ever been jolted awake in the dead of night by the sound of an Unholy whale echoing through your home meow meow a sound so haunting it could summon ghosts but no it's not the undead it's your cat Moonlighting as a siren this nocturnal catw Walling is more than just a random performance it's a distress call your cat might be feeling anxious lonely
or just desperate to make sure you haven't abandoned them to the cold Dark Void of the universe it's especially common at night because let's face it nighttime is when we humans rudely shut the door cocoon ourselves in blankets and vanish into Dreamland for hours on end for a cat who's already feeling neglected this sudden disconnection can be downright terrifying cats are crepuscular meaning they're naturally wired to be most active at dawn and dusk so while you're snoring away at 3:00 a.m. your Kitty's internal clock is screaming it's party time combine that with a touch of
separation anxiety and voila you've got a full-blown midnight meow concert sign number two bald ambition does your kitty seem to have joined the obsessive groomers Club cats are known for being meticulous self- cleaners almost as if they have an unspoken agreement to look Runway ready at all times but if your cat is licking themselves more than usual you might need to pay attention here's the deal grooming does more than just keep your kitty looking fabulous it's also their way of calming down licking releases endorphins those feel-good chemicals that help reduce stress but when a cat
feels neglected or anxious they might ramp up the grooming into overdrive desperately trying to self soothe think of it as their version of binge watching TV to escape reality but way less fun in extreme cases this behavior Can escalate to the point where your cat starts licking themselves bald revealing sensitive patches of skin under underneath and no they're not trying to set a new trend for feline fashion this is a red flag if you spot bare spots or irritated skin it's time to call the vet sign number three the hide and sulk so you walk
through the door after a long day excited to reunite with your little fluff ball only to be met with nothing your cats nowhere in sight and when you do find them they're tucked away in their secet Hideout acting like you don't even exist ouch right some cat parents swear this is their Kitty's way of punishing them for daring to leave While others fear it means their fur baby didn't miss them at all but don't let that feline Poker Face fool you this Behavior actually screams stress you see cats are creatures of habit and when their
routine is disrupted like you Vanishing for hours or days it can throw them for a loop hiding is their way of saying I'm overwhelmed and I need time to process this betrayal and that's the irony even though it looks like your cat is ignoring you this silent treatment is one of the biggest signs they missed you while you were gone sign number four Hello Kitty not all signs of needing attention are dramatic or destructive some are just plain adorable one of the most heartwarming ways your cat shows they miss you is by acting like your
very own furry welcome committee the moment you open the door they're there tail High strutting toward you like they've been rehearsing this grand entrance all day spoiler they probably have when your cat greets you at the door it's more than just a cute gesture this behavior is their way of saying where have you been hum I've been here doing absolutely nothing and it's been tragic without you the headbutts and leg rubs that often follow aren't just random cats are all about claiming their territory and guess what you're part of the furniture they love to own
if your cat adds a few jumps or pounces to the mix they're turning up the charm to make sure you drop whatever you're holding and give them immediate Pets sign number five how your cat makes associations cats are surprisingly clever when it comes to making associations for example your kitty might notice that every time you pull out your overnight bag you mysteriously disappear for a day or two to your cat this isn't just packing for a trip it's a betrayal that bag isn't just a bag it's the enemy now since cats can't stage an intervention
or negotiate terms of your departure they take matters into their own pause one approach full-on destruction scratches bites and a cat-sized dent in the fabric anything to sabotage your plans and make the bag unusable another method a more creative one peeing on the bag to neutralize it with their scent to your kitty it's like saying this bag smells like me now so it can't possibly take you away cats make associations to survive in the wild if something caused stress once say a loud noise near a specific Rock they'll avoid it forever but in your home
their wild instincts get a little misplaced your overnight bag becomes that dangerous Rock and your poor cat's anxiety kicks into overdrive to avoid this drama you can try some counter conditioning put the bag out when you're not leaving and pair it with positive experiences like treats or playtime sign number six giftgiving ever walked into a room and been greeted by the horrifying sight of a tiny lifeless Mouse A bird feather Trail or if your Kitty's feeling particularly artistic a half-eaten bug arranged like some kind of maaba offering congratulations your cat thinks you're a terrible Hunter
you see in the wild a cat's number one priority is survival which means keeping their belly full from their perspective the only reason you'd ever leave the safety of their carefully marked home and miss out on their glorious company is because you're struggling to find food so naturally your furry little survivalist takes matters into their own Paws and starts bringing you snacks to make sure you don't starve sharing is is caring right by leaving their prey where you'll definitely trip over it they're trying to show you two things first look at what a fabulous Hunter
I am and second this is for you because clearly you can't fend for yourself sign number seven stress in the mess has your kitty forgotten all their house training or maybe they've gotten bored with the litter box and decided that everywhere else is the new trendy toilet nope this is some avanguard feline statement the most common reason for a cat peeing outside their litter box is in fact distress cats are creatures of habit and their litter box is sacred territory when they start peeing in odd places like your favorite rug or that pile of laundry
you just washed sorry it's practically their version of emotional journaling urine contains their pheromones which they use to scent Mark and make their environment feel safe and familiar when they're stressed like when you've been away too long there's a big change in the house or they feel neglected they might start marking new areas to reassure themselves that this is still their home and let's talk specifics there's a difference between a kitty who's just had a little litter box mishap and one who's stress peeing if the puddles are on the ground it's likely regular pee from
squatting but if you're finding damp patches on Walls Furniture or other ver vertical surfaces that's spraying your cat's way of waving a big invisible mind sign sign number eight redecorating has your home suddenly started looking like it was decorated by a very aggressive interior designer you walk in after being gone for a while only to find your curtains shredded into Avent Guard art and your furniture Now featuring some abstract claw marks why the chaos well your kitty isn't auditioning for a reality show about Extreme Home Makeovers they're trying to send you a message scratching is
a natural behavior for cats it's how they mark their territory not just visually but also with their scent thanks to the handy scent glands tucked between their toe beans so when you're away for too long your absence can make them feel insecure like wait is this even my house anymore the result they go into redecorating mode to say yep this is mine and that's mine oh and that too scratching is also a stress reliever for cats it's their version of punching a pillow or Screaming into the void so if your kitty is feeling lonely their
emotions might show up in the form of freshly shredded upholstery sign number nine marked by the meow Mafia as well as being clingy you might notice your cat getting extra touchy feely suddenly they're rubbing their whole body against your legs like they're trying to polish you budding their head into your hands like a battering ram or even kneading you like a lump of dough maybe they're giving you a quick tongue bath that feels less like grooming and more like being exfoliated with sandpaper all these moves might seem adorable or mildly annoying when you're busy but
here's the real deal they're turning you into their personal property Yep this is another one of those scent marking things and let's be honest you should be very grateful that choosing this sweet and subtle approach instead of peeing on you or scratching up your arm cats have scent glands in their cheeks Paws and even their forehead and by rubbing or kneading they're depositing pheromones Onto You marking you as part of their Inner Circle basically you're a walking claimed sign why the sudden Obsession it's because you dear human had the audacity to be away from them
for too long without their scent on you you're practically a stranger cats use their scent to mark their safe trusted Companions and to warn any rival felines to back off if their smell is worn off they'll do everything in their power to restamp their claim sign number 10 territory disputes do you have a favorite spot on the couch or a preferred side of the bed most people do but when you come home you may find that your kitty has also staked a claim on on your Prime real estate why because those spots aren't just cozy
they're covered in your scent and for cats scent is everything while humans are busy decorating with cute throw pillows cats are busy sniffing and deciding oh yes this smells like my human this is where I shall rule it's also a two-way street while they're soaking up your scent they're leaving their own behind so when you sit down later you're unknowingly carrying their I love you message wherever you go sign number 11 extreme case cats might seem like they've got their lives all figured out lounging dramatically knocking over your water glass and sleeping 16 hours a
day but deep down they're surprisingly delicate creatures and when they're feeling seriously neglected their stress can bubble over into physical illness yep your independent little fluff ball can literally stretch themselves sick one of the most alarming reactions refusing to eat or drink cats are not built for fasting just skipping a few meals can put them at risk for a nasty condition called hepatic lipidosis AKA fatty liver disease stress can also wreak havoc on their immune systems making them more susceptible to infections and even causing conditions like feline idiopathic cystitis a painful bladder issue that often
flares up when their nerves are fried if you spot any changes in your cat's appetite grooming habits or general sass levels it's time to act fast first stop your vet who can rule out any underlying medical conditions Next Step take a hard look at how much love and attention you're giving your feline Overlord sometimes a little extra cuddle time and play can work wonders for their mental and physical health how to deal with this first things first your Kitty's distress needs addressing and then comes the all-important mission distraction cats might act like they're too cool
for school but deep down they need reassurance when their world feels off-kilter here's how to help them cope hack number one Toy Story cat Edition cats may act like they're above such trivialities as toys but don't let their Regal side fool you deep down they're hun at heart and a bored Hunter is a grumpy Hunter your cat needs mental stimulation especially when their favorite person you isn't around to provide adoration and belly rubs well attempted belly rubs unfortunately cats can be so dramatic about their play things one day that squeaky Bird toy is their absolute
favorite the next day it's trash and they'll glare at it like it insulted their lineage why because cats are novel mul Seekers rotating their toys every week or so is like refreshing their Netflix queue it keeps things exciting and makes those forgotten toys suddenly irresistible again and for a prole move stash a couple of toys in a sealed bag with catnip overnight before putting them back into rotation it's like sprinkling a little magic dust on an old favorite hack number two environmental enrichment think of your home as a feline amusement park your cat is the
VIP guest and it's your job to keep the rides thrilling start with wall-mounted climbing shelves in the wild cats climb to feel safe and Survey their Kingdom so giving them high up spots is like gifting them their own Throne bonus points if you arrange the shelves so they can hop from one to another like a little parkour Pro next up window perches these are your cat's personal IMAX theater cats are natural voyers sorry not sorry and there's nothing more captivating than a front row view of the outdoors Pro tip place a bird feeder near the
window and don't underestimate the power of a humble cardboard box to us it's trash to them it's a magical Fortress a ninja Hideout and an elite pounce Training Academy hack number three the calming Arsenal if your kitty is still radiating anxiety Vibes despite your best efforts if it might be time to roll out the big guns or in this case the big calming Arsenal enter pheromone diffusers these magical little devices release synthetic versions of the natural pheromones your cat produces when they're feeling safe and content it's like aroma therapy for cats minus the candles and
mood lighting combine these tools with environmental enrichment like cat trees hidey-holes and interactive toys to give your cat plenty of safe spaces and outlets for their energy want to know what kind of secret message your kitty is sending you check out this video to find out the real reason why your cat is rolling around when seeing you
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