they have essentially said that this is the only way this will be the only way to prove you of legal identity and so if you don't participate in that system as far as the state or the you know the private sector is concerned you don't exist so um by not participating in that system you're inherently excluded from the economic system and really essentially everything you know it's going to be a problem reaction solution type of situation where they've already made the solution they've already developed what they want to be uh the new Financial governance system
after this New Breton Woods moment they just need some sort of big event on the scale of World War II or some large event that's you know equally disruptive in order to be like all right now it's time for a new Financial governance system about a year ago while speaking at the global Finance Summit in Paris French president Emanuel macron said the world needs a public Financial shock to fight global warming around the same time world economic Forum founder and executive chairman Claus Schwab also made a similar state statement about revamping the global economy in
his words every country from the United States to China must participate and every industry from oil and gas to Tech must be transformed we need a great reset of capitalism Schwab added in an article published on the non-governmental organizations website according to popular investigative journalist Whitney Webb what we are witnessing is the birth of a new international monetary system a replacement for the current Breton Woods system built solely on the blockchain to Aid the complete surveillance and censorship of every aspect of Our Lives Whitney's warnings are based on the words of several Global Elites and
wef puppets like macron as well as the words of Mark Carney former governor of the bank of England and Bank of Canada and the UN special Envoy for climate action and finance who said the three pillars of the New World Order are digital IDs cbdcs and ESG in a recent discussion with Mark Goodwin writer and editorinchief at Bitcoin magazine Whitney warns that all World governments are pushing this new world order agenda proudly sponsored by the ultr rich and Powerful including Silicon Valley Executives Like Larry fin who wants to tokenize all existing assets and commodities as
well as the natural world Whitney warns that from forests to rivers mountains and lakes everything will soon become a commodity owned and traded by the super rich and Powerful to make them even stronger and move them closer to their goal of completely dominating the rest of us during the conversation with Goodwin Whitney discusses two important parts of the New World Order plans digital IDs and natural world tokenization warning that Schwab thinkink and useful puppets like macron are on the verge of achieving their grand plans and how disastrous that would be for us all as we
bring you clips from the video please take a little time to like this video subscribe to the channel and turn on on post notifications for more videos like this everything you do helps with the YouTube algorithm and immensely contributes to the Channel's growth thank you and enjoy the video in in this context I think the digital ID is a key enabler of the surveillance knowing what everyone is is doing at the transactional uh level and being able to tweak that micromanagement based on a person's activity because the digital ID isn't just limited to the financial
system right it's like your travel uh your health history your career history your education credentials your access to telecommunications social media the internet um you know with the new AI era right they can fuse all that data analyze it you know and depending on how they develop that AI algorithm use it to uh control people really in in unprecedented ways I think the the digital ID and the cbdc and its private sector equivalence project is something that we're always sort of intended to be the same system so there's documents from the UN from the bis
and in related groups that are sort of been working that have been working on this for years um that essentially frame one is essential to the other uh using words about you know this is inclusionary um sort of you know the whole um I guess marketing behind digital ID is that everyone needs a legal ID because otherwise they're unable to access essential Services right and so the idea is we all have to be included in the system and they directly link that to the concept of financial inclusion and banking the unbanked which you brought up
earlier but inherently these systems actually function in in an exclusionary way um based on how they've been set up you know they have essentially said that this is the only way this will be the only way to prove you of legal identity and so if you don't participate in that system as far as the state or the you know the private sector is concerned you don't exist so um by not participating in that system you're inherently excluded from the economic system and really essentially everything um so you have to onboard the surveillance state or be
excluded from everything so it's you know being marketed as inclusion but it's really inherently exclusionary how does this system get triggered how how does how do we move into the the mark Carney ISM well I think they sort of give it away when they say that this is the New Breton Woods movement that needs to be seized so Breton Woods was uh what came out of World War II essentially and was the creation of a new Financial governance system after World War II and this is essentially an effort to create a new Financial governance system
that was announced well before any sort of crisis like that but it's probably going to need a crisis of that level uh to be implemented and to convince people to on board at scale and if you subscribe to the theory that all wars are Bankers Wars which there is um plenty of evidence to support that I I would say um that seems to suggest that perhaps uh you know the this is the pre you know it's going to be a problem reaction solution type of situation where they've already made the solution they've already developed what
they want to be uh the new Financial governance system after this New Breton Woods moment they just need some sort of big event on the scale of World War II or some large event that's you know equally disruptive in order to be like all right now it's time for a new Financial governance system after this big event like they did after World War II mhm yeah and I think the thing that's so interesting about this like debt bubble exploding is that when you know that the debt bubble is going to explode and you want to
explode it into the new system the way that you sort of trigger that into the right the system that you want to get the masses to go with you is you actually want to have the most debt obligations on the record like on the board so that when the system pops all all they'll all pop when the debt bubble pops every debt bubble will pop it will be it will be everything all at once it won't just be like oh Japan's fine the US is like it won't work like that everything will pop at once
so in this weird way you actually want to create as much debt as possible right before the the pin bursts the bubble and then you can offer this hey we we'll service your debt 1 to one if you come join this new Universal tokenized Ledger you know just sign up here do a selfie of your face and give us your Biometrics and then here and here you are the solution has been created and now all the global Elites need is a nice little crisis to tie it all off only this won't be a nice crisis
it will be the complete collapse of the entire Global Financial system system a large percentage of the global population honest everyday workers fathers mothers and people with aging parents and relatives will be completely devastated while the 1% of the 1% gain everything Whitney believes the crisis will be on the same scale as if not worse than the economic Devastation of the second world war after the crisis ends Central and Commercial banks will conveniently and proudly present digital currencies urging people to get on the system to make up for everything they lost during the collapse however
they will only get a fraction of what was lost plus they will be signing away all their privacy and other rights to the global Elites imagine a world where you can't buy more meat because all your transactions are strictly monitored and it's been decided that you've eaten more than your allotted portion of meat during the given period you go to your local grocery store pick up the goods and as the attendant or automated system tries to ring up your order they get a noic ification saying you cannot purchase more meat or else the planet dies
this is the future Whitney and Mark are warning us about what's worse it does not stop there Larry and others want to tokenize everything including the natural world here are more clips from the video well it seems like in Larry Fink's case in particular there's um a goal well a big am ambition there to develop new asset classes that can be used to basically fuel their existing business model and perpetuate it for like I don't know Millennia forward so one of these um that uh you know I I wrote I've been writing about for a
few years is the whole idea of natural assets uh what they call Nature's economy and um one of the groups that has been uh sort of propelling this forward at least one of the earlier groups the intrinsic exchange Group which is the a product of the Rockefeller foundation and the multilateral uh development banking system um is you know has a graphic on their website called the opportunity and they show there the existing amount of Assets in in the world economy and then show what it um if we unlock natural assets um how Nature's economy you
know it's like six times the amount of existing Assets in the economy today and so as an asset manager you know Black Rock having being able to unlock and take control of as many natural assets as as possible that aren't currently part of the financial system is obviously um a way for them to perpetuate what they do and and and deepen and expand their control over uh not just um you know people in the existing Financial system but really over the natural world as well um and essentially turn everything alive into a tradable wall Street
Financial product and uh the goal as as F has stated is to have all of this on a on a universal Ledger on blockchain presumably um and have it be you know trackable and surveill which is uh interesting if you look at it through the context of risk management which is something that Larry think it is very open as having been one of the guiding lights of his whole career um and so by having it all surveyable and and you know automated in a sense you know he's able to have his risk management AI thing
you know Aladdin you know sort of exercise control over it and in unprecedented ways I think uh for their benefit and then of course a lot of what's happening now as we're moving into this new Financial governance system is is the push to change uh all of the infrastructure towards this you know quote unquote green um a green model I guess or decarbonization right which is of course interfaced with the global carbon Market but not necessarily so like it would doesn't have to be but the push is obviously to create a bunch of new infrastructure
all over the world and black rock um is positioning themselves to be one of the key players in that space they acquired I think they're called Gip one of the biggest INF structure uh you know developers in the world and um I think one of their top guys at Davos just a few months ago was talking about how they're betting really big on on infrastructure going forward and it's going to be one of the biggest uh investment opportunities of the next several decades actually so I think they're um quite ambitious and you know if people
aren't aware of this I'm sure they'll get away with it but we'll see one of the things too about the natural asset thing at least as far as the natural asset Corporation model is concerned is that you literally just go into a forest or you go to a river or lake and you identify the natural asset and then at no cost to you just after identifying it you issue shares in the natural asset uh a lake a forest whatever and then you sell those shares uh to Sovereign wealth funds asset managers whatever and then you
have an IPO and generate all this money I mean it's literally just pointing out something outside and being like this is mine I'm going to fractionalize it and sell it to people and you're you're producing money in in like you know out of thin air essentially and you're able to do that I mean the natural world is vast and huge and they're they're doing this they're financializing it all as framing it as the only way to save the planet but really it's the only way for them to save their insane debt racket in their joint
February article titled tokenized black Rock's plan to own the fractionalized world Whitney and Mark give a Stern warning about Black Rock and Larry Finks plans you will allow Black Rock to build the panopticon of tokenized Earth with Americans retirement money under the dialectic pretext of owning the Liberals unknowingly connecting all aspects of ownership to centralized databases walled identity Gardens and fractionalized Reserve assets transmitted and issued on the private blockchains of Wall Street Banks the Waring factions within the Davos squabble over the spoils but never against the plan fulfilling agenda 2030 requires complicit cooperation as much
as compromised corporations do not confuse free market capitalism with cronyism or cartellis which is the capitalist model embodied by thinkink and his fellow Wall Street ilk the problem is not just what they are planning it's the halft truths they continuously tell the world until it is too late to stop the disaster and how they demonize anyone trying to warn people about their plans they've eaten so deep into our systems and every aspect of society that it would take nothing short of divine intervention to stop their plans this is why people like Whitney often emphasize the
importance of getting out of the system before it's too late as that's the only way to protect yourself against what's coming please share your thoughts on Whitney's warnings and predictions of an impending collapse of the Global Financial system in the comment section below also ensure you like this video subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more videos like this thanks for watching e