stick to the plan, you knew it wouldn't be easy

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For Purpose Driven Men
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I got a message somebody um is going through a lot you know a breaker you know dealing with an ex and all that trying to get over that and they're trying to stick to their six-month goals their six-month plan so that's where this stem from right and I figure a lot of us we got goals and we got dreams and we got plans that we need to stick with but it's getting hard to stick with it and I could I can also say it's been hard to stick to my plans too so we all need
to come together if it's been hard to stick to your plan man you got to let us know let us know what's been hard to stick to in the comment section cuz we family but I'm going to let you know this right now we got to get back on it because that's what life is it's not supposed to be easy this ain't supposed to be easy you knew it was going to be hard TM may be hard for me but I'm still waking up every day doing the things that I got to do to get
me to the next level I'm still showing up consistency it's not about perfection but it's about showing up and the truth is you got to keep showing up for yourself you see your future self is looking at you right now your future self is looking right your future self is looking looking at what you doing or what you're not doing looking at if you consistent or if you're not consistent you see what I'm saying and we keep taking this life for granted we keep thinking that we're going to have all the time in the world
in order to make those goals and dreams come true if you said 6 months you want to really lock in then that's what it is is we have to be able to stick to our plans you knew the plan was going to be hard you knew it was going to be painful but you have to commit and the reason you have to commit is cuz you have to show yourself that greatness is is is is possible when you put your mind to something you have to show yourself that you can make something come true and
that's how you able to do it again and again and again that's how you able to become a winner that's how you able to become successful and reach your goals and dreams because when you set out a goal the first time you did everything you could to make sure that that goal comes true so now you know when it does come true now you know what's possible and a lot of us we don't know what's possible in our own lives cuz we not giving it our full our full-blown effort we not as consistent as we
can be we're not as disciplined as we can be what did you think this was going to be this is what it is this is what we signed up for this is this is this is what it is this is what it's all about when people tell me hey life is getting hard life is getting difficult I'm like welcome to life this is where the success is built this is where a better life for yourself is built this is where that discipline is built this is where that consistency is built it's in the hard moments
we don't learn much from winning we don't learn much from from joy and happiness in order to get there we got to go through pain we got to go through hardship we have to go through some sort of disci IPL we have to go through some sort of sacrifice in order to reach those levels of happiness and those levels of Joy the pain that you feeling the the difficulties that you feeling the hard times that you feeling you need to be grateful for that that's what's going to build your character to keep you going in
this life that's what's going to build your character to keep you going you made it this far you made it this far into the grind where you starting to feel pain you made it this far into the grind where you starting to want to give up you have to understand right when we feel right when we want to give up that's when we got to go the extra mile that's where success is reached at that's where our goals is reached at it's in the extra mile it's not in the beginning it's sometimes it's not even
in the middle it's towards that ending it's towards that ending it's like okay man it's like man I feel like giving up how how much more M we got to go to do this how many more days can I wake up and and and do this you got to ask yourself do I want to go back to where I was or am I am I going to keep building the life that I do want I don't want to go back to where I was where I was my mentality wasn't good where I was my relationship
with God wasn't the best where I was I was doing dumb stuff you have to grow and you have to evolve you have to grow and you have to get better where I was people didn't appreciate me I didn't set strong enough boundaries I didn't understand what the haters was trying to do to me I didn't understand you know that that there that there's there's truth in jokes and people will joke but they really hating you you have to go through these things you got to go through that that pain and it's it's a better
day today because of all the all the stuff that you've been through before you don't think that's the same principles applied to when we trying to reach our goals and dreams there there's going to be better [Music] days right but we have to keep going through the pain in order to make it this is where you're built this is where you become the best version of yourself it's it's in these moments Relish in these moments cherish these moments because truly when you make it make it you might not sacrifice like this ever again you might
not be going through what you going through ever again last year I remember I was living um in my in my own apartment um in college and I had to pay rent $1,000 every month and sometimes I didn't know how I was going to pay rent and I was working like two jobs at one point that I was working to and I'm trying to build a YouTube channel I'm I was about to graduate all of this stuff was happening in my life and I just had to understand okay I just got to work I got
to execute I'm still at the gym I remember I I used to work at the gym and then after I worked at the gym I would work out at the gym I'd work out then I go to class so like I I had a job at the gym so I work at the gym then I would work out at the gym then I would go to class see what I'm saying and I come home do my homework then I'm building my YouTube channel I'm building my content creation I'm learning how to edit I'm learning how
to put quality videos together this is what I would do over and over again routine just for me to sit before you today for you to watch this video and I didn't give up and when it was painful I relished in the pain just like how we lifting them weights and we like ah it's like this this hurts bro it's like man this hurts man you know we got weights everywhere G you got to practice what you preach you lifting the weight like ah it's like ah I did that and then you like let me
see if I do one more man cuz I said I was going to do three right it's like ah we we have way I did that and then you and then you start to notice things get easier and you just keep pushing it you start to notice things get better you just keep going with it you start to notice that you just start to flow better so the pain that you feeling right now that's not that's not a forever type of pain you got to understand that that's temporary all pain is temporary and you're building
a better life for yourself you're building a better future for yourself you going just like life bro just like we in that gym we live that with ah like ah when you in the gym you say ah right why why we think life is any different that's life it it's going to be it's going to be towards the end of the week it's and it's and it's Thursday and you like man I just can't wait till it's Friday but you got that one push through it's the same way you got to keep showing up to
your job right when I'm when I'm working a job in college or what I'm doing right now YouTube I show up every day I can't take days off I can't slack off it's just like me coming in the work and I got to work for the people I got to work for the people I got to work for the people I wake up I got to work for the people I wake up first thing in my mind what am I do for the people I need to help people win I need to motivate somebody today
what's a question somebody asked me that I could can I form that into a video can I give them some words of C of course I can let's turn the camera on let's go it's no excuses it's an everyday grind doesn't matter how you feel as you probably heard in the beginning of the video I'm I'm I'm I'm sick Bro I'm sick right now but I'm I'm still showing up I ain't like very sick I'm getting better I'm healing it's part of the struggle it's the it's the sneezing and the coughing and the nose and
the ah but we going to push through we going to take the medicine we going to do what we got to do and everything in life everything in life there's pain and there's better days everything in life nothing is ever permanent everything is temporary everything is temporary the pain that you feeling is temporary it's just like clouds going by but you got to be the bright blue sky let the clouds pass by it's not going to be for everything the sun will shine again you you knew this was going to be hard you knew this
was going to be difficult what's the alternative to the person asking me about can I make this video what we going to do go back to the X we going to go back to the ex n we got to keep moving forward we got to keep moving forward creating a better life for ourselves what we going to do go back we going to go backwards why would we do that why would we ever go backwards so when we're not putting in the work we're going backwards when we're folding we're going backwards when we're not putting
in the effort we're going backwards when we're not consistent we're going backwards I know you don't want to go backwards you got to you got to keep moving forward the fact that I know your life is better right now than it was before you started so whatever month you in in your six- Monon process where you really want to lock in and grind I'm telling you you better off where you are now today than where you were before so why not keep getting better and better and better and better and better and better why we
don't want that [Music] why we don't want that every day we have to keep getting better this is what life is all about this is what evolving is all about are we going to take steps back sometimes naturally yeah if you if you sick you know sometimes you might not be able to operate sometimes you might not be able to operate thank God that thank God whatever I got the sickness is is affecting more of my nose right and not and not my here and not here and not the throat where I have to speak
to the people if it affected here you wouldn't be watching no video right now there's certain things we can't control but you can control your effort you can control you know the the discipline you putting in you can control the consistency you can control how much work you putting in to the grind you can control if you show up or not you can control your mindset you can control all of that but we don't want to control it do we we want to make excuses for why our life looks like how it looks like we
want to make excuses for why we going back to the dumb EX the ex that a that ain't really support you the ex that don't want to see you wi the ex that's haying on you right and not every not everybody like that we all got exes that is is amazing people I'm just saying for this for this person that that ask me you know that's telling me they got their goals and what we going to do go back to where we went come on man come go back to where we was at nah we
we got to keep we got to keep pushing forward keep being around new experiences around people that want to see you win around people that want to see you elevate and that's how you going to find somebody that's even better for you too cuz you keep evolving so your standards keep raising and because your standards keep raising then you going to start to be around people who also raising their standards that's what we got to be around I ain't trying to be around the same groups of people I want to be around people that wants
to elevate I want to be around people that want to keep grinding I want to be around people that keep showing up for themselves for their goals and their dreams but the first person I got to show up for their goals and their dreams is me oh my bad she yeah that's crazy the first person that cuz I'm charging the uh I'm charging the mic that's crazy the first person that has to show up for that goals and dreams is me hey let's push the mic out further me there you go it's me cuz ain't
nobody could do the work for me the goals that I have bro the goals that I have I got to reach it man cuz don't nobody know what it was like when I was in them trenches don't nobody know what it was like for the things that I went through don't nobody know what it's like to have people say that they love you but they don't support you don't nobody know what that's like and if you do then you got to be pushing if you do then you got to be grinded don't nobody know what
it's like to lose everything and then gain it all back tfold I've been through it I've been through it and it is what it is I'm accountable for everything in my life I'm telling you bro lost it all gained it back that's life that's life that's what we do bro real winners real bosses it's in you it ain't was out here it's already in your DNA take everything away from me today I'mma get it back tomorrow that's the type of that's the type of that's the type of man I am that's the type of God
I serve that's the type of discipline I got that's the type of timing I'm on that's the type of effort I'm on that's how locked in I am it ain't about perfection but it's about showing up it's about progression it ain't about perfection it's about about progression it's about [Music] discipline it's about earning it how much better you going to feel after these 6 months we really put the work in how much how much better you going to feel because you stuck to the plan how much better are you going to feel because you stuck
to the plan cuz you put your energy towards the plan cuz you put your discipline towards the plan how much better are you going to feel you you going to feel a hell of a lot better than you feeling right now I'm telling you that right now everything is better once we put that work in everything is better once we put that work in everything is better once we put that work in everything is better once we put that work in everything is better once we put that work in and then after the months after
the years after the consistency after the pain after the sacrif you reach your definition of success you start to win in life you start to do the things that you need to do you start to be a winner not a loser not hanging out with losers not hanging out with people that's not Purpose Driven not hanging out with people that don't understand the work and grind that it takes to get to where we trying to go we talking about being a winner we talking about being somebody that's really on the grind we we talking about
what we talking about man and what are we always talking about it's it's the purpose driven mindset it's no matter what we going to go out here and get it we know it's not going to be easy but it's going to be worth it that's all it has to be it has to be worth it is it not worth it to see where your life could be 6 months from now is it not worth it to give life your absolute all is it not worth it to put the work in is it not worth it
to be as disciplined as you can be is that not worth it we have to keep going we in the middle of the race we're we're almost at the end we almost there we can see the line but we we going to quit you know how much further you are today than you were yesterday that's what you got to keep reminding yourself I'm way further where I'm at now than where I was yesterday so if I just keep hustling then how much further could I actually be in this in this thing that we call Life
how much further can I actually be if I just stick to the plan let me just stick to the plan cuz I knew it was going to be hard let me keep my promises to myself I can keep promises to everybody else but it's time for me to keep a promise to myself let me build a relationship with myself we quick to hop into relationship I just got out of relationship I'm quick to hop into another relationship you know I was in uh when I was in Middle School High School you see things like that
you know people will hop into a relationship and then they hop right out of a relationship and it it happened so much you know it's Middle School it's like Kitty stuff right but I remember being in Middle School you know and I I tell my friends I'm like they ain't going to last long bro it wasn't me hating it was me understanding what was going on at that point in time in many people's lives it's where we just you just you a kid you don't know no better you don't know how to stick through things
you don't know how to stick through things you don't know how to have proper conversation you know you a kid so a lot of these people you know in middle school high school what's crazy is like they they they day in this week and then next month they got a whole new relationship you know it nah bro you have to be in a relationship with yourself real talk you have to form a good relationship with yourself this is what locking in is all about building a relationship with yourself so strong that you keep your own
promises you have to be committed to what you say you're committed to you have to be committed to the Grind just like Kobe said we sign a contract with ourselves we sign a contract with ourselves at the beginning I got to just I have to fulfill that contract I told myself I was going to do this this is what I'm going to do and a lot of people aren't built like that they're not wired like that and because they don't they don't follow those principles they don't win that life their goals and dreams don't come
true because they making contracts with themselves but they don't fulfill nothing they're making contracts with themselves but they don't fulfill anything you got to fulfill the contract you got to ful fill what you're saying that you're trying to do in this world you have to fulfill what you're what you're trying to do in this life you got to fulfill it you got to be Purpose Driven you got to be locked in this is what it's all about it's a mindset it's a lifestyle it's a everyday grind but we just going to sit down and we
going to watch everybody else win and then we going to come playing man look at everybody else winning why you think they winning though why you think they winning cuz they putting in the work why you think they winning it's cuz they didn't quit they didn't quit but you quit why they winning cuz they Purpose Driven nah bro it's time for us to win we don't we don't have time to quit we don't have time to quit at all man it's it's time for us to lock in for real you made a commitment you have
to stick to it all right I love y'all I appreciate y'all I'll see y'all in the next one man stick to the plan stick to the plan and you need to start now don't wait for a new year to start don't wait for a new month to start today stick to the plan today I'm gone man
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