hello Facebook ad people I'm costados and today we're going to discuss about Advantage Plus campaigns for 2024 what you should do what you should not do and of course optimization which nobody does at the moment but I think it's very crucial so first a little bit of theory then we're going to go to my PC I'm going to show you campaigns that I managed and we're going to dive deep a little bit to optimization along with what you should avoid like adding creatives in a working Advanced plus and why so so let's start advanc plus campaigns they started the previous September I think and uh for a whole year they dominated Facebook ads because they were working pretty well now as every feature on meta this is an exception it started working very well since day one so the more people that they are using it the more it gets better and better because the algorithm understands it more but still it's not perfect because it needs some optimization it has done dominant ads that they are taking all of the budget and we need to intervene if Facebook thinks that one ad is dominant and it should take all the budget but it's not giving us results we're going to analyze this in the optimization secondly with Advantage Plus Facebook is introducing the philosophy that it has about Facebook ads that you should not do a lot of things you should just play with your creative creatives are very important especially in 2024 and they were in 2023 because with the creatives you can sell uh products by just appealing to different sub NES of the N that you want to Target uh based on the hooks and all of that to resonate with different people that they're of course in the same knes so creatives are very important and advanced plus is using that a lot because you can use up to 250 or 150 I don't remember the number and every time I do a video then I forget to check which is actually the number but anyway let's say 150 to be safe you can use up to 150 creatives uh it's working pretty well when you are scaling a campaign uh of course I'm not suggesting that but uh we have also limitation of Fate Advanced plus campaigns per [Music] country which is limiting us a little bit if we want to keep scaling and uh in some of the cases I used also uh other methods like uh crazy method St look alikes and crazy method broad targeting in order for me to be able to scale accounts but of course Advantage Plus was one of the main things that I was doing in ad accounts and the more people are using them the more they're getting better and better and uh I can see that they're working pretty well of course there are some issues with new ad accounts so if your account is new and your pixel is new and you're watching this video most probably advanc loss is going to be problematic for you eventually I hope that you're going to train your pixel and you will go there if Advanced plus is not working for you and I think I have a video that I'm comparing the cpms with Advanced plus and interests maybe you should try to do interests and um see if you're are having lower CPM there and if you can get your first sales and train your pixel with interest and then look alikes and then move to Broad targeting and then to actually do Advantage Plus so Advantage Plus campaigns were working really well for the past year I'm going to use them heavily also this year uh creatives are very important eight Advan per cry which is a little bit limiting and then we have also uh the optimization that has to be done and I can see even agencies that are not doing that part and I think that you should do meta reps which you should not listen they are proposing things like adding new creatives to a working Advan plus this is also bad because the budget has already been distributed so your new ads are not going to get a budget there are rare cases that I have seen that the budget has shifted from uh one adart that was taking the full budget to another but of course meta reps are not running any ads so they they just hear the theory and they have never seen it uh so they cannot actually propose things that they have worked in that accounts basically they are saying whatever meta is say it's tell them it's telling them to say and um the last thing about Advantage Plus except from uh optimization is that it's working pretty well also with post IDs so you can do Advan plus with normal creatives you can do Advan plus with catalog which is working also in um smaller accounts pretty well but don't forget that when you use cataloges it's taking all of the budget so if you use one ad inside which is a catalog and you're using different ads over there it's going to take all the budget to the catalog no matter what else you're going to put there I'm saying that because you need to keep in your mind that it's not only about just throwing the creatives there but you need to see if you are testing them efficiently not necessarily testing all the 20 creatives for example that you will put inside but give a fair chance to most of them then we have um uh the post IDs that are working pretty well so you can take post IDs from working ads or post from your page and just put them there and they're working pretty well with Advantage Plus they're working much better from the normal traditional CBO campaigns initially uh when you're doing a campaign the ad is going to take more budget if Facebook sees that it has engagement this is why you should not mix your videos with the images in an advaned plus campaign so let's say that I'm running five videos and five images you will see and uh the same thing happens with the catalog the catalog is taking all the budget because it's a carel and somebody is interacting when they're watching the different products it's not like a single image uh which is taking the worst engagement and it's very difficult to win other as they're getting engagement what's the difference between a video and an image the video because everybody as they scroll down they have autop playay on the videos 3 seconds of watching a video video it's actually engagement so Facebook is going to think that this is engaging more from an image so if you do five videos and five images you will see that most of the budget goes to the videos because initially Facebook sees that these are the ads that there are people engaging more so they have better chances of actually converting so they're taking most of the budget and it's not okay for you to put videos with images you can do a different Advantage Plus for videos and different Advantage Plus with images because maybe you're going to have winner images but they're not going to be tested efficiently the same thing with uh cataloges or carousels if you if you want to put a list of the things that are taking most of the budget for me it's catalog always on the top then we have the videos then we have carousels and then we have normal images so if you put normal images with Carousel the C are take to take are going to take more if you put catalog with videos the catalog ad is going to take more budget and so on so I think you should separate all of these just put them in uh and of course we have post IDs which really matters what kind of post ID it is okay and of course there are post IDs that they have a lot of Engagement already so they're going to win anyway other things so better to leave post idas also alone so Advantage Plus campaigns with catalog only maybe you can do different uh product sets for the different products that you have Advantage Plus campaigns with uh videos advaned plus campaigns with post IDs advaned plus campaigns with casual ads Advanced plus campaigns with single image ads these are the different things you can do whatever you want okay you can group them but don't get uh frustrated if you see that they're not spending as the others a very good efficient way of you scaling with Advan plus campaigns is this let's say that you're having 20 creatives and it's very difficult for you to create creatives which I think it should not be the case and you should do something about it you should be able to create creatives all the time but let's say that this is the case when you go in advance plus and you do 20 creatives they work pretty well you have one or two ads that are taking all the budget perfect you can duplicate this campaign remove the two ads that they have worked and just run the other 18 this is a very efficient way for you to scale advancement campaigns I had made a video about this in 2023 and actually people were telling me that it was working pretty well for them the reason for that is because Advanced plus campaigns are dominant campaigns that they give the full budget in one ad and uh if you go after that point and you try to introduce something new or um if you don't close this at for example this ad is going to keep getting the majority of the budget so if you see that one ad is getting all of the budget this doesn't mean that the other ads are not working it was fortunate enough it was better but maybe you have other gems hidden to the other 18 ads in our previous example let's go into my PC let's discuss all of these things again over there let me show you add accounts let me show you optimization let me show you behaviors and uh who will take it from there hi guys I would like to interrupt this video in order to talk to you about my new mentorship programs and uh I would love if you go to the website you're going to find the link in the description or you can find it in the menu of my website and over there you're going to be able to see the different mentorship programs that I have you can find the one that's going to fit better your needs and I will hope to see you there okay so I'm going to take you through some ad accounts then we're going to do also some optimization we have already discussed about the grouping of the ads inside Advan L campaigns so that you can seeare a bit of how I structure things so here we have another account um you have seen it on the case study from the 1 of August to today that I'm shooting the video it spent 1. 8 mil almost 9. 5 million Revenue very good results let's see how many of these campaigns are Advanced plus campaigns okay so if you come here we can see that this is Advanced plus uh this is Advanced plus this is Advanced Plus this Advanced plus and this Advanced plus so we have 1 two three 4 five six campaigns six campaigns that they stayed the same for all of this period but I'm pretty sure that we have more because we did also Black Friday and all of that and you can see over here that we have this is um this is a manual beating actually which worked well this is stack look alikes this is Broad targeting and we have have another advaned plus here which was the Black Friday one you can see Heavy spent uh not so good draws actually it should have more Advantage Plus another Advance Plus another Advance Plus another Advantage Plus uh this one did pretty well for us another Advanced plus another Advanced plus so the way that we're working in these big accounts because you might have seen some of them having two RWS or three RWS while we maintain the high row when you are working in B ad accounts uh every campaign you don't watch it individually or when you spend 300K 400k half a million uh 600k 700k you watch the whole at account as a whole average so you might have a campaign which is having three rows you might have another campaign which has sever rows now why because the moment you're going to start touching the three row campaign um it's going to disturb the balance of all the campaigns and all of that now guys I have done it a lot of times and it's a huge mistake you need to watch the other account as an average and optimize it as an average instead of trying to actually uh optimize it in each individual campaign you try to optimize each individual campaign but you don't care if the same way that you don't care inside the uh adset level or the ad level in a uh Advan plus campaign for the individual r of each one of them except from the dominant one the same way way you don't care about uh because if in average they make good results you just leave them you don't want to disturb the balance we have done this in the CB optimization and we will do a CB optimization video also for 2024 the way that you see this is this you see the total number over here which is the average and you don't care for example if this campaign is giving you two rows in average as a campaign you care about the average that you're getting uh in your whole ad account this is how you optimize and E one campaign is having o and another is having more R this is how you keep scaling the moment you keep touching each campaign individually you are not going to be able to scale because you are removing from inside campaigns that they could serve you as a volume uh instead of uh giving you the RAS that you want I hope that uh this makes sense now let's talk a little bit about uh about the advanced plus optimization let's go inside some of the Advan plus campaigns and see uh how they were optimized and what they're doing for example this is um this is an advanced plus and uh I would like to show you uh if you can go in the maximum period and we can check a little bit first of all you can see here that uh in this period in the maximum period we have spent 176k 5.
22 you can see that there are some ODS closed over here with smaller spend these are the ads that they have closed at the start of the advanced plus campaign while I was optimizing izing it I will check now my ad accounts to see if I have any good example to show you about Advanced plus optimization but here you can see that we always have dominant ads okay so there's one two three four five here we have five dominant ads of course it's a it's a higher budget it's 1. 5k per day on this campaign and um you can see that the dominant ads even if they're getting four on average I'm getting 5. 22 this is what I'm trying to explain to you when you are optimizing okay you're going to watch what your average what your dominant ad is doing sometimes the dominant ad over here can be bringing uh we can watch it also based on the last seven days I don't know how it's doing so it has 4.
7 so in the average order here and of course in other accounts like this one where the average of the value is fluctuating from time to time you can see that here we are having 3. 10 in the dominant one and uh we're having three other ads that they are just following with the same span uh this one is having 1. 38 the biggest mistake that most people will do over here is that they were going to just go and actually take the 1.
38 and close it okay especially in the last s days first of all this in maximum it's having 4. 67 we can see that in the last seven days it's losing its second position as dominant ad it's going to third one by a little bit but we can see that in aage we're getting 4. 7 we're happy with 4.
7 this doesn't mean that we're going to close because all the budget that this one is spending so if we see what it did yesterday come on a few minutes later sorry internet cut off for a little bit what we were saying so if see yesterday for example this one it's getting 300 300 spent okay if we close this don't see that yesterday did well and stuff anyway if we close this the 300 from the 1,500 they're going to go to all the other ads and maybe this is going to cause some of them to scale a little bit while they uh were not supposed to scale because they couldn't do it but the thing that I want you to keep from this campaign is that you need to work with average numbers don't get disappointed in one ad in the last seven days having these kind of results and just close it just work with the average because if you don't you're just going to ruin your campaigns you're going to have to lower their spend you're going to have to do all of that let's talk a little bit about Advantage Plus optimization uh and uh let me find one account I was searching in Advan plus campaigns and I found this example that proves what I told you when Advan Plus campaigns came out um I was starting thinking that okay we cannot influence anything on the settings but can we do something and then I started by observing realizing that it's all about dominant ads so it's like a wolf pack okay you have the alpha uh mail and then you have the beta and the gamas and all of that here most of the times in advanc plus campaigns we have one main D which is taking all of the budget and then we have another one or two which are coming later and then uh we have the others that they're not spending a lot of money this is why I'm telling you that for example in this campaign this is suitable for the example that we gave earlier before I I came to my PC that you might have this one ad which is taking all of the budget fine but these haven't been tested okay and uh you can duplicate this campaign and just remove this one and run it with the others because maybe you're having other ads that they're actually uh working here so in this campaign there's nothing to do to optimize basically okay it's a campaign that has already decided all of the budget and you can do nothing the only solution is here if you don't like the rose for example to just close this ad and uh just try to see what kind of uh results is going to give you with the other ads basically it's like resetting the whole campaign uh you cannot introduce any other ads inside here the budget has been already decided so in this case if you're not happy with the Aros you just close the ad and you try to see where it's going to go you can relance the campaign and see how it's going to go but most of the times even when you relance a campaign you will see that the dominant ad is going to remain and in the second and the third and the fourth campaign again the ad which is taking the majority of uh the budget let's go in another uh account I would like to show you how to uh optimize actually an advanced FL campaign I have some candidates for some accounts and uh we can check this so this is an advanced flash campaign and uh we will check a little bit in the last seven days how this that break event rows on this account is to okay so in this one what we can see is that I have closed some uh because I'm optimizing this one let's see on the maximum actually on the maximum doesn't have for as the one that I closed here as you can see so what have I done here here I came and I started closing ads that they didn't perform well in order for me to have a two R average as I said if here I was having this with 0. 79 uh turned on and having two average I wouldn't go and close it I would just keep it uh in order to maintain average this is a campaign which is running with $400 and the way that I optimize it is that first of all you watch the main ad if the ad that is taking most of the budget is having a result that you're happy with most of the time your whole campaign is going to be okay because as you can understand if the majority of the budget is being spent in an hour that is giving you the r that you want that's fine but this is not always the case especially if you have higher budgets in advanc campaign maybe in average you're getting the results that you want but you don't have your main ad giving you the row that you want but you're getting the average that you want um because of the other ads this is also totally fine it's a rare case but most of the times you need to observe the main uh add uh over here for example I know that in this account which I don't manage there is one Advan plus campaign and uh it hasn't been optimized properly so let's watch this Advan plus campaign in this Advan plus campaign we can see that the dominant D is having 1. 7 1.
7 is acceptable for this business uh and uh we have seen that the second and the third one they're having uh 0. 8 0. 44 it's right to come here and close these two of course we have a lot of ads over here that they can take buit um which is also fine 1.
83 on the other AD 0. 87 should you close this one well the average cost per purchase that you're getting over here is close to 10 uh and here again 8. 8 to the other AD and here you we can see that in this one you have two checkouts no purchases and you have already spent 46 and here 66 without getting the results that you want two things to point out here here here we can see that we're having a ratio not more than two so every two check out every two checkouts we have a purchase for sure so here we have four checkouts and three purchases we see that we have 22 cost per purchase what else are we expecting to see we can see that in volume which is the three sales and we're not having any checkouts because a lot of times there's delayed reporting when you see for example another account which is having let's see if we have any case here no we don't let's let's say for example here that uh we had uh 12 checkouts and uh five purchases given the fact that in this other account every two check outs we have one purchase no matter what and even better every 1.
6 uh check out we get a purchase what we could do here is say okay this is delayed reporting over here some of the sales have not yet come so we're going to wait here we have four checkouts three purchases very bad cost per purchase so this one has to go also this one two checkouts most probably we're expecting one sale to come here but even if it comes it's going to be on 46 unless if two sales come which is going to be again on 22 so 23 so it's not going to uh get good results so in this specific optimization uh situation we have uh these two that they have to be closed but before we go to even that when you're optimizing an advanced plus campaign you need to watch the average because you need to see if it's worth your time to optimize it if you don't see most of the cases your may not having uh a good RW that it's acceptable for you then maybe it means that you don't need to put the time to optimize it and you have to try uh something else in this specific case we're getting a dominant ad which is having something which is acceptable not perfect but acceptable so we can work our way uh in order to maintain this one and find another one or two maybe one like this one which is getting higher rows which is going to increase a little bit our average draws but this campaign needs far more optimization during the days and actually uh stay with 3 four five as they're taking the budget and they're actually uh optimizing so just to summarize when you come in an advanced plus campaign you're watching your dominant ad if your dominant ad is actually having good draws that means that this campaign is actually optimizable after that you need to check if you're having delayed reporting uh for the checkouts you check in your H at account what is the ratio for my checkout between checkout and purchase if I'm getting um every three checkouts one purchase then I'm watching One ad inside which is having six checkouts and zero sales then I'm saying okay most probably I'm expecting some sales to come then you're watching the dominant D the other two ads and you are seeing if the budget is being distributed there you don't care about all the others because 90% or 95% of the budget is going there and you have to see if you're getting the results that you want from this but if you're having which is a red case most of most of the times there are three uh ads that or two ads that are taking all of the budget or one in some cases but um if you have more ads over here what you can do is that you can keep this campaign as it is keep optimizing it duplicate it and remove these two that they didn't work these other two that we're going to close and these two and just optimize with all the others to see if you can uh test efficiently also the others the goal here is not to test efficiently all of the ads that you're going to put but give a fair chance to most of them let's say h don't get fixated with the idea that all of them they have to spend a specific amount the area that you're checking here and you can you are okay closing something is to see what kind of cost per purchas you are getting on your leading card or in general in the ad account with other Advance Plus campaigns and then decide if there is an AET that it worth skipping or not third thing you're watching the average results you are not caring about the individual rows of one uh especially if it's taking a lot of budget you are not closing it necessarily but you are maintaining it if the average results that you are getting in the whole uh campaign are uh good and uh the other thing is that there are several cases but by optimizing all the time advanc plus campaigns you will get better and better as long as you hold the main rules over here of not mixing cataloges with videos and videos with images and all of that that we discussed earlier but also by watching the dominant dat and understanding that there's always going to be a dominant ad inside your Advan plus Campaign which is completely different from CBO optimization working with average results in order to fix it understanding that when you close something is going to liberate budget to the others for example over here if we had only these this for example okay let's say that we have only these ads okay if we have only these ads and we close already two and we want to close another two we have to understand that maybe sometimes we have to even lower the budget of the whole advanage plus campaign because we are left with only two ads over here if we keep closing ads we don't care because we have in total 35 ads so there are more ads that they're going to take budget and they're going to try to get sales but sometimes when you have five or six ads and you're closing something you might have to see if you have to lower also your budget in order for you not to disturb a lot the balance that you have created with your leading and and the other ads that they're giving you the results that you want last thing what's the uh watch the main ad and see if it's worth your time if it worth the time for you to optimize it because if the leading ad is not getting the results that you want most probably this campaign is never going to be profitable uh for uh you there are R cases that the other ones uh the other ads are going to get such good results and the average you're going to be uh having uh good results and the last thing uh that I want to mention about advant plus is that Advantage Plus campaigns when you're having a lot of ads like this one for example let's say in the previous campaign that uh I was showing you this not this one but let's go to this one so this one it's having how many these are 11 ads okay we are spending 1,500 it wasn't spending 1,500 initially but what I have seen in this campaign is that not only the first leading ad but more and more and more they are taking sales so here we're having out of the 11 10 of the ads producing sales so Advanced plus campaigns are suitable also for scaling like this but only if a lot of ads are working pretty well inside the Advantage Plus campaign let me try to see if I can find any other uh example of optimization so I found this example also this is not an old campaign like the other ones that I was showing you which are many months old you can see that this one is actually optimizing with the first and the second giving 1. 78 as you can see most of the times especially with budgets that are below 1,000 you will see that the rows that you're getting in the dominant that is the r that you will get in the whole advaned plus campaign most of the time and uh it's up to you on how you uh on how you're going to optimize it but what I propose here is that if this is not a number which is acceptable for this business which is acceptable for this business that means that you have to either close it relance it or whatever you can see here that the budget has been distributed already in those too it doesn't matter if you put any other ads inside here like Mets are proposing because nothing is going to happen so if you want to do anything else you have to do a new uh Advan plus campaign I'm pretty sure that the whole year I'm going to keep showing you different Advance Plus optimizations when I have the uh chance we have also previous videos that we are showing Advance Plus optimization uh but for sure um you I think that most of you that you're watching these videos you're understanding the whole point and how uh we optimize an advanced plus and um uh I will keep uploading different uh cases because the cases like the CB optimization that can be they can be thousands thousands different cases having one ad working having five ads working five ads so whenever I see something interesting most probably will create a video about it uh with uh more optimization on advaned plus but I can tell you from my experience with other accounts I can see that nobody's actually doing Advanced plus optimization they just do the Advan plus campaign that they just toss it and it's pity because a lot of times you can improve the results inside an Advan plus campaign as long as you follow the rules that you that we mentioned earlier I will see you for the closing of the video okay one thing that I have noticed after is I found this Advanced Plus for example this advanc plus is in um is another is in another account which is working pretty well okay so it's a problematic new campaign that I have created and you can see here that in the maximum it has 1.