Ashwagandha: The Adaptogen on Steroids

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Dr. Eric Berg DC
Lower cortisol naturally with ashwagandha, the powerful adaptogen for anxiety and stress. In this vi...
Video Transcript:
ashwag gandha is a GameChanger it's considered Next Level it's the ultimate adaptogen on steroids ashwagandha helps you adapt to stress now when we talk about stress we're talking about the adrenal glands in relationship to the hormone called cortisol what's unique about ashanda it's a cortisol modulator now what the heck does a modulator mean it means that if you're producing too much cortisol or not enough cortisol it can bring you to a normal level so many people when they go through through chronic stress The receptors for cortisol become downgraded or blunted to the point where they're
pumping out all this cortisol but it's not creating the effect that they want ashwagandha allows that connection to work better and it helps to regulate the amount of cortisol so there's not too much or too little I'm going to get into why ashwagandha is the best adap gen compared to all others as well as some practical things to help you know how to take it when to take it what to take it with Etc ashwag gandha has been around for a very long time used by many different cultures and the question is what's in ashwaganda
that's doing all this magic this compound is very similar in structure to a steroid hormone when the plant goes through stress this compound is triggered and it grows in a certain amount so it basically helps the plant survive we can extract that compound that's in that plant and use it for our own benefit generally speaking it helps to prevent the high spikes of cortisol it definitely helps sleep it helps you have endurance with exercise it's a powerful anti-inflammatory it can help you build up testosterone it protects our brain against stress it helps other hormones including
the thyroid hormone and it even has anti-cancer properties now I want to go through and compare ashwag an's effect to other adapted gens so you know the differences and how ashwana can compete with other similar plants let's start with comparing it to Gin sing Siberian genene sing is actually a great great thing for mood and physical endurance but it doesn't compare to ashwag ganda's balancing of other hormones if we take another gin sing Panic Gins sing that's also good for endurance with exercise and it also has cognitive benefits as well ashwag gandha is way better
at dealing with stress related anxiety especially if the person has chronic stress or chronic stimulation of cortisol ashwag has the benefits for libido endurance and cognitive effects but it has much better effects on chronic cortisol and stress issues now let's talk about riola riola is good for stamina giving you energy but riola doesn't necessarily reduce stress or anxiety again when you think about ashwag think about something to counter long-term chronic stress what about holy basil that one's really good to help calm your body helps you sleep if we compare holy basil to ashwag ashwagandha has
many more effects especially in balancing out these other hormones and also ashwag ganda's effect post exercise in muscle repair holy basil doesn't have those effects but ashwag does what about matcha root this root is good for energy it's good for sexual function like libido if we compare it to ashwagandha ashwagandha also has those similar effects and gives you more stress reducing effects as well as hormone balancing effects and helping you sleep if we take grey mushroom for example which is a very great adaptogen and it's good for cognitive function immune function as well as giving
you a calming effect Rishi musroom does not have the effect on cortisol if we kind of summarize ashanda what it does it has a comprehensive cortisol regulation effect very specifically helping people with chronic cortisol stimulation with a very specific function on the word chronic longterm stress as well as things that come along with that like anxiety so if you've had a period in your life where you've been through a lot of anxiety Ashan is going to be the thing you're going to want to take with a lot of additional benefits it can help enhance testosterone
like I mentioned before and it can also help your thyroid in a big way if you have hypothyroidism ashwag can help that condition and even if you have a low thyroid condition that's not autoimmune related and I also want to emphasize when you lure cortisol you're at the same time going to be helping the person get into a deep Delta wave sleep so an overall restful sleep is going to be another benefit I've personally taking these other adaptogens which are really good for certain things especially like stimulating your body giving your body more energy so
many people are burnt out to the fact that you don't want to stimulate their adrenals you don't want to keep giving them things to stimulate the body especially 5-hour Energy drinks but ashwagandha based on what I have observed with so many people they're in the category of a lot of long-term stress a lack of sleep and a lot of high levels of cortisol this adaptogen ashwagandha will bring that cortisol down or elevate it depending on what's going in your body and allow the body to finally recover through a deep sleep through hormone Rejuvenation to help
increase the hormones that are suppressed with stress especially testosterone and start to give the person more endurance especially when they exercise this is another reason why a lot of athletes take ashwagandha because it just gives them more endurance it allows them to recover better after exercise when you take it you might not feel a lot of like hyper energy you're just going to have this sense of well-being calm feeling as well as have the energy to exercise and go longer ashwagandha is one of my favorite recommendations for more of a wider range effect on anything
related to Chronic cortisol stimulation of course that also relates to anxiety excessive worry or sleep problems now let's talk about some practical ways of taking asog I recommend taking it in the evening since it's going to help you sleep actually it might be good to take it at your last meal like supper because because a lot of the phytonutrients in ashwaganda are fat salable which means they absorb better with food and sometimes when people take on an empty stomach they might feel like nauseous or have some type of stomach issue then cut down the dosage
and then take a little bit at a time and gradually increase it and the other question is should you take it long term or on a cycle I would take it for a period of six weeks and then I would get off of it for two weeks and then get on it for 6 weeks and do that type of cycle it'll give your body a chance to adjust to it as well as tojust to not be on it to give your body a chance to work on its own and of course if you're pregnant or
you're lactating you might not want to take it at that period of time all right thanks for watching and I will see you in the next video
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