Your HEART Is Responsible For ALL Spiritual Growth.

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Library of Tehuti
Learn the hidden power of your HEART and discover its role in spiritual growth. This eye-opening vid...
Video Transcript:
That fist-sized organ in your chest is doing more than pumping blood; it's the vehicle of your spiritual evolution, the core of your consciousness. Your heart isn't there just to keep you alive; it's responsible for helping you unlock your spiritual potential. Our ancestors already knew this way back then.
Every mystic tradition and every ancient wisdom teaching points to the same truth: your heart is the gateway to enlightenment. It's your inner temple, sacred flame, and divine wisdom. In Sufism, they call it the Throne of God.
The ancient Egyptians saw it as the scales of Maat, weighing the soul's truth. For the yogis, it's the Anahata chakra, the unstruck sound of cosmic vibration. Mystic wisdom has led the way in discovering experientially the connection between your heart and you as the spirit.
Modern science is finally catching up to what the ancients knew. Your heart generates the body's most powerful electromagnetic field—60 times stronger than your brain. Yes, 60 times stronger than your brain!
Imagine: every emotion, feeling, and intuition radiates from this field. The Heart Math Institute believes they're only scratching the surface of the heart's energetic channels. I'm going to show you how ancient and modern mystic cultures view the heart's spiritual importance and how you can use this knowledge to develop your consciousness.
In ancient Kemet, now known as Egypt, the heart was revered as far more than just a physical organ; they called it the ab and saw it as the source of human wisdom, emotions, and personality. It was deep to them. The ab was also understood as the conscience, the repository of subconscious desires, and the mother of one's coming into being.
The Khematic understanding of the heart was profoundly sophisticated; they saw it as the source of Maat, their concept of karma, and the mother of reincarnation. The ab was believed to undergo examination by one's own wisdom faculty, and one's heart would fashion one's fate according to one's will, desires, and understanding of one's true self. This aligns remarkably with modern neuroscience, which has discovered that the heart has its own brain—an intrinsic nervous system with about 40,000 neurons capable of independent thought and feeling.
Ancient Kemet also understood the heart as a guide—an inner oracle for those seeking to live a life of truth. By quieting the mind and listening to the heart, they believed one could access higher intelligence and find truth beyond mere thinking. This resonates with modern practices of heart-centered meditation and intuition development.
It's as if these ancient insights are being rediscovered and validated by our most cutting-edge science. Although many of us don't care for scientific validation, the Sufis, the Islamic mystics, practiced the prayer of the heart, focusing all their attention on the heart center. And guess what?
Modern research from the Heart Math Institute shows that heart-focused meditation can significantly alter brain wave patterns, improving emotional regulation and spiritual well-being. The Heart Math Institute discovered that the heart's electromagnetic field can be measured several feet away from your body. You're literally broadcasting your heart's energy to the world around you.
Breathe. Feel. In yogic philosophy, the heart chakra, Anahata, is the bridge between the lower and higher chakras.
It's where matter meets spirit. This is not a new age concept; it's much more ancient. The heart chakra is associated with love, compassion, and spiritual connection—the very qualities modern psychology recognizes as crucial for personal growth and well-being.
As you're hearing how all these different cultures view the heart, you're probably noticing a pattern: all these unrelated traditions see the heart as the seat of divine wisdom and spiritual transformation. It's not a coincidence. Breathe.
Think. Feel. In Chinese medicine, the heart is the emperor of all organs, governing your entire being.
What they think and write about the heart isn't poetic language; it's recognition of the heart's central role in our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, based on thousands of years of careful observation and experience. Are you starting to see the bigger picture here? Every culture and every spiritual tradition has recognized the heart as something far more than just a blood pump.
So why do all these traditions, separated by time and distance, come to the same conclusion about the heart? Because they've experienced it firsthand. Mystic traditions are all about experiencing the divine directly—not through doctrine, but through personal, unfiltered encounters with cosmic consciousness.
They're trying to dissolve the barrier between self and universal consciousness to merge with ultimate reality. Time and time again, these mystics have found that the heart is the gateway to all divine experience. If you want to experience God's presence directly, without all the dogma, then like and subscribe.
I'm going to show you how to use your heart for that very thing. Now let me tell you about the heart's energetic field. The energetic systems of the heart aren't only about blood and vessels; it's about the invisible waves of energy radiating from you.
Our eyes can't see everything. Like I had mentioned in our video on the spine, we only see a tiny fraction—0. 35%—of all electromagnetic light, and a lot of that is flowing right through you.
Think. Think! The Heart Math Institute also discovered that the heart's electromagnetic field extends several feet from your body in all directions.
Several feet, I said! And this is all measurable, quantifiable energy that influences everything around you. Listen: this field isn't static; it changes based on your emotional state.
When you're feeling love, gratitude, or compassion, the field becomes more coherent, more harmonious. They can measure and visualize this using special equipment. Breathe.
Feel that energy radiating from your heart right now. Science is only validating what the ancients have said for tens of thousands of years because research has also shown that this coherent heart field can influence the brain waves of people nearby. Your heart is literally broadcasting your emotional state to the world around you.
You're not just feeling your emotions; you're transmitting them. Breathe. The ancient Chinese were onto this in their concept of "xin" (heart-mind).
The heart was seen as the seat of consciousness, not just a blood pump. Very similar to the teachings of ancient Kemet that I mentioned earlier, the Chinese recognized the intimate connection between our emotions, thoughts, and spiritual state long before modern science caught up. This energy isn't just radiating outward; it's also communicating inward.
Studies have found that the heart sends more information to the brain than the brain sends to the heart. This flips our brain-centric view of consciousness on its head and aligns more closely with ancient wisdom traditions. Every single heartbeat generates a complex series of electromagnetic pulses.
These pulses carry information that affects our emotions, our perceptions, and even our intuition. Now, the concept of the heart as an energetic powerhouse used to be esoteric, which just means secret. The ancient mystics kept these things hidden from the general population, fearing misuse or improper practice.
So, before I teach you some practical wisdom, let me warn you: if you want to practice these techniques, find a master teacher. I'll give you the specifics, but I can't be there physically to guide you. In energy healing traditions, the heart is seen as a powerful transmitter and receiver of subtle energies.
Healers often focus on opening and balancing the Heart Center to facilitate healing and spiritual growth. Like I've been saying, your heart is not only pumping blood; it's transmitting and receiving vital life force energy. I know many in our community love scientific validation, so I bet you're happy with how I've been blending the two.
Here's some more recent science: a study in the *Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine* found that heart-focused practices, like loving-kindness meditation, can significantly improve both physical health and psychological well-being. And for the ancients, it wasn't just African and Eastern traditions; in esoteric Christianity, the Sacred Heart symbolizes divine love and compassion, representing a direct connection to the divine. In Kabbalah, the Jewish mystical tradition, the heart is associated with Tiferet, representing harmony, beauty, and compassion.
It's seen as the balancing point of the entire Tree of Life. The Sufis talk about polishing the mirror of the heart to reflect divine reality. As you develop spiritually, your heart becomes more refined, allowing you to perceive reality in profound new ways.
This idea of the heart as an organ of spiritual perception isn't just mystical; it's scientific. It aligns perfectly with our understanding of the heart's complex nervous system and its role in intuition and emotional intelligence. Are you starting to grasp the magnitude of what I'm talking about?
Your heart is an antenna for cosmic energy. If you want to tune that frequency of your heart's resonance properly, then comment [Music] below. Now it's time for practice.
I'm going to show you how to work with this energy and how to resound the power within your heart. First things first: awareness is key. When you tune into your heart, you're tuning into the broadcast of your soul.
Try this right now: place your hand over your heart. Feel its steady beat. This isn't just a physical sensation; you're touching the very core of your being.
It's more than feeling good, but that's a huge part of it—to feel those emotions consciously and intentionally in every session. Let's start with a heart coherence practice. Do this: sit comfortably and close your eyes.
Place your hand on your heart. Take slow, deep breaths, imagining you're breathing in and out through your heart area. Now remember a time when you felt deep love or appreciation.
Really feel that emotion in your heart. Hold this feeling for a few minutes. This is a simplified version of the HeartMath Institute's Quick Coherence technique.
With this, you're working with real energies, tapping into the power that every mystical tradition has recognized. The HeartMath Institute has been researching these practices for decades, showing their effects on everything from stress reduction to improved cognitive function. As you continue this practice, you might feel a warmth or expansion in your chest.
You might feel calmer, more centered. This is your heart field becoming more coherent. Don't be surprised if you start feeling more connected to yourself and the world around you.
Breathe. Feel. Now let's add some movement.
Gentle yoga poses that open the chest can help activate and balance the Heart Center. In Hatha Yoga, poses like Cobra, Camel, and Fish pose are specifically designed to open the heart chakra. Try this: stand up straight, feet hip-width apart.
As you inhale, raise your arms out to the sides and up overhead, opening your chest. As you exhale, bring your palms together in front of your heart in prayer position. Feel the openness in your chest.
Do this a few times, focusing on the sensations in your heart area. Breathe. You're not only stretching muscles; we're activating your Heart Center, allowing energy to flow more freely through channels.
Deep breathing also stimulates the vagus nerve, crucial for heart-brain communication. Recent research shows vagus nerve stimulation can improve heart rate variability, a key indicator of emotional and physical health. Ready for a more advanced practice?
Try this heart meditation technique: sit comfortably with your spine straight. Place your hands over your heart, one on top of the other. As you inhale, imagine drawing love and light into your heart.
As you exhale, radiate this love and light out to the world. Do this for 20 minutes, focusing on the sensation in your heart. This practice is based on the understanding of the heart as a center of spiritual energy.
By focusing your attention and breath on your heart, you're activating its innate wisdom and power. Remember, consistency is key; even a few minutes. .
. Of focused heart practice each day can lead to life-transforming shifts over time. The ancient Mystics knew this, and we should not forget this Mystic legacy and wisdom.
They didn't just practice occasionally; it was daily, hourly, intently, and intensely. Bring awareness to your heart throughout your day. Notice how you're feeling—stressed, contracted.
Take a moment to breathe into your heart; feel it expand. This constant awareness is what the Sufis call remembrance. It's a powerful tool for spiritual growth.
Breathe, feel your true self, others, and the universe. It's about recognizing that at your core, you are love. You are that cosmic energy expressing itself through your unique current human form.
Breathe, feel, and awaken to the power of your heart.
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