Falta de água | Nerdologia

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Video Transcript:
Welcome to nerdologia! I am Atila, Biologist, Researcher . .
. And tired of water that tastes like fern Today I'll give you a reason to not want to bathe anymore We're so used to open the faucet and see water coming out (or we were) That we don't think of it as a finite resource But a lot had to happen before the water appears in your faucet The water we use has to be collected somewhere And in Brazil, be it water of a river, lake or well . .
. It came from the rain! While in other countries it can come from thaw or desalination of sea water .
. . And after it's collected, it still must be treated A process that usually involves: Filtration Flocculation, which basically in making the dissolved dirt go to the bottom And the addition of chlorine.
Occasionally also fluorine. This was not always possible. For a long time, finding drinking water was a problem for mankind.
A problem with yummy solutions. Like in Asia, where water was boiled and consumed as teas. In some parts of Africa, the milk was treated as a source of water.
They'd let cows drink dirty water, so their milk could be consumed without problems. Water sources like rivers and lakes. .
. Also determined our preference for where to build cities And as Jared Diamond explains in desperate book "Collapse". .
. The lack of water is also one of the reasons for the extinction of several people Like the Mayans in Mexico And the Anasazi in the United States But in Brazil we are very well served with water We have more than one tenth of all drinking water in the world Most of it concentrated in the northern region And much of this water is available to the rest of the country by flying rivers. According to INPE researcher.
. . José Marengo Since trees lose too much moisture to the air Up to 10 times more than the ocean by area This forms the clouds and masses of moist air, that'll rain in central and southeastern Brazil.
The Amazon may not be the world's lung, but it is the country's shower. That's why we don't suffer from lack of water. No.
Wait . . .
Okay, it's missing plenty of water That because I told you where the water comes from But I forget to tell you what we do with it We are specialists in spoiling drinking water We release pesticides, fertilizers and animal waste in agricultural regions Which, besides killing aquatic life, Also stimulates the growth of algae and bacteria, releasing various toxins in the water That may end up the little oxygen that remains Or at least it releases a compound, called geosmin, that is non-toxic But gives the water that earthy flavor and aroma That I called fern No, we go even further And we use drinking, clean water To pee and poop! According to the National Plan for Sanitation Less than half of Brazil have access to sewage collection at home And much of this sewage isn't treated We release this filthy water in rivers, lakes and dams And we spoil even more the water that could be consumed Just think of São Paulo. How ironic it is That in the city's greatest shortage of water, It is crossed by a river that has been turned into an open potty.
And yet it's treated as a prime area. Besides the obvious pollution Metals and bacteria that were still in the bottom, are being shaken Now that we dredged the bottom of the city's reservoirs And also launched something else in the water, which often the treatment does not solve. As USP professors, Marcelo Pompêu and Rolf Weber, saw in the city's reservoirs.
All drugs, legal and illegal, that we consume are there. Yes, because most of what we consume is filtered by the kidneys and will go to our pee. Watch the sewer, and you'll know when the breakfast was by the amount of caffeine dissolved in the water Or worse, as it has been seen in the UK, the water dams can even contain cocaine And there is no reason to think that's because of the difference of our sources Another problem is the medication we take In many places the female hormones of the pill Are turning male fish, reptiles, and amphibians, into females in the water And, again, we have no reason to think it would be different with humans There's also the overuse of antibiotics we take And the shitty antibacterial soaps that aren't good for anything.
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. . and pollute the water even more.
And don't think you're safe drinking bottled water! As the UNICAMP professor's, Wilson Jardim, research shows . .
. In addition to the pollutants in plastic containers, this contaminated water doesn't stay on the surface The pollutants can infiltrate into the soil and contaminate the groundwater Like wells and mineral springs That is, we are literally shitting in the water that we drink This is for the water we already have in the reservoirs If you remember that the water must come from rain We're still ending our source According to researchers from INPE, as Antônio Nobre . .
. Global warming and especially the growing deforestation of the Amazon . .
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. are ending the cycle of rains that'd bring Northern moisture for the rest of the country. We are destroying our water and food, so we can sell wood, raise cattle and plant fuels.
Now think that water consumption continues to increase, while the volume of rain is falling The future forecast isn't having the same as before It's having less water and higher consumption In other words, blame Saint Peter and save water as much as you want. As long as we don't have sewage treatment and environmental preservation policies. .
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. and we recognize the problem of chronic lack of water, The situation will only get worse. Be sure to like and share the video .
. . Subscribe to our channel to more cold showers.
See you next Thursday. Thanks to Luiz Bento from "Discutindo Ecologia" . .
. And to Professor Marcelo Pompêu for helping. This Nerdology was sponsored by FarCry4 from Ubisoft Try to survive an army commanded by a psychopath in the Himalayas Available for PS3 and PS4 Please.
. . Reviews, comments, suggestions down here .
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