Como acabar com a retenção de liquido

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Leandro Twin
Saiba como eliminar retenção de liquido com estas dicas. Vou falar do que você pode tomar naturalmen...
Video Transcript:
How to end your fluid retention. We will address this in today's video, but I would like to start by making an addendum - I saw a lot of retention content of liquids. And the people bring some things that in practice It makes no difference.
"Consume magnesium", "Consume vitamin B6". Guys, let's work on this video here what works. What will you put into practice and will give difference.
So stay with me until the end of the video, that this video here is to add from truth in your life is not meant to make you waste time buying a lot of things. Let's put what works. And you will see that it is simpler than you imagine.
We can't start video any other way other than stressing what? When you decrease your fluid retention, this improves your muscle definition but if you have the fat percentage very loud no use coming with this chat from: "I'm stuck, I'm going to have a diuretic . .
. ". No, no!
You have a high fat percentage. When we talk about retention, you can see when an athlete is going to dehydrate, he's already dry he's already set too much. This is to give a plus, a tchan.
Get the shape of the guy ready to go up on the stage. No one will be there, with no buds showing in the abdomen, and will do a dehydration, or will take fluid retention and will stay defined. That does not exist!
So stop this business of "I'm half retained ". Not! You have a high fat percentage.
Withheld is another thing. Focus on fat percentage reduction first of all that's what is going to Improve your line. Now I've reduced it, and I'm really retained of liquids.
I am really like fluid retention. Now let's get into the strategies. One more thing before!
I'm not holding content no. It's just that I remembered something else. We also have to remember that water In our body it is very volatile.
What is volatile Leandro? Do you remember the Chapolim? If you remember write here in the comments.
She goes easy and comes easy. Then that's it. You went there, went to a steak house, consumed too much sodium, ate pizza.
The other day you wake up withheld. You will realize that a couple of days later, it goes away, that is - go easy, come easy. So this concern - I will take care: diuretic all day long .
. . I don't know what .
. . and such.
It's not necessary, because if you don't it's dry enough fat that Won't change your life. This will not solve your problem. You have to get thin.
You have to lose fat. And if you need for a specific day- I'm going to a beach, I'll get a pool, you makes for that specific day. Right?
"But Leandro, the practices that you will put here, can I use it everyday if I want? ". Can!
Beauty! I'm just trying to bring something to you of usefulness, to serve your life, and not disturb her. For you not to live every day .
. . You say, "I just wanted to take retention in that specific day ".
Then do this conduct three days before. And it turned out right? And come on, the conduct I suggest for my students.
Including. "Leandro, how do I become your student? " leandrotwin.
com. br just login there, all online. I mount your workouts, work out your macros, shoot all your doubts.
You can only ask what I know. Let's not put . .
. It's not worth asking what I can't answer, not to get boring. Of course it's a personal joke.
What I do not know I go after, and even I thank my students very much, because a lot of the things I know today was because they They came to ask me. And I said to them, "Look, I'm going hunting answer to that. Won't be without, but give me one or two days ".
I took a book, I studied. This is a lesson in humility. I learned a lot from my students when they They ask me things they don't know.
Is not cool? And first of all, it sure is: decrease your sodium intake. We don't want to zero sodium consumption.
"Leandro, if I zero the sodium intake - you won't even be able to reset - but will, get as close to zero as possible. Can I get more retention? " Go!
That's right. Quiet. It's just not cool.
Likewise, that you zero consumption Carbohydrate is not welcome. You zero the calcium intake which is a mineral, and now it seems a little more similar to you, is not welcome. Zeroing a food is not welcome.
Iodine. . .
So sodium is a mineral that plays functions, including participating in contractions Muscle So you don't zero sodium intake, but you can reduce it as much as possible. So you can use, for example, instead of spices with a lot of sodium you can use a little spice from "Growth". See how cool!
Or any zero sodium spice because I I'm not here to sell "Growth". You can use instead of common salt, the light salt. "Leandro, what's my best diet salt?
" There is already video here on the channel: best salt for The diet is "light" salt. "Ah, but the pink salt . .
. ". No, pink salt has a lot of sodium in fact.
Oh, and the salt . . .
I already made video about it. "Light" salt is the best salt for your diet. And thank it, because he also has a very interesting price.
Other things that sometimes go beats It's albumin. Albumin has a lot of sodium. You can notice the nutritional table.
The canned ones. The sausages. Ah, you say: "The sausages I don't use in the diet ".
There are people who use turkey breasts. "Ah, canned I don't use Leandrão". There are people who use sardines.
So they have plenty of sodium. And that has to be taken care of because it increases retention of liquids. This tip will not go wrong right?
So reduce your sodium intake. Second tip, you will not go wrong: Water! What is the best diuretic?
Water! There's no way. You will not find that you will take retention of liquids drinking a liter, or a liter and a half of water.
Not! This will not work right? Have to take three, four, five, six liters of water.
This will depend on how much your body need it. So a man, a woman, a guy who trains and sounds a lot . .
. summer, winter. So all this will depend.
Ideally, every urine in your day come out transparent except for the first. We found a nice amount of water to you and she will help you remove the retention of liquids. However, we can boost it.
Let's talk about something that works, and that is natural, and that is not bad for your body. It will be: green tea, hibiscus, and horsetail. These three teas are very powerful for remove fluid retention.
More or less there, between 500 ml to 1 liter per day of each. Very advantageous. And he goes into the water bill.
"Ah, I have to drink 5 liters of water a day". I'm going to have 1 liter of green tea, 1 liter of horsetail tea, 1 liter hibiscus tea, and 2 more liters of water. "Ball show", cool!
"Leandro Twin, can I handle this tea and consume by sending a large amount of Water? ". May also.
Next tip - Caffeine. Extremely welcome caffeine, diuretic, very nice. But we have something to emphasize.
Caffeine when it is used every day, a low diuretic effect is observed. And that's why the occasional use of caffeine . .
. When it's a long time person who doesn't consume caffeine, and she does. She stands there peeing, peeing, peeing.
But if she consumes every day, that is normalizes. So caffeine, on time, will get you make a more interesting impact. Leandro Twin, and in relation to consuming watermelon, diuretic foods .
. . Cucumber.
So you see, you increase your intake of liquids and consuming "caliber" diuretics, really powerful, for example - the teas. These kinds of foods become, let's put it this way, in a very loving way - despicable . .
. For our analysis, for our purpose of diuresis, of course. Lymphatic Drinage - Does It Work or Doesn't Work?
It works, but we have to remember, that this is something punctual. As I explained, the liquid goes easy and It comes easy. So if you want to remove retention of for a specific date, a drainage Lymphatic disease is welcome.
"Leandro, I'll do it right there, like . . .
". Really you can do but the expense of money will not justify the benefit that you will get. “Leandro, my business is to appeal.
When I was younger it was aimbolt on Counter Strike, when I grew up, I'll send diuretic inside, medicine ”. That will work? For sure!
Diuretic medicines are very pronounced, work very well, but there are costs to health for those who do not need to send them. So, here I will quote - diuretic medicines they will help you, but they will charge you a price. Does physical activity improve this, Leandro?
It improves because during physical activity we have a loss of sweat. So we lose salt, we lose water, and it will also help. "Leandro, but I still have a giant retention dude!
I do not understand". So you have to check how is your liver, and your kidneys. Because if they are not working very well, you can have fluid retention, so be very careful.
This may be indicative of a problem. bigger. Let's talk about some hormones here.
I will not speak here of ADH, Aldosterone, yet for them to be directly linked, no need of such a human physiology carries so not for this video. We just have to remember that estradiol, mainly, it causes fluid retention. So the woman, in the menstruation process, she may have this increase due to discharge hormonal An individual who is using steroids anabolic steroids that you are flavoring can also have some fluid retention.
And so, he putting estradiol at the level Normal, a lower level, this will help. So anti flavoring can be welcome if you have high estradiol. Heart problems, and thyroid problems, also related to retention of liquid.
So again I reinforce - it's very Exaggerated this, let's investigate. Are you enjoying this video? If so, leave a "like" that this helps a lot who is doing it.
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So don't disappoint me as far as creative likes this video here. Help with page ranking, which has a Good intention with you. I guarantee you that.
The best thing I have is my intention with you. I assure you. And finally, there is a practice that you can do but which is not indicated - which is natural dehydration, reasonably safe.
Why reasonably safe? Because no dehydration is legal for your body, right? Not welcome, not cool, your body You won't like it.
You may suffer from cramp with a lot of things. You can consume plenty of water 5 days followed - then six, seven liters of water. And you totally cut the water.
Remembering that this water may be involved in the teas that we already commented. And you cut the water for 24 hours. So midnight today i stop taking water until midnight tomorrow.
For what? For a photo shoot, any specific event, but I reinforce you - it's not a practice welcome is not something your body will accept well. There are risks, there are complications, because Dehydrating is not cool for the body.
Beauty? Something we can add here too, to remove fluid retention, it is in relation to fasting. Fasting promotes a higher diuresis state.
So if you do an intermittent fasting diet you will realize that during this period fasting you will get an improvement in excretion of water through your body. But when you eat again, automatically you retain liquid again. So if an individual wants to be a little bit better he can do an intermittent fast that particular day, and just be in the water and in tea to remove this retention.
"Sauna, Leandro Twin, help? " Help too, cool. But I'll always point this out the video whole - forgive if I'm being repetitive.
Retention is always something temporary. So I took your sauna today, tomorrow will be come back. Then I'll do something punctual.
"Leandro, can I do the dehydration protocol and get in the sauna? ". The more dehydrated you become the more dangerous for your health it is.
Just remember that. And lastly a quick tip, which is: ingestion potassium Then you can the "Slow K" which sells in pharmacy, or potassium supplement, or consume foods that have plenty of potassium. Which one is he going to .
. . Let's put it so roughly, he will dispute space with sodium.
Then it can stimulate mixing, and excretion of sodium. Remembering that excess potassium does not It's welcome, not cool. It even causes bradycardia, but you can put this in order to empower it.
Another substance is also ascorbic acid, which is vitamin C. Vitamin C when you use large doses, the body tends to excrete. Because it says: "It's too much vitamin C, not need, will not absorb, is not good for anything".
And then it increases the diuresis, and when it increases diuresis you also improve retention of liquids. However excessive amounts of vitamin C are bad for the body, so it's something to think. I want to remove my fluid retention, but at what cost?
Is it welcome for me to do this? Always ask yourself this question. Right?
Did I help you? Hope so. Subscribe to the channel, click the like, it's That's what motivates.
And put it here in the comments - what you uses for fluid retention that you It was good. Why the question? Because this video will be the richest of Youtube I already .
. . before recording it, going on air, I already know that because you contribute writing here.
"Leandro, I use this strategy, for me It's going very well". And you who are watching now can come down in the comments and check out some strategies who may be "one more" in relation to to everything that was said in this video. Beauty?
A hug, and stay with the next video . . .
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