Dr. Joe Dispenza - Les Secrets de la Glande Pinéale et du Champ Quantique (En Français)

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Take advantage of 7 days free on Gaia, the first platform to raise awareness, with the catalog the in the world. Discover thousands of films and original programs now, the link is in the description. Have you ever had a lucid dream, an out-of-body experience, or a of the body, or a mystical moment that pushed you to change the way you look at our world?
Have you ever wondered how or even why it happened? Have you ever wished you could experience a other similar experience? It is a transcendental moment where we let's leave all that is known to go and experience the the realm of the unknown, as if the mystery of the self was revealed.
I am Dr Joe Dispenza. In the episode previous, we compared the dimensions of space-time and the time-space, we have opposed the material world of the three-dimensional reality of the senses, where each thing takes on time, to the immaterial world of the fifth dimension and beyond. The world beyond the senses, composed of energy and frequencies.
I will start by introducing you to the pineal gland and two important neurotransmitters: serotonin and melatonin. Let's start with the term pineal which is pronounced as it is written. Pineal means pine cone shaped.
The pineal body does indeed look like a pine cone. It is not by chance if it was named after its form the pineal body is a tiny gland not much bigger than the than a grain of rice. It is located just between the back of the throat and the back of your head.
Knowing where it is is very important because when you start to learn to activate it you must be aware of its location and to be able to focus your attention on it when we always say it your energy always goes to the same place as your attention the more you pay attention to it, the more you will be aware of it the more you stay present thanks to him and the more you will use your energy to activate it bingo the pin body is very sensitive to visible light sunlight or artificial light that we have at home or in the office at the wavelength once our eyes are open and perceive the light light the optic nerve captures the light frequency it then sends a signal to a core located in the brain the super nucleus this nucleus sends a signal to the sympathetic nervous system which sends it to the pine tree pine is then responsible for producing a euro serotonin is a neurotransmitter that acts during the day and which once activated makes us aware that we are in space and time as fear that we are body within environment and time it generates a particular brain wave the state brain waves they are the ones that push us to be more careful to the outside world thanks to the serotonin released we the and we stay busy during the day this graph represents the low frequency of visible light that exists in the electromagnetic spectrum is this tiny flash in the whole of the reality to which our eyes our senses are the most sensitive in case of d or absence of light the absence of the light wavelength usually reaches the back of the eye the optic nerve decreases the release of serotonin in the the brain l of the light thus sends a signal to the supra nucleus that will slow down the sympathetic nervous system on cor then begins to s another chemical substance the melatonin is the neurotransmitter that acts at night when the melatonin level starts to increase due to from the darkness of the night we suddenly start to slow down our brainwaves by switching from alpha rhythm to theta and finally to the delta rhythm thanks to melatonin our body rests and regenerates serotonin makes us get up in the morning and melatonin sends us are two important neurotransmitters that help us to get to bed at night. works according to a rhythm called rhythm this when you live in a specific environment and location in the world your brain chemistry is trained to perceive the light with the sun rising and falling layer there is a friendly acid called l try which is the raw material or the fundamental element of serotonin and melatonin the l try becomes of the l h try women also called 5 it triggers another chemical cycle and only one that we obtain of serotonin the serotonin goes through another process and organic process and becomes a hate island serotonin which becomes melatonin in turn it are therefore simple chemical cycles in the body pin located at the back of the brain which facilitates this process based on the visible light wavelength or frequency on a 24-hour cycle the levels of melatonin are at their highest between one hour and 4 hours morning it is important to know because when we m to activate the pin body at the back of our brain you should know that it is better to wake up enough early when commodities are at their peak the melatonin levels drop when stress hormones increase it is a function that has adapted very well for years in the environment so when a stressful event or dangerous occurs when we perceive a threat in the environment we act our stress hormones our system fight-or-flight or sympathetic nervous system, and we are prepare for danger as long as we perceive a threat in our external world it is therefore preferable to not to go to bed because sleeping would make us more vulnerable as potential prey when melatonin decreases and that stress hormones increase our sleep rate is interrupted because the raw material for us to sleep is am not when the stress level drops we do not are more in survival mode in emergency mode melatonin increases and the body can rest, regenerate and be repaired concerning melatonin the studies are very interesting because it is found in so many important biological processes melatonin is responsible for repairing and replicating the d it stops hyper cortisol in response to stress in other words, if your melatonin levels increase these hormones of stress decreases admin or add some melatonin can sometimes be enough to allow us to have a restful sleep melatonin also improves the metabolism of our carbohydrates an interesting concept because in ancient times our stress or the survival mode was mostly through starvation or to the lack of food still today when the gene of survival is activated the body will suddenly take carbohydrates and store them as fat so that our body is a reserve of energy people who are constantly stressed always take carbohydrates to store them as melatonin tends to break this cycle it decreases the sorting levels it in lateral or the hardness of the arteries it increases the immune responses of the and metabolism, it decreases certain responses of the body. laboratory animals, it increases the duration of the experiment by 25 of life in some laboratory animals it plays a role in the important role of neuro protection in the brain promotes the restful sleep it is an important antioxidant ph of free radicals antioxidants are anti-disease agents heart disease and anti-inflammatory and anti-stroke medication.
really that you remember this information about melatonin melatonin is essential because it repairs and regenerates our body here is the ancient Egyptian symbol that we call the Russian eye on the right is what we call a brain cut if you take both of the brain that you divide in two by the middle and you separate them you will get a side view of the brain and the resemblance is striking between the brain the seat of the autonomic nervous system and the Russian eye you should know that this represents a kind of of inner vision the pine gland is also known for be the third eye because once it is stimulated and activated at the higher level it gives us a vision This is called the fibonacci sequence or the golden number if you place it all around the circumference of the brain the number of hours should indicate the exact location of the horn in the nature many elements take up the pattern of this golden number the universe the shells the internal form of a flower is much more the body has a system of two veins arc earth nerve in and out its blood circulation is rich and dense I discovered a interesting article on the characteristic and potential role of the trans electro of new crystals in the horn the summary says the cor pin is a trans neuro end s of the melatonin responsible for controlling the physiological cycle a new form of bio has been studied in the body human pine it consists of small crystals of less than of 20 micro length screw it's crystals could play the role of biological trans mechanism in the body thanks to their structure and their electrical properties it is a little bit of chara bien but there is only two terms you need to pay attention to electric pi properties and trans don't forget the next page says this the crystals of the horn are similar to a battery of a thin sheet whose flat surface is normal is gold to the long axis of the crystal and to help you visualize think of calcium carbs or ca that have the form of an empire over each other others within the horn if we apply a stress mechanical if we compress it is crystals this kind of action will generate an external electromagnetic field and take an energy form the mechanical stress to transform it into another form of energy the electric charge we see here the mentioned crystals in the previous article it is in your pine gland besides many have its crystals in their horn carrier pigeons for example are equipped with these tiny crystals like you and me and they are very sensitive to electromagnetic energy since the earth has its own field electromagnetic and that pigeons are able to connect to its powerful signal they can travel from one place to another they are sensitive to the and it is this information they receive that transforms their meaning I would like to talk to you electrical pi effects electrical pi effects are the capacity of certain materials generated an electrical charge in response to a mechanical stress the term electrical pi comes from the Greek pi which means tight or pressed but also from the Greek meaning to push one of the unique characteristics of the electric pi effect is that it is reversible in the main materials that directly generate the electrical pi effects produce electricity when stress is applied but if it generates also an opposite electrical pi effect, i. e. it generates of stress when the electric field is applied when the electrical pi material is under the influence of mechanical stress a constant movement of positive and negative charges is centered on the material and then results in an electrical charge in the opposite direction the external electric field will either stretch or compress the electric pi material know that It seems complex but hang on because I'm going to to lift the veil on this process how to compress these crystals inside our brain and apply to it a mechanical stress our brain is surrounded by this cave of ivory which is the skull how to penetrate it to compressing its crystals in the skull the spine is into the bone named sa at the base of its column is the most fragile system of your body the central nervous system besides without your nervous system you couldn't digest your empty food is your bladder or eyes you can't even you move without your nervous system tell yourself that your nervous system is like the electrical wires feeding the machine in this closed system is a liquid of final liquid c the functions of the liquid spin are fundamental they generate the fleet effect of the central nervous system it plays a neuroprotective role against trauma at the in case there is a movement or a slowdown is the fluid that protects the brain and the spinal cord of the bone overflows it also serves to transport liquids, chemicals and nutrients from the to the nervous system and finally it plays a role in the great role in the improvement of the electric charges conduction in the nervous system when you inhale the of your skull opens when you exhale the sut of your skull closes at the same time to the base of your column where the bag is located when you breathe the f-bag back in and when you send the f-bag forward and visualize it together causes the opening of the sut there is more volume in the skull is the f back which pushes the famous liquid spin to go down under gravity when you say that the bag is in advance the system and the sut are closed that propagates a wave that causes the rise of the famous liquid to against gravity if you were to load a molecule of the cerebral fluid the mark and follow it during the day the cerebral fluid will leave from the bottom of your spine to go all the way up through four cavities a or wind in the brain it would go through and down to the bottom a healthy person needs 12 hours to move its overall of this system makes us drain our brain twice per day but what if you contract the dry intrinsic muscles of your body what you use to relieve yourself to have sex and if you contract your lower ab by pushing your belly button towards your column and in con your upper ab this contraction of the intrinsic muscles corresponds to an ancient technique of yoga the band by pressing these muscles begin to cause the rise of the famous liquid imagine that you take a long and deep breath you will slowly follow your breath by con your intrinsic muscles you follow your breathing that you take it to the pine tree body you hold it and you focus on the body pin is it your objective the fact of contracting its muscles and hold your breath push will be the famous liquid to the your brain and by rebreathing you press the famous liquid spin against the crystals of the horn applied therefore a mechanical stress this mechanical stress activates the crystals of electrically once they are electrically activated you activate the radio receiver in your brain look at the wind in your brain we have the fourth wind located near the brainstem, but mostly looks at the third wind it is in this precise place in this dead-end corner that the horn is located finally there are two side winds now we look at this illustration these are the wind which resemble very much the Russian eye of which we we see how the liquid moves it leaves of the body to go up to the brain by passing by the they travel along the surface of the top of the neo then it flows back down suddenly so when you take a long deep breath still giving this inspiration with the contraction of your muscles you send energy in your brain by electrically activating here a magnet it has a north and a south pole the stronger the polarity between the North Pole and the south pole plus the invisible electromagnetic field around the magnet will be strong you can't perceive this field with your senses but it exists if you take a magnet and place it at both ends of the cop these chips begin to organize themselves to form a group under the electromagnetic field the energy then produces an effect on the matter your body is a magnet it also has from a north pole and a south pole the cultures of asia for thousands of years, some studies carried out in the United States have shown that the University of ya in the 1940s focused on the eggs of different realities by studying these eggs they have discovered that in 100 of the cases the positive charge is located at the level of the head the negative charge at the at the level of the tail, in other words an invisible electromagnetic field takes the form of the egg in fact the body has from the same mechanisms we know that until the age of 35 95 years of our energy is stored unconsciously in our body and 5 are stored in our brain and our mind do what your thoughts generate chemical substances and you have to feel in a certain way and if these thoughts are related to anger at aggression to fear to guilt or to the shame you transform them into energy and store them in the lower centers of your body by feeling these same factual emotions following the same reasoning if we live according to the first three centers of our body the more we then into this invisible field of light and of information to transform it chemically the more we reduce this field turning in our body that is how we become more more matter and less energy more particles and less and these first three centers consume the energy then in this field to make chemical substances we gas our life force we end up becoming like a piece of metal without its electromagnetic field without its magnetism a lot of energy is then stored in our body and very little energy stored in the brain but it must necessarily exist a way for the spirit to leave and that the the energy returns to the brain we will take the energy used to have a child you have to digest a meal to react to something or someone and instead of l we have it in the brain it is thanks to that we can bring the energy back to the brain on the first day of cerebral fluid contains proteins from the stool and a solution liquid if you take the protein and salt and that you put them in the solution it develops a either positive or negative charge it gains or loses electrons for this exercise you are going to inspire while con your muscles is the fact of contracting them and to coordinate these two actions which cause the rise of the of the fluid c in the brain made by taking a molecule charged in it you will generate a field that we have long sung d and if you accelerate several charged molecules to generate a larger energy field.
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