The First Principles of 4th Density Consciousness

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Aaron Abke
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Video Transcript:
as I said we want to be focusing in in these conversations on the mechanics of fourth density Consciousness the mechanics the principles the first principles let's put it that way of heart-based Consciousness this is the way that we can understand anything in the universe literally any Endeavor in in human society any Hobby Sport activity art form to really know a thing is to know the first principles of that thing and first principles are difficult to describe right what that means or what that is but we might say that the first principles of something are the
the metaphysical Foundation upon which that thing rests so that if you really deeply understand or in understand from the heart space the first principles of something you begin to embody it very quickly and naturally you become very Adept at that thing very naturally and again this is true for anything every hobby every sport every art form every philosophy you name it so let's talk about the first principles of heart-based Consciousness fourth density Consciousness this framework we're going to be talking about today guys I cannot overemphasize how important it is for you to digest this from
your mind into your heart into your spirit and to get this understanding today because this these first principles we're going to be covering is the whole Foundation of fourth density Consciousness this is let's say the inner framework you will live from naturally as a fourth density being and all fourth density beings anywhere in the universe live within this framework we're talking about today so really lean into this conversation because this will help you begin to embody fourth density Consciousness very quickly if you can get this and that is our typical conversation of relationship and giving
and receiving but let's go deeper into this today so we talk about this in 4du all the time that all things exist in relationship and this is the basis for Oneness right Oneness does not mean that nothing in the universe is unique or different Oneness doesn't mean that everything is identical to everything else it means that everything exists in relationship right and since you are first and foremost always in relationship to yourself then what you think what you feel what your state of being is in any moment is how you have relationship to everything yeah
so if I want to be in loving relationship to life to anything in my life I have to first cultivate a loving relationship with my myself meaning if I'm abusive towards myself if I'm hard on myself if I guilt trip myself beat myself up I will take that relationship into every relationship in my life it'll extrapolate itself out everywhere yeah and so relationship is the invisible reality of the universe you're in relationship literally to anything you can perceive in your environment right now you can look around your room any object you see you're in relationship
to that it's in your vicinity it's in your environment when you need it how are you going to call it to yourself how are you going to use it how are you going to be in relationship to it how are you going to think and perceive about it from the water that you drink to the food that you eat the clothes that you wear uh the car that you drive the your relationship to the other people in traffic with you your own physical body as we just said your thoughts your feelings other people strangers your
spouse your children the universe itself everything exists in relationship and if you can find me one Exception by the way please put it in the chat what exists outside of any relationship in a total vacuum of isolation let me know in the chat if you can think of something you'll find when you contemplate this that there isn't anything that exists out of relationship outside of relationship even the ego right even the devil itself is bound to this Cosmic law even the ego has to be in relationship to your attention yeah it's got to be in
relationship to your energy your I am power it's got to be siphoning your energy all the time and so the ego is in relationship to everything but if we think for one moment that the ego is in a loving relationship with anything then we're gravely mistaken aren't we if we think that the ego obeys the laws of loving relationship uh we're definitely off base on that because it doesn't the ego engages in its own kind of relationship which we're going to talk about but in terms of true relationship what does it mean to be in
relationship to something well it means to be in loving relationship yeah and so the first principles as we've said the mechanics the fundamentals of loving relationship is giving and receiving giving and receiving that's what a loving relationship is and without both giving and receiving at the same time there isn't a loving relationship the a relationship cannot walk on one leg right it needs both giving and receiving to be happening at the same time because as A Course in Miracles says giving and receiving are actually one where one is the other is is as well and
so this is how we attract anything to oursel right is that the Creator in its infinite intelligence made the universe such that we are able to choose what we want to engage in relationship to if I want to be an astronaut then I can go engage in relationship to that I can study astrophysics and I can go to you know NASA and and do their training camps to be astronauts or whatever they do I can be in relationship to the idea the essence of being an astronaut and so this reveals to us why lack does
not exist why it's an absolute fabrication because there is no lack of anything there's just what I'm not in relationship to right always keep in mind that your true relationship to anything begins at the level of its spiritual essence not its material substance Essence not substance this is how we attract things to ourself through the power and the law of relationship is that we have to be in relationship loving relationship with the essence of what we desire and the mistake we make is that we try to be only in relationship to the substance of what
we desire the form right the the physical money or whatever and really on the inside we're in an unloving relationship with the essence of that desire right we feel poor inside we feel Unworthy of great sums of wealth we feel like it's far off and it's out of our reach in some way and so we're chasing it in the external but denying it on the internal yeah so the internal is the essence the external is the substance so you cannot feel poverty within and expect to manifest wealth without simple yeah no confusion on this point
you cannot feel poor on the inside and then expect to get rich on the outside that's an Essence substance mismatch you have to be in loving relationship to the essence first and then the substance will have no choice but to make its way into your reality and so in this example abundance is the essence of wealth isn't it wealth you know money currency is just the substance of of abundance not the essence it represents abundance yeah money is a representation of abundance not abundance itself do you guys understand that difference money is the substance of
abundance not the essence of abundance the essence of abundance is an internal State the essence of abundance is an internal State it's a relationship with the essence of what abundance means so as we contemplate why we feel habitually you know subjected to suffering and misery all the time despite our great aversion to suffering we come to discover that it only can stem from our relationship to the essence of suffering I'll say that again as we contemplate why am I always suffering all the time why do I suffer even though I don't want to suffer nobody
wants to suffer and yet everybody does why because they're out of alignment with the essence they're they're in a unloving relationship to their suffering and so it's an Essence substance mismatch they want to have a happy life in the external uh abundant relationships abundant finances happy living success you know they want to flourish they want to thrive in the 3D and yet internally they're in a abusive relationship with their own suffering they hate it they despise it right and what is the essence of suffering as we know here it's the three beliefs of the ego
the three beliefs of the ego is the essence of all suffering what you believe about who you are is what causes suffering and so we try to live happily in the external while on the inside we're believing in lack we have attachments and we're trying to be in control of life so there's a mismatch between the essence and the substance first clean up the essence right stop being in an abusive unloving relationship to the ego's beliefs and instead be in a loving relationship with them which is to forgive them yeah forgive the ego's beliefs don't
buy into them anymore stop agreeing with them stop letting them take you away and lock you in a dungeon of suffering forgive them let them be as they are step away be who you are right love does not impose itself on anybody or anything love does not try to change anything and so love isn't going to try to change the ego's beliefs it's just going to disengage from them and let them be as they are which means I can't be triggered by other people's lack beliefs I can't be triggered by other people's attachments I can't
be triggered by other people trying to control things control me control life I have to find a loving space Within Myself to accept those energies in others say that's okay that's where they are I have chosen not to be in a relationship to those beliefs any longer an unloving relationship I've chosen to forgive those beliefs in myself and return to the truth of my nature which is abundance wholeness trust innocence that's who I am so I'm no longer going to be abusing myself with those beliefs so that's one example right if we can't transcend suffering
the the substance of suffering the emotions the pain the terrible circumstances we always attract we will never transcend those things until we get to the root of what causes them those three beliefs cause all human suffering so that's where we got to deal with our suffering not on the external so I'm giving you this example as a a bigger metaphor to help you extrapolate this idea out of what does it mean to be in loving relationship with something everyone must come to the place where they realize that their relationships with the universe are horribly twisted
and in dire need of correcting everyone must come to the place where they realize I'm in many unloving relationships with life many abusive relationships with life as we've said with other people with food with your past memories with your body with your health with the music you listen to with the content you digest are you digesting negative you know addicting negative content well you're in an unloving relationship then with your with YouTube or with Instagram you know these this framework of relationship extrapolates to everything in your life definitely including social media right so we all
have to come to the place where we recognize this pattern of being in an unloving relationship with things and we're going to talk about what that is in a second but staying in this vein for a minute longer if I want love then I cannot go chase it in others right I can't go chase the substance of love which is a a new romantic partner a new best friend a wealthy friend who I can have luxurious experiences with that'll make me feel good I'll feel accepted then if I can have a rich friend there's different
ways the ego seeks love and others outside of itself so if I really want more love in my life then I must be in relationship to the essence of love love itself yeah meaning I myself must become loving I can't expect to attract love into my life and be a jerk to people and be selfish and use people and withhold love from others it's a substance Essence mismatch I must be giving what I want to receive I must give the love I want to receive I must make it my first priority to give what I
desire why because giving and receiving are one yeah what you give you will receive and always with accumulated energy meaning the love that you give all of it all the love you give will be multiplied back to you and this the universe has an infinite variety of ways that it returns things back to you it could just be that your your loving kindness towards other people is returned back to you in the shape of an elevated frequency you know maybe it doesn't mean you necessarily attract a bunch of more nice people in your life maybe
it's something a lot better than that maybe your frequency Rises higher and you feel more bliss during the day you feel more connected during the day you feel more gratitude during during the day why cuz you're just dishing out love and kindness to everybody you encounter so the universe is the great bookkeeper right Karma the great bookkeeper it's tallying every single loving action you give it says okay check check check and it gives it back to you in the form of some elevation of your spiritual frequency you will always receive you will always increase let's
say what you give and so in this framework of loving relationships uh we've given this definition many times if you understand this that all things exist in relationship and I am in relationship to everything in my life at every moment and this is an inescapable fact of my experience if I get that then how can I see Enlightenment according to that lens well Enlightenment would simply be the ability to be in a loving relationship with everything everything you just have practiced loving relationship and again the first principles of what a loving relationship means you've practiced
it so much that it's just your default mode so you don't you don't even know how to be in an unloving relationship to anything you lead with kindness you lead with patience presence openness generosity service compassion these are just the energies you've learned to live within because you love them because they feel good inside they make you feel abundant inside and so you've just made a choice that you prefer them over selfishness and greed and bitterness and judgment that's just not interesting to you anymore so let's look at the first principles or mechanics of giving
and receiving what does it mean to give in a very loose sense and let's just talk about our relationship to life itself let's just take the biggest most profound relationship we're all engaged in and understand it as a metaphor that applies to everything else all the little things right we don't need to exhaust all the little things let's just say what does it mean to give to Life Giving To Life means giving your best yeah giving life your best effort your best attitude your best intentions your your gratitude your openness you show up every day
in your life with your best effort to be the the most loving version of yourself the most grateful version of yourself to be present yeah to give life your attention to pay attention to your life all of those things are what giving means so giving in this way and pay attention to this see if you can really get this giving is not an activity or an action giving is not a verb in the sense of what we're talking about right now giving is a state of being it's a state of being yeah yeah it's a
way of being to be living from a state of giving your your operating mode is how what can I bless who can I bless how can I give more of what I am how can I be more authentic how can I be more kind and loving true giving is a state not an activity meaning you shouldn't have to think about it like mentally conceptually it should be a inner disposition where your energy is moving outwards all the time and when we've done our our lectures on self-mastery um one of the eight principles of self-mastery which
we're going to get into in upcoming lectures is that I polarize positively by moving my energy outwards more expansion of my energy The Wider my energy field grows the more I'm polarizing positively that's service to others yeah whereas moving my energy inwards is negative polarization so I'm I I polarize negatively by moving my energy inwards yeah being selfish being self-seeking being greedy being judgmental those things move my energy inwards and so my energy field contracts and shrinks so as we've said many times here when we activate the heart chakra when the green ray energy turns
online and Kundalini Awakening Begins the green ray energy field which is up to five times have a higher charge than the third density energy field the solar plexus my energy field literally expands so I feel more connected to my environment um I have a deeper level of information being given to me the information of intuition compassion I'm able to feel into what other people are feeling right I'm not just in my head anymore I'm not just stuck in my mind assuming what other people are thinking and how they're feeling and then judging them according to
what I think no no no I'm in a deeper level of being I'm in the heart where I'm actually you know I'm paying attention to what people say but I'm also tapped into a deeper level of energy yeah I'm actually tapped into the energy behind what they're saying to where now because I'm living from the heart from heart-based Consciousness somebody may be talking to me and they may be putting on a smile they're putting on a mask of hey man how you doing buddy Oh I'm great yeah everything's going great and but I'm picking something
else up I'm picking up that they're masking a pain inside and so because I'm living from the heart and the heart is operating in Oneness my heart knows what their heart's feeling and I can pick that up intuitively and so maybe I don't get some huge download about what their trauma is or something but maybe I just say hey man can I be real with you for a second I I feel like I'm sensing some some grief that you're holding in or I'm feeling that something's off are you doing okay okay man do you need
to talk about anything and then the Wall comes down and they're like you know man I'm really glad you said that because yeah I'm I'm not doing well and oh thank goodness I was in my heart right cuz I could have missed that and I could have just been looking at their surface appearance oh they're smiling and nodding okay they're great and my ego is just trying to you know get their approval and make sure that they like me and stuff I'm not even paying attention to their energy at all I'm just trying to take
from them so that's one example right of the ego's version of relationship is not giving and receiving as we said although the ego is in relationship to everything it's not in a loving relationship it's in an unloving relationship and that unloving relationship is the opposite right because everything ego does is the inversion of Truth the ego inverts everything in truth and reality to its antithesis right it flips it inside out it turns it upside down and expresses the opposite of it and so the ego's version of relationship is taking and keeping right keeping is the
opposite of giving what's the opposite of giving to somebody not giving right withholding hoarding keeping that's the opposite of giving and then likewise receiving from someone what's the opposite of that taking from them yeah there's two ways for me to get what somebody else has let's put it that way somebody May give me of their own free will something they have whether it's a material thing or just like love and uh a kind word or I can try to take it from them I can manipulate them in a way um you know one example is
like uh classic ego behavior is to beat yourself up in front of somebody so that they'll be forced to give you a positive word of affirmation that's taking right they didn't I'm not just open to receive whatever they have and if they want to give me a kind word of affirmation great I'll receive that no no no I'm actually going to go out of my way to make them give me one and the ego has a myriad ways of doing that but the most common one is I just I feel like such a loser man
I'm not good at anything I suck at everything I do hey man no you don't you're great at music and you know you have a great personality oh really you think so it's false love right it's it's it's Usery and control masquerading as love it's not the real deal so getting a little ahead of myself there on the taking and keeping let's then talk about what is receiving we've talked about what giving looks like giving my best to life my open heart my best effort my best intentions yeah that's giving what does it mean to
be in the state of receiving what does receiving life mean acceptance and surrender would be receiving life I receive life by accepting life as it is yeah by not fighting with life not trying to argue with life not trying to change and manipulate life and bend it to my will and force it to work in my favor you know that would be a non-acceptance of Life receiving life is to show up to accept however life presents itself to you today whatever the flow of life gives to you I say yes to it I'm always receiving
life also a state right not an not a verb not an action the state will lead to many verbs and activities and actions of receiving listening being present being patient you know that will happen but receivership itself is a state of being where you're living from acceptance trust surrender and so these are the mechanics you guys that dictate the entire universe because everything exists in relationship and so we see this probably most most notably in nature right Mother Nature shares her Resources unreservedly with all creation right Mother Nature accepts All Creatures equally without discrimination The
Sun Shines as uh I Think Jesus said The Sun Shines upon the just and the unjust the rain falls upon the just and the unjust you know nature doesn't discriminate who gets her resources she makes herself open to everyone equally so nature is in a state of giving and nature doesn't try to change any anything in creation nature doesn't try to change any of its creatures it allows the Predator to be a predator it allows the prey to be a prey it allows the rain to fall on the dry ground and the fertile ground right
it doesn't try to change anything so nature itself Mother Nature is in the state of giving and receiving and we can see that principle everywhere we look in nature you can watch the way a a bee pollinates a flower giving and receiving you can watch the way a bird you know swoops up a worm Nature's giving and receiving right there the the worm gives up its life the bird receives the nutrients the cycle of Life Goes On so love both gives of itself and accepts all things unconditionally it's like this sacred dance of reciprocity that's
going on everywhere in the cosmos it's where Love Finds its fullest expression right through the giving and receiving and again in giving and receiving we have a perfect balance of the positive and the negative principles we have the positive act in terms of the outgoing act of giving and then we have the negative principle of receiving or inward moving taking in yeah so we have a perfect balance of positive negative but what do we get when we flip loving relationship upside down into taking and keeping we have negative negative right taking is is a negative
action and withholding is a negative action so we're keenly aware by now right of the ego's pensent for defying Divine laws flipping everything subverting everything in reality upside down the ego is inexorably bound to engage in relationship with life because as we've said everything has to exist in relationship including the ego but the ego simply inverts the true function of relationship the true Essence into its opposite it into a contradiction of relationship you know no one could say taking and keeping is a real relationship it's a kind of slavery and control but nevertheless that's the
only type of relationship the ego knows attraction and aversion attachment and resistance taking and withholding you see that attraction aversion those are the only two relationships the ego can have with anything and so in this Frame workor you guys of using this lens of giving and receiving loving relationship versus taking and keeping we have the perfect blueprint to apply to our entire life to purify any element of our life that doesn't reflect heart-based Consciousness you only have to ask this one question in in terms of anything your job your work your boss the email you're
writing um the text message you're sending if you're ever in doubt if you're coming from the heart ask yourself okay is there any taking and keeping energy going on here for me am I trying to take something from this person or this thing or am I trying to withhold something good right that's that's the only thing ego can do and and the way it relates to something it has to take from it or withhold good from it so that's what it means to take right I'm going to use you for my own purposes so we
can also use the term synonymously taking and keeping we could also see it as using and withholding if maybe that helps some other people more they resonate more with that understanding taking and keeping is using and withholding you're using other people you're using things you're using a substance to get high and feel good so you can escape your pain right and you're withholding good from others you're withholding your kindness your love your acceptance your patience your presence your the ego always wants to keep things that thinks are good to itself and not share them so
looking at that same idea with giving and receiving another framework you could understand it from giving and receiving means sharing and accepting as we said to receive is to accept and to give is to share yeah to share who you are I only will engage in an unloving relationship with anything because I'm already engaging in that type of unloving relationship with myself so when it comes to withholding and keeping that would represent whatever I'm denying from myself within yeah if I don't accept Love's presence Within Myself I'll withhold love from others I can't afford to
give away the tiny morsels of love that I have you know what I mean I'm lacking love I can't afford to give away my love I'm already you know lacking it so that's my relationship to self out picturing itself in other relationships and then likewise if I'm using other people and taking from them how am I doing that with myself well this is why I love the health conversation so much because the taking really shows up heavily in your relationship to your physical body and that's the example I gave of like drinking alcohol or any
drug at all if I'm using substances to feel some happiness and some relief and some peace or whatever I'm taking from my body right I'm I'm putting toxic substances into my body to try to take pleasure from it so I'm in a taking relationship from myself so of course I'm going to do that to other people cuz as within so without and so an example of this would be when I uh was working at Google many years ago in the Bay Area I was taken I took a Muay Thai class at my lunch break um
3 days a week week for a year and then somebody told me hey we have jiu-jitsu classes here as well and you know I wanted to learn Jiu-Jitsu as well so I was like oh cool I'm going to sign up so I signed up for the jiu-jitsu classes which were once a week and I go into this Jiu-Jitsu class and you know everyone there they're Google employees so there's some very fit people at Google but most of them are kind of like they're software Engineers right they're either really scrawny not very well muscled not very
athletic they don't work out much some of them are very overweight or just out of shape and things like that so I went in as a personal trainer and had this huge advantage of physical strength and size and so the teacher would uh use me for a lot of the examples of different chokes and stuff and so he had me roll with um a guy there who was a software engineer who was like probably 30 or 40 lbs lighter than me and he was uh I think he was a blue belt he had been in
the class for a couple years and so he was like all right I'm going to put you with our best Grappler and uh then you can learn you know with him and I'm thinking like all right you know I outweigh this guy I can probably control him pretty easily and he just wrapped me up like a pretzel dude just did whatever he wanted to me and I'm like I can't stop this guy from doing anything and that's because what I didn't understand the first principles of Jiu-Jitsu so I had no idea what's really the driving
Factor behind everything that guy does to me to me there is a common denominator right that I'm not aware of that if I understood it it would help me to succeed a lot better and so that was my first experience in a Jiu-Jitsu class and I think the instructor was trying to show me and like humble me in that way of like it doesn't matter how big and strong you are this is a sport of technique and mental chess happening you got to outthink your opponent it's not just about outmuscling your opponent so I took
the class for um couple weeks and I learned the basics of hip escapes and shrimping and stuff but the biggest key that I learned was that the instructor explained how your opponent wants to um delete all space between you minimize all space and get as close to you as possible so if someone's trying to submit you they're going to be laying right on top of you smooshing you you know knee on your belly they're going to try to remove all distance between you and so you in the defensive position need to create distance from your
opponent so you need to get your hand on their hip and push their hip away or get your foot on their hip and extend your foot so that their hips are far from your hips and when you create space then it's harder for them to put you into submissions right and then the other thing he told me was the second principle is keeping your arms in to your torso not letting your arms extend because he's going to grab that arm and he's going to lock it up and submit you with it so when you leave
your limbs open you leave yourself vulnerable to your opponent just with those two two things uh creating distance between my opponent and keeping my arms in my core area of my body I went from this guy doing whatever he wanted to do to me just a few weeks ago and two or three weeks later with just those two things in mind he could not submit me I was able to keep him away from submitting me right and the the coach of the class was putting me through that to show me like you don't need to
know a whole lot to be successful you just need these first principles this is where you're losing all the the time is that you're not controlling the distance and you're extending your limbs outside of your body making them vulnerable to your opponent and so that changed everything right for me so in that exact analogy this is what I'm teaching you today with taking and keeping these are the first principles of the ego it's always looking to either take from somebody or to withhold from somebody or something an experience a substance God a person taking and
keeping are the only two motives the ego has when you get that on a deep level you start catching the ego everywhere that it pops up naturally and effortlessly you feel it you sense it and you develop this deeper level of intelligence that can catch the ego and now the ego can't submit you all the time and twist you up like a pretzel but you're controlling the distance right you're keeping your limbs inside so it can't grab your arm and tug you off you're you're aware of taking and keeping now which is the only two
motives the ego has before my opponent can even think about submitting me he's got to he's got to get rid of the distance between us he's got to smother me and then he's got to get a hold of one of my limbs my neck my arms or my legs if I prevent those two things he can't submit me so it is with the ego the ego cannot get you if it cannot move you into an energy of taking or withholding
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