tarot verse yo what's up listen if this reading popped up on your feed regardless of your zodiac sign regardless of time on your timeline this reading's probably coming to you for a reason because the information inside be it the entire reading or just one little thing that'll spark something huge may be meant for you at this time so if you're vibing with me already I suggest that you stay and come in with uh open mind open open ears open heart and let's begin uh whatever messages are about to come out for you be it love
be it General stuff I don't really know right now but let's start let's set the tone with your oracle card for the reading all right we'll read about the oracle card in depth at the end but I just want to get this out before we get into any kind of specific energies for you guys if you're new to the channel welcome to tarot verse um if you're a returning tarot versian I hope you do enjoy this reading be sure to subscribe if you like me if you're not subscribed Etc you know how YouTube works you
guys right you've been here before so getting the bridge right now for your oracle card beautiful color of the rainbow to me this is just a personal association that I have and it's been coming up lately actually so the fact it's coming up here means I should probably share it with you guys I see the rainbow as a very regenerative energy for example in in meditation I like to visualize a rainbow over maybe an area of your body or your soul soul that you want to really heal and regenerate so for example uh you're working
with like your heart or you want to like help heal your heart heart chakra heart space imagine that rainbow light shining on it imagine that in your mind's eye and healing it and the same can go for like your mind your third eye whatever I just see the rainbow light it just came to me you know very deeply en visions and stuff as an energy to work with that is extremely regenerative and healing for a human I guess for here on planet Earth which is cool you know because it's um there different perspectives different variations
of light you know light is the most healing thing right I feel like it it gives life essentially and a rainbow is just a really cool form of it continuing though it's not just the color the the bridge as well it's kind of this passage from maybe from one state of being to the other and this has been coming out a lot lately in readings even though this is timeless regardless of time lately because I've been doing readings towards the end of the year there's this kind of like very very big shift for 24 to
25 bigger than the past years that I've ever read for a lot of people are making these big jumps December January I think will be very big months in most people's lives December 2024 January 2025 huge jumps and I feel like if you're finding this right now even outside of this time period that you will be going through one of those huge jumps and it's interesting that this card is mostly mostly bathed in the dark which is kind of like I feel like you need to take that leap of faith most people want to feel
comfortable when they're making a big jump to go from point A to point B people want to have a map they want to know all the coordinates of point B they want to know what's waiting for them and that they're going to be okay that they're going to be safe then they take the journey well you don't get that luxury sorry you have to have faith in where you're going and you need to take that Journey you need to go you need to have faith that I can guide myself that I am intuitively guided that
I will be taken care of and then you go more on this later my friend going into some of the tarot messages that want to come out for you this is the Terra volatil volatile I got this deck I don't know how to pronounce it for those that like the deck beautiful deck oh my God it's so cool as you'll see messages for those that need to hear it right now those in transition those that have come for specific messages guides for the collective what does my beautiful Tarot verion my viewer need to hear at
this time what's coming up for you guys expansion this is the time of expansion you don't want to keep to yourself you don't want to keep your ideas to yourself you want to share them you don't want to keep your success to yourself you want to share it whether this is emotional success financial success you want to be able to be sharing with others at this time your ideas share them your advice share it your art share it your time share it um you want your energy because it's it's showing me basically that you're at
a good place somewhere in life maybe you don't feel fully accomplished in one area or like one area is a disaster P but there's somewhere that's really good somewhere that's very genuine that you've cultivated that you have right now something that's very special about you and this you don't want to keep to yourself and you may be doing that even unintentionally because you don't see its value or because you're overprotective maybe do but you want to be able to spread this energy out with others it's going to be helpful to them and as you do
this as you share and help and put this energy out into the world you're creating this Echo effect where it bounces back to you in abundance creates more abundance and this is going to further increase your abundance not only in that area of which you share but just generally in your life all around you it's going to help open up the areas in which you feel that they're not in abundance in which there's lack right so the more that you put out the more that you're going to get you have to believe in yourself in
order to put out it's an act of courage to be sharing parts of yourself it's an act of courage to be putting yourself out there people are scared people are afraid even if it doesn't register like that consciously a lot of people are to put themselves out there to share their opinion their ideas whatever is of value to them all right and some people are overconfident and just like put out crap because they're just I but that's not that's not you that's not the point here see these two have their back turn to each other
this is showing your abundance right now this is showing that you have something for so long you've been tending to yourself keeping to yourself thinking now it's about doing it's about sharing I see a lot of forward movement and I see people coming together around you this is about to be a time of unity for you so somebody's saying already like I don't have my group I don't have my people or like you feel that you haven't found like you feel like there's people that don't understand you the more that you put out it's almost
like a like a radio or like a broadcast system I see for you the more that you start putting out the more that you start expanding the more your people are going to be coming to you but you have to be genuine for genuine people to come to you if you don't act from a place of your genuine self which is basically self-acceptance a lack of Shame um you're just you're not going to attract people or you're not going to attract the right people and you're going to feel isolated you're going to feel lonely right
so some of you have issues with feeling genuine and in order to get into that place of who you really are you simply need to do the courageous Act of sharing of putting yourself out there which I'm getting is scary so the strength card is popping up in my head it's like scary for some of you guys or something but it doesn't have to be there's an internal conflict here which may be like a push away from feeling stable and abundant so some of you this is probably not a conscious mechanism um you might sabotage
areas of growth because you don't think you deserve it think about that for a moment think about you know times in your life where you could have excelled and grown but you've talked yourself out of it or you like literally sabotaged it um so you want to start changing that mechanism within you right again going back to being genuine is very important here in this reading I want to get some oracles on this throw some oracles on this see what we [Music] get Awakening very cool mask ooh wisdom where do I begin these are such
cool messages all right so Awakening I think you guys know what that means right you guys are really starting to see things clearly you're going through maybe a spiritual awakening you're see but I I feel like the most clearly that you're going to be seeing is yourself not anything else like it's you that you're going to be seeing clearly the real you that's been behind the mask how have you been conditioned your whole life how have you conditioned yourself how have you allowed yourself to act a certain way to fit a certain role to do
a certain thing I feel like the mask is coming off for you again I'm seeing that that is an act of courage to take it off though to face these things to be the real you it all it all goes back to being genuine in this reading wisdom learning more about yourself understanding yourself understanding what what it really is is who you really are how things really work I'm seeing a lot of wheels turning and I'm seen things start to turn ever more in your favor the more that you Embrace who and what you are
right now messages of Love want to come out ace of cups Knight of coins hangman the emperor you will find exactly who you set out to find you don't realize who you're setting out to find until you know where you're coming from a lot of you don't know where you're coming from in love you you may not understand where you're really coming from in love what are you really looking for who are you really looking for what role do you really want filled it starts with the cup what's in your cup is your cup filled
are you filling your cup how do you want your cup filled we can we can we can go on and on about the cup at basically what this is is you need to really understand how you want a relationship to fulfill you and why for what reasons are you at a point of being healed so the relationship you seek really compliments you and really works for you energetically or are you seeking a person or a relationship to fill a void you really need to be clear with yourself and you really need to understand yourself to
really get a clear answer here if there's a hole in your cup that is creating a void and you're looking for somebody to fill that cup it's going to keep going through the hole that said those that have fixed their holes those that really know how to fill their cup and what they want filling it you're about to find your match they are right there at the other side right right around the corner there for you melting and death beautiful a lot of you feel like there's a new you emerging right or that that old
old paradigms old versions of you have have really melted away so so melting is a slow burning right so you've gone through a very slow process of change melting also is indicative of like layers coming off and something being revealed underneath and death is also showing that major change that transformative energy around you and if you feel that right now then I think you're going down the right direction in love there's something big coming in some of you are about to step into that really embrace the furnace that is melting these layers around you you
might still have a little bit of time or work to do but that's okay know that love will be there um you know when the student is ready the teacher appears you know when the lover is ready the lover appears I feel like you know what I mean the Phoenix again just huge you know literally combining the furnace and the rebirth energy into one card it's crazy spirit's here in a big way in this reading all right a lot of you are about to be completely reborn especially in your romantic life get ready it's exciting
so let's take a look at the bridge let's read about it and uh for just for channel members for shits and giggles we will pull a little bit more and just see what else comes out in the extended for those that want it but we'll end it here for the main reading the extended will be in the description box below it'll be a wave 1 extended for any member level uh and yeah if you just want to go deeper it's there but you know no pressure there's enough pressure I guess you know turning you from
a Col to a diamond so let's take a look at uh this card here what was it the connection the line the Gate bridges are built to connect two worlds they create flow allowing us to travel between Realms ideologies personalities this archetype is the gesture of acceptance of saying yes rather than withdrawing separating and saying no when we cross a bridge to an unknown land we are LED magically into a new reality we open up to the otherness healing and communication are made possible we enter a state of curiosity wonder and learning the shaman for
example creates the bridge between the everyday world and the sacred this card asks us to study the connections between the seemingly disconnected parts of our life relationships ideologies histories remember that a bridge can't be forced it must be made with love or its structure will not withstand the inevitable weather of life in light this represents acceptance magic and communication when dark this represents lacking boundaries forcing connections imagine building a bridge then imagine building a wall which energy is needed for the situation at hand which image softens and heals the heart lie on the floor and
listen to Bridge Over Troubled Water notice the ease and acceptance within the melody the feeling of rising above the mck I guess that's a song I don't know she always recommends music in her things I never really listen cuz my music taste is weird [Music] um hope you enjoyed I'll jump into the extended for those that want it but take care be sure to subscribe and check out your signs reading on my channel if you never been here before I do signs specific spefic readings thank you very much for coming and I wish you the
best on this journey