My mom called me useless for not sending $10K like my sister! when I tried to say! Dad cut me off...

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Revenge Tree
👀 In today's video, dive deep into the heart of a shocking family gathering where accusations fly a...
Video Transcript:
was my family joking I couldn't believe the small amount they mentioned just the other day my phone was buzzing non-stop with calls from my parents when I finally answered they started shouting before I could even speak at first I couldn't grasp what my dad was saying leaving me totally confused later I found out they were Furious over the money I was supposedly sending my sister mea they claimed sent them as much as $112,000 each month while they thought I only contributed a meager 880 CS but that wasn't true I had been sending $112,000 every month
just like merera you must be lying they insisted Mera with her modeling career makes more than you she sends us $112,000 a month we are so disappointed in you merera is so thoughtful my father grumbled clearly upset my mom joined in two criticizing My Lifestyle do you think it's okay to just live on your own splurging your money why can't you be more like your sister she cares about us so much she sighed heavily I've always felt that they favored merera she was stunning Turning Heads wherever she went while I was often overlooked people always
compared us praising her beauty and joking about how plain I looked next to her from a young age it was clear to everyone that merera was destined for success in acting or modeling my parents doted on her always making sure she had the newest trendiest clothes and enrolling her in any class she wanted meanwhile I made doe with hme downs and no classes at all merera grew up spoiled and entitled believing that what was mine was also hers she take my things without asking and when I protested my parents would just tell me Let It
Go Amanda she's younger be a good older sister they dismissed my feelings so easily always siding with her over the years this favoritism only got worse in elementary school when mea decided she wanted her room my parents didn't hesitate to displace me they moved me to the living room justifying it by saying I didn't have many belongings and there was enough space for me to sleep the living room where I slept among old family portraits was my new bedroom feeling overlooked and undervalued I eventually decided to stop sending money home hoping to make a point
I'm Amanda a 31-year-old working at a food Processing Company living with the weight of being the less favored child while my stunning sister Meera 6 years my junior enjoyed the Limelight and affection that I never felt from our parents despite the cold treatment and harsh comparisons I carried on holding on to the memory of my grandparents who had always cherished me dearly growing up my name Amanda was chosen by my grandfather during the vibrant spring season when amandas were blooming he adored these flowers and their resilience resonated with him as a child I loved sitting
on his lap enveloped in his warmth and listening to his comforting words Amanda he would say no matter how tough things get you can always push through after the hardships happiness will bloom again just like a mandice in Spring these words from my grandfather came back to me often especially during difficult times As I Grew Older it became evident that my parents treated me and my sister Meera very differently I never really felt at home in my own house when I expressed my dream of becoming a school nurse and wanted to discuss University entrance exams
my parents immediately dismissed the idea we can't afford University fees for you think about your sister mea we need to save for her future they insisted though financially we were an average family not struggling by any means my dreams were pushed aside to prioritize Myra's aspirations After High School while mea went off to a prestigious University I entered the workforce Landing a job at a small to medium-sized company a few train stops away from her home eventually I moved out and rented a small studio apartment near work it was a relief to be on my
own away from the constant comparisons and favoritism at home Meera meanwhile flourished at University and was soon scouted by a talent agency during a shopping trip with friends my parents were over the moon constantly talking about her modeling career one day merera called me her voice full of excitement and gratitude we owe everything to Mom and Dad she said let's start giving them $12,000 each month to show our appreciation the amount shocked me$ 120000 was a lot of money and while modeling might pay well I was only making about $66,000 a month at my job
if I agreed I'd have to cut my expenses drastically and even then i' need to find extra income reluctantly I decided to take on weekend work as a security guard at a construction site the job paid well but was physically grueling Summers were scorching and Winters bitterly cold many times I thought about quitting despite the difficulties I continued driven by a mix of family loyalty and the desire to not feel lesser than my sister deep down I clung to my grand father's words hoping that after these Hard Times happiness would once again Bloom for me
just like the amandus of spring despite the challenges of balancing a demanding job and certification studies with little sleep my co-workers showed unexpected kindness they often bought me drinks and food realizing the effort I was putting in I was doing everything I could to save money cutting back on eating out and other unnecessary expenses but reaching the monthly $122,000 I promised to send home was still a stretch determined to boost my income I decided to earn a professional certification I dedicated every spare moment to studying the days blurring into a fast-paced mix of work and
learning in this hectic schedule I missed several calls from my parents when I finally had a moment to call them back I was met with immediate anger you are horrible what do you think of us my father yelled as soon as I answered with my mother's voice echoing an agreement in the background confused I asked what's wrong are you talking about the money I send I couldn't understand their anger do you know how much mea is sending $112,000 and you send just 80 are you mocking us my father accused that's impossible I am sending $112,000
monthly I replied firmly shocked by their claims don't lie merera earns more than you from her modeling so she's the one sending us $112,000 each month I'm really disappointed in you mea is so smart my father continued his tone full of disappointment my mother chimed in criticizing my lifestyle and accusing me of not caring about the family as much as meor did I was dumbfounded and overwhelmed by sadness unable to articulate a response it then dawned on me that there had been a huge misunderstanding previously Mera had suggested we keep our contributions Anonymous under the
pseudonym rainbow at the time I didn't realize Myra's stage name was rain and it turned out the transactions of 80 cents were mistakenly recorded under my name Amanda while Mera was credited with the $122,000 contributions before I could explain the mixup my parents declared they didn't need my mocking 80 cents and hung up I felt a mix of anger and betrayal towards Meera for not clarifying our Arrangement which left me sleepless and fil with turmoil unsure whether to continue sending money I decided to seek advice from my high school friend Scarlet who worked at a
consulting firm Scarlet was known for her capability and reliability and she always gave Frank just advice Scarlet was surprised when I requested a sudden meeting what happened she asked noticing my distressed expression as we met for lunch I opened up about the family situation explaining the misunderstanding about the money after hearing my story Scarlet responded thoughtfully are your parents struggling financially aren't they still in their 80s she was also stunned by the $112,000 amount and mentioned it seems like they have debts it's money spent on us as we continue to talk Scarlet helped me consider
different perspectives and possibilities offering me a valuable outside viewpoint on an emotionally charged situation when my sister merera first suggested that we send money to our parents as a token of our gratitude I discussed it with my friend Scarlet over lunch Scarlet looked surprised and offered a comforting perspective you say it's money spent on both of you but you didn't even go to university right isn't it mostly on mea and your dad is still working too there's no need to send $122,000 a month it's unimaginable that they suddenly need that much money when they've been
living just fine so far her words made sense especially when she pointed out that if my parents thought my contrib tion was just 80s perhaps I should take their hint and stop the payments you're too kind Amanda you shouldn't let yourself be pushed around Scarlet advised her words struck a chord with me and I resolved not to be swayed so easily by Family pressure 3 months later my phone rang incessantly one morning it was Meera clearly angry why haven't you been answering your phone all morning and why did you stop sending money on your own
what were you thinking she demanded her frustration evident overwhelmed by my own life challenges and financial struggles I felt the weight of her accusations I had learned from Scarlet that Myra's so-called Financial contributions were more about maintaining her pride and our parents extravagant habits rather than necessity Scarlet who was also an acquaintance of a friend of myus had been discreetly gathering information for me she discovered that Mera frequently splurged on clothes and cosmetics complaining complaining to her friends my big sister is my source of funds so I rely on her money lately I've been struggling
because I don't have money for my sister I might have to cut back on facials and cosmetics for a while it also came to light that my mother was indulging in luxury Brands and my father was not working but gambling supporting their wasteful Lifestyles with my hard-earned money felt absurd do you think I don't know Dad is working so my money isn't needed right I confronted them a later my parents approached me after the $112,000 monthly payments had stopped they had finally talked to Meera who through tears admitted that she hadn't been making nearly as
much as she claimed and that she was a burden on her modeling agency despite her cute appearance she lacked talent in singing or dancing which hindered her success in the entertainment industry her modeling gigs were sporadic and low paying often for inexpensive online cataloges the truth of her situation led to a sharp turn in my parents attitudes we've been strict with mea you don't worry and continue sending money as before they said unapologetically demanding the 3 months of payments I had withheld their audacity astounded me they even added we've prepared for 3 months so please
deposit it when you can you are reliable after all their unrelenting greed prompted me to question them further about their financial status something that had been nagging at me I heard from Meera that there was some debt is that true I inquired seeking Clarity on the Family's financial matters debt there's no way we covered the tuition with your grandparents inheritance they responded dismissively this conversation revealed the Deep discrepancies between what I was led to believe and the reality of my family's financial and moral landscape it became clear that I needed to make decisions based not
just on familial obligation but on a fair assessment of the actual needs and the truth behind a request for money my father stated confidently that Myra's claims about our parents having debt were simply untrue we just need a bit more for shopping my mother added casually since they believed my father's salary was sufficient it was evident that they were managing fine financially without needing any contribution from me why does Amir get a full-time job then I questioned feeling increasingly frustrated with the situation my my father sharply retorted is that how you speak to your own
parents I didn't raise a daughter to act like this my mother echoed his sentiment we don't need a daughter like you if you're going to be like that then they threatened to use the savings that my grandfather had left specifically for me saying we'll just use your grandfather's savings for you you're no longer part of this family they expressed their willingness to cut ties over this which left me deeply shocked and hurt after they left I broke down feeling utterly disposable and questioning my value to my own family 3 months of Silence passed before my
doorbell unexpectedly rang standing there were my parents and merera I hesitated but opened the door puzzled by their worn and tired appearances which contrasted sharply with my improved situation since they last saw me I've been working hard studying diligently to obtain a small business consultant certification which significantly boosted my salary Scarlet had helped me land a new job where I was now a team leader enjoying a fulfilling work life and even considering moving closer to work to a better apartment what's with the luxury my parents and Mera asked almost accusatorial noticing my nicer clothes and
healthier appearance before you indulge in such luxuries give us some money they demanded pleading for financial help as if entitled to it they seemed desperate yet Unapologetic about their direct demands disgusted with their attitude I confronted them with dad's and Myra's income you can live comfortably what's really going on I challenged Mera tears welling up revealed her ongoing struggles in the modeling industry which were far harsher than she had let on she had been scouted by another agency and decided to invest a significant sum to join believing it would kick start her acting career unfortunately
it turned out to be a scam and the agency vanished with with their money leaving no traces behind at that moment someone from a Consumer Finance Company appeared at my door asking if I was related to them as they had traced my address it turned out my family had borrowed a large sum hoping Myra's career would turn around quickly furthermore merera had been spending lavishly at nightclubs to relieve stress worsening their financial woses I was astounded by their Reckless Behavior and irresponsibility when the finance agent asked to I was family I firmly stated I don't
know these people at all I have nothing to do with them it was a harsh response but necessary to protect myself from the consequences of their actions this moment marked a definitive break not just emotionally but legally from the destructive patterns of my family after the tumultuous events my parents found themselves filing for bankruptcy their debts were wiped clean but as a consequence they had to sell our family home and move into a modest Department despite everything both of them managed to find jobs through a temp agency and were making NS meet ironically my father
ended up working at the construction site where I had previously worked part-time on his first day he was greeted with ah it's the old man help me out here there used to be a young lady here before but she quit she worked hard sending money to her parents I'd love to see the faces of parents who'd make their daughter work here my father's expression hardened upon hearing this meanwhile mea having abandoned her modeling aspirations tried her luck in The Nightlife scene unfortunately her self-centered traits didn't sit well with customers and she was quickly dismissed from
various clubs and lounges eventually scraping by with earnings from a small bar her lifestyle led to noticeable changes in her appearance and among the regulars Tales of her modeling days seemed like distant almost most unbelievable memories a model who are you kidding look in the mirror they would mock as for me I sever ties with my family and focused on building my own life 6 years later I found myself at Scarlet's wedding held in a Scenic Chapel in Tampa USA overlooking the sea the vast blue stretched before us and the atmosphere was charged with a
sense of new beginnings next to Scarlet stood her husband beaming with pride Scarlet who had been focusing on her career had unexpectedly fallen in love with a colleague during the wedding she leaned over to me and said with a radiant smile Amanda you should also face your feelings I achieve everything I want on my own and quickly discard what I don't need her husband chimed in jokingly don't throw me away okay Scarlet's wedding was a celebration of Freedom the freedom she helped me find I expressed my heartfelt gratitude Scarlet be happy I'm really grateful to
you it was a joyous occasion and as the festivities Drew to a close Scarlet introduced me to a friend of theirs Ethan or Ethan as he was known tall well-built with a charming smile he ran an architectural firm I wanted to introduce Ethan to you Amanda your personalities are almost the same Scarlet joked sparking laughter Among Us Ethan and I connected instantly and decided to grab a meal together as we talked and laughed I felt a sense of hope and excitement Bloom Within Me much like the amandus my grandfather so loved moving forward I planed
to embrace both work and love determined to live life to its fullest Grandpa please keep watching over me from above I'll make sure to Blossom fully I whispered to myself a smile spreading across my face as I looked forward to the future for
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