Part 2 CHANGING YOUR LIFE πŸ’« Darryl Anka - Bashar Channeling

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Spiritual Millionaire
πŸ’°How interested are you in CHANGING YOUR LIFE? Part 1πŸ’°
Video Transcript:
now we last night of your time also mentioned that we would be speaking about the idea of the transformation itself the accelerating wave of collective Consciousness that many of you have intuitively recognized reaches a critical mass threshold in and around your cycle that you call 2012 this simply represents the idea of Crossing into critical mass where you have the potential for total positive reality you have that now of course but after 2012 the idea of positive energy will be so much more available to so many more of you that if you should choose to ride
the crest of that wave the Leading Edge of that wave of Consciousness you can accelerate so rapidly you can attract to yourself so rapidly the things that are representative of your passion of your joy without knowing in any way shapee or form how these things could have happened Beyond Reason Beyond logic that again your life will become literally so dreamlike it will be at first dizzying and disorienting until you get used to it literally you'll be walking through life like it's a dream marveling at the miraculous synchronicities that just are popping up as a matter
of course yes when you ride the Leading Edge of the wave of consciousness if however you choose to continue to compartmentalize your physical mind and make it responsible for being in charge and have to know the how and have to know the why and have to know all the details before you'll be willing to believe that the higher self can simply bring this to you then you will by choice position yourself somewhere down the line from the Leading Edge in some of the edies and currents and backwashes in the wake of the Leading Edge now
it does doesn't mean that you cannot find benefit in those locations in those gradations of frequency behind the Leading Edge but wherever it is you position yourself you simply have to understand the effect you create will be absolutely directly commensurate with where you have positioned yourself and it will not be any more than that by definition it can not be any more more than that as an analogy your visible spectrum of light you understand that in the visible spectrum of light red is a low frequency the lowest visible frequency you can perceive with your eyes
Violet is the highest visible frequency you can perceive with your eyes in general we understand many of you are beginning to stretch these boundaries but for the purpose of this illustration let's just stick with the common labeling of this visible Spectrum now you know if something exists on the frequency of violet light it's at a very high level of frequency very high level of energy and it will experience the things that go hand inand with that level if something chooses to exist on the other end of the Spectrum in the red frequency it will be
functioning at a lower wavelength a slower wavelength a lower vibration and will only experience the things that are commensurate with that level in the Spectrum it's all energy it's all light it's all the same stuff as you say but the difference in gradiation of the vibrational frequency will ultimately determine what is capable of being experienced on that level if you're operating at a certain wavelength toward the lower end of that Spectrum you will only perceive red only you will never perceive Violet at that end of the spectrum if you are operating at the Violet end
of the spectrum on a high frequency level you will only perceive Violet you will never perceive red at that end of the spectrum ever so the Leading Edge of the wave of your Collective Consciousness on this transformation you can live there and ride the crest or you can allow yourself to float back into the Wake somewhere in there there will be vibrations that will be representative of whatever degree you are willing to allow your belief system to take hold so you must understand that if you do that there are consequences to that the consequence being
that you can only perceive what is directly directly commensurate with the level you're on and nothing else nothing lower but nothing higher but you can you are all capable of choosing to ride the crest the Leading Edge all right now when some of you consider this you get scared it's going too fast for me I might fall off I might crash I might smack into a brick wall as if suddenly one would appear of course it will if you create it but again understand that if you create that brick wall that's an indication you are
no longer on the Leading Edge brick walls do not exist by definition on the Leading Edge they only EX exist Back Down the Line in the wake in one of the edes in one of the currents that is representative of belief systems that there are such things as brick walls but if you're truly truly truly riding the Leading Edge truly as you say surfing the crest then you will understand that just like being on the top of the mountain you have a clear and unobstructed view of everything in front of you and you ride that
wave right into ecstasy Ry the Leading Edge of the Ecstasy allow yourself the opportunity to know you can you don't have to choose to but then if you don't don't be surprised by what is commensurate for that level it's completely up to you what to lock on to what to believe what to align with what to associate yourself with you can on one hand say I understand these Concepts I believe these Concepts I will live these Concepts I am this idea it can happen instantly effortlessly miraculously wonderfully joyfully creatively lovingly now for me or you
can recognize that you tend quote unquote choose to gravitate more to informational sources that confirm your own fear well you know one should take their time well you know one has to be careful with this stuff now we understand that there is such a thing as recognizing and honoring whatever belief system you happen to have and not pushing yourself Beyond it if you truly don't believe you can because that would simply be disastrous but the idea is to understand and to clearly take responsibility for knowing that if you are aligning with someone that says well
you know you can't just go full throttle because you have to be careful that you're not doing this and you're not doing that you might fool yourself here you might fool yourself there and you have to take it easy if you align yourself with that that's all well and good but understand that you are choosing to and it has nothing at all to do nothing at all to do with the fact that you could change your belief and allow yourself to ride the Leading Edge where things manifest instantaneously you could but if you are not
it's your choice and that's once again where you really need to be passionate about being passionate and find out why you are choosing to not ride the Leading Edge you will obviously have your own reason for not doing so whatever that reason is whatever you feel is the need for safety is up to you to determine but just take responsibility and recognize the responsibility and the choice that you are making for understanding that it's not empirically true that you have to do it that way it's not empirically true that you have to listen to what
that person is saying as opposed to what this person is saying it's just your choice take responsibility for it and then be passionate about finding out why you believe what you do so that you can if you are willing open up to new beliefs that will allow you to move up the Spectrum and be in the Violet instead of in the red financially speaking so allow yourselves to Simply at every given moment recognize what you're doing let go of the need to understand the how of it because you see one of the things that stops
many of you from having the experiences that were described in the recording is that for example when someone says well you know I simply got into the state where I believed I would simply receive more checks your physical logical reasonable mind goes where the heck are they supposed to come from I haven't done anything to earn that money what are you saying that some stranger just suddenly going to get into his head to pop a check in the mail to me for no reason whatsoever and I'm just going to go to my mailbox and open
a check that comes from a total stranger that's suddenly giving me exactly what I want yes [Applause] yes that is what's being said yes that is one possible way yes that is one possible example of what could happen but when your logical reasonable physical mind going how does that make any sense the thing to remind it is that it doesn't have to it doesn't have to make sense when you stop needing it to make sense then you'll make dollars you have got to give up you've got to give up your need your physical mind's need
for everything to have a reason for everything to make logical sense in the physical third-dimensional world if you say you wish to live in fourth density reality you must give up the things that are commensurate with the threedimensional world such as logic Reason Not totally I'm not saying be willy-nilly fly by the seat of your pants people I'm saying be aware of the fact that these things are simply points of view and that you often stop yourselves from allowing these things to come to you because you logic them to death you detail them to death
literally you look for a chain of reasonable connection and believe me in fourth density reality there are many chains that to a third density mind are not reasonable or rational at all you have asked us how do we travel from star to star and we have explained to you we don't travel from star to star we're simply here then we're simply there The Logical mind boggles but how did you get there how is it possible to go from here to there without stepping on all the places in between that's not rational that's not logical yes
it is from a different point of to view I'm talking about not abandoning logic I'm talking about higher Logic the logic that comes from standing on the Mountaintop where you can see the entire Valley the entire network and where it makes sense to you on the Mountaintop to say if you actually go back three steps and then to the left you're actually going to get there more quickly than if you just go straight ahead whereas down in the valley the logical mind self is going but everyone knows the shortest distance between two points is a
straight line and if I go backwards I how can I get there sooner than if I go forwards how how how how how how how and the higher self goes because I can see that if you go forward there the bridge is out and if you take three steps back and go to the left you go on a parallel Road where the bridge is fine but the point is is that the language of the high self cannot always communicate all those specifics to the physical mind because the physical mind does not always have the capacity
for that kind of translation the only way that that dialogue most often than not from the higher self translates to the physical mind is simply suddenly the urge to go back the urge itself the intuition itself in the physical mind is the condensation and entire explanation from the higher self saying if you go three steps back and then go to the left and go down the parallel road then the bridge is up but all the physical mind will get is the tug that's how it translates in physical reality because the physical mind is not capable
of actually perceiving in the same way the higher self is and doesn't have to know all the reasons why and how all it needs to do is know that that's part of who you are and allow yourself to recognize that that is a communication and to follow it and that you have received the information that you need because it's on the same wavelength of your joy of your passion why because you say it is and you flow with it and thus find out that it is or resist it for as long as you want and
keep walking on the same road until you get to the washed out bridge and go oh why didn't I listen to my intuition back there because you thought you were in charge smarty but you're not not you alone alone you are in charge but not you alone physical mind physical mind higher self that's the you that's in charge both aspects of your being is the Persona not just the physical personality self that's only a part of it so if you want to know you're in charge you have to behave like the whole you and be
willing to open up and receive and perceive in whatever way it works for you the dialogue and the communication coming from the portion of yourself that is the higher self that has the higher point of view that has the bigger picture and be willing to understand it's working on your behalf it's not going to trick you it's not going to deceive you the only thing in your reality that can create the idea of tricks and deception is the physical mind's belief system not the yourself because it is only in physical three-dimensional reality that you can
have the experience of a personality structure that can actually deny its own truth so any tricks any deception that you may be afraid of encountering can only actually be coming from the personality aspect that's actually afraid it's going to be deceived that's the Paradox it can't come from the higher self because that's a bigger picture point of view and it can clearly see the road and there is no reason there is no logic for the higher self to go yeah take the left Road watch and see how my lower self falls into the river this
ought to be fun oops I went with it you are under the assumption that the higher self is immune from what you experience in physical reality incorrect you are one being and the higher self will suffer the slings and arrows that the physical mind shoots itself with you are one being and it is not detached from you and it is not immune to the consequences of the physical mind's choices but because the higher self is closer to the vibration of unconditional love it will Overlook it again and again and again and again attempting to unconditionally
Loving You reminding you please please take the other road please oh here we go again it is not immune to the consequences of the physical mind's acts and choices do not assume that it is but it is close enough to unconditional love to forgive it and to keep giving you the benefit of the doubt that's the relationship of your higher self that's its job to keep on Guiding you no matter what because it is the vibration of unconditional love that the physical mind often refuses to allow itself to perceive through the belief systems it chooses
to buy into that deny its truth to itself so higher self says please please please please know you are loved please please please allow me to love you please please please love yourself enough to know you're not alone in this that you don't have to do it all that you weren't designed to you weren't expected to ever not once carry this burden by yourself let me be your guide because I am you become familiar familiar with that portion of yourself it is not detached it is not separate it is not not aloof it is not
in its own realm unaware of what you are choosing to experience it will also experience it in its own way but nevertheless we'll always Overlook it and always urge you forward or left or back or whatever is necessary take a deep breath and let this sink in deeply deeply deeply and allow yourself to at least consider the the possibility that you deserve to be on the Leading Edge of the crest of the wave of consciousness of the transformation take another deep breath in terms of your time frame what is the time remaining for the segment
of this transmission all right in these 20 minutes let us move to a different level of understanding of this Leading Edge and this wave of transformation as we have said obviously wherever it is you decide to position yourself either at the Leading Edge or in the Wake there will be consequences commensurate to whatever vibratory gradiation you are choosing to reside in I will now explain and describe one of the effects that is now going on relative to us and others like us with respect to this vibrational wave of your Leading Edge of critical mass consciousness
some time ago in terms of time as you count time we told you that things would be speeding up and that if you did not align yourself very rapidly with your true passion it's not that you couldn't do it later but that you would make it more difficult to do later because you would feel that you had to hurry up and catch up and there would be more details for your rational mind to have to deal with and integrate in order for you to match the frequency of the now accelerating Leading Edge of that wave
here is another example of what we mean by that and why it is so important if you wish to be true to yourself to really let yourself go to ride that Leading Edge and not hang back but again it's up to you but here is another effect with respect to us you must understand we have an agreement with your Collective Consciousness in order for us to be able to interact with you in this way in order for us to be able to impart these kinds of ideas and this kind of information to you and to
share with you and discuss with you these Notions we have to abide by the vibrational agreement we have made as you accelerate and I know this is going to get a little bit heady but follow along it'll be worth it as you accelerate every moment you change you are creating new parallel realities to go along with the change in you because every change is a total change as we have said and when you talk about total change we mean universal change so every change is a whole new parallel reality even if one parallel reality may
be only different from another by one atom it's still a completely different reality totally different and as you change and as you make decisions you go through you bring yourself through a succession of parallel reality shifts so automatically so smoothly you don't even always recognize that that's what you're doing but you see movement itself the perception of movement of any kind is actually the perception of a succession of parallel realities this is one reality this is another this is another this is another this is another this is another and in between those positions were an
infinite number of other parallel realities that we have all just agreed to go through together and so we all think we're all in the same room at the same time and that nothing much has changed except maybe that it's getting a little bit closer to lunch but you see for as many of you as are quote unquote in the room there are that many rooms literally distinctly different rooms and each of you is actually creating that room and all the people in it in your Universe just as someone else is agreeing to create that room
and all the people in it in their universe and those two points of view will actually not only be slightly different as points of view they will not actually be different points of view of the same room at all they will be points of view of completely different parallel reality rooms the only reason you have a common experience at all is that you agree to in any way shape or form but here is the thing m
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