before we pray let's listen to God's word and then we'll pray together Psalm 100 it says Make a Joyful Shout to the Lord all you lands serve the Lord with gladness come before his presence with singing know that the Lord he is God it is he who has made us and not we ourselves we are his people and the Sheep of his pasture enter into his gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful to him and bless his name for the Lord is good his Mercy is Everlasting and his truth endures to
all generations the psalm opens with an instruction to make a joyful Shout to the Lord this is a call to express your love and Devotion to God with enthusiasm and joy it doesn't matter where you are or who you are this is a universal invitation for everyone to praise the Lord your Praises don't have to be perfect they just need to come from a genuine heart whether you sing shout or whisper your thanks God Delights in your sincere praise when you think of his greatness his provision and his grace how can you keep silent allow
your heart to overflow with joy and let that Joy spill out into praise for the one who loves you beyond measure the next part encourages us to serve the Lord with gladness this reminds us that serving God is not a chore or an obligation it's a privilege think about everything God has done for you he has provided for your needs protected you from harm and given you a hope that transcends all understanding serving him is a natural response to all the love he has shown you whether it's helping others sharing his word or simply living
a life that honors him your service is a way of saying Thank You Lord and when you serve with gladness you reflect his Joy to the World drawing others closer to his light we are also called to enter his gates with Thanksgiving and his courts with praise this is a beautiful image of coming into God's presence with a heart full of gratitude imagine walking through the gates of a majestic Palace bringing with you not complaints or worries but Thanksgiving and praise when you thank God you acknowledge his goodness and recognize that every blessing in your
life comes from him gratitude is the foundation of a strong relationship with God because it shifts your focus from what you lack to all that he has given you no matter what you're going through there is always something to be thankful for now let us take this moment to pray together Lord Jesus there is so much I want to say but words often feel so small compared to the overwhelming sense of awe I feel in your presence thank you for being my Savior My Redeemer and my constant companion your endless mercy and kindness greet me
every morning like a gentle Embrace that reminds me of how deeply you care for me I don't deserve your love yet you pour it out so freely every breath I take is a gift from you and for that I am so grateful thank you for never giving up on me for always being there even when I Stumble or lose my way your faithfulness is beyond measure and my heart is forever thankful for the Hope joy and peace you give so abundantly thank you Lord for being my protector I know there are dangers all around me
some I can see and others I cannot yet you Shield me and my loved ones with your powerful and Loving Hands each day you go before us making crooked paths straight and keeping us safe when I feel weak or afraid I find comfort in your promise from Psalm 121 verses 7 and 8 which says the Lord shall preserve you from all evil he shall preserve your soul the Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth and even forever more these words remind me that you are always watching over me
guarding my steps and guiding me through life's journey I can rest securely knowing that no matter what comes my way you are in control and your protection surrounds me like a fortress thank you for your faithfulness in keeping me and my family safe even when I am unaware of the battles you are fighting on our behalf Lord I trust you to meet every need I have both big and small you are the provider of all good things and your blessings are as countless as the stars there is nothing I lack for you are my shepherd
and you give me all that I need when I look at my life I see how many ways you have provided for me from the food on my table to the roof over my head and most importantly the love and peace that only you can give your word in James 1 verse1 17 says every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of Lights with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning this verse reassures me that you are unchanging and steadfast always faithful to your promises even
when I cannot see the way ahead I trust that you are working behind the scenes preparing blessings that I cannot yet comprehend you are unchanging Lord the same yesterday today and forever you see the bigger picture of my life even when I feel lost or confused teach me to surrender my plans and dreams to you trusting that your wisdom far exceeds my own there are times when I don't understand why certain things happen but I choose to believe that you have a purpose for everything when my prayers seem unanswered help me remember that you are
either protecting me from harm or preparing something far better than I could ever imagine your ways are higher than my ways and your plans are always for my good thank you for being patient with me when I struggle to trust and for never giving up on me thank you Lord for filling my heart with hope and peace even in the hardest moments when life feels overwhelming you remind me not to give in to fear or anxiety instead you call me to lay my worries at your feet and trust that you are in control how comforting
it is to know that I can bring all my concerns and requests to you with Thanksgiving knowing that you hear me and care deeply for me your love is a constant reminder that I am never alone no matter how heavy the burdens I carry may feel thank you for being my refuge my place of safety and my source of strength I praise you not just for the good times but also for the challenges that have shaped me it's during the difficult seasons of life that I have seen your hand most clearly the trials I faced
have taught me lessons I needed to learn and have strengthened my faith in ways I never expected when everything felt out of control you reminded me of your sovereignty and that nothing happens outside of your will forgive me Lord for the times I have been ungrateful or complained about my circumstances help me to see every situation through the lens of Your Love trusting that all things things work together for good to those who love God your plans are always perfect even when they don't match my own help me Lord to trust you more especially in
the trials teach me to praise you not just for what you've already done but also for the blessings you are preparing for me let my heart remain full of gratitude never taking your goodness for granted thank you for being my steady anchor the one I can always rely on no matter what life brings I lift up my praises to you with a heart full of love knowing that you will continue to pour out your blessings in your perfect time Lord you are worthy of all the glory honor and praise I give you my whole heart
my whole life and every ounce of worship I have to offer thank you for always hearing my prayers and for being being my faithful and loving father I rest in your presence knowing that you hold my future securely in your hands in the mighty and precious name of Jesus Christ I pray amen if this prayer has spoken to your heart please type amen as a sign of faith I pray that every blessing in this prayer is now upon you in the name of Jesus and if you need a special prayer feel free to let us
know in the comments we would be honored to pray for you May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always