Watch this before you learn to code with AI

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Corbin Brown
What I would do if I had to start coding all over again. SUBSCRIBE for more! 👉
Video Transcript:
if I was going to start my coding Journey today as if I've never coded in my entire life here's what I would do welcome back y'all in this video I'm going to take you through a little bit of context of who I am when it comes to developing and then give you perspective of what you should do if you've never coded before or you're interested in coding you're interested in developing software everything like that this is not going to be a fancy video there's not going to be like a random b-roll two people shaking hands
or fancy music or fancy pop if you know me and you know my channel I don't do that why because you don't need that so here's the thing I've been coding since I was 12 maybe 11 12 13 I don't remember the specifics point being I coded when I was younger I was coding iOS apps and I was doing you know fun little projects when I was coding then the way you would get information and learn how to code as I was self-taught was very much stack Overflow YouTube videos and just going at it working
at it if you've been coding before AI you know exactly what I'm talking about when it comes to stack Overflow rabbit holes and just finding your answers through different forms but now we're in a different age of coding or at least how we approach coding now coding of AI is non-negotiable now this isn't like a fad where 10 years from now it was like oh you guys remember we used to code of AI especially with the recent news of the 03 model that dropped this is a new thing therefore the way you approach coding is
very much different than how you would have approached it when I was coding at 11 or 12 because now when coding you're taking more of a logic position relative to just coding out entire files by hand like it used to be when I say logic I'm referencing the ability to know how to structure the architecture in software rather than knowing the nitty-gritty in the sense of every single line that needs to be coded to do XYZ thing within the platform so to Circle this back if I was starting at absolutely Ground Zero I'm using an
IDE integrated development environment that has no connection to artificial intelligence it is siloed off it's purely just an IDE EG vs code from there I'm going to use an AI model to help me learn produce code and proceed which AI model your discretion I've seen a lot of people say Corbin why don't you like Claude okay first off I never I never I don't have anything against CLA okay I have nothing against anthropic either I just like chat gbt better this is personal preference a lot of people want my opinion on well I see that
you use chat gbt a lot Corbin but I really like Claude or I really like Gemini like okay use what you want to use personally I have had better outputs with chbt but maybe that's because personally the type of application and software I'm developing is very react heavy very much backend heavy with firebeast so that is up to discretion on which model you want to choose who knows maybe Claude is amazing and has way better outputs when it comes to video game development so knowing this your next question might be is okay I get it
I see what I need to do now but like how does this all connect like what's going to be in the back basket of actually creating something I'm going to leave a video in the description down below check it out I'm on a whiteboard I draw it all out every single tool you need everything about the board as you can see the way I'm having this video today that's not the purpose of this video I'm not going to go on a whiteboard and draw out what you need to build out software I'm to give you
perspective here so now that you know how I would start at Ground Zero again because of our way of handling AI now let me tell you how it is don't start developing in this new age if this is not your passion is there a lot of money to be made in this new market that's emerging with artificial intelligence software everything like this yes but don't do this route and path in life if you're only doing it for the money because what's going to create really good software engineers in this new Revolution and new age are
people that actually care what they're doing and like see it more of like an art piece and allows them to basically flow their creative juices when drawing that painting or painting that painting translating over to coding out that front end dealing with that pipeline in the back end if you are doing this for the money don't there are way better ways to make money a lot faster than learning how to code from Ground Zero like if I had to give you a suggestion if you're doing this purely for the money learn how to trade equities
and stocks and options and everything of that realm you can make a lot more money a lot faster when understanding how to leverage the stock market but if you're doing this because you actually care about this and obviously the money will come if it's correct you're on the right path here and this path I just described here is new I mean if you look at any of the coding videos I do in this channel any tutorial when I built out the entire playlist for the front end or I built out the entire playlist on how
to build a backend with AI I challenge you to find any coding tutorial that is similar to that three years ago it doesn't exist because the way I teach coding is not like let's type it out line by line no no no the new way of coding is logic and I've shown that so I implore you if this is actually a true interest of yours take the journey this is 100% not a get-rich thing here realistically if your passion actually takes you down this route you will make good money within three years first two years
I highly doubt you'll make anything so don't do this if you think that going this route in six months you're going to make 20K 30k a month just through coding now obviously you would if you're going the more traditional route in the sense of getting a job and aligning in that way but I'm talking about the route of in the sense of you are starting from ground zero and you want to learn how to code to develop a software that makes money yeah let me break the eyes here as every other YouTuber is going to
basically fill you with hopes and dreams it's going to be brutal but what I can tell you is that if you actually enjoy the Artcraft of coding as it is an Artcraft it's not that deep the software I'm creating bump UPS the first year was just complete learning curve complete leaning in no money was really made yeah we made some money here and there but I can tell you in the latter half in the last four or five months we've seen a substantial increase in the amount of income we're receiving from that company but there
was a year of developing every single day 8 to 10 hours code code code code code code issue six hours of code issue code code code code a year it's easy for me to say that like you can hear a year but you can't really quantify it unless you've done a year of coding with no return the only return being education and understanding how to build scalable architecture within software which obviously is extremely valuable but no return in the sense of I'm making $5,000 a month now after 3 months of learning how to code I
could have easily turned on this camera right now and completely lie to you point blank in your face and just say no no don't worry don't don't worry go down this learning curve path you'll make good money within three months could have easily done that but why that's dumb I know a lot of people that choose to do content to try to lie to you and try to sell you dreams I don't like that and if you haven't already told my channel is a lot different than other people within my Niche so if you ever
see me doing a video that says top 10 AI tools here are the top 10 AI tools that's going to make you 40 Grand in one month I'm either a clone or something really bad happened that concludes today's video make sure to leave a like if you liked it if you didn't my bad I'll see you in the next video
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