Best book I ever read about making MONEY and getting rich fast

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Best book I ever read about making MONEY and getting rich fast
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work 9 to5 for 40 years cut your latte save 10% put some into your retirement account invest in an index fund and after 40 years you'll be a millionaire sitting in your wheelchair who says that almost all Financial gurus but here's the question are they wealthy because of what they teach or because of what they sell they teach us the slow lane to wealth while they get rich in the fast lane in my mid 20s I was lucky enough to stumble upon a book that completely changed how I see money wealth and life that book is the millionaire fast lane by MJ DeMarco today I'm going to give you a detailed summary of This game-changing Book so if you want to get rich young and not wait until you're old this video is for you part one The Race To Riches Pharaoh commands his 18-year-old twin nephews azur and chuma to build two pyramids the prize whoever finishes first gets to be the King live in luxury and never work again but there's a catch they have to build the Pyramid alone chuma and Azor both know their daunting task will take years to complete so azour starts right away he drags large heavy Stones one by one to make the base after a year the foundation of his pyramid takes shape chuma hasn't moved a single Stone during this time so Ezra visits chuma and finds him in his barn working on a strange machine Ezra yells what are you doing you're supposed to be building a pyramid chuma cracks a smile and says I am building a pyramid leave me alone the truth is he hasn't even started laying Stones another year passes as azour wants to proceed with the second level of the pyramid he struggles moving stones to the upper levels requires great strength so he seeks help from benu Egypt's strongest man to train him to build bigger and stronger muscles despite the training Azar's pyramid construction is still slow however he still surpasses chuma as chuma hasn't even placed one stone yet with all the strength training azur estimates that his pyramid will be completed in another 30 years after 3 years one day chuma shows up with a strange machine with ropes wheels and levers that move Stones quickly while azer took one year to build his pyramid Foundation juma's machine took one week the second level azer struggled with is even more surprising juma's machine does the work 30 times faster what took azer two months chuma machine does in two days now for 3 years that chuma hasn't started working on the pyramid his machine took 40 days to reach the same point as azer finally in 8 years chuma finishes his pyramid 3 years to build the system and 5 years to build the Pyramid Pharaoh is pleased and rewards chuma with kingship and great riches Juma never has to work another day in his life azour however refuses to change he keeps lifting Stones trying to get stronger and working harder two levels from finishing the pyramid ezar has a heart attack and dies so did you learn anything from this story azer represents the slow lane to wealth it's not guaranteed that you will reach it as azer has a heart attack while he's working on the pyramid on the other hand chuma represents presents the fast lanee road to wealth now I don't claim the fast lane is easy it's still hard work just like chuma he took three years to build his system and 5 years to work on the pyramid totaling eight years the fast lane though its name is fast still takes years of hard work however it's not as long as 40 Years of hard boring work the truth is when it comes to to Building Wealth there are three roads you can take most people get stuck on the slowest one but there's a faster way I will explain this in the next lesson part two the Three Financial road maps to wealth number one the sidewalk the sidewalk is about living for the moment with no financial planning for the future the sidewalk can involve everyone the poor the middle class even the rich earn 2,000 a month spend 3,000 earn 50,000 spend 60,000 even someone making $200,000 a month can still be on the sidewalk people on the sidewalk spend more than they make they focus on instant gratification spending all their money right away on toys like gadgets trendy items new cars or vacations living the Instagram life their wealth equation is income Plus plus debt living this way is risky one small mistake like losing a job or an emergency can cause everything to fall apart number two the slow lane while the sidewalk is driven by instant gratification with no future financial plan the slow lane is the opposite the slow lane sacrifices today for a more comfortable tomorrow their game plan go to college get good grades graduate wait get a good job save 10% of your paycheck invest in lowcost index funds keep a Frugal budget and then when you are 65 years old you will be rich this advice often comes from trusted sources teachers media personalities financial advisers and even our parents apart from that in the slow lane to earn more people work more hours switch jobs or go back to school but here's the thing a tricycle that has a top speed of 3 m an hour we'll always have a top speed of 3 m an hour no matter how hard you pedal if you travel across the country at 3 m an hour you'll need 40 years wealth is meant to be enjoyed when you're young and healthy not after 40 Years of hard labor number three the fast lane before I get into the details here are some fast lane stories pulled from the headlines the founder who creates a natural deodorant and sells the business for $100 million to Proctor and Gamble after 4 years the guy who builds a smartphone application and sells it 50,000 times the YouTuber with thousands of subscribers who monetizes it into a subscription service or product offering all right don't let these headlines scare you the fast lane is about providing value to a lot of people you need to be an entrepreneur and an innovator create something and offer value to the world first you need to switch your mind from consumer to Producer instead of buying products on TV sell products instead of digging for gold sell shovels instead of watching YouTube videos create videos you need to be an entrepreneur and an innovator you need to give birth to a business and offer value to the world a fastlaned business helps you get rich faster because it lets you make money without working all the time once you set it up it still works for you even when you're not doing anything think about this book The Millionaire fast lane the author wrote it once but it keeps making money year after year he doesn't need to keep writing every day to earn money from it he finished this book in 2010 and years later it still sells consistently but that doesn't mean once you set it up you can go and relax think of chuma after building the machine for 3 years he still needed to work hard for 5 years to finish the pyramid all right to recap there are three roads to wealth the sidewalk has no financial planning for the future they spend more than they make the slow lane sacrifices today for a more comfortable tomorrow and finally the fast lane if you want to get rich young you have to choose the fast lane the Fast Lane is all about becoming a producer rather than a consumer ask anyone who has moved from the slow lane to the fast lane and they'll tell you this the hardest part wasn't the work or learning new skills it was shifting your mindset once you do everything changes in the next lesson I'll share short but powerful tips to help you make that shift part three 20 important fast lane lessons number one someone is already doing it you've got a great idea but someone is already doing it so what do it better do it differently years ago when there were already a lot of search engines like Yahoo and internet Explorer it didn't stop Google's Founders from creating another one they still did it much better the Google Founders are now billionaires deodorant has been around for years but that didn't stop Moyes Ali from founding native a personal care startup after 2. 5 years of launching he sold it to Proctor and Gamble for 100 million number two the choice of perception when the author was a teenager he saw a Lamborghini and he said to himself someday I'm going to own one of those years later after getting his own Lamborghini a teenager saw his car snapped a picture and said I got to get as many pictures as possible cuz I'll never be able to afford one of these you see a problem there this young man decided to believe he would never own a Lamborghini if you believe you can't you will act according to that belief turn that negative language in your mind like I never I can't if only into positive ones like these it's possible I'll overcome I will I can is it possible to earn $1 million in one month yes it is just ask the guy who does it believe that you can be financially free if you put in the work your past never equals your future unless you allow it number three big hit big hits are things like getting lucky with cryptocurrency or winning the lottery it's fast wealth but they skip the journey and the hard lessons that come with it people who chase big hits think wealth is just an event that happens overnight they don't want to spend three years of hard work you might be familiar with ads like join my program for $1,997 and learn how to make millions working just 40 minutes a day like me but you must hurry only 100 spots are available this Guru targets people who want shortcuts and a quick way to make money without putting in the real work these tricks keep sidewalkers stuck with the crowd scrolling on their phones at 2: a. m.
believing they're just one click away from making millions because some YouTube guy with 500,000 followers says so the truth is wealth comes from a process and that process is not as easy as following a one two3 system number four beliefs and actions self-made millionaires don't get rich by luck similarly people who struggle financially don't end up that way by accident both groups follow a financial path like the sidewalk slow lane or fast lane and their beliefs shape the actions that lead to their current situation for example if you believe buying a new Mercedes financed over 72 months will bring you respect and happiness because an ad says so you might do it that way if you think investing in an index fund makes people Rich you'll invest in one your belief system is like a compass if it's wrong it can lead you down the wrong path so if you want to change your financial situation start by changing your road map because that will affect your beliefs and actions number five taking action I Believe In The Law of Attraction but don't just visualize and do nothing about it the author spent two years wishing and thinking positively about writing his book he let the Law of Attraction do the work he asked the universe for the book visualized it snapped a picture of a bookstore shelf and photoshopped his book on the Shelf then what happened nothing the book only started to materialize once he sat down on a chair and started to write it number six but I don't know how the author graduated from college with two business degrees marketing and finance neither was related to computers and he had no experience in programming but he learned how to program and build a limousine website that brought him to the millionaire fast lane before even starting he could have EAS said I don't know how I don't know how to program a website I don't know how to write a marketing copy but he didn't say those things instead he educated himself he read books spent hours on the web and watched tutorials if you say I don't know how here's the truth YouTube is a free University the real question is are you willing to be a student number seven don't wait for the right time someday I will someday I'll do this someday when the kids are grown someday when the debts are paid I will start in the New Year it's always someday and yet somay never comes what are you waiting for if you keep waiting opportunities will slip away many of the world's successful entrepreneurs started businesses in college for example Microsoft Dell FedEx and Facebook these entrepreneurs captured opportunity and didn't wait for the perfect time after I graduate on summer break or after my math exam there will never be a perfect time for you to start it's either one day or day one number eight speed entrepreneurs often struggle to differentiate between idea and execution they think ideas are worth millions when success is never about the IDE idea success is about the speed at which you turn an idea into a tangible product how did Instagram and Facebook become two of the most popular social networks when they weren't the owners of the original idea the answer is speed speed is not thinking about a fast lane business but creating it speed is turning off the PlayStation speed is finding a problem and providing the solution speed is making contacts and Publishing the product in into the world number nine just do it interview any successful entrepreneur and they'll tell you that they started off with intention a and ended up with intention B Instagram started as a check-in location app after hearing feedback from the market it pivoted into an app to share photos when it comes to your ideas plans and business you never know what works until you put it out into the world just execute your idea and launch it the world will do its job and tell you the direction to travel number 10 start small you're excited now to be a millionaire but if you're just getting started don't expect $10,000 a month in just a few months one shouldn't ask how to win an Olympic gold medal in swimming if they don't yet know how to swim learn to swim first you can't make $5,000 per month online until you learn how to make $5 break down your goal start small and improve gradually number 11 Focus save the brag I have 10 businesses until you sell one company for Millions a scattered Focus leads to scattered results instead of one business that thrives the opportunist has 20 businesses that suck the author shares how he got distracted by starting a new web business that was similar to his main website which was already thriving that made him unable to Focus he had four options one Focus Less on his existing business two hire someone to manage the existing business three hire someone to manage the new business four shut down the new business he chose to shut it down considering that more employees would just take up more time look the wealthiest people got rich by focusing on one thing LeBron James basketball Messi football the most successful Tech entrepreneurs Focus 100% on one business until it's successful once they make money only then do they explore other Ventures like investing in real estate or trying new things number 12 wealth is a process not an event an athlete who scores a $100 million contract to play pro basketball is an event that comes from the process when you read about a 20-year-old who sold his internet company for $50 million you only see the result you see the event not the process but here's the process he went through the long hours of coding the cold dark days working in the garage the company was founded on credit cards with 21. 99% interest number 13 pay the price there's no such thing as overnight success there's a price you have to pay like long hours of work pissed off partners and no week Begins the fast lane path requires hard work that only a few are willing to do the hard work can't be outsourced to someone else expect bumps in the road when you hit the first obstacle and yes it will happen know that you are shaping your own Journey it's the process you need to go through number 14 commitment interest reads a book commitment applies the book 50 times interest works on a business an hour a day Monday through Friday commitment works on a business 7 days a week interest quits after the third failure commitment continues after the H hundredth number 15 escaping negative environments people who don't support your goals are a challenge to your fast lane Journey when you're excited about your ideas or actions they respond with doubt saying things like that won't work someone is already doing it or why bother besides people there are also environmental challenges for example the author once lived in a windy city Chicago he was depressed and needed Sun for motivation so he moved to one of the sunniest places in the US Arizona and started his business there another negative environment could be your work if your job drains all your energy you won't be interested in working on your goals after work try your best to Escape negative environments if you don't like your condition move you're not a tree number 16 fast planers are Frugal with time most people waste time scrolling on social media in addition to that on average people watch 4 hours of TV each day in a 65-year life that person will have spent 9 years glued to the screen instead of wasting 9 years on Netflix and play station why not invest those 9 years into a business system that can pay dividends for the next 30 Years fast laners are Frugal with time time is King number 17 partnership employee in building your fast lane business Partnerships can work just like many marriages do just make sure you choose the right partner a two-e honeymoon with your college roommate might not be enough time to see if you're truly compatible look would you marry someone after 2 weeks of dating when you hire or partner with somebody just be careful who you pick up on the side of the road there are many good people in the world and they outnumber the bad ones it just takes a little effort to find them and keep them in your life number 18 addressing complaint complaints are the world's Whispers showing you what you should improve in your business however be careful when addressing complaints not everyone needs to be responded to focus on solving complaints that add the most value and when customers send an email answer within minutes how do you feel when you send an email to customer service and they take days or weeks to respond make sure calls to your business are directed to a real person no press one press two excellent customer service costs more but the benefit outweigh the costs if businesses spent more on keeping existing clients happy instead of always chasing new ones they'd last longer than 5 years spectacular product features can't overcome poor service customer pays your paycheck keep them happy number 19 always learning what got you here will not get you there what you know today is not enough enough to get you where you need to be tomorrow listen to audiobooks or podcasts while stuck in traffic or while on the treadmill bring something to read with you when you anticipate a painful weit like at airports or doctor's offices don't just sit there and scroll your phone learn however pick your multitasking sessions wisely it's been proven that multitasking can hurt deep focus and concentration multitasking works best when combined with a task that requires little thought or effort number 20 you're responsible for your destiny people who don't take responsibility act like victims they laid me off they cheated me they raised my rent they raised my interest rate all these they are self-imposed if the company laid you off is it their fault that you don't bounce back after that working on other opportunities if the contract didn't do the work properly is it their fault you didn't do diligent research before hiring them all right we're done with 20 fast lane lessons now if you're thinking about opening a lemonade stand because you think the fast lane is just about business you're getting it wrong there are a lot of business opportunities out there but unfortunately most of them aren't fast lane roads before choosing your fast lane business there are five things you need to consider which I will explain in part four the five Commandments number one scale the fast lane is about reaching people at scale the more people you can reach the more you can sell who does your business serve the local neighborhood or the world for example imagine a guy who sells sandwiches at a local store how many sandwiches can he sell in one day 50 100 under his current setup his business is limited to the people in his neighborhood if he's in New York he can't sell to someone in Australia to be in the fast lane find a business that has the potential to reach people at scale I'll explain that more later number two control to be in the fast lane you need to have full control of your business if you can't control every aspect you're not driving for example drivers off for Drp Shipping they don't become drop ships drivers offer affiliate programs they don't become Affiliates drivers sell franchises they don't buy them so are you driving a fast lane or hitchhiking one for example the author had a company where he offered an affiliate program his best affiliate made $20,000 plus per month while he himself made $200,000 a month even though the top affiliate was making good money nonetheless he was still The Hitchhiker the author was the driver he controlled everything at any time he could Implement a new policy that might reduce the affiliate's earnings to hit big or legendary money you need to control every aspect of your system number three entry when it's too easy to enter a business as simple as paying $200 for distributor kits it's not worth it why because if anyone can get in there will be more competition imagine joining a Drp Shipping program with 200 other people all selling the same thing you're going to have less chance to succeed when it comes to entry your industry and your business should not be available to everyone if it is available to everyone then you need to be exceptional years ago blogging was a big deal people were making 6 figures but now it's totally different because everyone can be a blogger so when it's too easy to start competition and saturation take over if anyone can start a business in one day or less you're likely breaking the Commandment of Entry number four need people care about what your business can do for them how will it help them will it solve their problem make their life easier for example Joe was a martial arts expert and he loved his craft he followed the advice do what you love so he opened up a martial arts studio after 10 months he shut it down it didn't go really well Joe failed because there wasn't a genuine need for his business in his area Joe should have started by first asking is there a need in my neighborhood for a martial arts studio what are existing martial arts studios doing wrong that I could do better what improved value do I I offer the martial arts student to be in the fast lane don't just simply look at do what you love combine it with needs number five time ask yourself can this business be automated and systematized to operate while I'm absent your business and income should be detached from your time let's take a look at this example Ashlin loves arts and literature she follows the advice do what you love so she opens a coffee shop featuring local Artisans and hosts weekly literature readings her business starts strong but eventually becomes draining she's up at 4:00 a. m.
to open and stays until 8:00 p. m.
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