How To BREAK FREE from What's Holding You Back (Breakthrough Morning Devotional And Prayer)

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Daily Jesus Devotional
Be blessed today, as you listen to these methods of how to break free from invisible chains that hol...
Video Transcript:
life's greatest victories often emerge when we finally let go of what's been weighing us down the path to Freedom begins with releasing the anchors that have kept us bound every single one of us has felt trapped by something whether it's fear doubt past mistakes toxic relationships or something else we know deep in our hearts that we were meant for more yet some something keeps holding us back that feeling of being stuck of watching life pass by while we remain bound to things that limit us it ends today I will share with you three powerful truths
about breaking free from the invisible chains that have held you back I am also going to pray a powerful prayer with you in the mighty name of Jesus so watch until the end and open your hearts to receive the blessings of this prayer my friends in 2 Corinthians 3:1 17 we find these powerful words but where the spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty God's word promises us freedom not bondage his power breaks every chain that holds us back God's spirit within us brings a freedom Freedom that no force can contain when we welcome
his presence we are empowered to rise above every limitation and step into the fullness of his promises now let's explore three perspectives that can transform your understanding of God's liberating Power number one breaking the power of false identity many of us are held back not by external change s but by the labels we've accepted as truth about ourselves these labels often come from past experiences cutting deep into our understanding of who we are they come from careless words spoken Over Us in moments of vulnerability they come from misguided conclusions that we've drawn about our worth
and potential each limiting belief wraps another chain around our purpose each false identity dims the light of our divine calling each negative word becomes a brick in the wall between us and our destiny we've learned to see ourselves through distorted mirrors these false Reflections have shaped our choices for far too long the time has come to shatter these mirrors and see ourselves through God's eyes our creator never intended for us to live bound by these limitations in Zechariah 3: 3- 4 we see a powerful truth when God commands take off his filthy clothes and put
Rich garments on him this moment reveals God's heart for our transformation he sees beyond our current state to our true identity his words strip away years of false labels and limiting beliefs he clothes us with dignity and purpose think about the words you've accept is truth about yourself that constant Whisper of I'm not good enough that Shadows your every effort the nagging voice that says I'll never change each time you strive to grow or the belief that I can't that stops you before you begin these words have become the prison bars of your mind in
Revelation 2:17 God promises to him who overcomes I will give him a white stone and on the stone a new name written which no one knows except him who receives it this verse reveals the intimate nature of your true identity God has a name for you that surpasses every every label he sees potential where others see limitations he declares purpose over every area of perceived failure the enemy Works overtime to keep you stuck in Old patterns he wants you constantly replaying past hurts and failures he fights to keep you living by outdated labels his goal
is to keep you focused on who you were rather than who you're becoming every limitation that you've accepted was learned which means it can be unlearned God's spirit brings fresh truth to replace Every Lie his power breaks the hold of every false identity his love heals the wounds that these labels have created in 1 Peter 2:9 we find our true identity but you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation his own special people that you may proclaim the Praises of him who called you out of Darkness Into His Marvelous Light these words
aren't mere poetry they're your true identity declaration they reveal your standing in God's kingdom they announce your value in his eyes when Barnabas first met Saul he saw beyond the persecutor to the Apostle Within someone had to see past his old identity for his new one to emerge the same principle applies to your life today your transformation begins with seeing yourself through God's perspective in Micah 7:8 we find a powerful declaration do not rejoice over me my enemy when I fall I will arise when I sit in darkness the Lord will be a light to
me this verse becomes your personal Declaration of Freedom every time you choose God's truth about you another chain breaks every time you reject a lie you step further into Freedom the spirit of God within you is greater than any label that's been placed on you your past experiences may have shaped you but they don't have to Define you the same power that raised Christ from the dead lives with within you that power can raise you out of every limiting belief your journey to Freedom has already begun today marks your release from false identity right now
you can begin walking in your true identity in Christ the labels of your past no longer have power over your future God's truth about you supersedes every other Voice number two Breaking Free from the prison of performance my friends many of us have built invisible prisons through our endless striving to prove our worth we exhaust ourselves trying to earn what God has already freely given our performance-driven mindset creates chains that grow heavier with each passing day we often measure our value by our achievements our productivity and the approval of others this endless cycle of proving
ourselves worthy leaves us emotionally and spiritually drain it affects how we approach every relationship and opportunity the weight of expectations crushes our joy and peace we've forgotten that Grace is a gift not a reward in Galatians 5:1 Paul addresses this directly for Freedom Christ has set us free Stand Fast therefore and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage the Yoke of performance constantly Whispers you're not doing enough it pushes you to work harder achieve more and prove yourself repeatedly even our spiritual lives can become trapped in this performance mindset we try to
earn God's love through religious activities we mistake busyness for spiritual growth we confuse achievement with acceptance this was never God's plan for his children in Titus 3:5 we find a liberating truth not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his Mercy he saved us your value isn't determined by your performance your worth isn't measured by your achievements your identity isn't found in what you do it's found in whose you are I invite you to take a moment and consider how many areas of your life are driven by the need to prove
yourself your relationships might suffer from constant urge to please others your work might be fueled by the fear of not being enough your spiritual life might be burdened by religious obligation rather than relationship in Hebrews 4:10 we discover a powerful Truth for he who has entered his rest has himself also ceased from his Works God invites us into a place of rest he calls us to lay down our striving he welcomes us into his presence just as we are no performance required the pressure to perform often stems from past disappointments each time we felt we
weren't enough the chains grew stronger each criticism reinforced our need to prove ourselves each failure added another layer to our Prison Walls in Philippians 1:6 Paul shares a liberating promise being confident of this very thing that he who has begun a good work in you will complete it notice that it's God who completes the work in us not our own striving or efforts his power Works through our surrender not our strength his purpose unfolds through our trust not our trying when we rest in his ability rather than our own true transformation begins consider the story
of Martha in the kitchen and a service came from a place of proving herself worthy but Mary chose the better portion simply being present with Jesus one worked from obligation the other rested in Acceptance in 2 Corinthians 3:1 17 we read now the Lord is the spirit and where the spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty true Freedom comes when we stop trying to earn what's already ours release comes when we cease striving to prove our Worth Liberty flows when we accept God's unconditional love his presence breaks the chains of performance the enemy wants
to keep you on the treadmill of proving yourself he wants you exhausted from endless effort he wants your worth tied to your achievements he wants you trapped in the cycle of performance but God offers a different path he invites you into a place of rest and acceptance he calls you to lay down your need to prove yourself he welcomes you into freedom from performance in Ephesians 2: 8-9 we find this foundational Truth for by Grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of Works lest
anyone should boast your salvation isn't based on performance your acceptance isn't earned through achievements your value isn't determined by your Works everything you need has already been provided through Grace and I want you to understand that Breaking Free from performance bondage isn't about becoming lazy or abandoning ambition God desires us to excel achieve goals and work diligently the difference lies in our foundation working from rest not restlessness when we're secure in God's love we can pursue Excellence without the crushing weight of proving our worth this Freedom actually empowers us to achieve more not less today
I invite you to step off the treadmill of constant performance you can lay down the burden of proving yourself you can embrace the freedom of being accepted just as you are you can rest in God's unconditional love and number three walking in bold Authority my dear friends breaking free from what holds us back isn't about settling for less it's about stepping into the Bold Authority God has given you the difference lies in our motivation and Foundation when we're driven by fear we achieve from desperation when we're grounded in God's love we achieve from inspiration walking
in Authority means taking ownership of your Divine position it means understand understanding the power that resides within you it means stepping up when others step back in Acts 4:13 we find a fascinating observation now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men they marveled these disciples weren't held back by their limitations they weren't Bound by society's expectations ations they moved in bold Authority because they knew who empowered them their confidence came from their connection with Jesus we often shrink back from our true potential we allow
circumstances to dictate our boldness we let past failures determine our future actions but God calls us to a higher way of living every moment presents a choice to walk in authority or retreat in fear your decisions today shape your reality tomorrow bold Authority grows stronger with each step of faith in 1 Timothy 1:7 Paul declares for God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind fear Keeps Us playing small it makes us hesitate when we should act it causes us to shrink back when we
should stand firm but God's spirit empowers us to move forward boldly the enemy wants you to believe you're powerless he wants you trapped in hesitation and doubt he works to keep you questioning your Authority but God has already settled the matter of your Authority in Christ you don't need anyone's permission to walk in God's calling you don't need to wait for perfect circumstances you don't need more qualifications or preparations your Authority comes from God himself in Luke 10: 19 Jesus States behold I give you the authority to trample on serpants and scorpions and over all
the power of the enemy this Authority isn't earned through performance it's given through your position in Christ it's activated through your faith in his word it grows as you step out in obedience many Believers live far below their Authority they accept limitations God never placed on them they live Bound by fears God never intended them to carry they settle for less than their full inheritance in Christ every step of Faith strengthens your spiritual muscles every Act of obedience increases your boldness every Declaration of God's word builds your confidence your Authority grows through exercise in Ephesians
2:6 we read he raised us up together and made us sit together in the Heavenly places in Christ Jesus your position in Christ gives you Spiritual Authority your seat with him elevates you above every limitation your connection to him empowers you to break free from every constraint this is your inheritance as a child of God walking in Authority requires bold faith it means standing firm when challenges arise it means speaking God's truth over impossible situations it means acting on God's will word despite your feelings consider how many times Jesus spoke with authority he never apologized
for who he was he never minimized his power he walked in perfect alignment with his father's will in Colossians 2:10 Paul reminds us and you are complete in him who is the head of all principality and power your completeness in Christ gives you access to his authority your connection to him provides all you need your position in him establishes your right to reign in life this truth should transform how you face every challenge The Authority you carry isn't dependent on your feelings it doesn't fluctuate with your circumstances it remains constant because it comes from Christ
himself you carry this Authority everywhere you go in second Corinthians 10:4 we find this powerful Truth for the weapons of our Warfare are not carnal But Mighty in God for pulling down strongholds you have been given spiritual weapons you have been equipped for victory you have been empowered to overcome every chain that once held you back can be broken the the time has come to walk in your full Authority stop asking permission to be who God created you to be stop waiting for someone else to validate your calling start exercising The Authority Christ died to
give you today marks your step into bold Authority no more shrinking back in fear no more accepting artificial limitations no more living beneath your calling your Authority in Christ is not just a theological concept it's a practical reality for everyday living it's your weapon against every obstacle it's your key to Breaking Free from every limitation your Authority in Christ is not just a theological concept it's a practical reality for everyday living it's your weapon against every obstacle it's your key to Breaking Free from every limitation every morning when you wake up you have a choice
you can walk in timidity or step into bold Authority you can shrink back or stand firm in your position your daily decisions shape your Spiritual Authority in James 4:7 we find this powerful principle submit to God resist the the devil and he will flee from you submission to God activates your Authority resistance against Darkness demonstrates your position Victory follows your bold stance in Christ this is the Divine pattern for walking in Authority remember that Authority flows from Identity when you know whose you are you know what you carry when you understand your position you walk
differently your Authority isn't earned it's inherited through Christ in Ephesians 6:10 Paul encourages us finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might your strength comes from his might your Authority flows from his power your boldness stems from his presence this truth transforms every situation you face starting today walk with your head held high move forward with Divine confidence step into every situation knowing who backs you your Authority in Christ changes everything let this Revelation sink deep into your spirit allow it to transform how you see yourself permit it
to change how you face challenges embrace the full measure of your Authority in Christ this is your moment to rise up this is your time to break free this is your season to walk in bold Authority nothing can hold you back any longer now to all those within the sound of my voice let us go to the Lord in prayer I want you to pray this prayer with me or listen to this prayer in faith so that you can have all the blessings of this prayer let us pray to our gracious and loving God Eternal
God creator of heaven and earth I praise your holy name your power knows no bounds your wisdom has no measure and your love has no limits you reign supreme above every Authority principality and power your presence fills the heavens and the Earth with your glory You Are My Redeemer my rock and my strong tower and in you I find strength and refuge thank you Father for the Abundant love you have poured out upon me thank you for every blessing every provision and every answered prayer that has sustained me I am grateful for the freedom I
have in Christ thank you for breaking every chain that held me bound Lord I come before you asking for forgiveness for every time I've lived beneath my calling forgive me of my sins as I forgive those who have trespassed against me father today I Surrender every false identity that I've carried I release every limiting belief that has held me captive I let go of Every Chain of constant performance that has weighed me down in the name of Jesus I break free from every spirit of fear and timidity I bind every Spirit of inferiority and rejection
in the mighty name of Jesus I rebuke Every Lie of the enemy that says I'm not enough I declare that no weapon formed against me or my identity shall prosper father fill me with fresh boldness and courage to walk in my true Authority let your spirit Empower me to stand firm in who you've called me to be Break Every Chain of false expectations and human approval for my life Release Me From the prison of bondage into the freedom of your grace pour out your healing bomb over every wound that has shaped my identity Lord restore
every broken place where the enemy has a attacked my confidence Shield me from every arrow of Doubt confusion and fear protect my mind from toxic thoughts and negative selft talk I pray for these same blessings over my loved ones release them from every chain that holds them back Mighty God break the power of generational limitations over our bloodline let your healing and freedom flow through our entire family lineage Lord as I say this prayer together with everyone listening I am grateful for every heart that is opening before you right now we come in agreement believing
for complete freedom from every limitation together we declare our victory over everything that has held us back in the name of Jesus we receive your healing from every wound that has shaped our identity we claim our Authority as your children stepping into our full potential we declare that this is our season of complete Liberation and bold Authority Sovereign Lord let your holy spirit guide us into all truth about who we are in you let your will be done in our lives as it is in heaven for yours is the kingdom the power and the glory
forever more thank you Lord for hearing and answering my prayer in the mighty name of Jesus I pray amen if you were blessed by this message type the word amen in the comment section below I declare that all the blessings of this prayer are now upon you in the name of Jesus you can help us to reach more persons and spread the gospel you can do this by sharing the video with a friend or family member who you know needs the blessing of this prayer and by clicking the like button also remember to subscribe to
our daily Jesus devotional channel for more videos that will bless your heart and uplift your spirit we appreciate all those who support us you're blessed to be a blessing now for those who are listening and you want to accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior I urge you to receive God's grace with an open and repentant heart start where you are your past doesn't matter Jesus came to seek and to save those that are lost God loves you it is not God's will that anyone should perish but for all to come to repentance say
this simple self salvation prayer for yourself dear Lord Jesus I know that I am a sinner and I ask for your forgiveness I believe you died for my sins and rose from the dead I turn from my sins and invite you to come into my heart and life I want to trust and follow you as my Lord and Savior Lord Jesus hear my prayer I pray thank thank you Lord for saving me amen now that you have prayed this prayer you can ask a pastor to baptize you at a local church and make that decision
public baptism is a symbol of that decision to follow Jesus I then encourage you to have fellowship with other believers to learn more about your new life and to get to know more about God please feel free to leave your prayer request in the comment section so that we can present them before God for your blessings and victory also we invite other believers on the YouTube platform and all over the world to join us and start praying for you right now and we want you to know that even if you don't see a reply to
your prayer request it doesn't mean that you were not prayed for rest assured that we are actively lifting up each request quest to God that is in accordance with his will we believe in the power of prayer to bring Comfort healing and guidance in accordance with God's perfect plan to God be all the glory May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all [Music]
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