selling on Amazon has never been this easy I know this because I personally made over $3 million doing this and because it's so easy I'm spilling all the secrets on how you can get started fast to dominate 2025 and change your life it doesn't matter if you're a beginner or looking to level up your skills to get to my level this is my 8 years of hands-on experience that will guide you to build a real and profitable Amazon Drop Shipping business from scratch so the first thing that we're going to do is create create our
Amazon seller account it's a very easy and simple straightforward process once our account is ready we're going to jump into product research add our products to our Amazon store and start selling and this is what the Amazon dashboard is going to look like once you register for your Amazon account and one of the cool things here is I just added some products just for the demo purposes to show you how it's done um just a couple of days ago and I woke up um this morning to one sell which is actually pretty cool because I
wasn't really expecting to make any sales with just two products in the air but we're going to add more products and I'm also going to show you how to fulfill these orders how I found these products and I'm simply going to take you step by step hand in hand until you have a working Amazon store that's already making sales and profit so in order to get started I prepared this Amazon cheat sheet for you and if you want access to it stay tuned in this video because I'm going to tell you exactly what you need
to do in order to get access to this and this will walk you through all of the steps that you need starting from registering your your account to doing product research things to look out for what suppliers to work with how to fulfill your orders and so much more so this detailed step by step will help you a lot but let's take it from Step number one so the first thing that we're going to do is create an Amazon seller account it doesn't cost any money to create the account and anybody can do it it
doesn't matter where you're located you are able to sell on Amazon so you can just click on this button right here on the cheat sheet and it'll take you to the registration page now because I'm already logged then I have to open it in Incognito so it's going to take you to this sign up page you're going to go ahead and click on sign up and from here everything is very straightforward you enter your details your email address your home address or business address it could both be the same even if you didn't register for
a business yet it doesn't matter you can still create an Amazon seller account and you'll simply need to pass Amazon's verification process which requires the information that I just mentioned your name address phone number and so forth your payment and Bank information so that Amazon will know how to charge you and where to send the payouts once you make your orders a government issued ID so of course you're going to have to supply your ID a bank or credit card statement so that they can see that you are who you say that you are and
you might also have to do a verification video meeting I had to do it I don't know if everybody has to go through this thing but it's a very quick two-minute call where they just want to see that it's you and they're going to ask you to like show the ID and the bank statement that you sent during the verification process now all of this you only need to do it one time once you're done and you're verified your Amazon seller account is here to stay and you can keep it for as long as you
want so I will not be demonstrating the signup process because my account is already set up but if you have any issues with the signup process just let me know in the comments below and I will help you out now once we registered for our Amazon seller account the next thing that we need to do is choose our Amazon selling plan so the link here will take you to Amazon selling plans what the selling fees are in those plans and so forth and the only thing that you really need to know here is that there
are two plans that Amazon has an individual plan and a professional plan so the individual plan doesn't cost any money it's a free subscription but every time you make a sale you're going to have to pay a $1 transaction fee on top of other fees which I will get to soon don't be afraid of fees we're easily going to overcome that with our profits especially in this Drop Shipping business model where we are easily able to make high profits now I do not recommend the individual plan not just because of the extra fees that you
will be paying but because the professional plan which comes at $39.99 a month will give you access to automation I'm going to get to automation soon I'm a firm believer of it I've been automating my drop shiing businesses for over eight years now and I couldn't do any of it without the help of automation that's what's going to help you to scale and we're also going to get to all of that but in order for that to happen you have to have the professional plan now if you want to get started you want to kind
of look around a bit you can start with the individual but you will have to do the professional plan once you're ready to start scaling and make some real money now after you register for your Amazon seller account they could put the professional plan as a default setting so if you get charged for a professional plan as soon as you verify your account and you're not ready for professional yet you can simply reach out to Amazon's support let them know hey I just registered I would like to go to the individual plan I was just
charged for the professional please give me a refund for that and they will go ahead and do that but again once you're ready to start making some real money and scaling the professional plan is where you want to be at so that $39.99 is going to be scratched off really easy with the profits that you're about to make all right so go ahead create your Amazon seller account verify your account get your professional plan and let's move on to the exciting part of doing some Amazon product research so while I Was preparing for this video
I already did some product research I added a couple of products to my Amazon store and these are the products right here so I can show it to you directly from Amazon so I'm just going to go here to the menu I'm going to go to inventory and manage my inventory and here you can see two products that I added and this was just from doing about 5 minutes of product research and this product right here already sold just this morning I need to fulfill this order so we're going to do that during this video
it's a really good opportunity to show you how it's done while I'm doing it but these are the types of products that I want to help you find and like I said I didn't even expect to make this sale right here for this product it's only been in the air for a couple of days and it just sold automatically organically and that's one of the things that I love about Amazon when you list a product for sale and you can list as many products as you want under your Amazon selling plan so you can list
10 products 100 of products thousands of products and it's not going to cost you anything extra so here when we're doing product research we are going to find the best products to sell on Amazon and I'm going to show you the best methods on how to find these products and add them to your store so I'm going to refer back to the Amazon Drop Shipping cheat cheat and in just a couple of minutes I'll tell you what you need to do to get your hands on it and don't worry it's not going to cost you
anything I want you to succeed with your business at the lowest cost possible so you can see how the Drop Shipping business model especially on Amazon is really easy to enter and also win as long as you have the right tools and knowledge as I'm passing on to you in this video so now Amazon product research I split this into two different sections free product research methods and paid product research methods now you go with whatever method you want but do keep in mind that I'm going to make this the most coste effective solution for
you to sign up and start selling on Amazon while operating at the minimal expenses so you won't really feel the money going out before you really start to experience the money coming in so here are the best free and paid product research methods I'm going to start with the free product research methods then I'm going to go to the paid and as you can see I listed a whole bunch of methods over here and you do not have to go with all of them I just want you to have the best tools possible and with
that I'm going to show you my recommendations my shortcuts into finding the best products from here all right and also keep in mind that you do not need to Market your products on Amazon so as soon as you list a product and it's a product that someone is actually looking to buy they're going to open up Amazon they're going to search for what they want to buy and if that is your listing if that is the product that you're selling they're going to see you on Amazon's page one and they will easily enter your listing
and buy the product if it's relevant to them so you do not have to spend any money on marketing you just need to list the right products the products that people are actually looking to buy right now and I'm going to show you how to get to that with the methods that I'm about to go over starting with the first one the Amazon product opportunity Explorer so that's this first option right here I'm going to click on that and here you can only enter it once you have an Amazon seller account if you do not
have your Amazon seller account yet you will not be able to enter this product opportunity Explorer and what's so cool about this is it really shows you the details on an item on a product that you're interested in selling so here for example if I scroll down you can see example niches from your categories in the United States and that is also a good point right now I'm selling on Amazon us so let me take you back to the seller account really quick so again this is what the seller account looks like and you can
see that I called my store Ecom drop LLC and here we can see that it's registered in the United States so while you're creating your Amazon seller account you're going to create your store on Amazon us it's my personal recommendation you can also sell on Amazon UK or Amazon Canada or anywhere else but I suggest starting in the US because it's really easy to make your first sales there and once you're ready to start expanding to other territories you can go ahead and do so but the Amazon us Marketplace is highly the recommended one to
start off with so I'm listed of course on and I'm going to walk you through the whole dashboard and all the rest of the menus that we have here but first let's get this product research thing down because I really want you to understand how to get your products so that you'll have the highest chances of making sales as fast as possible just like how I just had with this product right here and again I'm going to walk you through all of this but I want to show you how to find exactly these types
of products that people are actually looking to buy so you have the opportunity explorer that you can take advantage of and as you can see right here Amazon is giving you all types of insights on certain products so for example here we're looking at a product that we can't really sell when we're Drop Shipping this is a Zelda echo of wisdom uh game for the Nintendo switch okay but I'm not going to use this as an example because we cannot sell uh trademark copyrighted products soon we're going to go over everything that we can and
cannot sell on Amazon but what I like about the Amazon product opportunity Explorer is that you can enter the product ID that you're looking to uh get info on over here so the product needs to come from Amazon and then you're going to get all types of insights on it so if let's say for example okay you don't have the exact product but you have an idea of something that you want to sell all right like for example let's search for portable fan okay and while I'm writing it you're getting a whole bunch of uh
ideas right that people are searching for portable fans like portable fan rechargeable portable fan for your neck and so forth but again your product research is not going going to start here and it's not going to start with the hunch that you have in your head so if you're thinking oh I think I know what will'll sell maybe I will try to sell this and that forget that put it on the side we are going to do real market research before we actually dive into a certain Niche or product but I just want to show
you what the product opportunity Explorer shows you so after you find your Niche using the next methods that I'm going to show you you're going to look for those products here just to see how they're performing on Amazon at the moment because when Amazon tells me how popular a product is on their platform that is the type of product that I'll also want to sell on their platform so here we've got the first search result which is portable fan and then we've got the top Search terms so people are searching for portable fan battery powered
fan battery operated fan and also rechargeable like we saw from the search field and so here you have the number of top clicked products so you got 97 fans that are doing really well and here we can see that there's a total of over 23 million searches for these portable fans that we have here on the top Search terms just in the last year so in the last 360 days over 23 million people are looking for these fans next you can see the growth of the search result so portable fans have a growth of over
220% in the last 180 days in the last half a year the growth for the search results has really grown next you've got the total search volume so we're looking at a total over the last 90 days and then the growth in the last 90 days so here you can see that in the last year 23 million people searched for these portable fans and then in the last half a year the search term grew by 220% but if you look at the last 90 days so the last three months instead of the last 6 months
the growth actually came to a halt and it's actually going a little bit back now so we're looking at a minus 62.8% in the growth in the last 90 days and that is because while I'm recording this video we are in the winter and people aren't really looking for portable fans but half a year ago when it was around summer a lot of people were looking for it so that's why the growth was really big during the summer and now during the winter the growth is slowly starting to decline next we can see how many
units sold so we can see that about 1 million portable fans were sold on Amazon in the last year and you've got the averages what is the return rate so as long as we're looking at anything between 1 to 3% returns we should be in the safe Zone if you have anything more than that like this one right here has almost a 5% return rate and here we're looking at canopy fans so maybe you should think twice before selling those or at least take a a deep look into the item and make sure that you're
working with a good supplier that sells high quality products of course we're going to go over supplier soon but I just want you to get a look at this product opportunity Explorer because you can get a lot of insights from here but again use this as your secondary first you have to have a tool that helps you find products and get ideas to write here and see how that's performing on Amazon so this is going to be your second step but it's absolutely free to use and you can use it once you have your Amazon
seller account verified now another free tool that I like to use is a tool called seller app this is a fremium so it means that we can use the free version of it for as long as we want and if we want to get the premium we're going to have extra features inside but if you don't want to you can always stay with the free plan so you can see that the reviews here are relatively high and this simply helps you do some analyzation while you're searching for products to sell on Amazon so let me
give you a quick preview of what that actually looks like so if I go to and here I'm going to search for something like let's say laptop stand so again here you kind of have to have a picture of the kind of product that you want to sell and again this is not going to come from a hunch this is after using some tools that are going to help you do some product research if you want to do the product research by yourself you can go ahead and do that just open up Google and
search for trends that are happening right now but that is going to be the difficult way to do it that's going to be the most timeconsuming way to do it and that is not how I would do it if I was starting a new Amazon business today so again here we're going to get insights on a certain Niche after you got that idea from that Niche using a certain tool that's going to help you do your product research which I will show you soon but once again this method right here is the secondary method after
you have your general idea of something that you saw that selling really well all right so let's say that I saw that laptop stands are selling really well right now I want to see if I should tap into this Market on Amazon so you can see that I search for laptop stand on Amazon and as I start to scroll down you can see the extension working right here so let me just zoom in a bit so you can see it a little bit better it says right here best seller rank so 660 in Our Brands
number two in laptop stand so this of course course well you obviously it's the first result it's going to be the most successful one but as we continue to scroll down you can you can see that it happens to pretty much every item that we're searching for so what is the info that we're seeing here one is the Asin the Asin is the Amazon product identifier so this is the code or the unique ID for this product on Amazon so if I just take this Asin and I search for that on Amazon so that is
going to be that unique product ID that we are going to see right now which in this case is this one right here after we saw some sponsored products but in any case you can see the extension is also working right here so it doesn't matter what search field you're on you're going to get the product information without having to enter the product or trying to guess and summarize around how well this product is selling all right so we can see the as right here the estimated orders per day so I can kind of get
an idea so here you're kind of getting an idea of how many times this certain product is selling every day what's the estimated Revenue every day how many sellers are selling this product the brand that's selling this product and how many variations it has now when it comes to the sellers here this is exactly what we're going to do when we start to sell on Amazon we are going to enter other sellers listings and we are going to be the cheapest offer under that listing so this used to be called the Amazon buy box now
Amazon changed the name to featured offer so this is exactly what we're going to do we're going to find a nice listing that's selling well for other sellers we're going to enter that listing we're going to find a better supplier that can sell us this product for a cheaper price and faster shipping and we are going to be the cheapest one once you enter a listing and you can offer the cheapest price you are going to be the winner of that featured offer AKA buy box okay so let's take an example this one right here
has four sellers right so if I enter the listing right here on the right side I should see other sellers on Amazon and if I click on it then I can see all of the other sellers who are selling this product so one is selling it a used product for 2174 so used is not going to be shown in first place only new products so this one is also used like new it's cheaper than the cheapest price but it's not new and as I scroll down the new one cost $24.99 because it's new so this
is going to be the winner of the featured offer or in other words the buy box and so that is why when we enter this listing and I click on add to cart it's going to add the best and cheapest seller that is selling a new product okay so that is how the featured offer works and I'm going to show you how you can enter these listings and be the cheapest seller all right so to summarize seller app is going to give you some insights on this listing another way that you can see what products
are selling well on Amazon is simply by looking under the the star reviews you can see how many people bought this product in the last month so for example this laptop stand right here sold over 8,000 units in the last month you need to be logged into your Amazon account it can even be a buyer account in order to see this but you can just see how many people are buying laptop stands 100 bought this in the last month 400 bought this in the last month 500 bought this in the last month so you can
see that laptop stands are selling a lot and they're also selling all year round this is an evergreen product Evergreen products are those that sell all year long they're not dependent on certain seasons in order to sell well and those are the products that I would recommend selling on your stores so you can make sales all year long and after you're pretty much established you can move to seasonal products as well because those Peaks are going to go a little bit higher but they're also going to die down once the season is over and remember
that we are creating a general store on Amazon so we're not creating a niche store you can go ahead and do that if you want but if that Niche ends up not really working out you didn't really test other categories other niches to see how that's going for you so you don't really know what to do next so I would start with a general store sell a whole bunch of General products right in different different categories see which one starts to sell for you and then you can double down on that and add more products
similar to the ones that are selling for you but while still continuing to test the market for new categories new niches new product Trends okay so we have seller app the premium and we've got the Amazon product opportunity Explorer but you need to come with the product ideas in order to use these tools to the best of their ability and in order to do that we're going to move on to the next produ research method and here we are going to talk about the autods marketplace there's a lot more product research methods that we're going
to go over but this is going to be my number one recommendation because this is going to give you the biggest shortcuts into finding the best products to sell in the fastest amount of time with an Ever growing and always updating database that we have inside autods so let me show you exactly what this is and the best part about it is that you start with a $1 trial try it out for 14 days see how it goes for you see that you like it and then decide if you want to go in and continue
automating your business because there's so much that comes with autods it's not just for product finding but I can't really go into all of the bits and details in this video so I will only talk about what is relevant to drop ship successfully on Amazon and now we are talking about the autods marketplace so you have a link to it you can read more about it but in general the marketplace is going to connect you with private suppliers to work with where no other drop shipper has access to them you can communicate with them privately
and it'll also give you access to tons and tons of other suppliers whether they're retail suppliers or wholesale suppliers and it's going to help you automate everything all in one package when I talk about automation I mean price and stock monitoring quick product Imports product sourcing which I'll get too soon order Automation and so much more so let me show you exactly what that looks like now I know that I did talk about free product research methods and here I'm talking about a $1 trial the reason that I'm doing that is because $1 is practically
free and everything that you're going to get included into that $1 is going to make it even more worthwhile and after that you have a whole bunch of other free product research methods but this is going to give you the best product ideas which you can then go and add it into the Amazon product opportunity Explorer or the seller app premium and see how well those products are selling on Amazon as well all right so let's see exactly what this Marketplace is here I have my autods account and this is the autods marketplace now this
is where I'm going to be connected with those private suppliers we're going to talk about suppliers soon but that's that's also a part of this and also winning products so I can just scroll here and see a whole bunch of products that are trending right now that I can quickly add to my store and I've got a whole bunch of different suppliers who are selling these products all right like this supplier here is selling this push-up pad and this supplier calls themselves lppf store we've also got another one here who calls themselves Neo and this
is a grip uh hand strength trainer okay then we've got another seller here so we've got a whole bunch of different sellers whole bunch of different products and all of these products are trending they're all selling well the sellers know exactly what they're selling and they know that they're selling to fellow drop shippers such as yourselves and they have a lot of years of experience in this field so what exactly can we do here in the marketplace besides just look at the products so one you can enter the product in itself and see the product
details inside so here I can get more details on the product like the full name the product's information specifications return policy shipping policy if it has any reviews it will also be shown here as you can see and you can also see where it ships from so this dog collor right here ships from the US you can choose a different size you can choose a different color all of these variations will be added to your store but here we're not creating new listings on Amazon so we're just going to get the product ideas from here
okay so let's just move on for now you've got all of the categories right here on the marketplace so if you want to sell under a specific Niche like if you really like a Home and Garden Products or Sports and Fitness just click on any of those so here I clicked on Sports and Fitness and here I can see a whole bunch of sports and fitness products that are trending right now now when it comes to the private suppliers and you you'll also have customizable branding and so much more I'm going to get to that
when we talk about suppliers but for now this is one of the places where you can get winning product ideas all you need to do is enter the marketplace and just start scrolling and going over the product so it's all being handed to you okay and soon I'm going to do a product research session so you can kind of see how everything comes together now under the marketplace you have a few different tools you've got the winning products tool you've got the handpick products tool and you've got the trending products tool let me show you
the difference between all of those so you can see here under the marketplace we've got those three features handpick products trending products and of course the ad spy so let's start with the first one the handpicked products so if I click on that I can see a whole bunch of products right here and here we have a specialized team that's finding all of these products and they're finding all the information that comes with them including how much they're selling it for where they're getting it from how much they're profiting audience targeting and so much more
so let me show you an example here I am at the hand pick products Hub and I can just scroll through these products okay and just look for something that is interesting like let's say for example I like these uh new children's hanging portable chairs or hammocks no it's not a hammock it's a chair okay so let's click on that and then we're going to get more product information inside including what is the potential profit that we can make for this product how much it's being sold for how many orders it has the engagement score
saturation score audience targeting which isn't going to be that relevant because we are selling on Amazon and the sales are going to come in organically which I talked about it's really nice to have this option because we don't need to spend any money on marketing but you can if you want to Amazon has a feature called Amazon PPC or pay-per-click marketing where you can run ads on these products that you're adding to your store but do keep in mind this could be costly especially at the beginning when you don't really have any data and so
Amazon's going to spend quite a bit of your budget before you actually start to see results but you'll get everything the keywords that people search for to find your listing how much you paid for every click and all of that but we're not going to do that in this video because I want you to do it organically I want you to get yourselves with the minimal expense possible so you can really enjoy the incoming sales and the profits and if you really want to take it one step further you can always add in paperclick so
anyway here you can see the ads that other sellers are running for this product all right so let me just click on some of these to get you a an idea okay so here I have a TI to okay and so she is a drop shipper and she is selling this product so she's just recording a video on this product trying to get organic traffic so people will click on her bio they'll want it to they're going to click on the link in the bio they're going to go over to her store and they're going
to purchase the product and of course you can also do the same for the products that you're selling on Amazon you can order it from your house from your supplier so your expense will be purchasing the product but you can shoot as many videos as you want on this product post it on social media channels especially the important ones like Tik Tok Instagram and YouTube and that's going to get you organic traffic and we are in the era of organic traffic you do not need to spend money on marketing your products anymore if back in
the day we had to test products by putting a marketing Budget on them we would easily get burnt out and it was really difficult to make a profit especially when you're a beginner in a world where you have to pay a lot before you see any results so today we can test it with Organic marketing when we list our products on Amazon people are going to find it organically and if we create videos on these products people are also going to find that organically and then they'll find our Amazon store as well now you do
not have to add this you do not have to shoot videos you do not have to order the product to your house but just keep in mind that that is another option okay so here we can see another seller who's selling this product so they order the product again to their homes they're having their child kind of play around with it and you can see the use case for this product so you can see these videos are going pretty viral this one's got about 480 likes and so this kind of shows you the audience interest
around this product okay so you have a link to these sellers ads and you also have their drop shipping stores now these are granted not Amazon stores these are mostly Shopify stores but you can kind of go to their websites and see how much they're selling this product for what their product page looks like and all of that but again this is just for quick inspiration what we're trying to find out right here is if people are actually interested in this product it looks like they are then we're going to of course have to test
that on Amazon so now for example if this is a product that I would actually think about selling and again it took me less than a minute to find it here on the uh handpick products Hub I can just go over to Amazon now how many of you thought about selling a children's hammock chair whatever before I started this video before you watch this video probably none and this is one of the many many ideas that you're going to get when you have a huge winning products database that's being updated all the time all right
so kids hanging chair we got the idea now let's go to the first methods right the seller app but more importantly the Amazon product opportunity Explorer and let's search for that product here and see if people are also interested in this product on Amazon so here on the opportunity Explorer I'm going to search for hanging chair okay and here we've got some hammocks this is not the exact product that I was looking for but we can kind of test the niche so we can see that hammock in the last 360 days a lot of people
were searching for it over 6 million the growth in the last 90 days has dropped by a bit it's got about a 3.65% uh return rate but I want to look for the actual product which is this one right here okay so they call it a pod swing pod swing pod swing for kids and kids hang chair these are the keywords that people are searching for to find this product so I'm going to go ahead and click on it and then I can get more information about that product and I'm going to get it for
this product specifically so what is the average price what is the search volume in the last year how much the search volume grew or decreased in the last 180 days and so forth and as I scroll down I can see how many people have listed this product okay we can see two pages of people that listed this product so overall it looks like a pretty popular C category especially if we take into consideration that from this screen we can see that the growth in the last 180 days for all of these products for the first
few products is pretty low okay except for this egg chair right here which also looks pretty cool but you can see that product that we're looking at has in the last 180 days so in the last half a year there was a decrease in the total search volume but in the last 90 days so in the last 3 months there's actually a 28.6 4% increase so it looks like now is a good time to sell this product what does kind of catch my eye here is this 4.13% return rate that is a pretty high return
rate for such a product so maybe there was a problem with one of these products that these sellers are selling I'm not sure exactly what the issue is but I would check with my supplier and make sure that it is a high quality product that my supplier is also not getting a lot of returns before listing it and so our next step would be to see if we can even sell this product if there are any buy boxes or any featured offers in Amazon where we can enter the buy box and and offer a lower
price so that we will be the number one in the buy box and of course people will check out with our listing so here's how we're going to do that you're going to go to Amazon and you're going to search for the product that you're actually looking to sell so in this example we know that we can use the autods as a supplier here again we're going to go over supplier soon don't worry if this is kind of confusing for you but if you find the product here through autod DS's Marketplace in any one of
its features then you can import this product to your store and if you have a sale you can get the order automated we're going to go over again all of that soon but here on Amazon I want to make sure that there is even a listing that I can enter here so we're going to go back to product research soon I just want you to understand how to validate the product that you can actually edit on Amazon so what we're going to do here is I'm going to search for kids swinging chair okay or kid
swinging pod whatever as long as I get the results and again we have all of the suggested results over here but these are all of the established sellers we will not be able to enter their buy boxes because it will require brand approval so here on the sort by on the top right I'm going to sort by newest arrivals and this is the trick to find sellers new sellers who haven't branded their products yet many sellers don't even bother branding their products those that do brand it you won't be able to sell their products you're
going to have to apply to sell their product and that's not going to be very friendly for the Drop Shipping business model so we are not going to use that method but how do you know if you can enter the buy box or not okay so here again I filtered by newest arrivals to see what new listings were created for this product and here I can see a whole bunch of them a whole bunch of swinging chairs and none of them are similar to the product that I was looking for oh here we go Okay
so we've got one seller here but that's not exactly the same look this one even looks like trash compared to the one that we're selling so let's continue until we find the actual listing so I'm going to refind the search and this is something that we're going to have to do in order to of course narrow down and find what we're looking for okay so let's go with um kids swinging pod okay and then again we're going to sort by newest arrivals and here we already have more results okay so if for example I go
for a more established seller okay like um for example let's say I want to enter this buy box right here so it is a new seller it is a new listing but the brand here is called generic and I want you guys to keep an eye on it we cannot resell any brand that's called generic so we can sell branded items but we also can't sell brand generic now don't worry there's millions of products that you can resell and I'm going to show you how to find them but I just want you to know what
you cannot do before you move on to what you can do okay so brand generic we can add these products and let me show you what I mean by that let's say I do want to add this product okay so I'm going to copy the Asin so remember that the Asin is the product identifier on Amazon in order to find it on Amazon you can just run a search for the word as okay it's right here I'm going to paste it right here and here instead of apply to sell it's giving me this option sell
this product so it looks like we can sell it so under condition I'm going to go to new I'm going to click on sell this product and now I'm going to get the generic brand error okay so error you cannot change a product detail page from another seller's generic product okay so that's fine we understand that we cannot sell generic products even though it does give us the option to enter the uh buy box or the featured offer listing so what you're going to do is continue the search for listings that you can enter the
buy box but in order to save you even more time and get a shortcut to understand what brands are generic before you even try to add them then again we're going to go back to using the seller app premium extension because that gives us the sellers name the brand name before we even enter the product listing so this is the product that we just checked over here and here under sellers you can see that the brand is generic okay so if we see that we cannot resell the product okay so let's look for a quick
listing that we actually can resell then I want to show you the rest of the product research methods and we're going to find some products live to sell so as I scroll with the help of the seller app premium we can see how many people are selling this product and what the brand is so I want to look for someone that has a few sellers so that means that the buy Box is open the featured offer is open to enter and of course that the brand is not generic okay so it's really easy to do
it with this extension and even if you don't have multiple sellers it doesn't mean that you cannot enter as long as it's not a generic or wellestablished brand let's try this one right here okay so I found this listing right here for that same hammock for $42.99 it's only got one seller but the brand is not generic it looks looks like we will probably be able to enter this one okay so here is the listing I'm going to copy the Asin from the URL I just know exactly where it is you can always copy it
from the product Page by searching once again for Asin so I'm going to copy the URL back to Amazon I'm going to search for this right here so again we're in the add product section and here is the product I can see that I can sell it so let's select the condition go to new this is not a generic brand so we should be able to sell this product enter the buy box and enter a cheaper offer and yes we are able to do it okay so here I'm going to put this product on the
side because I'm going to add it through autods when we get to that section so let's just leave this tab open because I'm not going to do it manually through this screen right here okay but that is how you can find a product and understand if you can or cannot sell it on Amazon so the trick is to search for your Niche and make sure that you are sorting by newest arrivals skip the ones that are sponsored skip the ones that have a lot of sales and reviews and go directly to the ones that are
really new that do not have a generic brand and you will most likely be able to enter that featured offered box all right and I just found that one just from a quick scroll so if I continue scrolling on the uh handpick products I can see more and more trending products this is going to be your number one go-to to finding trending products to sell on Amazon and again it's updating all the time all of the insights are inside there is no better way to find winning products the second method under the marketplace is called
the ad spy now it might not be that relevant to you as an Amazon Seller so I'm not going to spend that much time here but it will give you ideas on niches and categories that are selling well for other sellers so here you can simply spy on other people's Facebook Instagram or Tik Tok videos for the products that they're selling and see how well their video is performing and with that you can understand if that product is in demand or not so here for example on the filters I'm going to search for a product
that has or a video that has let's say anywhere between 100 to 1,000 likes and let's say linked product yes we want a linked product to be inside and you can also go for a CTA button text uh interaction rate and so forth but in any case we can see right here that we are starting to see products that people are trying to sell whether it's beauty products I can see this wig over here uh this stepper and again it's really easy to just click right here see the Tik Tok ad see the ad copy
see how all the engagements are when this ad started to rise or this video copy when it was created when it was last seen what is the total duration what platform it's on what country region it's targeting and you can also of course see the ad right here and of course you can take this one step further by searching for wigs on the Amazon product opportunity Explorer and take it one step further there okay so this is another place to find really good trending product ideas by watching other sellers videos not by seeing their product
page or their websites by seeing directly the videos that they have created for these products in order to Market them whether organically or by pay-per-click ads okay so this is another place to find great product insights to sell on your Amazon store and the third is trending products now trending products also under the marketplace is similar to handpicked products the main difference here is that all of these products and all of the information inside is coming directly from the power of our wonderful databases and artificial intelligence so here AI is helping us find these trending
products okay like let's say this remote control dinosaur over here let's click on that and here we're getting information that's similar but also different than what we have in the hand and pick products so here for example you can see okay the sold count the profit range and as I continue to scroll I can see the product distribution over here so this shows me what countries this product is being distributed to the most and we have a nice little mix over here Mexico Korea Brazil and I wonder how the United States is not even here
okay it's here it's just in the 6.85% zone so you can see this is being distributed quite evenly over the two different countries around the world okay and then you've got the ads so if there's any ads for this product you can see it here description and after seeing all of this of course you can easily add it to your store by clicking here on import draft you've got the shipping options here so you've got standard and express with their prices and total shipping time and you've got a graph here showing you the general sales
of this product and this one is selling by the thousands this one is pretty crazy okay and that's just another example of products that you can find from the trending products okay there's this cool uh gyro 4WD car over here there's a cool little laptop stand which that's pretty cool I like the fact that it has these little legs and of course as we continue cool umbrellas so you're going to get a lot of great product ideas from here and again the reason that I'm recommending the autods marketplace so much is because it's the only
place where I've seen the biggest and the best list of products all being put into one place or let's say three different categories but the best product ideas are going to come from here because you're going to catch what's trending you're going to catch you before everyone else and you're going to search for those listings on Amazon where you can enter the featured offer box and win the offer all right so that's a quick overview of the autods marketplace and all of the best product features that it has inside the winning product store the handpick
products trending products and the ad spy which has Tik Tok Facebook and Instagram ads believe me you will not need more than that to find the best and most trending products to sell on your stores right now let's continue with the rest of the product research methods and in the end you will choose which one is best for your business so the next is called the Amazon best sellers and we've also got movers and shakers again I've got linked to them in the cheat sheet and guys it's about time to tell you what you need
to do in order to have access to this cheat sheet so all you have to do is comment right below this video # Amazon 2025 let me know what is your top takeaway from this video what did you learn from it and I will send you a link to this cheat sheet right below this video so again # Amazon 2025 right below this video your top take away what you learned and you will gain access to this cheat sheet with all of the links all of the resources that I have inside all right so Amazon's
best sellers and movers and shakers you got the links right here what are these two pages here you will find a database of products on Amazon that are selling really well now the only thing that I don't really like about it okay you can still get your product ideas from here but you have a lot of branded products and ver products that you simply cannot resell and so we're going to go over everything that you can and cannot resell so it'll be easier for you but there's a lot of big Brands here that we simply
cannot resell and not just Brands but also like certain products like supplements and dangerous liquids and material that we simply cannot resell but in any case here's what it looks like if you already know how to work your way through what you can and cannot sell here Amazon's going to tell you what the best products are in every category so whether it's in clothing in Beauty and personal care handmade products tools and Home Improvement books Sports and Outdoors and so forth so if let's say I like sports and outdoors I'm going to click here on
see more and I'm going to see the best sellers here now we are definitely not going to be able to enter the buy boxes of these products right here these are the best and most established products in these categories but you can get an idea here of a certain category that you may like over a certain Niche that you may like this is where you're going to get those insights so for example let's say Okay dumbbells there's really nothing special about that this is an airblown mattress let's see what other ideas these resistance bands have
been selling for years and years now even though saturation doesn't really matter it's just the way that you Market a product but there is nothing that really looks so special about them okay so here you can just continue scrolling until you find a cool product idea um personally I still haven't found any yet but you will need to do your research here so it's not my most recommended method but every now and then I would jump in here and get a cool idea like what is this vibration plate Fitness platform exercise machine so I guess
you'd kind of stand on it and try to stay balanced and oh we've already seen a similar product to this one in the um autods Marketplace and look at this this might be pretty cool so it's this this reflex ball for kids you kind of put it around your forehead and then that's going to have a string connected to the ball that you simply need to punch so that could be an idea I haven't really seen that one before but in any case you will have to do a lot of deep diving and seeing what
really stands out then you're going to search for that product on the opportunity Explorer and make sure that that product really is trending right now on the Amazon platform so best sellers Amazon's best sellers is going to get you some more ideas as well as the Amazon movers and shakers so the link to that again is in the cheat sheet and once you open that you will see the biggest gainers and sales over the last 24 hours so here you can see not what's selling well in the last 6 months or in the last 12
months but what's selling well in the last day or two okay and here again you're going to have to filter through what you can and what you cannot sell so again we're not going to be selling any rayb band sunglasses but we can sell uh Christmas ornaments if Christmas is a season that's upcoming but again we are going to stay Evergreen in the beginning we're not going to be selling any Canon and Epson uh printers and brother printers because those are big Brands but you can simply use the categories list right here on the left
side to dive a little bit deeper so let's say my Niche is Arts crafts and sewing or I kind of want to look around here and see if this is something that might be worth selling so I went under movers and shakers and arts crafts and sewing and here I can get some product ideas like these big Deluxe art sets or these rubber band bracelet kits or these multi-layered boxes storage boxes for the DIY crafts Super Mario of course of course we cannot sell I hope that you guys understand that by now but again here
you can get an idea of things that are selling well and I can see that these types of products right these um uh boxes or packages that just come with a lot of arts and crafts products inside or like colors and pencils those are actually selling pretty well because I see one right here and then I'll scroll down a bit I'll see another one right here and let's see if we can catch some more here's another one right here so I already noticed that pattern that might be another one that's worth looking into so again
once we get the idea of the product we're going to to look for it we can validate that it's selling well right here on the Amazon product opportunity Explorer and then we're going to search for that product on Amazon filter by newest arrivals and look for smaller brands that don't have reviews yet that are not a generic brand where we can enter the buy box using the methods that I showed you so Amazon's movers and shakers is another place to get free insights on products that are selling well now I'm going to move a little
bit quicker on the next ones because you have all the links inside the Amazon cheat sheet but you have a link here to the sell these now YouTube playlist and here we have lots of videos coming out every week on the best products to sell whether it's on a certain month on a certain holiday event under a specific Niche you have tons and tons of product videos right here so if you like watching product videos and seeing what products are selling well big big winning products with huge profit margins you can get a lot of
insights from these videos so you've got the link to it of course in the cheat sheet and you've also got the winning products live sessions so this is where you're going to have a chance to enter a live session with me and I'm going to sh with you the top trending products that are trending at that time so here I host these live sessions every couple of weeks I talk with the chat oneon-one I help answer your questions anything that you have around Drop Shipping I've been doing this for over eight years now so my
knowledge and experience is vast I'm still doing it to this day and I'll probably never stop doing it they're going to make him do this till he's 90 but here you can see that these live sessions are all about winning products I'm going to share with you new winning products new strategies new ways to sell these products but more importantly you're always going to get a list of the best winning products every two weeks on these live sessions so I added the link here to if you want to review the previous videos and you can
also click on register for the next live session in order to well register for the next live session so you can do that here and you'll also be able to watch the live session directly from this page okay so you got the links to that as well so you're going to get a lot of winning product ideas from there and if you're the type that likes to read you've also got the product finding blog articles so again all of this content is absolutely for free when I help you guys succeed with your business that is
the win-win situation that I'm looking for especially once you start adding Automation and really start to win with your stores and so this blog section right here is going to walk you through the best dropshipping product articles and we have new articles coming out a few times a week with new content fresh content more products more Drop Shipping tips and strategies so again if you're the type that likes to read I have a link to the products finding section on autod DS's blog inside the Amazon Drop Shipping cheat sheets last but not least we've got
the AliExpress Drop Shipping Center this is another nice place to find good products to sell now quite personally I would not Source from AliExpress we're going to go over suppliers soon a lot of new drop shippers like to work with AliExpress and that is absolutely fine you can add products from there but I want you to Source your products from better suppliers faster suppliers every drop shipper starts from AliExpress I want you to have the upper hand in order to do that you can always add products from AliExpress but when you make a sale You're
Going To Source it from a better supplier and I'm going to show you that when we get to the order fulfillment section of this video so the AliExpress Drop Shipping Center helps you get insights on products that are selling well right now so here you can see the Drop Shipping Center make sure that you're logged into your AliExpress account otherwise you won't have access to the section so here you can find some winning products to sell you can do a product analysis on products that you already found so here for example let's say okay I've
got this neck massager over here so I'm going to click on it okay so you got the regular information here inside let's say I want to get more information on this product so I'm going to copy the URL to it I'm going to go back to the Drop Shipping Center I'm going to do a product analysis and here I'm going to paste that link for the product that I was interested in now it's going to show me a whole bunch of other neck massages that are selling really well so you can see right here different
price ranges you can see how many times these products have been ordered and that's pretty much all the info that AliExpress is giving at the moment now in the p past they used to give a little bit more information I used to see this graph of the history of these products so you can kind of see the ups and the Downs that these products have been having but now all we're seeing is a summarized version other products that are selling that are similar to that one and the amount of orders that it has so it's
kind of like a summarized search and that is the AliExpress Drop Shipping Center and simply by standing over here on find products to sell you can simply scroll here and look for some best sellers and you can also jump into specific categories of course and find products through there okay so here under every product you can see that it says go to analyze and again that is where it's going to take you to that analyze screen where it's going to show you more products that are similar to this one that are selling really well okay
so I clicked on that um USB to HDMI or HDMI to display port uh cable and then I can just see a whole bunch more here that is the AliExpress Drop Shipping Cale I'm not going to spend that much time going through it because that is not the most recommended method that I would go with but it's another place where you can find a lot of winning products a lot of ideas on the next products that you should sell and it's all absolutely free so why not so I know that I put a lot of
focus on that but product research is really really important and you're going to spend most of your time doing product research this is the only thing that cannot be completely automated for you but the databases that I showed you on autods is your best way to automate product research when it comes to drop shipping so use the autods marketplace the handpicked products the trending products and the ad spy to get ideas on best sellers then you're going to search for them on Amazon filtered by new most arrivals and find the products where you can enter
the featured offer box so I'm going to do a little bit of it myself soon I'm going to do some product research and show you how I do my thing and I want you to copy and paste my same exact methods that I'm passing on to you in this video and in this cheat sheet before I do that just some paid product research method so if you've got a budget you don't mind spending money on tools and on much more expensive tools at that in order to get all of this you have jungle Scout which
cost $49 a month and this kind of reminds me of what seller app does just kind of with different views like a different layout and it provides a little bit more information when it comes to graphs and things like that I'm not going to go over it too much you can go over their main features right here so you can do competitor analysis keyword analysis product research Market intelligence and all that just keep in mind one important thing all of these tools that I'm recommending whether it's jungle Scout helium 10 which is their number one
competitor cost $10 less per month and AMZ Scout which is the more expensive one $50 a month remember that they do not have access to Amazon's database what this means is in other words they don't really know how much a product is being searched they don't really know how much a product is being sold so I'm not saying that these tools are not good okay they can give you a lot of winning product ideas but that's going to come at that monthly cost that I'm showing you here and their data overall is estimations they're estimating
how much searches how much sales and all of that okay because the only place that has all this information is Amazon themselves that's why I recommend using their free product opportunity Explorer tool to get inside on how well a product is really selling on their platform okay so you can see the second link here is helium 10 and the third is AMZ Scout I'm not going to spend too much time on it they're all pretty similar to one another and you can see their pricing plans I also wrote it down for you so they're all
pretty much doing the same thing a similar thing just in different ways at the end of the day you're going to get more insights using these tools I've got links to them right here in the cheat sheet just keep in mind that monthly fee that it's going to cost you okay so I'm going to do product research now myself and remember the product research shortcut strategy which I also wrote for you inside this cheat sheet so you will really have that step by step and you won't miss out on anything important again # Amazon 2025
let me know what you love about this video what you learn from it and I will send you the link to this cheat sheet all right so the product research shortcut strategy so number one we're going to get winning products from autod DS's Marketplace or wherever you're getting your winning products from just make sure that you validated that is selling really well on Amazon using the methods that I showed you especially the product opportunity Explorer okay so once you found some ideas on winning products that you want to sell you want to find the product
on Amazon cuz we need to enter someone's listing and be the cheapest ones and let me show you what that actually looks like when you enter a listing and be the cheapest one so let me take you back to the Amazon Seller Central and this is one of the products that we actually wanted to um enter but I want to show you the products that I already have so let me just open this really quick and I still need to fulfill this order thank you for the reminder guys I will do it soon so here
I'm going to click on the menu then I'm going to hover here on catalog and I'm going to click on add products then I'm going to hover over inventory and I'm going to click on manage all inventory so I already added these two products to my store and as I already mentioned I already have a sale on this one so it's a dog cigarette toy um like a chewy cigarette toy don't worry it's not bad for their health it's just a regular chewy toy and here is a TPMS smart car tire pressure alarm system so
I found that again also through the um autods Marketplace and if I click on the product okay it'll take you to the actual listing and you can see right here that I am the store right e-commerce drop LLC that's me right here you can see that I am the winner of this buy box or this featured offer that is why my listing is being shown here in the first place and so if anyone purchases this product they're going to purchase from me first so I'm listing it for $29.99 and if I click on other sellers
on Amazon you can see that there are two sellers for this product so of course I am one of them I am the winner and the second one is this seller right here okay only he's selling it for $125 so when I found this listing and I saw that it was from the uh autods Marketplace I saw that this product is selling well and I found a seller who's selling it at a crazy price on Amazon So I entered their buy box right away the featured offer I entered my price and of course at $29.99
CU I'm buying it for I I would say two times less if I'm not mistaken so I can easily list it for this price and make my profit so as soon as I listed a cheaper price better shipping I am the winner of the buy box and this is what I want you all to do on your Amazon store so that you will start making your sales the second product is that cigarette dog toy as I mentioned but here what happened was something kind of opposite So I entered the featured offer box or the buy
box of another seller because of course it's the only way to really automate all of this and list as many products as we want and not be responsible for being the owner of these listings but still enjoy the sales and profit so here what happened was there was another seller and when he saw that I was listing it for $1 19999 he figured that there was no way for him to beat that price because I guess he was just using really expensive suppliers and he just left he deleted himself from this listing so this is
the first time that I am on an Amazon listing and I am the only seller you can see that it ships from me e-commerce drop LLC right if I click on it it'll take me to me this is my store and yeah so we can see it right here I'm the only seller selling this product so it looks like I'm the one who created this listing even though I didn't and now I'm the only seller selling this listing doesn't really matter to me as long as I'm the winner of the featured offer box or the
buy box but it's kind of cool to have a listing that looks like I created it cuz there is no other seller here and this is the product that just sold by the way okay so let's do a quick session on finding winning products on the marketplace so we already found that uh kids hammock but I did that really quickly let's go back to the handpick products and let's try a few more so again doesn't matter if you're in the Marketplace handpick ad spy trending products I just like the um handpicked products because I really
have a customized team that's finding these products all the time adding them on the dayto day so everything here is super super trendy and fresh okay so let's look for things that are interesting things that we haven't seen in our years of doing Drop Shipping and even if you haven't been Drop Shipping for years it doesn't matter all of these products are trending really really well and the more years of experience you have the more you'll be able to easily spot these special products which you haven't really seen before okay let's just check out this
one really quick so we're looking at a wallmounted automatic fragrance machine okay so this is kind of different than the ones that are I'm usually um used to because this one mounts on the wall and the design here really is unique let's give this one a look okay so I'm going to go back to the cheat sheet okay so I found the product from the marketplace now I need to find the product on Amazon now the fastest way to do that is one we can do a reverse image search by simply right clicking and search
using Google Lens this only works on Chrome browsers and then we'll be able to narrow down the Google Lens into showing us the Amazon listings for that product okay so here's what all of that means I'm going to go back to the autods marketplace I'm going to right click on the image right here and I'm going to click on search with Google lens and I can see it on AliExpress I can see it on Sheen I can see it on Teemu and all of these other uh retailers who are selling this product I can see
it on eBay and so forth but right now I'm looking for Amazon so here on the search I'm going to search for Amazon and now it's going to show me only the Amazon stores or the Amazon listings that have this product okay and here I can see it on Amazon now how will I know which which listing I can actually enter so this initial search is just to make sure that this listing um actually exists on Amazon or if I want to find a supplier so for example if I want to see how much it
costs on AliExpress I can do that by simply searching for AliExpress and here I can find the AliExpress listings but the best part is we don't really need to look for a supplier because we've got it right here on autods and here this product cost $252 with another 2 days shipping and it'll arrive within 10 business days to the US and you've got different colors different varation so we've already got it right here we've already got the supplier and you can also click on this button right here to search it on Amazon so that's another
way to be able to search for this product on Amazon so it says right here wallmounted automatic fragrance but here we have a whole bunch of other listings as well that's not that same exact one so one we can kind of refine the search Okay so let's just make it wall-mounted automatic fragrance and maybe remove the rest and here it's still not refined enough in any case let's search by newest arrivals because those are all of the more established listings which anyway we cannot enter their buy boxes and as I scroll here okay here we
go here's one so let's enter this listing right here okay so we can see this seller selling it for $99.90 that's relatively cheap he's not making that much of a profit but we're still going to check this one anyway okay so let's see if we can enter this listing over here I'm going to copy the Asin I'm going to go to Amazon I'm going to pretend that I want to add a product just to make sure that I can put the as in right here submit okay this is the listing and this one has apply
to sell so I cannot sell this one specifically and you get what I'm going to do here so now it's a rinse and repeat process we're going to look for more and more but just make sure that the product does have good results on the Amazon product opportunity Explorer okay so let's move on to another product let's go back to the handpick products now while I could continue searching for that product on Amazon I just want to show you the variety of products that you can actually sell here and I'm doing this product research in
a live session I haven't uh I haven't uh preconfigured this uh I'm just freestyling it and showing you how I'm finding my products I like this one right here so this product kind of catches my eye it looks like it connects to the maybe to the AC part of your car and it's called Car Smart app control RGB music rhythm so I can kind of see here what it does from other people's videos on this product so it connects to your car and that's pretty cool it shows music according it shows the LED according to
the music okay that's a pretty cool product Let's do an Amazon image search here so we're going to search it with Google Lens we're going to search it on Amazon yeah we've got listings here on Amazon for this product let's click on one of them okay and here we go so I found one seller he's selling one unit of it for 1369 let's see how much it costs through um autods so if I go back here this one cost us $5.60 plus $2 shipping so we're looking at $760 and here it's being sold for or
less than two times uh that price but this is just one example but then again this one doesn't change according to the music so it's not the same exact product this isn't the one that we're looking for okay so we can always move on to plan B by searching for this product on Amazon and if you can find the same exact one you can kind of narrow down the title so cardsmart app control RGB music rhythm that should be enough let's remove the rest and let's search by newest arrivals okay so here we have a
whole bunch of results of other products that are similar to that one but it's not that same exact one and so let's continue to scroll until we find another one and again this process like I mentioned this product research here we go here's a nice listing let's see if we can enter this one it's got a review but that's fine cuz it's a new seller the brand is not generic so let's go ahead and enter okay so you can see the brand here is z xrc um and overall it's got a review which is fine
it doesn't look like a wellestablished brand or anything like that they are selling it for relatively cheap price so we're going to have to look for more expensive products so we can actually make some more profit but let's go ahead and see if we can enter this one cuz it's the same exact product so I'm just going to search for the Asin here it is let's go ahead and copy it go back to Amazon and see if we can list this product so I'm going to click on add products put the as in right here
and make sure that we don't have to apply to sell Okay so we've got sell this product so I'm going to click on select condition go to new and click on sell this product no error messages everything is fine we can enter the Buy box right here the only thing with this one is the profitability so if it costs us $5.60 plus $2 that's $760 and he's selling it for $9.99 so it's not a very profitable one and in this case I would not enter this buy box and that is another calculation that you have
to make when doing your product research so go for the higher ticket products I love selling High ticket products because the profit margins there are just so much higher all right so let's try to find another product really quick using the product research techniques that I went over and we're going to do everything step by step so here I am again scrolling on the autods handpick products Hub I'm just going to look for another product that really catches my eye that really looks unique like this one right here um save space rotating drying rack that's
pretty cool it's like a drying rack that you can kind of rotate and then it just kind of spins that's pretty nice haven't really seen this one before let's check out the info so we're going to click on it we're going to get the product information inside again I've can see some videos that people made for this product and they're selling pages on other websites but we're selling on Amazon so it's not really that relevant and then again here we're going to right click on the image we're going to do a search with Google lens
and here I can search for Amazon I can see once again uh Shane and AliExpress so again here on the search field I'm just going to search for Amazon because that is what I want to see if this product is being sold on Amazon and here I can see it on the first result so I'm going to go ahead and click on that one and let's click on it to go to the product page on Amazon and let's check it out now remember guys product research once again this is what's going to take up the
most amount of your time everything else that I'm going to do after this is pretty much automated and easy Once you configure your store settings which I'll show you after the product research but once again this is what's going to take up the most amount of time everything else is automated everything else is super easy so once you get this down how to find the product and how to increase your chances of entering the featured offer box and being first place then once again everything else is going to be a breeze so do this once
twice three times and you'll get the hang of it and you'll start finding winning products in no time all right so we've got this stainless steel round sheets hanger and it's being sold that wow that's really expensive almost $90 $89.99 from the seller all right so we can validate that it's the same exact product that we're looking at here so we did find it using the Google Lens search of course you can also search for the product once again on Amazon by clicking on that button here and we can actually see it right here here
it is at $90 you also have this one but it's not the same exact product it's nice that it's much much cheaper but we're looking at the same exact products but yeah we're just going to focus on that one listing that we want to try and enter and beat the buy box so that's this one right here so again we're going to copy the Asin we're going to go and try to add the product on Amazon all right I remember I saved this one let's also add this one to our stores when we get to
the import section okay so here we're adding a new product we're just we're just testing to see if we can enter the buy box and I can see that I do have the option so again select a condition new and I can go ahead and click on sell this product and I can see that I can easily list it just once again I'm not going to do it through here because I don't want to do things manually I want to do it with automation I want to have price monitoring stock monitoring and everything else that
comes with perfect automation so we're going to put this one on the side we're going to add this to our stores as well I can see that we can enter it it cost $89.99 so beating the featured offer box or the buy box here is actually going to be pretty easy because it costs us $5 $55 plus $2 shipping so that's about 75 let's round that up to $8 that's what it's going to cost us so it's going to arrive within a couple weeks to the US and let's see what the sell's shipping speed is
here it only ships within 4 to 5 days and then you have more time for delivery so this one is December 10th to 19th I'm recording this video on November 25th so that's about a 3-we delivery time so we are going to beat their delivery time and we're also going to beat their price easily because they're selling it for almost $90 where we can buy it for just about $8 all right so let's save this one on the side this is another perfect example where we can enter the featured offer box provide faster shipping and
a better price all right so this is what you need to do for product research and this is how you can find more and more winning products to add to your Amazon store and keep in mind it doesn't cost money to add these products you can add as many products as you want so push your time down on product research because this is where the magic is going to happen all right so let's sum this up really quickly before we move on because I want to configure the store settings I want to configure shipping and
return policies I want to import these products I want to connect everything with Automation and I also want to go through order processing so you can learn how to fulfill your orders whether you want to do it manually automatically I'll give you all the options and I'm also going to fulfill the order that I got for one of the products that I added to my Amazon store all right so to sum up product research you've got it once again in the Amazon cheat sheet hash Amazon 2025 let me know what you learn from this video
and I'm going to send you the link to this cheat sheet with all of the step-by-step process process but don't just comment and leave this video because I always throw in more to the video so make sure you watch this video all the way to the end get your cheat sheet and then start taking your steps create your Amazon store and start selling and profiting all right so product research shortcut strategy so number one is get winning products from autod DS's Marketplace or from wherever you want to get them of course this is my personal
recommendation then you want to find the product on Amazon so you're going to do a reverse image search just like I did do an Amazon search If the product is not listed on Amazon find a similar one or simply move on to the next as you saw I couldn't enter the featured box for all of the products that I found here but for the most of them once we understand how to work with the newest arrivals and staying away from the generic and the big Brands it's pretty easy to find them okay so we want
to sort by newest arrivals to find the new unbranded sellers who listed the product avoid established listing with high reviews avoid generic sellers this will increase a chance of entering the featured offer AKA buy box without requiring brand approval I know I'm repeating these things but it's important because I want you to memorize these things in any case after you practice once or twice you will pretty much have it memorized and it will become much much easier the next step is to try to add the product manually I added a link to how you can
easily add the product manually to this place right here by entering the Asin in the text field just to check if it requires approval to sell under select condition you're going to choose new just like I did a few times in this video already and if you see the option to sell this product you can enter the featured buy box but do not list the product yet continue down this checklist when we get to the import section now if you do see the option not available or apply to sell then you can enter the featured
offer for this one but of course you can move on to the next product or look for another similar one next you're going to do a reverse image search to find the supplier or Source but this is only if the product did not come from the autods marketplace so what does this mean let's say you found a product from another product research strategy and that product that you found you can use it to enter the buy box on Amazon or the featured offer box but you still haven't found the supplier so if you want to
look for a good source for this product you can once again use Google Lens to find that so you saw how I was looking for some of these products and then I would just right click on the main image and I would do a Google Lens search and here I can find the product using cheap suppliers like AliExpress Shane Alibaba and so forth but still I'm going to show you how you can find even better suppliers than the ones that you're seeing here so you can go ahead and list the products using those suppliers but
when you actually get an order then I Want You To Source the products because that way you're going to find a better supplier so I'm going to get to all of that but once again if you did not find the product from the autods marketplace that means that you need to find a supplier because if autods is not going to be your supplier then you're going to use rightclick Google end search and find a supplier preferably AliExpress just so that you'll have some supplier even though you're going to change that once you Source your product
but you need to have a starting supplier you need to have something okay so you can just search for it on AliExpress but again skip this step if you're using the autods marketplace cuz there you already found your supplier okay next you're going to create a list of winning products to add to your Amazon store okay so you're going to create a list with the product name with the Amazon as/ URL and the supplier SL Source URL so in other words let's say okay I found this product right so I'm going to save this page
so I'm going to save the uh URL or the Asin and I'm also going to save the page where I got it from on autods so I'm going to save this URL to this product page because this is my supplier and that's pretty much it so I've got my product name I got my Amazon and I got my supplier sourceurl save a list of all these products so that you will be able to add them once you're done with the product research phase all right and here just some more examples that I found before I
recorded the video Even though I found some while I'm recording the video but just to show you you already saw that smart car tire pressure system so this is the product page right here on Amazon and you can see that I am the cheapest seller here but where am I getting this product from so I saved my supplier Source URL right here I found this product of course through the autods marketplace through the handpick products so here's where I got that product from and I can see that it cost me $18 plus $2 shipping with
about 2 weeks delivery time now remember that your customers don't want to wait too long so anywhere between 1 to two weeks is fine anything above that you should look for a better supplier which I will also jump to soon so here we're looking at a $20 item cost and when I Source it through better suppliers I could probably also find it for cheaper so obviously the profit here is not going to be too high and soon I'm going to walk you through Amazon selling fees too so you know exactly how much you're profiting but
I could raise the price here a bit because I might have went a little bit too cheap here I might have wenton a little bit too low especially considering that the other seller the one who created this listing is listing for $125 I'm just going to bump it up another $10 I really don't see a reason not to but anyway that's just another example okay so I saved the links here if you want to check it out it's inside the Amazon cheat sheet the second product is that squeaky cigarette dog toy that you saw so
again here is the link to it I entered the featured offer box really quickly really easily here then the other seller removed himself as I told you so I'm the only one selling this product it looks like I created the listing cuz there are no other sellers even even though I did not create the listing so I think it's great if you enter the buy box with another seller and that seller leaves you're going to be the only one selling that product even though once again it doesn't matter as long as you're winning the buy
box you can have 20 sellers under you you're still going to make all those sales as long as you are the cheapest and fastest seller so here you can find the supplier Source right here so again I found this one on autods through the marketplace and here is the product so you can see that the item cost is $654 with another $2 for shipping so overall 8 and a half let's say $9 with shipping and it arrives within a couple of weeks so $9 buying price using private suppliers and I'm selling it for two times
that price and I could easily even go above that because I was competing with that other seller he was selling it for $24.99 and so I listed it for $23.99 and then he went $22.99 and then I went $1 19.99 and then he just left the listing cuz he I guess The Profit just isn't enough for him so that is also good for us because we could also raise the price here since no one else is selling this product here in this listing on the other hand buying for 10 selling for 20 isn't that bad
so I'll leave it as is even though I will show you some cool tricks soon on how you can automate your prices and raise them automatically when you're making sales decrease them when you're not making sales so you can find that sweet spot where the product is making consistent sales while maintaining your highest privit percentage for that product if I'm speaking another language to you don't worry I'm going to get to all of that soon all right so that is that squeaky cigarette dog toy pretty profitable so those are some winning products that I have
on my store all right so let's talk a little bit about products to avoid drop be I'm going to make this really quickly you have it inside the cheat sheet but you're going to stay away from even the obvious things right no hazardous materials no liquids no medicines and supplements we're not doctors no products that have a choking hazard no tobacco no firearms no trademark and copyrighted products and even more things that I didn't list here no drugs drug paraphernalia guys all of these things are just dangerous and things that we are not allowed to
resell just stay away from them there's millions of products that you can resell so stay away from the risky ones all right let's continue so how do we actually start selling on Amazon and this step comes after the seller account verification and product research that's why I put it right here so now we're starting step number four how to actually start selling on Amazon now that our account is up verified and we did our product research we have that list of products that we want to sell here is that next step so what you want
to do now is connect Amazon to autods because now we need to configure our settings we need to import our products to stores and we're going to be able to do that through automation now autods comes with a plethora of features and updates that's coming out all the time so I'm not going to go over all of it now but just as a quick quick overview you've got all of the product finding features that I showed you you've got the fulfilled by autods which automatically fulfills your orders and that's also how I'm going to fulfill
mine you've got the adspy tools that I showed you we've got the products importer that I'm going to also show you soon how to import your products and you've got more things if you're not selling on Amazon like print on demand an AI pre-built stores an AI product cut on description generators and so much more things that are more relevant to Amazon is like the inventory management which I'll show you the products page price and stock monitoring automatic price optimization which I just talked about and tracking number updates which happens automatically if we've got automatic
orders enabled I'm going to show you all of that there's a whole bunch of Integrations so not just for Amazon there are a lot of suppliers to work with which I'll go over soon and a whole bunch of resources like free Drop Shipping courses the Drop Shipping blog page that I showed you mentorship program ebooks podcasts and so much more so check out our Academy check out the autods system all of this trying out for just a $1 trial for 14 days is more than worth your efforts and Investments so now we are going to
connect Amazon to autodia so that we can begin automation especially with the features that I just mentioned and we're going to set our break even our profit percentage and everything else according to Amazon selling fees and the fees are also shown after we list the product so let me show you exactly what that means and what it looks like then we're going to create a shipping policy so let's take it from the start so you've got the link right here just go ahead and click on it then we're going to go ahead and click on
get started and register for your autods account in my case it took me directly to my account because I already have one but in your case it's just entering your email address your name selecting your package adding your payment information for your $1 trial and then you're going to get greeted with this nice little Marketplace and the dashboard and everything else that we have going on which I will also go over soon but the first thing that we need to do is connect our Amazon store to autods so you're already logged in to your Amazon
Seller Central account the next thing that you're going to do is on autods if you haven't connected your store while you were registering for autot TS you're going to click here on the top left you're going to click on ADD store and you're are going to add an Amazon store click on continue it'll connect to your Amazon Seller Central account request approval go ahead and accept it and your Amazon store will be connected right here this is where the automation Magic Begins so once we have connected Amazon to auto d s we can set our
break even our profit percentage everything else on the settings page so again you've got the Amazon selling fees right here so if I scroll down after the plans individual professional the things that we already went over you've got the referral fees right here so the referral fees is how much Amazon is going to take from your transaction after you make a sale when it applies to a certain category so for example if you were selling a backpack then you are going to pay a 15% fee plus 30 cents fixed price if you're selling for example
a consumer electronic then it's an 8% fee plus 30 cents so what I like to do here is take the average what is the average that we're looking at on categories that we're most likely to sell for example we're probably not going to sell gift cards because we can't and we're not going to sell Grocery and Gourmet but we are going to sell home and kitchen which is around 15% we can sell jewelry which is around 20% relatively High here and we can also sell on in Garden so that's 15% Office Products 15% pets supplies
15% Sports and Outdoors 15% toys and games tools and Home Improvement 15% so we're looking at an average of 15% plus another 30 cents fixed price so that is the break even that we should set on our Amazon accounts the way to do that is to Simply on autods click on settings make sure that your store is selected here so it's my Amazon store and then you need to select which supplier you're going to work with which supplier you want these settings to be added on if you're adding products from those suppliers so if you
don't know who your supplier is because we didn't get you that that yet don't worry about it you can always come back here later and update it and I'm going to give you a better overview soon because this is a supplier we still haven't reached suppliers yet so here I'm telling the system okay every time I list a new product from the autods marketplace to my Amazon store then under pricing I want you to know that my break even is 15% plus another 30 cents in a fixed price and on top of that I want
to make another 60% profit okay this is just an example of how the system will automatically price your products when you add these products to your store but you can always change the prices even adding them to your store but once you start adding more and more products you want this to be automated so you can just set it right here in the settings and also after you list a product you can see the fees so for example let's look at one of the products that we have listed so I'm just going to go to
inventory manage all inventory this will show me my listed products and we've got these two listed products as you've already seen okay so I've got the cigarette dog toy priced at $19.99 then we've got the TPMS um smart car tire pressure system at $29.99 which will change the price of that soon so these are the products that we have listed and you can see your total fees over here okay so for the uh cigarette toy it's $3 fees and for the Smart car tire pressure system it's $44.50 fees so this is the fee that I'm
going to pay if and when I make a sale okay so let's go back to it so now let's create a shipping policy you've got a link right here to create your shipping policy so just click on it okay again it's in the cheat sheet # Amazon 2025 what is your top takeaway from this video and this cheat sheet is yours to have and here is where you're going to create your shipping template so your shipping policy will let Amazon and also your buyers know where you're shipping from and how long it will take for
the delivery and also of course what countries you can ship to so here's how you can configure all of that after clicking on the link it'll take you directly to your shipping settings you can also find it here so the link will take you directly to there but you can also find it by clicking here on settings and then you're going to go to shipping settings okay so once we're here we're going to create a new shipping set I already have my shipping template here but let's just create a new one for demonstration purposes so
you're going to click on create new shipping template okay then I'm going to go ahead and click on okay and now it's asking me for a ships from location so it's telling me okay I see that you want to make a shipping template first tell me where you're shipping it from and so here I already created a China Warehouse in my addresses so I can go ahead and select that now if it doesn't give you the option to create a ship from location address here then you can always go back to where you were and
remember that Amazon's menus will change from time to time so by the time recording this video the time you're watching it if things moved around just look for where it moved around to because that's Amazon so here we were under shipping templates we're just going to click on this tab right here General shipping settings and here you've got your default shipping address so this is your default ships from address and here I added a China Warehouse with an address in China so while it might not be the same exact address where the Chinese Warehouse actually
is doesn't really matter as long as you provide an address in the same location that you're saying that you're shipping from another tip here is to make sure sure that you're not lying about where you're shipping from so if your products are shipping from China create a ships from China Warehouse if your products shipping from the US create a US ships from warehouse and so forth now in order to help you with that where to get all of these addresses I also added inside the cheat sheet Warehouse addresses in the US in China in the
UK in Australia and in Europe so if you're going to ship from any of these locations and you need a Warehouse address to add here you can just take them directly from here so just click on the link and you'll get your list of addresses you can simply copy and paste any of these addresses and add them as one of your Warehouse addresses just to make your job easier so here I created a China Warehouse that's the name that I gave the address the full address is copied from that sheet that I just showed you
and you've got your order fulfillment settings now remember that we are under the general shipping settings and we came from the shipping template so we need to make sure that we're taking care of both of these so let's go over the options here real quick and then jump back to shipping templates all right so under order fulfillment settings you're going to click on the edit button here and just make sure that you do not have pickup available now here under automated handling time we're going to keep that off we don't want Amazon to choose their
own handling time for us because they're mostly going to choose zero day and we don't want zero day one day is better for us so this gives us one day to add tracking information so we're going to find good suppliers that can ship our products really quickly and of course I'm going to go over that and the order handling capacity so here what happens is Amazon tells you okay what is the total maximum orders that you can handle per day so if you say I can only handle one per day and you get that one
order then Amazon will know that you cannot handle another order per day even though you can and you'll still get orders what they're going to do is they're going to bump that one day to two days and then to three days according to how many days you have set here where you already have orders that are buffered before that okay so for example let's say my daily order handling capacity is two and I get one order Amazon like okay ship it out within one day I get another order Amazon's like okay I know you can
handle two orders so ship that out within a day and then you get the third order Amazon's like oh I know that you cannot handle the third order per day so now instead of one day we're going to tell the customer that it's going to be two days so that's a nice little way to increase your handling time after your first order so you can leave it here at whatever suits your business whatever suppliers you're working with it really depends on their total shipping time and how fast they can provide a tracking number just remember
that the handling time is how long it takes to provide tracking information and not how long it'll take to reach the customer okay so set whatever value makes sense here go ahead and click on Save if you're not sure start with a lower number like one and then if you have no problem fulfilling those orders up it up to two and then three and so forth so that is the order handling settings then we're going to go back and now we can see at the handling time we don't want the automated one the default handling
time is one day our handling capacity I said to two orders per day at the moment and that's pretty much it now you also have the buyer requested cancellation this is new and here Amazon allows the option for automatic order cancellation so here for example if a customer places an order on your store and within half an hour he cancels that order then the cancellation will be done automatically and Amazon will send the refund to the buyer so make sure that you do not ship out the item within before that time frame passes so here
for example you can click on edit and here you can change that to a larger number now in this case I would keep it as low as possible just so that if you set it to half an hour which is the default it's the minimum that you have to accept then don't fulfill your orders in the first half an hour after getting them just in case your customers would want to cancel and you won't have an option to approve cuz it'll be automatically approved okay so keep that at the minimum possible so I'm going to
keep that at half an hour and if there are any holidays where you'll be offline and you know that in advance you can go ahead and add them here under holidays just click on edit and say when you will be on holiday and Amazon will up your handling time accordingly all right so that's everything that you want to set up in the general shipping settings and now let's move over to the shipping templates now if you have more than one ships from address that is fine you can select that option as well but you just
have to add that address to your address book so if for example some of your products are going to be shipped from A supplier from China then you want to connect that product to your China warehouse but if you're working with multiple suppliers which is a great great idea because we don't want to put all of our eggs in one basket get so let's say you're also working with us suppliers who can ship even quicker than Chinese suppliers because it's domestic so you can ship from into the US and of course you can also do
that really easily with autods I'm not sure if I mentioned this but if for example you're in the handpicked products and you're doing a product research if you go all the way up to the top of the screen you can change your ships too so here I want to see all the items that can ship to the United States because that's where I'm selling at that is my target audience the currency that I want to see if there are any ads connected to this product how many orders these product have what is the profit range
and so forth so you have all these filters to help you out even more but if now for example I want to add another Warehouse because I'm also going to ship from us so some products are going to ship from China other products are going to ship from the US so in order to add another Warehouse what you're going to do is you're going to click on edit over here and then you're going to add a new address okay and then here you're going to call it for example USA Warehouse okay and the country here
of course is the United States then you're going to go ahead and fill in the address and everything else according to the list that I helped you with unless you can find your own addresses or if you actually know the address you can go ahead and enter that okay and then when you're listing products you can assign each product to its Warehouse so that Amazon will know which Warehouse it's coming out from and your customer will know as well okay so here my default shipping address at the moment is China Warehouse because my products are
coming from there now let's move over to the shipping template so we were already here we clicked on create new shipping template and we are going to click on okay and here we are going to first of all choose our ships from so if you remember correctly I only have the China warehouse at the moment I'm going to go ahead and click on next and now you have fulfillment type preferences and we are thirdparty sellers we are not using Amazon's Prime service we are a third-party Merchant okay so we are not using Amazon fulfilled by
Amazon service we are shipping the products from wherever we want directly to the customers so here we're going to select I want to automate my self-fulfilled nonprime shipping settings click on next then you've got your region preferences so here it's asking okay we understand that you are shipping from your China warehouse but what are the shipping carriers that you are actually working with and here you do not want to select something specific because then you'll have to use that shipping carrier all the time and Amazon will check to make sure that you are shipping from
where you're saying you're shipping from so don't say that you're shipping from the US if you're shipping from China and so here we're not going to select anything uh specific or fancy like Yun Express or DHL we are going to go with China Post and it's okay if everything here is selected and that's pretty much it here that's all that we need to select we are going to be using a China Post carrier and there are a whole bunch of carriers under China post that are going to ship our product so this is the correct
answer for this then we've got the shipping Services priority and you'll see that as a default setting it's set on I want Amazon to choose the shipping services that I selected above that creates the longest delivery time now of course we don't want the longest delivery time we're actually going to deliver pretty quickly and of course I'm going to show you all of that soon when we get to the suppliers and when we get to sourcing these suppliers but here we want to change it to the third option which is I want Amazon to dynamically
choose one of my above shipping Services which in this case is China post that creates the fastest possible delivery time estimate based on my customer's location so here it's going to choose a fast delivery time and that way we are going to win the buy box on the delivery time we're also going to live up to it CU we are going to deliver quickly and of course more importantly our prices are going to be the cheapest so cheapest pricing fastest shipping the winner of the featured or the buy box okay so we're going to choose
that option and before we go ahead and click on next there's one more thing that we forgot right up here on the region preferences there's one more quick edit that I would want to do so here you're going to go ahead and click on edit and so we are obviously shipping to all of the United States but we do not want to ship to Hawaii Alaska us protectorates and APO fpo simply because these states usually are problematic and a lot of shipments either get lost or get returned so we want to stay away from them
and just have everything else checked in which is pretty much done automatically then you're going to go ahead and click on okay and here you can see that it says continental US is enabled and we don't see Hawaii and all of those other problematic places now we are finished we can go ahead and click on next then we have a little overview of our domestic shipping go ahead and click on confirm and we are done with our shipping settings so we set our ships from Warehouse we set our shipping templates where we can ship to
our handling time and everything else and so now you just need to give your template a name so if you haven't done so yet you can call this um ship from China or whatever you want I already have this template already set up so I'm just doing a a demo setup but here anyways you already edited this information here just go ahead and make sure that everything here is fine under standard shipping it's okay that you got the PO Box on shipping fee is 0 $0 we're not charging for shipping and here you also have
expedited shipping and two-day delivery we're going to turn that off especially because when we're Shing from China to the us we're not really going to have today delivery but if you're creating a us to us or UK to UK shipping template and you know that you can deliver within that time frame go ahead and leave that on as well as one day delivery okay expedited shipping is also an option if you know that your supplier can ship quickly so this is the transit time not the handling time you already have one day handling time or
whatever we set but here you have the total Transit time and this is expedited so the most that you can have is 3 to 5 days after the handling time so if you can ship if you can deliver within that time frame go ahead and give this a price if you would like to price it for the customer so that you know you'll make a little bit of extra profit even though you're paying the same price and the customer will pay for that just to get the item quicker so leave that on if your supplier
allows it if you're not sure yet just go ahead and leave it off and save your shipping template and that's it when you're listing a product you can select which shipping template you want to sign it to ships from China ships from us depending on who that supplier will be all right so here's how to set your return policy and this is for every time someone wants to return a product which shouldn't happen too much the average industry return rate for the products that we are Drop Shipping should be anywhere between 1 to two maybe
2 and 1 half% returns but in any case we do want to offer the best customer service that we can so that our stores will stay here in the long term and in order to do that we do have to put up with returns every now and then so here when we set our return policy our customers will understand exactly if they can even return the product what the conditions are and what they need to do in order to return their product you may notice that my voice is a little bit different I'm resuming the
video now after a couple days cuz I had a pretty mean cold which I'm finally coming off of so don't mind the voice and let's jump into return policies okay so you got the link to create a return policy inside your Amazon Seller Central on the Amazon Drop Shipping cheat sheet once again # Amazon 2025 let me know what is your top takeaway from this video and I will reply back with a link to the cheat sheet all right so I'm going to go ahead and click on this link and let's quickly create our return
policies right after this I'm going to go over the best Drop Shipping suppliers and I'm going to show you how to connect with the fastest cheapest and best Drop Shipping suppliers from anywhere around the world that you will have access to that you cannot find on a Google Search and after that I'm going to add a couple of products to my Amazon store so you can see and follow along then I'm finally going to fulfill that order I mean the customer's been waiting and I've been waiting to show you how to do it so we're
going to get to that as well and a few more extra bonuses and perks then we're going to wrap this up but before that of course I'm going to make sure that you have absolutely everything that you need in order to start profiting as soon as this video is over okay so we are here on the return settings if you want to navigate to it just go ahead and click on settings right up here then you're going to go down to return settings okay so the first tab that we have here is general settings so
I wrote down everything step by step right here what you need to do so the first one is to the tab the first one called general settings go to the marketplace that you're selling on at the moment so for me of course it's USA and then I'm going to go down here to the right where it says label type I'm going to make sure that it's Amazon prepaid not that there's any other choice but you never know by the time you're watching this video next return merchandise authorization so RMA we're going to make sure that
this is on seller and not on Amazon because we are going to authorize these returns and send the return labels not Amazon and labels for exempt items we are going to make sure that it is on seller prepaid okay so you have the instructions right here RMA is seller prepaid return label is seller and now we have also return instructions so here you're going to copy what I wrote here or just write something similar the seller will provide you with a prepaid return label do not return the product until you get the seller's return labeled
now this is really important because we don't want the customer to send the product back to the return address that we have on file because the return address is not the actual place where where we want the customer to return the product we're going to get that soon under here under manage return addresses but for now right here where it says click to write instructions I'm just going to paste that message so the customer will understand okay now we are going to move over to the next tab so according to the cheat sheet you can
see that you need to move over to manage return addresses which is what we just spoke about so we can skip over resolutions there's nothing to do there then we're going to click on manage return addresses and here you want to make sure that you do have a return address on file now you can click on this pencil icon right here to choose whatever return address you would like to choose from the list of addresses that you have unfiled now you can also do it a different way by clicking on this drop down right here
just again make sure that you're on the right Marketplace so again I'm on USA so click on the drop down right here and instead of default return address you can go with closest return address or shipped from address so whatever ships from remember when we created our ships from policies where we're shipping from so whether it's China USA or anywhere else so you can use that same address as the return address but again we don't really want the customer to return it to that address because when we ask our supplier for a return label our
supplier is going to provide us with one if of course we are eligible for a return and we're going to make sure that it's that way on Amazon too so when our seller sends us a return label we're going to have to take that return label and send it to our customers our customer will stick that on the package and return it to their local post office where it will be returned and because we have a tracking number on that return label we can always track the return and see that it is actually being returned
once that happens our supplier will send us a refund and we can of course send the refund to our buyer as well so in order to get that return label to their hands we want to make sure that they do not actually ship to these addresses but we do have to have some kind of an address on file okay so manage return addresses the first thing is create a return address by clicking on manage your return address right here on the right then you're going to go ahead and click on add a new address and
then here here in the address name you can go ahead and copy and paste what I wrote here on the cheat sheet so do not return to this address seller will provide a return label that's going to be the name of the address just so that we make sure that when a customer opens a return and Amazon's like oh okay here's your automatic return address Mr buyer then Mr buyer will not return to that address because it will say Do not return to this address the seller will will send you a return label okay so
that's going to be the name and then in the address you're going to add a virtual address preferably from the same place where you ship from from the same country from the same location but it doesn't really have to be okay so in my case I'm going to have my return address in the United States because that's where my target audience resides doesn't matter if I shipped it from China or from the US the return address is going to be in the US okay so I'm just going to get a virtual address from these links
that I sent under the shipping policy so you can click on that as I showed you you have a whole bunch of virtual addresses that you can use from these locations okay so let's go ahead and fill in the rest of the information so that we'll have a return address so I'm going to open up the USA virtual addresses list I'm going to choose one of these um Warehouse locations okay so let's say this one right here in Chicago Illinois okay once we're done we're going to go ahead and click on ADD address okay then
I see that I kind of mix up the info here so full name is the address name do not return return to this address and for the full name we can write wait for the sellers r return label okay and once we're done we're going to go ahead and click on ADD address okay and here now I see it on the top of the list so do not return to this address seller will provide a return label so I'm going to go ahead and choose that one so that was in order to add the address
in order to choose it I'm going to go back to this menu return address list under USA I'm going to click on the pencil icon and I'm going to choose that as the return address okay we can see that it was selected here and that's pretty much all there is to it now last but not least in order to finish it up we're going to click here on return program settings and here you have a choice do you want to offer free returns for all of the items that you're listing do you want to offer
free returns only for some of the items then of course each item you're going to have to decide of that or do you want to offer free returns just for some of the items that you're listing and then each item that you list you're going to have to choose if that item does have free returns or not so you're going to have to select it or you can offer free returns for only some of the items but then you're going to have to use as you can see it says right here use the free returns
template to upload a list of skus eligible for free returns then you've got I want to offer free returns for none of my items so what's the best way to move forward here if you ask me it's either option one or three so offer free returns for all of your items or don't offer any free returns whatsoever now as a third-party seller it's okay for you to not offer free returns it's not like we're using Amazon's Prime service where every Prime customer gets two-day shipping and free ret but on the other hand one of the
things that are going to give you the upper hand and help you win the featured offer or the buy box is to offer a better service than what other sellers are offering and in this case if they are not offering free returns but you are and your price is better and your shipping is faster you are going to win the buy box and you're probably going to stay there for quite a while so we are going to offer free returns for all of our items again most customers will not be returning items people purchase products
not to return them however if there was a problem with the package or with the product itself if it's not as described or for whatever other reason a customer would want to return as I mentioned it's going to be anywhere between 1 to maximum 3% of your orders and if your return rate is higher than 3% look at what products are getting the most returns and consider replacing them with either another product or a better supplier that has higher quality variations of that product because for some reason if you're getting a lot of Returns on
a certain product you're going to have to figure out why that product is getting a lot of returns and then consider your next move whether you're going to remove it or replace it okay but if it's a really cheap product and your supplier doesn't offer free returns but you still want to offer free returns to your buyers you can definitely do that and you'll have the upper hand over any other seller that's not offering free returns and if one out of 30 customers returns that product you're still in a very green profit zone so it's
okay you can continue selling that product and make your profit so this is for you to choose what you want to do you can start by free returns see how that goes see that it's working well and continue down that road first start off by understanding what your supplier can offer when we get your supplier soon you will understand who offers free returns and who doesn't then you'll be able to make the right decision for your business in any case I always recommend offering free returns we will offer better service than others and that will
play out better for us in the long run once we're done with everything we're going to go ahead and click here on submit okay then you can see it says success you've successfully updated your return settings so now that we are done doing our product research finding winning products to sell our seller accounts are up and verified we connected Amazon to autodia so that we can enjoy Automation and we created our shipping and return policies we can now move on to the best Drop Shipping suppliers and this is everything that you need to know about
finding and working with Drop Shipping suppliers starting off with the things that you have to look out for when it comes to which supplier should I work with and what do I need to know so first things first make sure that we are working with suppliers who offer fast shipping customers do not want to wait 3 to four weeks to get their packages next you want to make sure that the suppliers that you're working with offer valid tracking information so as soon as they ship out the orders they will supply us with a tracking information
that they shipped it from and we need to be able to track it so we need our suppliers to work with major shipping carriers so that we can track the packages and so can our customers this will also help us to avoid sending refunds on in claims in other words item not received claims so if a customer reaches out to you and says hey I don't know where my package is you're going to have to provide them with some proof that the package is either in transit or it was delivered and you won't be able
to do that without a trackable tracking number so we want to make sure that our suppliers have valid tracking information next we want suppliers who have good return policies so the optimal point is for a supplier who can offer 14 to 30day returns preferably paid by the seller SLS supplier so we want our supplier to offer us returns and preferably free returns we just went over that but we understand that point even if they don't it's okay if they have really good products great prices high quality and fast shipping we can Overlook the return policy
if it's not that good but it's best and optimal if we work with suppliers who have all of this allinone package and of course we want to have good communication with our suppliers we want to be able to reach out to them to talk to them and not be limited to marketplaces that don't really let us contact our suppliers and more than that we also want to check that our our suppliers are actually communicative so we want to reach out to them send a message let them send a message back see that their response rate
is fast and that they actually offer good Solutions if we have any issues communication goes a long way next we want to find suppliers who obviously have high quality products we do not want to sell products that will have high returns because the products suck and the quality is low or it always arrives damag because the packaging is not good so high quality products and of course do not put all of your eggs in one basket so even if you find a supply that gives you a lot of good business and has great products and
ships them out quickly and has great communication but let's say for instance there is a certain problem and now for a few days that supplier cannot work like how Chinese suppliers for example have all kinds of Chinese holidays that don't really correspond with holidays that happen in the rest of the world so we all live in different places around the world and we all have our own sets of holidays and sometimes we may not take into consideration that our suppliers will suddenly be gone for a couple of weeks and now we have no one to
sell our orders to and no one to find and add new products from so this can be an issue and this is why we do not want to just rely on one supplier one supplier can also go out of stock on a product that's been selling for us a lot and we don't want to stop selling that product because that supplier suddenly ran out we can always rely on another supplier to continue fulfilling our orders so there's a lot of reasons why you do not want to just work with only one Drop Shipping supplier of
course in the beginning you will start with one but in time you will add more and more suppliers to your list so those are some B basic guidelines on what to look out for in a Drop Shipping supplier and I have it all written down here in the Amazon cheat sheet okay so who are some of the best suppliers that we need to start working with especially when we're selling on places like Amazon so starting with my number one recommendation and this and you could have probably seen this coming but there's a really good reason
for it and that is the autods marketplace I've already mentioned this I've already talked about the importance of the marketplace for not only finding winning products but also working with private Drop Shipping suppliers so what exactly does that mean so if you're already an autods member you have automatic access to the autods marketplace and here you can find private suppliers to work with so how does this work we talked about scrolling through these products and finding ideas for great product Trends but who is selling these products so here you have a mix of retailers wholesalers
and also private suppliers the difference between them is retailers is usually a Marketplace like Amazon or AliExpress or Walmart those are considered retailers then you have wholesalers wholesalers are types of suppliers who purchase products in bulk and they sell it to drop shippers and other retailers who sell it to the End customer so wholesalers can work with you but sometimes they may require a minimum order quantity for example Alibaba is what you would consider a wholesaler they have a lot of Manufacturers but Alibaba themselves is a wholesaler that has a Marketplace of lots and lots
of Manufacturers and other thirdparty sellers then you've got private suppliers and this is my number one recommendation finding those private agents to work with and that you're going to find really easily for free already included inside your autods membership so how do we find them here on the marketplace on the top right you see where it says supplier so I'm going to click on that and here you can see a whole bunch of retailers that we talked about like AliExpress and Amazon dhgate Kmart wish red bubble pure formulas and so forth so all of these
suppliers are retail that you can also work with but I'm going to start with the private suppliers because this is my number one recommendation so I clicked on autods suppliers and here I have a list of private suppliers that autods checks one by one before allowing them to add their products to the marketplace so here I have a whole bunch of products and I can see the suppliers names like this supplier's name is alien way this is Trinity Dumas home this is Vin Fang and as I continue we've got more and more suppliers so we
see the products and we see who these suppliers are now one of the things that I can do is I can click on one of those suppliers to see what other products that supplier has listed but also take a look at the filters that you have on top so first you've got your ships to so in other words what this means is you want to find suppliers that can ship to what country and because I'm selling on Amazon us then of course my target audience resides in the USA so I want to find suppliers who
have products that can ship to the United States then you've got currency so I'm working with the USD currency you can choose any other currency right here then you've got your ships from so these private suppliers that we want to find where do they ship their products from so here I can choose us and this way I can find suppliers who ship domestically from into the US meaning they are going to ship very quickly to my target audience so if you start domestic you will be able to ship quickly and as your product line starts
to grow you can also of course add other countries as well delivery will take a little bit longer and it's okay for you to even start off with with that but because the store is new and you have to prove yourself to your buyers and you want to get positive reviews quickly on your Amazon seller account and you want to maintain a good healthy account start domestic in the beginning make sure that your customers are super super satisfied if you don't have a choice it's okay you can also go International but that would be my
recommendation for getting started it'll just make it easier to get a healthy and positive reviewed seller account okay so ships to and from the US then you've got a price range I'm not going to play with that right now I will with any price range and supplier is autods private suppliers then I can also select what Niche I would like to sell in I can also search for a specific product here and here if I click on best sellers then I'll see the products that are really the best sellers out of them all and I've
also got fast shipping but I'm probably going to ship pretty fast anyway because I'm shipping domestically and you can sort by relevance pricing shipping time and recently added okay so my filters are going to be ships to the US ships from I'm going to take it off the US even though I would like to have fast domestic shipping but I would like to have a large suppliers list and slowly narrow down from there okay so all products that can ship to the US currency USD price range I'm not really going to choose anything here but
you can if you want you can also choose a price range in this case I'm going to leave it blank just so that I'll have the most results and supplier is autods private suppliers all right so here are the results so we've got all of these suppliers like this Victor Chavis over here and all of these other suppliers the perfect part ink selling a whole bunch of Fitness Products because we are in the sports and fitness category and so these and so all of these are private suppliers that are waiting to work with drop shippers
such as yourselves the only thing that we need to do is just add their products to our stores and start selling only here we're selling on Amazon so we do have a little bit more checking to do and another Super piece of important information is you may have noticed that on some of these suppliers it says customizable branding right here so this means that these products the ones where it says customizable branding on it they can be sent out with your logo on it this means that every time you get a sale on a product
that has customizable branding on it from autod DS's private suppliers you will upload your logo and that product will be sent out with that logo next to it so this way you've got The Branding effect and your customer will remember you better they will remember your brand they'll remember your store and this is going to make your branding effect so much stronger even if you are a drop shipper because usually as drop shippers we cannot brand our product when we are only sending out one each time only after we make a sale no manufacturer will
want to print our logos and send it out with our product if we do not have a minimum order quantity so they will say hey okay I can customize your products I can add your logo next to it but you're going to have to order at least 50 100 pieces otherwise it's not really worth it for me but now inside the autods marketplace with the private suppliers that do support customizable branding you will be able to do so and here here is how you can see that this supplier's name is autods Warehouse because autods also
have their own private Warehouse in China and we put all of the best trending products there and every day more and more products are being added to that warehouse and you can take advantage of that warehouse and send out your product with customizable branding on it now granted autods is not the only private supplier with customizable branding but make sure that you do look for this text because benefiting from The Branding effect can go a really long way on your stores so let's click on one of these products for example and see how it actually
works okay so let's go with this finger gripper right here I think it works out your fingers and then you develop finger muscles okay so here you can see the product I clicked on it to see the product page on the inside and we've got the products information everything that we're already used to seeing and what we can see here though is that we have customizable branding and it comes with autod DS's private suppliers customizable branding this means that it can be sent out with our logo on it in order to do that just click
on the add Now button button right here on the right side where it says create your customizable branding you can also do that by going to the settings page on autods click right here on Store settings and here You've Got The Branding settings so you're going to click here to drag and drop your logo and that's it every product that you add that has customizable branding and it gets sold and you send it out it will get sent out with your logo that you uploaded there so that is a huge huge huge advantage and as
I mentioned if you click on one of these suppliers you'll see other products that they sell so let's say for example this the perfect part Inc supplier if I click on it then I will see other products that this supplier is selling you can see that all of these products are being sold by the same private supplier and you've got the shipping time so you can see that this supplier ships within 46 business days which is relatively quickly and another thing that we can do here is I can click on the product and here I
can send a message to the supplier so you see this button right here it says message the supplier you can click on that and it'll open up a little chat between you and that supplier and here I can see that I already sent them a message before but I wrote to them Hello nice to meet you I would like to start droing your products I know which shipping carriers you work with and if there are additional products you haven't added to autods yet they said we use USPS all our items are on autods thanks and
so I could just continue writing more messages here and as you can see it just kind of continues in this little chat window that we have here and I have more messages with more private suppliers right here on the left side so autod DS not only hooks you up with private suppliers but also gives you the ability to communicate with your suppliers and and have private conversations with them this way you will have a distinct advantage over millions of other drop shippers who do not have access to private suppliers no private agents and we're even
going to take it one step further when we will get to the product sourcing I'm going to show you how you can Source your products even if you got an order on a product that you added from let's say AliExpress but you do not want to order it from AliExpress you want to find a private agent for this product I'm going to show you how to do that too and that is already included inside your autods subscription no additional charge for creating sourcing requests and finding out new private agents that will source and fulfill your
orders with better times with cheaper prices and faster shipping so we're going to get to that also but I wanted to show you the autods marketplace with the private suppliers now if you do not want to work with private suppliers if you want to go with retailers that is also another option just remember that everything has its pros and cons so you can work with retailers but keep in mind that most retailers most likely do not want you to drop ship from them like for example Walmart okay let's say you choose Walmart as your supplier
and so and I'm going to also show you the whole list that you can work with but let's say you want to use uh Walmart as your supplier and let's say you add this basketball hoop to your store okay and let's say it's sold now you need to fulfill your order from Walmart so you go to Walmart you add it to your card and you enter your customer's details and you ship it directly to your customer but after you do that once twice three times multiple times to multiple addresses some retailers May lock your buyer
account Amazon is another supplier that's known for doing this even though we are selling on Amazon so we won't really be using them as a supplier but others use them as a supplier on different selling channels and their buyer account gets locked after shipping multiple times to different addresses because they can kind of sense that you're drop shipping from them and they don't really like that because they are retailers they are not private suppliers who are looking to work with drop shippers so there are some ways around this if you do want to work with
retailers and I will show you how to do that when get to the order automation stage which is coming up next but it's also important to understand that retailers do come with this sort of a price but on the other hand retailers also open us up to millions of more products that we can resell so it's always a nice thing to have and here in autods we support over 30 Drop Shipping suppliers not related to the private suppliers which by the way you can see a nice little video of the autods warehouse here so this
is what our warehouse looks like and this is that China Warehouse that I was talking about where we store a whole bunch of train goods for you to sell so these products that you can see that are being sold and fulfilled right here through our China warehouses also get delivered within up to two weeks and most likely it's going to be delivered within the week and again really hot and trendy products here but if I just scroll down a bit more here you can see all of autod DS's supported suppliers so for example you can
work with AliExpress that's a retailer you can find products on Shopify and then use them as your supplier Costco eBay Target and so forth so all of these are retailers and wholesalers where you you can simply go to their websites find products to sell and use them as your suppliers and you'll have automation price monitoring stock monitoring quick product imports from millions of products coming from these suppliers and more so this is another place to find millions and millions of products that you can resell so my first recommendation is the autods marketplace with branding customization
messaging suppliers and of course product sourcing I'm going to show you this really really soon because I'm going to fulfill that one order and I'm also going to source that product because I do want to find a better source for it but basically what this means is you get an order and you don't want to fulfill it with that supplier that you used and you want simply want to find a better faster cheaper supplier this is what sourcing is going to get you okay so we're going to get to that and that is also going
to hook you up with new suppliers next we've got the autod ds30 plus Drop Shipping suppliers retail and wholesale which I just showed you AliExpress is another example even though it's one of autod dss3 supported suppliers I also added them separately because a lot of drop in the beginning of their Journeys love starting with AliExpress and that is absolutely fine as long as you try to Source through better agents through private agents after you found a winning product on your store so you can use them as reference but you shouldn't really use them as a
fulfillment option again you can but there are much better options out there that most drop shippers are not aware of which is what I'm trying to reveal here now another way to find Drop Shipping suppliers this is a little bit unconventional compared to other strategies and method methods that I showed you but you can also use service providers like worldwide Brands now this does have a cost so I don't recommend this but if you're looking for other ways to find suppliers and you just want to get a big database a big list of Plenty and
plenty of suppliers which by the way many of them could also not be relevant anymore so you do have to do your due diligence and check each and every one of them and make sure that they are relevant but here basically you're going to get a huge huge list of suppliers as you can see right here over 8,000 certified drop shippers and bul Distributors access thousands of USA based wholesellers so it all looks pretty good but it does come with a cost and that cost is $197 onetime fee not cheap at all and I highly
recommend trying other methods before going to this one but if you've got the money and you don't really care about it and you just want to have a huge list of uh suppliers and start sorting your way through there you can use worldwide brands for this some suppliers are outdated and others also have some pretty lowquality products so do your research and this of course requires a lot of manual and kind of tedious work but again everyone has their own personalities everyone has their own ways that they want to do things so I want to
make sure that you have all of the methods and you will choose which is best for you another unconventional method is also just opening up Google and starting to look for suppliers there but then you can get lost in a big rabbit hole of other blog channels and all kinds of affiliate links and just information that isn't so direct so you're going to have to do a lot of sorting your way through and finding websites of Manufacturers who are also Drop Shipping friendly suppliers then you're going to have to reach out to them let them
know that you're a drop shipper and that you would like to drop ship their products start communicating with them and of course continue from there that will be the longest and most timeconsuming method but it's also absolutely free so again all the options are out there you choose whichever is best for you all right so now that we went over the list of what to look for in a Drop Shipping supplier and also showed you a whole bunch of suppliers that you can work with with tens of millions of products that you can resell and
suppliers who can fulfill from different locations all around the world now you have more than what you need to find a supplier for the products that you found and finally import them to your store and start selling so now we're going to jump to the next section and import our products to our Amazon stores all right so here is how we import products to our stores and this is going to help us get to the point where we've got these products on our stores and it was added automatically and because we're using automation what it
means is if this product right here for example this dog cigarette dog toy or the TPMS car tire pressure alarm monitor so because I added them with autods with automation then importing the product was relatively quickly I can enjoy price and stock monitoring so if my supplier's price changes the price will also change in my store accordingly so I will not be selling products without any profit and same thing for the stock status so if my supplier goes out of stock for whatever reason the product will also go out of stock on my store so
I will not be selling products that are of course out of stock and of course there's a lot more when it comes to automation but step by step so how do we actually get to the point where we're adding these products to our stores with the help of Automation and also without so let's add one of the products that I found earlier and that is this product right here so remember that rotating drying rack so I found product on autod DS's handpick products Hub I saw that it was nice it's trending and I found another
seller on Amazon who's selling it for just about $90 so what we're going to do here is we are going to enter the buy box and right now you can see that the seller who is winning the buy box is the only seller who listed this product who calls himself Z Xiang gun so this is a Chinese seller obviously and we are going to enter the buy box we're going to offer a better price and we are going to be the winners here so pretty soon you're going to see that this seller's name here is
going to be my seller's name which is Ecom drop LLC because I am going to win the featured offer box so this is exactly how that is done so I've got the product page right here this is the product that I want to sell and we've already checked that we can do that by copying the Asin and going to Amazon clicking on add products and pasting the Asin right here then I notice that I can sell this product so if I select a condition I go to new I can see that it says sell this
product and if I wouldn't be able to sell it I would get some error at this point and if I wouldn't be able to sell it I would get some error message at this point let's say it was this warming mat over here right so I copy this so let's say I want to enter the buy box over here so I'm going to copy the a in go to Amazon put this one instead and you can see that it says apply to sell it does not say that I can sell this product this means that
I cannot sell it so again we've been over this but I just want to refresh your mind what it means when you cannot sell a product so in this case I'm going to go back to this product that spinning dryer that I want to sell okay so here under select a condition I'm going to go to new then I'm going to click on sell this product now here I could still get an error message that it's a generic listing and I can still not resell it but I didn't get it and here I can obviously
enter the buy box or the featured offer box whatever you want to call it so here I can just do it manually so right here I can write the quantity that I'm going to sell I can write here whatever my price will be but again I need to check my supplier make sure that I've got profit I also want to make sure that I'm the cheapest one on the buy box then we've got the offering condition type so of course we are only selling new products no used products and under fulfillment Channel we will ship
the item ourself so of course we are not giving it to Amazon it's not a prime it's not fulfilled by Amazon this is a merchant fulfilled product same thing for all of our products that we are going to drop ship here okay and last but not least you've got your Marketplace so here I'm going to sell it on the US Marketplace and then when you're done you click on Save and finish but I'm not going to do it through here because this is the manual way of doing it and if you want to work manually
this is the way to do it but be careful of the repercussions once you add lots and lots of products to your store and this is one of the best parts on how we can actually make make sales in profit is we need to sell as many products as possible not just five or 10 products we want to sell tens to hundreds and even thousands of products and the way to do that is by having full automation with our suppliers again especially once again when it comes to price and stock monitoring we cannot go out
to our suppliers websites every day and refresh hundreds and thousands of products and see if the stock or the price status changed that really doesn't make sense it's not scalable and we will not be making the sales and profits that we have dreamed of so that is why of course we refer to automation so now let's do it the right way the way that I recommend if you're really willing to hit the big numbers okay so what we're going to do is we're going to add the product but through autods so now I'm going to
go back to autods and so now here on autods there's a few ways to add products to your store so you can choose whichever is best for you but in this case because it's coming from the autods marketplace it's actually very very simple this is the product that we want to sell so this means that this is the supplier that we're going to use so this product here under the handpicked products the seller's name is Ito online store this is the supply that we're going to use through autods so if you got your product from
the marketplace whether it's the handpick products or trending products or the marketplace itself you have the import draft button right here just make sure that your store is selected up here on the top left so now I'm going to click on import draft and now it's asking me okay so this is the product that you're going to sell this is the supplier that you're going going to use right so it's going to cost $5.55 plus $2 shipping so it's going to cost around $75 to sell this product so again click on import draft here you
want to enter the Asin because now the system is like okay this is the product this is the supplier that you want to use but where are you selling this where is your Amazon page that you want to enter the featured offer box or the buy box and in this case this is the page right so we want to get the Asin from the page that we are going to enter so again you can search for Asin or copy it from the URL and go back to autods and say okay this is the supplier this
is the product this is where I want to sell it and then you're going to click on done okay now it's adding the product to the drafts section of our page where we can just do a little bit of optimization there's not much that we can optimize because we cannot change the product's title we cannot change the description because these were pre-written for us from the supplier from the seller who created this listing on Amazon so the only thing that we're actually going to change is the price of the product to make sure that we
are cheaper than the initial seller so that we can overtake them on the featured offer box or the buy box okay so you can see that it's right here on our drafts page already I can click on this Arrow right here to open up this little window and show me more product information those which once again I cannot really change right so you can see that everything is grayed out but what I can change here is the variance so here on the variations I can see the product right here and if I click on edit
here I can mess around with theu pricing now because I did not preconfig my pricing yet on the settings page whenever I list a new product then everything here is on default but of course we can change this in the settings so that every time we add a product it will go with the default settings that we set in place but here for example let's say that our fees are 15% so I'm going to change that to 15% here and I want to make another 60% profit so that means that the selling price needs to
be $14.55 and here I can also say that I want to round my cents to 99 or 97 whatever just to make sure that it looks a little bit better and so yeah if it costs us $75 we can sell it for around $14.99 and we'll make around $5 in profit after taking into consideration Amazon selling fees however I do want to cherry-pick my price just because I already know what the best price is there is no reason to really sell for $14.99 when the seller is selling it for 8919 so I could go for
something I wouldn't go super super cheap but start at price point and if that doesn't work then you can always reduce the price and continue reducing until you start making sales but I do want you to see that you can make a lot of profit selling on Amazon and in Drop Shipping in general in order to see that you're going to have to up your profit percentages buy a lot and see that products actually sell okay in this case I'm still going to be super cheap but I'm going to be around $19.99 okay so I'm
crushing his price I don't mind that because I'm profiting pretty well at $ 199.99 making almost 10 bucks profit that's a nice way to start off and I'm just not going to price it more than that because I mean how far could this product go when it comes to pricing so let's keep it at $19.99 that's about 125% in profit and now I'm going to click on Save okay so that will be my pricing point for this product you can see that the variation is now saved at $1 199.99 and again this isn't our draft
page it hasn't been published on our Amazon store yet only after we click on import right here okay so next I've got the images I again I cannot really mess around with it it's the images that the uh initial seller who created the Amazon page uploaded and we've got the item specifications again everything is automated we can't really make any changes so the only thing that we are going to change is the pricing under the variance tab besides that your product is good to go and you're going to beat the buy box so now I'm
going to go ahead and click on import and now it's moving from the drafts to the product section of my store which means that it will actually be live so now if I go to my products page by the time it's being imported which now it's already done so you can already see the two uh products that I already have on my store so it was these two products the same ones that you have been seeing up until now so let me go back to my uh inventory and we're going to manage all inventory to
see our products on Amazon so you can see the initial two products and in just a few minutes this product is going to be added as well okay so we can already see in the products page it means that it was added on Amazon it usually takes a few minutes for it to show up over here and then a few hours for Amazon to refresh the featured offer box the buy box to to show show you that you are the winner okay so we're going to give that some time in the meantime let me show
you another way to add products to your stores okay because there are multiple ways to do things and I want you to know all the ways and of course choose whichever is best for you so let's quickly look for another product to add to our stores and this time I'm not going to do it through the ease of the marketplace where you can easily find products and just click on import draft and boom it's on your store easy peasy now let's go with an external supplier okay so let's go with the AliExpress for example and
and let's just look for a product here okay so I can see some neck massagers some uh water guns um some cool products over here um so let's go ahead and choose something that I haven't really seen so much look at this one okay so I found a kitchen broom dust pan that's kind of like an all-in-one item so this looks pretty special to me I haven't seen this much around and I don't expect you guys to know what's special and what's not especially if you're just getting started this is why you need to put
down hours and days into product research and of course testing so trial and error trial and error trial and error boom found the winner trial and error trial and error boom found another winner and then you start to also find more products similar to the winners because you're already starting to narrow down on something while continuing to test the market for more trials and errors and within a few days a few weeks a few months you're already deep into this business okay so here we found this kitchen mop SL dust pan and I see that
I've got two colors right here so nice blue and an orange okay we've also got black we've got other variations other colors right here as well but let's check out this one so here we found a product on AliExpress now we need to see if this product even exists on Amazon who's selling it and if we can enter the buy box and offer a better price so I here I can see that's selling for $291 and we've got free shipping for over $10 so it's not over $10 at another $2 so this is just about
$5 okay so now I want to see if I can sell this product on Amazon so in order to do that I'm going to see if it's being sold on Amazon and I'm going to find a listing where I can enter and beat the featured offer or the buy box okay so now I'm just going to take the name of the product so it's a kitchen broom dust pan combination or combo so I'm going to take that I'm going to search for it here on Amazon and here I've got a whole bunch of results from
well wellestablished sellers so I can obviously not enter this one but I can see that they're selling it for around well we've got cyber monday deals at the moment but it's being sold for around $20 average so now I want to sort by newest arrivals but I don't really have the option here and that's because I locked myself inside the home and kitchen category so take another tip make sure that you're on Amazon's front page when conducting your search and this way it opens up all the categories and here you'll have a higher chance just
like this one where you'll have newest arrivals okay so now I got the option for newest arrivals and now I'm going to search for that same exact product knowing that I need to sell it for around $20 okay so let's just do some scrolling here until we find the same exact product because we will not ship out a product that is different than the initial one that we saw couldn't find it let's maybe search for the word combo because un featured I saw that it was found let's just change the wording around a bit and
see if that helps okay so there's this one right here but it's it's a prime product so we cannot compete with prime we're looking for thirdparty Sellers and O loow behold someone is selling it for $74 okay let's see if we can enter this one because we do have the same variation right here it's this orange one and I'm going to sell it for a much much cheaper price because we can so we are going to absolutely demolish this sellers listing make it our own and become the winners okay let's see if we can do
that so first I'm going to copy the Asin and see if I can even enter the buy box here so back to Amazon we're going to pretend like we're going to add a new product just to test and check if can enter the buy box paste the as in right here click on submit I know that you guys already know what I'm doing and it looks like I can select a condition new sell this product no errors everything is nice and clean great okay so that's a one for one don't worry if you're not going
to be able to find it on your first try I've been doing this for a while now and I can easily spot those listings where it looks like we can enter But many times I have to try again and again until I find them but again the more work you put into it the more listings you're going to find so don't give up if it doesn't happen with the first first three to five or even 10 products okay but it is getting a lot faster and smoother for me okay so let's go ahead and enter
the buy box here we know who the supplier is this is the supplier right here AliExpress and this is the Asin this is the product page that we are going to enter using this supplier okay so now let's go back to autods and because we're not adding products from the internal Marketplace we have to do it externally so on the top left I'm going to click here on add products then I'm going to go with single product and here I've got two things that I need to fill in what is the Amazon product that I
would like to sell so the buy box that I actually want to enter which is this one right here so I'm just going to copy the a in and I'm going to paste it right here and next is who is your supplier so that we will do our automation price monitoring stock monitoring and everything else so the supplier here of course is Aliexpress so I'm just going to copy the URL to this product and I'm going to paste it right here okay so this is the buy box this is the supplier that we're going to
use for Automation and we can change the source here if it's not correct in this case it is so it's AliExpress and the ship from Warehouse is China now I'm going to go ahead and click on edit now so that I can just edit the price and that's it enter the buy box so in just a couple minutes even less in in about one minute once you find a product it's already on your store and you are winning the buy box okay so right now it's being uh uploaded as we speak here is the product
that's being sold on Amazon so we can see right here that the store name that we're uploading it to is my Amazon store we can see that the Asing right here is the Asing that we chose and the supplier here is alexpress of course you can click on that to go to your supplier page and see the product now if you have multiple variations here then you can click on the other variation as well as will change then you can enter the buy box for that variation also using the same steps that I'm showing you
here all right so let's fill in the information and import this product so we're just going to click on variance click on edit over here so we know that this price is around $5 you can see at the Buy price here on autods reflects the Buy price plus the shipping price because it's not free because we didn't pass $10 now if a customer on Amazon purchases multiple units then you're going to get free shipping so that's another $2 free profit in your pocket but in any case we're going to take into consideration that you are
going to pay for shipping CU you're not going to pass $10 so here it's about $3 plus $2 more dos for shipping so you can see that it's about $5 in buying price $4.90 okay and so the fees here I can change the fees I know that Amazon is around 15% but most importantly is to change the selling price here so we are going to sell this for $19.99 then we're also going to be cheaper than all of those Amazon Prime Sellers and we're also offering free returns and so we're not only going to win
this buy box we're going to absolutely demolish it okay we can also go cheaper so let's say okay those who are paying more on Prime will get more cuz they're going to get their item ship out with within a couple days and this could take a little bit longer so you know what let's take it down to $17.99 and make it more worthwhile for customers to purchase here so if customers are like I don't really care about the shipping speed okay fine so it'll arrive within a week but hey here I'm saving a couple of
bucks of course I'm going to go in this direction and here we're still making over 200% profit so that's absolutely amazing I'm just going to round my cents to 99 keep it always on99 so if the price ever changes on my supplier website and it changes here accordingly to keep my profit percentage to maintain it the sense will always be rounded to 099 okay so we are good here by the way I didn't show you the general but the general also has other information like the products uh weight and sizes and all of that and
the default quantity now we do have the default quantity set on 10 so that is great I'm not going to change that you can always change it manually you can always change it either here in the variance or as an automatic setting inside settings I will show you also the settings soon okay but I'm not going to touch anything here besides the pricing $17.99 $10 profit absolutely amazing for such a cheap product I'm going to go ahead and click on Save okay and it was saved now I'm going to click on Save and import okay
so I just added two products to my Amazon store let's see if the first one the rotating uh dryer already uploaded so let's go to our menu and we're going to click on manage all inventory and yes it's here okay so in a few minutes the status is going to change from missing offer because you see that it doesn't have a quantity I can do that manually but the system is already taken care of it so when you see this just wait a few minutes and refresh and it will be fine it's still being added
to our Amazon stores as we speak okay so that's exactly what I'm going to do I'm just going to leave it here and you'll see soon that it will be change from missing offer to active and then after that it's still going to take a few more hours for Amazon to scan the buy box and see that I'm actually offering a better price and then of course I will become the winner of that buy box all right so if we go back to autod DS we can see that this was also uploaded so now I
have got four products on my Amazon store the third one is still being added as we speak and the fourth one is next in line so while we wait for that magic to happen that is how easy it is to import products from any one of your suppliers so it could have been AliExpress and it could have been any other supplier that we talked about like let's say it was this basketball hoop so this is the product that I want to add I'm just going to copy the URL and I would go to autods click
on ADD product single product and this time my supplier URL will be whatever supplier I used and you can see that the supplier soures automatically changed to Walmart and the shipping location automatically changed to the United States and here you would enter the Asin of the basketball hoop on Amazon for the listing that you would like to enter and beat the Buy box okay so adding products is very easy very simple and now we're also enjoying automation as well and that is all there is to it when it comes to adding products to your Amazon
store the products will go live you will beat the buy box and you really do not have to do anything else everything else is being automated for you in the background so this way you can add as many products as you find it'll only take a few seconds and within a day you can have a store full of products that are already waiting to sell and because Amazon is a search int 10 platform customers will organically find your products you do not have to spend any money on marketing as long as you're selling products that
people are actually looking to buy products that are in demand that have a nice wow effect that are problem solvers people are going to find their way to your listing and whether you like it or not you are going to get sales you are going to make profit and you are going to continue working on this because it feels kind of good making money from the internet all right so next after importing products is order fulfillment so when it comes to order fulfillment there's a few ways for us to fulfill our orders when our orders
come in it's now time to ship them out to our customers and we got to do it as fast as possible the faster our customers get the products the happier that they will be and of course if the product is exactly as described they're more likely to come back and purchase from you again or refer their friends and their family to purchase from you and it's all going to be really good long term so what we're going to do now is go over order fulfillment and of course just like everything there's the manual way to
do things and there's the automatic way you know which one I prefer but I'm going to teach you both so here I do have a live example because when I added that dog cigarette toy just while I was doing product research it happened to make an organic sale so I'm going to go ahead and fulfill that order live so you can see what it looks like I'm going to do it with the help of automation but of course we're also going to talk about the other way so let's start with the manual method really simple
really easy a little bit timec consuming but as soon as you get an order the only thing that you need to do is go to your supplier's website purchase the product and ship it directly to the customer so of course you have no contact with the product whatsoever and your profit is whatever is between the source price and your selling price on Amazon okay so for example if the product came from AliExpress let's say this electric water gun is the product that's sold so you're just going to go to your supplier's website you're going to
add this product to your cart then you're going to go ahead and check out and use your customer's details in the address so make sure of course that you're not accidentally shipping it to yourself here you're shipping it directly to the customer to write all the customers details that you got from Amazon and go ahead and purchase the product now if you didn't get Amazon's payout yet then of course you are paying for the product before you're actually getting the payout because your first payout could take a little while could take a few days while
Amazon gets to know you as a new seller so if you look at my Amazon dashboard right here you can see that I have a total balance of $698 this is from that order minus Amazon's fees so the product sold for about $20 and I'm making about $17 after fees and if I click here on the total balance we can see that it came from the United States market so that is the product that's sold and I can check out what's going on with my payments if I go here to the payments menu on the
left side and I'm going to go ahead and click on payments so here again I can see that my balance is $698 that's what Amazon owes me at the moment and if I scroll down I can see that it is right here on the account level Reserve that's the exact same amount so here you can see that it says amount held in reserve to ensure that you have enough funds to fulfill any claims or chargebacks so this pretty much happens on any Marketplace that you want to sell on your payments could be on hold for
a while usually it's for a few days just so that the marketplace can see that the customers are not opening any refunds or charge backs or anything like that they see that you're shipping out your orders on time and everything is fine and of course they'll start sending you your payout sooner but in the beginning we will have to fulfill some orders before we start seeing the payouts so that's just a very tiny investment on money of course that's going to come back and once that happens then it's easy to continue rolling with the funds
that we have while of course withdrawing our profits from that into our bank account so let's go ahead and fulfill the order we see that I have one open order I'm going to go ahead and go to the orders page on Amazon and you can see that right here under unshipped I have that one order it's customers have been waiting for a couple of days already if you see it in pending status it's probably because something happened with the payment or Amazon needs to check it so make sure that it isn't unshipped status and not
in pending before you fulfill the order okay so this is the product right here and of course the customer's been waiting for a couple of days because I'm trying to record this video and show you guys some things before I ship out his order order cuz I want you to see how everything is done step by step and here we can see the order on autods so if you're using autods then of course you are going to be fulfilling your orders from this screen because it's going to make everything easier and we're going to see
everything under one screen even if we're selling on multiple Amazon selling channels here on the right side we can see a whole bunch of other order details but what I'm going to do right now is make a sourcing request I want to do this because I want to get a better price or faster shipping with this product so this is the product right here and you can see that I've got this button that says sourcing request as soon as I clicked on it we can see that now it's in progress so what happened is from
the orders page over here now the sourcing request is in progress this means that the system is looking for a better supplier a private agent that can Source this product for me again faster shipping cheaper prices so I'm not going to change the order status yet because I want to wait for the sourcing request to come through usually takes anywhere between a few hours to a day so we're going to wait that out and we're going to see what offer we're going to get okay I'm back so let's see here uh I waited several hours
I did get the sourcing uh results so let's go ahead and see what we got and if it's worth it for us to fulfill the order using the sourcing request or with our usual supplier so here on the orders page we can see that the sourcing request is not in progress anymore but rather ready so that means that we do have a sourcing offer so what I'm going to do now I'm going to click here on review sourcing but you can also get to the sourcing request right here under the orders page on the left
menu of autods so it doesn't matter where I click it's going to take me to the same destination and again here's that product where we have a ready sourcing status so here we go here is the information The Source price is just $38 and the shipping time is 5 days so fast shipping it just takes 5 days to reach the customer and the price is $3 we'll also need to check out the shipping price so what I'm going to do now is here on the right side I'm going to click on sourcing details to get
even more information on this sourcing request okay so now I've got the full page and this is the sourcing request results reminder make the shipping price um $36 so we can see here that the item cost is $38 there's only one variation here but that's fine I can see that it's the same exact product the average shipping time here shows 14 days even though from here we did see about 5 days so of course it's going to be anywhere between 1 to two weeks and that is fine for me remember the that I did mention
that customers do not want to wait 3 to 4 weeks anything above 2 weeks is not good but it's not even going to take 14 days I know that it's going to take less than that okay so we're looking at $38 plus $3 more for shipping so it's around $6 and that is how much it's going to cost to ship this item out using this sourcing request as opposed to the regular price that we got let's check it out so let's go back to the orders page and we can see that the actual price for
this item is $9.7 and this is coming from AliExpress you see the item ID I can click on the buy item id which is where I'm buying it from which is my supplier so if I click on that it's going to take me to the AliExpress page because that is my supplier my initial supplier when I added this product so we can see $730 add another $2 for shipping because it's not over $10 so we are at almost $10 as a source price but now I did get it for cheaper because now with the souring
request we're looking at $3 plus another three for shipping we're looking at $6 including shipping so that is $3 cheaper than what we've got on AliExpress so I'm definitely going to accept this sourcing request now if you want to see what other options you have you can click on the shipping tool over here and you'll see all the other shipping options that you have for this product but as you see the prices are going up and here we can see who the carrier is and the total shipping time but in this case I'm going to
stick with my Super Cheap shipping but just so you know also up here you have the country so if you want to change the country that you want to ship it to you'll have different shipping carrier quotes here accordingly okay so I'm going to go ahead and accept this sourcing request in order to do that the only thing that we need to do now is go ahead and click here on link product but before that know that you have a few more options one is to message so send a message to this supplier about the
sourcing request or you can also request a change like let's say for example I clicked on that and I said um I don't want the red variation do you have a blue one okay just as an example and then you're going to have to wait of course few hours you'll get an answer but in this case for me it's perfectly fine I'm going to go ahead and Link this product so I'm going to click on link product and then here I'm going to click on ADD variation this is the variation that I want to link
so instead of $972 it's going to be $3 plus that $3 for shipping and that's it so from here from this original product I'm going to move to this Source product and I'm going to go ahead and click on link product now it says the product has been linked successfully okay so make sure that you go over the shipping options accept the shipping option that you want want then click on link product and now that it's linked I can go back to the orders page go ahead and refresh it and now you can see that
the sourcing request status changeed to linked that means that we have a linked product from the sourcing request and now I can go ahead and fulfill the order but wait how are we fulfilling this order and how are we paying for it because this is not a manual order and I'm not going externally to any supplier to order this product because now it's linked through a private supplier so when it comes to using Auto DS's private suppliers or any product that we add from the autods marketplace so any product that you add here from the
marketplace from autod DS's private suppliers all of these orders get automated by the autods system so that means that you don't need to go to any suppliers websites because well these are private suppliers internally inside the system so all of your orders are also going to be automated this means that as soon as you get an order it's going to be handled by the system the private suppliers going to get your order information and they're going to ship it to your customer and they're also going to upload tracking information automatically once it's available so all
of that is going to happen automatically and your customers will always know what's going on with their packages because it's all being automated even while you're traveling or sleeping or meeting up with your family or doing anything else that's not sitting in front of your computer and taking care of your orders one by one so this is one of the best places to have automation so now in order to send out this product all I have to do is change the status from p pending to send to Auto order and then the order will get
processed automatically by the system as soon as it's ordered the status will change from pending to ordered with the order ID that we're getting from our supplier and once it's shipped it will move automatically from order to shipped with a tracking information from the supplier and delivered once it's delivered to our customers so all of the statuses are going to change automatically and the orders will get fulfilled automatically when using autod DS's private suppliers and also by using autod DS's regular supplier if you have order automation enabled so what is this whole order automation mumbo
jumbo and how do we get it configured on our stores what we want to do is head over to the settings page on autods and first things first we want to make sure that under plans and add-ons we've got the orders processor enabled once the orders processor is enabled for $8 a month your orders are going to be automated but in order to do that we do have to configure a few more things in the settings so here's how that works once we enable the orders processor and the settings SL plans and add-ons page next
we go to the supplier settings and make sure that we activate automatic orders okay so now that we have the plan we need to now actually activate it on our stores so here on supplier settings we're going to click on the supplier where we want to automate our orders from so in this case I got a quote from the autods sourcing in China which is this supplier right here so I got to choose a supplier in which I would like to automate in which I would like to enable the automatic orders so in this case
again again it's autods sourcing China and make sure that you've got your Amazon store selected here so when I'm using this supplier and I get an order on this store then you can see here that it's grayed out because it's automatically checked in process orders using the fulfilled by autods service now if you also check in this one automatic orders then the order will be fulfilled as soon as it comes in it won't even be in pending status it will be in send to Auto order and it will automatically be sent to automatic ordering but
because we do want to Source our product and see if we can find a private agent a better Source it's better to have this off so that the orders will come in in pending status and we will switch to status from pending to send to Auto order once we're ready to fulfill that specific order and you've got the rest of the settings here there's not much to go over no reason to you can leave here everything off so you don't want to override the customer's phone number you can leave it as is Mark the order
is delivered automatically no reason to have that on set order as shipped once it's in shipped status you can just leave that as is maximum purchase order price if you would like to limit the maximum purchase order price so if an order comes in and the price is above that it will not be sent out to automatic orders and what is the maximum loss no reason to be losing money on orders but if for any reason you're losing money in an order and you don't want to automate it so here's the maximum loss that you
would like to have and still send out the order then you've got the general settings so you've got the default weight unit and the minimum product quantity to keep the item in stock as long as you've got that minimum on your supplier's website it will also be in stock on your your website as well on your Amazon store and maximum shipping days so if you've got this set in on 40 and your supplier ships within 45 days that product will temporarily go out of stock until it reaches your maximum setting here or lower okay but
in any case back to automatic orders so I went to the plans and add-ons I've got the orders processor enabled I went to supplier settings and I enabled fulfilled by autods for everywhere that is needed so you can see that the autods marketplace has it automatically as well as the sourcing requests so make sure that you've got the automatic orders plan and next on the orders page what you want to do is make sure that you have a balance because this balance pays for your orders and you can load this balance using credit card or
PayPal or payeer whatever is comfortable for you so go ahead and click on ADD balance choose your payment setting click on the amount that you would like to load and then that will be loaded into your current balance and again that balance is going to be used to fulfill and pay for your order so if you got a balance of $100 and this order is going to cost you let's say $10 then your balance is going to be $90 after fulfilling that order the last thing that you need is automatic order credits so every Auto
order costs one credit so you can click here on buy credits each credit costs just a few cents depending on what package you take so you can see all of the packages here choose whatever package is good for you again it's a few cents per order so if you take a few cents per order plus $8 per month for the order processor it's enough to just make one cell per month just to cover your fees and after that you already paid for automatic orders and you can start enjoying your profits okay so let's go ahead
and send it to Auto order because I've got automatic orders enabled I've got an auto order balance and I've got credits to fulfill this order so now I sent it to in order progress and now it's being fulfilled by the system I can hover over this icon and I can see that it says completed by the fulfilled by autods service and this is the best order automation service that you have available today that does absolutely everything for you automatically and updates you and the customer what's going on at every stage until it reach is your
customer so that is fulfilled by autod DS this is the default option for Marketplace products as you saw everything will get fulfilled using fulfilled by autods if you edit the product from the marketplace and what I love the most about fulfilled by autods is you can also use it with other suppliers so other suppliers that ship from us warehouses like Walmart AliExpress us and others as well you can use them using the fulfilled by autods service autods will use their buyer accounts to purchase your products so you do not have to open up buyer accounts
on your supplier websites just top up your balance make sure that you've got Auto order credits enable the orders processor and you're good to go this way you also won't have to worry about your buyer account getting locked at a Retailer's website because it's not using your buyer accounts so you can just leave everything to autods and let them take care of processing the orders for you using their buyer accounts and you will not have to worry about your credit line at the bank or your credit card getting stolen from your suppliers websites and so
many more things that can go wrong along along the way like shipping to the wrong addresses when you're fulfilling orders manually and so forth now let's go back to the Amazon page just to see what's going on with the products that we added so remember that we left off where this product was on missing offer and we did add another product since then so let's refresh this page and make sure that they all went through okay so the first one went through remember how it was missing offer I told you in a few minutes it'll
change to active so now it really changed to active and now the fourth product that we added the dust broom is on missing offer we're just going to let that work itself out so again you don't need to touch anything here I just want you to see what it looks like once you add your products on Amazon through autods and here once again we've got perfect automation on everything now you see here where it says featured offer on the right side this means that we are winning the buy box on these products because we know
that we entered a cheaper price faster shipping let's see what it looks like so let's click on the first one and it'll take me to the listing on Amazon and lo and behold so it's not that Chinese seller anymore let's see if I saved it no I closed the tab so it was uh that Chinese seller's name and I told you that after I enter the buy box here it's going to change to my name over here which you can see right here okay so even if I click on my seller's name then it'll take
me to my seller's information so I didn't really fill in my uh storefront yet I don't really need to especially since we're just starting off but okay this is cool so remember how we set uh a 10 item quantity limit so you can see that we've got 10 left in stock on this product okay so that is cool and we are the winner of the buy box and what happened to those other sellers so if I scroll down here you can see other sellers on Amazon if I click on it we should find that one
that was selling it here we go this is that Z Yong Shin gun he was selling it for $89 well not anymore because now you have a$1 19.99 I killed your offer I'm making a nice profit here and that is how we are going to make our organic sales okay so I can't check out this one yet because it's still uh being added to our stores but this is how you're going to make sure this is how you find out that everything came out the way that you wanted it okay so these are the products
that we have these are the three offers that I'm winning the buy box so far so if I click on this one right here you can see that I am the seller e-commerce drop LLC if I click on the dog cigarette toy which already sold then you can see that I am the seller and this is how easy it is and you can just add more and more and more products start making your sales and then move over to order fulfillment and keep using automation so that you can scale and scale and add as many
products as you can without having to do any work that will take up all of your time without being limited to how many products you can sell how much profit you can make per month and that is all thanks to the help of automation now you've also got automatic orders this is another way to automate your orders it's very similar to fulfilled by autods the only difference is in automatic orders that uses your buyer account so in order to get that to work you are going to have to set up your buyer account by going
to settings going to buyer buyer accounts and adding a buyer account here so here you're telling the system okay I want you to automate my orders every time I get an order let's say from AliExpress okay then you're going to connect your AliExpress account it's going to synchronize it's going to get your account information and every time you get an order from AliExpress you can use your buyer account so make sure that here you add your credit card as a payment method and that is going to be used to fulfill your automatic orders because you're
not using fulfilled by autods so it's using your credit card and your buyer account and here in the settings you can set if you would like to have a maximum amount of pending orders per day and a daily orders price limit if you would like to limit that and that's pretty much it so it's very easy to set up your buyer accounts although I would recommend if you are looking for true automation stick with fulfilled by autod DS and don't use your own buyer accounts it'll make your life much much easier so again just add
any other one like let's say Home Depot enter your account details here payment settings settings click on add your buyer account will be added you've got orders process are enabled as well as under your supplier settings you activated it so let's say you add another supplier okay and now you're adding Walmart okay from let's say the US okay so now the supplier was added here on the left side so you're going to click on it and you're going to say okay I'm going to go to the order so every time I get an order right
from Walmart to my Amazon store I want to process my orders using fulfilled by autods in this case we're talking about uh automatic orders so you're only going to have the second one filled in and this way it's going to use your buyer accounts if you have both filled in then it's going to use fulfilled by autods and it's going to fulfill every order soon as it comes in if you have only the first one filled in then it will use fulfilled by autods but the orders will come in in pending status and not get
sent to Auto order so I hope that all of that is clear and you can learn more about how the whole order automation works on our YouTube channel on our Blog Page anywhere you decide to go but I pretty much just all explained it here my recommendation of course is to stick with fulfilled by autods everything gets done AO automatically doesn't use your buyer accounts and everything is still automated once tracking is available it will be updated automatically on your store on autods and again it just makes your life so much easier but one thing
that is important to take into consideration is the Amazon address copier so when an order comes in on Amazon the buyer's details are going to come in blank just like you see right here so I open up the order details on autods but I don't I don't have the customer's name or the address or anything that's because Amazon doesn't share that information with their API so in order to bypass that what you need to do is download and install the marketplace helper extension it's absolutely free to use so just use the link inside the cheat
sheet click on that add this to your Chrome browser and this is what it will look like once you click on it you'll connect to your Amazon account and in the settings you will select your store and when it says update every then you can tell the system okay I want you to update it every one hour every 3 hours every 12 hours every 24 hours how often you would like the system to check what orders you have an Amazon and enter the buyer details on the autods platform now if you've got orders on your
Amazon account before you activated the extension then you'll have the option to do a sync range and do a sync range 7 days back or as far back as it can go so it'll go back retroactively and get all of the customers information and make sure that it's added right here so once you have the extension just have it running here in the background and don't even worry about it every order will come in with the order details just as you can see over here okay so that's just one really quick note on the order
fulfillment use the Amazon address copier I also have a link to a video that shows step by step how to use it but you can also go with the explanation that I just gave you in any case you've got it right here and that is pretty much how order automation works you may have noticed that my order has already been ordered automatically by the system so now the order has been fulfilled and I don't know if you've noticed but the status did change now to ordered because the system ordered it automatically while I was talking
to you in the last couple of minutes so you can see that now the order status is on ordered and if I click on the order and I go to the orders tab I got the order ID right here so this is the order ID that we got that the system got from the supplier and as soon as it's shipped again the status is going to change automatically to shipped with the tracking information on Amazon as well so that our customer can track the package and delivered once it's delivered so all very easy and very
fun once we have automation what other information do we have here so here we've got the sourcing request which is something that we already know the Buy price was $96 the selling price was around $21 we made about $11 profit on this order the item ID is where it's coming from so the item ID is from DS from autods because this is a sourcing request that came from autod DS's private supplier and the sell ID is right here so this is the sell ID on our Amazon store and we've also got the order ID so
this is the order ID on autods from the supplier and the order ID on Amazon next we've got the quantity so how many was ordered and the customer's information what store it was sold on and you can click here on customize column just to move things around and enable and disable the things that you do or do not want to see so that is a brief overview of the orders page and how to get automatic orders enabled or if you just want to do it manually then once again process the order manually go to the
orders page fill in the relevant information and move the status manually every time there is a change in the status of the order now there are more tools that I haven't mentioned yet in this video but it did go on from longer than I expected you do have the autods Chrome extension and this is another free extension to use as long as you are a member of the autods family this is different from the marketplace extension which you saw and this extension can help you with a lot of things like doing product research from multiple
places so let's say I want to search all of the uh US regions using uh Walmart and Costco let's say and I want to search for a certain product then it's going to open that up in all of those marketplaces and another thing that you can do is add products really quickly from your supplier websites like let's say for for example dog hat okay so let's say I want to add these dog hats to my stores you can see that I've got this little icon right here so I can just click on that and it'll
import to my Amazon store just by clicking from here so you don't have to copy and paste a whole bunch of URLs and it helps you with a whole bunch of other things you got a full explanation inside okay so we pretty much went over all of the important things product research we created and verified our seller accounts we chose our Amazon Seller plan and make sure that it is on professional so that you can actually enjoy the automation connect to autod s and enjoy the world where everything is being done for you and you
are not being limited to how much you can make it's all a matter of how you're doing your product research and how many products you're adding to your store so we understand how to do all of that how to set up our fees how to create our shipping and return policies how to add these products to our stores how to bypass Amazon Seller approval requirement how to add these products to our stores start selling fulfill our orders and this is where the profits start to come in and I already have a pretty nice looking store
just by explaining to you guys how all of this works and look I just refreshed it while I said this sentence and now the dust broom is already active so now all of the products are active including the dust broom the featured offer was 7451 it needs to be us because we are $17.99 let's see if that updated already and yes it did so here we are e-commerce drop LLC also took first place on the dust broom so we can see here other sellers on Amazon and the previous seller selling it for $74 is no
more it is now $179 99 so again everything is being configured for you automatically and all of this took me just several minutes of product research so when you do it you'll have more time than I had when I was making this video you will add tens hundreds of products with the help of Automation and start enjoying your sales and profits from here the skies are the limit if any customer reaches out to you and wants to return the product I already explained to you what you need to do go to your supplier see if
you're eligible for return and get a return label if you are eligible for one and if your supplier is autods or autod DS's private suppliers fulfilled by autods then you don't have any supplier to reach out to because it's all being done through the fulfilled by autods service so just go to your order status like this one right here click on it and switch to status to request a return if you are eligible for one then you will get a return label to download right here on the right side of your order it will say
download return label it's this icon right here click on it and a return label will be downloaded onto your computer send that return label to your customer and once they ship the product back you will get get a refund and you can send a refund to your buyer as well so dealing with returns and refunds is very easy you'll be able to send them that return enable directly from Amazon and also send them the refund here as well so here for example I will go to my order on Amazon and on the right side I'm
going to click on this arrow and I'm going to click on refund order that is going to send a refund to the customer okay so here for example I'm going to refund one unit select the reason for the refund so in this case it would be customer return and the total refund amount so this will be a full refund in other words $19.99 additional refund you can leave that blank and so that's pretty much it you can see the refund summary right here click on submit refund of course I'm not going to do it because
I actually sent this product to them but this is how you're going to send refunds through Amazon if you need to again returns 1 to 2% of your business maybe three more than that check yourself check your product re-examine the situation and upload better products to your store and from here it's just providing great customer service check out your messages see if your customers are sending you any mess be communicative with them be supportive if they need anything from you check with your supplier if they can help you out and provide the best customer service
that you can because it's going to be totally worth it down the line especially if you are here for the long term and you're not just looking for a quick side hustle for the next 2 to 3 months besides that enjoy the automation scaling and profits all right so before we wrap it up I want to show you a few more features that we have in autods so that you'll be able to understand how flexible you are and all of the options and opportuni that you have to expand your online business okay so first we've
got the marketplace we already went over everything here when we did product research we've also got print on demand while not very relevant when selling on Amazon since we're entering buy boxes just know that you can also sell print on demand through autods then you've got your dashboard so this is going to show you all of your businesses metrics all in one place so you can choose what stores you would like to see so here you can see that I have a whole bunch of stores connected and what their overall stats are from the dates
that you chose here for example how much profit you made how much orders Revenue how many products you added and here you can see what is the average profit and sell order cost and more and you can see a nice little chart that shows you everything here and you've got more things like what are your top selling products top selling tags and so forth so this is just a full business metrics overview that you can see from the dashboard and whatever stores you have connected here selected are the stores are the stats that you are
going to see okay then we've got the orders page we already went over that as well as sourcing request we've also got the products page so let me just choose the Amazon store just to make it easier for you to uh understand what we're seeing here so let me just untick everything else and only have my Amazon store connected okay great so now we should only see the four products that I added to my Amazon store okay so that's these four over here same four products that we are seeing from here on the products page
okay so four products right here same four products that we added from a yeah so everything is nice and organized okay so what can we see here first we've got the tab of how many times these products sold so we can see that of course the dog cigarette toy sold one time as we can see right here then we have DWS so how many days went on without these products selling okay so of course these two products were added today so they have zero days without sell so far okay then we've got collections this is
a little bit more relevant if you're selling on Shopify then you've got variance so how many variations do we have available in stock from these products and obviously we only have one variant of each one because we didn't add additional variations we added the same exact product and remember that when you are entering a buy box on Amazon make sure that you're selling the same exact product and not something that looks like it okay because we don't want any problems with our customers so that's the variations everything is available none is on hold and none
is out of stock if any one of these products go out of stock on our suppliers websites it'll also go out of stock here at as well and it'll go on hold if there's a certain setting that you set inside the settings page on autods like for example I want the supplier to have a minimum quantity of three and the supplier now has two units or one unit left then it's going to go on hold it's still in stock on the supplier's website but your settings is currently taking it out of stock you can hover
over to see what is the reason that it's on hold okay but right now obviously we have everything available total of one variation each out of stock days none because they are all in stock and the price ranges okay so like the dust broom is being sourced for around $5 and we're selling it for $17.99 and we are first place on the buy box we're making around $10 profit this is the profit ranges right here and the item ID so where we're buying it from where we're selling it on the store that we're selling it
and the tags which again is a little bit more relevant for other selling channels but nice to have here as well so that is the products page and there's a whole bunch of things that you can do here even though we cannot change the products too much you can make some bulk changes like let's say you want to delete all of them you can make a bulk delete right here and say I want to delete them only from autods or from autods and the selling platform as well so Amazon and you can also make some
bulk changes even though once again there's not a lot of things that we can change on Amazon listings we can change for example our fees how much we'd like to profit the quantity available and so forth okay so you can make some bulk changes here and you can also add a filter so once you have hundreds or thousands of products here it's going to be hard to find certain product so here is where you can start playing with the filtering system right here so here for example you can say okay show me only the products
that let's say have a certain profit or have a certain quantity or that are let's say out of stock so you would say inventory status out of stock and then you'd click on done now I don't have any that are out of stock so it's not going to show me any but this is how you're going to be able to filter down and see specific products on your store and you can also save the filter so let's say I would call this one out of stock filter okay then I'll click on Save filter and now
every time I'm on my products page I can click on ADD filter then saved filters and then I've got the outof stock filter okay so you so if you have like multiple filters it'll make it really easy just save the ones that you actually use and you're going to be able to find those products really quickly okay so there's a whole bunch of filters that you can use here to find the products that you want on your store without having to move Page by Page and looking for them one by one okay so that is
the orders page you can also customize the columns right here and you can click on view history to see what are all of the last changes that happened for example for me I added two products recently to my store right it's the two products that we saw here so one and two so you can see your history right here and that would pretty much sum up the products page then you've got the drafts you know how that works because we optimize our products from here when we added them customer support is only relevant for eBay
sellers and messages is where you have the private messages with your suppliers then you've got the settings page so we don't need to go too much over it here because we already went through all of the relevant settings but you also have all of the settings here one setting that could help you out is the automation here's where you can set automation based pricing so here you can say for example okay every time I sell a product like when I number of sales is higher than three times every seven days of course you can change
the figures then I want you to raise the product price by a certain percentage up to a limit of a certain percentage so this means that every time you sell a product the system will automatically raise the price according to your limits and the same thing the other way around if a product stops selling so for example if the number of sells is lower than let's say one product every 7even days then I want you to decrease the price by let's say 7% down to a limit of 21% because more than that I'll be losing
money and you can also do it on a fixed dollar price and that's it so here the system will always increase the price drop increase drop until it finds a sweet spot where the product is making consistent sales and you are making the most amount of profit that you can because it found the sweet spot on the pricing so that is pricing Automation in a nutshell and everything else is pretty much self-explanatory we don't really need to go over it now and you don't need it in order to have a successful Amazon Drop Shipping Store
if you have any questions of course let me know below this video and I will answer you and that is a quick overview on other autods features that you have and last but not least you also have your name up here so if you click on that you also have the autods academy and here you can learn about more selling channels more winning products more tactics more how to start your drop shipping stores and so so much more so you've got free courses right here a toz courses on whatever selling Channel you want to use
and you've also got all of these playlists right here so for example if you want to learn more about Amazon click on Amazon dropshipping and see a whole bunch of other videos that we have there and of course you're more than welcome to take our free courses so for example you've got this Amazon course here click on learn more and it'll take you directly to the course where you can click on any lesson that you want to see and start watching that and that is going to give you a huge shortcut because a lot of
people charge a lot of money for these courses and for this video as well we give it to you for free because when you succeed we succeed that is the win-win situation that we're looking for and I've been droping for over eight years so I can teach you everything that I know as I'm doing in this video so take advantage of everything that you have here so that you can learn the right way how to actually start droping the right way and actually make sales and profit so that is a brief overview of the autods
system and other options and features that you have I added additional resources to the cheat sheet but that is pretty much all that there is to it you now have all of the information that you need to set up a successful Amazon Drop Shipping Store you know where to find your products where to find the best suppliers to work with how to fulfill your orders and how to automate everything in an all-in-one automation package and don't forget to access this cheat sheet with everything that I went over in this video once again # Amazon 2025
let me know what you learned from this video what is your top takeaway and I'm going to reply back with a link to this cheat sheet and that will guide you through every step of the way good job on making it this far it shows that you are serious about your business now it's finally time to take actionable steps create your Amazon account do your product research and start selling good luck with your Amazon store enjoy the sales and profits and happy Drop Shipping [Music]