How a CIA Base Works

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Jane Smith is sitting on a Lanza machine bound to Frankfurt Germany she empties her second glass of red wine and fastens her seat Bel because the plane is about to land when Jane exits the aircraft she goes straight to customs she shows the officer her American passport it's black why are you here the officer asks supporting technical consultations at the consulate Jing responds the officer stamps her passport and she passes through Jane grabs some euros from an ATM takes a cap to a nearby hotel and checks in you see Jane lied a little just now
during the Customs check she is not working for a consulate and despite her passport she is no Diplomat Jane is a CIA agent a hacker she's visiting a covert base of her agency secretly set up within the American Consulate in Frankford but this base in the heart of Europe is just one of a giant Network spanning all across the Globe what are their functions and how do these bases operate on foreign territory cia's Global hacking program spy stations are the Americans doing [Music] here Jane enters the hotel room and drops off her bags she was
prepared for this trip she's been given instructions on how to get around in Frankfurt stores are closed on on Sunday gas stations are not a good place for fine dining stuff like that we all know this thanks to the extensive leaks called Vault 7 from a few years back generally this video largely relies on leaked information and statements of retired agents it was a 9-hour flight from Washington DC to Frankfurt Jane is pretty exhausted and takes a shower she is very careful not to leave anything that could identify her unattended she takes her phone and
laptop with her to the bathroom freshly dressed Jane takes the u5 subway towards poing asheim she get gets off at gner stasa just a few hundred meters North from the consulate Frankfurt hosts the largest US Consulate in the world officially it is serving American residents in the region but in truth it is doing much more than that at the main gate Jane shows her black passport and is handed a yellow visitors badge she follows the signs to the employee entrance alongside the consulate building on the left Jane holds up her yellow badge at the door
and is buzzed into the building by a guard inside the building Jane walks through a number of corridors and through a large heavy door to post one a US Marine is waiting behind a glass window Jane gives her the yellow badge and she gets a blue one instead Jane can finally enter her new office and get to work she calls her person of contact and gets to know the other agents at the station in 2013 news broke that the US spied on then German Chancellor Angela merkel's private phone for over 10 years the NSA may
have been spying on Chancellor Ang merel a spokesman for the German leader described the idea as totally unacceptable the operation was run by the so-called special collection service a spy unit of the NSA and CIA officially it does not exist unofficially it is running spy operations from almost 100 US embassies all across the world including Frankfurt but Jane works for another unit here she works for the European branch of the center for cyber intelligence the cia's hacking division Jane and others are developing cyber weapons the there are over a thousand hacking systems and several hundred
million lines of code in the cia's Arsenal some of these hacking tools are extremely powerful the CIA could turn devices from Apple Google Samsung and many others into secret microphones there are tools that bypass encryption from Messengers like WhatsApp signal or telegram allowing the agency to collect texts and voice messages but there are also attack systems like fine dining which only work from up close this is where frankfurt's strategic location comes into play the shenen agreement allows Jane to travel from Frankford to almost any European country without border control if Jane wanted to penetrate high
security targets that are not connected to the internet she could simply take a train stick a USB drive loaded with malware into a Target PC and be back in Frankfurt by supper Jane is a very talented hacker if one day she decided to leave the CIA she could have a very promising career as a cyber security expert all she'd have to do is build a portfolio and launch her own website unfortunately Jane is not very creative when it comes to designing luckily she doesn't have to be there is a fast easy and intuitive way to
build a website with our sponsor ODU ODU is an all-in-one management platform that lets you build a greatl looking website in minutes just answer a few quick questions select a theme you like and customize it to your needs simply drag and drop blocks to add images or text if you like chane or out of creative ideas AI can help you with odu's intuitive website builder you can easily change every aspect of your highlight text change the shape of your pictures or add animations to make your website really stand out check out ODU by clicking on
fern. deodo to build your very own website your first app is free for life with a custom domain name free for one year Jane is working at the base for a time now when she gets a phone call her superiors need her expertise at another location she says goodbye to her colleagues checks out of her hotel room and buys a single malt whiskey with remaining Euros in the duty-free shop at the airport Jane's next destination is [Music] Australia Jane gets off the plane and walks to customs and things do not go smoothly one of the
officers seems suspicious about her and selects Jane for secondary screening but she's prepared agents like Jane are usually trained here camp pury or how most people in the CIA call it the farm a roughly 10,000 acre piece of land near Williamsburg Virginia it was established during World War II as a military training center later it was transformed into a camp for Italian and German war prisoners in 1951 the CIA took over and turned it into a secret spy school of course not officially in fact the CIA has built an entire fake City there are multiple
houses and dormitories for students and staff for training the site has several shooting ranges boat houses at the river driving courses and an Airfield students learn everything they need to know about life as a secret agent in the field from basic weapons trainings all the way to the handling of explosives how to evade pursuers and field surveillance students practice how to infiltrate a border that is tightly guarded by watchtowers and police dogs enemy capture is simulated by kidnapping students from their dorm and interrogating them there's even a mock prison where students learn how to deal
with military confinement if training needs to be even more hardcore students are brought to Harvey Point just a few hours south of the farm this is the place where among other things the operation to kill Osama Bin Laden was planned and trained Jane stands in front of a customs officer at the Australian airport she remembers how to survive secondary screening according to a CIA training manual the two most common questions in this situation are why are you here and where are you staying Jane learned how to maintain her cover no matter what when asked Jane
gives a quick and concise answer no pause and no delaying sounds between questions and response just as the manual says she knows that any unnecessary information or overly specific answers might lengthen the interview so she keeps it short and simple she tries to stay calm no swallowing no lip biting nothing that can make her seem nervous and it works after a few minutes the officer hands chain her passport and she's free to enter the [Music] country Jane is sitting with her colleagues in a casino in Alice Springs a small town right in the heart of
the Australian Outback there are a lot of Americans all around her which is not unusual most of them work at Pine Gap a nearby military base run by the Australian and US Government Jane and others are playing a weird American dice game called crabs when a group of Australian YouTubers joined them together they drink they laugh and maybe talk a bit too much about their work this guy the Americans in this casino are no ordinary soldiers and pine Gap is not your usual military base pineap is a Top Secret Spy Facility what are you doing
roughly 1,000 people work at the so-called Joint Defense facility which is a quite misle in name in fact in its early years Australians only worked as Cooks painters or janitors while today almost half the staff is Australian and the other half American in reality the CIA and the NSA call the shots here while Pine Gap was originally used as a defensive site to keep track of Soviet nuclear missiles during the Cold War us intelligence quickly realized how useful this base could truly be today it is the US's most important intelligence collection station in the world
there are 38 Raider dishes all across the Bas B many of them are enclosed in random huge golf ball likee structures they are built to hide and protect the antennas inside them most of these antennas communicate with us spy satellites like Orion 3 5 7 and 9 these spy satellites are geosynchronous they move in orbit with exactly the same speed as the Earth's rotation this way the CIA can intercept almost all Wireless communication from Europe Africa and Asia 247 the immensely powerful NSA spy programs Echelon and X key score that Edward Snowden made public in
2013 or also operated from Pine Gap these programs are used to systematically collect everything from online chats to phone calls and mails at the heart of the base sits the operations building on a total of around 2,000 sare M roughly the size of a small Ikea the CIA NSA and other agencies analyze all incoming intelligence data Pine Gap played a vital role in America's war on terror it provided real-time data for soldiers on the battlefield in Iraq and Afghanistan and it was used to locate targets for us drone strikes during which hundreds of civilians were
killed a very recent report indicates that Pine Gap intelligence may have assisted Israeli forces to attack Targets in Gaza for that reason a group of protesters tried to block the entrance to pineap at the end of last year Pine Gap has been criticized by many different groups before some people have even managed to enter the facility more recently these Australian YouTubers for example be sure to check out their video it inspired us to make this video in the first place should I be more hyped did you hear that it sounded like bombs going off no
Jane has seen places few people in the world have ever been to covert hacking bases in the heart of Europe training facilities in the US and spy stations in Australia she knows many of the cia's secrets like the fact that in 2000 an American soldier from Pine Gap reportedly started a secret swingers club in Alice spring which held wild parties but there are places that not even Jane will ever have access to on September 6th 2006 President George Bush admitted what many people had already suspected so I'm announcing today that kle shik Muhammad Abu Zeda
Ramsey Ben Al she and 11 other terrorists in CIA custody had been transferred to the United States Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay in in this speech Bush acknowledged that the CIA was running a network of secret prisons all across the world so-called black sites the most well-known CIA prison is Guantanamo Bay in Cuba the prison was built for international terrorist suspects Just 4 months after the attacks on 911 the first 20 people arrived but Guantanamo is no regular prison in most cases there are no official charges no trials and no formal convictions a total of
800 people were brought here some have been exposed to ened interrogation techniques most commonly known as torture often the CIA did not have clear evidence on their inmates the exact number and locations of black sites are still unknown some were run by Foreign secret services at least 10 of these prisons were built and operated by the CIA over 50 governments participated in some way if the CIA suspected someone of being a terrorist they sometimes became part of the agency's extraordinary rendition program or simply kidnapping the suspect was illegally Shackled blindfolded and transported via plane to
one of the cia's black sites some of these prisons were allegedly planned from the CIA base in Frankfurt while the farm was allegedly involved in rendition flights one of the most important prisons of the CIA was here on a Polish military base near the small village of starak kikut inside this two-story Villa the CIA built one of its very first prisons after 9911 code name quartz the CIA tortured multiple suspects here as as compensation for using the place the CIA paid at least $15 million and outfitted the base with $300,000 worth of security cameras after
many years of denial in 2014 the Polish government finally admitted that it hosted the secret CIA prison since then the European Court of human rights has found multiple European countries responsible for letting the CIA violate several human rights in prisons on their territory in 2009 President Obama ordered for all black sites to be closed but to this day guano Bay still holds roughly 30 m [Music]
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