the time has finally come to rank every single way that you can make a woman obsessed with you after this tier list you're literally not going to need to watch any other video about like ways to make her like you ways to make her obsessed every single piece of possible thing is on this list I probably missed a few if I did leave it in the comment section by the way guys my last 10 videos have been blowing up if you haven't noticed thank you so much for all the support I've been doing YouTube for
3 years and this is the first time that I'm actually seeing results of this magnitude so make sure you guys subscribe if you haven't already I'm on my way to 10K and without further Ado let's get into the video so I'm going to preface this tier list by saying obsession is toxic in nature guys nothing good comes from a woman being infatuated the brighter the flame the more obsessed she is the more passionate she is about you the faster it's going to burn out and the worse it's going to end when it does or rather
I should say if it does relationships where women are obsessed are usually really fun and exciting but they're also pretty short-lived and long-term relationships you have to accept that at some point she's going to lose desire and that obsessive behavior Can Never Last Forever but this video is specifically for my guys who think her liking me isn't enough I need more I want to be the only thing on her mind 24/7 I want her to get on her knees and beg for me first of all I want you to know you're evil but I respect
your wishes and I will give you what you want but remember when a girl is obsessed Head Over Heels you have the power to really mess her up psychologically and emotionally and look man I'm no moral virtue signaling guy you can do whatever you want but if you believe in karma and [ __ ] it's going to come get you and you're also going to make it harder for the next guy to have a relationship ship with her Cycles always repeat themselves so you make her obsessed and give her trauma she's going to make the
next guy obsessed and give him trauma and there might be a small percentage of the people watching this video thinking like why would I want her to be obsessed with me I would rather just her be attracted to me that's enough and the answer to that is attraction and Obsession are two completely different experiences attraction looks like this my wife Obsession looks like this and some's on this list guys they're going to be manipulative comments are going to get pissed off and say [ __ ] like no this only works on lowquality women a self-respecting
woman wouldn't tolerate such manipulation um yes they would if they have the right amount of Attraction for him not only will they tolerate anything but they will fall in love with you more for certain behaviors how many girls do you guys know stay with toxic guys give guys who treat them worse better treatment and they never reward the simps or the nice guys I'm not saying be a complete [ __ ] but it's time for us to look at what women are actually drawn to and stop clinging to how we wish they were your idea
of what they want is based on what you would want in a partner and the male fantasy is completely different to the female reality and there's obviously going to be people who say I would never manipulate bro that's not masculine stop acting like you're morally above me you're worse you manipulate just like everyone else whether it's pretending to give a [ __ ] about what she's saying so you can hit or taking her on nice dates to impress her and hopes that she likes you and the same way she wears makeup dresses and lipstick to
manipulate your dumbass into falling for her beauty you're doing certain things to manipulate too so please for the love of God don't get on your high horse about it I'm just showing you the type of manipulation that actually works best it's up to you whether you want to use it or be some sort of [ __ ] virtuous stoic and not use it it's up to you all right so with all these disclaimers out the way let's get into it we're going to be ranking it from Obsession killer which means GG don't do these things
you're literally going to kill all attraction and all Obsession she has for you doesn't matter means it affects attraction but it does not have anything to do with how obsessed she is with you overrated means these are things people will say makes her more obsessed but don't in reality and then guaranteed Obsession means you're locked in this is where things are starting to get good this is where you're going to really start capturing her heart from all the other guys you're going to start making her want you exclusively and then you live in her head
rentree use these tactics at your own discretion but I'm just telling you right now she's going to be head over [ __ ] heels obsessed with you and it's actually going to be harder to make her un obsessed like you're going to have more trouble getting rid of her if you want to than keeping her around that's how powerful these tactics are so a few things on this list here I'm just going to get out of the way first thing is money money just doesn't matter I'm sorry uh you could attract a girl with money
and if you say what if I'm so rich yeah she's just going to be obsessed with your bank account not with you as a person right we're talking about things that you can psychologically do to make her obsessed money is just not one of these things fight me in the comment section next we have looks again looks doesn't matter it gets your foot in the door this is all assuming she's already attracted to you I should have mentioned this earlier in the video you can't make a woman obsessed unless she's already attracted to you there
has to be some level of attraction there first before you can even make her obsessed but the looks is only going to get you the Attraction part no woman will ever obsess over a guy just cuz he's tall and good-looking if it did work that way Chads would never have breakups they'd never be able to turn women off but this isn't what we see sometimes we see breakups happen on the woman's terms like she's the one who initiates the breakup with the really goodlook guy which means your looks isn't enough to make her Obsessed the
next thing we have is muscles and I don't know why these [ __ ] cringe people who watch self-improvement content like to overhype muscle so much like going to the gym is going to make her obsessed with you dude it doesn't again it's just the initial attraction phase getting bigger biceps isn't going to make her more obsessed with you she's not going to be sitting there [ __ ] laying in bed oh I can't stop thinking about his biceps I can't stop thinking about his 225 lb bench press she doesn't give a [ __ ]
all right so with these three out of the way let's get into the real tier list first thing we have is being emotionally unavailable this is going straight to you living her head rentree a woman can only obsess over you when you're not obsessed with her a woman can only feel like she's chasing you when you are not chasing her and I'm sure anyone with more than two brain cells has noticed by now that it's always the guys who are in relationships the guys who are emotionally unavailable who seem to be attracting the most women
right you being emotionally unavailable is going to make her feel like she wants to capture you like you're something that she needs to win over which means that she's constantly going to be thinking about how she can make you go weak for her and the second you do and the second you give her your heart and the second you commit to her the obsession levels are going to decrease I'm not saying that she's going to break up with you or completely leave you but her desire for you is going to decrease there's no such thing
as a 50/50 partnership where both of us like each other equally in reality how it works is either you're obsessed with her or you like her more than she likes you or vice versa so you can pick do you want to be the guy who's adoring her or do you want to be the guy who's adored by her okay it's a sacrifice that you have to make if you want to be the lover type and always be there for her and be emotionally available all the time prepare for her to pull back and not reciprocate
the energy you're giving her I'm just being real with you that's how it's going to play out how do you be emotionally unavailable in practice do you refrain from from lovey doy language you refrain from showing her too much love too much affection too much care okay don't be the guy who's always there for her doing things for her caring for her too much okay you can sprinkle it in every now and then but the more you're emotionally there for her the more she's going to emotionally pull back when you're emotionally unavailable this subconsciously signals
to her that you're higher value than she is and women only fall in love with guys who are better than them I know I sound like a superficial [ __ ] right now but it's the truth women only fall in love with guys who they perceive to be above them right if you're too emotionally available it signals to her that she is above you and that you are below her which means she's going to treat you like you're below her when she senses that your heart isn't 100% there she's going to be wondering if there's
another woman in your life she's going to feel that competition anxiety which is going to trigger her mind to constantly think about you and figure out ways to win you over and this concept clearly explains why we seem to attract women that we don't want and they seem to be the most obsessed with us like wouldn't it be [ __ ] nice if the nines and tens were Obsessed the reason they're not is because you're emotionally unavailable to the fives and and sixes cuz you don't really care what happens with them just be honest the
nines and tens this is where your emotions start to get involved so pretty much the point I'm trying to make is if you want the girl who you really like to be obsessed with you treat her the same as the girls you don't like next up we have being playful and making her laugh Etc this is so overpowered but I'm going to put it in guaranteed Obsession it's not completely necessary but if you do this correctly it's going to trigger a lot of emotions in her which is going to make her obsessed with you you
guys have to remember women also have stressful lives they have taxes to pay they they have work they have school they have a bunch of real life [ __ ] when she's with you and she feels like you give her the sense of escapism by taking her into a world where she's having fun and she's laughing all the time and she's not stressing or thinking about all the bad things in life she's going to be addicted to you like a drug and highly obsessed with you because the truth is all the other losers she's talking
to they're also talking to her about real life [ __ ] that's making her more stressed yeah yeah honey life work was work was stressful today work was hard today you never want to talk like that with your girl you always want to keep it fun keep keep it playful when you're talking to her you should be completely present and you guys should just be having this like fun vibe together now obviously I'm not saying be a complete clown and just like make her laugh all the time there's going to be points where you have
to be serious check her behavior but for the most part it should always be playful and fun almost like you're talking to a kid like bro if you're babysitting a 7-year-old you're not going to be sat there talking about politics and economics you're just going to be [ __ ] talking about dumb [ __ ] right cuz it's a [ __ ] kid it's almost the same thing with women am I comparing women to Children yes I am next up we have hot and cold shout out to the people who know Todoroki from my hero
Academia you guys are legends but hot and cold some people like to call this direct and dismissive others like to call this push and pull whatever you want to call this this is going straight to you living her head rentree most guys don't know how to execute this properly but when you do it's ridiculously [ __ ] overpowered where the nice guy goes wrong is he's too much of the hot he's too passionate he likes her too much he compliments her too much some guys are not necessarily nice guys but they're too direct they're like
I like you your eye contact is so strong you're almost this like serious intimidating guy people on the opposite sides of the spectrum the guys who are just complete [ __ ] complete bad boys right they're too cold their problem is they don't give the woman enough and they're really emotionally distant which usually leads to the relationship fizzling out so we know that both approaches are subpar when you combine them now you have a really powerful thing going on where you're engaging her emotions on all levels right her emotions are going through the whole [
__ ] Spectrum you go from hot which is the energy of I like you I want to with you I find you attractive to cold I don't need you you're not that good I can go find someone else and you're constantly dancing between these two energies and don't be fooled women do this too this is why when you say dude I'm so confused like she's always giving me mixed signals yeah she's running the hot and cold game on you so hot and cold is extremely effective cuz she doesn't know where you stand right does he
like me does he not that kind of energy will make her gravitate toward you obsess over you and it also really elevates your status in her eyes cuz not many guys can make her feel a range of emotions right the nice guys in the the simps they're only going to make her feel good if you only make a woman feel good she's going to leave you if you only make a woman feel bad that's probably more effective than only making her feel good that's how twisted these [ __ ] are but she's still eventually going
to leave you you have to mix both and you don't really have to do it where it's like one thing you do is hot and then the next is cold you could go hot hot hot hot and then boom cold that's going to make the cold part have much more of an emphasis so you're texting her every day you're blowing up her phone disappear for a week come back the next week hey you want to go on a date flake on the [ __ ] day okay that's a little bit extreme but even when you're
having a conversation with her you compliment her and then you diss her in the next line and then you diss her again and then you compliment her it's just creating this weird push and pull emotional experience in her and they love it they're addicted to it you're going to live in her head rentree if you pull this off correctly next we have being pre-selected AKA other women want you I talk about this literally every video top of you live in her head rentree this is actually all you need in this list to make a woman
obsess that's how [ __ ] dumb they are like if you show that other women want you immediately she's going to want you immediately she's going to be obsessed nothing is more powerful than making a woman think that she has competition as guys we're kind of different if we feel like there's competition we don't like that we want to get rid of the competition women love being in a state where they're competing and bonus points if the other girls who want you are as physically attractive or more physically attractive than her it's going to work
way better cuz like if she's an eight but like fives want you she's not going to give a [ __ ] okay so make sure that if you're going to use pre-selection make sure it's nines and tens who actually want you and if you guys don't believe how powerful this is this is what I want you to do hire like three [ __ ] baddies just just for a night okay just hire them for a night go out on a date with a Target girl that you're testing the experiment on and then tell the girls
that you hired to one by one come up to you and ask for a picture and watch how her [ __ ] energy and how she changes and how obsessed and interested she all of a sudden becomes the [ __ ] was probably on her phone not giving a [ __ ] what you were saying 5 seconds before but as soon as she saw those tens walk up and ask for a picture with you now she's interested in who you are now she gives a [ __ ] about what you have to say obviously don't
[ __ ] do this experiment unless you really want to but I'm just using this to illustrate a point next we have backhanded compliments guaranteed Obsession yo you're like really hot for a six you know Jessica you're one of the smartest blondes I've met backhanded compliments some of you guys just give direct hey you're beautiful that's just [ __ ] lazy it's not creative and it's dumb and you're giving her too much hot without the cold right backhanded compliments play right into hot and cold you're giving her a compliment but you're dissing her at the
same time it's almost like you have a brother sister Dynamic with her no Alabama but you're basically teasing her [ __ ] around with her a little bit this is really going to raise her interest next we have being the contest tal Alpha and yes I also [ __ ] find the alpha male term cringe or whatever but for the sake of argument we're going to call it the contextual Alpha this is going in guaranteed Obsession what this term means is being him in the context of where you are right if you're a football player
and she's in the [ __ ] crowd watching you perform for the team you're the contextual Alpha if you're a singer and you're performing at a concert you're the contextual Alpha there if you're the contextual Alpha it signals pre-selection it also signals that you're high status and high value in the place that you're in which means that she's going to be way more attracted to you and if you constantly demonstrate this in a relationship so you're always taking her to the places where you're him then she's going to be madly in love with you she's
going to see that your status is elevated and then she's going to compare hers to yours and then see that there's a discrepancy there cuz yours is higher than hers and then she's going to be obsessed with you romantically congratulations next we have being the flawed guy so whether you're an alcoholic you're a drug dealer you're always getting arrested and [ __ ] whatever it may be this is also unfortunately guaranteed Obsession now this one is actually not going to work on some girls right the girls who are kind of damaged in side maybe they
have Daddy Issues it's going to work on them way better than like the normal girls you will get much farther with girls not in life but with girls being completely [ __ ] up flawed and damaged than you would if you were on self-improvement girls want a guy who they can fix if you're perfect and you have your life together there's nothing there for her to fix and in her woman brain that means boredom and that means I'm going to go find a guy who's [ __ ] up so I can maybe fix him and
then once I do fix him I'm going to leave him for the next guy who I can fix I know it's completely [ __ ] up guys but a lot of women do think that way now if you really want to be a player and manipulate the [ __ ] out of her just pretend you're flawed like pretend you have a [ __ ] problem but you actually don't and then never fix the problem so she stays with you forever I'm just [ __ ] around of course all right next up we have being physically
unavailable so this one was emotionally unavailable this is being physically unavailable I'm using Batman to represent this but basically just not being there all the time you know not spending too much time with her you should as a man be busy working on yourself trying to improve setting goals and achieving them if you're not and you always make time for her and she's the main thing in your life she's going to see you as a [ __ ] weak soy boy and it's only a matter of time before she leaves you this is guaranteed Obsession
next we have being a good listener this is completely overrated a lot of guys think if they sit there and listen to her yap about her problems and [ __ ] that she's going to be more attracted to them but I know so many guys who don't even listen to girls and they're still Head Over Heels obsessed with them so I think it's overrated next we have being good in bed probably my most controversial take yet it's overrated guys I'm sorry it just is if being good in bed was all it took to keep a
woman and make her head over heels obsessed with you then why do we see so many cases of guys who give her the best dick in the world and she still leaves them she had a one night stand with the guy he laid it down better than any other guy she's had before she still leaves him women are psychological beings not physical beings penetrating her mind is going to get you way further than penetrating her body and the funny thing is women will disagree with this and say no being good and bed is so underrated
but if any of you guys actually believe women when they talk about what they want in a guy you're so [ __ ] dumb they actually say stuff like this so they can have an easier time disqualifying dumb asses who believe them I noticed this in every possible sense including in bed the less you try the more they do so if you're sat there trying so hard to please her in bed what's actually going through her head is um why is he trying so hard in every other Avenue of life I would tell you guys
yes try hard Master the skill right because you reap what you seow but with women you actually reap what you don't seow next up we have being romantic this is an obsession killer I will continue to say this until the day I die men are the true Romantics we are the ones who actually want to do romantic things they say they do they watch movies about it but they don't actually want it in reality it turns them off in reality you guys have to stop [ __ ] listening to what they say they want and
pay attention to who they're actually attracted to who they're actually staying with it's going to teach you so much about what they actually want next we have buying her chocolates and Gifts same as being romantic Obsession killer if you're in a relationship and you want to do nice things for her do it sparingly don't overthe toop do it and make sure that she earns it as well because if you keep giving her stuff without her earning it she's going to take your time and your money for granted next we have spending too much time time
with her this is a complete Obsession killer and the sad thing is this is bound to happen if you're in a marriage or long-term relationship like you guys are going to be sleeping in the same bed you're probably going to be living in the same place there's no way to really escape this but the more time you guys spend together the more it's going to feel like you're hanging out with a friend and less like you're hanging out with a lover next we have being Carefree shout out to all the One Piece fans out there
I use Luffy to represent this being Carefree is a guaranteed Obsession right the guy who just doesn't give a [ __ ] he's always aloof he doesn't care when she tries to make him jealous he doesn't even [ __ ] notice it's just the guy doing his own thing right she can't really control him she doesn't seem to have a grasp on his emotions and he's the guy who does whatever he wants whenever he wants this guy is a guaranteed Obsession for women they love this type of man next up we have being masculine not
on the outside more so on the inside being stoic being emotionally resilient and calm and not overreacting whenever she tries to poke at you this is also guaranteed Obsession this has more of an indirect effect on her Obsession but remember when she can't poke at you when she can't control you or manipulate you emotionally it shows her that you're a rock solid reliable guy it's going to make her feel safe around you which is going to make her crazy obsessed with you