if you want to lose fat fast keep watching cuz this is one of the Dirty Secrets of the fitness industry when you look at fat loss there's only three ways to lose fat you can do it sustained and gradually you can use drugs like clenbuterol or ozen piic or you can do it fast and what most people will tell you is that this last one is not a good option but there are times when it actually is the best option for you the reason why it's a secret in the fitness industry is really simple the
first reason is that if you lose fat in sustained and gradual way you have a chance to change all the habits that made you need to lose weight in the first place not many people have the ability to change habits from a lifetime of excess overnight if you take your time while you're losing fat say losing fat over 3 month 6 month or even 12- month period you give yourself ample time to build these habits and then solidify them so that when you come off the diet you're actually able to maintain that shape for the
rest of your life and it's that secret day after diet process that is one of the biggest problems for people when they diet it doesn't matter how much discipline you display during your diet and allow yourself to lose that weight if you just go back to doing what you were doing at the end of the diet when you give yourself a chance to build these habits you almost guarantee that you can keep get the weight off and keep it off when you finish this Diet phase that you're about to enter now when it comes to
drugs and fat loss there's no denying that they work the problem is that now a lot of these drugs are banned they're hard to find back when I started in the fitness industry some of these things like iDine were very easy to find ephrine is off the shelf now you can't buy it legally anywhere that I know of drugs like Clen buol which also clearly work can't buy legally anywhere in fact the only way you could buy Clen buol in my country would be if you're a cow or a horse so there's no chance for
most of us to get drugs like that but you can tell these drugs work I remember when I was younger I was training a guy who wanted to lose weight for his wedding and he bought a tub of clenbuterol which was man it should have been like 6 months worth of Clen putol for him he went through the whole thing in a month and he told me he was he was sad that it hadn't worked very well I'm like what do you mean you've lost like 10 kilo and it turned out not only had he
lost 10 kilo he lost 10 kilo while eating ice cream and pizza nearly every day going out every weekend and drinking tons of beer the stuff clearly works but at what cost is the question there's a drug that's on the market now called carterine it's a peptide so it means it's a naturally occurring substance in the body but human Trails on carterine show that it might cause cancer and yet there are still people taking it so the drugs have a very negative side to them where people are so keen on changing one or a couple
of facets about their health or performance that they're willing to risk long-term side effects just to do so and I don't know about you but I don't want to risk cancer just cuz I want to lose a few kilo so the drugs clearly work but we want to come up with a better healthier more more legal way to do so and rather than take drugs I'm going to share with you this diet trick when it comes to weight loss we need to distinguish between weight loss and fat loss those are two different things as an
example if I were a 100 kilo guy with 20% body fat I'm clearly carrying 20 kilo of body fat but within the rest of the 80 kilo there's some fluid in there too now water in your body can change by as much as 5% per day so my 100 kilo guy could be 105 kilo one day 95 kilo the next day and that would actually be a normal fluctuation in water percentage in his body so if I lose total weight well maybe I lose let's say 5 Kil of body fat and 2 kilo of water
it's not the same as losing 5 kilo of fat we're really only concerned about fat loss here not total weight loss now how fast can you actually lose fat let me share some maths with you 1 kilo of fat is 9,000 calories it means a pound of fat is about 32,000 calories for those of you counting in Freedom Units now to put that in perspective an hour of running hard running not gentle jogging is about 1,000 calories that's a 90minut run every day of the week at what amounts to 6 minute kilm or a 15
km run every single day of the week that means to lose 9,000 calories 1 kilo per week just from running you need to be running about 105 km per week now how many of you are going to run over 100 km a week to lose 1 kilo of fat so who would want to lose fat fast there are definitely some medical times where it's needed having just been through hospital and surgery and Rehab there are plenty of people that would probably suggested to be on a medically reduced calorie diet to allow them to have surgery
safely obviously the heavier you are the more drugs they have to use to sedate you the more difficult surgeries is so there's legit medical reasons why we'd want people to lose fat fast but maybe it's something a little bit more vanity based maybe it's your wedding coming up maybe you just want to go on holidays and look really special and there's definitely a timeline to how you need to get in shape as well as how quickly you want to get in shape we can also use this as a quick start portion of a more moderate
and sustained diet often when people start dieting they lose heart because they don't see quick results at the start I can tell you now from experience if you can help someone lose a reasonable portion of weight very quickly they'll have a ton of motivation to continue continue dieting and see it through to the end rather than what most people do which is start and then stop relatively quickly this will give them the motivation and the encouragement needed to allow them to stick out a longer more sustained diet after that really quick start the last group
of people are probably people like martial artist weightlifters who have to compete in uh weight divisions for their Sport and this actually allows you to diet off very quickly a small amount of weight to allow you to hit whatever your weight class is without negatively influencing months and months of training by being in an energy deficit forcing you to train at a lower standard than normal now the mechanics of this diet are really really simple so the technical term for what I'm about to share with you is a protein sparing modified fast and basically means
you're not eating anything other than protein pretty much you're going to want some Fiber for you know being able to go to the toilet you're going to need some healthy fats to allow hormone production to be maximized but pretty much we're focused on protein here in terms of where all of your energy is going to come from for this diet largely protein like I said there'll be very minimal carbohydrate which means two things one it means training hard will be nearly impossible during this period or two that training in general will need to be reduced
or stopped outright and you just allow the diet to do all the work for you finally we need to think about fats most the fats that you're going to take in from this diet are going to come from all the protein sources that you're taking on although we are deliberately going to take on some fish oil again to allow hormone production and keep us healthy in general during this process when it comes to figuring out how you construct this diet there are three main categories we're just going to call them category 1 two and three
the easiest way to figure out which one you are is go and stand on your scales seriously most people I know have got a pair of smart scales these days that figure out body fat percentage now is it as accurate as a dexa scan absolutely not is it as good as someone who really knows what they're doing doing a a multi-site skin fold test on you also not is it good enough for our purposes absolutely most scales these days are within a couple of percent of what your actual body fat percentage is and they'll be
a great place to start so if you don't have a set of smart scales already honestly if you're interested in health and fitness just go buy some you're going to need them later on anyway category 1 would be less than 15% for men and less than 24% for women Category 2 for men is 16 to 25% and from 25 to 34% for women and Category 3 is 26% or more for men and for women 35% or more the reason these categories matter is because someone at the lower end won't be able to be on this
diet for as long as someone at the higher end most of my customers when we go through this process are only on this diet for 7 to 10 days but they're already starting at category 1 it stands to reason that when you're covered in more body fat you have more excess energy to spare and while you might not be eating much food physically your body's got a ton of what amounts of food on it that is going to consume to allow you to stay on this diet for longer it's not unreasonable that a category 3
Dieter on this program could be on this diet for three or more months while they're reducing body fat when it comes to protein the minimum you would expect to see from someone during normal kind of healthy diet setup will be 1 G per pound It's Not Unusual during this diet to look for more like 1.2 to 1.5 G per pound of body weight because it means you Stave off muscle loss During a severe dining phase much more effectively it's also an added bonus because where training is not going to be able to be very high
level because of the lack of carbohydrate in the diet you'll actually help saave off that muscle loss from not being able to train hard or as effectively as you normally would when it comes to choosing your protein sources choose from lowfat prot protein sources like chicken breast or turkey breast over chicken thigh choose tuna over salmon you see choose lowfat protein sauces over their other fatty Alternatives lowfat beef egg yolks uh sorry egg egg whites over egg yolks these are all better choices during this diet allows you to keep the calories down keep the total
fat content down while keeping the protein intake really high as one final rule try to eat food not drink it when you drink your food it's much more easy for your body to absorb it than it is when you eat Whole Foods when you eat Whole Foods you have this bonus to this thing called thermic effect of food because the thermic effect of food is the cost of digesting your food drinking food during a fat loss phase is far easier from an energy perspective than having to break down solid food break it all like all
the tiny little microscopic parts of aart and then be able to absorb it while you're on a diet you want your diet to work for you as much as possible protein is already quite costly to digest but it's far more costly when it's a whole food versus when it's a liquid so as a general rule eat food don't drink it often when we see people go down this kind of path the high protein carnivore keto sort of approach vegetables just about get thrown out the window completely I'm going to say you need at least five
cups of vegetables a day but you want to pick from vegetables that are low carbohydrate so you want things like zucchini cucumber lettuce kale spinach you want things like like cauliflower broccoli mushrooms capsicums or Peppers depending on which country you're in all of these things are very low calorie but high in fiber as opposed to things like peas carrots potatoes that's either normal potatoes or sweet potatoes all of these foods are quite high starch and will actually make that weight loss portion of the diet much more difficult because the carboh Hydra in those Foods is
stored in water in your body so remember water weight can fluctuate quite a lot 1 G of carbohydrate is stored in 3 G of water in your body so if you had 100 gr of carbohydrate you've just gained 400 G of weight because you need 300 G of water to store that 100 G of carbohydrate in when we reduce carbohydrate almost completely we're going to get rid of a lot of that water weight so not only will you see total weight loss you're going to see fat loss as well during this period another big component
of this diet is to avoid calorie containing beverages we call them zeroc calorie beverages the things that we're after after so that means no alcohol it means get the milk and sugar out of your coffee or tea no fruit juice no soft drinks we're really thinking water black tea or coffee and that's about it on this diet in terms of what you can drink the final part is about 3 G of what's inside fish oil now if you look at the back of a fish oil bottle you'll see there are two kinds of fats that
are very important one is called DHA the other is EPA and you'll see there's a number that they list for both of them and the total number we're looking for is about 3 G per day of DHA and EPA combined you might see these sometimes listed in milligrams so if it's in milligrams you want 3,000 milligram of these things or 3 G combined if you go to the supermarket and you buy cheap crappy fish oil you'll probably need 10 to 15 of these per day if you go and buy a really high quality one there
are a lot of high quality fish ORS now you've got 2 G per capsule so you need one or two of these per day to allow you to get adequate DHA and EPA in your diet to make sure hormone production stays good during this severe dieting phase now when the question comes up about how long to diet for as I said before the leaner you are the shorter this Diet phase can be because sooner or later this severe restriction in energy intake will crash something in your body the fatter you are the opposite is true
the more weight you've got to lose the longer you can stay on this diet now you can extend this diet with things like refeeds and free meals but don't use these as an excuse to eat terribly and extend being on this extremely restrictive diet for longer than you need to be now when it comes to how many times can you do this as far as I'm concerned this is a bullet with one gun in it per year I won't do this with clients more than one time per year uh and I'll only do it with
certain clients who I know are able to stick to the strict guidelines of this diet and actually benefit from it again with without messing around and being on this diet for a longer period of time than they need to be cuz long term the effects are not very good so the longer you stay on this diet the more damage you're going to do so I need to say as a final caution this is not a year round training plan this isn't something you're going to follow for a long period of time this is one and
done for the year and you want to get on it lose as much weight as possible and then get off it as fast as possible now how do I know when to get off it when I see there's no consistent weight loss over about 3 days I know that the client's pretty much at the end of what we can gain easily from this diet and generally you're going to find that somewhere in the 6 to 10 day range for people in the category one people in Category 2 maybe we can go to 2 and 1/2
to 3 weeks before we need to stop and then after that again mentally they're going to need a break now when you stop this diet there's no need to do any fancy reverse dieting stuff or go and eat above maintenance go straight back to maintenance calories that reverse dieting phase is only extending your pain you can go straight back to your maintenance phase so again it's really important that you're only in this diet for as long as you need to be because the longer you're on it the lower that maintenance calorie number becomes the shorter
you're on this diet the faster you can go back to eating like normal and if you go back to maintenance for whatever your new weight is you'll maintain that fat loss no matter how long that you stay on that maintenance for so fast fat loss it is possible it's a dirty secret in the fitness industry but there are some rules about how to do it right and how to do it well so that you're not wasting time making yourself unhealthy on this kind of diet