oh let me see how much the new SpongeBob game is here [ __ ] R 100 won't be enough I won't have to join the Job has this ever happened to you if the answer is Yes today I'm here to introduce you to Instant Gaming For those of you who are looking for games for your PC PlayStation Xbox and even on the Nintendo Switch, Instant Game is one of the biggest case stores in the world with the best part being the prices from new releases to those classics that you want to relive or the a
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just because From the joke at the beginning of the video on November 28th we had the launch of Enigma do Medo, a Brazilian indie game that had been awaited for a long time mainly because of a [ __ ] campaign in Qatar that raised more than R million real money for this game to be released like this, it's not a simple game. It was something that had been waiting for a long time to come out, mainly because the main head of the project is cbit, a YouTuber who has done millions of things on the platform
since the days of Minecraft enigmas losing Tetris or what matters most for today's video, which is Paranormal order Paranormal order was a series of RPG Live streams that Celb was doing And in this case it's not an RPG like Pokémon, take that out, get out of here, get out, but tabletop RPG game this known for being played only by nerds or by the famous four-sided dice eight-sided 20-sided dice if you have ever seen these dice or watched stranger things Do you know what a tabletop RPG is and Precisely the Paranormal order this RPG that cbit
created in it was very successful at the time It was something that burst the bubble, people got to know tabletop RPGs largely because of the paranormal order and it was so successful that in addition to the Paranormal order we had several other series Then came secret in the forest deconjuration calamity the secret in island the signs on the other side which is my favorite Season by the way quarantine and now the newest order project is the Enigma of fear in fact the project was already announced a long time ago there was catars many people donated
to this game happens but only now it officially launched and I, as a person who has already consumed a lot of cbit's content, really wanted to talk about this game and most importantly I want to talk about this game not as the celit game but as the product that it is, even because we are Franks, it's a little annoying that you dedicate a lot of effort to your game becoming known as Gema Please's game and not as Super Chicken Jumper and even As I myself would like to launch a game in the future, I think
this is a more than perfect opportunity for us to talk about this but before really talk about Enigma of Fear I wanted to give just a little point here while I was doing my research [ __ ] for this video I ended up seeing that a lot of people were complaining because of the game's genre, something that I think is worth Let's go back a little bit to explain the Enigma of Fear is a game that, in case you haven't noticed yet, is a game about riddles and fear, but more about riddles, in this case
it is a Puzzle game and a very interesting point is that this game is difficult. my friend I know he It's not the most difficult game of all, but when you get some calmer puzzles like Portal , which is a game much more about the experience than about a super Puzzle challenge, a lot of people will get lost in the game. I myself took a long time to go through the tutorial. game imagines the complete game and because of the game's higher difficulty, many people came saying that it was poorly made , that it was
poorly planned and even saying that the game was impossible to pass and no, I have no criticisms of this game, it is not free from criticism and look here my friend, I have few and good to talk about this game but still if I'm a donkey who has something smaller than a primate being able to complete the game is because anyone can do it with time, effort and dedication, I think that anyone can actually complete this game, even if it is a little more complex . One of the games he played most in his life
was not Prom, the most difficult puzzle on the internet, not Prom is a bizarre game, it is a page on the internet that you access and discover little passwords to be able to advance in a [ __ ] Puzzle that keeps getting more and more and more and more difficult to the point of spoilers for those who want to know about not PR the last phase of the game is literally you look at an image and you have to wait for the universe to give you an answer and I 'm not even kidding This is
the Puzzle level Puzzle that the universe has to answer you, whatever answer you give, don't ask how it works, if you want, go after it and so for someone who played a game where the final answer is the universe that has to give it to you, it's because only Maybe cbit really likes it some slightly more complicated puzzles, even while editing this video, I remembered about the 30-day riddle that cbit did on his channel and the answers to that Enigma alone are proof that this Puzzle is not supposed to be easy, so it was already
to be imagined that the riddle of fear it wouldn't be a game that would take your little hand and say Hey my little friend let's go Puzzle time What is 2 plus 2 wrong answer was four you must die and so a very interesting detail is that the fear riddle was in a way the first puzzle game that I actually played, like, I played Portal, I already did a Puzzle, which is gunzel, but a really investigation game with papers and areas of the map and secret codes and encryptions, this part of a Puzzle, I had
never experienced, so for my first game I even I really liked the result and I honestly want to look for other games out there so I can have this experience again I felt this emotion of staying until 2 3 in the morning trying to understand what I was supposed to do in an area and I felt that Euphoria of finally Getting that right was a lot [ __ ] Go fuck yourself, man, that was really good Wow, I don't think I've ever felt that sensation in my life, bro, besides another interesting detail is that, as
I said earlier, the Enigma of Fear came from a Paranormal order. which is the RPG series and a question that I saw a lot of people having is whether you were forced to watch or PG to be able to understand the game What I have to say is that if that were the case it would be an extremely stupid idea to make a game where only a small part of people who watched everything and they memorized everything, they would be able to understand, so not the game, it works like a game, it presents you with
the concepts, a beginning, a middle and an end, and even for you who, like me, are also scared and don't like horror games, this fear that we know in the game it's not necessarily because it's a horror game We're talking more about the fear element but I'll explain that later so in this video I want to introduce you a little about my experience with Enigma do Medo this video here goes It's full of spoilers, I'll comment on how it went of each of the puzzles in the game comment on some bugs that happened talk about
the narrative characters and especially if Enigma do Medo is a good game in the end So grab your popcorn, grab a snack And get ready because today we have an analysis about Enigma do Medo [Music] [Music] and let's go, one important thing to talk about at the beginning of the video is that the story of this game is very good, it's a long dense story and the main reason I spent 30 hours without sleeping properly to want to reset for him to understand what was happening in that world, but it's very dense, there's a lot
of stuff, so I already know that in this video, even though I talk as much as I can, I won't be able to explain everything about the story, I recommend that you play it for yourself to get the nuances or Let's wait for a video of someone posting the summary story of the game Because even though I managed to clear it, I'm sure I missed some details and several little things don't make much sense without you putting together all the pieces of the puzzle and let's start the game For the first time we have two
options normal or detective difficulty, since this game is a detective game. So you have several documents within the game, several tapes, several images that you have to put together and the idea that the game wants you to do is go play write everything down take a print take a photo make notes in the notebook and then gather all the information to find out the answer since this is the detective mode of the game which would be the hard mode but I'll tell you because I'm very stupid I obviously wouldn't be able to play detective and
my intelligence wasn't going to be enough so I decided going in normal mode the difference between this is that in normal mode you have the help of a mind map where you can review the documents you have already found and also you have the game tutorial where I even have to say that a lot of people said that the The game didn't have a tutorial and this guy chose the detective, which is written, doesn't have a tutorial [ __ ] but from personal recommendation I recommend that if you're stupid like me, play in normal mode
but also write down the documents, it's something that will make you very immersing good and if I hadn't done it, the game probably wouldn't it would have a third of the Grace it had and now finally starting the game we are faced with a screen with several symbols and pressing start the game focuses on the symbols and the word choice appears and we have the first Puzzle of the game try understanding what you have to do on its menu, which is already a [ __ ] cool thing, you have to stop and think about what
you have to do to discover the menu or it would be cooler if the italics hadn't spoiled me [ __ ] emphasis But coming back to the game there is no very secret because we have some Runes there covered in blood and by selecting these Runes we start the game and that's how we finally start the game and a special detail that I have to talk about is the game's dubbing and which is technically not called dubbing because the game was not localized but created in Brazil but for me to explain this it's so much
fun that just say dubbing and everyone will understand what I mean the dubbing is good come here I know you're scared but the we will find him and me As someone who really likes dubbing, I have to mention this because cbit decided to take the high level of dubbing for this game with Mia herself, even though I just showed her being voiced by Pâmela Rodriguez, who was responsible for Princess Bubblegum Dora from Agnes's adventure from Despicable Me, the little mouse from Mecanimais and someone like Lulu from a li of [ __ ] I don't think
anyone knows this [ __ ] you can't see that in terms of voices the cbit really We went after a group of people who are good at what they do and it's something that I don't have to complain about, I liked practically all the voices and even for people who have already watched RPGs and were used to hearing Cbit himself dubbing, it's not something that will bother you So much so, the voices are very good, but at the beginning of the game we are controlling Mia along with her little dog, Lupy, and these initial moments
of the game are so cute that I have to comment during the gameplay and we end up forgetting them because us You get used to it but at first glance it's so beautiful to see some 2D Sprites rotating in the 3D world along with the lighting reacting to the things you do. You point the flashlight at a place and the grass in that area starts to shine. The game visually is very beautiful to see. and it's not that pretty, wow , this is super realistic. Look at the Realism mode in GTA San Andreas and the
guys go there on top of puddles of water on the map. Sticking it in the middle of those grams I said Wow, it was worth waiting 4 years, there's no way the gote is like But anyway, after walking around for a bit, I don't know how to speak, getting a little more familiar with the controls, I decided to talk to the characters, talking to the Agata, we discover that we are there to rescue Senhor Veríssimo, who is Mia's father and that she here in the game will serve as a way for us to talk about
the Paranormal that is in the region, the Paranormal It may even seem like no sense, but there's always a good logic to saying that Our dearest Ágata was voiced by the standard Karen and that I ended up not finding many of her works in the dub but she did a yellow toe in Mário's film This must be a really cool role and in addition to Ágata we also have Samuel where, unlike Ágata who will talk about paranormal things, Samuel is here to talk about the locations Let us find you there, if you got lost or
want an opinion, just talk to us. Unless you want to act like Veríssimo, investigate everything alone out there, our dear Samuel was voiced by Fred Mascarenhas, responsible for dubbing a bunch of character which I can't even mention here because no one ordered a dub for 17 years and there are 1 million dolls to talk about, but finally, leaving the dubbing nerd and going to the history of the game, talking to Samuel, we see that Mr. Veríssimo is the Mia's father came to this place for some reason and he didn't want to be followed, so he
covered his tracks as much as he could. But as he had been missing for a while, Mia decided to call Samuel and Ágatha to come back of him and in addition Samuel can also see that 20 years ago some agents had already been sent to this area to investigate the Paranormal of this place but that after that he no longer had any information about what happened to them where with this we are finally free to explore this game and try to understand what is happening in all this, starting now, finally the game, we can explore
this initial part a little bit where we even find one of Veríssimo's documents and a briefcase where it looks like he kept a sword with nothing to do with We can move forward until we reach a gate at the entrance to the mansion, but as it's locked there we can't get in and with that we have a new dialogue with Samuel, this is to show that we can come back to talk. with the characters to teach some tips, in this case talking to Samuel. He tells us to try to find another way to enter through
the gate, so when we go back there we see that there is a hole on the side of the fence where the loop can go through and open the fence for us. even the cool thing about the loop is that when you're playing with If you go too far from Mia he starts to get scared so you better go back so he doesn't get scared and now with the gate open we have access to a new area where we see the entrance to the mansion as well as a little tutorial shooting area of the game
and another area for us to go to which is the basement where we finally start some interesting things by messing around in the basement we can find a document where we can see it will come back Veríssimo the Enigma of fear I need to solve the God of Fear will be among us reading I didn't understand [ __ ] any of this due to my inferior intellect I decided to just ignore it, it's good to say that we also have an ultraviolet light torch but there's nothing in this document so we can ignore it for
now, continuing there in the basement, we can find one crowbar that Mia ends up taking for herself and we then have the first appearance of a blood zombie and that me who at the time was all lost with the contoles so I didn't know that I had to do it right then I died but in my defend my control tutorial had black buttons How was I supposed to know what to press but after a little while just testing the buttons there I discovered which was the aim and shoot button I went back to the basement
to kill the zombie and ended up getting a little lost without understanding where I was supposed to go, so much so that I even went back to talk to Agath and The good thing about this was that at least talking to Agath she explains that the animal we killed is a blood zombie The best part is that they are blind so if we don't They make a lot of noise and it's easy to deal with them. A little more time passed and we finally realized that we could use the crowbar to break down the door
of the mansion, which had some boards on it, thus getting into the mansion and going to the next one. part of the [Music] game now in the mansion things start to get a little more interesting since exploring there a little I managed to find a tape where by clicking Play we have some good information important to us Calisto Bessa I'm concluding my initial investigation of the strr family, it's good to say that this tape is a little long so I'm going to summarize the information so that no one dies of boredom listening to this tape,
we can see that it was recorded by agent Calisto Bessa and In it we can already get some important information, starting with the name of the family that owns the mansion, which in this case is the Extra family, a name that unfortunately I'm not mature enough not to call the sket family, sorry for ruining your experience with this game and that from the research that Calisto did, the sket family was a very reserved family, all generations of them lived completely isolated from society in a bubble with their own rules, basically Living in a bizarre cult
of fear that apparently was generated by a vision that took them to see a symbol that is the symbol of fear that is everywhere in the game, including the symbol that appears in the game menu being the symbol known as the mark of Fear And in addition, because of this idea of Fear, the family also had a idea of the one who was the most feared among them there would be the opposition as the leader of the family and because of that the other members were forced to follow what this great leader said and finally
the tape ends Because Calisto ran out of coffee and only before continuing in the game is it important to say Calisto bessat was voiced by the great wendo Bezerra, legendary voice of Goku SpongeBob Jack Chan and most [ __ ] of all the invader Zinho's Gear And now returning to the game we now have Calisto's information but still we don't have much to do with it, so with that we have to explore the mansion and being a family house, we obviously find several pictures of the Family sketch, including some very bizarre ones, like what appears
to be the father of the family next to a son with his eyes gouged out, running around a bit I also found Calisto's card and here is a nice little detail to say that during the game we can find several Agent cards and these cards will serve to give some important information with an image of the agent We are looking for his age in addition to the position and function he performs, and one of the points that I liked most about these sheets is that some characters we hear about in documents that we find along
the way, such as the tape that we heard from Calisto and then the We found his file and there were characters they were talking about and I didn't know who he was until out of nowhere we went there and boom, we found the character's file and understood who he was in that universe, going back to exploring the house, we too. can see some stains on the floor with ultraviolet until you get to a little room with the phrase the God of Fear is getting to where this room also has a little radio that we can
use to communicate with Ágata and Samuel when we need it and next to that a door with a very strange handle and more a phrase the emergence of the haunted where messing with the door I have no idea what I have to do there are thousands of symbols my God what am I doing without having any idea what it means to move this door I decided to leave it aside but I was sure that she was important going back to talk to Samuel We just have a dialogue about the door so it seems like we're
really going to have to solve this mystery and that being the case I think it's only fair [Music] that still in the conversation with Samuel He says that perhaps there are some symbols around the mansion, so our objective now is to explore where, without walking too far, we can find another tape of Calisto, where in this tape, Calisto explains that suddenly the people in the house went crazy from one day to the next in a event that became known as the emergence of unhaunted, and after the appearance of the unhaunted, some buildings began to appear
in that area, such as a castle, a cemetery and what left Callisto most intrigued, a cathedral, since as he himself says, the Cathedral has some bizarre symbols and as we are looking for symbols for Because of the door, maybe we are going in the right direction, it's a good idea to write this down here. And besides, another very interesting document that we think is information about the perimeter, which is precisely this area of the mansion where we are, one of the documents that we found says that several agents were sent to this perimeter of the
mansion, but everyone who came back said that that place did not exist and that is why the idea was to send a group of agents are heavily trained to get into this place that doesn't exist and try to end the normal paranorum inside it and prevent it from spreading into reality and finally on the first floor the last thing we can see is a book with a lot of information and images of what appears to be this prophecy of the haunted that we have already seen some other documents talking about this in the house where
it is worth saying that this entire book is very cool I don't know who drew this here but it is very [ __ ] but then finally on the last page of this book We see that we only have half of the page and the other part was completely ripped out along with this book. We also have a jar with two eyes that appear to be human inside it, as well as another ribbon, this time from Veríssimo, Mia Veríssimo's father record of evidence we got restore another recording of one of the stra and yes, Veríssimo
is [ __ ] Guilherme Briggs simply the man the dubbing man responsible for an infinitesimal amount of roles that there is no way to mention in this video here and he played Joseph de jio too and now the nerdiness scale of this video is complete and this tape is different because he comments on one of the pieces of evidence that he found a tape recorded by one of the members of the sket family where we hear someone talking about the biggest fear of all and this same one man talking about fear says that he has
already had countless failures but this time he succeeded he can see it in his eyes The God of Fear And then after all that I decided to go back and explore the mansion a little and spend a lot of time lost in some clutter in the refrigerator that there was a lot of agada food that I don't know what it was supposed to be here until now I finished the game I saw things from the story and why it is so prominent in the game's fridge I didn't understand is that tsunami fridge And then after
spend a lot of time in this [__] fridge I just realized it's not very important ISO here it's just a detail I'm spending too much time so after an hour exploring the bottom corner of the house I finally decided to go to the second floor where there we can find a big clock where lighting he we see some symbols exactly the same as the ones on the door, this couldn't be a coincidence, but as we passed through this area, an [ __ ] alarm started ringing, which alerted some blood zombies that were there, which at
the time made me It made me a little desperate so I just ran because the sound of the gun it was very loud but then I went back there with a little calm and managed to catch the zombies there in their crawler to be able to kill them and deactivate the alarm so it wouldn't keep going off and then taking a walk around on the second floor I ended up finding them with a knife and another recorder where again this recorder had a recording of the sketch family More specifically of Abraão who from what you
can understand from the photos is the father of the family and this tape is very confusing it has several separate things he talks about the brand of Fear says she is everything he says that she shows everything and then says he was never afraid his eyes the Cathedral was built my function my fear the haunted will meet the God of Fear in the cathedral And then the audio just stops And apparently Abraham who was sending the audio was stabbed with that knife that we had found earlier but we no longer have audio and it only
cuts from here and then after that I went back to my cycle of trying to hunt for any clues and I couldn't find anything in that room, I could even find some photos of the family a statue but none of that was important because I was looking for the answer to the lock until I found a paper on the table and it said hours minutes seconds and several symbols the same as those on the door and on the side there was literally a photo of the clock a question mark So beauty is the clock itself
and now knowing that it really is the clock I went back to exploring the mansion to see if I I found some hint that could be seen with the time, maybe something written, maybe some marking So what I did was simply hunting, I ended up going into a room that had a drawing of Goliath, who is one of the family's children, and several drawings of eyes scattered around there as well. and as I didn't find anything related to numbers there I just decided to leave until I entered Yuri's room where in that room there was
a very suspicious model for us to move of what seemed to be the castle they had mentioned a painting of this guy Yuri that we see in the documents and most importantly a Yuri sketch book When watching the book we usually see some important information like the construction of the Spiral Castle that they had already talked about earlier and something about a terrible song, but here the most interesting part is the ultraviolet light because using ultraviolet light we have a marking about the time that we need to find out one of the information in the
book there it talked about the alarm time that we had already found earlier and it went off at 4 o'clock and next to that we see something talking about the second immortalized the moment of Vision And as I didn't know what was this immortalized second, I decided to go back to the clock and see what I already had, which was 4 o'clock, which gave this symbol here a hexagon, but before going back to the door to try to place the hexagon, I decided to poke around a little more and I went back to that strange
model of Yuri and kept clicking on everything to see if anything happened until I found a secret hatch where there was a broken clock inside and that clock had the immortalized second that we had read about in the book and the immortalized seconds were pointing to the number 11 which when seen on the clock gave this symbol here an upside down triangle where for some reason I had a huge [ __ ] in my head and decided that I would try to discover the password guessing that seeing now I don't understand why I did that
but I spent a long time trying to guess the password based on the two forms I had and obviously I couldn't because it would take a long time, it was easier to just go back and look for the last number and here is a detail that I didn't have it very well but there was a locked door that I didn't know what to do, so I just ignored it, but when we were close to that door, a sound played that, according to the files we had read, was like the damn song they they were talking
and if we talk to Samuel about the room with this song he says that since the door is locked maybe we can get in some other way if we concentrate on the sound and try to find somewhere that is also playing then going back and paying attention to the music there in that room with skulls, we can hear it here , the music isn't a beautiful keyboard, it's this [ __ ] horrible here and now listening to this song we can see that in this corner where it's loudest, there's a relief on the wall that
you can destroy with the crowbar where in this place we can enter with lup and see a bizarre specter playing this song on the piano where as lup is scared we just open the door running and come back with Mia and now with the door open we can you go there with Mia and the Ghost disappeared, I confess that he gave me a hard time because I thought there was going to be a boss battle [ __ ] and there wasn't, it was just a ghost playing the keyboard, but what really matters is that in
this place we finally have the last one number in this room looking at the score that Fantasma was playing we have a specific song but in addition to that in this room there are also several records So we have to get the record that the score was saying And see that our answer was written on it last The missing number was three, going to the clock and seeing that we had this symbol, a circle, and finally with all this I left desperate to go to the door and put what I needed, an exagon, a circle
and an upside down triangle. where by bringing all these together we finally unlock the door let's go that was really cool that was really [ __ ] [ __ ] Forget it that was really [ __ ] Go fuck yourself man that was very good Wow, I don't think I've ever felt that feeling in my life, bro, and here it is, after 3 hours I finally managed to get past the first Enigma of the game and really, the Puzzle wasn't that complicated, but it was the first time I'd done it, so I was very lost.
So there were times when I went back, I was hunting for information and I'm not used to puzzles so I didn't know what I was supposed to notice, what I ignored, what was detail, what was important, so I It took me a long time to get involved in what I really had to do but the experience and the result was so good because even though I know I'm stupid, you know, I don't know how to do Puzzle but getting it right after so long was so rewarding, it's a very strange experience, man, it's a business
just playing so you can understand and even before we go further into the basement there is still a detail that I didn't show because I was focused on Enigma but there in that little room with the music We can go to the balcony and see this bizarre image here And then Anyway coming back we can go down through the door we ended up to open where in this lower area we had some blood zombies to kill and a connection that took us back to that basement that we had already seen at the beginning of the
game. But in addition to that we had another door that led to We go to another area of the game where, when we arrive at this door, we start to see a lot of scattered leaves and, entering this door with a lot of leaves, we arrive in a very bizarre area, a room full of papers with a lot of writing, fear Very true slime fear God of Fear melody perimeter sket and several scary words And in the middle of them a paper where taking this paper the game screen starts to get very buggy but we
can see a sheet that is exactly like the game menu and using the black light we see three symbols for us to write down and looking at the back of the sheet we see an image of a door something that seems to be something a bit strange that we can't understand. For now then we can just ignore it but then by dropping this piece on the floor the entire game screen starts bug and glit and we come back to the game menu and placing the symbols that we just discovered, the game screen glows red and
we go to a new phase where we start this phase in that car that we had seen earlier and we are no longer in with Mia and yes with Veríssimo where he has that sword that I had mentioned about the sheath earlier and can attack using it in this Veríssimo gameplay we can follow his steps and see what happened a while ago being that It's a delight to play Veríssimo because he kills the animals that are butter using his sword it's a delight to do that but what matters most here is finding out where we
have to go since the door to the mansion is still locked because we are in the past so we Go down to the basement and see that the door that we opened just now was open in the past, so we can enter it and go back to that room full of papers where Veríssimo ends up meeting Calisto, but something is wrong. Callisto who was supposed to be an agent of the order he's saying some things that don't make sense, like not being able to be afraid because now he knows everything, the conversation goes on, Veríssimo
says that he has to come here to end all this and put an end to this story and that he came to save her and That's when the cyst gets pissed and turns on Veríssimo and he says he's not a coward like Veríssimo he understood the prophecy of the haunted man he deciphered the Enigma of fear he fulfilled his role to bring her back unhaunted is waiting and now it was time for him to fulfill the last objective where with that we start a boss battle against Calisto and I have to say that this fight
is really cool, I didn't comment on that but the fights with Mia for For me, they are very crooked, it's the weakest part of the game, the combats. Certainly, aiming and moving is a very complicated thing, the dolls seem a little stuck, but in the fight with the cyst this works very well, it attacks you from all sides So you have to pay close attention to what the sound that plays is doing. intense bro, it's a song that you really need to listen to and pay attention to and it's a fight that at the time
I didn't really understand what to do so I did good old ignorance and went around beating everything and everyone that appeared and it worked after After a little bit of beating I managed to defeat Calisto, even without wanting to say anything, right, but I killed Calisto the first time, so God Gamer is there, right, but in the end, defeating Calisto, he ends up going to the center of the room and starts using some kind of of a bizarre ritual where he made a super strong wind around him that was kind of difficult to walk in
but in the end Veríssimo manages to get there and finish Calisto and we then have a little dialogue with Calisto on the verge of death and he asks if Veríssimo really doesn't remember anything that happened to the haunted Vision or Sofia and Veríssimo just says that all he remembers is that he was going to die in this place and that he came here not to remember what happened but to protect the that mattered and end, Calisto dying only tells us one last sentence, I'll meet you at the other end and so Calisto and Veríssimo are
thrown across the room because of Calisto's crazy ritual and we can see that in the corner of the room there is a little door where someone sai takes Veríssimo and we then see Veríssimo chained And by clicking on him the camera zooms in and becomes the game menu [ __ ] what the hell [ __ ] seriously this is very [ __ ] this is very [ __ ] Go if [ __ ] there's no way, but anyway, going back to the game, we put Mia's symbols back on and play with her again, where now
we know that in the corner of the wall there was a hidden door where we hit it again with the crowbar we found the door and could move forward, we then enter this bizarre area with Mia, we manage to find the symbol of fear again and a bunch of crossed out words and arrive in a room where it is scribbled on the wall, they will all go back and together in this room we have a record which is the medical report of the people who were working in this area and we have a lot of
information, we see who was working in each area and we have several names, where in the underground was Veríssimo, Sofia and Calisto, and Sofia has the same surname as Calisto so they must be brothers in the spiral castle there was Jorge lakes, Diogo lakes and the rest of the team in the cave of Crystals were Alan portl, Oswald from magani And the rest of the team and in the Cemitério das melodies was the Letícia see Fernanda Silvino ot portl e a em Beto and Daniel and seeing it in ultraviolet light we have nothing else to
do with it but we now know who was in those areas of the perimeter which could be very useful information for the future and driving around a little more we end up arriving in an extremely large area with a lot of things, including several images of Veríssimo scribbled by Calisto, as well as a few more messages and a portrait portrait saying to abandon is to forget and the most interesting thing here is the wing of the unhaunted that we had already heard of that name a long time ago Calisto talked about it but that this
area had a password with a numerical panel and that the answer was not 69, which at the time could leave us a little bit lost but at least now we have a new objective to hunt and try to discover the password to enter this so-called wing of the haunted. But one important thing that can be found is a plant above this underground where using ultraviolet light we can see that In these areas, there are some paths that talk about the castle, the cemetery and the caves that we had seen earlier in that psychic report. Which
means that if we are finding things that match, we are going the right way and lastly, but not less important in this area we also find another little radio that we can call Ágata and Samuel and as this base seemed to be in the order where they work, Mia herself said that it would be good for them to stay here so they could all be closer to be able to resolve issues. this case everyone together Samuel and Agata then agree to go to that place and while they don't get there we can explore a little
more with Mia and even while I was exploring I found another document that said the Cathedral and written the Enigma of fear, the ending, which is perhaps a spoiler saying that the end of the game is there, since the name of the game is Enigma of fear, but in addition, something a little more important is that looking at the base there, I can see that there is not only a numerical panel in the unhaunted wing but there are several panels there are a lot of locked doors and I'm going to have to find out the
password too and without much to do with that we can finally leave this underground and explore the rest of the map where here I have to give one small important point because when we leave the underground we have three corners to go to which we had already read the cemetery, the castle and the caves and this moment here in the game is where I see a lot of reviews saying that it becomes a great Walking Simulator the game is basically you walking from one side to the other to try to understand what you have to
do which I can't say is not true you really Vic a Walk on top of it you have to walk a lot here to try to understand where you you have to go and because the game is a Puzzle you often get lost you have to keep going, don't go back and forth, back and forth and I'm going to say this here, it's very easy to get boring, in fact the biggest criticism of this part is that the level design of the game is very rotten and that you get lost, you don't know what you
have to do and that's why the game is bad, but I don't want to give a damn because I have criticism like that at some points in the game, but I don't think this is a case of the game's level design being bad, I I've already commented on games that really have bad level design that you don't know what you have to do But here we have a Puzzle and being a Puzzle, a large part of the game is a giant puzzle where you pick up small fragments here and there and put them together and
with that, obviously Sometimes you have to going back and forth and this part of going back is really a bit of a boring part for those who are not used to the genre, maybe there would be a Fast Travel there I think I would cut out what everyone is complaining about, you don't have to walk a lot oh I can't take it my legs are not walking but for me this point is greatly defeated by the fact that the game's story is very engaging whenever you arrive in an area and find a door with a
lock or a number panel you know Ok I have to find a way to solve it this here and the details of the story are released little by little so I was always very excited to try to understand, man, what do I have to do here, where do I have to go and I was hunting for mini details and looking and this experience was so fun that even if I had Ali for a long time running around and looking for a corner whenever I found the place to go it was very rewarding, on the contrary
if the level design was bad you wouldn't be happy to find the way you would be pissed you would say what a crap it is this here bro die but on the contrary when you find it and say Damn so that was it I understood what I had to do and this one is a little difference for me than what is a bad level design for just a more difficult Puzzle but relax that has a special moment to talk about a level design that I don't like about this game. Finally, while walking in this area,
I ended up coming across an object that was a blue Beetle, it has a punch and you take it oh, it's good to say that this here is a collectible from the game that releases another Puzzle later on, but for the base experience of the game I don't need to comment, it's another extra that it has and even This here is a reference to Slow, the best Season, but anyway, back to the game, I ended up walking there for a bit and ended up getting to the spiral castle where walking a little there we find
another radio and interacting with it Samuel says that Agath and they have already arrived at the hideout and that they had something to show us because of that I just went back to Base where we can go back and meeting them there and It's really cool and the thing that Agata wanted to talk to us about is about cursed objects which are some strange items that we can find in the middle of our journey and that they seem to be a bit of a mistake in the universe in If we had already seen this with
that Blue Beetle earlier, all bizarre And besides, Agata talks about something called transcending , which, obviously, we haven't watched the RPG, we don't know what it is, so we're just going to ignore it for now and talk to Samuel, huh What's up? with him he says the same thing we said to Agata so I thought it wasn't that important and I just went back to walk again and a cool detail about this area is that you can go wherever you want, the game gives you some places to go to the cemetery, the cathedral, the castle
and the caves but literally You have the freedom to go anywhere which means that my experience will be different from yours you can go to areas that I didn't go to first you can go to areas that I went to later which will change My experience with the game, for example, I decided to go to the castle first, where there were some bizarre things, there was a new animal that was made of slime that kept attacking us, as well as some information that at the time didn't make much sense, trying to understand it, we can
find one panel in this castle and in this panel there are many postites with some photos and several texts also had some information about the plan of the castle that more or less showed things, but something that happened to me was that when I went to talk to Ágata and SAMU they had no information at all, it seemed like they were bugs And as they had nothing to tell me in my head I had just come to the wrong place seeing now I know that this was not a bug in the game because I really
have the freedom to go in the order I want but I'm sorry that I could having a dialogue with Samuel speaking explores a just a little bit of the place so I can give you more information because I don't know much about it and it helps a lot because I was very lost at that time, imagining that it wasn't there. I decided to go back and explore another corner, leaving the castle for later, if the truth is to say, that's just a lie because I'm so hard-headed that I kept trying to hit the wall without
finding the guy I was supposed to do until after an hour I realized, okay, it's not in the castle, let me hunt for something else, so after running around a little I ended up getting to the mines where there finally seemed to be something for me to do and now in the cave we finally had information, starting with the records of two agents that we had seen earlier, who were Alan and Osvaldo, but besides that, the most important information is about some paranormal crystals that, for what they They say when a Paranormal crystal is energized
the vision of the person who is close to it changes, it's as if they can see in third person and straight ahead. We have a terminal where, when activating, we connect a crystal and begin to see Mia from behind In this area we also have a cave plant where [ __ ] nerdy reading plans but what is really important here is that by illuminating it with ultraviolet light we see that the generator room is called the Perpetual engine and that the eye is inaccessible because of Goliath and right next to this plant we have a
paper talking about this eye that is a crystal so powerful that just by getting close to it people already have that distorted vision and then finishing reading this document at the end it says what would happen If someone energizes that eye, at the end we can activate another terminal in that area and we see the distorted vision again, but at that moment an aberration simply comes at Mia, which obviously made me run away in desperation so as not to be killed by that huge gigantic [ __ ] And then I kept activating the terminals that
were in that area to see if they would take me somewhere even without knowing how they worked properly and in the end, running away from that huge thing I ended up getting caught activating some terminals and I ended up dying and I had to reset this place for a while it goes by and I can finally find a new spot plus a radio so I can talk to Samuel and Agath where this time Samuel told us something very interesting, he pulls it up in the database and finds out that this cave had a system where
only four power terminals could be connected at once and if you tried to connect One more thing, the energy in the entire cave was going to turn off as a precaution, and having this information, I completely ignored it and my TDH crashed and I went to walk to other corners, so I left, I found a hatch and I was playing there in it and I discovered that it gave me it took me back underground, at least with that I had a shortcut to get back to the mines but since I was at the base I
decided to explore a little more right there and paying a little more attention I found a document I've been playing on the floor where, by illuminating it with ultraviolet light, there was a mini puzzle that showed some buttons and going to the nearest panel and pressing that order boom we can open the door in this place we have another recording that basically just says that this whole place is interconnected And it's as if all of this here were a big puzzle, which is a very subtle clue to say that often we will have to go
through the three areas to understand what we have to do at the time, I hadn't actually realized that I didn't notice playing the whole game but looking now from the outside it was really a little clue about this unfortunately after that my mentality returned to normal and I remembered that I had to stay in the cave and I ended up playing with those terminals which is a pretty boring Puzzle in the game mainly because the cave is quite big so you have to keep activating the terminals, it takes a while but managing to activate the
right order of the terminals I managed to open a door that took me to the control room in this case it's just worth mentioning that by chance the Goliath appeared at the time I went to open it the door and he almost killed me but In the end I managed to get in and in this control room we can see some interesting things How to activate the energy panels from a long distance which is very useful opening the door to the Perpetual engine and finally one of the computers is saying that the Goliath is not
was contained trying to talk to Ágata and Samuel they don't say anything about this place we entered so we can look for more clues there and investigating a little around the area we can find two interesting things The first is a document saying how dealing with a blood beast that is apparently the Goliath that is written all over the name is the name of the animal and in that place there is very important information that says that Goliath prefers areas with green crystals And in addition we have another tape where the recording appears to be
an authorization from the Alan to let you energize the eye that is that big Crystal that we haven't seen yet and stopping a little here just so we can breathe since the game doesn't stop sending us information, it's good to take this moment here just to say that There are still a few more things that I'm going to ignore this whole cave in this room . In fact, there's a lot about Alan and Osvaldo, they even have a relationship within the game. that it already is I decided to cut it from the final version but
it's there so that anyone who wants to play knows that there is a lot more information about these two here that one or two images have already appeared about them anyway, soon after I went to that Perpetual engine that we had opened and when we get there we can see this engine that they had talked about and one of the Crystals in this room that makes us see in third person again but the most important thing is that in this room we can find another document saying that it seems that Alan changed the password for
the zone containment and that the new password is written on the emergency room wall and along with that there is also a panel telling us not to forget because this could be useful. I decided to go to the emergency room but when I got there there were two animals waiting for me and trying to looking for the password I simply went for the first thing that It bothered me and I just ended up losing it and I haven't commented yet But there's a room where it talks about this thing about the eye where, when I
get close to it, Goliath always appears to chase Mia, so there's no point in what I do, Goliath will always appear. which means that in this situation we just have to go back crying to Ágata and ask for help Please, I don't know what to do, luckily speaking with Ágata, she reminds us that blood zombies are blind and that if we walked very slowly around the room, maybe we could catch him off guard, where by going back there and going very slowly, we really can catch him and finish off this zombie and that's where the
coolest part comes because now we have to go back to turn on the light in this place where, returning here we will be seeing through Cristal's vision and arriving at a specific corner of the room we can see a cute designed code where remembering the tip we had we just had to gather the information and we would know what to do so by placing this code on top of the numeric panel we can get the password 1 3 4 5 and no and I swear I tried to make this look cute but it was so
ugly [ __ ] shit and now having got this password we can free up access in the containment room and when we get there we can put this password that we got 1 3 4 5 and 9 and open the door but then the door takes a while to open and Goliath starts to appear and then inside the room there was even a button for us to press but as Goliath was there he killed us so I had to go But this time I got lucky and Goliath couldn't follow me so with that I managed
to find out that that button is used to lock this door but what we had to do was trap Goliath inside and since the only button was inside I didn't have anything to do, so Unless I could go back in time, I wasn't supposed to come here now because nothing I did would help and I decided to just ignore it and go back to explore other corners of the map, since everything I said was my first day live with this game the first day there was so much and I was so immersed that as soon
as I closed Live to rest I couldn't stop thinking about this game I had already been doing Live all day but closing the game I was thinking about what was going on happening in what I was going to do How was I going to move forward then all that morning I was thinking and dreaming about the Enigma of Crazy Fear to start another day the next day then begins and I decided to do a crazy thing a little 12 hour live I knew that my mind cement would take time to complete the game, so the
more time I had would be better for me and that's why I decided to do this crazy thing by starting So on that day I knew I wouldn't be able to contain Goliath because I had no way of getting out of the cell so I already I started talking to Ágata to try to deal with the other animal that I had found where, talking to Agatha, Mia says that we found a blood zombie that was running away from us and she says that these zombies are usually pretty dumb so we could try surround him by
throwing him onto some path that has no exit, we don't have a mechanic, Zinha, this zombie is very fragrant, he keeps emitting a smell and we have to keep following this smell with the lup where even though we know where the zombie is. It's because of the smell, this part was very complicated for me, I spent a lot of time going [ __ ] around this area because the whole cave is very big and we have to keep trying to follow the zombie just by the smell, trying to corner it there It's a really cool
Zinha mechanic but it gave me a lot of work to try to catch this zombie where after an hour of going round and round I finally manage to get him stuck in a corner and we manage to kill him and with that Mia manages to win a new upgrade which this time is a flashlight with a crystal and as Mia herself says to lup, if we found this here in the cave it won't be as useful in the cave because we don't know the effects of this Crystal outside of here and she herself says so
let us try to explore a little outside of this place See if we can find out what this lantern does so with that I leave the cave to try to explore the world a little more and I end up finally finding the Cathedral that they talked about so much and as soon as I go there [ __ ] shit the fps my game goes away and it's shit walking here, my God, how bad this is and here we have an important point Because even though I have praised several aspects of the game, its optimization in
the initial days was terrible And the game team already knew this because in the demo the game was still poorly optimized, my computer is not bad, I have a good PC and even so I see the Cathedral all lagging at 15 FPS, even currently most of the negative reviews on Steam are about this optimization of the game, it took 4 years to produce it and they didn't have this focus on optimization before launch From what I've seen two days Afterwards, the game was already much better than at launch and on my last day of Live
the game was already calm, I was able to play zero bullets but that had already been around four days after launch, which certainly had a huge impact on the game's rating. because it was very poorly optimized but I'll leave it here as a more or less positive point because they came to optimize quickly, there are still problems but the next day I was able to play calmly and I imagine that soon after the game will undergo optimizations, especially because the idea It was never going to be a hyper heavy game it's supposed to be a
light game so it's a point that's worth it if it's worth it here, optimize this Mativa game or I'll shit your pants and it's also good to show this here because the entire beginning of this Live was me waiting for the game to start this It's not a joke here V to speed it up, the game took a long time to start and not only that, there were times when I wanted to close the game and it took a long time to close, this is kind of scary, I've never seen anything take so long to
close and now it does with a little dot, let's go return to Gameplay by going Even the Cathedral we have this whole vision [ __ ] of her appearing at 20 FPS and trying to open this door, Mia herself says that the door doesn't open and that we aren't even supposed to be here at this time, which is a good way for the game to say go away, it's not for you, it's here And besides, in this area we also have another Zinho document that we can see that has some drawings of some shapes, a
triangle, an octagon, a square and a hexagon, with that I wrote down the shapes and I left there so my PC wouldn't explode since this area was all shit and searching the place a little bit I ended up arriving in a new area the cemetery and Ok in the cemetery we finally start to have interesting things again starting here there we already there is another file about a new agent, this time agent Letícia Vergeten and apparently she was responsible for this area of the cemetery and seeing with the ultraviolet light we have the information only
she knows the melody she needs to play and looking inside some documents we have some really cool information starting out, it seems like the cemetery is a kind of labyrinth whenever someone tried to enter the cemetery they spent a long time running around in a circle without understanding it very well and together with this information we see about a so-called crack, a place that no one knows exactly how to get to inside because everyone can see the crack from a distance but trying to get close They just can't get to it knowing that I decided
to go to the cemetery until I finally understood what that Green Lantern was for since as I walked in front of the cemetery I just I could see several Ghosts around him and when I deactivate the green lantern They simply disappeared and as these Ghosts were always close to an area that had something to do, I imagined that they would be points of interest to help us explore the maze. But in the end, without thinking about much, I just decided enter the maze to see what we could find inside where right at the entrance to
the maze we already see that there is a specter that follows us and that you can only see it with the green flashlight, which has already done very well I have gone first to the mines because now I could deal with this animal and explore the cemetery more peacefully and finally, knowing that this cemetery was a labyrinth, the first thing I did was simply walk around trying to get lost, I know that with me speaking it seems like a stupid idea, but most of the puzzles The best thing for you to understand what you have
to do is simply keep moving and see if anything different happens so I just randomly followed some paths through the maze where after a while without seeing anything very special I ended up entering the crack that they had mentioned which apparently was supposed to be a path that no one should know about But I just went to the cemetery and ended up here randomly and anyway, in this part of the crack we have a huge crack in the ground and some tombs there that look like they belong to the Stra family, like Yuri's tomb, without
really understanding how I managed to get here I just walked and ended up meeting another spectrum in which out of nowhere a very insane song started and I said oh my God I got fucked, the game camera just starts to shake and suddenly this spectrum turns into a [ __ ] badass Boss and for those of you who have already played the game must be saying Not even [ __ ] that this happened but for those of you who have never played, relax and I'll explain what the hell happened here later on but know that
maybe I had the greatest luck of my life but anyway, back to the game we'll suddenly there's this battle Insane against a crazy crazy boss who keeps attacking Mia with some energy rays and I tried to throw popcorn at him but it didn't work and apparently bullets don't work against giant spectral bosses and in addition to the boss also in this area there were some specters that stayed together following us and that they could attack Mia's sanity so much that if we took those blows we would get a little lost and bewildered at the time
and if Mia took too many blows like that she would end up dying in one of the My ideas were just to try to escape from there and when I found a little gate I said great, I'm going to the gate and I'm going to try to escape, but entering this place we end up in another corner of the cemetery in another area of the labyrinth, this time completely gone and very very bizarre, even having some mouths that open and release specters from inside to keep following us. I was even trying to escape through some
doors but then I was caught by a specter and ended up dying and restarting the fight and then returning to the fight, I ended up going back doing the same way of entering the doors until I realized that the doors in this maze were also random so I was randomly being teleported to different areas And to make matters worse if I was inside a door and picked the wrong door I would be sent back into battle against the evil monster Bizarre what did I do? I have to say that at the time it was unbearable
I had no idea what was happening and maybe you already realized but I wasn't supposed to be Here It turns out I was lucky to end up in this area of the game, this here was actually one of the areas endings of the game I had I was simply lucky enough to randomly end up here, which means I was in an area where I had no idea what I was supposed to do. In fact, everything I did in this area was [ __ ] trial and error for two hours of my life, this The area
is basically a maze of doors that we have to follow and find the right door and if we make a mistake we are sent back to meet the Boss and there is a way to know which door is the right one but there was no way I already know that I ended up here because of what luck did to me that this battle, which should have been very [ __ ] and very Insane, was only very boring because I had no idea what PR was doing and the little song that plays here, which is very
[ __ ], is basically megalovania 2 She was driving me crazy already I had heard this song so much but so much that I didn't know what I had to do and I was listening to the same melody and the same song all the time for two hours, a lot of time passed until one hour when I randomly walked through several doors, I finally finished finding one of exits to one of which took me in front of a tomb of Letícia Verget where Mia ends up hitting that tomb and that giant Boss starts taking damage
and we are teleported back and have to find another door and retrace this path again being It was then, after half an hour of walking, that I understood that there were patterns in this maze and that I had to follow them, but as I didn't have the solution again, I didn't know what to do. What I had to do was once again having to write down each exit of the maze to try to find the right path so I go there, I spend a lot of time in the maze I manage to enter another door
and again I manage to return to that room with the tombstone Where the Mia goes there and breaks another little piece of the tombstone, the Boss again takes more damage and we can repeat it all again and so I want you to understand that I was losing for a long time, dying, resetting the maze, walking, returning all the time, listening this song Damn it all the time in my ear I know this song should be insane and very good but my mind will never recover from the psychological damage I took from being stuck in this
battle that I ended up getting into too soon Where as the game ended to launch, I think it would be a little better if there was something I had to do before this battle because me randomly falling here the first time was a very low chance but there was still that chance in the end, more time passes and then enter the door and leave the door I finally manage to find the last exit we go back to where Letícia's tomb was, destroy it and this time completely destroy that spirit where with the death of that
spirit simply another one of those specters appears and we manage to talk to Letícia who she says she knows our eyes saying he didn't run away it was you and soon after she simply turns into a gray body and dies where with that we go back to the beginning of the battle and not even Mia herself understood what just happened and apparently this is The animal we just killed was the Letícia that we had seen information about her earlier and that somehow it turned into something there that I honestly have no idea what just happened
so I think we better go back because we know so we go back to the game and find a little card that apparently is another one of the passwords for us to get back to that underground and looking at this right away I already knew what I had to do because basically looking at the card I could already see a little path there that I just had to repeat that in a numeric panel And with this we gain access to another area in the underground where inside we have a very important message for Veríssimo recorded
by Letícia herself with her saying that people who leave the perimeter forget everything that happened inside and that is why many agents who went to the perimeter came back saying that that place did not exist since they simply went and came back without remembering anything, but what happens is that the memories that were made within the perimeter are registered as specters, in this case, those ghosts that we encountered were nothing more than memories of the past and Furthermore, there is some more very important information but just because I skipped the Puzzle to get to that
area of the cemetery. Technically, it doesn't matter that I know this because the most important part I've already done is solve the Puzzle. done this or not because this here is an answer to a question that I didn't have as I just accidentally ended up in that area with the crack But anyway, with nothing else to do in that area I went back to talk to Samuel with Agata and specifically talking to Samuel I managed to realize that there was a little thing on the screen behind him and moving this panel we can see another
code with this I wrote down these symbols that were in this area I went to the game menu and placing them in the menu we go to a level with Samuel and Sorry to cut the It's cool, but this level with Samuel is a [ __ ] bonus, it's not important because we're going to be doing it in story mode now and maybe I spent too much time trying to solve a puzzle that I still don't know what it's for doing a business that wouldn't help me much Shout out to Flipo who helped me escape
this part, otherwise I would still be trying to solve the impossible puzzles in Samuel's area. But anyway, with that, we can go back to Gam Playl with Mia and I took the opportunity to test those doors. to put the password that I had found earlier the one on the card in the cathedral where I tried to put 3 8 45 on the doors I had I tried in that wing of the haunted and nothing was going so I tried putting the numbers backwards to see if they were the numbers that didn't appear on the card
and it wasn't either And then when I went back to the Cathedral I saw that I had just written down the wrong number, it wasn't an octagon, it was a node and I hadn't noticed And then I I went back to the haunted wing I put in the password and it didn't work either And then I realized that I had also noticed another wrong number and it wasn't a hexagon it was a pentagon And then in the end I just put it there and that was it we were able to open this [Song] [ __
] entering this area we have some interesting information such as a photo of Sofia who we suspected to be Calisto's sister and she has red hair which probably only proves my theory that she really is the sister of him and in addition in this area we have a tape with a message from the doctor at that base talking about a child with him saying that he made a diagnosis on the child and that she was apparently healthy although very strange, having strange eyes with a very different color and a very different behavior from other children,
so much so that the doctor says that it is much more so now with Sofia since she is a psychologist trying to understand his mind, but in addition we have a much more important message from Veríssimo, where we see that they They've been on this mission for a few months now , but they haven't they can leave now because of someone called jazer because they don't know the effects that forgetfulness would have on him and since they were in there for so long they started to believe in the idea of trying to follow the prophecy
of the sket family even if they were Crazy Their prophecy wanted to say something about the other ending and that maybe following this other ending is the only way for everyone to get out of there. In this area we also have a super panel with a bunch of buttons where it will probably be one of the last puzzles that we will have to resolve Furthermore, we have a file of what appears to be the man they were talking about and who exactly had the strange eyes that the doctor had mentioned, but the interesting thing is
that using ultraviolet light we have the name uncovered. And at the end, without further ado, a lot of information I just went out for a stroll and tried to find something else where after going to the mines and the cemetery the only place I hadn't been back yet was the castle at the end going back to the spiral castle something I didn't tell you is that in this place there is an animal called a tyrant which is a huge monster that doesn't die and it keeps chasing us throughout the castle, you could even hide from
them in some areas but an item that I had found that I didn't know what it was it was an arm and where that arm was, the tyrant was nearby, but at that time, trying to see what's going on in that arm, I accidentally turned on that green light on top of a slime creature and he was completely paralyzed and when I tested this on the tyrant It also worked and I kind of accidentally discovered that the green light paralyzes the monsters in the Castle which I have to say that at the time it was
very [ __ ] because I was just walking around I shone a flashlight and boom I managed to paralyze the animals here so with that I managed to paralyze the tyrant and look at that arm where taking a look we came that had some symbols on the fingers of the arm I wrote that down quickly so that he wouldn't catch me and I got out of there so as not to die coming back in case exploring a little more I I end up finding a tape and that, in short, apparently one of the agents who
was there ended up losing his arm and that's why he used that metallic arm, but in fact the thing he used his arm most for was to remember how to get into his office, where as the We had already written down the password that was on the arm, we could go to the panel that was in that room and put the same sequence that we found on that arm, thus opening another area for us to go and in that area we found the information most important thing about the castle at all times In the castle
we find things made of slime, the zombie himself, the tyrant, the walls and even the floor are all covered with black slime and what's most interesting is that we can discover that the slime reacts to light if we turn it on the ultraviolet light the slime starts to accelerate everything that is in contact with it and everything starts to get very fast but using that green light the time stops for what is in contact with the slime and that is why A little while ago we managed paralyze the tyrant because he was made of mud,
knowing this now we know that the tyrant will no longer bother us and we can freely explore the castle, which I have to let you know is a [ __ ] help because my God this tyrant was strong that only [ __ ] with that I managed to explore a little basement that I had seen earlier but there were a lot of animals there I was scared and in that basement there is a very cool mini Puzzle Where is there a battery that is with mud on top of it and the idea is that you
have to use the ultraviolet flashlight to accelerate the battery so it generates more energy, but while it's doing this we can't move because Mia has to keep the flashlight on top of the drums so I thought about it for a long time until I understood that at this point we had to use the loop so he could go there and press the button and that's really cool because it was like a lot of effort . press the button and it was very [ __ ] discovering this, I kind of stay at that time Wow, but
maybe I hadn't discovered it but I discovered it so [ __ ] it was a lot [ __ ] getting into this area so we have a kind of laboratory and with a very strange piece of paper saying that apparently everything went wrong in there and that to prevent everything from happening they have to look for the other ending and And with that going up This part we discover that we were in the clock tower where there is a document saying that we have to synchronize all the clock towers clocks to be able to open
a door that was exactly in this room, the only problem I was having is that this place is basically the [ __ ] of a maze and I didn't really know what I had here so I looked and said great, I have to synchronize the towers and I completely ignored that and went for a walk to another area because my brain doesn't know how to focus on just one Puzzle and Ok, as I was quite lost in the castle I decided to take a walk at the moment when I got most lost in the game,
probably most of the hours I spent on this game were on this one moment here because one of the ideas I What I was having is that I hadn't seen everything in the cemetery since in that area I had kind of found a big Boss but nothing else in the cave, we had even found Goliath who was a big guy but there was an item there which was a flashlight so I imagined that there would also be some item in the cemetery and that's why I decided to follow the only tip we had in that
cemetery, which was that you could follow the music to find something, so exactly what I did was try to play by paying attention to the music. and see if I could hear any little thing And then after a good while of just walking and getting lost I ended up arriving in a new area in this area we have a padlock but as we don't have the key there's nothing we can do here and an interesting thing that I randomly discovered that if I was holding my radio and got close to one of those spectrums that
were on the map, I could talk to them using the radio and talking to the spectrums gives a lot of information, gives a lot of things, there are texts and training texts with the Specters some of them even say some things interesting but most of it I didn't understand, it's about characters, Beto, even they talk about Letícia, Osvaldo, there's so much text about the specters that I'm going to skip in this video, but know that there's still a lot about this universe , but besides that, the thing I found What helped me a lot was
a little card that told me what I had to do in the labyrinth saying that if I went and came back I would go to the camp saying that the music took me to the mausoleum that the flowers took me to the Garden and that the cats took me to Colina, where, knowing this, I had more information on where to go, so I decided to abandon this area and try to follow the other paths that I knew, so the first path I decided to follow was the cat path. Where I just had to pick up
the lup and bark and when a cat responded by wailing loudly, I mean that door was in the cat's path, but that took me to an area that only had documents and a lot of stuff that I had no idea what to do with , so initially I just ignored that area. I didn't find anything interesting to do and I ended up going back there at the beginning of the cemetery where I heard some specters talking and discovered that there was a secret passage in that area where, going to the place the specters talked about,
we managed to find a paper that showed how to solve that padlock that we had found where using another light violet we also see that this thing is a gravity lock So we have to solve it by doing a mini puzzle And that's why I took it to go to the cemetery and go back to that area I had gone to before and then like last time I had been listening the sound I was paying attention to the sound again but this time I accidentally ended up in another area but finally in that area I
found something interesting there was a little box that asked for a password and when I looked at it I said Ok me finally I'm finding things again maybe there's something important in here trying to guess several random passwords obviously it wouldn't work that's not how a Puzzle works so what I did was enter this area which apparently is the mausoleum in this area we have several statues of former people of sket family and along with them there are some symbols that don't make much sense but they are exactly the same symbols that were in that
little box so there is probably something here and it works a little better in the room we can find a little piece of paper that talks about the game of statues where by illuminating with ultraviolet light we can see A little text talking about the first symbol, the second symbol and finally the third symbol precisely from the box where seeing this and reading the clues I had no idea what I was supposed to do The first tip was this terror I must face head on the last of the sket immortalized in the mausoleum I see
in his hand what killed so many but it is the flaw that points out the secret the second tip was to listen to a secret can be very powerful Especially for those who have no other choice, the one who he silenced his own mother's screams from where I am I see Blood and violence and the last tip was I don't see anyone here who called himself Leader he was strong like few others and even his weakest arm made many fall but his secret was in what he carried with him you have what it takes to
crush my pussy lie is to crush my Enigma but it's kinda obvious the reference here and in the fil what we had to do is take those clues and try to find in the statues what made sense that we had a little paper on the table that explained a little bit about each of those sketches that had died and we could use that as a reference Zinha but then you don't understand how difficult it was to do this [ __ ] I wasn't understanding what what I was supposed to do where I had to do
it I was very lost I even had some suspicions about some characters but I wasn't understanding mainly because those documents had three points pointing and that was confusing me so much and with that I kept trying to guess things I didn't know how to open this box until I went to the papers and I read that Abraham's father had written on one of the statues and as one of the tips was the last of the sketches to be buried, probably this guy was the Abraão's father since Abraão was part of the house in the mansion.
So I took this tip to face the last of the sketches head on and see that his flaw is what points out the secret and so after a long time I went to the statue of Marco and I saw for sure that his leg was pointing to a symbol, just to check it at the time because I was a little desperate, I went to the box to see if that specific symbol was on it and precisely the symbol I needed was there, it was that little symbol stuck on the wall that was very difficult to
see But I could see it there and then, having discovered the first one, I just had to take the rest and discover or guess all the possible combinations, which is what I did. and so you can say that it's a kind of stupid way of doing things but it worked whether I wanted it or not, after a little guessing I got it, you can even judge my methods but my results you can't because I had managed to get the password and opening that little box inside From it we have some documents and most importantly we
have an item from the cemetery that was the same. I was suspicious and taking this item to test, Zinho, I saw that it was a radio that allowed us to go back a few seconds in time and that it might look like something kinda random but it was exactly what we needed to trap Goliath there in the cave, the first place I had gone and now I had the tool to get back there which I obviously did running, I saw that I had a little radio and I ran there to the cave and returning to
that same area to see If not, that was exactly what we had to wait for Goliath to arrive, run inside so we could press the button and close ourselves in there, and after that happened, use the radio to go back in time and leave Goliath trapped and my friend as much as possible. It was good to do this, isn't it written? Seriously, it took more than 8 hours from the moment I saw that I needed something to trap Goliath until I actually managed to get this item, the puzzle is finally coming together and I finally
I would be able to see what was in that eye in which When we got there we saw why this thing was so dangerous because we had a lot of strange information in the Crystal Cave room Open Alan's room I meet Veríssimo open Alan's door and a password 1 10100 101 and you say that This eye here was a [ __ ] huge animal that I thought was going to kill me and no, it 's nothing, it's just a little detail there but it could very well be a boss battle against a bizarre eye in
this room as well as some little documents There was nothing that important but we now had something to do I opened Alan's office and we had the password so back at base I went to the only door that I hadn't unlocked yet and although the password is a bunch of zeros and one I already knew that it wasn't binary code it was simply an interpretation where zero and one for a computer is only positive and negative So whenever it was a one I pressed the button and when it was zero I ignored it and so
it wasn't very difficult actually It was even the first time that I got the password 1 right 2 4 7 9 and I pressed enter and the door opened but as soon as I went in there I found a strange paper where reading it I didn't understand anything It talked about something in the kitchen and that they had to stay more in the dark than just turn off the lights, I spent a good while trying to understand what this meant with the cave, I looked back to see if there was anything and as I wasn't
finding anything I decided to leave it aside for now and go to another clue that I had found in the cemetery along with the radio which was the combination of that padlock so I go back to the cemetery to try to get back on that path and this time I understood that this path I needed to follow the flowers that were shining which only means that the first time I had accidentally ended up there which I said, well, it's part of a Puzzle to kick a little bit, so with that I go back to where
that padlock was, I spend a little time trying to understand how to put the combination in. Which is a good way to say that I kicked it again because I knew what I was supposed to do it, bro, I didn't understand how I had to do it, so I was shaking the padlock there until at one point it opened, but when I entered that place there was nothing and the only paper I had there talked about using an immersion ritual and that I didn't I know how to do this, I didn't see anything about the
ritual How do I do an immersion ritual, what should I do with this here, so I stood there trying to think about what I should do And then I remembered that there in the battle with Veríssimo the Callisto had an hour before He began making some symbols on the floor that I I started to think that maybe this was a ritual something like that so I went back there and saw that paper again and then I remembered that I had a clue that I hadn't seen yet the back of that paper showed a library and
a door and then I realized that this was in the castle that I had ignored for so long , that is, it was finally time to go back to the Castle. That's why I had a shortcut Zinho to be able to return faster and luckily to The library was right next to this Zinho shortcut, where when we got there we could see this cupboard with slime and I tried to use the green light to see if anything happened but when I used the ultraviolet light the magic happened because the cupboard was made of wood so
the mud aged the wood and it ended up rotting the cabinet and we managed to break it and go through there and just behind it there was a door where in that door we can find a book full of signs, scribbled symbols and with the ultraviolet light it was worse because there were still more drawings, there was a chained person and some symbols there but luckily when I didn't know what to do with it Mia said that this was Calisto's old book and that somehow he is calling her in some way she feels an attraction
with this book with these symbols, so going back to the base we can talk to Agath and she then explains that there is a ritual inside this book and that the name written in it is an immersion ritual, precisely the one we had seen earlier on that page Negra agath then stay in Ecstasy Because she loves rituals and these paranormal things And she says that she can even try to understand that ritual but that it will take a while and that's when Mia says that she wants to understand this transcending Ritual and that since it
is important to find her father If she transcends using this ritual, she will be able to learn how to use it and so we can find Veríssimo. Then Agatha scribbles on the floor the signs of this Ritual and says that Mia has to stay in the middle of it and concentrate to transcend And with that we have the little scene of Mia transcending, she focuses on the symbol and several images start to appear on the screen, some symbols also start to appear but it is impossible to try to read or understand what is happening here
and some words are enough to understand perimeter Veríssimo God of haunted fear but then again more and more symbols keep coming back and appearing you are this void and more and more symbols The impossible can only be a choice within destiny and suddenly we just come back and everything is normal for the that Agatha said transcend it's you connecting to the Paranormal to try to understand something in this case this ritual Agatha told us not to worry because what we saw we won't be able to remember But from now on we will know how to
use that Ritual and then with that and knowing that I had to go back to the cemetery because I knew exactly where to use the ritual I again get lost in what I had to do and I go back to [ __ ] of Castelo Eba I know that if I were a respectable channel review I wasn't going to I'm doing this, going back and forth about I don't know what, but that was my experience with the game, mainly because I'm stupid. So I went there and saw what I had to do and I forgot
why I said Ouch how cool is a squirrel and I followed the squirrel and hunted other parts of the map so instead of focusing on just one puzzle I was doing all of them at the same time solving a small layer of one a small part of another until after a while I was able to put together the solution Some might say that this is not the right way to solve a Puzzle And then they I just say [ __ ] because I managed to solve it and that's what matters in the end with Mia
I went to a corner of the castle that I hadn't explored very well where there was a generator and that generator left the ground in that area petrified and as I had already learned before, if I used the flashlight on the generator I would amplify the area with that. A test that I decided to do was to activate the generator and switch to a loop to be able to cross the river bank and when I did that I walked and realized that there was another generator at the end of the river where Petre was located.
to the other clock tower that was outside the castle and that I hadn't been able to get to yet when we got there we could see that this specific clock was very fast and accelerating so we just used the flashlight on it and that's it it would slow down again and returned to normal where with that the generator it turned green, symbolizing that we did this little mini puzzle that I don't think counts, we just had to point the flashlight with it so we could go to another of the Towers, which this time asked us
to synchronize using the sound, so in this area we just had to pay attention to the sound and when it makes a tick we turn on the generator and that way we can turn on one more light and then finally now we can go back to the first tower that we had seen and the three lights will be on where with this we can you open this door and see the loop buggy anyway in this area that we enter we see we see a [ __ ] giant mechanism with someone inside where we had already
seen in some documents that this was a slime generator and by pressing a button in that area the slime in this room starts to be stairs and we can see a guy inside but when Mia tries to talk to him he starts to make a horrible sound and we can't understand anything and while Mia tries to understand what is happening the tyrant finds her what he plays Mia doesn't in the middle of this area with this guy screaming and another boss battle starts and my friend this battle is quickly the battle that I have the
most no idea what I had to do here [ __ ] shit what a confusing fight essentially this entire battle is one big Puzzle Just that you have to solve it while the tyrant is behind you, the whole room is filling with slime while there are some bells for you to ring for tordal tiran and there is also a slime skeleton that keeps disturbing you so you have to pay attention to it and while all this is happening you have to think about how you solve the Puzzle in this area and if you still take
too long the character in the middle starts to release a black mist that if you stay close starts to take damage it is also a very difficult battle punitive until you understand what you have to do in the end After spending some time trying to understand what you have to do in this fight, I ended up realizing that I could switch to lup and as he was there at the top he could press that button that digs the mud in this area But still doing it I didn't know what I was supposed to do in
this place, this puzzle was very strange and there were two evil animals trying to kill me while the slime kept rising so I ended up dying a few times in very stupid ways to tell the truth until I realized that I had there is a clock in this room and as we came here because of the clock I had a very stupid idea but you will understand that in this room there were also some bells with chains but there was no point in hitting them they didn't take any damage so I had a very stupid
idea that was and if I have to set the time to hit the chain and then I kept trying to speed up the time on the watch so I could hit the chain at the time the pointer was pointing towards it and even though this idea seemed stupid when I went to test it, it really worked, that was it But it wasn't just hitting the chain, we had to rot it with that ultraviolet light And then hitting the chain, but that was right, we really had to put the hands pointing towards the chain, so with
that we broke these chains in this area and that guy who was in the middle of the room begins to getting old out of nowhere and that's when it clicked that it wasn't the time to hit the chains, we had to turn off this green light that was on top of the chain that left it paralyzed because of the mud, so placing the pointer on top of it the We could use ultraviolet light to accelerate the current and destroy it, which means that green light that was on top of this guy ends up breaking and
the clock's pendulum falls on top of the tyrant thus managing to arrest the tyrant and defeat this guy Diogo a Mia So try to talk to him but he suddenly ages and simply dies and this entire area around him becomes petrified slime And in the end we only end up getting one last little card Where this card had some spirals there and as soon as I looked at it I already knew what to do, we were supposed to count how many times this spiral was cut and then use that to put it in a password
and an important detail is that here in this video I only commented on this Diogo However, when you read the files we see that this guy was one of the agents who was responsible for the castle and one of the guys who had gone crazy and was trying to fulfill the haunted man's prophecy. The story of this character in itself is very extensive, but it is spread out in detail for me to tell you everything would be impossible, it would have to be a video for each character and that's not my channel's thing, so you'll
find it on some other channel out there, but all the time it takes us to get into this room With him, it's the time we have to find the documents, we hear his stories, we listen to audios, we see files, we know his father's story, this game managed to introduce me to his universe in such a vivid way that, again, a video on YouTube won't manage to get through all the things I had to read and hear about these characters But anyway, after that we go back to that base and put the password on the
last door where counting how many times the spiral was cut we had the password 1589 and entering that room we have a very important detail that It's a painting saying I come back here to remember every day looking at them Wasn't there a different option where when I saw that I already knew where it was because I remembered having passed by a very similar room earlier so I went back there to see if there was anything I didn't understand very well and I was thinking a little and this is where I had already finished the
game and hadn't even realized what I'm going to say now. It may seem strange but at this point in the game I had already finished everything that it was supposed to be done, but I still played some 8 hours to really understand if I had already understood everything and the fault for me being so lost is that boss in the cemetery that I mentioned earlier. The game is purposely open to interpretation of many things, but there is one very simple detail that I just didn't have What is still understood is that whenever we solved a
large Puzzle in some area of the map we were able to open a door and behind that door there was the answer we needed, being able to solve the puzzles in the cave we blocked a page that talks about a mystery in the kitchen where to see you would need to look in a darker environment than just turning off the light so I went to the kitchen to take a look to see if there was anything there that I could do. I turned off the flashlight and nothing was happening until I remembered that the tip
was that it had to be darker than just turning off the lights, so to solve this part we have to open the game menu and change the brightness options where leaving the brightness at minimum we can see with the crystals and with that a sign on our screen that looking at it I already knew what That was it, markings to press in the unhaunted wing , but as I couldn't solve a Puzzle just knowing these parts, I decided to poke around a little more so I went back to the room that I unlocked after the
Battle Against the creature in the cemetery and inside there is a specter. that now that I know that I can communicate with him on the radio I can try to hear what he is saying and this spectrum says that he is hearing a sound near the radios but he wanted to be able to concentrate just on the music and not on being able to hear more nothing then if we get close to a radio and open the game settings and leave only the music volume, another image appears and we can get some more buttons and
finally to the last buttons we go back to the last thing we discovered the panel that said Isn't there a different option where after messing with the audio and brightness you think what a different option would be so going to that place and looking at the options right next to audio, I had another option, which in this case was the rest of the password that I needed. And with that, returning to the unhaunted ward, I already knew the buttons I needed to press and entering the password for all the information we had collected so far.
can open this door and inside we can see a tombstone with mud around it and in this Mia can use that ritual that we learned from Calisto's book which makes her make a drawing on the floor and if we take it and interact with lup We end up traveling inside the cathedral where inside we are very lost, not knowing what is happening and some scenes begin to appear of the mark of Fear in the cemetery, the eye that was in the caves, the spiral castle, a giant engine and several people from the cult of fear
and in the middle of this we see Veríssimo being attacked by someone and we see a person called jazer talking to Veríssimo until the two stabbed end up falling to the ground and jazer then says this ending one more time then both they fall dead on the ground and we just go back to normal and all Mia can see is that LOP is very sad about what happened because he saw Veríssimo die, besides that thing I didn't mention But that person who kills Veríssimo and he dies together and he is haunted and we know this
because of his eyes and another detail that I also didn't mention is that when this fight ends the camera zooms out and in this we can see that there is blood in several marks on the floor where writing this down we have one more code for the game menu again [Music] before continuing the next part of the game I just have to say one important thing here for the video it was the first time I used this ritual because it's what made sense However at the time I was playing this ritual is sometimes described as
a way of visualizing the past where by seeing the past we Maybe we can change it to change the future so necessarily all this struggle that we are seeing with the loop is something that the We as players want to change, we want to look for some way to prevent the Veríssimo dies and as Jazer himself says, this is not the ending he wants, which means that now that we have done everything necessary, we have solved the Enigma of fear, we have to go after the other ending and that I no longer I don't know
what else to say, it's [ __ ] shit absolute cinema [ __ ] what a script [ __ ] going back to the game menu and placing the symbols that we saw in the battle of Veríssimo we have a new chapter to play and this chapter serves to bring us answers to everything that was happening, so we can see details about small things that we saw in the story, like the moment when the man fell to the ground and got the scar, the moment of Yuri's vision that made him go crazy and want to build
the castle, see the Goliath who was that boy with his eyes covered, the family's grandmother who played music that created the crack and most importantly we see that the lie had a connection with the eye he knew everything and that's why he couldn't feel fear and how the family idolized fear, lying down was as if it was something from beyond something that knew everything and whoever knows everything is not afraid of anything this phrase is not in the game I just invented it and I thought it was very [ __ ] and with that we
play some parts with jazer and discover a lot of things from the past we see the Yuri that we had seen at the beginning of the game and we see that he was obsessed with immortality and that's why he searched for the slime and the lights to be eternalized in time we see that Goliath is that child without eyes he stays obsessed with the power of the eye and ends up transforming into that monster that we stop in the cave, we see that Tiana, the grandmother of the family, was the one who first played the
damn song that created that big crack in the middle of the map and finally see that the Abraham, the father of the family, was the one who created the cult of Fear, hoping that now that he had those eyes, the one who did not feel fear would be what they were waiting for, the great fearless one, where, like Abraham, he worshiped fear so that he could create the greatest fear of all, that who was not afraid, he who knew everything had to suffer the greatest fear of all and because of that's why the lie is
chained in the cathedral but as he knows everything he knows a way to escape from there also free from there the lie only follows what the eye is saying take a knife kill your father everything as it was written from the beginning we even see the young Veríssimo seeing the situation and trying to help the jazer and he then creates the ward of the haunted to be able to take care of the jazer there and something we see the jazer commenting on is how he already knew everything and he always saw everything happening But this
small part with verism Sofia is a single little thing that he wanted to last a little longer but nothing lasts forever until the fateful day when in the forbidden room we can hear Sofia screams as the jazer knows everything he already knows that she dies inside the forbidden room and after that Veríssimo leaves the perimeter but that he will return since there is no choice he always comes back this same ending always happens and the one we see who goes crazy about it is Calisto already that trying to understand the memory of dismayed he starts
to go crazy because he starts to know everything and to know everything is to lose everything and from that moment on Callisto becomes completely lost since just like he is now He has that eye and the eyes of God show Callisto everything that he needs to know all the role he will have and that's why Calisto, together with the rest of the team, made sure that everything was put together so that the other ending could be reached. old man and we can go to the basement and find Veríssimo thrown on the floor after the Battle
Against Callisto, the lie then arrests Veríssimo but he says the same chain the same answers and then he leaves this room takes a sword and we have to wait for Veríssimo's return until that fight that we watched with lup happens again and because he knows everything and is aware of everything that is going to happen, jazer ends up winning the fight and impaling Veríssimo who in the end ends up impaling him too and the Battle repeats everything in the same way remains the same and They can't reach the other ending and with that the screen
goes black and we go back to the beginning trapped in an Endless Cycle where the other ending is never reached . losing her you have a quick time event there but jazer knows everything it is impossible to surprise him there is no way for something impossible to happen so he always ends this fight with Veríssimo the same way But going back a little to this same area of the cathedral I came back to replay everything and I explored the Cathedral a little more where, taking a walk around, we can find a padlock and a tip
written on all of them and this padlock has the symbols from the game menu, so with that I go back to the game menu and put them all in the same way as the tip I was telling you where to put them all, nothing happens, that's not it, I made a mistake somewhere here, good, I even tried to do something different and put all the symbols of the playable characters, so I put the symbol of Veríssimo, Samuel da Mia and But nothing happened until one hour when I did something and the entire menu went black
and I thought it was something and it wasn't, it was just a visual bug And in the end after a lot of headbanging I only realized that there was a of the tips that I wasn't taking into consideration the tip about the chains that lie says same chains same answers where with that what I do is replay that little scene of Veríssimo having the battle with Calisto again and at the end when he appears chained to we do the same movements that we had made with the jazer since they were the same currents and with
that we release Veríssimo from this area and in fact you don't need to do the entire Veríssimo part again Just go to the menu and press the exit button that it will open that little screen but I thought this idea was very stupid When I was playing I just said man no one Press the exit button even more on the PC you press Alt F4 this game will also come out on the console on the console no one will press exit the person will turning off the console I thought this was just stupid solution and
that's why I I talked about the narration about you going all the way around because you can do it Both ways But I thought it was my coolest method of replaying Veríssimo's part But anyway, now with Veríssimo loose we can enter the Cathedral again and have the battle with the lie, however, if we go around here we can also find that same lock on the lie that the tip was for all of them, where putting all the symbols of everyone that we found, from Mia, Samuel, Veríssimo and jazer this lock breaks And now back to
playing with Mia and going to the Cathedral as it is there without the lock we can see Veríssimo and jazer's battle and shoot jazer before he kills Veríssimo thus preventing Veríssimo's death and making the other ending and it's a lie, what I just said was a lie, in fact I wish the game had done that for me, it would even make more sense, but the game's real answer is very different and I didn't like it her actually What the game wants you to do at this point is unlock that padlock so Mia can enter like
we did, but if you play with Mia and try to open the cathedral door it will still be locked because there is actually a little fight that I don't have. I commented But that same fight that we play with Jazer we can play from Veríssimo's point of view and the big catch here is that no matter what you do you will lose because Jazer knows everything about the character's CNE from him That's the one, he knows everything, he knows everything, so we even play in this little fight here, but we do n't expect to be
able to beat him, because it wouldn't even make sense, even while I was playing. see like we kill him here like it has nothing to do with the prophecy shows that we have to lose the battle I even made it funny at the time because it didn't make any sense but I discovered later that we really have to beat the jazer in this fight and I only discovered this because I was already 12 hours of Live and the chat guys warned me because I even had suspicions that that was it but to me it didn't
make sense so I said oh I think that's it and they told me Yes that's right you have to beat the jazer and I didn't like this choice even more because in Jazer's battle to beat him you just have to run away from him and then move forward with Veríssimo and you can hit him and I know this is very personal but for me the ending could have been like me I set it up back there, I did it there as a joke and I thought it worked perfectly, we open the lock because we are
outside of this cycle, we are not part of this world as a Player, so it makes sense that we can change some things in reality and be able to change the fate of the characters But in the end it doesn't matter because that's not what happens at the end of the game we really have to use Veríssimo to beat jazer where by beating him Mia ends up entering the middle of the battle and shooting him and we come back that little gray that I I had shown, I'm not going to say that the whole game
is shit because of that ending that I didn't like, but I confess that everything was wonderful for me and this part here I really didn't like, but anyway, so we can understand what happens now, let's move on. last menu screen back to the game we can see in this battle where after lying down taking this blow from Mia Veríssimo says that that shouldn't be happening because he should die here he had a vision he knew that his death should be here, however, something happened and it is in this moment when the lie is in Ecstasy
because he realizes that he couldn't predict this and he then starts to go into a state of madness he keeps asking himself who she is how he doesn't know that it doesn't make sense nothing makes sense and so reality becomes part in a crack but from inside it we can see an eye opening and we then see that the entire reality has been shaped something Definitely not right and in the middle of this void some hands appear and so we start a battle in one place that there is no where as this game is a
Puzzle the last battle it would have to be a Puzzle too so in order to escape from this area we have these bizarre hands attacking Mia and we have to solve some mini mini puzzles to get pieces of a clock and everything we do here in this area is nothing more than that the things we already had to do during the rest of the game, such as using light to age wood to be able to pass through an area or activating the generator so we could pass through an area that had a locked door or
even using the loop to be able to pass through a little door that we I couldn't pass this last boss, it's not impossible, especially compared to everything we've done, but this whole area is really crazy, including a special point for the boss, who is a bastard, he keeps making fun of us, he keeps putting his hand in our face and making it really cool Congratulations to whoever wrote the final boss of this game, he is very creative at the end, taking these pieces that I thought were from a clock, in fact they were the pieces
from the game's menu where we have a dialogue there Zinho Mia talking about how she doesn't knows what she has to do at this point until the moment when this Boss, these hands end up catching the loop and because of this Mia goes into a state of Fury and ends up simply punching Paranormal's hand but ends up being caught instead of him. The game screen gives some glitches again and we go back alone with the loop where now the loop is alone, there's no one here just those bizarre hands looking at it but never attacking
and that's when we have to go back to that circle in the middle and try to call the Mia , but the ritual doesn't work, she doesn't appear so we keep running around to see if there's anything we can do until the moment I manage to place Samuel's symbols, so I press his symbols and the light shines and we can call by him where with this we are teleported to an area with Samuel and like lup we can try to talk to someone but lup can't talk so everyone is very doubtful about what is happening
because the world is like that way until out of nowhere while we are talking they they turn into codes and we hear them talking about who Mia is, so we run back to the middle of that circle and try to place Veríssimo's symbol, we then find Veríssimo but again he turns into a bizarre code and so end, the last code left for us to try to call is jazer, so lup goes there, puts all the jazer symbols and we are transported to another area, suddenly the loop goes back to that mansion from the beginning of
the game, but completely destroyed and there we can meet the rest where He then says that we are here at the end and that nothing else exists here, we have reached the end of everything, but as we get closer, Jazer realizes that Lup is here with him and returning to play with Jazer, we have One objective is not to leave the room, Jazer can't get out of here because the other ending can't happen, but this time the loop is here with us, so we can go through a little hole using the loop and open the
chains that were holding Jazer back. inside and so with him we see the damage that this place is all completely bizarre and meaningless there is the end and we then see the steps of the prophecy that had been spoken we can see the cemetery The Crystal Cave the spiral castle And in the end we arrive at a new area and in this area we see Veríssimo again where talking to him he asks if jazer is ok if he is not hurt and jazer says he is okay dad talking to agath she also talks to jazer
as if nothing Had it happened, it was always normal jazer has always been a friend of Ágata And talking to Samuel the same thing he even has a special nickname for jazer but the only one who knows that everything is strange is lup he knows that Mia had to be here he remembers her and that's why Jazer himself decides that he is going to call Mia here so we go again to the center of the map and manage to place the symbols to call Mia a very strong light appears then and suddenly darkness apparently something
went wrong because the simply appears alone in a place we can try walk through this area But at some point an arrow appears And if we try to follow it no, some letters appear and the lup falls to the ground and gets up walking more slowly but he tries again it cannot be undone and the lup falls back to the ground hurt crying but he tries to go again it's over and darkness the game screen goes off again and we are left with nothing but then out of nowhere the light comes back on and we
see the lie loading the loop in the middle of the dark and in the middle of it who appears is the Mia desperate to try to meet with Lupe, the jazer lets Lupe go to Mia and so they finally meet again and so at that moment the jazer next to Mia sits in front of the end and we can ask him some questions to understand everything that happened and an interesting question is jazer asking Mia if she hates him, Mia then responds that more or less because he tried to kill her father but jazer says
that in his defense he was rooting for Veríssimo to win that fight so he could so end the cycle and another thing is we talk about the Enigma of Fear my question to jazer what is all this what happened what we are seeing what this end is and jazer just talks that somehow Mia managed to break the cycle and she says that maybe it was because she was born in the middle of that cycle but specifically on the day that Sofia died she gave birth to her daughter who was Mia and Veríssimo came out of
the perimeter to protect and care for her, but he had the vision that he was going to die inside fighting against the jazer and that's why he came back to make that future happen and ensure that nothing wrong would happen to Mia, but he had no way of knowing that Mia was the key to breaking this cycle and as they say something impossible happened to Mia it wasn't supposed to exist she is some kind of intervention of the Impossible or who we can also call the God of Fear in the end After the conversation jaz
gets up and thanks Mia because now he is free after the intervention happened, the cycle no longer exists, he is finally free, he no longer knows everything that happens, he can make decisions, he may be surprised, he may be afraid, he is free to leave, make friends, see places thanks to Mia and that's why in the in the end, jazer decides to do something that only he can do so he advances to the fear mark and we see a big flash happening where with the light going down we see that we are back at the
beginning of the game but things are different Apparently the perimeter no longer exists and so does Mia. It's different, she got a white streak just like what Jazer and Cbit had, and finally in this area we can talk to Samuel, talk to Agath, but what matters most is that we finally manage to meet Veríssimo Veríssimo then hugs Mia and when she asks why Veríssimo came here he says he doesn't know he came looking for an ending and in the end he ended up finding an answer they have a really cool dialogue here but what matters
most is that Veríssimo also doesn't know what what happened he can't remember what happened inside the perimeter But in the end all that matters is that now Mia was here with him the camera So he moves away and we hear a last message from Ágata saying that there are some missed calls on the her phone number of a certain Calisto and the game ends in an ending where nothing happened because the perimeter is a place that doesn't exist the ending of this game is really a little open some interpretations the last scene we have a
photo of the baby lying where he He also has a mark in his hair and a lot of things it happens but in the end what matters is the experience that was left since this one was the Enigma of fear and well this video is longer than I imagined I didn't think it would get that long I wanted to comment just a little and at the end it turned into a huge [ __ ] video because I liked the game I can't say anything other than what a cool game it was my first time experiencing
a Puzzle So there were so many new things there was so much emotion I felt so stupid sometimes my brain was full of ticktok and dopamine no I couldn't remember a lot of information so I kept going back and forth from one side to side but every time we solved it via a puzzle it was so satisfying again I just don't like the final part of the game I think Aquila there says it's a little way that sorry I don't like it I can't like it but it won't kill the entire game while I was
recording this review I saw that the game already has several update Pet Notes and even that problem I had with the game taking a long time to start has already been corrected I clicked here the game started fine but it still seems heavy so that's it here is a little point to consider This The game has to be accessible to more people but there's nothing to say about it I loved the game I really want to play other puzzles in the future, preferably something not so complicated that I have to do the impossible to understand
why 30 hours of Live was [ __ ] sbit and finally this was the video guys, I could ask for a like, subscribe and rpar but this time I just wanted a comment because this video was a little bit different than I thought I felt like I couldn't put so many memes but the story of this game it's so good, I wanted to make a video a little more focused on the story, I added a few jokes, but I wasn't going to stop calling famil estrá famillia sket, but I hope you liked it and I
wanted to know your opinion, even more so with such a video as big as this one so bro, thank you very much, that's it, if you want to leave a like, subscribe to the channel, I'll thank you so much and especially I would like to thank Instant Gam for sponsoring this video here, so for those of you who are looking to find some new games So for you, take a look at the first link in the description because the guys are helping me a lot this month of production, I want to do really cool deals,
so take a look at the first link in the description, in the pinned comment, there's a really cool deal for you and in In the end, I have to thank the channel members here who helped a lot with this project with a special shout out to the zado members of the channel ren 22 deorio ti caribo 64 Jonas hild de yt Nathan Santos Pablo Isaac Polish dunks War Lud Kaká Kirin T Salazar and I don't know kid and a more than special thank you to the insane members who have more money than B Sense Shabab
CV sala do tiger rutra and fixal thank you very much for catching the channel and a special shout out to the guys who posted the channel's subs in the lives and thank you in general because we have a lot of subs on the Live channel, we did something called suba, we drew a lot of subs for the chat and if you missed the subzin, know that it was only on the Live channel, it's on, it's always in the description but I understand the guys who can't watch Live I really spent 30 hours on this game,
you know, it's a bit of a mess But that's it now, let me finish this video because I have to sleep I've had a sore throat for three days cbit