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Jillz Guerin
Let’s talk about how to stay in your feminine energy to keep him chasing and pursuing you! 🔥 Also, ...
Video Transcript:
okay so let's talk about how to keep him chasing you or I should say how to keep him continuously trying to pursue you and put in the effort even after he has you whether this is a new relationship or you've been together for 10 years it doesn't matter these are the things you need to know hey friends welcome back if you're new here my name is jills and I help women step into their power tap into their divine feminine and become their best self so if that's something you want to do you should subscribe and
stick around and if you want to dive deeper don't forget to check out my awaken your feminine energy course or any of my other digital products like my notion template my workbooks Etc and you can find the links for all those down below so before we get into it I need to say two things and they're important okay so first if you want your partner to always be chasing you or pursuing you showing you love cherishing you you won't get there by playing toxic games or by being manipulative here's the thing you attract what you
put out toxic games attract toxic people and toxic Behavior creates toxic environments you will never truly get what you want in your relationship by trying to be manipulative about it trust me yes a healthy masculine man loves to pursue and there's a part of him that likes a little bit of the Chase and having to work for you and your attention but a healthy man also doesn't like to be toyed around with he also doesn't like to be disrespected and when you just intentionally play games or go way too far in the direction of playing
hard to get what you might be doing is accidentally pushing him away or if you're just in the initial stages of dating and talking to people you might be pushing away the good men and attracting the ones who only see you as something to win and that's not what you want all I'm trying to say is that this video is not for sneaky short-term manipulative tactics this is how to keep him authentically genuinely hooked on you for the Long Haul now the second thing that is so important that I have to mention if you are
the one chasing from the beginning you will always be the one doing the chasing meaning if you're the one who has to like pursue him and make plans with him and text him all the time and put in all the effort and get you guys to date then that will most likely forever be your role in the relationship if you want a partner that's continuously pursuing you even years and years later that's always chasing you then he needs to naturally be the pursuer from the beginning he needs to see you as a prize and something
worth putting in the effort for the topic of this video is not how to get him to chase you but how to keep him chasing you it's not rocket science of how to get him to pursue you from the beginning like he either is attracted to you and puts in the effort or he doesn't but what I'm saying is that if you want a relationship where you are always feeling cherished and adored forever and ever then it's probably not going to be with the man who you initially had to convince to spend time with you
and now that I've said what needed to be said I've said my piece we can move on but I first want to say a special thank you to majuri one of my favorite jewelry brands for kindly sponsoring this video so majuri has such cute stuff guys I've been a genuine customer of them since 2020 and I love their pieces for just like beautiful staple everyday wear the older pieces I have from them are still in great condition but I just got some new things that I love and I'm going to show you guys the first
one is my favorite it's this little delicate diamond necklace it's just so dainty and pretty and simple and I can wear it with literally anything next are these Pearl stud earrings again just super elegant and beautiful and Timeless and then I also got these cool climber studs I mean still just very classy but also a little bit more fun and I love this other delicate pretty necklace if you can't tell the style of jewelry I love tends to be on the more delicate side and I'm more of a silver girly but don't worry they have
so many cute gold pieces too and lastly these hoops I love them because they're silver in the front but gold on the back and again you can literally wear these with anything they're a classic everyday piece but they're also a little unique and interesting you can actually scan this QR code right here to check out some of their pieces or just click the link in the description below so go give them a brows I'm really grateful to work with mauy and I hope that you love their Pieces Just Like I Do okay so let's get
into it the first big tip to keep him pursuing you is that you still have to have your own life a lot of times what happens in a relationship is you just find yourself always being around each other right like and if you want to go do something you ask if he wants to come too and hey quality time is important quality time is my love language so I get it but you still need to have your own life and your own thing going on and you need to still feel comfortable and happy and excited
to do things without him and that's that's the thing when you're still doing your own thing spending time with your friends taking yourself to that cute little coffee shop or bookstore being involved in your hobbies going to that workout class you are not always available you're not always waiting on his energy and his attention to be fulfilled you are not always hovering now I want to be clear this isn't just about being busy for the sake of being busy or so that you can look like cool and like you have stuff going on I'm just
saying that if you want him to keep pursuing you you need to create the opport unity and the space to be pursued what is there to chase if you're always around always doing everything he does always calling him there isn't any in order for the masculine to pursue he has to have the physical space the energetic space to do that even if you doing your own thing is you just like turning off your phone and taking a bath trust me if you are not always available to him if you are doing things that you want
to do for yourself if you have boundaries around those things then he will want more more of you and that also gives him the space to be able to step up to be able to come to you and don't do all this as like just a little game to get him to pursue you or you know pretending that you have all this cool stuff going on do this authentically genuinely go enjoy your life genuinely go make yourself happy have your own things that are important to you and things that you like to do and have
boundaries around that and same with him let him do his own thing sometimes like if he's going golfing with his buddies you don't need to try to tag along just be like okay great have fun let him have his own life let him have his alone time this will create that polarity and enough distance for him to then be able to step up and want to draw you in literally it's just as simple as like how can he chase you if you're always there if you are always energetically on him like energetically it just does
not work I've been with my husband for 14 years okay we love spending time together but even I noticed this too where you know if I am just not as available because I'm doing my own thing and I'm doing things that genuinely make me happy that's when those little things start picking up like hey I made a reservation for dinner on Friday night are you available for that or hey I want to take you shopping at your favorite store this weekend or you know just like little random sweet texts that come through to keep the
polarity you need space there needs to be room to pursue and you authentically living your own wonderful life that is the best way to do this now moving on I'm just going to be super honest if you want him to keep pursuing you then you need to keep putting in the effort on yourself I know it's common where when we get into relationships sometimes we can get a little bit lazy or a little bit complacent and maybe we aren't really looking our best anymore we don't put in as much effort or take care of ourselves
as much but that is not how you sustain that polarity and that pursuing energy many years ago I was in my self-proclaimed potato era and I wasn't really taking care of myself I wasn't really looking my best or anything like that and you know the reason for that is because I was having health issues at the time and that was why but regardless I was in my potato era and I don't necessarily regret that because I think I needed a little bit of that potato energy if I'm honest like I was super burnt out but
eventually I decided okay this needs to end I don't like this anymore I'm I'm done with this and so I started putting more effort into myself I started putting more effort into my appearance and wearing cute outfits and doing my hair and my makeup and you know doing the hobbies that I like to do and reading books and once I started doing that immediately the vibe shifted immediately more attention like I don't want to sound superficial but your beauty and your feminine energy is a superpower and men are visual creatures and you can either use
that to your advantage or complain about it and I'm not talking about just dressing up and looking nice although of course that's important what I'm saying is is that you need to keep putting the effort into you whatever that means to you keep evolving keep learning new things keep continuing to grow as a person maybe that is your beauty maybe that's your Fitness maybe that's your education or the books that you read maybe that's your hobbies maybe that's your mindset there's no specific thing that you need to do you just need to keep putting the
effort into you whatever that means to you it is very attractive when someone is always evolving and growing and leveling up and because you are always moving up and up he has something to keep chasing and that leads me to my next point if you want him to keep chasing you and be kind of obsessed with you then you need to be obsessed with yourself first not in a crazy you know I can't control my ego kind of way I mean you need to be in love with yourself I want you to love who you
are I want you to love the way you look I want you to love your personality I want you to love your life I want you to love your hobbies and your books and your cute little mugs that you pour your coffee in in the morning I want you to love that funny little Freckle that sits on the tip of your nose you set the energy if you put effort into yourself he will be much more likely to put effort into you if you truly love and cherish yourself he will be much more likely to
truly love and cherish you you set the energy your energy creates standards your energy tells them how to treat you and how to interact with you when you are genuinely in love with yourself not just faking it he will have no choice but to follow along because that love for yourself is what's going to create the standard for what you get in your life life and what you are open to receiving and when you truly love yourself love who you are that energy is magnetic it's attractive it's enticing and everyone wants a piece of it
okay so this next tip is something that I tell all my friends so let's say that you are in a relationship and the man is the masculine energy and the woman is the feminine energy now of course it doesn't have to be this way but for the sake of this example that's what we're going to use when the man is not stepping up in the relationship when he's not putting in the effort when he's not leading when he's not making plans and when he starts being a little bit more passive he tends to lean more
into his feminine energy now it doesn't necessarily mean that he is a feminine man it just means that in the context of the relationship at least he's leaning more into his feminine energy so when you're in a relationship and your partner starts being a bit more passive more in his feminine what naturally happens because of the law of polarity is you naturally Step Up you naturally start being a little bit more masculine you naturally start trying to direct and be controlling and take over and lead and we do this in many areas of our life
like if our partner is more spontaneous and free-spirited we're more likely to feel like we have to be the planner or if our partner is more like very realistic very dependable very logical then maybe we start being a little bit more dreamy a little bit more of a Visionary Partners tend to naturally be complimentary opposites a bit and you know not every way not all the time but we see this quite often and that's why extroverts and introverts end up falling in love and marrying each other all the time so when our partner gets more
passive and isn't really putting in the effort and all that stuff we naturally want to step up right but you have to do the opposite you can't let him shifting into his feminine energy take you out of being in yours you can't let his passivity shift your behavior and take you out of being your best self so what do you do when this happens you're going to do all of the things that I've already mentioned you're going to focus on yourself you're going to live your best life take care of yourself make yourself happy you're
not going to take over you're not going to tell him what to do you're not going to try to control him you're not going to try to solve all his problems for him if he asks you a question where he is like putting the leadership onto you you answer oh I don't know now of course you can clearly communicate to him what you desire but you have to put the force and control part of it away and this is a really common Dynamic that Canen happen in relationships especially once you've been together for a while
and especially once you live together but the minute you try to control him is the minute you lose him meaning once you try to take over the relationship and tell him what to do and why he's not good enough his desire to pursue will fizzle out he may still love you very much but his desire to pursue will not be there and if you haven't seen my how to stop mothering your man video and this is something that you struggle with definitely go watch it and lastly you really need to ask yourself what energy do
I bring to his life when we're in a relationship with someone yes we're with them because we like who they are we love who they are but we are mostly in a relationship with them because we love how we feel when we're with them if you want to keep that pursuing going from him it'll be a lot easier when he is pulled in by you and your energy and when he feels good in your presence right like if when you're with your partner you always feel safe loved cherished taken care of happy if that's how
his presence makes you feel that will keep you drawn into his energy but what energy do you bring to his life does your energy and does your presence make him feel powerful and capable does your energy make him feel peaceful and calm or maybe does your energy add like fun and spontaneity to his life does your energy make him feel appreciated does your energy make him feel supported do you Express gratitude to him and be honest about it do you bring a playful positive energy to his life or are you always complaining is your presence
giving him the energy of home of warmth of Love or is it doing the opposite what you need to realize is that all human beings are sensitive men included even though they might try to pretend that they're not and if you're criticizing him all the time or downplaying his achievements or not respecting what he has to say or complaining all the time then that hurts him that makes him feel like less of himself and he will not feel good in that energy I'm not saying that you need to run around and make sure everything is
taken care of for him and cook all of his meals for him and always put his needs first and do everything for him so that finally you can be deserving of being pursued and cared for that's not what I'm saying and quite frankly that's not how it works the nice things you do for him is not necessarily what's going to keep him pursuing and chasing you your energy is what keeps him pursuing and chasing you sure you can do nice things for him but more importantly what energy do you bring to his life when he
feels good when he's with you when he feels powerful and appreciated and respected and loved when you bring Good Vibes into his life he will stay addicted to you your energy is what keeps a man around and keeps him chasing you it's not your looks although of course that can help it's not your looks it's not your job it's not how much money you make it's not how good of a stake you're able to make it's not how good at budgeting you are it's how does he feel when he's with you and if he truly
feels good being around you then he will work to keep you around and he will work to keep you happy because your energy is irreplaceable to him let me know your thoughts on this topic in the comments below I'd love to hear them and if you haven't seen this video how to stop mothering your man I highly recommend you go watch it because if you want your partner to keep pursuing you that mothering energy does not help and this video is very very helpful for that so I will see you over there or I'll just
see you next time in my next video bye
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