Como calcular seus macro nutrientes *tin tin por tin tin* 👌

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Leandro Twin
Assessoria esportiva online e cursos: E-book "Dieta Inteligente - Pa...
Video Transcript:
bucking a weight gain diet let's go start with weight gain then loss then recomposition after performance let's go through everything in today's video you will learn how to calculate your macronutrients for your diet flexible or not for bulking cutting body recomposition performance doesn't matter to all goals and all i ask in return is that you click like and subscribe in the channel let's go to those who are coming now right What is macro nutrients is macronutrients? proteins and fats will be addressed fibers come in as macronutrient too but they are a background already that they do not directly influence directly in our development muscle in our performance and yes much more for the quality of life cool Leandrão so I counting the macronutrients doing my right math how much I consume protein carbohydrate and fat i'll get extract the results? Is that all?
is it that simple? folks you have to start from something so macronutrients are 95% of results the other 5% will be some other strategies some other finer things it's no use if you don't have the cake you want to put a cherry on it so if worries right starts from the beginning after you get it right you can go on subscribed here on the channel enjoys and already clicks there I didn't like it looking for more performance but if worry stock 95% dieting is easy I will uncomplicate for you now always remembering that is a calculation the macros for my students so if you are interested in being the my student leandrotin. com.
br and take responsibility for your results with me a warning before we guys is talking about macronutrient what does that mean means that in 100 grams of chicken heavy raw we will have 20 grams of protein beauty? so when we talk here ah I have hit my day I'm kicking a number ok? I will teach you to calculate two hundred grams of protein in the .
. . are not 200 grams of chicken are 200 grams of protein 100 grams chicken 20 grams of protein then would have to consume 1 kilo of chicken if I consumed only the chicken but of course we have other fonts right we have eggs we have dairy etc so everything this will add up to give those 200 grams in this example OK?
understood? leandro 100 grams of chicken has 20 grams of protein beauty but what about the rest? Where do I see it?
there is a website very intuitive that calls www. tabeladealimentos. com.
br that has a stamp of growth supplements there there you go find the macro nutrients of foods Leandro not have something more practical? yes there is you can download the app so by example my fitness pal a fat secret or some other of yours preference even here in comments and enter your app favorite for other people to refer to and see what's good for them to see the which is better suddenly an app a more intuitive app for free write here in the comments on that application in these applications you will register the food I ate 100 grams of chicken normally he already goes there and calculates hours and already ingested 20 grams of protein aj threw 100 grams of rice already consumed 26 27 grams of carbohydrate and so you just throwing food and the amount and will give the macro when you close it you solved your first day of diet is simplifying right? OK come on as i calculate the macronutrients for a bulking diet a gain diet weight let's start by weight gain later loss later recomposition later performance let's go through everything bulking usually ok?
2 gram kilo of total protein so if i weigh 70 pounds two grams times 70 140 grams of protein is not the food is from macro protein nutrient your got 80 pounds 160 grams if i have 90 pounds 180 grams if i have 100 pounds two hundred grams okay? I'm giving example because it's to get out of here solved then protein 2 gram kilo cool fat one gram Kilo Leandro has literature indicating 0. 4 and 0.
6 and 1. 2 guys let's focus on the simple let's start from something to stop being approached by millions of things that in the end you will not understand anything then a gram kilo of fat is wrong No! Are there any other strategies?
exist but Here you will not go wrong. Carbohydrates This is the variable point of bulking. 4 grams that's a good kickoff for those with a slower metabolism or don't do too much physical activity for those who do many physical activities 5.
6, 7 gram kilo looks like a number quite interesting. Some individuals may need 8, 9 grams kilo Leandro It's a pretty high amount. True but there are individuals who can get there so from 4 gram kilo Are you good?
Leandro spent a week I didn't win Nothing weight. I won nothing, zero, failed, you failed you gave me the hint I applied and bad This can happen I have no way of knowing exactly your metabolism. This is a kickoff spent a week, I weigh a hundred pounds, was consuming 400 grams and now i consume more half a gram kilo ie i add another 50 grams, 450, and so successively.
I will evaluate again. Not worked out I will increase until the moment that Ah Leandro increased by 300 grams safe Calorie, okay. We don't want to go fast too much.
Macronutrient macro for cutting 2 gram kilo of protein again one gram pound of fat again and the carbohydrate 2 gram that however individuals who have too easily to lose weight can start with three pounds kilo. Same It started there, beauty, cool. I'm going take out carbohydrate when it stagnates A week went by, I didn't lose weight.
Watch out that we can gain muscle mass such even in the well-made calorie deficit but let's suppose I didn't lose fat same body. I'm going Download 0. 2 gram kilo so I'll move from 2 to 1.
8 another week Leandrão now I lost 400 grams a lot little right no you don't want to lose muscle mass so the pace can't be much accelerated so go good Leandro didn't miss a thing strip 0. 2 again, and so on right? we have the cutting macro body recomposition so I'm a fake skinny.
How do I do with my macros 2 gram kilo of protein again a pound of fat again Did you realize that this is reasonably fixed? because we have some needs we will move, will modulate more Does Leandro Carbohydrate Have Other Strategies? I already said that there is but this is for later I will start with my diet between 3 and 4 grams pound of carbohydrate.
Usually three grams that's a good number and all the weeks I will take 0. 2 grams of kilo of That my weight doesn't change, it doesn't matter. I i will start with 3 and i will take 2.
8 2. 6 2. 4 2.
2 2. 0 until you reach half a gram pound of carbohydrate. When you get there i will apply the reverse diet then i will start climbing half a kilo gram so I will go from 0.
5 to 1, from 1 to 1. 5 from 1. 5 to 2 until you get to 3 grams kilo and reduction again.
Doing this carbohydrate cycle you will have a body recomposition beauty. Performance when we seek performance we you have to remember that we don't seek necessarily weight gain or loss even though they may happen then a marathon runner, then an athlete of strength, a gymnast, a footballer he want to keep that weight, we will assume he is already at the ideal weight. AND then he will throw 2 grams at a kilo of protein 1 gram kilo of fat realize that it's always these values ​​to It is really simple.
Carbohydrate usually 5 gram kilo because he has a very large energy expenditure if he gains a lot of weight we lower a little bit if he loses weight we climbs a little, until you reach a point where will he keep the weight with the highest carbohydrate possible, and so he will get a better performance. Individuals who are preparing for a TAF - test of physical fitness can fit in here Of course, Leandro I'm overweight and I want to do a TAF in that particular case obviously you will have to reduce the body fat but if you are already in your ideal weight here is a good macronutrient calculation for you beauty? is it solved?
ok but i need complement that not to let the Wish. We talked about 2 grams here kilo do not know what kilo such. All on the kilo but do you agree with me that the individual 5 percent fat is other than a 30% fat.
And I I put here generic numbers, but it was for simplify, it was to help you facilitate and understand. Guys when we treat of an individual above 20% of body fat we can discount about 20% of milestones so we can play a 1. 6 carbohydrate fat 0.
8 and protein 1. 6 in one cutting diet because if the individual is just high fat he won't make a weight gain he will always do decrease. So he can discount 20% of the milestones.
Women can discount 20% of the first macros because they already have a little fat percentage higher right usually the woman has above 20% so she automatically already falls within this range of decreasing own 20% of all macros. This is only caveat you'll have to now. Leandro, again I ask for you: we have more strategies, we have more?
Of course, we have a lot, but we have to start from a base, After the base you will cut. So first calculates the macros downloads the application and makes all right, monitors, makes the reductions, and Then we look for more. Always remembering that 90% of your diet It has to be clean food.
Diet flexible is not bum diet it's diet of people who understood that they can relax, consume various foods healthy Always vary the menu, but always with decency in choosing the foods. Finally there is a modality one a little more advanced, which is the cycle of Carbohydrates. Where I make a high day, and a low day.
This cycling more but I'll indicate a video about this, which I already recorded explaining right how do you do this cycle of carbohydrates now that you already have the introduction of macros. He can be sensational for a recomposition body too, to improve burning fat and gain muscle mass. Beauty?
click the like, subscribe to channel. If you have any questions - Leandro What are the best sources of protein? write like this: Leandro Twin Protein in youtube What are the best sources of carbohydrate?
Leandro Twin Carbohydrate, which you will find because i already recorded of everything, and what I didn't record you write here in the comments, beauty? stay with this video and a hug Here we are once again to talk about Diet food, nutrition. It was a lot, a very popular theme.
I think so nice of us to talk about what I would like to take the fixed theory there fixed and everything and turn this into something much more easy right that is the cycle diet of carbohydrates . . .
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