3 Actually Horrifying TRUE Horror Stories

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Mr. Nightmare
From the woods, to the beach, to home, these are three allegedly true scary stories sent by viewers....
Video Transcript:
when my cousin Cody and I were in our early 20s we went on a handful of camping trips around Colorado this happened I believe when I was 22 and he was 23 and it happened in urrao Forest it was my first time camping there not Cody's though it was in the middle of the week our jobs allowed us to have off days in the middle of the week and we'd often go in our campouts then to avoid traffic and crowds I always let Cody take charge on these trips he's the eagle scout not me we
parked by a picnic area and we set foot into the woods from there after about 15 minutes of hiking deeper into the woods we found a good spot to set up camp a good spot meaning a big enough clearing to fit two tents the portable stove and a campfire the first thing we did was unpack our stuff and set up our tents Cody has always been a lot quicker than me in pitching a 10 he does it in only a few minutes it always takes me over 20 minutes or rather it always took me over
20 minutes as I haven't been camping out in the wilderness since this the next thing we did was create a ring of stones for a fire then gathered some sticks and wood he did bring some fire starter and a lighter so I guess we kind of cheated but oh well it was at the point in the day when the sun was going down we had a fire going and now Cody was ring up some steak and burgers one thing about Cody is he always went all out with the food on these trips and he's a
really good cook so I always trusted him with feeding us of course we had our bear spray in case the smell of the food would attract a black bear which Cody always said was very unlikely he always says the real thing you got to worry about in the middle of the woods is other people as we ate our steak and burgers we cracked open some beers and had some classic rock playing on the speaker if you've never been camping you don't understand how good of a Vibe moments like this are in the wilderness with a
friend or family member and some beers reminiscing about good times and vibing to music as it got dark we started playing card games on this little folding platform table we brought specifically for cards after playing more traditional card games we started playing Uno and this was when we heard something out in the woods I paused the song on my phone so that the speaker would go silent it was clear now we heard a person humming and foot Steps From Beyond the trees in the pitch Blackness of the forest Cody urged me to find the flashlight
I tried but by the time I found it the sounds had faded away I asked Cody if that was something to be concerned about and he said it definitely was unusual for someone else to be this deep in the woods let alone creepily walking by a campsite with an act of campfire humming loudly I was a bit shaken and I saw Cody was too we went back to playing cards with the music much lower now when when we least expected it a big stick Landing in the middle of our campsite made us both jump out
of our skin it didn't fall from a tree this thing was thrown at us by someone Cody started yelling something along the lines of whoever's out there messing with us get a life and off and then footsteps could be heard once again in the distance they were walking away from us I said we should pack up camp and move somewhere else he said absolutely not in the dark we both had be spray and he advised to just keep it next to me in my tent when we go to sleep it was the closest thing to
range self-defense weapons we had we kept hearing sounds like tree branches cracking in the distance sounds that you would never expect an animal to be making someone was out there maybe multiple people that much was clear we had to go to sleep eventually so we agreed that maybe we should take turns staying up to keep watch to make sure that no one comes to our campsite and steals anything or worse Cody agreed to take First Watch he said he'd stay up and read his book so I crawled into my tent and then my sleeping bag
and went to sleep waking up in the middle of the night while camping is normal you're in a cold outdoor environment and an uncomfortable sleeping bag any number of things could wake you up I didn't yet know what woke me up I was still in a fog my brain didn't feel fully woken up yet I looked up and saw a head peering into my tent it looked like Cody I rubbed my eyes but really it was the darkness that was preventing me from seeing anything of his face I said Cody thinking he was waking me
up to take my turn of keeping watch I said groggy is it my turn I stared at the head peering at me in my sleeping bag slowly growing more awake every second then I heard the zipper to the tent quickly zip up and his head disappeared I laid back down in my sleeping bag but only for a second I suddenly had some weird Moment of clarity where I shot to an upright position and listened as the footsteps walked away Cody I said he didn't answer I unzipped my tent to peek out to the campsite the
fire was dead Cody wasn't out there I went over to Cody's tent which was zipped up I unzipped it and looked inside to see Cody fast asleep in his sleeping bag I got chills Goosebumps whatever you want to call it I almost myself at the realization I started shaking him awake and when he finally awoke I told him someone's here at the campsite it took him a minute to come back to reality just like I did but when he did he grabbed his bear spray he said he must have dozed off while reading he said
I should sleep in the tent with him tonight but to do that I'd need my sleeping bag he came outside of the tent with me and stood watch as I ran to my tent to grab my sleeping bag in my tent grabbing my sleeping bag I heard that godamn humming again from outside I grabbed it and Cody whispered at me to hurry up I said you hear that too he said yes we both got back in his tent and zipped it up with our cans of bear spray by our sides I tell you in those
moments I wanted nothing more than for a bear to come and save the day the hours dragged on as I stayed up while Cody slept after three long horrible hours I woke him up and we switched when Cody woke me up it was almost Dawn there was light outside so we packed everything up and by the time we were done there was plenty of light to hike back to the car while we could have driven somewhere else and had another night of camping elsewhere neither of us were feeling it anymore this was a haunting experience
and I think we both just wanted to be in the safety of our houses it's been 6 years since this happened and he's hit me up a few times since then about camping but I haven't really had interest since this experience people are just too scary why was someone out there stalking our campsite in the sight of that person's head in the dark just looking into my tent it was straight up from a nightmare I may never go camping again [Music] honestly when my friends and I rented a beach house in Florida I never could
have expected how things would have turned out it was the four of us in a cramped car driving down there the house was directly on the beach it was on this road that had the bay in front of the house across the street and then in the backyard was literally the beach there were some huge houses on this road and some smaller more normal looking ones this was one of the more modest looking ones it had four bedrooms so a bedroom for each of us the houses were spaced out on this road creating a sense
of privacy and the whole time we were unloading the car out front not a single car passed by on this road the interior of the house was decent it wasn't spectacular but it was modest clean and the owners were really pushing a beach theme with the wall decor I guess it would make sense considering the location there was even a decorative surfboard in one corner of the living room behind the TV the living room looked out to the back deck which then looked out to the beach The View was amazing the deck wasn't elevated very
high off the ground it was just two steps down and onto the sand we all claimed our bedrooms I managed to get one of the rooms with a view of the beach first thing we did after settling in was of course walking outside and laying on the beach we all went in the water at one point and then played football we were definitely on the beach for a few hours we seemed to be the only ones on the beach apart from this older looking couple way down the beach afterwards we went out to eat and
then started bar hopping in the town area when we ubered back it was dark out we went outside on on the beach to around and Play Late Night Football while we were kind of drunk as I was running to grab the ball after missing a catch I noticed something in the water the moon reflecting on the ocean was the only reason I could see it I said what the is that out loud and then realized it was a person standing in the water about Waist Deep my friends looked over and said they saw it too
it was only a little weird because of the time it was like past midnight but hey if a local wants to go for a midnight swim that's their business we then went to sit on the deck and drank beers for a while until we got tired and one by one everyone started going inside to go to sleep my friend John and I were the last ones out there I had been every once in a while glancing in the direction I saw that person before in the water just out of curiosity and So eventually when I
shot a glance in that direction I spotted someone standing on the beach they appeared to be just standing there facing us it was kind of creepy maybe a neighbor I didn't want to be rude but I wondered if it was the same person we tried to ignore it but John was facing that person and after a while he said they were still just standing there facing us I stood up and looked over and saw he was right I yelled out is everything okay John asked why' you do that I honestly didn't know what I was
expecting they didn't even reply anything though we were officially creeped out so we went inside the other two Travis and Liam were already in their room was probably knocked out from drinking so John and I decided to just call it a night too so that we could have a full day tomorrow if I had to guess it was 12:30 to 1:00 a.m. which was honestly on the earlier side but we were all burnt out from the long day I went to my room after brushing my teeth I looked out the window wanting to take a
look to the ocean before crawling into bed this is where the creepiness Factor escalated substantially because there was now someone standing in front of the back deck facing the house I felt like they were facing my window the figure of the person appeared to be male considering the slightly larger frame it was undoubtedly the same person from before I called Jon's name he didn't reply so I ran to his room and banged on his door telling him to come out he came out pretty quickly and I led him to my window to look outside but
now the person was gone I swore to him that the person from earlier was just standing as still as before right in front of of Our Deck he believed me we weren't about to go outside and look around though I took one more look to make sure that they were still gone and then I shut the blind to the bedroom window but as I lay awake in bed rolling from side to side trying to sleep I just couldn't shake the feeling that someone was still outside who was that person why were they creeping around my
thoughts were interrupted by the sickening sound of a fist knocking on the bedroom window I felt like my ins Ides just shriveled up and my heart completely dropped out of my body I laid silent and Frozen moments later another light set of knocks on the glass I didn't dare lift the blind though I couldn't gather the courage to I almost yelled who is it but I stopped myself instead I ran out to the living room screaming for everyone to wake up everyone one by one came out of their rooms no one was at the window
when we checked all four of us went out to the deck and turned on the lights to the deck we looked out onto the beach and didn't see anyone we also checked the front and sides of the house no one John and I had to explain to the other two what they missed when they fell asleep we kept the backyard lights on that night the next day John and I went to the two nearest neighbors and asked them if they had also experienced someone knocking on their windows or doors one of the neighbors told us
a genuinely freaky encounter he had a week earlier someone knocked on their door in the middle of the night and when he asked who it was they wouldn't answer and just kept knocking so he didn't answer the door I'm not sure if it was connected but if it was that just makes this even scarier we spent the rest of the day on the beach exploring nearby towns and hitting bars nothing happened that night we left the next day I still wonder what I would have seen if I had lifted the blind I was 9 years
old when this happened for whatever reason I was Home Alone one night so I was playing video games upstairs in my room I wasn't allowed to answer the door to anyone when I was home alone whenever I was left alone it wasn't for long my mom would just be out grocery shopping or something like that I was playing Metroid Prime on my GameCube I used to be obsessed with that game I heard the house phone downstairs start to ring my mom always told me to pick up the phone if it rang in case it was
her calling so I hurried downstairs and by maybe the fourth ring I picked up the caller ID was from my mom's cell phone she said sweetie can you come outside and help with the groceries I replied mom she said back yes I felt like something sounded off with her voice you obviously know your own mom's voice and so even at such a young age when I was questioning why it didn't sound like her I said why do you sound like that she replied like what sweetie and I hung up my mom would never use the
word sweetie like that especially twice in a matter of seconds the phone rang again and my mom's number came up on the caller ID again I ignored it for some reason my heart was racing I was nervous I sat in the kitchen waiting to see if the phone would ring a third time and it did it took a couple minutes before the third ringing but when I checked the caller ID this time it was a different number I picked up and a man's voice on the other end said hey James I know this is going
to sound weird weird but it's your dad I'm outside all I could mutter out was a weak what the man said I'm outside I have a lot to explain I hung up right then and there my dad died when I was three I have no memories of him my suspicion was in fact true that the first voice I heard was not my mom's the phone rang again and then again after that I ignored it each time I couldn't even call my mom because someone clearly had her phone then things took a turn for the worse
when there were knocks at the front door this went from a someone has my mom's phone situation to a someone is outside the house situation my mom would not be knocking on the door she'd have a key obviously I peered around the wall of the kitchen to look at the front door I heard a man's muffled voice on the other side saying my name he was saying it's your dad he rang the doorbell and then I heard him start attempting to open the door I did something that no 9-year-old should ever have to do and
that was grabbing the phone and calling 911 the 911 operator asked me what I imagined to be some pretty standard questions most importantly telling me to wait in a bathroom or other room with a lockable door until the police get there the bathroom is on the first floor of the house I hid in there with the lights off whoever was outside came to the window and tried pulling it open I heard their entire struggle then they must have moved to the next window I think they tried every window and door in the house if anything
were to have been unlocked this story would have had a very different outcome they must have given up at some point before the police arrived and I say they because clearly there were two people involved in this a man and a woman they both could have been out there for all I know the operator told me that the police are at the front door now and it's safe to go meet them there only when I opened the door to the police was when I hung up the phone they did a quick investigation inside and outside
of the house and asked me where my mom was supposed to be and if my mom knew anyone who might want to hurt us I'm sure I said I thought she was grocery shopping or something and not that I know of my mom returned home with my little sister in a panic when she saw the police cars out front my mom's phone was stolen which was already clear I'm sure that our address home phone number and other personal information was stored somewhere on the phone easily accessible though how they knew my name I'm not exactly
sure something on my mom's phone must have given it away it was an old Nokia flip phone who stole it was a mystery but my mom's phone background was a picture of her with my little sister and I this could have been an indication to some disgusting creepy couple out there that the owner of this phone was a single mom with two young kids and they tried to use that as a way of tricking me into leaving the house which is absolutely disgusting and horrific the phone must have been destroyed after the failed attempts at
trying to lure me outside things were a little different after this my mom wouldn't leave me alone anymore at night not until I was a few years older at least
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