Get ready to discover the Magical Secrets of clove water before bed that will transform your nights and improve your health like you never imagined. Stay tuned because in this incredible video I will tell you surprising benefits of clove water that no one has ever told you before . You don't want to miss any details of this magical recipe that I'm going to give you that can change your health.
Welcome back to our channel where it reveals the Secrets of Nature's Most Potent Remedies. If I told you that these tiny cloves from India can be the key to unlocking a series of health benefits, from combating oxidative stress to strengthening your digestive system . the potential benefits of this little flower are mind-blowing And if I tell you that leaving these flowers in water at night can amplify these wonderful effects that cloves have on our health stay with me as we dive deep into the research and today you will discover the whole truth and the Magic behind drinking clove water now just a quick reminder all the information I provide in this video is for educational purposes and is not intended to be a medical consultation all the benefits are based on scientific articles Let's grab some tea and let me know follow along on this Incredible Journey So we're going to start our count of benefits with the wonderful benefit that I'm enjoying, I'm using cloves every day and I'm telling you that there's a feeling of bloating in my stomach, oh, by the way, if you're looking for a way simple and natural way to improve your digestion you will find with clove water we will delve deeper into the science and discover how this ancient remedy can bring relief and promote a healthy digestive system So how exactly does clove water improve our digestion I did a lot of scientific research which I will leave the link to here in the video description and I found several studies that show that cloves have powerful digestive properties for diarrhea food poisoning it inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria in our intestine clove water will help to maintain the healthy balance of our intestinal microbiota and prevent these digestive disorders, cloves contain a compound called eugenol, which will also stimulate the production of digestive tracts .
powerful role of Clove so it will help increase the production of these digestive enzymes, facilitating the breakdown of food and facilitating the absorption of nutrients another study that I found in the journal of Nutrition in 2013 It demonstrated that clove extracts in addition to increasing the production of digestive enzymes they increase the activity of digestive enzymes such as amylase and lipase, increasing enzymatic activity and clove water promotes efficient digestion and prevents various discomforts related to digestion such as bloating, incorporating clove water into your nighttime routine can be a gentle and effective way to improve your digestion, clove water is full of anti-inflammatory properties, a study published in 2012 researchers discovered that eugenol suppresses the activity of the oxygenase cycle, which is a key enzyme involved in inflammation, so it's like having a super power in just a glass of water but how does this all work so well while we sleep because this works so well while we sleep because at night our body naturally enters a state of repair so by incorporating clove water into your nighttime routine you are effectively Armando your body with the necessary tools to fight inflammation much more efficiently and eugenol is the hero compound that will work by interrupting the inflammation process and calming the body leading to less discomfort and a much stronger immune response, cloves are a powerful antioxidant and isn't it incredible how something as simple as clove water can contain so many benefits such a small flower made from those little buds we use in our kitchen is a surprising superhero its antioxidant prowess sells compounds it has such as vitamin C vitamin E flavonoids such as eugenol gallic acid These are high performance antioxidants To prove this, a newspaper from the food foundation in 2019 mentions that these compounds are specifically efficient in scavenging harmful free radicals in our body, these free radicals Microscopic, they act more or less like Penetrates in our body, causing various types of problems, from aging to various diseases, but it will only come to pass that when our bodies are at rest, the antioxidants in clove water work harder to repair our cells, research published in 2022 I will leave the link to all the research here in the video description, it showed that antioxidants are much more effective when we use them at rest. Because at rest the body can focus on repairing without having the distraction of day to day activities. day translating in a few words drinking clove water at night is like calling a cleaning team for our body and it's like saying to the body while it sleeps rest You can rest because today there is a team of cleaning ladies to clean you which are the antioxidants of Clove, how interesting, how cool, right, at night, the antioxidants better clean the dirt that our body produces during the day, so the next time you drink your water with cloves at night, remember, it's not just a drink, it's an ocean of cleaners cleaning the dirt from our body want to improve the health of your liver have you ever wondered how a simple glass of clove water taken at night can do wonders for your liver the secret lies in the powerful combination of protective and detoxifying properties of clove water Clove water in several countries has already become a popular drink as it is full of antioxidants and a compound called eugenol, it has been scientifically recognized for its hepatic protective anti-inflammatory antioxidant effects, this little spice is a powerhouse working tirelessly to protect the your liver while you sleep So how does all this happen in your body, your liver is like a filter, tirelessly cleaning the toxins from our body daily, over time, with so much dirt that we ingest, this process can become overwhelming and cause damage and This is where clove water will come in, it will improve our body's natural detoxification process and prevent lipid peroxidation which is a key factor in liver damage and this means your liver can do its job of filtering .
the toxins much more efficiently But that's not all Did you know that clove water can really help regenerate damaged liver tissues, I'll prove it to you, a study carried out in 2016 found that clove extract can Regenerate liver cells liver clove water is for our liver making a simple comparison as a much needed refresh button so when you are drinking your glass of clove water at night remember that you are not just drinking a drink you are giving it to your liver a well-deserved detoxification helping it to function better and possibly even helping it to regenerate Look how incredible the powers of cloves are for our health now another wonderful effect proven by science is that cloves regulate blood sugar and isn't it wonderful how nature provides solutions for us For us to stay healthy with these Magical elements That's why I say always go more to nature and less to the pharmacy and humble cloves when it is infused in water and consumed at night it will help regulate sugar levels in the blood and that is why clove increases insulin production and improves insulin sensitivity which is the crucial hormone for regulating blood sugar levels in the body and its enhanced functionality thanks to clove keeps sugar levels stable and cloves contain another incredible ingredient that helps move blood sugar into cells, thus controlling blood glucose levels, but I'm going to tell you an interesting twist to this story, a study I found published in 2019 found that consuming water with cloves at night when our bodies are at rest will further enhance all these benefits during at night because clove water works together with our biology, optimizing blood sugar regulation, so the wonder of this is that clove water helps to naturally control blood sugar, your respiratory health deserves care, did you know that clove water it can bring you many benefits for your respiratory health and you can achieve this by consuming clove water at night but then you may ask me how exactly this will work to improve my respiratory health, well the compounds contained in cloves start to work and calm the lining of the airways reducing inflammation which will make breathing easier a study that I found published states that eugenol which is the most active compound in Clove it suppresses coughing and opens the passage for us to breathe better and the lungs will be able to its work moving air in and out much more efficiently did you know that cloves can also improve the health of your bones I found research and information on how water with cloves improves bone health I'll break it down for you to understand studies show that clove water when consumed at night will have a positive impact on bone health and a study published in 2019 researchers found that clove extract is rich in bioactive compounds such as eugenol and various flavonoids and will improve bone mineralization and it will also prevent the loss of bone mass, but don't just take my word for it, I'll tell you about another study that was published in 2021 that shows that the consumption of clove water led to an improvement in patients' bone density. It increased bone strength by research carried out on rats, so the next time you consume your water with cloves at night, you won't just be consuming a drink with a wonderful aroma, you will be giving health to your bones, now you want your oral health in order, there's nothing better thing than cloves for our oral health, cloves have been used for centuries in traditional medicine Due to their antimicrobial properties, powerful antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, but because cloves are so powerful for our oral health, they are very powerful because they combat bacteria and a study that I found in 2019 demonstrated that the giant antibacterial activity that cloves have against various bacterial arrows that are very common in our mouth will also help reduce inflammation in the gums. I found a study published in 2017 where researchers discovered that clove extract had potent anti-inflammatory effects that will help prevent gum disease, especially gingivitis.
So why not try clove water, it's an easy, natural way to improve your oral health. give a brighter smile and it will make your mouth healthier, did you know that if you drink clove water at night your heart will thank you for the clove, it has several compounds that are beneficial for cardiovascular health, a study published in 2017 proved that the clove extract Clove has significant antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that are very important for keeping our heart healthy and these properties help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation which are the main causes for cardiovascular diseases. Furthermore, another study published in 2016 also found that the clove extract it had several vessel dilating effects which will mean that it will relax and dilate the blood vessels improving blood flow And guess what, reducing blood pressure look how wonderful it is for protecting our heart and increasing our cardiovascular health now you don't you can't sleep, you sleep poorly at night, you toss and turn, you don't get that restful sleep and you're looking for some way to improve your sleep, then you can rest assured that from today onwards you will have a restful sleep because several recent researches suggest that water of clove water at night could be the secret to having a peaceful night's sleep.
I also found a study published in 2022 where researchers discovered that consuming clove water at night will positively impact the quality of our sound, the compounds found in cloves, such as eugenol, and betacaryophyllin they demonstrate sedative properties and these compounds will interact with our brain's receptors and then we will promote relaxation and reduce anxiety. Preparing the ground for the tranquility that we need, I think that all this information so far is worth your liking and If you are not already subscribed, it helps me a lot if you give me a thumbs up and love here in the video, cloves have several antimicrobial properties that will help eliminate bacteria that are harmful to our body, a study published in 2019 discovered that clove extract has strong antibacterial activity against several bacterial strains including this darling and staphylococcus aureus, the active compound that is responsible for this effect destroys eugenol and is found in high concentrations in cloves . eugenol Acts to kill these bacteria, disrupting the bacterial cell membrane, leading to the leakage of cellular components essential to the bacteria.
This will consequently cause the death of the bacteria. So when you consume clove water at night, you are increasing your body's defenses against bacteria. So you will be increasing your body's immunity Because you will be Protecting your body from aggressive bacteria the blackhead at night it will cleanse our body exterminating bacteria that are harmful to our health now great news are you looking for that help extra to lose the kilos to be at peace with the scale many questions one of the main questions I receive After I graduated as an orthomolecular therapist weight loss specialist I made a mistake help me tell me some tea that I can drink that will help maintain my weight or even reduce my weight, several studies suggest that clove water at night can actually contribute to weight control.
Research carried out in 2021 explored the potential benefits of clove water in weight control and this study involved a large group of participants who consumed clove water before bed for eight weeks and the result, I'll tell you now, the result was surprising because clove water had a positive impact on weight control through several mechanisms that were discovered by researchers first place the active compounds present in cloves, the main one I have already said so much here in the video is eugenol, which has been shown to increase metabolism, helping our body burn calories with much more, and secondly, clove water acted as a natural appetite suppressant. so the desire for those sweet foods that are unhealthy and fattening and brought satiety to this group of people who were in the research. In addition, the antioxidant properties help to combat oxidative stress and inflammation, which is closely associated with weight gain and Obesity, of course, we also need to have a balanced diet, physical exercise, there is no magic solution to losing weight, but it can give you that little help in your daily routine, it can provide you with an extra boost towards weight loss, now a wonderful benefit that science what you are studying is protection against cancer, did you know that this simple drink consumed at night could protect you against cancer it may seem like a dream It may seem surprising but let me explain the fascinating process and the evidence behind this statement that I made to you now a study published in 2012 states that cloves, again due to eugenol and their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, will have a role in the prevention and development and progression of cancer cells and adding to this research there was another in 2017 that revealed that Clove water consumed at night improves our body's natural processes of detoxification during sleep, so this detoxification will eliminate harmful toxins and carcinogens from our system, reducing the risk of cancer, so include a glass of clove water in your nighttime routine.
it can potentially increase our body's defense and after all these benefits that I said I'm sure you'll want to make water with cloves so I'll teach you how to prepare this water with cloves, it's simple There's no secret, take two cups of water or two glasses of water, put it in a pan, add 5 to 6 clove flowers, turn the pan on low heat, leave it for about 15 to 20 minutes and this will allow the Carnations melt and release their essential eyes into the water after the water turns brown Clarinha turn off the heat, cover the pan and let it cool when it has cooled, you will strain it and store it in a container then you will consume this infusion at night before going to bed clove tea, this water with cloves should be consumed up to two cups or two glasses a day because consuming too much clove will also have side effects. Start with small amounts and see how your body reacts and then you can increase it up to two cups per day. day because excessive intake will lead to side effects, especially in the blood, those who take oral anticoagulants such as warfarin marevan, it can increase the risk of bleeding, so be careful if you take oral anticoagulants, they can cause excess blackheads, they can also cause some type of skin allergy, such as itching can also cause swelling of the lips, face, tongue or throat and eating too much cloves can also cause it, as it is beneficial for digestion, all excess is bad, so excess will cause heartburn, stomach pain, nausea and diarrhea, so it is very important focus on this amount that I gave you, up to two cups only a day.
I hope you found this video enlightening.