How An Interrogation Expert Spots A LIAR - Chase Hughes

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Morgan Nelson
Join me for a snippet from the Chase Hughes interview as we reveal essential techniques for spotting...
Video Transcript:
what are some things we need look for to spot people who are lying there are some indicators that are pretty well known and I'll give you a couple of those but I think it's the biggest mistake I ever made in my life was spending a 10 Years Learning all of those indicators I've built a periodic table of this stuff uh which you've seen we've seen it and so when it comes to these indicators those are important what's really important is being good at detecting change so the conversation starts normally where you from when are you
do some basic information I'm getting out of this person and then we get to the harder questions and I'm looking for changes to their behavior are they answering questions the same way that they were a few minutes ago are their eyes moving the same way are their fingers doing the same thing are they breathing the at the same speed so looking for changes is more important than knowing what behaviors to look for so if I see a big pile of changes I can be almost certain that this person is being decept it without even knowing
what I'm really seeing so getting good at changes is the first and most important thing then understanding context and clusters so context meaning like well this person uh is crossing their arms it must be defensive well what if it's 50° outside and they're freezing cold so there's context that that plays in so then understanding context and then clusters I'm going to look for not just one behavior when somebody says oh somebody scratched their nose or they touched their face they're lying or they looked away for a minute they're lying one Behavior never indicates deception by
itself it never should you should always see a cluster of behavior and sometimes someone's lying and those behaviors aren't there they're just not there and that has to go that goes into Stakes are you good enough to ask questions to raise the stakes so if I give you a picture of a duck right now and tell you convince this person over here that you are looking at a picture of a horse you're not going to show a lot of deception indicates but if I do the exact same thing can I say if you don't do
this I'm going to put a bullet in your head you're doing the exact same lie the exact same situation now the stakes are higher so that your deception indicators are are increased ined so like one of the ways that we might increase Stakes is something as simple as me saying Morgan I like you as a person and I don't want you to get tripped up so I want you to think very carefully before you answer this question you understand that so now the stakes go up so I've I've just pumped up your body language with
just a little paragraph there yeah so then it's going to make it me more sensitive to any sort of deceptive patents absolutely ramping up your brain yeah uh before the question comes so that and if you're innocent your brain's not going to get ramped up yeah so if a murder took place and you know you're not the killer you're going to be like yeah okay fine that question won't cause you any stress just it's just like this other question when we talking about detecting deception it's not just about Behavior it's about can you ask good
questions and one of the best questions in the world is called a bait question and this is where let's say a crime happened let's say some $10,000 was stolen from a a grocery store or something and I've got you in here as a suspect uh and you did it let's say you did it and I might say morning is there any reason that you can think of that a video would have showed up from a black and white camera maybe a a security camera that showed that you took the money and if you knew there
were no video cameras you'd say no you'd be comfortable right so then I make it more vague and I say more is there any reason that somebody would have say that they saw your car parked outside that store that evening and you don't know how many people I've talked to and the only time that you will get nervous is if you were there true and you don't and you know that if you're going to commit to lying and I'm about to slam you in the face with Le it so you don't know if I'm about
to do that that's why that bay question is so important it works with kids and the second way to do the way to do the B question is is there any reason blah blah blah might have happened so you never are leading them you're not saying I have this evidence ever hypothetical is there any reason somebody would have told one of our officers or one of our investigators that they saw you parked outside of that house or they saw you at around 9 :15 p.m. um so the more vague the better it is so how
would you use that you said with kids so how would you use that with with say your children in completely different context in like an everyday life yeah give me a lie I I'll tell you good question well you have kids what what lies the kids say well things what I used to say was I gave my parents heart attacks when we growing up man of times the police came to the door um I don't know it was just always that it wasn't me I didn't do it I wasn't there yeah so one thing uh
is there any reason somebody would have seen you or is there any reason someone would say that you might be there uh is great for kids the best one for kids is is called the punishment question and this is what do you think should happen to the person that did this and so this has been used uh in my life uh talking to predators and these are people that pray on children M and I would say well what do you think should happen to the person that did this and the answer is always something like
well definitely they should apologize to the F we they didn't need some kind of counseling something like really lower yeah ridiculous and they'll they'll say things like obviously that person's sick and they need help and they need some kind of counseling and therapy uh and at on my kids I used this before so when I was in the military I come home in my uniform one day like the little camo for walking in and there's little box of chocolate milk right it's opened and it's just laying on inside all this chocolate milk is just we
had a white rug like an idiot it with kids and my two kids Charlotte and William are in there they're probably five and six somewhere around there and I was like who brought this milk here in the Liv you're not supposed to have milk in here just water and they're like no no no I look at my son I don't know I'm like all right Charlotte living room William kitchen sephar yeah I went to Charlotte first I said Charlotte what should the person that spilled this milk on the floor She said uh spank can mm
more Xbox no electronics can't go outside can't play with friends grounded I'm like okay all right and I go over to William I say William what should Happ the person that spilled that chocolate milk on the floor and he goes um no more chocolate milk in the living room so and what's funny is like it's funny that kids do this but adults react to the same way to that question cuz it's emotional right they' be imagine I'm trying to play in my head I'm like what would be happening cuz if I did it I have
images of it happening like as so I'm visually I'm I'm playing it out of my head and if I'm focusing on I'm going to feel it yeah and now if you're raising the stakes being like what should happen now I'm visualizing if I get caught It's My Punishment it's gonna make me right I'm freaking out yeah I'm like oh well what if they do what they say that they're going to do what if I do what if they do what I say and so that's the the the bait question and the punishment question those are
really good that's killer and really getting to the truth is when we get down into like the the ways to get a confession not
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