7 things you can't do before training, otherwise you will be hindered. You won't build muscle or lose fat. The seventh thing will sound weird, - but it happens, which is going to the gym drunk.
- No way, man. You go to the gym straight from the club. It happens.
You may not believe me, but in the last years I was a personal trainer, a person named José really enjoyed this club which was the thing on Wednesdays. - Tonight I'll go clubbing. - He trained which day?
- On Thursdays! - He appeared with that alcohol odor. I told him to go away.
Do you think you'll have your usual strength? You'll be kinda numb because of the alcohol and drugs, so you could get hurt because you won't feel if you do weird movements. Alcohol dehydrates, when you train your temperature increases, the body sweats, it's worse.
- What is he does squats drunk? - Imagine his balance. Sixth thing you can't do which will hamper your training and will leave you fat and thin is doing too much cardio.
We are prioritizing body building. I want you to develop your muscles. If you do cardio first, you prioritize cardio.
When you do that, you give more energy to it and take it from bodybuilding, as you'll be more tired, and thus you'll lift less weight, do less reps, your volume lowers, and the stimulus lowers. If you want to build muscle, the idea is not doing the cardio first. The best idea is doing it from 4 to 6 hours apart from body building, but that's not really feasible to most.
We then recommend to get a "less worse" result is doing it after your training. We want the elevation of cardiac frequency, and doing it after will speed that up. But before, you hamper bodybuilding.
Always after, never before. The fifth point is eating heavy meals right before hitting the gym. You must understand the food's journey until it reaches your muscle.
You eat it, it goes from your mouth to your stomach, and it will be digested, and after that it goes to the intestines to be absorbed. What many people do and it's a mistake is eating a lot of protein before training. It will take a while to be digested, it will be heavy for you.
You won't use that protein at that moment. You don't need protein, but energy, which you won't get. Not to mention that in order for the energy from the carbs to have an effect, it takes from 4 to 6 hours.
The meal you do right before the training won't be used in it. There are no benefits. And why is it bad?
You ate, and will feel that full stomach. If you ate, your stomach works and your body sends blood to it for the ingestion. But then you started training.
It prioritizes that, but your digestion will be hampered, not to mention you could puke because you have food in your stomach. It's not that your training was hardcore, you were a dummy with a full belly. A meal before the training has to be light so you don't be hungry, because that can also hamper you, but never train with a full belly.
The fourth thing which will hamper your training is being on social media and adult sites before going to sleep. Did you know that those websites are planned to addict you? They are made so your brain is accelerated before you sleep, and when that happens your sleep is not good, if not shorter.
You lose from 30 minutes to one hour, you are losing sleeping time. The lack of that makes for a bad night of sleep and will make you tired, and this will reflect in your training. There is something we can easily do: sleep hygiene - studies show that it's the best thing to improve your sleep.
In that concept, one of the tenets is not messing with blue light screens during at least one hour before sleeping, because that light tricks your brain into thinking it's daytime, and so you don't sleep. Other things helps, OficialFarma has a product called "Sono Perfeito" which I use every day, at least 1h before I sleep I take 2 capsules and this get me a better sleep induction and a better sleep overall. With this, there's more GH and testosterone, which leads me to a better training.
Your turn. Element number 3 which hampers your training is not preparing for it. - When you go to the gym, what do you need?
- Drgs! You need good clothes. Some people go to the gym with jeans, which give you no mobility and can cause injuries.
There are proper clothing for your training, and we include footwear. It's important to have the adequate footwear. Please, no flip flops.
Something else that is extremely important is preparing what you will listen to. There are studies on the field of fitness neuropsychophysiology that show if you are listening to nice music with adequate volume, you have its ergogenic effect. I don't get it.
It improves your performance externally to your body so it's good to have nice headphones. Number 2 on our list is not eating. - What did you eat?
- Nothing! But didn't I say that you shouldn't eat? Now I tell you to eat?
Yeah, you need to eat something or you will pass out, which reminds me of a story. Once in the gym there was a mother with her son, who was around 16. She then said "Laércio, take care of him".
If Vin Diesel was a babysitter, I could be one too. I thought about giving him a full-body routine to get him used to it, but on the second exercise, I walked ahead and when I turned around. .
. - I'm dying! - We can see when someone is pale, and I got to him right as he passed out.
I held him, but I was distraught, his mother told me to take care of him. I even took him to his house. She saw me, and asked what I was doing there.
I said that he wasn't feeling alright and that maybe he didn't eat. I braced myself. She then said "Good, Laercio!
" and proceeded to scold her son. "Do you know what he ate today? Snacks in the morning" and it was like 3 p.
m. - You wanna die, fool? - It's not that you can't eat because it will be bad for your training, but you need to eat to make your body - function normally.
You need that fuel! - A round of applause here. Top 1 on our list is going overboard with your pre-workout, energy drinks, - thermogenics, caffeine, drinking it too much.
. . - Before your training?
- Yeah. . .
pre-workout. - True. If you take too much caffeine, you might get an overdose.
It's horrible. There's a horrible nausea, I'm gonna puke! You feel dizzy, anxious, and your body is limp.
If you take the correct dose, you may not get that, but another symptom, which I had, which is your heart races to a point where you can't even train properly. It happened to me during leg day, and I couldn't squat because I got into position already panting. Imagine that.
By the third rep, I stopped the whole set because I couldn't breathe properly. Going overboard can lead to problems. And this messes your workout.
In the gym, there are things you can't make, and we made this video talking about them. It was very funny, you'll go on a gym safari trip. Seven exercises that everyone does wrong in the gym, and your mother told you you aren't everyone.
Click it!