When a Boy Without Talent Humiliates Everyone at the Assassin Sect - Manhwa Recap

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~ Channel Tags Manhwa, Anime, Recap, Protagonist has demonic powers, Manhwa where the protagonist ...
Video Transcript:
Our Story begins in a forest with several people holding torches in their hands likely searching for someone someone probably the MC is saying to himself that he suffered in the mountain for half a month but he finally got his hands on it he was holding a strange scroll full of odd letters but it was truly what he wanted the legendary secret technique left behind by the sword Sage approximately 600 years ago the secret records of the sword Sage the MC would love to keep it for himself but it was useless to someone with a broken
Danton like him other martial artists would try to steal it from him if they knew he had it so he had to hide it before anyone arrived the MC swallows the scroll protected by a bamboo casing to hide it he thinks he should have brought some water to help it go down easier but manages to swallow the whole thing someone arrives behind him saying so he was there and this startles the MC the man says that the MC was the Spy of the blood cult and asks if he found the records of the sword Sage
his name was emo Yong Su the MC looks at him and says that he found them and hid them in a safe place he would hand scroll over to the man if he kept his promise the old man accompanying yungu says he heard the promise on the way there the boy wanted the blood whm removed from his chest drawing his sword and confirming that was the promise Yong Su says there's no need to fulfill it which leaves the boy completely confused even if the worm were removed from his chest he would have nowhere to return
the MC's name was SOI from the radiant Earth Clan he had been exiled from his clan after his Danton was destroyed due to an episode of ke Fury 10 years ago he was kidnapped by the blood cult and had a bloodworm implanted in his chest and since then he had been forced to become a puppet of the cult so even if he gained his freedom where would he go the boy feels confused and nervous did that man know everything about him then he asks if that was all he had to say placing the sword at
the protagonist neck he orders the boy to hand over the sword Sage's Scrolls if he handed them over then yongsu might consider removing the blood worm from the MC the boy's reflection appears on the blade of the sword he then starts to say that the secret records were hidden in a place only he could find yon Su understood the MC's situation he wasn't asking for special privileges or to be accepted into the Orthodox faction all he wanted was to leave the blood cult and live as a normal human being and if the worm was removed
he could hand over the Scrolls the old man lets out a light laugh and says the MC was indeed clever the sword pierces the MC's shoulder leaving him completely bewildered with a Sinister smile yungu says it was too obvious how he would hide the scroll it was probably inside his body the MC realizes that the intent of the two was to end his life from the start of the mission the man pulls the sword out and asks when we not to hate them too much as the protagonist Falls backward yungu continues saying that from the
moment he became a spy he was destined for this end the protagonist falls to the ground realizing he wouldn't survive the blow and wonders how his life became so miserable the man starts striking the MC repeatedly clearly enjoying it but he notices that he cuts the scroll in half this confuses him something strange was happening blue flames were beginning to emanate from the protagonist's body one we feels it too but it wasn't hot was it false fire did it even matter at that moment if there was such a thing as a second life he only
hoped it wouldn't be as miserable as the one he was leaving behind a strange sound of glass shattering begins to Echo and suddenly the MC wakes up someone had splashed water on his face he gets up and yells that the water was too cold while two teenagers laugh at him he starts touching his body finding it strange that there were no Cuts or burn marks but before he could dedicate more time to thinking about what had happened someone catches his attention calling him a pathetic meal one of the boys says that they the Dual quick
D of Hunan when the drinking game again they were the ghost twins of the blood cult the MC wonders why they seem so young and remembers they were close when they were younger but he had just died burned by that fire the MC looks in the mirror and is deeply shocked and the boys ask why he looks so startled he says that it was him when he was younger but one of the boys kicks him in the back and asks if he's still drunk or something the MC on the ground gets the down upon by
the boy who tells him to snap out of it and get up when we complains of pain but soon realizes he's feeling too much pain for someone who is merely dreaming he quickly sits up and grabbing the clothes of one of the twins asks what day it is the boy is scared and confused asking what he's talking about but the MC doesn't care and asks again what day it is it's not a hard question and the other responds that it's August 9th of the 11th year of the sex Sager cycle the MC calms down thinking
that if it was really August 9th of year 11 he he was exactly 10 years before the day of his complete defeat one of the twins asks what year the MC thought they were in had he gotten stupid from all the drinking the MC starts laughing and hugs one of the twins he was so happy because he had managed to return to the Past still hugging one of the boys the MC says it's great to see him and the boy desperately asks him to let go saying the protagonist was too cold right after that the
MC realizes that if it was 10 years before then two men are approaching a building one man dozing off wakes up and tells someone to greet the guests but before he can even finish his sentence the man's head is separated from his body with a single sword strike another person is coming out of the building yawning and saying he would greet the guests but screams desperately upon seeing his friend headless the protagonist is rumaging through his belongings thinking he should have organized everything earlier one of the twins asks if he's going to say he's out
of money but the MC shouts that if they don't want to die they need to leave that place immediately the blue twin finds the MC's attitude strange he'd been acting like this all day was he asking the boy to teach him a lesson the protagonist finds what he was looking for the only Keepsake his mother had left him a sodam sword he was filled with regret for losing that item in his previous life but he was happy to have it now even if escaping was the priority but as soon as he lays his hands on
the sword a strange sound begins to hurt the MCC ear it was a desperate scream he wonders what it was even thinking he might go deaf after hearing it then he hears cries of fear people pleading to be saved and the three boys are together the blue twin asks if they heard that and the red twin says yes it seemed to be coming from outside the building but the MC realizes it was too loud of a scream to have come from outside yet this was not the time to debate that that scream meant everything had
started the twins look out the window of the building there in and ask who those guys are the MC steps between the two boys and asks them to move aside so he can see what's happening peeking through the window crack discreetly the boy sees that the blood cultists are already in his village August 9th of the 11th year that was the day the MC was kidnapped by the cult the blue twin asks if those men are Bandits but the MC says they're actually blood cultists he turns around and says they don't have time they need
to escape as quickly as possible if they want to stay alive but the twins are still confused the MC says that if they don't believe those were blood cultists they can stay because he's going to escape from this mess the blue twin asks the red twin if they should Escape too to which the other boy agrees it's the best option the MC doesn't worry much about them because in his previous life they became great martial artists after after being kidnapped by the cult it would be fine as long as he could Escape but something was
still missing there was a third person with them on the day of the kidnapping the boy's name was aam he was with them that day he was the only one who stood by the MC in the radiant Earth Clan so the MC runs off to find him he couldn't abandon someone who was like a brother to him Assan was sleeping like a baby then the MC arrived shouting his name startling the boy to the point that his soul nearly jumps out before him he yells swearing he wasn't asleep the boy sees it's his master and
breathes a sigh of relief but the MC doesn't waste time with explanations and orders him to get up immediately they needed to flee as soon as possible the boy doesn't understand what's happening and ask the protagonist but he's already pulling aong by the arm saying he can't talk now even in a rush he still explains they were being attacked by the blood cult and they'd invade the building at any moment the boy tries to argue saying the blood cult had been wiped out but the MC orders him to shut up and follow him the boy
asks if they shouldn't head toward the exit but wiwe says they can't go that way the entire city was surrounded if they left now they'd be caught aong asks if they could hide in one of the building's closets but w we says that's too obvious they weren't there to steal their money they wanted to capture people like them they'd search everywhere possible to find people to abduct whether it was closets or large vases if they hid in those places they'd be found easily aong asks if they're doomed to be captured and killed but the MC
tells him to stop talking nonsense as they keep running they needed to hide in an unexpected place where no one would think to look a place they wouldn't go even if they thought someone might be hiding there outside the house they arrive at a location and the MC says no one would expect someone to be hiding there it was an outdoor toilet aong screams in desperation asking who in their right mind would hide inside a pit toilet and the MC says Now isn't the time to argue pushing the boy inside one we says he'll let
him hide in The house's only toilet but the boy protests as much as he can the boy falls into the pit and the MC closes the door reasoning that not even the cultists would have the nerve to to look for someone there he'd hide there himself but he had no choice he needed to find another place before the cult found him arriving at a stable the MC feels relieved knowing he could hide there he wasn't destined for that cruel fate after all the horse bolts out of the stable and the protagonist hides inside the hay
it wasn't a bad place to hide it' be easier for them to chase the runaway horse than to check inside the hay but if there were any martial artists among the abductors they'd find him through key sense so he grabs a weapon just in case someone yells saying it's f y they say the MC's hands are too wet and this yell leaves the boy extremely confused the sword starts talking to the MC telling him to dry his hands and asking if WWII was ignoring it just because it was a sword the boy wonders if the
sword is possessed by a ghost and hearing his thoughts it incredulously asks what he's talking about it explains that there's no ghost possessing it it's just the sword his mother gave him that he stuck in his bag immediately the sword realizes the protagonist had responded to it and is impressed that a human can hear a sword suddenly a little girl with white hair and clothes appears right in front of the MC like an albino Tinkerbell asking if he can see her one we is shocked not understanding what this was was he hallucinating while he's still
mulling over whether this was a figment of his imagination all this idle chatter is irritating the little girl she yells at him saying she knows he can hear and see her swords can hear human thoughts when touched and this scares the MC she was real a sound catches both of their attention he tells the sword to be quiet but it asks why whether it's because of the man approaching she then says he's the only one who can hear her and he says he understands that but he needs her to be quiet so he can think
better the man arrives at the location where the MC is hiding and looks around trying to find someone something catches his attention and he looks to the side kneeling down he sees some footprints on the ground leading toward the stable the MC slowly draws his sword from its sheath as the man approaches the hay where he's hidden the girl then asks if he's going to stab the guy if he gets found putting aside whether he has enough strength for this or not what she wants to know is if he has the guts to take this
action the boy's heart was beating fast and loud and he remembers his past when yongsu told him he was afraid the man raises his hand to move the straw aside and the MC's heart pounds even harder out of sheer nervousness memories of the end of his past life start flooding his mind as his heart beats faster and faster the straw is moved and the MC's pupils widen as his eyes open with a single leap and thrusting his sword forward the MC lands a perfect strike on the napper's neck knocking him to the ground the man
doesn't make a loud noise only a quick groan and is finally sent to the lobby of Life answering the sword in his thoughts the MC says he doesn't feel fear but rather excitement she could witness everything while being with him because he would survive in this life no matter what the little girl is very impressed and says he's really skilled did he retain his abilities from his past life probably yes she thought he was just a drunken fool but it seems she'll have to reevaluate her opinion of him after this move the little girl who
is the MC's sword asks where he learned that but the MC tells her to shut up because she's stressing him out if you pay attention she's just like Pon from ginin Impact constantly annoying you and never shutting up for now the MC decides to Simply ignore her and the girl hears this thought getting irritated with him as well the situation was now much worse than he had imagined the blood cult Warriors aren't known for moving in groups of three during missions the companions of the one the MC had just defeated would likely arrive at the
location soon even though he had managed to hide the body it was only a matter of time before they found it he had to escape quickly for now he would just finish hiding the body and leave the girl calls his name and he asks what she wants he just wanted to be left alone but she kept distracting him she replies that she'd like to ignore him too but there's a cultist right behind him so she thought he might want to know that the MC turns around startled the cultist asks if he was interrupting something but
tells him he can continue and not worry about him he even says he's enjoying watching his work was he going to stop now the MC wonders how long that guy had been there but What mattered most was the belt he was wearing a brown belt that was a mid-ranked warrior the MC prepares himself with his sword but he knows he stands no chance against this cultist he should have been quicker in fleeing the sword asks if he wants her help in this fight but the MC keeps telling her not to distract him the man approaches
saying that the MC is overestimating himself it didn't seem like he knew much about martial arts even if it was a surprise attack it was already impressive that he had defeated a cultist did the boy have average quality skills the cultist then decides to make an offer to the MC if he surrendered right now he would let him live the MC decides to provoke him replying that if he wanted to kill him he wouldn't have said those things about average quality was the guy afraid of ending up like the other man even while wanting to
capture him this seems to have offended the man who asks what the MC just said that AliExpress Pon asks if he's gone crazy what did he expect to achieve by provoking the cultist like that but the MC achieved what he wanted he wanted to appear overly confident in the Man's eyes so he could be underestimated by him the cultist starts laughing saying the MC has quite the audacity he was very clever and skilled in the art of deception too it would be a waste to end his life here he was sharper than the MC expected
drawing his sword the cultist says it seems the boy wants to avoid the fight at all costs so he wanted to see if the MC's skill was as sharp as his tum the sword is almost at the protagonist's neck he manages to dodge by ducking even though he's a third rate boy with a broken Danton this speed the man was using was still visible to his eyes the sword speeds toward the cultist neck but he grabs the MC's arm telling him he's far too slow the MC's eyes might be sharp but his hands were still
sluggish still his Counterattack was sharp he grabs the MC's wrist forcing him to drop the sword and says he will Overlook the fact that the MC defeated a low-ranked warrior so it would be best if the MC followed him but the sword was already falling into his other hand with a backward swing w we strikes the cultist face with the sword and shouts that he won't do that he thought he had managed to defeat the mid-ranked cultist but he notices something the man had dodged a slash and was Furious about it cursing the protagonist his
eye was cut vertically and turned red essentially he looked like a Kakashi wannabe the man's kick lands squarely on his stomach sending him flying backward he had been overly optimistic and underestimated the abductor he really thought he could defeat him at such close range standing up the MC realizes he has no choice but to face the cultist headon the sword tells him she can have he has no chance against a man without her assistance and the MC sarcastically asks what she could possibly do she complains that he's stubborn and asks what he plans to do
since he doesn't want her help he says he'll attack the man from the side with the injured eye the man closing his injured eye says he tried to be nice to him but it seems he's really wishing for hell he draws his sword he had planned to apply a light punishment to the MC and then send him to the cult but now he's changed his mind the MC would be sent to hell that night the abductor charges at the MC with full force and the boy realizes he's going to use a specific technique several slashes
are aimed at WWII this was the basic technique of the blood cult Sword Art the bloodthirsty slashing blade it was too fast to discern the attack pattern and he was deliberately avoiding lethal Cuts he wanted to make the MC suffer as much as possible before sending him to the afterlife the man yells asking if the MC now realizes what he's done he would keep messing with the protagonist until he couldn't take it anymore and went to his grave it was too late to regret anything his life was already lost the abductor prepares a strike with
his sword to finish the boy off several strikes are aimed at the boy and he realizes most of them are faints meant to deceive him but he doesn't know what to do should he try to attack and hope for a lucky hit the sword Whispers in his ear that the next strike will come directly from his front so the MC uses the blade to Parry the attack this confuses the man and Wu is sent flying backward he rolls and lands on his knees he is impressed that he managed to block the attack the sword then
tells him that was well done if she hadn't warned him about the dire strike he would have been defeated right then and there the MC asks if she can see his attacks and she responds that she can anyone could have seen those attacks the sword starts taunting him asking what he plans to do and whether she should remain silent while he gets beaten up by the abductor embarrassed he looks at her and apologizes for ignoring her then he asks if she can help him stretching she says she can help him yes she wouldn't let an
exotic creature like him who can hear her be defeated so easily the fake Pimon asks if he has a plan as assuming she can read the man's attacks he replies that he's thinking of something but it's hard at the moment he had already been counterattacked once so he won't enter the man's sword range a second time he'll do his best to maintain distance from the abductor and the sword says that if he can make the man lose his patience an opportunity will appear the man is still confused that the protagonist blocked his finishing blow how
did he manage to do that could he have analyzed and understood his techniques no it was probably just luck an idiot like him couldn't do that charging once more more the man yells at this time he'll kill him for good the sword says he should first block the cultist attacks and make him waste time and the MC agrees asking her to tell him where the strikes are coming from the man starts using the blood cult standard Sword Art against the MC again but this time the MC is receiving help from his sword which tells him
which strikes are real and which are faints the cultist was incredulous at the boy's ability to block all his strikes blood was dripping from his injured eye causing him to lose vision the sword warns the boy that if he attacks the man's blind spot it will make him more impatient his Counterattack won't be precise but it will be fast she advises him that the man will use a horizontal strike so he should wait a moment before advancing on the opponent the boy Ducks under the cultist strike and the man shouts cursing at the MC by
then the MC is already at his side and the paymon likee sword tells him to attack now the cultist was skeptical it was impossible for a third rate boy to dodge his counter attack and find an opening to strike but he smiles and asks if the boy really thought he'd be surprised by this with a sidekick the cultist hits the MC's arm who tries to block the attack but he's thrown back once again the boy's arm was broken the man calls the MC stupid for injuring himself like that he had been impressive using his blind
spot but he was still Third Rate the cultist leaps and shouts at the boy to go to hell while he's still on the ground trembling one we clenches his fist and says now he Dodges the overhead strike the cultist is surprised by the evasion and with just one spin his neck is slashed spraying ketchup all over the area the MC celebrate managing to deliver a direct strike to the Assassin the cultist falls to the ground utterly defeated the sword asks if the MC is okay and if he can get up and he replies that he
can his performance was impressive the man truly believed his arm was broken but the MC admits it only worked because the man wasn't fully alert the sword says his final strike was really cool and he thanks her for her help calling her a short sword she gets annoyed at being called that and the MC asks why she suddenly got upset she responds that she was just a little surprised but if he was truly grateful for her help he should clean the blood off her blade properly the MC asks if she's angry but she says no
she just wants the sword to remain clean because it's a relic from his mother immediately the girl screams at the MC to move his head but it's already too late a hand smashes into the MC's head he's knocked out instantly with just one hit it was the third cultist the one on the mission with the other two who had been defeated by the boy the man comments that the situation is very unsettling he had only come because the other two hadn't returned and now he finds this scene they were defeated by a mere child the
MC is unconscious on the ground bleeding heavily what's impressive is that he knew there were always groups of three and still acted like he had defeated them all someone picks up an identification tag and reads the MC's name it also states that he's from the radiant Earth Clan he was a well-known plba in the Honan Province the Lan mule marginalized by his own family ever since his Danon was destroyed during a key Outburst one of the men suggests it might be a good idea to turn him into a spy since he's the son of an
orthodox Clan the other kidnapper responds no there's no reason to raise a bastard who doesn't even have a Danton he wouldn't be able to endure even basic training and his current condition was already pitiful the boy was trembling and had completely wet himself even being from a famous Clan he was too useless for them it would be better to eliminate him right there as he wasn't even fit for lowquality use the boy already trembling and crying screams not to be killed he says he'll do anything they want even Espionage clasping his hands together he begs
to be spared in his thoughts he laments that he fought to avoid this situation but ended up captured and kidnapped just like in his previous life perhaps it wasn't exactly like it had been in his past life this time he was tied with his arms behind his back he asked the sword how long he's been unconscious he calls for the sword again and wonders why she isn't responding to him probably because she isn't in his hands he can only communicate with the sword when he's holding her a man remarks how amazing it is that a
Playboy without a Danton could defeat two of their men using such an old and small sword after all he was a martial artist the MC thinks that the opinion of that man about him was much better than the first time the cult was quite pragmatic so at this rate he would probably be caught by them but he couldn't let that happen or it would be another wasted life the MC starts to think more calmly about it first of all he still needed to survive before thinking about escaping their grasp one of the Assassins says he
will eliminate the MC right there but someone interrupts him saying that he was still a lowquality product if raised properly he could still be useful as a spy the captain agrees but he points out that many others with destroyed Danon could also be used as spies why pick someone defective he orders them to eliminate the MC and they obeyed the command the MC was tied up and began thinking about what to do next he would have no choice but to beg for his life just as he did in his previous life the MC then screams
and pleads with them to spare him the captain snear at the boy before he tried to assess him and now he was begging for his life it would be better to stop trying to escape and pay the price for defeating his men one of the Assassins was already raising his sword to end the MC's life this was worse than what had happened in his previous life was there really no way out he had to think of something and fast even if only to buy time he couldn't die earlier than in his past life especially after
managing to return someone begins laughing maniacally and this grabs the MC's attention the captain comments that seeing him trying to find a way out of that situation was a spectacle why didn't he start begging again like a dog the MC notices a sword with someone standing behind the captain and recognizes it as the captain continues speaking saying he might even decide to make the boy his pet dog a white decorative piece on the swords Hilt it had to be that person the MC immediately bows placing his head on the ground and begins praising the bloody
demon and wishing for the blood Cults longevity he continues shouting that he is Unworthy of his presence and calls the man the fourth Blood star which leaves everyone there very confused the fourth star was there the captain asked why he was making such a commotion there was no way someone like the fourth Blood star could be among them but when he looks back and sees the red Aura emanating from the man he is startled kneeling immediately along with the other men he offers his greetings to the fourth Blood star the MC thinks about the 11
Executives leading the blood cult the four venerables and the Seven blood Stars he had never met any of them in his past life but he had heard rumors that the blood Stars sometimes disguise themselves as low-ranking Warriors to inspect the squads the man orders the MC to raise his head and he obeys he found it fascinating because he had never been caught during his inspections before the man's name was Django D Jango then asked the MC how he recognized him despite not being part of the blood cult the MC replies that it was because of
his sword and the man looks puzzled the sword's decoration and leather wrapping he had heard it was made in memory of his former trusted Steed the white stallion the man is impressed by this information and kneels to the protagonist ey level saying he has very sharp eyes but he wanted to know one thing how does someone not part of the cult know such information the MC realizes that D Jango is suspecting him but understands it would be strange if he didn't in his past life he hid within the Orthodox faction of the cult for seven
years and had been in situations like that many times he was extremely confident in lying so he tells Jango that cultist blood runs through his veins the captain looks at the MC in disbelief and the subordinates question if he was saying there were descendants of the blood cult within the radiant Earth Clan everyone was shocked by this but D Jango shows no emotion regarding the information the MC had given him the MC explains that his his maternal grandfather participated in the war between the Orthodox and heretical factions as a low-ranking warrior of the blood wolf
Squad after being Gravely injured in battle he sought a place to rest with his only family the MC mother and that's how his grandfather ended up living in the city of lam it was very difficult for him to get a house after escaping the war but his internal wounds weren't healing his mother had tried to cover his grandfather's medical expenses by working as a servant for the radiant Earth Clan and that's how she met his father and he was born Jango Pats the part where the MC's grandfather was a member of the blood wolf Squad
and Falls silent for a moment but in the next moment he says the story is interesting and that the MC should continue though he places his hand on his sword the MC is annoyed that it seemed insufficient but he continues when he was young he underwent intense training under his grandfather's guidance whenever he complained about the training his grandfather would threaten to bring the captain of the blood wolves no jman and his son no suu to teach him a lesson he said the captain's son had completed the blood wolves training at the MC Sage the
cultists were impressed by the amount of information the MC had about the cult even the names of the squad's former leaders the MC also said his grandfather used to warn him that the cult would one day come for them even 5 years ago his grandfather's last words were nostalgic for the cult D Jango says he understands the situation and remarks that it makes sense as the MC managed to defeat two cultists even with a broken Danon he was about to continue speaking when the captain interrupted shouting not to make him laugh the captain told the
Blood star not to listen to the boy he couldn't understand how the MC had so much information about the blood wolf Squad but D Jango interrupts the captain's speech asking who gave him permission to interrupt and casting a terrifying gaze at him he continues saying he didn't know being a captain granted him the courage to challenge one of the Cults blood Stars the man panics immediately kneeling and begging for D jango's forgiveness and the MC realizes the blood star's power was terrifying enough to make a Captain soil himself in fear with just a few words
and a glare Jango AP izes to the MC but he says there's still something he finds very strange killing the cultists was clearly an act of self-defense but why hadn't he revealed his identity to Captain o and instead begged for his life the MC stammers but regaining his composure says he was afraid of being punished for killing the cultists even if he identified himself and apologizes that man was sharp even though the MC had mixed lies with truths he wasn't easily deceived and pointed out inconsistencies in the story The Man then stands in front of
the MC and starts laughing laugh in heartily he says his joke might have been too harsh but he could understand the MC's reasoning if the boy's grandfather was a cultist that made the two of them practically Brothers the MC feels relieved for having deceived the Blood star D Jango says they almost lost an important descendant of the cult that night and would like to accept him as a cultist to continue his grandfather's Legacy the boy responds that he would be greatly honored to accept the invitation and that his grandfather would have been very happy if
he were still alive the MC had managed to survive the situation but in the end he ended up volunteering to join the cult the MC is untied and immediately bows before D Jango who is already leaving thanking him and wishing the cult long life D Jango welcomes him would we thinks that if he had known he'd end up joining the cult after everything he wouldn't have resisted being captured Jango stopped some distance away seeming to remember something it was fate that brought them together so the MC could return to the cult so he could Grant
the boy one wish the boy is confused by this a Blood star wanting to Grant a mere boy a wish this felt much more like a test he couldn't discern the man's intentions he asked for something reasonable for his sword to be returned as it was a Keepsake from his mother D Jango thinks for a moment and orders the captain to return the sword to him but the captain protests saying it was the weapon the boy used to defeat two of his men D Jango tells the captain not to make him repeat himself and extends
his hand to receive the sword quickly the man obeys and places The Sword in the blood star's hand he draws it from the Scabbard and examines it it was an old sword but an excellent short blade however he placed his hand on the blade and snapping it in half says it was necessary for the MC to pay the price for shedding the cultists blood he also says he hopes that next time the MC uses a sword he'll be more careful and throws the sword toward the MC with just his fingers the MC looks at the
blade humming through the air with just a flick of fingers the key strength of that man was terrifying a clear warning to him he might still be suspecting the MC but at least he was alive for now one of the kidnappers approaches him and orders the boy to stand up but he asks if he can pick up the sword first he was happy to retrieve the sword and asked sodam if she was okay but she was screaming desperately because her hair had been cut and demanded to know how he plan to fix it he responds
that he will find a blacksmith still irritated sodam says that if she could she would shave D jango's head and the MC says he would love to see that too the sword calms down and asks if he really was from the blood cult because she didn't know that story about him he replies that it wasn't a completely fabricated story but it wasn't entirely true either and says he can tell her the truth she seems confused and asks what was so important for him to speak to her with such intensity he asks if she would believe
him if he said he came from 10 years in the future I have to admit sod Dam's face when she heard this talk from the MC made me laugh a lot she didn't believe the boy at all looking at the MC D Jango tells the captain to send someone to investigate the maternal side of the boy's family which puts the captain on alert he asks if the blood star was suspecting something Jango confirms saying it didn't matter anymore if the story was true or false the way the boy watched all his movement trying to decipher
his intentions was like the actions of a seasoned spy regardless of the case he knows too much about the cult so they should keep an eye on the MC and the subordinates comply the MC was inside a carriage and sodam says she will try to summarize everything she understood so far one we had lived as a spy for the blood cult for the past 10 years but was betrayed and murdered when he woke up he was there in the past is that right the MC says that after going back 10 years in the past he
gained the ability to speak with the sword the girl girl then says that it's no wonder he doesn't seem as stupid as the one we she knew he really was from the blood cult that offends the MC anyway he was really unlucky to go through all that he went back 10 years in time only to be kidnapped by the cult again things would have been much better if he had just abandoned aome but the MC disagrees the only person who treated him like a real human being was aong in his past life the boy was
killed while trying to protect him it was a debt he owed the boy and now he had been able to repay it all that was in the past now he needed to worry about how he was going to survive sodam asks the MC if he's going to be a fool again after being used for 10 years the boy looks confused sodam says he has the most powerful weapon in the world information he should know that better than anyone because he was once a spy he already knows the next bad events that will happen which means
he can avoid them or even turn them to his Advantage EMC then realizes that Pimon was right why was he worried about surviving when he had 10 years of knowledge to use this was really a good opportunity as sodam had Meed he should make good use of it and she agrees he couldn't live like this forever but first he should stop talking out loud it looked like he was talking to himself and the MC realizes she's right he had several opportunities he might even have the chance to learn martial arts again so Dam asks how
he's going to do that with a broken Danton and he says that's not entirely reliable information and even if it is true that's something for the future so it's better to set it aside for now sodam says that's pathetic sodam then asks if he regains his key would he want her to teach him martial arts the MC is skeptical of this proposal she says it's a short sword technique that her previous owner used she's probably the only one who still knows it the MC scoffs at the idea of learning martial arts from a sword that
wasn't possible sodam asks if he's ever heard the saying that even a dog in a school can learn poetry in 3 years she bets she knows more than he does she asks him to listen as she recites the principles of martial arts and the boy nervous says he will pay attention suddenly his hand begins to glow blue the protagonist is startled what was that blue fire emanating from his hand in the next instant the MC finds himself in another dimension the dimension of the universe alone and naked he starts screaming asking where he is and
what is happening but a voice says the universe must open with the possession of the sword heart that wasn't sod Dam's voice a light begins to emanate from a Galaxy leaving the MC even more confused then he wakes up back in the carriage where he was his hands still wrapped in blue flames the protagonist asks what had just happened soam yells at him asking if he was distracted while she was working hard explaining the technique to him but he asks her if she could see something she asks what he wants her to see and he
asks her to look closer at his hand there were marks on his hand resembling a large shell but she's irritated and only looks at the back of his hand asking if her explanation was that boring Resolute but still angry she decides to leave telling him to talk to her only when they reach their destination he asks her if she'll be okay pointing out that this trip will take at least 15 days to complete she replies that she's just tired onei lies down staring at his hand still emanating the blue flame trying to understand what is
happening it looked like the same fire as before could this have something to do with the secret records of the sword Sage the marks and blue flames disappear from his hand and he wonders what he must do to make them reappear The Carriage stops and someone opens the door for them a cultist yells at them to get out how long do they plan on lying there it's time to get out and anyone who tries anything funny will be eliminated on the spot the Sun hits the MC's face temporarily blinding him as the cultists order everyone
to move faster and gather at the front sodam having just woken up ask what is happening and the MC replies that they're in the valley of six Bloods this was one of the Cults bases and also an educational facility where kidnapped children were trained to become cult Warriors and the man on the podium was the commander of this place the tyrannical blood Commander goose sanguin someone calls out to the MU from wyang City and the MC looks back before he can ask who it is the twin jaab and Wuhan already say that even though he
acts like he knows everything he still got captured W says he hadn't seen them anywhere so he thought they had managed to escape but the boy says it's good to see a familiar face the blue twin nervously asks why he isn't tied up the MC says it's a long story but the blue twin insists he tell it before the protagonist can say anything they're interrupted by a voice shouting at them to stop chatting it seems to be Captain o and he points to the podium behind him saying he'll count to five and everyone must start
running the blue twin asked to be untied before they're told to run but he sees the MC already moving forward he asks if Wu is really going to run and wui says if they don't want to die they should do everything he does this confuses the two boys but the protagonist is already running ahead of everyone else one of the twins tries to ask for an explanation but someone behind them is already drawing a sword while the boys reluctantly agree to start running in the next instant someone takes a blow to the back spilling blood
everywhere scaring a nearby girl the cultists are killing everyone who isn't running toward the podium once again things are happening exactly as the MC predicted and the twins are right behind him the blue twin tells the red twin they should do everything the protagonist says even if they don't understand and the boy agrees everyone there kneels before two men and one of them says he's never seen this happen before a child already kneeling without even being instructed and the other who looks more like a woman says it must be the child the captain mentioned earlier
there was information that he claimed to be a descendant of a cultist sodam comments that he really is a cultist and he says he needs to avoid any suspicion that he's not a cultist descendant moreover if he didn't do it soon they would use him as an example for the others and sodam says that sounds quite exhausting guo sangun yells for everyone to stay alert they should feel honored to have been chosen as the will of the great bloody demon LED them to the Glorious blood cult the children there grow desperate upon hearing the name
of the cult until one of them stands up and tells him to stop talking nonsense how was kidnapping and killing people the same as choosing them soam says the boy was right but wonders if it was wise to say that the MC says he's going to be used as an example because of that attitude the girl asks what he means by being used as an example and the MC says it's exactly what she's thinking she might not have noticed because they were running at the time but the weak could die at any moment inside the
cult the sword finds the cult incredibly ruthless going through all that only to end up killing those they kidnapped but that's how they enforc Loyalty The cultist Who had just severed the boy's head from his body says they can keep talking if they want end up like him making everyone tremble in fear sodam asks how he survived in his past life after going through all that and the MC says he survived by obeying like a dog gu sangong declares it's now time to begin the baptism ceremony he needs to start with someone so he calls
the one standing at the front of the children and asks if he knows what's inside the Box the other man is holding the MC replies that they are bloodworms which excites the man he knows how things work here then he asked the boy to explain to the others what a bloodworm is they are parasites and planted in the cultist chest so they never forget their loyalty they need to consume the Cults antidote every 24 hours otherwise the parasite will stir violently inside the host chest the blue twin is startled by how much information the MC
has how does he know all that gu sanging says he is absolutely correct as expected from a loyal descendant of the cult the blue twin asks if he has been a spy for the cult all this time and sodam says he's been caught as he really was a spy in his past life the MC asked her to stop joking because it would be hard to get out of this dismiss the commander places his hand on the box and says he will make an offer this is the chance for him to prove his Heritage and loyalty
to the cult by earning the honor of being the first to receive the worm before everyone else there was no way to avoid swallowing that parasite but he had no other choice the MC had already decided he would survive even if it meant eating the blood worm he clasps his hands together and thanks the commander for the honor of being the first to receive the worm on the other side of the Arena Captain o is watching this scene from a distance it seems Commander goo likes the boy even though it hasn't been proven whether his
story is true or not in any case the truth will soon reveal itself the preparations are complete when we can eagerly await what's to come after swallowing the worm the boy praises the bloody demon and wishes long life to the cult which greatly satisfies the commander the man asks if everyone saw how it should be done now it's each of their turns to take a worm and do the same sodam is shocked and asks how he managed to live 10 years with that worm inside his chest and he begins feeling something very strange a massive
pain makes the MC scream and sodam is frightened asking what's happening to him his chest feels extremely hot as if it's burning from the inside out his eye starts turning red and he can't understand what's happening the pain feels different but the location is where the worm is the worm shouldn't react without a reason so why was this happening he looks into the distance and sees Captain o on the other side of the Arena did he do something the protagonist falls to the ground and Commander goo asks what the problem is someone approaches and asks
the MC if the blood worm is agitating inside his chest when he looks up it's Captain o who remarks that for someone claiming to be a descendant of the blood cult it's strange to struggle so much with this ritual and he laughs onei is still confused and can't understand what the captain did to the worm inside his body as he coughs up blood the only explanation was that Captain o had done something to the worm to mess with him that was completely unfair the commander calls for the captain and asks if the cadet is okay
and the captain replies that yes he is fine he must have triggered the worm when he swallowed it but the MC thinks he wouldn't make such a mistake as it wasn't his first time doing this oh orders the boy to turn his back so he can put the worm to sleep with a key technique the MC grows suspicious of this but the captain asks if he really thinks he wants to harm him other Cadets are waiting because of him so he should just handle it himself the boy is confused could it be that the captain
didn't do anything the pain was moving to his stomach as if something was about to happen before the captain uses the technique the boy shouts for him to wait saying he's fine now and asking him to step back but the captain scolds him saying he could get hurt he orders the boy to tense his stomach but the boy still senses that this pain is different he feels the need to stop the captain and asks once more for him to step back and then it happens the MC farts in front of the captain it was almost
like that scene from keba versus Naruto in the classic series the foul smell begins to reach the captain's nose and the boy says he tried to warn him to step back he was fine now sodam bursts into laughter because of the fart and the the boy asks her how long she plans to keep laughing at him she replies that it gets funnier the more she thinks about it and thanks him for the laugh but the MC says he feels terrible about it still laughing she asks if he feels terrible because of the fart but he
says it's because of the blood worm the pain was completely gone and so was the feeling of blockage this refreshing sensation was like something amazing the blue twin calls out to the MC calling him a blood cult pawn and asks where they're going now but the boy replies that he doesn't know everything sodam asks if he forgot that the MC also had to swallow the worm to survive the boy shouts at wui asking if he's really going to treat his childhood friends this way just to stand out in that place the MC asks what he
would gain by standing out in the blood cult their conversation is interrupted when someone shouts to get everyone's attention Captain o announces that they will begin the rank evaluation tests so they should stop drawing attention to themselves or stepping out of line it's better to listen in the MC's past life it was another Captain who led this test so he's confused by O's return pointing to the cave is behind him o explains that each cave contains a cult examiner inside and they just need to have their talents evaluated by them when the test is finished
They will receive a ranking high medium or low depending on their results the blood cult is entirely focused on the abilities of its followers the captain orders the children to look at him and asks if they see the band he's wearing it's blue and signifies that he is a high-ranking warrior within the cult warriors with high ranking skills and recognized achievements will have the blood worm extracted from their bodies so they should give it their all the children are impressed by this including the twins who realize they just need to be recognized to have the
worm removed from their bodies the MC observes this scene and tells himself that they can't even see their slowly becoming cultists the captain pulls out a whistle and begins putting it in his mouth and the MC notices this movement realizing what's about to happen the cultist Blows the Whistle and the MC quickly Ducks covering his ears while the blue twin notices and asks what's wrong he asks the protagonist why he's covering his ears the whistle was loud sure but there was no need to overreact like that in the next instant the twin panics and everyone
there begins screaming in pain soam is alarmed and asks what's happening to everyone and the MC explains that whistle makes the blood worm go berserk inside the body when it sounded the boy places his hand on his chest confused because even with the whistle he didn't feel the worm reacting inside his body everyone else is still trying to recover from the worm's Fury and the captain explains that he told them about the Warrior ranks as a custom but how many of them actually reach the top ranks at most two or three of them while the
rest would have to continue living with the insect inside their bodies for the rest of their lives the captain shouts at them asking how long they plan to keep lying on the ground it was time to get up the boys kneel awaiting orders while the MC grows pensive thinking that the worm might no longer be in his chest though he wasn't sure sodam says that might have happened because he covered his ears but even doing that doesn't completely stop the worm's Fury it only reduces it if he still had his Danton he could check with
his key the blue twin then speaks up saying he's made his decision now that they've swallowed the bloodworm there's no alternative for escape no matter how skilled the MC was in martial arts he was far superior to a bastard like him without a Danon he would reach a high Warrior rank remove the worm from his body and take his revenge the MC is confused by this whole speech from the blue twin the captain was about to start calling names for the tests when someone raised their hand he gives them the opportunity to speak and it
was the blue twin who asks to be the first to take the test the sword asks the MC if this entire scene was happening because he hadn't told the boy what to do and the MC makes an awkward face the captain grants the blue twins request and calls him forward he eagerly obeys and runs toward the caves he looks back telling the MC to watch and see that he doesn't need his help and will become far better than him but before he could finish the sentence a critical blow lands squarely on his face knocking him
down instantly the captain asks if he's deaf reminding him he had just said not to act out of line he was only to move when ordered and behave the boy lay unconscious on the ground and the captain shouts that he should respond when a superior speaks to him everyone nods in agreement the captain approaches the MC and declares that he will be the first to take the evaluation test the MC asks if it's really him and thinks that he already suspected the captain would pull something like this but this man was becoming a thorn in
his side the captain asks if there's a problem does the proud descendant of the cult not want to take the test the boy replies that on the contrary he feels grateful and honored by the Captain's consideration life wouldn't be easy for the MC but he wouldn't give up as the MC enters the Cave the captain orders everyone else to line up they will go in order the MC senses something different about this test the captain who supervised the test in his previous life was named hean sodam asks what rank he achieved in his past life
considering his Danon was broken and he replies that it was obviously low low ranking Warriors are used as disposable pieces in various missions this impresses sodam it sounds heavy someone approaches the MC inside the cave and asks if he's WWI from the city of luang the boy recognizes the voice and realizes this must have been what was prepared for him despite being younger than in his past life it was certainly him sodam asks if he knows who it is and the protagonist confirms that he does he knows him very well that was his direct Superior
in his past life which amazes the girl she asks which Squad he was from and he replies that it was the blood wolf Squad she asks if that man was the current captain of the squad he belonged to and the MC confirms that was the man he mentioned to Jango no suuu captain of the blood wolves the man asks why the boy isn't responding to his question and he asks again if he's so WWE from the city of wyang the boy admits that Captain O's move was clever but it was a shame he had already
managed to fool even a Blood star so deceiving someone he knew from his past life was nothing difficult the MC responds that yes he is wui and says he has heard about him from his grandfather the captain says that's a very obvious lie and begins drawing his sword the MC is confused and the captain remarks that the MC claimed his grandfather was a Warrior from the blood wolf Squad there wasn't any man among the Warriors in his Squad who matched the description of his grandfather so the captain demands to know who he really is the
boy panics and tries to step back but the captain quickly grabs his neck he tells the boy that he's courting death did he say his grandfather was a subordinate of his father the captain adds that he had trained in the blood wolf Squad since the beginning of his life and remembered every Warrior under his father sodam is desperate realizing the MC has been exposed and begs him to summon her so she can help but he refuses not wanting to worsen the situation the sword screams that an attack is coming from below he manages to dodge
it and blocks a direct strike with his Blade the force is so overwhelming that the MC feels like his hips are about to break he can't fathom how a human could be so fast unable to keep up with the conversation he takes a kick to the stomach this makes him realize his body won't withstand much more of this torture session the kick sends the MC flying until he crashes into a rock blood spurts from his mouth and soam screams for him to hold on the captain's personality is as Relentless as it was in his previous
life the sword asks if he's okay and he struggles to stay on his feet the boy says he's fine that attack wasn't a technique if it had been a direct hit he'd already be in a coffin sodam frantically screams for him to pay attention the captain is coming at him with full force he suddenly feels dizzy it's hard to focus sodam notices he hit his back hard against The Rock she tells him to move the moment she gives the signal there's a horizontal slash aimed at his neck from the right the strike is closing in
and sodam shouts for him to block now he raises his blade but the impact still throws him far even though he managed to defend himself the boy crashes to the ground his sword Landing far away from him he tries to get up but is still weak he thanks the sword for warning him about the attack it saved his life then he notices how far it landed from him he looks behind him and the captain is already stepping on his chest pinning him to the ground the captain demands the boy answer where he heard about him
the boy feels a flicker of relief at the question it's an opportunity since the captain seems to want to interrogate him so the boy asks if he wants to find his sister unfazed the captain replies that the boy has done thorough Research into his life but he seems to have forgotten the fact that his only sister is no longer in the land of the living He says this as he brings his blade closer to the MC's neck the MC shouts that Miss no sewa is still alive she was kidnapped the day his father was assassinated
he continues questioning the captain why the only body burned in the fire was was his sisters it was far too suspicious that body was fake the captain's younger sister is alive and if he wants to know more about this they can make a deal the man still standing keeps pressing his foot on the boy's chest while the sword lies far away to even know her name it seems the boy isn't bluffing the captain drives his sword into the ground beside the MC's face he accepts the MC's word and says he'll let himself be deceived for
now wanting to hear his story he'll decide whether to strike a deal after hearing everything the MC has to say then he asks where say is right now one who replies that she's with the moonflower Merchants company the man repeats the name of the group and says that this group is owned by the first Blood star so The Mastermind behind his father's assassination would be the MC confirms that yes it's exactly who he's thinking of and that person did it to incite his rage and control the blood wolves the first star jangang it was all
his plan the captain says that doesn't make sense the wound reported on his father was before he can finish his sentence the boy asks if he saw the wound with his own eyes the recovery and verification of his father's body were entrusted to the moonflower Merchants company and the clear Moon Commander weren't they the man is silent for a moment and the MC thinks he's wavering it's the right time to drive the final nail in the coffin his sister is at the Gumi branch of the merchants in Juan there will be many eyes there so
he should send someone he truly trusts the captain begins to ask who the MC is but the MC replies that if the captain wants to know he could understand that the captain was willing to make a deal with him the man asked for the MC's help as he needs his strength but warns that if any part of his story turns out to be false no matter how he will directly go after the MC to cut his throat the boy says he has already consumed the blood whim and asks if that would be a problem promising
to find the captain's sister as he stands up the captain says he still doesn't fully trust the boy but if everything he said is true he would treat him as his Savior for the rest of his life the MC remarks that the captain is magnanimous as the rumors suggest and thanks him he thinks that this is exactly why he followed him in his past life one we looks at his hand and sees he has received a mid-rank plaque the captain explains that he has the necessary qualifications since he managed to block two of his attacks
it wasn't because of the deal the man asks the MC if he heard about his personality from his grandfather and the boy asks if he would believe him if that were the answer he says he might fall for that lie as he sheets his sword the captain says he still doesn't know if the boy is smart or foolish and points out that he never revealed his grandfather's name to him after being pressured the MC had started giving away too much information on his own the MC realizes he was caught and admits he was deceived he
says he still doesn't know what the MC is thinking but he will trust him just this once sodam feels relieved they barely escaped she thought something bad would happen after she was thrown aside and the MC knows he was lucky as they leave the captain notices that the boy is peculiar remaining calm even in that situation it's as if he were 10 years older than he seems and his previous movement even if the captain credits the first two blocks to luck when he blocked both the tax his eyes were closed it was a bit too
slow to say the boy had sensed his key that was impossible but it felt like someone was helping him he realized he was overthinking for some reason he didn't dislike him could it be he already knew him without realizing it Captain o yells at the others to move faster they had to organize themselves based on the ranks of their plaques he calls the mid- ranks to join him the blue twin sees the MC approaching and is shocked he starts saying it's impossible that Wang's meal could have achieved mid-rank status the boy shows him the plaque
laughing and the twin shouts for him to stop laughing the boys are following captain no through the terrain and the two talk along the way the blue twin cannot understand no matter how much he thinks about it it simply doesn't make sense how could the MC be in the same mid-rank as him when he doesn't even have a Danton did he receive special treatment for being from the blood cult the boy declares that he will definitely beat the MC in the next test sodam remarks that he is very competitive and when we finds all of
it very annoying it wasn't just the blue twin who disliked the MC the captain was also irritated by the situation although he managed to handle the situation with Captain suu this seemed to irritate captain no even more as he kept glaring at him whenever he could it was understandable that he was angry Captain suu confirmed his background even if he didn't believe it sodam laughs and says he swallowed that story by force just like he swallowed the MC's worm and the boy asks her to stop saying things like that she then changes the subject and
asks what he plans to do next he replies that now it's time to look for an opportunity to fix his Danton she comments that he had mentioned this before and asks if it's easy to fix and the MC replies that there is a way had she heard of the Divine doctor she asks what on Earth that is the boy explains that it's a doctor known for being able to cure any disease as long as you can pay his price from what he had heard the doctor had managed to fix a damaged Danon before in 10
months the Divine doctor will be in the six Bloods Valley sodam asks if he will pay the price to be healed but she points out that he left all his money in the house where he was on the day of the kidnapping so he doesn't have any money now does he intend to sell her to get the money for the consultation she feels furious at the thought and starts hitting him the blue twin watches him wondering what he's doing should he copy him the MC says the doctor's price is to find an herb she asks
if that's all and he says yes in 10 months he will ask for a specific herb and since he is a regressor he knows the location of the herb the sword is impressed by how ahead of his time he is and Praises him even so he will have to find a way to climb the Cults ranks despite being from an orthodox family humans were humans after all they reach a location and the captain orders them to stop several bodies lay on the ground already in their Eternal sleep and the captain desperate asks what had happened
there he looks ahead and sees a giant man wearing tiger skin as clothes holding a man by the neck with just one hand will this cause a lot of trouble for Captain o the man calls the soldiers he had just defeated trash and is visibly disappointed by them but Captain o shouts asking who he was he looks back and smiles new prey had arrived for him to destroy the next instant he was already in front of Captain o his speed was astonishing but the captain's reaction time was also remarkable immediately he orders the cadets to
stay behind him and prepares for combat but before he could raise his sword the man had already grabbed his wrist he calls the captain a hindrance and tells him to get out of the way striking him with such force that Captain o instantly loses Consciousness the captain falls to the ground on top of a Cadet and his sword lands far from where he collapsed the prot an Agonist was shocked Captain o was like a mosquito before that man not even a commander could defeat someone like Captain o with a single blow it was insane he
had never seen anyone like that not even in his previous life he was overwhelmingly powerful and the protagonist couldn't even begin to imagine who this man was the blue twin yells at him that the man had ended the captain's life but he simply shrugs and says he isn't dead ordering him to step back with a single movement of his palms The Stranger generates an incredibly strong wind so powerful it P pushes the boys backward the air pressure had grown unbearably heavy and the worst was yet to come the sound wave caused by his palms nearly
burst the boy eard drums some even fainted from the sheer force of the blow but to the man it was nothing they were far too weak for having fainted from just that he was visibly disappointed in the cadets were they all trash sodam asked the protagonist if he was okay and if he could hear her he felt like his ears were about to split in half and he couldn't hear anything around him the protagonist was beginning to feel nauseated as as though he might vomit at any moment and his ears were bleeding but suddenly that
blue flame starts to emanate from within his chest again the sensation was as if his chest was heating up leaving the protagonist confused sodam asks if his chest was heating up because of the Worm but he says the feeling was different he felt suddenly healed the twin yells at the mysterious man and one we looks at the situation he was standing before the giant challenging him to take his life right there declaring he would protect his brother's life with his own this excites the man the brothers were near the brink of death and the fact
that they had resisted the Sonic blow impressed the protagonist the man begins to laugh and says he will let this opportunity pass the blue twin is confused and then with just one blow to the boy's head he is knocked down and immediately loses Consciousness his brother looks at the scene completely stunned sodam yells at the protagonist asking if he can move and he says yes adding that he doesn't know what might happen if they stay so it's better to run unfortunately the protagonist was noticed by the gigantic man he says there's still one left immediately
sodam screams for him to run and he obeys but it was too late the man was already behind him at an incredible speed he raises his leg as high as Sanji when preparing for a kick and there wasn't even time for the protagonist to feel pain before he lost Consciousness someone in the distance begins to shout Captain O's name the voice growing closer and closer until the shout finally wakes the captain it was commander sangu who asks if the captain was okay explaining that he came because the captain was late for their meeting most most
of the cadetes were severely injured and the commander asks what happened there the captain replies that someone extremely Savage appeared and sangu asks if it was the work of an outsider the captain confirms and says embarrass that he was defeated with a single blow then starts to describe the man to the commander he was a very large man with disheveled long hair wearing a tiger's Pelt instead of a shirt this description catches Sang's attention he confirms if it was a giant wearing a tiger pelt's clothes and the captain says yes that was the description the
commander stands up looking contemplative and Captain no asks what's going on S Wu says that apparently the man who crushed the captain and captured the cadets was that man the captain asks about that man the commander asks the captain if he knows the malicious Heaven Elder one of the four venerables the captain is shocked by this information sangu explains that exactly the captain wouldn't know because he's just a dispatcher but the Elder now resides near the six Bloods Valley that man is one of the most powerful in the blood cult belonging to the four venerables
and has the strangest personality of them all the Abominable malicious Heaven the man Smiles as he rests his head on his fists and says that this is very unexpected holding sodam he asked the MC if this is what he was looking for he had heard that all Cadets were as weak as sacks of garbage yet for him to have a sword like that the boy was very different simply by not having a Danton and still managing to withstand his power and wake up before the others that boy would be very interesting the scene shifts back
to commander sangu who is running alongside Captain o the captain apologizes to the commander for being useless in the fight against the malicious heaven but sangu says he wasn't someone the captain could handle oh ask what the chances are of the Elder eliminating the boys he took they were mid-rank Cadets not as easy to find as low ranks he doesn't know about WWI but the twins are very strong and show high rank potential Samu replies that he doesn't know either the commander explains that the Elder occasionally appears in the area but taking Cadets that's unusual
they're nearing where the Elder lives so they must be extremely cautious in his presence even the other three venerables avoid facing him directly he is a freak among freaks sangu kneels in front of the cave where the Elder resides and shouts that he praises the Blood Demon and wishes long life to the cult introducing himself to the venerable the commander orders the captain to kneel as well as he hadn't realized he should do so immediately oys without hesitation a strange sound comes from the Cave the captain asks if they should go in and check but
sangu tells him to wait there disturbing the Elder could only worsen his temper something speeds toward sangu and he draws his sword to defend himself the blow Landing squarely in the center of the blade a seed had been thrown from inside the Cave the Elder emerges saying that was quite decent for a commander the commander begins flattering the Elder saying he couldn't compare to him bowing and humbly greeting him again the Elder asks if they'd come to the area because of the three brats and sangu confirms saying they need to train them for the cult
immediately the Elder asks if he's afraid he'll harm the boys and sangu quickly denies it the Elder laughs and says the talents of those three are quite useful he then declares that while he's there he plans to train them personally he orders the commander to stop worrying and leave the area immediately the commander is shocked would a venerable personally train the cadetes the Elder hadn't taken any disciples until now but sangun nadson says he didn't know he had this intention and congratulates him for it the Elder clarifies that the commander shouldn't misunderstand leaving sangu confused
he's only doing this to alleviate his boredom while he's there he's not the type to take disciples for himself sangu apologizes and and Captain o is extremely confused he wouldn't take the boys as disciples even so this opportunity to be taught by a supreme master was incredible especially one of the four venerables of the blood cult however he couldn't let this happen to wi we Captain o declares that he dares to speak to the venerable he explains that among the cadetes taken as disciples is one called wui who has a broken Danon sangu asks what
he is doing he continues arguing against the MC but before he can say anything else something strikes the captain with tremendous Force sending him flying backward and falling into a precipice the Elder asks why they're still talking when he already said he take them it would be better if they stopped talking and disappeared immediately sangu replies understood and says they will leave right away the commander is slightly frustrated by this it's a shame the Twins were taken but it would be great and the MC could even be used as a spy the Elder remarks that
those two talk too much while the protagonist silently stares at him and he thinks that the black and white ghost twins from his past life had been taught by that man but why would was he being taken along this time the man was deep in thought scratching his belly he stands up with the MC's sword in one hand saying he had gotten hungry while talking he then orders the boy to look for food for the next 4 hours the boy nods a bit frustrated wondering if he was taken along just for that using the Broken
Sword to clean his teeth the man warns him not to even think about escaping because if he gets caught he should be prepared for the consequences the MC feels a chill down his spine terrified by this warning while the old man gives him a terrifying smile smile despite his fear the MC wasn't intimidated he still planned to escape at the first opportunity that presented itself but to deceive the old man for now he agrees to his warning and says he hasn't learned martial arts yet so without a weapon he couldn't hunt the MC was about
to use the excuse that the sword was an heirloom from his mother but before he could finish speaking the old man had already thrown the sword at his head he tells him he can take it since he doesn't need a short Broken Sword and the protagonist groans in pain the MC thanks him but soam is horrified by everything the old man had done finding him extremely disgusting the old man approaches the Twins and stepping forcefully on their faces shouts asking how much longer they plan to keep sleeping the MC sees this and thinks that if
it continues they'll pass on to the next life soon grabbing the two unconscious boys he begins to leave the cave but then remembers something and tells the MC he wants meat his food has to be meat with just one Leap he disappears from sight the MC runs out of the cave but the old man is already nowhere to be seen he couldn't even tell which direction he had leapt in the wind was strong outside and the MC wonders why but when he looks ahead he sees he's standing in front of a cliff he had to
find food in 4 hours in that place this was completely impossible how would he manage to find food in a place like that sodam looks ahead end tells him to look to his side and he asks what's there the old man was jumping between mountain peaks leaving them both astonished she asks if he really thinks he'll be able to escape from that man and this question makes him lose the motivation to run away but this wasn't the time to think about such things he needed to focus on his mission he couldn't give up now the
boy begins descending the mountain carefully but it was very steep if getting down was already difficult escaping would be unimaginable he was still thinking about what he should do next when a rock loosens from where he was holding and he starts to fall a tree breaks his fall and he realizes he almost fell to his death this second life was much harder than the first he had narrowly survived sodam starts joking about how quickly he managed to descend with that nearfall and he gets extremely annoyed with her he asks how far down he's managed to
get so far and she asks if he really wants to know at that point he gives up and continues his descent nearly 4 hours had passed since he began the mission but so far he'd only wasted time trying to descend the mountain the old man suddenly appears where he is in the middle of the mountain and says it seems he didn't take the warning seriously asking if he was ready the boy could no longer even feel his fingers but he says he was actually hoping to see The Old Man and the old man threateningly asks
him what he just said the scene shifts to the forest floor a rabbit is distracted while someone aims an arrow at it hitting it squarely in the middle causing it to squeal before being taken down sodam celebrates the MC same it seems he had gotten very good at archery by this point it had been two months of doing this so he should have improved the old man used to beat him just because it took him about 2 hours to descend the mountain and sodam says she thought he was going to die during those times she
also mentions that he used to get beaten for trying to escape too but now that was in the past the hunt seems to have gone well and sodam says they probably have enough for the day but the MC still wants to hunt one or two more at that moment the Elder appears with a leap landing on the MC's back the MC starts stammering saying that the venerable had arrived earlier than expected he was just about to climb the mountain the Elder asks the boy if he managed to get food because his stomach felt as thin
as paper the boy shows him two rabbits saying they'll be cooked that evening and hands them over to the Elder the Elder takes them and asks if those are the only two rabbits noting that there are four mouths to feed it seems he'll have to reduce the number of mouths tonight the boy is about to ask what he means by that but the man's hand is already near his face and so begins another Old School Educational session the MC is tied upside down and shows no surprise at being in this position anymore he thinks he's
getting tired of it because he doesn't even know what the Elder is thinking there must be a reason for him to keep doing this for the past two months he's been living like a slave climbing up and down a mountain that could kill him with the slightest mistake he searched the entire forest for food during this time and the Elder hit him when he found food and hit him even more when he didn't there was simply no pleasing the Elder after losing Consciousness from the beatings he'd wake up tied to a tree sodam asks the
MC if he didn't make a scene the first time he was tied up but the MC says he's gotten used to being beaten and tied up someone approaches where he's hanging and calls out to him it's the blue twin asking if he's still unable to bring back enough food they were beaten too because of him soodam comments that the blue Twin's face is completely wrecked from the beatings and the MC says he would have been beaten even if he weren't there the Elder is calling for the MC so the twin came to fetch him he's
being summoned 2 hours earlier than usual what could the Elder want this time the Elder tells the boy to take off his shirt the boy is confused and asks if it's the shirt he means just to confirm and the Elder says yes he doesn't understand what's happening why this so suddenly but he obeys and begins taking off his shirt the Elder examines the MC's spotty he asks if it's already been 2 months the protagonist spotty is is completely transformed and the Elder says he's almost ready the boy wonders what he means by that and sodam
remarks that his body has become impressive from all the climbing and hunting every day the Elder looks at the blue twin and says that starting tomorrow he'll be responsible for getting food the boy protests saying it's the MC's job but the Elder kicks him in the face sending him flying with the force of the blow and saying he should do what he's told why is he talking so much the Elder tells the red twin that he'll be leaving for a while so the twin should cook properly the boy immediately agrees sodam notices that the red
Twin's hairline is getting worse with each passing day but the MC thinks he probably doesn't care about it the Elder places a hand on the MC's shoulder and he looks to the side before he realizes what's happening the Elder is already dragging him off and the boy yells confused about what he's going to do he shouts asking if they can't just walk there but the Elder says he's great at talking nonsense he throws the boy into a waterfall and shouts that he's making this effort because the boy can't even use light steps yet the boy
sinks quickly to the bottom of the lake where the waterfall crashes he manages to resurface and shouts asking why the Elder keeps torturing him like this the Elder laughs and says they're going to meet the person who will become his master he couldn't show up dirty so he brought him for a bath the boy calms down and asks Master sodam makes a joke saying the Elder is much dirtier than the MC and he agrees the MC barely gets what before the Elder says he's clean enough it's time to leave sodam is outraged by this they
enter a cave hidden behind the waterfall the sword wonders what kind of person lives in such a secluded place and the MC guesses it's probably someone very reclusive sodam says it might be a super handsome master who doesn't like seeing people but the MC says that's impossible however for someone to accept the old man as a friend and even take him as a disciple they were probably just as abnormal as the old man the man stops and tells the MC that they've arrived then casually greets the man in front of them he looks back and
asks the MC what he's doing he needs to show respect to the man from now on he would become the boy's Master one who he kneels and Pays His respects to the man introducing himself as a mid-rank member of the blood cult sodam says she doesn't think they're in a position to earn the MC's respect at the moment and the boy asks what the hell she's talking about the boy looks ahead and sees that his master had been dead for a long time all that was left was a skeleton holding a sword could it be
a talking skeleton sodam asks and the boy asks the old man if he's joking with him the old man laughs and says he doesn't have time for such things doesn't he know the changes that have happened to him in the past two months the strength he gained from climbing and descending rocks while chasing game strengthening his legs and building endurance he also gained a lot of resilience from getting beaten by the old man every day along with significant mental toughness even being hung upside down from a tree was training to strengthen his core and balance
all of that was to give him the basic physique necessary to learn martial arts the boy apologizes for what he's about to say but explains that he lost his Danton during a ke out burst but his master laughs and asks if he really thought he had been training him without knowing about the condition of his body he then asks what the MC would do if he told him there's a way to manipulate internal energy even without a Danon the boy looks at his master confused but intrigued at the same time the master asks if he
knows what jinkin is it's the first thing you learn when you start studying martial arts Jing is a metaphor for a fine delicate grain of rice and in martial arts represents the Danon cultivation training allows one to accumulate refine and purify energy in the Danton of course since the MC Stanton is destroyed he cannot use this Essence the MC confirms this but feels frustrated hearing what he already knew the old man continues saying that without Jing there are still key and shin and he asks if the boy knows what key represents the boy finds this
odd but guesses it's Vitality the master says his knowledge is very shallow key does indeed represent Vitality but the thing nested in the center of his chest has a proper name inate key this is energy determined at Birth not accumulated and it's twice as powerful as the energy gathered through effort from that perspective the MC is very lucky because the writings behind him are methods for controlling innate key sodam gets excited using this method he could learn martial arts just like anyone else the MC however looks disappointed and so damn notices she asks why he
isn't excited and he explains that key is his life force innate key isn't something that can be replenished the more it's used the less lifespan the martial artist has left so Dam immediately understands what he means if he learns this technique and uses it constantly he'll end up in a coffin sooner the boy thinks the old man expects him to learn this technique and be happy about it but he won't do that one we kneels and thanks the old man for teaching him such a supreme technique but says he cannot comprehend it with his foolish
mind he claims he has no talent and lost his Danton when he was very young he adds that when he was in the radian Earth Clan he was always told he had the worst Talent of all and asked the old man to reconsider sodam is shocked by the LIE the old man Strokes his chin and begins to consider the cees words thinking he's managed to convince him but then he smiles and says it seems the boy knows a few things being from a marshal family he realizes the MC is trying to avoid using his Vitality
the MC is shocked to have been caught in a lie the Elder quickly places his hand on the boy's neck he says being kind isn't going to work so he has to make the boy understand that he needs to do this properly if he doesn't learn it the right way he'll no longer be of any use to the cult so the Elder will give him one last chance will he have his neck broken here or will he learn the technique and SL slowly go to his grave sodam panics and pleads for him to say he'll
learn the key technique but the MC refuses to do so the boy shouts that if that's the case the Elder might as well kill him right there sodam is shocked the Elder asks if he's saying he doesn't value his life adding that no one would blame him for getting rid of a useless boy like him he'll never escape a third rate life with a broken Danton what gives him the nerve to speak like that the boy replies asking if the Elder hadn't said he would discard him the MC says he has to take a gamble
with his life here if he doesn't want to live the same life as before the boy admits he's afraid but if he has to live the way the Elder described he would spend his entire life as a third rate fighter being used until his last day since his body had consumed the blood wor he'd rather die here than live that kind of Life the Elder asks blood W he then begins laughing maniacally while still holding the MC by the neck he releases The Boy Who falls to the ground sitting and says the boy was trying
to deceive him even in a situation like that he's no ordinary trash the boy is confused he wasn't trying to deceive him so he asks what the Elder means by that the Elder asks if the boy thought he wouldn't have checked his body's condition he's known about it since the moment he took him the Elder warns him not to show such foolish courage again and the boy realizes the Elder already knew he asks why he left him alone then the Elder responds that the bloodworm doesn't matter he's interested in something else and that's what's important
the MC realizes there's no way out if the Elder really wanted to kill him he would have done something the moment he realized the bloodworm was no longer in his body the Elder definitely wants something from the MC and even though he doesn't know what it is it has to do with learning the technique the Elder says fine he'll make the boy an offer that might interest him if the boy does everything the Elder says he'll ignore the fact that the bloodworm is no longer in his body it's not too difficult once he learns the
technique he'll only need to have a marshall fight with the twins the Elder is training the MC is stunned and sodam comments that if the Elder had said that from the beginning they would have agreed anyway the boy asks agreed to that and questions why he would sodam replies that would be fun the MC then asks the Elder why but the Elder only tells him not to ask useless questions or he'll break his legs the Elder adds that the MC seems to understand now and will act like he's following orders even though his expression says
otherwise first the MC must start by sensing an eight key and once he manages that he should return to the Elder's residence the boy nods and the Elder leaves warning him that if he's caught scheming he won't just break the boy's legs sodam comments that it's just a hunch but she thinks the Elder likes the MC the boy is horrified saying he has no intention of getting close to that insane old man either way they need to study the texts he'll have to learn the technique and will only use it if necessary but first he
needs to see if he can learn it he wonders why someone would need a master if they could learn martial arts and cultivation just by reading texts the Elder is returning home thinking that the MC is brave but not stupid a shame if the text were complete it would be a blessing for him but of course if that were the case he would have found someone better despite using eight key that technique is something any martial artist would covet the boy yells that this is insane and sodam asks what's insane he explains that if he
manages to master those secret texts he could stop the depletion of his innate key sodam gets excited that meant he wouldn't end up in a coffin sooner by using all his innate key sodam is impressed by this but he tells her to calm down as he hasn't finished reading the whole thing yet he begins to read the step-by-step technique which starts by removing the Danton then retraining the center of innate energy and finally the last part wasn't written there that was precisely the part where the method to preserve inate key should have been the boy
yells at the skeleton saying it should have written that part first how could it have died of exhaustion before finishing the technique sown looks confused and let me take a moment to say she looked really cute with short hair but the MC pauses and thinks about what the old man had said earlier you'll either die with a broken neck here or learn this and die slowly the MC realizes that the old man already knew the texts were incomplete now what was he supposed to do with an complete technique like that someone calls the MC a
brat and asks why he's so sensitive how could he have known that the MC asks what sodam just said but she explains it wasn't her speaking it was that guy he was angry because the MC called him a skeleton the MC then asked sodam if she could talk to skeletons but she yells at him calling him an idiot it wasn't the skeleton talking it was the steel sword speaking so the girl suggests the MC talked to the sword the boy asks if sodam was talking about the sword that was with the skeleton could it also
talk to people the girl calls w we an idiot saying it's not like she or the other sword could talk to people what's special here is that he can hear the voices of all swords at that moment he realizes this is what the scroll from his past life was about he hadn't understood it because he thought heart of the sword was just the name of a technique and not that he could literally hear their voices he looks at his hand and the Blue Points reappear so this was the universe what kind of power could he
gain by unlocking the other points sodam interrupts his thoughts and tells him to ask the steal sword the sword also finds it interesting that the MC can hear him the MC grabs the sword no pun intended I swear and immediately the sword Guy starts moaning groaning and saying it's been so long since anyone touched him again no pun intended I swear the boy pulls his hand back in shock and sodam tells the sword to stop making weird noises the sword apologizes and the MC touches it again this time with just one finger the sword guy
gets very interested in the fact that the boy can hear his voice so he decides to introduce himself he's the southern Celestial sword named by his master and his name is ho jande the boy is surprised to hear this name and sodam asks why he explains that ho joh day was a famous sword master who shook the entire Yan region with just a steel sword if he hadn't disappeared suddenly the eight sword masters of the central plains might have become nine he was so incredible at the time the boy looks at the skeleton in front
of him and asks why someone like him climbed an unknown mountain and ended up like this he asked the steel sword if this was the old man's doing but the sword says it was someone else who did this to his master not even that old man could defeat his master even once the boy is shocked to learn this if not even one of the four venerables of the blood cult could defeat the celestial swordsman who could possibly have defeated someone like him so miserably the sword decides to change the subject saying they can discuss it
later wasn't there something more important the MC wanted to ask the sword says it knows the MC's situation because it heard him talking after learning that technique he would have to face the twins of the malignant Sky the boy says he'll figure it out once he sees the technique but the sword interrupts him saying it already knows and will teach the cultivation technique to the boy soam asks the sword if it's really okay to accept this so easily but the sword replies that it's related to the honor of his former Celestial Master if the MC
loses the fight due to not properly learning the technique Master ho jong's honor would be tarnished additionally the sword Longs for a successor to his master's martial arts that is his wish BMC feels happy because the sword is such a nice guy and starts thanking him saying he'll take care of the sword but the sword says they can begin negotiating the MC is a bit confused but the sword continues stating that he wants wui to become his master the honor of his former Master is important but losing his existence as a sword is something he
wants to avoid even more he begins explaining that he's been lonely for far too long and wants the boy to become his new master to touch his Hilt and clean him daily in the next instant sodam is punching him in the face for disgracing all swords with such weird Behavior the MC watches the two arguing and wonders if he should abandon this technique of listening to swords altogether one we agrees to become the new Master of the celestial sword however he warns that if the sword makes any perverted sounds or behaves strangely he'll abandon the
technique and leave the sword agrees it says it's time to start learning the cultivation technique the part called Jing is the Danton located just below the navl this is the lower Danton situated slightly beneath where innate key resides the innate key needs to be sensed through the MC's heart the sword's former master referred to the area at the center of the chest as the central Danon this is the first time the MC has heard of this type of Danon he starts theorizing that if there's a central and lower Danon there might be an upper one
too the sword explains that the area above the middle of the forehead is likely where the upper Danon resides calling this area the mental illumination for now the important thing is to sense the innate key in the central Danon he shouldn't worry too much he just needs to feel the vital force of his soul the boy asks how to sense the Soul's force and the sword explains that it's difficult to feel normally so he'll need to rely on his five senses the Soul's vital force becomes easier to notice in life or death situations when his
life is in danger when he suddenly manages to do something he normally couldn't or feels a burning warmth rising from his chest that's the sensation of innate key the MC realizes that everything the Elder put him through wasn't just to strengthen his body it was to help him sense innate key from an early stage soodam disagrees pointing out that the twins also endured beatings during training one of them is he even going bald the boy nods concluding that the Elder is just crazy the steel sword remarks that the MC seems to have felt in Nate
key before and the boy confirms this the sword urges the MC to return to that moment and try to recall the feeling or his thoughts at the time anything he can remember he needs to relive the moment when his desire to live was at its strongest the boy closes his eyes and thinks about the moments when he most wanted to survive recalling several instances from his second life the Elder choking him in the cave his attempt to escape before being captured the bloodworm trying to explode inside his chest after he swallowed it and when he
begged to be spared he also remembers facing the two cultists at the start of the story and finally being assassinated by his former boss in his past life he starts feeling something burning inside his body and asks if that's the sensation of an Nate key that feeling is already familiar to him so damn comments that he's felt it before like when he swallowed the worm and when his ears burst and the MC agrees the steel sword is impressed noting that his previous Master struggled for months before succeeding and doing this in less than 4 hours
is remarkable for the MC it asks if the celestial Master managed to do this and soam suggests it's because the MC went back in time the steel sword asks if that's a metaphor for a difficult life but sodamn clarifies that he literally went back in time after being killed the sword advises him to focus on the innate key until he can sense something the size of a fingernail in his Central Danton and the MC finds this strange the steel sword says it's fine if he can't feel anything but the MC says that's not the problem
he says he's feeling something about the size of two fingers which confuses the sword it didn't make sense for him to feel that much power on his first try it was too strange but the sword suggests he test it by channeling that key through his arm the protagonist obeys and the sword tells him to strike a stone pillar inside the cave it warns that the pillar is quite sturdy soam reassures him saying it'll be fine even if he breaks his hand he can use a Nate key to heal the boy retorts that they only say
that because it's not their hand still he doesn't care if he doesn't meet their expectations just being able to learn martial arts again was already a blessing the MC plants his foot firmly on the ground to create a solid base and decides to check his current strength channeling a strike with innate key the blow chips a piece of the stone pillar sending shards flying far away both swords are impressed by the MC strength it's the first time the steel sword has seen anything like this even though its previous Masters had strong innate key it didn't
compare to the MC with this level of key the time required for his cultivation training could be reduced by at least a decade it was as if he had trained between life and death for an entire decade could it really be true that he's a reincarnate the MC looks at his hand and wonders if this is a dream his hand begins to glow blue this was Far Beyond his expectations was this truly the power he possessed nightfalls and we see the old man calling the MC an idiot he's stepping on the boy's back asking how
he dared to try escaping from him when we says the old man is mistaken he had been climbing up and down that Cliff for the past 2 months but without a body enhancement technique how could he have have made it back in time the old man steps on the boy's head and says that wouldn't have been a problem if he had moved faster the MC thinks he could have done so if he'd left earlier the old man then asks if he managed to gain the ability to feel his innate key the MC doesn't respond so
the old man asks again already showing irritation the scene shifts to the old man's house the boy has a swollen eye from being beaten because he claimed he couldn't feel his innate key the old man says it's impossible to feel an N key in just one day and sodam asks why he doesn't just tell the truth the boy explains that it's disadvantageous to reveal all his secrets so easily and a little earlier he had confirmed that just as the steel sword had said innate key can't be sensed by others unless it's exerted the old man
says he almost fell for it the boy seemed to be trying to trick him into exhausting his Vitality so now he'll show how seriously he's taking the situation if the MC loses the battle against the twins he'll be sent back to Captain o for several days the captain had been visiting him the MC says he hasn't listened to everything the captain had to say but it seemed the captain wanted to take him under his wing the captain was persistent he still wanted to mess with the protagonist the old man continues saying the twins told him
the MC had become a target for the captain if the captain finds out the worm is no longer in the MC's body he'll never rise above the position of low ranked Warrior the MC grows nervous and asks if this wasn't different from what they had agreed upon the old man says the deal was valid until the MC started trying to trick him to avoid proper training laughing the old man asks if this isn't enough to make him want to train seriously the boy doesn't respond but reflects that he had already prepared himself for this the
boy then asks the old man what he would get if he managed to win the fight would there be any reward for him the old man says he's got guts but if he needs something like that to stay motivated he does have something for him only if he wins throwing some books in front of the MC he tells him to study and familiarize himself with them while resting he would learn those techniques from now on one of them was the wheel Arts of the Jun Ru Temple the MC thought he wouldn't even be able to
fight by only knowing cultivation techniques but now he could the old man said the skeletons techniques were difficult for him to understand but the wheel technique was balanced and could be used without difficulties the Twins were also taught in the Arts of the wheel so he shouldn't complain this made things fairer for the MC the other book was called The Art of the Stellar sword this Sword Art belonged to the skeleton meaning the MC's Master used those techniques the MC was curious to see those techniques because they were used by the former sword master H
jande sodam found it strange that the old man had the technique book of the Southern master and the MC agreed did he find it alongside the former Master's body the old man approached him and asked what was wrong with his face was he unhappy the protagonist immediately exclaimed no he was just a bit curious about one thing why did the old man have that manual the old man was silent for a moment but with a serious expression he replied that it had been given to him the steel sword said it was a lie he already
knew that the book had been stolen and as expected it had been the old man he stole it to use against his master with a strange smile sodam said said this man really wanted to defeat the former Master jande the sword then asked if hey action had said he would teach the MC the art of the Stellar sword and he confirmed that he did every third day starting tomorrow if he could demonstrate it to the MC it meant he had mastered the technique and it must have strengthened his martial arts using sword techniques the Twins
were probably using the same techniques in the fight and would have their martial arts improved as well soam cursed the old man while the MC remained silent for a moment he found it strange that the old man said he would try to make the battle fair and equal among the three but it was obvious there would be a significant difference soam was Furious about this it wasn't as if this would prove he was better than the former sword master but he wasn't normal before let alone now the steel sword said that in truth this was
because his former Master had passed away the two old men had been confronting each other for ages but they were never able to declare a clear winner and loser in their fight and now that Jang day was no longer alive there was no way to prove who was Superior so he was trying to win using another method the MC found it strange because the sword said the old man had never been able to defeat the sword master and he explained that all the fights ended in a draw the MC put the book into his clothes
and said that no matter what he does now the result won't be established unless he loses while they still had time he wanted to find another way and sodam came up with an idea to knock the steel sword out during the fight and use sodam in its place to defeat them but the boy said it probably wouldn't count as a victory if he did that the steel sword then said the MC didn't need to worry the ver version of The Sword Art the old man stole was an old version which Master John Day had not
yet improved after the manual had been stolen he sought to enhance his sword art the original technique was still full of flaws and weaknesses in its movements appearing every few seconds but while the sword's movements remained the same as the original version the user movements and flows had been improved evolving the art BMC had finished his training he talked to the sword saying he understood what it meant after using the improved movement despite resembling the original there were still differences the steel sword said that if the old man hadn't stolen the manual Master John day
would never have refined his sword art so in the end it was a good thing sodam said she didn't want to ruin the mood but asked if the old man wouldn't be surprised to witness the improved version of the Stellar Sword Art wouldn't he question why he didn't use the sword art as written in the books the steel sword agreed it would be strange for him to appear with an improved version of The Sword Art when he had just learned it improving a sword art could only be done by someone with absurd inate Talent with
a weapon this was quite a dilemma for the protagonist if he didn't use the improved art he would definitely lose knowing this the MC decided he would use it regardless of what the old man thought sodam asks what he was planning but he only responds that there is always a way the MC in the steel sword discussed something that makes sodam curious but he only explains that no one Falls for a trick twice and he plans to use that to his Advantage elsewhere far from where the MC was Captain o was with another man by
his side determined to catch the boy he was lucky to become a servant of the venerable but now he had brought someone to replace the MC he had no Escape he tells the boy to show his skills as a warrior and eliminate the MC the captain finds the MC and greets him saying it had been a while since he had seen the boy the MC introduces himself as a mid-ranked warrior and respectfully greets him the captain says he has been working hard as a servant of action the steel sword asks the MC if this was
the captain Oh the boy had mentioned a few days ago and he confirms that he was trying to mess with him the boy with the captain remain silent and the MC was curious to know who he was could he be a recruit of the captain he warns that the venerable will take some time to arrive and that he could hand over the supplies to him but the captain places his hand on his shoulder he used his key on the protagonist's body the captain says that it made sense there was something special about the boy's body
that made the venerable want to take him as a disciple but even he couldn't sense the innate key the captain informs the MC that from now on the one with him would serve the venerable he was a high-ranking warrior and would be better for the old man the captain also says he doesn't know how the MC convinced the leader of the blood wolves but no one else seemed to have known the boy's grandfather in Wang he says he needs to take the MC to the valley of six Bloods to conduct an investigation the captain really
wanted to catch him lying and mess with him one we says the captain was mistaken his grandfather needed to hide his true identity as a cultist in his hometown moreover the venerable wouldn't be satisfied with just a mere high-ranked Warrior serving him and this confuses the captain for a moment o calls the boy arrogant but finds it amusing he would take this chance and turn the MC's arrogance into a lesson to impress the old man the captain commands the boy named dhayan to teach the MC a lesson he would take full responsibility for whatever happened
the boy a bays and begins walking toward the protagonist and he realizes things have gotten too complicated to back down dhyan says he has nothing against Wii but he couldn't miss this opportunity and asks for patience because it would hurt a little the boy notices that he is being completely underestimated by the warrior dhyan throws a direct jab at the MC's face but he Dodges it effortlessly both the boy and the captain are shocked by how easily the MC evaded the attack he thinks that technique was the basic fist technique of cultists the eight blood's
Fist and the boy executed it perfectly but he was too slow and despite having only reached two stars in the Stellar blade technique he didn't know that a high rank would seem so weak to him in the next moment the old man appears behind doyan shouting that he dares to try to kill his slaves the boy looks back and in desperation Pays His respects to the old man but his hand was already holding his head he smashes the boy's head in front of the MC and immediately grabs the captain's head asking who he was the
captain introduces himself saying he serves the tyrannical blood Commander the old man then asks if a mere Captain was causing trouble in front of his house he tries to explain that wasn't the case the MC is impressed by the old man's strength and sodam says that even if he trains until he bleeds she doesn't know if he'll ever be as strong as the crazy old man he responds that he already knew that before she said it but someone calls him the mule of L Yang the blue twin approaches along with his brother who was almost
bald and asks the MC how his training has been he was in great shape he looks to the side and notices Captain O's presence but the protagonist is paying attention to something else their bodies had already improved a lot even though it had only been a few days since they last saw each other their training must have been extremely brutal for them to be in such shape and he wonders how much they suffered the red twin looked like Tobias Funk Cadet Dohan was lying on the ground as if he were a piece of trash and
the blue twin panicked asking why there was a body lying there meanwhile the captain was still shouting asking the old man to listen to him the boy's background was suspicious and he was asking to take him in for investigation but the old man didn't want to hear any more and punch the captain the captain immediately passed out again letting go of the captain's head the old man said he had already warned him that all this complaining was irritating but he kept showing up to take the MC the old man was impressed that the captain had
truly made the MC his Target even bringing someone to replace him the MC explained that on the day he was kidnapped he managed to eliminate two of Captain O's subordinates the old man was impressed at how useless they were to be defeated by someone without even a Danon but to him the weak had to be eliminated annoyed the old man told the twins to throw the two unconscious men off the cliff the blue twin didn't understand the old man shouted at him asking if he should be the one to throw them and the boys immediately
obeyed heading off to bury them in the forest the old man began laughing and said the MC must be in a very complicated situation to be targeted by those dogs they were the kind who bit their prey and never let go that was their strength but this was an opportunity that wouldn't come again for the MC anytime soon and he asked if he agreed the boy nodded he left inviting the blue twin to go with him to the forest the twin said he didn't mind but asked if the MC had the ability to keep up
with him one we replied that if he started losing strength along the way he could carry him then in a very quick movement the blue twin was already running along the cliff wall which left the MC completely shot as he descended the twin laughed calling the MC slow sodam said it was about time the MC learned some body enhancement technique and he agreed sodam tried to talk to the steel sword about the body enhancement technique of his former master and he said he would teach it but he was rubbing against the MC however only actions
technique could allow him to descend the cliff like that not even his former Master could do it frustrated at seeing the steel sword rubbing against the MC sodam kicked the poor thing to stop the weirdness but the MC was watching the blue twin he had become very strong but he would keep up with him so he descended the cliff the same way one we was still wondering if the twin understood what the old man had said the blue twin reached the bottom of the cliff and threw the captain's body to the ground he thought they
were far enough down and wondered if he should finish him off completely but the MC approached and asked what he was doing the twin asked what he thought he was doing he was assisting the boy at that moment the boy was excited he needed to vent some of his anger on something and this was a great opportunity for that anyway breaking his leg could force him to to retire but the protagonist drew his sword and the boy asked what he was trying to do one who we said there must be some misunderstanding did he really
think the old man only wanted the captain's leg broken the twin asked if he was planning to eliminate the captain and the MC asked if he felt sorry for him the twin was still processing this information and the protagonist told him to step aside so he could do what needed to be done but the captain woke up and kicked the blue twin in the face the blow sent him flying slamming his back into a tree the captain asked what the bastards had just said and the MC looked back the captain had awakened the blue twin
hadn't sealed his key points on the way to the forest the captain was smiling grotesquely saying the MC was there to exterminate him so he would make the boy regret not doing it sooner still laughing the captain asked what the MC plann to do with that sword he was holding the southern Celestial warned that the captain didn't know the MC was already capable of using martial arts and the boy thought he needed to strike while the captain was off guard the next moment the captain was already in front of the MC as asking if he
really thought a weakling like him could Pierce him the boy used only one hand to Parry the captain's blow and directed his arm to the side leaving the captain astonished by this he screams asking how he could do that and the MC was already preparing his sword slash which strikes the captain vertically cutting through his chest and making him scream as ketchup sprays from his body the captain is thrown backward and falls to the ground and the MC is grateful that his strike worked he managed to use his innate key the southern Celestial Praises him
saying it was great for his first first time with a sword but he couldn't let his guard down just yet the opponent was first class the real fight hadn't even begun the boy says he used his key to try sensing the captain's energy and he saw nothing so how was he getting back up the MC leaps to strike with a sword from above but the captain is just standing still in the next moment the captain uses the Lazy Donkey move to dodge the MC's strike and screams in fear another strike comes and he sidesteps to
evade sweating cold the captain is terrified and to think he'd have to use the laser Dunkey move he couldn't believe how powerful the boy was even without a Danon he needed to eliminate him quickly because he was too dangerous his eyes turn red and filled with rage the captain says he won't let the MC live no matter what the blue twin finally wakes up his face swollen from the kick he took earlier he sits up and sees the scene of the two fighting and feels confused when did the captain wake up and how was w
we able to fight him the captain lands a kick straight to the MC's stomach sending him flying backward but the MC manages to use his sword to avoid falling the southern Celestial asks the protagonist if he's okay and the boy says he is happy that he reduced the impact to avoid internal damage those were the abilities of a first class Warrior a martial arts master the captain was on another level compared to him even so he wasn't at full strength because the MC had landed that first strike so the boy still had a chance in
the long run the blue twin shouts at the MC to get out of the way and leaps to perform a flying double-legged kick saying the MC did a good job but that he would take over the fight from here the captain easily counters the blue twins move and knocks him out again with a critical hit to his face saying there was no need to rush after finishing off the MC he would deal with him too but the twin still manages to land a kick on the captain's face the captain screams in pain and curses the
boy while the twin gets back up the steel sword is impressed with the twin's ability to retaliate even while in pain adjusting his broken jaw the twin says that compared to the old man the captain strikes for nothing but cotton balls and tells him to get ready he charges at the captain saying he'll make him pay for the humiliation he suffered during the evaluation test the captain stands back up and uses the strike he received as an opportunity to spit ketchup onto the blue Twin's face calling him a persistent bastard charging up a punch with
his fist he says he'll send the blue twin to Hell first the MC is alarmed by this it was impossible to block the captain's attack with his current skills if that was the case he could save the boy instead of blocking the captain's technique he pulls the boy out of the captain's reach and thinks about taking advantage of the Captain's position to take him down for good the sword strike lands right in the middle of the captain's chest and it pierces through the tree behind him even so the captain wasn't fully defeated the MC realizes
it's not over yet the captain is holding on to the sword with his hand immobilizing the boy in that position and decides to break the boy's arm when we tells sodam that this is her chance and she thanks him with the short sword technique of the eight lights he could use both arms freely and uses the Broken Sword to deliver the Fatal strike the captain still manages to block the blade played with his hand even though it pierces through it and says it's a shame the captain's key strength is still immense even in this state
it seems he played all his cards the captain says his guts are twisting under the force of the MC's key and the MC knows he can't defeat the captain with his current mystical art someone shouts for the MC to hold the short sword tightly and the captain shouts for him to drop the sword but in the next moment the blue twins two feet struck the captain the sword went even deeper into the captain's hand throwing him backward finally it was over the steel sword remarks that if not for the blue twins kick things could have
gotten even more dangerous with a very different ending the twin curses the captain and says he had the audacity to spit blood on his face and the MC thinks that must have been the boy's first kill the blue twin says that now the MC owes him his life and the MC agrees acknowledging that the captain was a first class martial artist and very strong the twin says they will face each other soon but unfortunately the MC won't be the one to win and by winning he could become the old man's Apprentice the the MC wonders
if that was the promise the old man made to the blue twin if he won the fight he puts his arms on the MC's shoulder and says he knows the MC asked for something too but it was pointless the boy already spoke as if he had won he was full of himself he says that indeed if they fought did the MC really believe he could even touch him and he starts laughing at the possibility the MC then asks if he wants to make a bet immediately the boy stops laughing one we says the loser will
become the Winner's servant he was confident and asks if the twin was as well he gets excited and agrees to the BET then turns to leave but the MC says he should help clean up the mess that happened there but the boy simply runs off saying he'll see the protagonist another time even so the MC was excited about the upcoming fight he calls for the southern Celestial and he responds he asks if actions body enhancement technique was Superior to that of his master John Day and the celestial confirms he had said so before if that
was a body enhancement technique hey action would have a higher level and the MC says he understands and asks if he should make at his wish as he watches the blue twin climb the cliff at full speed the blue twin enters the cave informing action that he did what the old man had ordered action says it's fine then he grabs the boy's head with one hand and asks why he returned alone the boy replies that the MC couldn't keep up with him he should arrive there in about 30 minutes the MC was already outside the
cave the old man brings his face close to the Twins and says that judging by his regular breathing he must have been internally injured and asks who took out the captain the boy replies that it was him and the old man gets excited by this news then realizes that was indeed hey actions order the old man says their opponent was a first class martial artist if the blue twin was hurt that badly then the MC must be in even worse shape the old man looks ahead and the protagonist is entering the cave saying he got
rid of the captain as ordered the old man squeezes the blue twins head and says his training from now on will be even longer the boy dispares at this and protests saying the old man was mistaken he was the one who delivered the final blow to the captain while the the MC had only injured him with his weapon the old man orders him to shut up and throws the boy against a nearby wall where the MC was standing soodam notices the boy is suffering a lot but the MC thinks he would suffer less if he
stopped making excuses the old man looks at the MC and asks what he's staring at if it's over he could leave the boy says yes but he wants to talk about the wish he mentioned the old man asks if he's talking about the wish he wanted granted if he won the fight then says he'll listen to what the MC has to say the MC says he doesn't want much he simply admires the old man's ability to climb and descend the cliff with ease there wasn't much he could do if the old man said no but
he wants to learn that the old man asks if he's referring to his body enhancement technique the MC promises he is if he wins the fight the old man will teach him the technique the boy shouts in gratitude though knowing the old man trusted he wouldn't lose action informs the MC that the fight will take place in 3 months the captain may have died but the MC still had much to lose by then he suggested to the boy that he should train because his life depended on it the boy nodded and said he would keep
that in mind he then told the MC he could return to his training spot he still had to train those two useless ones and the boy left the boy obeyed the old man's order and already thought that the body enhancement technique would be his the southern Celestial asked the MC how he felt after using the Stellar Sword Art in battle for the first time and he said he managed to defeat the captain somehow but thinking more about it the first strike was delivered very easily probably because the captain was already hurt by the old man's
blow the sword spirits said that as he mentioned while it wasn't directly part of the technique it was still one of the 18 basic sword movements the southern celestials former Master would have ended Captain O's life with the first strike the MC felt a bit uncomfortable being compared to master Jang day again and asked if he was really that strong but sodam interrupted the conversation and said that in any case he had won and now he could focus on training to deal with those guys and the boy agreed the fight would be in 3 months
and judging by the fight between the captain and the blue twin the latter wouldn't be an easy opponent for the MC then he asked the steel sword if they would train the basic sword movements again and the southern Celestial said yes he needed to master them they couldn't start training sword techniques without first becoming familiar with the basics sodam then caught the southern celestials attention and asked him not to be upset that the MC had asked to learn hey actions body enhancement technique the boy asked if he looked upset and she then realized she was
mistaken she said wui was the successor of the Southern celestials former swordsman but was learning a technique from his rival the boy said he could imagine how that could upset his former Master but even though the MC was learning jongi techniques he wasn't a replacement for the master it was normal for a martial artist to seek to improve their strength and learn more martial techniques the old man was beating up the blue twin elsewhere in the forest the boy went flying and the old man called him an idiot he had personally demonstrated the mystical Stellar
Sword Art to the twin what the hell was he thinking the boy asked if that was really necessary his opponent was so wound we he was about to say the MC was slower than the old man but he was already being hit in the face with a stick right on his nose action again called the Blue twin an idiot and pathetic had he learned nothing from the fight the MC was training alone with just two secret martial arts manuals and yet he had no internal injuries after fighting Captain L the boy was shocked to hear
that and said it was impossible he had seen the MC get hit multiple times by the captain the old man then pointed the stick at the blue Twin's face and asked if he thought the old man couldn't tell if someone was injured and the boy said no he continued saying the twin should know since he was present at the fight was he underestimating the MC to the point he couldn't gauge his abilities he couldn't accomplish anything not even when the old man gave him opportunities this left the boy devastated and frustrated every day he was
compared to wi we he had to win he would make sure he won that fight the blue twin stood up and asked the old man to show him the technique once more the old man laughed and asked if he really wanted to see the technique again even after being beaten up the boy shouted that this wasn't train to him he would show the old man that he and the MC were on completely different levels he was about to continue with some speech when the old man lost patience and started beating him up again the old
man said that if he had the necessary determination he should show it instead of spouting words without taking action and the boy nodded the old man said that now they had finished the training with the technique now he could show the boy that the boy was astonished was he finally being chosen to be his Apprentice he gets excited and shouts to his master that he will train until he can no longer endure but the old man says he is not his master throwing him against The Rock and with that we get to see why the
bald man was bald he had been meditating upside down this whole time someone appears thanking the old man and paying their respects to the cult it was the bloody Commander sangun the old man asks why he was there when he could have just left the supplies in his cave the commander then says it wasn't about the supplies and asks if Captain know and a Cadet had been there before the old man responds that he doesn't know anything about those people and tells the commander to leave sang when says the captain had informed him that he
would be there today and the old man calls the Commander's name asking if he was bothering him over a mere Captain after that the commander never showed up again to inquire about the captain nor did anyone else winter arrives in the valley and the MC is at the foot of a waterfall meditating there was no sound of the waterfall in the background because the water was frozen and he was sitting on a rock with his eyes closed an icicle breaks and begins to fall toward the protagonist's head he still doesn't move and the giant piece
of ice is falling directly above him he draws his sword from his back and with a quick motion he manages to split the large block of ice into six pieces the fragments are flung to the sides avoiding hitting the MC the steel sword says he still has a long way to go and sodam says he's already good but the MC asks them to stop arguing the MC begins to walk and says it's time to head to the location of the fight the MC is walking and asks the southern Celestial how strong he is the spirit
says he only has half the strength of his former Master for now but he had already improved a lot since he began his training and the MC says it was thanks to his supervision so Dam gets jealous and asks about her and the boy says she helped a lot as well she assumes it's under a posture and tells him to stop responding to her so indifferently calling him trash he looks at her shocked at being insulted this is a white-haired tatsumaki moment she yells saying that even if he needs to use the Stellar Sword Art
in this fight he must not forget her in all the battles he's fought the blade he's used the most had been her and she had already sent three guys to the Grave the southern Celestial says there won't be any deaths in this fight and she says she already knows that but the MC interrupts the conversation saying they don't have time for this after 3 months of training he's only learned three techniques will that be enough the celestial says he doesn't need to worry better to master three techniques than to learn a little of everything mastering
three would make him much more lethal he's already strong enough so he should be more confident in himself the protagonist then thanks him for his words and says it's time to head to the fight action notices the sural and says he came early he's laughing does he think the MC didn't learn anything and is going to lose he compliments the boy for not running away from the fight and asks if he's ready to lose one we then asks if he shouldn't just wait and see and behind him we see sodam choking the southern Celestial just
because sodam then stops assaulting the southern Celestial and points forward telling them to look the two twins were behind the old man and looked very different the red twins seemed to be cosplaying saama apparently sjab the blue twin was much more muscular than before the MC wonders what kind of training they had undergone to achieve such impressive results song Wuhan the red twin his head was much shinier than before what kind of training did he do to become so bald meditating upside down leads to this the old man tells the MC that he can see
the twins have become much stronger and the boy thinks that is an all action then says the rules are simple there is no surrender the competition will go on until one side is completely unable to fight there is also no such thing as sparing someone life in the middle of the battle the MC says he understands and asks who he will fight against the blue twin steps forward and says it's against him obviously when we is relieved he won't have to face a two-on-one the twin claps his hands together and prepares for battle he appears
to be using two iron gauntlets as his weapon he asks what the MC is staring at did he think it would be fair for the MC to use a sword while he was unarmed the boy agrees and with a smile he draws his sword to start the battle too the boy starts provoking the blue twin beckoning him with his fingers even the sword Spirits noticed the provocation he was mocking actions Arts the blue twin easily falls for the provocation making a furious face and charging at the MC with everything he's got shouting that he'll get
him when we realizes the blue twin is a simple guy if he's charging at him directly he only needs to use the sword's range Advantage the moment he's within reach the two boys Rush toward each other and the MC uses the first principle of the Stellar Sword Art several strikes hit the blue twin but he manages to use his Gauntlet to defend against them the fight is intense between the two but the Old Man simply observes seated he sees that the MC really trained during the last 3 months and his techniques had indeed improved however
he won't be able to defeat the blue twing using just that sword technique jwab manages to grab the MC's wrist and says he's got him using his other free arm he starts delivering a series of quick punches while the MC tries to defend himself he asks how it feels and if it reminds him of the old days he tries to strike the boy's Temple but the boy manages to DOD by ducking just as the blue Twin's arm swings over him taking advantage of the opening the MC knees him in the chin and finishes the move
with a somersault while the other boy is falling backward he lands on his feet and looks ahead the MC almost couldn't escape the blue twins range it was time to reposition himself but in the next instant he takes a critical hit that sends him flying backward the twin wasn't going to fall that easily when we slams his back against the wall and the blue twin asks what kind of dishonest swordsman uses his feet to strike the Bo comments that the difference in his internal energy compared to 3 months ago is huge and asks if the
twin has taken some sort of drug the boy blatantly lies saying he learned everything from the old man but his pupils betray the LIE the MC thinks to himself that he almost forgot the purpose and history of this fight in 10 years the twins will become two of the strongest within the cult and will be known as the black and white Phantom twins he might look like an idiot now but he'll continue to receive emotional and material support but what kind of emotional support comes from constant beatings either way the MC remembers that in his
first life everything was against him so he says to himself he's been thinking wrongly the twin asks if he was wrong about something and if he is going to surrender but when we says he'll go all out now jawab is confused by this and in the next instant both of his arms are severed and the MC is already behind him as he falls to the ground this puts the old man on alert the boy is shocked by this not understanding what just happened he couldn't even see the MC move the old man begins grinding his
teeth quietly but the MC notices even though he seems indifferent his face looks stiffer however onewe isn't done yet the fight is just beginning and it's far too early to be surprised by the result we then flash back to the blue twin he's being smacked on the head and the old man yells at him to do it again he calls jawab an idiot and asks if he still doesn't understand to fight with his fists he needs to close the distance between him and his opponent the boy says he understands but the old man's attack was
so fast that he couldn't even see it the old man then shouts that if he can see it he'll hit him until he can the boy is on the ground covered in cuts and thinks that after being beaten so many times with the Stellar sword that attack was definitely the void slash but it was on the same level as actions void slash no one had taught him that and yet he had gotten so strong one who yells at the blue twin and asks if he's given up questioning why he's still lying down the boy quickly
gets up and says it's nothing more than a scratch but he's irritated at the MC for mocking him he had been trained directly by the great action himself and had exper experiened the mystical Stellar Sword Art every day he trained until his bones hurt and he wouldn't let his guard down again he would fight with all his might the old man gets excited and tells the boy to come at him back in the present the southern Celestial says the blue twin seems to have learned the old man's techniques and sodam observes that he barely got
hurt from the last attack the celestial then says that in this case the boy will have no choice but to follow through with his plan the two face each other again the MC with his sword and the blue twin with his gauntlets the fight is still in tense and they both separate to gain distance before attacking again the MC starts maneuvering his sword and the blue twin thinks that once he finishes Gathering his spiritual energy he'll Roar realizing that the MC is about to use the first technique of the Stellar sword the tiger F sword
strike he manages to defend against the strike even without seeing it completely all he needed was to know where it would pass even though he was hit a few times the injuries weren't severe he could still move the MC notices that even if he goes all out the twin knows his mov M ments and can deflect them and he also had the enhancement technique this made Landing a hit much harder he wonders if he should just overwhelm him with sheer force the MC uses the first Stellar sword technique again but jwab immediately notices this move
uses pressure to subdue the opponent but there was a gap between its movements that allowed him to get closer to the MC at that moment he would close the distance and deliver a Critical Strike the MC switched his grip on the sword closer to the blade that was the third Stellar sword technique the void slash this attack used an unpredictable flow of strikes to confuse so instead of deflecting them one by one the twin decides to charge in and close the distance the boys's strategy worked perfectly but just as he was about to strike the
MC had already created some distance between them to the twin that was an obvious move the MC managed to regain his balance using the horse stance and with his other hand prepared to Counterattack with the second Stellar sword technique however if the sword user fails to predict the opponent's movements this second technique becomes useless and the twin targets the MC's legs one we loses his balance and the twin takes advantage of the opening to land a punch the MC is sent flying backward and jwab is already celebrating convinced that this strike sealed the end of
the fight between him and Wu he was confident nothing the MC tried was working against him because he knew all the Stellar Sword Art techniques the two Spirits were cheering for w together but he thinks that their cheering doesn't help much the fight was tough he had expected it to be but it was still painful and exhausting however both the Celestial and sodam tell him not to worry too much his wounds could easily heal with innate key techniques that was true but he still complained about the pain in any case this fight showed that the
Stellar Sword Art had been defeated he would be a complete fool to keep using a flaw technique so even if he used the improved version now he could claim that he made a few adjustments because of the disadvantageous situation they wouldn't be able to deny that the MC Rees his sword quickly jwab raises his guard to protect himself calling the MC an idiot the twin realizes that the MC is about to attack again and he is confident that he can easily defend himself but as he notices the void SL strikes were coming too fast for
him to react jawab starts screaming in pain from the MC's hits the old man is surprised the MC's movements had changed jawab asks what wui had done and wui responds that since he seemed to be able to defend against the Stellar Sword Art he modified it a bit mockingly asking if the twin liked it the twin is incredulous that he managed to modify the techniques movements in the middle of a fight but he was seeing it with his own eyes and the MC was attacking him ferociously the tiger Fong technique was now much harder to
defend against and he couldn't close the distance he tries again anyway and sees a small opening to strike the MC he lands a critical blow that seems to hit right in the middle of when we's chest but when he looks more closely the MC had caught his punch with just one hand he had created distance while maintaining balance with his left hand and was now preparing to use the second Stellar sword technique the hidden mollusk strike what a terrible name for this technique don't you agree the MC's hand starts trembling after using the second technique
it was bleeding and he felt as if he had struck a giant Iron Stone he looks at the blue twin and asks what on Earth was that form of his his body was brown he looked like the thing from the Fantastic 4 this fight wasn't over yet the boy throws away his gauntlets and protective gear leaving the MC confused the southern Celestial tells Wu that this was the strange blood body protection the name confuses the MC and I have to admit I'm confused too the celestial says that that from now on the fight will be
entirely different from what it was moments ago so the MC should gain some distance the twin calls WWE's name and in the next instant he's already in front of him launching a punch right at his face and asking where he was looking one we manages to dodge the Blue Twin Strike though now he's brown I'll keep calling him the blue twin his speed was now absurd even before his speed had been very high due to the body enhancement technique but now it was much greater the first punch was a warning strike if he had gone
all out the m thinks he wouldn't have been able to dodge so easily he hadn't expected the battle to be this difficult but he would have to use his trump card at that moment the blue twin seemed excited his veins bulging and his muscles more rigid than ever preparing to charge forward both Advanced simultaneously the MC with his sword and the blue twin with bare hands using the first technique of the Stellar Sword Art the MC landed multiple strikes on the blue Twin's body but he shouted that it was useless at that moment he delivered
a critical hit to the MC's stomach sending him flying backward and crashing into a rock behind him shattering it the MC took a deep breath the pressure was immense his opponent had gotten even stronger jwab somersaulted over WWI and came down with full force to land a powerful kick from above the boy used his sword to block the attack and the ground shattered from the impact he managed to block the hit but barely created an opening to Counterattack W Used the second technique again on jawab and he was also sent flying back but he managed
to land on his feet and didn't seem to have taken even a scratch from the strike blood started dripping from his nose and mouth and he said he didn't have much time left in other words the blood wasn't from the strike but from using the technique the boy pressed his hands into the ground so hard that his fingers pierced the stone he needed to counter the second technique of the Stellar Sword Art so he hurled several giant rocks at the MC who began slicing through them with ease was this some sort of trick or was
the boy losing his patience jawab was already behind the MC and he once again used his sword to block the attack the blue twin was as fast as rock in the fight against gar where is Lincoln Park to do the ostd the MC looked at the blue twin and asked if he was okay his body looked like it was about to explode jwab began shouting asking why the MC was worried about him this wasn't the time for the W young dog to be so relaxed the southern Celestial said things were getting far too dangerous he
needed to end this quickly and the MC agreed he couldn't hold out much longer but the celestial corrected him it wasn't him she was worried about but the blue twin she had seen actions body enhancement technique many times when he was still with her old Master but his skin had never swollen like chabi nor had pieces of his body deteriorated this was a clear sign he was using a marshall technique far beyond his capabilities if he continued like this he might not survive the MC said he understood what she was saying which surprised me so
it wasn't a boy but another girl now I understand sod Dam's jealousy jwab in action looked down curiously for a moment soodam shouted calling the MC an idiot and asked how he planned to fight with a sword at such a close range but the southern Celestial had already understood he was going to resolve this battle using the power of their key the MC was intentionally matching his pressure to the blue twins using his innate key to try and release the blood protection from his body soam becomes desperate and asks if he can use his innate
key so irresponsibly and the celestial says that for him it would be like erasing himself the two key energies are evenly matched and the pressure is so intense that the ground begins to crack and give way sodam says the MC is being overpowered by the blue twins key but the Celestial tells her to look at their facial expressions even though it seems jaab is stronger than the MC he is also tiring much faster to the southern Celestial it's impressive while the blue twins seemed intent on eliminating the MC throughout the fight the MC wasn't just
skilled in martial arts he also had insight into others hearts with that one's Victory might already be sealed neither the tiger Fang technique nor the void slash could contain the pressure jawab was exerting on the MC but if he could Outlast his opponent he knew he could win this fight though it would cost him his life he had to win and save the blue twins's life so he aimed a strike with his sword directly at the boy's chest the boy dodged but the slash seemed deep the twins face Twisted in Despair and the ketchup began
pouring from the blade in large quantities jawab was frightened but the MC was even more so if he had been a moment slower to dodge the strike would have hit his heart directly jaab grabbed the blade leaving the MC desperate and unsure of what to do the twin pulled the sword closer to himself closing the distance between them and aiming directly at the MC's head but the MC realized what he needed to do he knew how to resolve this situation he grabbed the blue Twin's hand interlacing his fingers with his and held it firmly jawab
asks if he really dares to engage in a key battle with him but in the next moment his golden blood is already starting to seep out of his body and he shows immense fatigue the old man steps between the two separating them with a single strike and sending each flying in opposite directions the MC is thrown so hard that he bounces on the ground before falling again he gets up and asks why the old man decided to interfere in the fight and the old man responds that he had just saved the M's Life by stopping
him from using all his innate key and that's all he had to say since no one won the battle it won't count who would have thought it would turn out this way right one we is stunned the fight doesn't count the old man asks why the MC didn't use the sword techniques from the manual he gave him and the MC realizes that this was the Trap the boy replies that he's not as stupid as action thinks leaving the old man puzzled one he says he knows the old man is familiar with the techniques in the
manual and knowing how to use them he also knows their weaknesses the old man then asks if he changed the techniques because of that and the boy says yes action asks if someone taught him but the boy simply asks if anyone could enter his territory without permission he says that's probably the MC's limit because he can still see his weaknesses but the boy intentionally made mistakes to avoid suspicion one we asks the old man if he understands leaving him confused the boy continues asking if he doesn't think the previous master of these techniques improved them
precis ly because someone like him knew them does he really believe the master wouldn't have enhanced them this question enrages the old man who sees that the master long gone from this world he regains his composure and says that in any case the battle won't count because it ended in a draw but the MC says he would have won without his interference the blue twins condition was pitiful it was obvious but the old man says no one can know what might have happened even if the boy was lying on the ground like garbage one who
is furious feeling it's unfair to him he only had half a technique the boy who inherited the old man's techniques already knew the weaknesses of the sword technique the MC was using and he also consumed Elixir to boost his internal energy he even received rare gauntlets to wear on his arms couldn't the old man see what he had accomplished despite such a disadvantageous situation he had won a fight designed for him to lose if he couldn't recognize his victory he might as well erase himself right there he wasn't the old man's play thing the blue
twin wouldn't stand a chance against him in a fair fight and the old man knew it without the Elixir or gauntlets the result would have been different the old man bursts into loud laughter confusing the MC then he Stomps the ground lifting the boy into the air grabs him by the face with one arm and asks why that idiot used that without his permission he had warned the boy he couldn't handle it yet but it didn't matter he asked the boy if he gave him any elixirs and the boy asks if the pills the old
man gave him every day weren't elixirs the old man laughs saying that if he had that many Elixir he would never waste them on someone like him action tells the MC he taught martial arts to the twins because they had perfect bodies capable of learning the golden blood technique the twins blood flows faster than that of normal humans allowing them to store more internal energy naturally the twin then asks what the pills were for and the old man explains they were to control blood flow so it wouldn't run too fast and poison them and about
the gauntlets the MC couldn't complain about them while he was using a sword even though it was old it was made of Cold Steel a handcrafted sword better than most common swords the celestial said he was right at least this time and the old man continued saying that even so the fight was unfair and orchestrated for him to win the boys were nothing more than mere chess pieces to him but the boy tried to trick him and almost won the fight so the fight wouldn't count and their agreement was cancelled the MC then said he
was just a disposable pawn and the old man replied that he would take that disposable Pawn as his disciple one we was shocked to hear this an action said it would be a great waste to discard so much potential there are a few exceptional individuals in martial arts called Geniuses when these Geniuses are taught something they can learn other things independently through their initial training and this was a talent the MC had in any case because of this he decided to take the boy as his disciple and one we said he was honored he thought
it was just something he had learned but the southern celestials said that was truly his talent sodam added asking if he thought anyone else could hear them he thanked the two swords for their help but it was still too early to relax he still had one last matter to settle with action he looked at the old man and asked if even if he became his disciple he wouldn't be able to learn his special arts he had said that the technique could only be learned by people with faster blood circulation like the twins but the old
man said he wouldn't teach him fist techniques but would help him Master his sword techniques which were from his only rival the protagonist feigned surprise and asked if the skeleton at the waterfall was the former Southern Celestial swordsman and if that was his sword the celestial said she had already told him that but sodam explained that he was just acting it was the first time he had heard this information from action so he had to pretend he didn't know it she would have to get used to it the old man explained that he was the
only one who knew the Stellar Sword Art after the former Master passed away so he would help the MC Master it the MC even thought he didn't need the old man's help since he had the sword's spirit teaching him but the old man also said he wanted to fix his Danton and asked if he would accept the two swords said it was a good idea and the MC greeted the old man as his master thanking him for accepting him as a disciple the twins approached action and asked what would happen to them the old man
said he thought they were in ENT but he couldn't just discard them after they had learned his martial arts techniques so he decided to accept them as disciples too the blue twin was moved by this and grabbed his brother by the head telling him to repeat the words to greet action as his master as well the Bal twin repeated the exact words even including the blue twin's name and he told the bald one to use his own name instead of repeating everything literally apparently a big head isn't a sign of intelligence the MC then called
the two of them newbies and with a mocking expression said he was happy to welcome two newbies at once it was good to be a veteran jwab protested saying they were the ones who had learned the old man's techniques it wasn't fair for the MC to be their senior the old man began laughing loudly and shouted asking if JN day was watching this his predecessor was now his disciple he kept shouting and laughing saying he was the Victor here but the MC was more confused it seemed like he was doing everything to come out as
the winner of anything the celestial said she wouldn't help him anymore if he became the old man's disciple back at Jong D's waterfall the old man approached the skeleton of the former Master asking how he was doing and said that he would finally surpass him after accepting the MC as his disciple except for one last thing he asked the body to speak to him who had killed him interesting to ask a dead man who his murderer was I called that schizophrenia he had received a challenge letter different from normal letters the location time and a
flower were included in the letter although he had received many challenged letters before this particular one made him quite nervous during during his journey to the location she still didn't know who the opponent was but the man had a golden eye and even though he didn't appear to be much older than someone in their 20s the fight ended in just 40 moves someone considered a rival to the eight martial masters of the entire world the ruler of yan Province the southern Celestial swordsman had lost that was all the celestial knew about the man who defeated
her former master and ultimately led to his death sodam was impressed by the story defeating someone like him in just 40 moves the MC finds this a bit strange soodam tells w we to watch his words saying the former Master didn't lose because he was weak but because the opponent was strong the MC responds that wasn't what he meant he was about to say something but notied the sadness on the southern celestials face so he decides to say nothing it was getting late it was time for everyone to sleep do swords sleep too the MC
places the swords on the ground and wishes them good night and soam asks what he's talking about did he really think swords could sleep the MC reflects that he tried to comfort her by ask asking more about her former Master but the conversation ended up touching a sensitive topic judging by the sword's reaction she might be hiding something and from what she said nothing explained why the ruler of yunan Province was in guangong Province they were talking about the former Southern Celestial swordsman he was defeated in 40 moves if the power difference was so great
why did it take 40 moves and the southern Celestial said he was the man who led her master to his death meaning something else must have been what truly killed him after losing the duel he was probably still alive he likely went to the waterfall to recover and someone appeared before him the person who truly killed the southern Celestial swordsman was it the same man he had faced coming back to finish the job or someone else seeking a fight there was no way to know and then there was what the celestial had told the MC
about her master's wish he wanted a successor but wasn't good with people so if someone stole the martial arts of the Southern Celestial swordsman and defeated him that person would be the only one to know the Stellar Sword Art whoever it was broke his jaw so he couldn't speak broke his arms so he couldn't write and broke his legs so he couldn't flee there was only one reason to go to such lengths against jande that person needed to become the sole user of the art it was even possible that what he found written wasn't incomplete
but intentionally erased that person wanted to be the only one capable of using innate key the protagonist clenches his teeth in Rage even though he inherited his techniques and swar without being his direct disciple he was Furious he couldn't even imagine how angry the sword must have been for being unable to to help her master while everything happened before her eyes even on the day he met her she avoided talking about it probably because it was such a traumatic event for her until the southern Celestial decides to tell him what happened that day he has
to tread carefully and avoid talking about it it was the least he could do sodam and the celestial were talking and sodam asks who was responsible for all of this the celestial replies that she will speak about it later and thanks her for understanding sodam says there's no need to let the atmosphere between them grow uncomfortable and adds that the celestial could confide in her since they were both swords sodam then says not to worry because she'll change the subject whenever the idiot one we tries to talk about the celestials former Master but the celestial
says she doesn't think he'll bring it up anymore he must have realized she didn't want to talk about it after seeing her face sodam asks how she knows that with a confident expression the celestial responds that words aren't always necessary to understand each other it's something about the bond between a master and a sword soodam grows jealous and calls the celestial ridiculous she accuses her of acting like she knows everything about the MC even though she arrived months after her she says she'll have to make the hierarchy between them clear the MC was still listening
to everything they were saying and I thought he could only hear them when touching the swords the old man arrives and the MC greets him but the old man punches him on the head calling him an idiot he couldn't believe it they dared to sleep on the day they were accepted as his disciples just because they had fought a little the blue twin apologized while being hit the old man put his hand into a large jar and said was the first time he had ever accepted disciples and when he did the boys decided to do
nothing he scooped some of the liquid inside the jar with a bowl and said they wouldn't sleep until they finished it who would take the first cup the boys were drooling marveling at the sight of it could it be alcohol don't drink before you're of age kids this isn't a good example the boys started shouting wanting to be the first and the old man laughed saying it would be one at a time the MC woke up the next morning yawning and left the cave it was snowing even more than the day before jwab approached him
and asked why he was awake so early the MC asked how his wounds were the boy asked what his eyes were saying he had been beaten the previous night because the old man had gotten drunk the MC said he was dumb for laughing at the wrong time the old man had thrown the twin against the wall for laughing at him being rejected by a woman but he thought it was a joke WWE then asked why he was talking so casually with him when he was his Junior but the boy said w we owed him his
life he remembered the moment when the blue twins saved him during the fight against Captain o but he also reminded the twin of the the bet they made after the fight was arranged the loser would become the servant of the winner the MC then gave jawab three choices call him senior address him as Lord because of the bet or fight him again the boy stammered a little but said he preferred to call him senior the MC said he didn't hear that clearly and the blue twin knelt shouting senior but still protested saying he was stronger
in terms of internal energy sodam called him an idiot the MC had only matched their energy levels so the twin wouldn't get hurt but the MC said he knew that he was just proud the old man approached the two and called the MC lucky when we looked back an action said they needed to go grabbing the boy by the collar of his shirt the boy asked what he meant but the old man didn't answer and just pulled him along leaving the boy shouting as the old man flew with him the boy asked how much longer
he would be carried like that even though he had already learned body enhancement techniques the old man said the boy would take too long to reach the valley of six Bloods at his speed the boy was surprised to hear they were returning to the valley at the main building of the valley of six blood Bloods the commander spoke to a doctor saying the pulse Reading had taken less time than expected and asking if it was as prescribed and the doctor confirmed it the roof of the building exploded behind the doctor it was action asking if
the Divine doctor was there he lifted the MC who was almost vomiting from the overly fast journey and asked the doctor to heal him someone shouted behind the old man to stop it was his cousin saying it had been a while since they last saw each other her name was hanika the sixth Blood star of the cult she looked at the protagonist and asked the old man who this child she had never seen before was the boy was about to Bow and greet the Blood star when the old man placed his foot on his face
and told him to stop immediately How could a disciple of his standing at his side Neil the boy looked to the side and said it was fine but he needed to see the Divine doctor so he shouted for him another man entered the building calling the old man cousin saying he was still big and strong and asking if he would like some tea the old man said no the doctor was the noble one here so he should drink more instead of him the old man didn't care about such things the middle-aged man who had arrived
was the Divine doctor the MC thought he was quite different from what he had imagined he was younger the old man got straight to the point and asked the doctor to treat his disciple saying the boy had a problem with his Danton and in exchange he would give him his seal the doctor refused and the old man didn't understand then the doctor explained that he would refuse because he already had several seals from treating many people around the Central District the MC sees it and is impressed the doctor had multiple seals including those from prominent
figures within the cult far more distinguished than actions his name carried no weight against the seals of the four evils or the eight masters of the Central District who had already reached Transcendence the doctor adds that an issue with the energy center isn't a matter of life or death there are people with higher priority than his pupil someone speaks from behind a veil saying that if he understood he should return later the MC wonders if that person is the important patient the doctor mentioned the old man grabs the boy by the head and says it
is is a matter of life or death if the doctor doesn't treat him he'll have no choice but to eliminate the boy would he heal the MC or let the old man destroy him as a doctor he wouldn't let someone be buried early would he the MC notices the cunning in his words since the doctor is the one in charge he could even heal the boy's broken bones should he break his bones then the MC is horrified the doctor says it's unfortunate he'd heard the boy was the old man's first pupil but if he's going
to kill him he should do it outside the building because he's busy the old man man is left speechless as the door closes he then throws the MC aside toward the commander he's impressed by the doctor's audacity in rejecting him and says that if the person inside is no longer alive the doctor won't be too busy to care for the MC but just as he's about to charge in the six star steps in front of him asking him to leave the place the old man is impressed by her courage and says it only makes him
more curious about who the patient is but something completely surprises him the MC notices the atmosphere has changed the six stars neck is vibrating sub he can't hear it but based on the vibration the two are communicating through it the old man says they can wait outside leaving the MC confused he yells that everyone except the woman should leave and everyone rushes out the MC wonders who that person is to make him act like this but obeys the old man then asked the six star if what she said was true warning her that if she's
lying just to avoid danger for herself she'll face the consequences the woman responds that he need not worry there's only truth in her words the MC isn't feeling well perhaps he drank too much the night before so he places his hand on his stomach he sits outside the building waiting the patient inside must be important for him to act that way sodam asks if he has any idea who it could be but he isn't sure the cult leader is no longer alive so he doesn't know the celestial comments that sodom's question was a bit strange
she thinks this is the first time the MC has dealt with this type of situation but sodam talks as if he already knows the future the MC and sodam explained at the same time that he had already died in the future and returned to the Past finally the southern Celestial understands what he said earlier about dying and coming back to life wasn't a metaphor and sodam adds that he didn't lie but she didn't believe him at first either she tells him to shut up and not interrupt her conversation and he just apologizes and walks away
sodam asks where he's going and he says to the warehouse to look for some water the alcohol from last night is upsetting his stomach he enters a place thinking it must be the food storage and when he looks ahead someone is inside and he wonders who it is a girl is eating so graciously that she doesn't even notice the protagonist's presence she's incredibly gluttonous and just as he thinks that she notices him he's embarrassed to see her like that and lets out an awkward laugh then he runs outside excusing himself and leaving the girl blushing
with shame she runs after him asking him to wait and whether he's a disciple of one of the four Supreme venerables she pleads with him to forget what he saw saying she's on a diet he then asks what that dried meat she was eating was she yells that she was just eating a bit because she couldn't bear her hunger anymore more insisting she doesn't eat like that all the time but the MC isn't entirely convinced she calms down and asks him to keep this a secret and in exchange she gives him two silver coins the
MC thinks she is a very strange girl she could have simply left why did she decide to give him coins the old man shouts calling for the MC to return to where he was he runs off even as the girl shouts for him to wait when he arrives where his master is the old man knocks him down with a punch saying he should have waited for him in front of the Temple the old man asks what he was doing there and he says he went to the storage to look for some water he hears someone
calling him and realizes it's the same Whispering technique from before it's the gluttonous girl saying she'll delete him from existence if he mentions her and he finishes his sentence by saying he couldn't find the water he was looking for the old man asks if he's an idiot the storage is right behind him the six star looks at the girl who seems to be her servant she says she didn't eat much and the six star approaches saying that the old man and the MC seemed to be quite close it was a blessing for one of the
four venerables to have taken someone as a disciple she casts a strange look at the MC that sense chills down his spine and makes him feel dizzy immediately the old man places his hand over the MC's eyes and uses the whispering technique to tell him not to look into her eyes as he wouldn't withstand her deception the MC realizes that the moment he became dizzy from the woman's ability his Danton activated on its own the old man tells her not to try anything against them the woman smiles and says she would never do that how
could she do do such a thing in front of one of the four venerables then she excuses herself and says they will see each other again the old man just sniffs through his nose the old man tells the MC they need to find an herb called clear summer to treat the boy and the MC remembers that this was exactly the name of the herb the Divine doctor was seeking in his past life the old man says he will offer a seal granting privilege treatment to anyone who can find the Herb first the MC already knows
where it is the old man says it would be much easier if that woman weren't involved the MC asks who he is talking about and the old man man uses the whispering technique to tell him to keep it a secret if he tells anyone the old man himself will take care of deleting the MC from existence he asks if the boy remembers someone following the Divine doctor and reveals that person is the granddaughter of the Cults great patriarch the MC is shocked to learn that the bloodline of the ancient bloody Demon Lord still exists he
didn't know this in his past life much of martial arts history managed to unite all the unorthodox sex and evil martial artists to create the bloody cult in the past the Orthodox sex formed an alliance to defeat the bloody cult the Lone Star supposedly the greatest power of that time joined the political battle and all of this happened because of one person The Blood Demon after an intense battle the bloody demon was finally defeated and the martial Alliance ensured that his lineage completely disappeared at least that's what the MC had known until now he never
thought he'd see a descendant of the bloody demons so close as he had today sodam understands and says that's why the old man accepted the Divine doctor's offer adding that he was the the same in his past life with his disciples the MC thinks this might be a chance to become the savior of someone who could become the next leader of the cult but would that be enough if the MC doesn't become stronger he could end up under the control of someone more powerful even if the opportunity is excellent sodam asks if he will search
for the herb the MC says yes there's no reason to miss this opportunity sodam agrees saying connections are important and the celestial agrees with sodam she starts kicking him asking why he isn't already searching for it what if someone finds it before him but he explains that he can't do it just yet at the moment the herb is buried and it took four entire days and all the Divine doctors to find it in his past life because they didn't know this when the sun sets and everyone else has left that will be the time to
move in the correct direction where the herb is located by Nightfall the MC was feeling great in his past life he had always envied those who could use Ching gong the celestial calls for the boy and he says he already knows he thought everyone had already left but someone was following him EMC asked the celestial if she can see who it is and she is surprised it was the chubby woman they had seen earlier in the warehouse she was almost as fast as the MC he's impressed by this even though she's overweight she can keep
up with him normally with that body she shouldn't be able to he figures he can lose her if he stops for a moment so he decides to throw snow in her face to block her vision and while her sight is obstructed he climbs up a tree he loses her for now even if she finds him later there will be some distance between them the southern Celestial yells for for the MC to look up and when he notices the woman is above him her hand emanating a dangerous red Aura she orders him to stay still then
she desend with her hand extended BMC uses his sword to block the strike he yells for her to stop why is she attacking him this woman is strong much stronger than the MC she lands on the ground standing and says this is strange she was informed that his Danon was broken yet he can still use martial arts she charges at him again and the MC Dodges like Neo dodging bullets in The Matrix trying to figure out what's going on her movements resemble an eagle soaring through the air and the martial arts she uses turn the
tips of her fingers red she's a martial artist from the same group as the woman from earlier the longer this fight drags on the worse it gets for the MC he tries his best to defend but she's incredibly difficult to handle there's no way the MC can beat her at this moment so he'll have to resolve this with words he strikes powerfully with his sword causing an explosion of dust in front of him the woman pauses and says the strength behind that strike is impressive he missed on purpose and he yells asking why she's chasing
him she apologizes and says she saw him sneaking off somewhere in the middle of the night so she decided to follow him the MC gets irritated and asks why it matters where he was going she says it matters because he knows where the herb is the MC is shocked unable to understand how she knows that he knows he asks what she's talking about why would he be searching for the herb at night if he already knew where it was she says he doesn't need to be on guard with her and introduces herself as hayan a
pupil of the sixth star and a friend of the the person who needs the herb the MC says he has a hunch where the herb is but can't reach it yet and the woman asks him to take her with him she offers to give him all the Divine doctor's tablets in exchange the MC crosses his arms and asks about these tablets sodam says it's a good deal and wonders why he's hesitating but he asks her to wait considering she's offering something so significant right at the start of negotiations she doesn't know how to bargain she
has a very impatient personality judging by the earlier silver coin incident so it would be more advantageous to play hard to get the woman then warns him just in case saying he shouldn't even think about running away because she's faster than he is the MC decides to make a deal with her and says he wants another reward to solidify the trust between them the woman asks what he wants he says he wants to learn the wing-like movement she used against him in the earlier fight she asks if he knows how rude it is to ask
to learn someone else's Marshall technique and he says yes but Bluffs saying he'll leave if she doesn't agree she agrees to the deal under one condition the technique can only be used against people is absolutely sure he wants to send to the Grave so Dam finds her attitude of teaching the technique reluctantly exhausting and the celestial thinks it's because friendship is important to her but the MC says it's not about friendship after the deal is struck the two set off to look for the herb during their conversation the woman says he's right using martial arts
with anate key could lead to his death she advises him not to use anate key all the time unless he wants to be erased from Life early but the MC says it's the only way he has but he asks how she knew that he knew where the herb was she says first of all because of his whereabouts all six members of the valley of six blood searched for the herb for 6 hours she ran into the Supreme several times but didn't see the MC anywhere and second of all that made her certain she sensed it
while following him he seemed to be running like someone with a clear destination he didn't look around only Straight Ahead she was clever she asks if his name is Wii and he says she can address him casually since she seems older than him the girl glares at him looking like she's ready to hit him and asks how he could say that about a disciple of a Blood star she wasn't that old they arrive at a cliff and the MC says the herb is at the bottom she changes the subject asking if he told anyone what
he saw earlier and he jokes that he thought about it since he didn't get the coins she calls him mean and he says he had better things to do so he erased that memory from his mind she asks if he's serious and he says yes and Promises not to tell anyone but she wasn't following him just because of that the girl gets annoyed saying it wasn't just a question it was an important matter for her finally they reached the bottom of the cliff and the MC places his hands on the herb he shows it to
her saying that this was the herb they needed she's relieved to see the herb and says they should grab it and leave the MC notices she seems happy just as he expected and as he's placing the herb into her hands one of the swords shouts for him to jump forward he's confused and two masked men descend snatching the flower from the MC's hand the boy hadn't noticed their presence at all and despite being stronger than him the girl hadn't noticed the two men either these guys were truly strong one of them last men says they
made a good choice following the MC now that they have the herb they order the others to eliminate the two of them the girl starts asking who these men are but she's kicked and Falls the MC wonders how long he's been followed and draws his sword the other masked man politely addresses him as a disciple of the four Supremes and places his hand on the MC's arm with a swift movement using his fingers he strikes the pressure points on the MC's back the girl screams for the MC but he's already fallen to the ground she
looks up and the men are already climbing the cliff quickly she wouldn't be able to follow them at that pace she looks back the MC is lying on the ground and she shouts that she'll return soon deciding to pursue the men and retrieve the herb she runs off yelling for the men to stop the MC thinks she managed to avoid the attacks because she's better than him but she could at least have released his pressure points before leaving the MC starts moving his pressure points are being released on their own the celestial explains that his
innate key is doing this for him and asks if he's okay he says yes and thinks the innate key has many unknown benefits sodam is furious with the girl that stupid Pig abandons someone who was helping her but prioritized the herb instead sodam yells at the MC to chase them but he asks if he really needs to in fact this is a good thing for him that wasn't a fully matured clear summer herb the small beads that grow inside the herb change as it matures and becomes seven green beads when fully grown the swords then
understand and say the herb they sto only had five yellow beads there were still several immature herbs in that location but they were completely useless the true clear summer herb discovered in his his past life was behind a frozen waterfall they would have taken that too if they had been ambushed later the place was very dark because the Moonlight didn't reach inside the cave but sodam says she can see something there the MC thanks her for finding the herb he wanted there were only two but they were the real fully matured herbs a sacred herb
that only blooms on winter nights the boy's Palms were freezing even though he hadn't even touched it yet he had to be careful removing it to avoid damaging the root a different sword was right behind the MC the MC was still distracted trying to pull the herb from the ground when sodam heard something the Broken Sword behind him was saying something but the MC asked her to wait because he was almost done removing the herb she said he couldn't hear so she would check what the sword was saying the sword's words were fragmented and soodam
couldn't fully understand because its core was broken but one word came through clearly and sodam heard it loud and clear run sodam yelled for the MC to start running telling him not to ask or say anything just to run but it was already too late a gigantic snake appeared behind them it was incredibly fast he would need to use the celestial sword now the snake attacked and the MC managed to LEAP back to escape the strike but the herb was probably crushed in the attack the MC was desperate asking what it was but the celestial
said she didn't know either she'd never seen anything like it before sodam called it disgusting the boy couldn't do much against the snake because he couldn't see well in that area he had managed to grab the herb so he just needed to get out of there he lunged out of the waterfall and started running but the snake saw him trying to escape Ese and made an insane leap the celestial warned the MC that the monster was coming it was too late to flee the sword suggested he dodged the strike and used the sword to land
a direct hit what on Earth this snake had arms was it a mutant the MC spun around he didn't know if this would work against a monster but he was going to use the move anyway the boy used the second technique of the Stellar sword the hidden frog slash and yes the terrible technique names are back the monster's body was tough but it definitely had weak points the MC landed the and the monster fell to the ground but it wasn't fully defeated yet Rising again and staring at the MC he couldn't figure out what kind
of monster it was but one thing was clear it wasn't impossible to defeat the snake stuck out its tongue and slowly Advanced toward the boy sodam asked if the monster was scared it seemed more cautious as it approached the MC the celestial urged him not to miss this chance and the MC raised his sword saying he knew the monster charged at the MC but he was determined to take it down no matter what the monster's hand were almost reaching the MC and he was preparing his strike showing no fear he was about to unleash his
strongest move the Stellar sword technique Tiger Force Blade the boy celebrated as the attack proved effective and the celestial was impressed as the monster fell but the MC celebrated too soon sodam was shouting that the monster wasn't even that strong when the MC put his hand to his mouth and collapsed to the ground dropping the sword he struggled to get up and sodam asked if he was okay he said he felt hot he had spat blood onto his hand alarm in sodam who asked what was happening he explained that the Venom was spreading he could
feel the burning energy of the Venom spreading through his ankle his innate key was resisting but the pain wasn't subsiding the Venom was so potent that he felt as if his body was combusting even his throat burned as the pain spread he couldn't think straight due to the heat but there was a way to cool his body's overheating using the bright summer herb that might help since it was a sacred herb with icy properties he began to eat the herb immediately he felt some relief from the burning inside him this was like heartburn but they
hadn't invented antacids yet the coldness traveled down his throat unbelievably freezing the cold and heat collided within the protagonist body sodam yelled at him to control the energy inside him quickly was he really going to return to life only to die in such a pathetic way at that moment the MC snapped back to awareness he began meditating to control his body's energy he had been given a second chance after dying if he couldn't survive a pain like this then he was no better than in his previous life the MC managed to stabilize his mind and
thank s Dam saying that because of her help he would survive when we looked at his right hand and saw the Blue Points glowing again and a voice says that now that he can hear swords the merac will open fun fact mirac is the name of a star in the Big Dipper constellation the MC thinks he has heard this voice before but he couldn't dwell on it because he was losing focus small explosions occur inside the MC's body causing him significant pain the two energies were battling each other turning his body into a kind of
Battlefield the celestial tells him not to stop stop circulating his energy he must keep doing so he shouldn't be swept away or thrown around by the two energies he shouldn't try to suppress them but instead use the flow of his core to guide them through his body the MC refocuses and his body feels extremely strange with parts Frozen and burned at the same time the celestial tells him to think of his innate Danon as a still Lake even if lightning and thunder strike it the lake remains calm no matter how rampant the currents become after
losing their flow if they find their way through the lake they will become small ripples in till they vanish within it slowly and steadily the MC slake calms again the two forces have finally settled inside the MC it was as if he had drunk a very strong liquor leaving his insides feeling comfortable sodam asks if the MC is awake and if the poisonous energy has calmed down he says yes and that thanks to her and the celestial he regained his balance soam finds it strange that the celestial helped and asks if he's sure the energies
have calmed he asks what she means and she points out that the celestial was too far away for him to hear her voice at least 10 m away after the MC picks up the sword the celestial says it wasn't her and asks if he's sure the voice he heard was hers he says yes thinking back he says he heard the celestials voice after hearing the voice inside the blue flower sodam remembers him mentioning this before and asks about it he picks up the sword and says this ability becomes stronger whenever the color of the spots
on his hand changes this time they were white so damn and the celestial find this amazing and the MC says that if he gets a chance to leave the valley of six Bloods he will look for the immortal scroll again returning to the snake he wonders what kind of horrifying monster it was the celestial doubts it's any kind of mystical creature the MC prepares to run out of the cave he didn't want to stay near it another minute or he might vomit but as he pushes off his body flies at incredible speed slamming into the
cave walls multiple times sodam asks if he's okay and why he threw himself off the cliff he says it wasn't on purpose he used just a little strength but his body flew the celestial suggests that the MC use his innate key to scan his body is the boy a walking x-ray now will he turn radioactive too onei nods and begins scanning his body noticing something his internal core is now twice as large as it was before if he were to quantify it it was as if he had trained his core for 30 years the celestial
says she was right his innate core is directly tied to his life force and expands as the MC faces extreme situations the Yang energy from the monster's poison and the cold energy from the sacred herb likely stimulated this growth in the MC score whatever it was he had gained enough energy to subdue a first class Master soodam is impressed by this and says she just got an idea she asks if he still has another Immortal snow herb the translator changed the Herb's name and now it's this her idea was that since he knows how to
make his internal core grow by controlling the poison and the cold from the herb he could do it again if he succeeds this time his innate core will double in size again and with 60 years of core training he would become much stronger the MC abandons sodam and she shouts that she was just joking he couldn't leave her behind because she was a gift from his mother and apologizes to the MC the two masked men are still fleeing from the chubby girl but one of them says he thinks she's starting to slow down he doesn't
see her anymore and the other says her stamina is low because she's fat the man looks at the herb and says they were lucky to follow the MC but he still has a question how can someone with a destroyed Danton use Ching gong another man replies that their only concern is to get the herb and leave the valley of six Bloods but as he turns to the side His companion had already lost his head to the technique of the chubby woman who had been chasing them the woman looks at the masked man who is still
alive for now and politely asks him to return the immortal snow her because it belongs to her the Mast man compliments her impressive fighting techniques and Ching gong even though she's overweight saying it's because she's a pupil of the sixth star of the bloody cult but in hand-to-hand combat things are different so he attacks the girl in the next instant she's already sliced the man into five pieces even then he manages to utter the name of the sixth star who had arrived at the scene the chubby woman now holds the herb in her hands she
looks at the dead men and asks if they knew who they had ambushed the six star remarks that they were probably there just for the reward and questions why the girl left the district without saying anything the girl apologizes but the six star simply says she's happy to know the girl is safe however the herb she's holding the girl confirms that it's the immortal snow herb they had stolen leaving the woman shocked that she managed to find it now that they've safely retrieved the herb they can return to deliver it to the Divine doctor but
the girl asks her master to to go ahead without her she has to return to where she came from her master is confused back to the MC's point of view he emerges from the pit where the immature herbs were located he realizes he can now climb Great Heights without losing his breath the celestial explains that the growth of his innate key is strengthening his entire body when who senses Miss hian approaching and sodam asks if it's the Glutton the celestial only notes that his senses have become even sharper the MC wonders if she's returning after
capturing the two thieves if so it's incredible her mental fortitude must be far greater than others the celestial says this is a good sign if he accumulates more internal energy he'll be able to sense even those who try to hide the MC feels satisfied when they meet he greets the girl and she out of breath asks if he's okay she regrets not unlocking her pressure points before chasing the thieves the MC says it's fine the situation was urgent and he managed to free himself on his own the girl seems relieved but looks at his feet
she asks if he's hurt noticing some injuries the MC says it's just scratch and he's fine then asks if she recovered the herb she says she managed to retrieve it thanks to her master and first wants to apologize to the MC as a precaution she asked her master to take the immortal snow herb to the doctor first she tells him not to misunderstand she will still deliver all the tablets to him but the MC asks if her master will really do that just because she asked she assures him not to worry saying her master will
definitely do it but she will hand them over to action she adds that her master might want something in return for the tablets the MC is in incredulous would they really hand over the tablets so easily back at the district the six star says as she mentioned if the MC helps her with her requests she will hand over the tablets to him the old man says he's already told her he doesn't want to be involved in this matter how dare she use the tablets to negotiate with him the woman retorts that he already knows he
has only two options regardless of his desires she asks him to work with her group or else a red-haired woman wearing a hat arrives at the district the old man still isn't thinking about the other option the woman says that eventually the old man will have to make a decision but he says he doesn't care he won't do what she wants just to heal the inner core of a disciple she insists that it's important action says he just needs to give up on the boy the woman replies that in that case she doesn't think she
can hand over the tablets to him but wonders if he's bluffing about this the boy returns and announces his arrival to his master he's with the chubby woman the old man shouts that he's late he won't be able to fix his energy core forever the doctor enters the room and tells the sixth star that it's unfortunate she will need to find another Immortal snow herb the woman asks what he's talking about and he explains that first of all it wasn't a fully matured herb so it had no healing properties a fully developed Immortal snow herb
has seven green beads inside while the one she brought only had five it was a young herb the woman is surprised and the old man starts laughing saying it's truly unfortunate it seems she'll have to search for the herb again but the boy interrupts his master and says there's no need for that he had brought a fully matured herb for the Divine doctor the doctor says it's quite the coincidence that two people could find these herbs in such a short time and this one was indeed what he needed the old man keeps laughing and says
it's exactly what he'd expect from his disciple the chubby girl uses the whispering technique and asks the MC what happened why didn't he tell her about this detail regarding the herb had he deceived her the boy wants to say she was the first to break the agreement between them but he doesn't know how to use the whispering technique to communicate the boy then steps forward and asks if he can ask action something was the six star going to hand over the tablet to him he replies that she threatened him saying he couldn't have the tablets
unless he did what she asked and asks what this is about the woman becomes nervous and asks when she ever threatened him and he asks why she didn't give him the tablets then she has no response and glances at her pupil who also remains silent the MC breaks the silence saying he was right that matter was settled then the girl didn't look too pleased but nothing could be done a bed was a bet our video ends here if you enjoyed it please like And subscribe to the channel until next next time bye-bye
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