3 TRUE Creepy Neighbor Horror Stories

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In today's episode, we will share a few true creepy Neighbor horror stories. A female's mom went on...
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[Music] [Music] this took place a few years ago when I was around 17 years old at the time I used to live with my mom and dog in a small town in France the neighborhood was nice and everyone knew each other well but most of them were older people then one day a new family moved into the house next to us I don't remember seeing the new neighbors but I sometimes heard kids laughing and playing in their yard now every January my mom goes on vacation for a month to different countries my grandmother who lived 5 minutes away used to stay with me during that time but this year I was old enough to stay home alone so I did back then I wasn't very social but my best friend was the opposite so she always tried to introduce me to new people and get me out of my comfort zone since my mom was away we decided to have a small party at my house it wasn't a big party just to get together before everyone planned to to go to the club afterward I didn't feel like going to the club so I decided to stay home while they went out later I never really liked going to clubs and the City Center was far from my house my plan was just to invite everyone over make some friends have a few drinks and then go to bed that night everyone came over there were three girls and five boys I was having a good time even though I was a little worried that someone might break something or get sick on the carpet but none of that happened then around 11:00 p. m. we heard a knock on the door I thought it might be a neighbor coming to complain about the noise since it was getting late I quickly told everyone to be quiet and turn down the music then one of the guys went to open the door to see who it was a few seconds later he came back to me and said hey your new neighbor is at the door and he wants to come in now I was a bit confused so I went to the door to check Standing There was a man about 35 years old bald wearing glasses not very tall but a bit heavy set my first reaction was to laugh as I couldn't believe this guy wanted to party with teenagers like us and if it was true it would have been really strange but it turned out to be true he said he was new in town didn't know anyone and was happy to see some young people I understood his feelings because as I mentioned before there were only older people around I thought maybe we looked older than we actually were so I told the man that everyone in the house was under 18 and tried to make it clear that he wasn't really welcome I was concerned that it might be awkward or inappropriate for him to join us but everyone else thought he was just trying to be friendly and didn't see any harm in letting him stay they convinced me that it would be fine so I decided to let him sit on the Terrace with us even though I was still a bit uneasy about it I still didn't feel completely safe so I told him please just don't go into the house as the night went on everyone was was having fun and things started to feel more normal the man talked with everyone about simple things made jokes and laughed with the guys even though it felt a bit odd for him to be with teenagers while his wife and kids were probably waiting next door I started to relax and enjoy myself around 2: a.
m. it was time for everyone to head to the club so I planed to clean up a bit and then go to bed they all left together and the man also said he was going home too we had been on the Terrace most of the time so cleaning up was quick then I closed the windows locked the door or so I thought and went to bed while watching Pretty Little Liars to fall asleep about an hour later I heard a noise remember I had a dog and his Tiny Paws made a tipt sound when he walked on the wood floor and I was so used to the sound of my dog's Paws that I already knew it wasn't him walking this time my room was on the second floor so I got out of bed ran downstairs and stopped the man was in the middle of my house staring at me it only lasted a couple of seconds before he ran out so I called the police right away to report what happened they told me to close my door and that was it I was Frozen with fear and didn't know what to do my mom was far away and didn't know I was having a party so I called my dad but he didn't answer I put on my fluffy slippers locked my door and decided to run as fast as I could to my Grandma's apartment I was my night pajamas running in the middle of the night hoping the guy wasn't following me when I got to my Grandma's place I didn't want to scare her so I stayed in the hallway lying on the floor and waited for morning I called my friend to tell her what happened she was shocked and said she would come back but she had to wait for the first bus which was around 6:00 in the morning when the Sun finally came up I went back home and everyone who was with me came too they were determined to confront the neighbor so they knocked on his door but he didn't answer so they broke his front gate which fell to the ground it was made of cheap wood so it was easy to break then the man came out started shouting and one of the guys punched him in the face it felt good to see that after that everyone went home I tried to calm down and went to the police to file a complaint against him the police officer said he would go see the man in the afternoon the problem was that the man told different stories to the police first he said he forgot his wallet in the house but that's impossible because I made sure not to let anyone inside then he said he thought the party wasn't over which also doesn't make sense because he left at the same time as everyone else and knew I was staying home alone I still don't know why he came back and I'm not sure I want to [Music] know this took place a few years ago but even now I still feel creeped out when I think about that night at the time I was in my early 20s and I lived in a really rundown apartment complex the rent was cheap but the place was known for being a bit dangerous and sketchy there was this neighbor who always seemed to be listening to James Brown and mtown music but he seemed a bit strange but I thought how weird could he really be if he's into some classic old school music I'd hear him blasting his music at all hours and having loud conversations often talking to someone or maybe to himself it was hard to tell our studio apartments were right next to each other so his noise would easily come through the walls to block it out I'd play my own music trying to drown out the sound of his then one night he was drinking and had his girlfriend come over to his place you could hear him being loud and aggressive but that wasn't unusual for him it wasn't too late so I went out with some friends while my boyfriend stayed in then around 1:00 a. m.
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