How to Build a Business that Lets You Quit Your Job

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Ali Abdaal
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Video Transcript:
all right so you've got some kind of job and it's fine you know it pays the bills it's reasonably fun some of the time but it's probably not the thing that you dreamed about when you were a kid and maybe recently you've been thinking about doing something different with your job and you've seen these entrepreneurs who seem to be living life on their own terms maybe you've seen some of my videos talking about the business that I've built and the freedom and flexibility that has granted me and all that kind of stuff and this idea
of starting a business that lets you quit your job you know oh that would be cool that seems pretty alluring it seems like a cool thing to do but the real problem is how the hell do you find the time well that's what we're discussing in this episode of business class our ongoing Series where we explore strategies and tools to help you start and grow an online business so that you can get to what I call the three FS which is fun fulfillment and Financial Freedom if you're new here hello my name is Ali and
I've been doing this online business thing for over a decade now I built and sold my first sixf figure business while I was in medical school at Cambridge University and I grew my next business to six figures while I was working full-time as a doctor in the UK and then a few years ago by the grace of God was able to quit the day job and focus on the business which now generates seven figures a year in profit and lets me live a life that I absolutely love and so really in this series my goal
is to share everything that I've learned and everything that I'm continuing to learn along the way so if that sounds interesting then you might consider subscribing to the channel and perhaps even joining my free email list where I share even more behind the-scenes stuff to hopefully help you on your journey anyway in this video we are going to be talking about the foundation behind any successful business which is the currency of time this is not going to be a video about what business to start or or like what industry to get into or like the
quickest path to making 10K a month or anything like that instead we're going to be focusing on something far more fundamental which is that how do you find the time to build any sort of business while you have the demands of a full-time job and we're going to break this down into a hopefully actionable four-step system so this is the system that I used when I was working as a doctor and I've seen this sort of thing work for a bunch of other of my entrepreneurial friends as well thank you so much to HubSpot for
sponsoring this video and more on them later step one the reality check your true time inventory so back in the day when people saw that I was building my YouTube channel while working 60 plus hours a week as a junior doctor the biggest question and the question I still get today is how did you find the time and yeah it was a bit of a struggle initially especially because it was my first time working a real job in med school like you know work is optional kind of thing like you can you could go into
the hospital when you feel like it you don't have to go in all the time but as you know when you have a real job suddenly going to work is no longer optional and so I was like holy crap I now have a lot less free time than I did when I was a student and I was like I can't believe the amount a time I squandered when I was a medical student man I had so much time on my hands anyway after a few weeks of like floundering around and not being able to make
the time to work on my YouTube channel or business I found this exercise and I did it and it completely changed the game so this is how the Exercise Works basically the concept is that in a week we have 168 hours and we all have the same 168 hours the only difference between you and me and Elon Musk and Beyonce and your friends and everyone else is how we use that allocation of time so we're going to go over to Google Calendar and we are going to create a new calendar C I'm going to name
this 168 hours and I'm currently in Hong Kong so whatever create calendar lovely then I'm going to use whatever calendar app I want in my case I'm going to use notion calendar but you can obviously do this in Google Calendar or Apple calendar or whatever you want and we're going to start blocking out initially on non-negotiables so what are our non-negotiables well firstly sleep so I'm going to say 11:00 p.m. to 700 a.m. each day is sleep let's give it a little Emoji cuz why not let's repeat this every single day and now we have
my sleep blocked in so of the 168 hours in the week 56 of those hours are used up on sleep now let's assume we have a standard 9 to 5 obviously you would adjust this depending on your actual work schedule so that is 8 hours a day 5 days a week and that is another 40 hours so so far we have used 96 of our hours out of our 168 let's now add in 1 hour for commuting to work each day and let's add an extra hour each day for commuting back home let's block out
another 3 hours a day for basic life stuff like the chores the cooking the cleaning Etc ET ET and that uses up an extra 21 hours in the week so we started with the 168 hours that we all have every single week we are sleeping for 8 hours a day so that cuts that down by 56 we're working for example a 9 to 5 with let's say a 1 hour commute each way so that cuts it down by another 50 let's say we got to spend 3 hours a day on like life stuff and so
that cuts it down by another 21 and that basically leaves us with 41 hours of flexible time each week importantly depending on what is going on in your life you may want to add more things to this you may want to reduce the number of basic life stuff or increase it let's say you've got family commitments and you need to have dinner with the family each night obviously that should go in your non-negotiables you want to put in these calendar blocks into this shall we say ideal Week calendar to figure out where is your time
going currently and then where is their spare time now crucially I'm not saying that you need to be spending 41 hours a week in your business you can spend however much time you want in your business generally I found that people who do build successful businesses on the side in a reasonable time frame like within a couple of years generally spend 10 to 15 hours a week on that business outside of Life related obligations and stuff you can do it with less you can do it with more if you only had 4 hours a week
to work on your business there are probably very useful things you could do with that time it's just the less time you have the more strategic and prioritizing you need to be with how you're actually using that time and in many ways the quality of the time that you're spending on your business is far more important than the quantity of time you're spending on your business okay now that we figured out how many hours we physically have available to work on our business the next step is to identify which ones are the golden hours now
by Golden hours I mean the actual quality time blocks so maybe if you're not a morning person the thought of waking up in the morning waking up at 7:00 a.m. and using the 7 to 8: a.m. time slot to work on your business maybe you're like super groggy like I am and it's like oh God I don't want to do this thing at 7:00 in the morning that would not be a golden hour for you we want to identify like if we were stacking the deck in our favor what are the absolute ideal quality blocks
of time based on our own personality and our own energy levels and our own chronotype and all that kind of stuff for me I found that I was quite energized after I in Incorporated the philosophy of Feelgood productivity more details in my book which will be L linked down below I found a way to make my day job very energizing when I was working as a doctor and so I'd get home from the day of work feeling super energized and I would be Keen to work on the YouTube channel in that time that was my
golden hour so I'd get home let's say 6:00 p.m. then like 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. most days were when when I would sort of grind on my YouTube channel and those were my golden hours you know it was quite quite relaxing it was quite relaxing editing I tended to not like filming in the evenings and so I would batch my fil filming on like particular days when I had a weekend or a day off more details on my course part-time YouTuber Academy if anyone's interested in being a YouTuber but mostly when I didn't have any
social events going on that 3 hours each evening was my editing time and it worked really nicely cuz I was quite focused and creative and energized during that time so the thing for you is sort of based on your life circumstances based on your own energy levels what are some golden hour blocks of time that you could put in your calendar that would be your ideal time to work on your business Tintin who's one of my team members and one of my friends he works on his business Monday and Tuesday evenings from like 6:00 till
10:00 p.m. and he has that 4H hour block on Monday and Tuesday each week that is dedicated to working on his business and writing his YouTube newsletter and building his course or whatever the thing might be and that's his non-negotiable time that's the time that he's investing into his business I have never met anyone succeed at building a business while having a job who did not have specific time windows that they were working on the thing and it sort of just becomes like a part of your life it becomes a part of your life that
okay each Monday each Tuesday each Saturday morning for 3 hours I'm working on my business I'm investing the the time into this thing that I supposedly care about at this point you might have realized that actually having a day job kind of takes up at least 50 hours in the week even if it's technically a 9 to5 and you might be thinking okay well shouldn't I just quit my day job so that I can start my business and I can devote more time to my business yeah if you have a massive safety net and you
don't have any financial responsibilities and if you've got the confidence and the life circumstances to be able to do that then sure but you're probably not watching a video like this one if you're anything like me like you know I trained 6 years to become a doctor went through med school etc etc worked for 2 years as a doctor I wasn't just going to throw that all away because I was like going to try and make it with music or dancing or acting or business or whatever the thing might be I wanted to make sure
that if I was building a business that business was actually working and was able to support me financially rather than me sort of taking this gamble by throwing away my day job and so generally the advice I give people is that you should not try and quit your job before your business is off the ground and there are three main reasons why it's useful to have a job firstly having a job in building a business on the side tends to remove Financial insecurity as a thing from your life and Financial insecurity and fear causes you
generally to make Bad Business decisions secondly having a day job forces you to be really strategic with how you're using the time how you're investing it into your business I this happened to me this happened to basically everyone I know you build a business as a side hustle from in a few hours a week and then you quit the job because the business has succeeded and you think whoa I've suddenly unlocked 50 spare hours in the week where previously I was at my day job so now I can focus on the business and the business
does not grow by anywhere near like the same amount of time as you're investing into it like if you suddenly have 10 times more hours available your business is not going to grow by 10 times the amount because we tend to screw around we tend to start doing things that are less important we we tend to start I don't know doing random like taking on new projects that really don't need to be taken on like having all of this Spare Time removes actually quite a lot of focus and it's like this whole idea of Parkinson's
law work expands to fill the time that you allocate to it in the days where I was working 60 hours a week as a doctor I was making three videos a week as soon as I quit the job and suddenly I had 168 hours each week I was making like half a video a week like I was just procrastinating all day I was like doing random stuff I was like sort of calendly links and having calls with all sorts of people and I just didn't have that same like I need to get this done in
such a small amount of time because I had all the time in the world and having all the time in the world is not actually that useful when it comes to trying to build a business and trying to keep you focused on what is truly essential and thirdly the benefit of having a job while building a business is that it lets you test the idea it lets you test the concepts because business is a bit is probabilistic most businesses fail the chances of your succeeding are you know most businesses fail and so you can test
different ideas and iterate without risking your livelihood so generally if you do have that 10 to 15 hours a week I would generally suggest don't quit the day job just focus on really using those 10 to 15 hours a week really well to build your business while you have a day job and then when you're making plenty of money from the business by all means feel free to quit the day job now if you do want to build a business on the side to potentially one day be able to quit your day job then one
thing that could help with that is my first Millions copywriting crash course and I've put a link in the description for you to download this completely for free now copywriting is one of the best ways to start earning money online and this crash course is a great place to get started it takes you through the key Frameworks and approaches that have helped Sam and sha the hosts of the my first million podcast build multi-million dollar businesses through writing in the crash course you'll learn how to write a great story you'll get 14 chat gbt prompts
and Shan's three-step writing framework all completely for free now I personally thought the anatomy of a great story section had some great ideas and examples around copywriting that I've not seen before even though I've read a lot of resources around copywriting this resource was made by HubSpot who are today's video sponsors so thank you very much to them and make sure you check out the free resource in the video description okay so at this point we have figured out physically how many hours do we have available to invest in our business we figured out okay
ideally which ones are the golden hours where my energy levels are actually at a reasonable point where I could invest into the business let's now move on to step two of this four-step method step two the want Factor why discipline isn't enough okay at this point now that we figured out how much time we have available we need to ask ourselves a very very very crtical question that question is how much time do I want to be spending on my business it's not how much time should I be spending on my business it's how much
time do I want to be spending on my business now when I was a doctor I had this friend who also wanted to start a business while doing it alongside medicine but the the thing that he chose to do I think he was trying to build some sort of agency or something it's it's a thing he didn't actually want to do he was having to discipline himself to work on his business on the evenings and on the weekends in my case I actually wanted for the most part to do the video editing and to work
on the YouTube videos yeah there were occasional times where I didn't where I'd need to force myself and use discipline and stuff to get the upload schedule going but for the most part working on my YouTube channel and growing my business was a thing I wanted to do it was a thing I had fun with this guy this other friend tried doing his thing he tried it for about 3 months he got super burned out he quit and now he's working as a doctor and trying to find all sorts of ways to side hustle his
problem is that he's trying to get rich quick he's trying to find a way to build a business alongside a day job that doesn't involve work um and when he finds things that do work he doesn't enjoy that work and so he ends up just burning out and I've seen this pattern show up in this friend and in a bunch of other people over the years you kind of need to enjoy what you're doing the way I think of business is that it's it's the game of Entrepreneurship it's like a video game shall we say
these days you know I've been doing this business thing for 10 plus years I already have the money etc etc but it gets to a weekend and I could spend the time playing a video game like World of Warcraft and I do some of the time but for the most part even on the weekends I'm still like huh I actually enjoy enjoy working on the business and so I enjoy the idea of like reading some new books about I don't know spirituality or emotional intelligence or psychology or whatever and thinking oh what can I make
a video about I enjoy working on a new course I enjoy dabbling with design for my website it's a thing I actually want to do now the question you want to ask yourself is how many hours do you want to spend working on your business do you want to spend maybe you have 40 hours available or 20 hours or 30 hours available but how many do you want to spend do you want to spend 10 hours a week on your business or 3 hours a week or 5 hours a week or 18 hours a week
like what is the amount of time you actually want to do it because if it's a should and if you're sort of like guilting and shaming and flating yourself into doing this thing it's probably not going to work you're probably going to burn out eventually I know people talk about how discipline is a thing and like discipline is a thing that's going to make you succeed but enjoyment is a far more efficient way of getting something done than discipline and trying to sh yourself into doing the specific thing and if you want of those people
who's thinking of that question like how much time do you want to spend on your business and you think well I don't really want to spend any time on my business I I just I'm just doing it because I want the end result like I want the money I want to quit the job unfortunately you're probably not going to make it the people that Succeed in Business are the people who actually enjoy working on the business if you are using business or YouTube channel or book or creative project or art or music if you're using
any of these things primarily as a vehicle for making money and you have not found a way to enjoy the journey of getting there you're just going to burn out all of these things take time right it takes time to build a business it it takes a lot of experimentation a lot of trial and error a lot of like dealing with rejection stuff's not going to work you're going to get unhappy customers you're going to struggle to get customers you're going to feel like you're a slimy salesman for trying to sell something to your customers
it's a massive like emotional and spiritual and like personal development journey and if you're not enjoying it you're just going to quit and so like I think this step is about being honest with ourselves how much time do you want to spend working on your business are you excited by the thought of getting home from work and spending 2 hours working on your newsletter or your course or your book or whatever the thing might be are you excited by that idea are you excited by the thought of like man I get a whole day on
Saturday where I can just grind on my computer and go to a coffee shop and maybe hang out with some friends who are also were building their own thing and we all get to build the thing together like do you like that idea if you don't like that idea then you don't need to start a business you can give it a go but like I would really recommend and really encourage the key is to find a way to enjoy the process and the key thing here is to be conservative if you have 15 golden hours
available each week fantastic but if you only want to spend five of them or three of them or two of them working on a business by all means start small start by only spending two or three or four or 5 hours a week working on that business and see what happens it might work and you might start to enjoy it and then you like when things start to work and when we start to get success that fuels the fire of motivation and it helps us enjoy things more so start with 2 to 5 hours and
see how that feels and you can always Flex it up but if the number is zero and you're like man I don't think I'm excited by the idea of like building my own business probably don't do it like it's not for everyone you have to do it I know the world is telling you that like you got to quit your job and like start a business and passive income and all that but like if you don't enjoy it what's the point you are just creating a prison for yourself your day job is already a prison
for yourself you do not want to go through all of the work and all of the emotional turmoil of building a business only to find that that is also a second prison that you have built for yourself by the way if you are enjoying this video then you might like to check out my completely free 7-Day Focus crash course it's completely free and it's a series of seven emails that I'll send you each day that each have some evidence-based principles strategies and tools that you can use to improve your focus as well and the reason
we've put that together is because whenever I pull the audience and ask like what are you guys struggling with focus and like consistency seems to be the the highest thing on that list basically all the time and so we thought you know what let's just turn this into a bit of an email course cuz there is so much to share and so many strategies that are really helpful when it comes to focus so if you're interested it's completely free you can sign up you can unsubscribe whenever you want head over to focus crashcourse tocom or
hit the link in the video description there's an Absolut classic thing that I've heard at a few different like business owner conferences where it's like you know everyone here put your hands up if you started your business thinking it would give you more free time and everyone laughs because everyone starts their business thinking oh man I can you know I I can I can do a fun thing and I can quit my job and I can like have more free time to spend with my family and stuff but for the most part you trade a
9 to-5 in your job for a 24/7 as a business owner I work way more hours now than I did when I was working as a doctor the upside is I can do whatever I want I can do it from wherever I want I'm making an absolute ton more money than I did as a doctor and I could choose to cut down the hours if I wanted if if I was content with making less money etc etc but most business owners work way more than people with jobs and so if you don't enjoy the process
you are just signing up for another job which is more stressful dubious in terms of pay because it's like a bit of a gamble more emotionally taxing and it's going to take way more hours so if honestly someone's watching this video if you're watching this video and you're thinking hm business might not be for me maybe I don't want to do it that's actually a pretty good result I've hopefully saved you a lot of time in realizing that if it's not in line with your values and what you're going to enjoy then there's no point
in doing it obviously you should try it out to see if you do in fact enjoy it like most of these things you know I didn't realize I would enjoy I don't know what's the thing I didn't realize I would enjoy dance lessons until I started taking dance lessons and getting sort of moderately good at the thing when I Was preparing for my wedding dance and now I kind of enjoy dance lessons it's like you don't want to knock something before you've tried it but similarly you want to be honest with yourself about whether it's
something you want to do or whether it's something that you are telling yourself that you should do and I have just realized that I'm late for a session with my CEO coach so I will see you in a little bit all righty it is a new day and this is in fact an example of doing something like golden hours I didn't have time yesterday to film the entirety of this video the video went on for longer than I was expecting I was sort of riffing quite a lot and so I just decided to cut the
video in half and film the rest of it the following day now most people who you know if you're at this point in the video you probably don't care that I've filmed the video the next day or anything like that you know what you can do sometimes when when you're doing something in a business is just stop the task when your time runs out when your golden hour of opportunity runs out and then just resume it again the next day and actually one key thing I wasn't planning to mention this but now that we're here
one key thing that actually really helps with juggling multiple things is by reducing the amount of time it takes to transition between different activities I got this story I'm going to go on a bit of Rand story here A friend of mine called nat Elison has a newsletter it's a really good newsletter and he was telling a story about you know he does he competes in these like I don't know tough M Assa assault course type competitions where you know you got to run a bit and then like move a log and then climb an
obstacle course and run a bit more and then swim a bit and you know all that kind of stuff and the thing that separates the people who do this really well from the people who do it really badly is not that the people who do it well run faster it's not about running faster or completing any one component of it faster it's about reducing the time it takes you to transition between two different distinct activities if like you finish with a Sprint and then you have to catch your breath for 30 seconds and then you
can do the assault course you that's 30 seconds that you're wasting and 30 seconds 1 minute applied throughout the whole thing is going to make your time really bad compared to someone who can finish running and within 5 Seconds they can just get started with the assault course so the thing that these assault course tough mutter type people work on is the transition periods between two different activities as someone trying to build a business alongside a day job it's actually less about how efficient you are in those two golden hours and more about like actually
reducing the transition time so for example let's say on this calendar we've got commute at home 5 to 6 p.m. and then we have golden hour 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. we really want as soon as we get in the house to have way of ramping up into gold nwor for for working on our business as quickly as possible so that it's not like okay guess to 6 p.m. all right cool we got to FF around we got to go to the toilet we got to like grab a coffee and we got to look in the
fridge we got to grab another coffee we got to sit on the computer we got to look at our to-do list we got to answer WhatsApp message we got to look at oh yeah you know what was that thing I had to do again oh yeah let me and then before you know it's like 6:47 and you're 47 minutes into this theoretical golden hour and you haven't really done anything because of like because the transition period was just way too long so that is a bit of a bonus skill to improve that the transition periods
between different things and I guarantee if you get better at the transitions it'll make it so much easier to actually make the time to build a business alongside your full-time job step number three the time creation formula finding hidden hours okay now this one is fairly Standard time management advice which I find a lot of people just don't apply when they're trying to build a business outside of the day job and the key thing here is that we want to try and create more quality hours we want to create more of these golden hours so
how do we create more of these golden hours well one thing that I did fairly early on in my medical school days when I realized how much time I was wasting just watching TV shows is just cut down the amount of time I spent watching TV shows I made a rule for myself that I'm not allowed to watch TV unless it's with friends this immediately freed up about 2 hours in my life every single day which I then wasn't spending watching Random TV shows on Netflix now I used that time back when I was in
med school to either get ahead in my essays or do some sport stuff or work on my on the business I was building at the time and that was the business that you know my first sixf figure business that I built and sold in med school and I had those extra 2 hours of time whereas most other people spend many many many hours each week entertaining themselves with like random entertainment now the key thing is I'm not saying that you need to cut out all of your entertainment time a big part of this is what's
the business you want to build again we we talked about you don't want to just build a prison for yourself but I think it's worth doing a strategic entertainment audit to figure out the hours that you're spending on entertainment on watching Netflix on scrolling Instagram or Tik Tok or watching YouTube videos or whatever the thing might be are those hours actually being used offic efficiently and effectively so what does that mean well you've probably had that situation I I certainly have it where you know it's an evening you got like 3 hours to until bed
and you just sort of randomly screw around on your phones scrolling some Instagram reels replying to some WhatsApp scrolling Twitter for a bit going on YouTube maybe watching a couple of videos going back to Instagram reals when I have those moments and I think back to the last 3 hours that I spent do I remember anything that I watched absolutely not was it really an effective use of time not really if I knew that I was going to die like X number of years from now and I still needed to entertain myself during that 3-hour
window but like you know I was really trying to squeeze squeeze the joy and satisfaction out of life would I randomly scroll Instagram reals with no intention probably not if I was going to entertain myself for those 3 hours I'd be like okay cool what do I actually want to do and I would like intentionally ask myself how I would like to entertain myself and maybe I'd be like okay you know what actually I'm going to continue reading that book or actually I'm just going to dive into this Netflix series cuz I really wanted to
watch that it's like approaching entertainment in a more strategic way the other thing about approaching entertainment in a more strategic way is that you probably need less entertainment time than you really think 3 hours of randomly scrolling Instagram you could probably do half an hour of watching like a long form documentary or a YouTube video or reading a book it's like a more focused guilt-free half an hour or 1 hour or 90 minutes is generally better than the 3 hours of like Mindless scrolling that you sort of do when you're tired and drained and you
know whatever and being able to cut down your entertainment time while still entertaining yourself because like you know we want to entertain ourselves you know we all need Hobby being able to cut down the entertainment time increases the amount of time you can spend working on your business some people I mean the people who say this are probably not going to be at this point in the video but I get some criticisms from people saying that Ali abdal is promoting toxic productivity and hustle culture I'm like bro if you want to build a business that
lets you quit your job and earn six figures so that you can do what you love you kind of need to you kind of need to put in the work like there's no way to do that in the capital capitalist society that we live in and also not do any work like you know there is this sort of like work versus Chill ometer by this idea from Charlie Morgan great YouTuber work versus chomer like on on the Spectrum how much do you want to work and how much do you want to chill and if you
really really really want to chill that's fine but then don't expect to be able to build a business that lets you quit your job if you want to build a business that lets you quit your job you kind of have to go more towards the work or the hustle end of the spectrum at least for a while and then when you start building the business you're really going to be in full- on hustle mode and then once the business is successful and you're in a position like where you've now got a team and you've got
a general manager and you've got a lovely team who does all the stuff that you don't want to do etc etc now I'm chilling now I can kind of do whatever I want I can choose not to film this video if I don't want to I could probably I don't know work 3 days a month if I really wanted to I've got a friend of mine who works one day a month and his business makes $10 million in Revenue a year with 50% margin so he does about $5 million in profit every year and he
himself works one day a month on that business because he's got the team and processes set up in place so he's chilling but no one I've ever met who has succeeded at building a business that lets them quit their job has ever not had a period of grind a period of Hustle the period of you know all that kind of stuff so you know you really do kind of have to be more towards the work end of the work kilometer if you want to succeed at this thing and I'm sorry if that comes across as
toxic productivity but it's just it's just a fact man like if you if the goal is build a business that lets me quit my job and the strategy is I still want to watch 15 hours of Netflix each week okay but you're going to have to find the time to invest into your business somewhere else and like what do you value more do you value the ability to do what you love and live a life of fun fulfillment and Financial Freedom or do you value those 15 hours a week watching Netflix I'm not judging it's
entirely up to you for me personally I don't give a about the 15 hours of watching Netflix I'd rather have the life that I currently have where I've got fun fulfillment Financial Freedom flexibility I can do what I want etc etc but it took that sacrifice it took sacrificing the amount of time I could have spent back in the day watching reruns of the office or watching friends for the fourth time or watching another season of Yu-Gi-Oh and investing it into my business but crucially see step number two I actually I wanted to do that
I wasn't like oh my God you know the thing I really want to do is just blob on the couch and want Netflix but like oh man I really should build that business oh I'm such a I'm such a oh man I really need to discipline myself into going and working on the business no it was not that kind of approach because that kind of approach is unsustainable it doesn't work over the long term it's man I really want to build this business I'm doing something that excited me I'm building something from the ground up
I'm learning so many skills this is actually quite fun and you know what I actually don't enjoy watching the office as much as I enjoy working on the business so let's cut down the amount of time I spend watching TV shows in my room on my own eating like french fries and getting fat and like miserable let's cut that down let's focus instead let's use that time to go to my university Library get some friends around me who are all working on their own things whether it's their studies or watching YouTube videos or whatever the
thing might be and let me work on the business and that's what makes it fun so that's kind of like time creation you can start to realize where can you actually just create more time where can you reduce or squeeze other things that are less important in order to create more time in your life the other aspect of time creation is the weekends work on the weekends like oh like the hustle anti hustle culture Bros are going to come after me for that one like you know weekends are great most people don't work on weekends
and you have like what is it absolutely ages on a weekend so here I've put in Golden hour for 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. Saturday and Sunday you could probably wake up at 8:00 a.m. on weekends and probably spend two concerted hours or three or four on your business and make so much progress and you can still have the rest of the day to do whatever the hell you want with your family and stuff mostly weekend mornings are pretty lazy it's why they call it like Lazy Sunday morning you're just sort of pottering around and doing
kind of nothing and whatever you could wake up earlier than your family spend spend that first couple of hours working on your business and then be super focused and intentional and have quality time with the family you can do that you can create time on the weekends by viewing weekends as whoo I've got this massive container of time wow that's so cool I'm building my dream I'm building my dream life I'm I'm getting toward words fun fulfillment and Financial Freedom oh my God that's sick as you can tell I'm very passionate about this sort of
thing even now like in my case and with most entrepreneurs that I know we love working on our businesses so much that we choose to do it on the weekends some of the time obviously taking a break is important obviously recharging is important but generally you know I find that on a weekend I've got the whole day with nothing much to do maybe there's a lunch plan maybe there's a dinner plan maybe I'll play tennis or squash or something like generally the mornings are pretty empty and I'm like you know in the morning do I
want to play World of Warcraft or do I instead want to work on our new offer or work on our sales pages and stuff and some of the time the business stuff is actually more fun than just play a video game or doing some other hobby would be instead I'm not saying you have to be in that position what I am saying is that the weekends are an amazing time to get progress made on this dream that you're trying to build for yourself and if you have a rule in your life that you are not
allowed to work on weekends okay but you got to find the time elsewhere because fundamentally this entire video is about this currency of time without the currency of time to invest in your business nothing is going to happen final point on the time creation thing is being able to use micro moments so let's say you are standing in line at the checkout in the store for 10 minutes doing nothing and just sort of like okay tapping your feet or whatever or like scrolling Tik Tok that's actually 10 minutes of time that could potentially be spent
working on something to do with a business you probably can't do very much when it's on your phone but actually to be honest phones these days can do loads of stuff you can whip up a sales page using like chat GPT or Claude or AI or whatever in like 10 minutes just using your phone there's stuff you can do in that time let's say you've got 10 minutes between this meeting and that meeting that's 10 minutes you could be spending working on your business strategy or planning your next YouTube video this is how I would
use micro moments of time when I when when I was working as a doctor I'd see a patient I'd take their bloods and then send the Bloods off and then if there was no one else to see You'd kind of have to wait a few minutes for like the ultrasound scan results to arrive and for the porter to come and wield them to the ultrasound room so they can have their early pregnancy scan and then come back to the thing and then discuss the results of the ultrasound scan with them those were like 10 15
minutes of dead time and my colleagues in those 10 15 minutes of downtime not knocking them but what they would do is go on their phones and scroll Instagram and just sort of like screw around on their phones what I would do in most of those 10 to 15 minutes of time is figure out okay cool how can I productively use this time to build my business I.E plan my next YouTube video or add a few more talking points for my next online course and again if I think back to my days where I had
a full-time job I'm so glad that I spent those micro moments working on my business and building my dream rather than scrolling at whatever the freak was on the Instagram reals algorithm if Instagram RS were even around back in like 2018 through to 2020 so the thing that I would encourage you to do if you're still watching at this point in the video is it's worth having a bit of a menu of options it's like there's a menu of options of things you want to do in your business like the highest priority thing that you're
doing in your golden hours of focus time but then there's also many of options of things you can do in those micro moments and now we come to step number four which is time stacking the magic of overlap this is one of my favorite ways for finding more time to work on the business and that is you know we talked about how you've got focused hours that you're spending in these sort of golden golden hour Windows quality time working on your business moving the highest priorities forward but then there's a whole other category of time
that I call repurposed time this is time when you're doing something else that you can repurpose to be working on your business is some in some capacity so for example let's say you're commuting to work for those 2 hours each day instead of listening to music or listening to the radio you could be listening to business themed audiobooks and podcasts to get more knowledge about like the business that you're trying to grow you could do that if you wanted to that's what I would do when I was on my commutes back and forth forth from
work well I I would do that about half the time the other half of the time I'd be listening to Brandon Sanderson audio books like you know the mistborn series or the storm archive series and then I got into the Wheel of Time series and then I got addicted to The Wheel of Time series while I was in while I was working as a doctor um but you know about 50% of the time when I was walking commuting in the car on the bus skateboarding to work for the year that I skate boarded to work
cuz it was fairly close to my house I would be 50/50 listening to Fantasy audiobooks or 50/50 listening to business podcasts similarly when I was like doing the dishes or cleaning the house if I could have a YouTube video in front of me I would be watching YouTube videos from other business owners and watching online courses about how to grow business and how to build sales and marketing funnels and the whole shebang now one of my favorite things to do is there's an app called voice pal that me and my team have built for ex
this reason voice pal is a ghost writer in your pocket you put your headphones in or just take your phone out you go for a walk you hit record and then you talk about whatever you want and then voice pal will act as a Ghostwriter it will ask you sensible follow-up questions and it will turn whatever you've said into a first draft that sounds exactly like you so actually this video I planned when I was on a walk walking around like the walking Track that's next to my house I got in like 10,000 steps while
I was walking talking through voice pal thinking about okay how would I explain the concepts in this video and then when I got back home I copied and pasted all all of this into notion and sort of of just fleshed out the script for the video nowadays with a power of AI with the power of transcription with everyone having fast internet pretty much wherever they are you actually can do quite a lot of content creation I use that word Loosely because I mean loads of business involves like writing whether it's called emails or sales Pages
or like email sequences it doesn't have to be content that sits online as a newsletter or as a YouTube video but there is a lot of writing related stuff that you could do while doing other things if you are using an app like voice pal and all of these different strategies are ways of getting more repurposed time doing one thing with your body like working around while your brain is doing something else I.E crafting that thing for your business I'm not saying that every single moment of time needs to be time stacked because that would
be a bit bit miserable and a recipe for Burnout and obviously we want to enjoy the process and enjoy our lives again to my point that you don't want to build a prison for yourself that you grow to resent so it's worth recognizing that repurpose time is not the same as deep work Focus time generally if you're on client calls for example if that's the sort of business you do that needs dedicated time if you're trying to do complex problem solving that kind of generally needs space and like you know place to diagrams and stuff
so I wouldn't Tim stack those sorts of things and similarly some things actually should just be sacred so I wouldn't be trying to listen to an audiobook about business while I'm spending time with my family that would be a bit weird similarly it's very useful to have some pure and intentional and effective downtime and so really the goal isn't to optimize absolutely every minute it's just to be more intentional with how we're using our time and recognize you know do I really need to listen to BBC Radio 1 when I'm on my commute to work
for 2 hours a day if that time was spent listening to business audiobooks instead man i' learn so much more about business than I currently do because that would be 10 hours a week that I'm able to learn rather than just randomly listen to the radio all right so if you're at this point in the video I have a very simple challenge for you but before I tell you about that uh if you are at this point in the video you probably hopefully fingers crossed have gotten some value out of this video firstly thank you
for watching this very long video I hope you got value out of it but also I recommend signing up to my email list so we have a segment of my email list which is called business notes or something I think that's going to be the name where over the next few months I'm planning to send a lot more emails about the behindth scenes process of how we've built our own online education business the stuff that I've learned from other mentors and entrepreneurs building their online businesses and it's only occasionally that I'll do like a long
video like this one talking about stuff but there's like an infinite amount of stuff that I'm I'm learning and I'm continuing to learn about building a business all of that is the stuff that we're going to be writing about in this completely free email list and we'll send emails every now and then I don't know what the Cadence is going to be but if you sign up with the link down below then you'll be the first to receive them when we start sending those emails specifically about how to build a business it's probably going to
be things like book summaries and Powerful questions and recordings of coaching calls that I've had with mentors that I pay like thousands of dollars too and you you can just get those for free because we'll I put them online or something purely for subscribers to this completely free email list so if you're interested there'll be a link down below and then the challenge for you is in terms of time stacking pick one activity that you can do this week where you could overlap you could Tim stack it with something else that will help you work
on your business if you already have a business and you know what that thing is that you could do then by all means do that if you don't yet have a business then you might like to check out this playlist this is a playlist of a few videos and interviews that I've done with other expert entrepreneurs and I Promise by watching those videos you will get way more of a sense of like okay I understand this is the sort of business I could potentially start and it would give you a bit of a firmware update
in your mind so all you have to do is just listen to those videos while doing the next whatever that commuting thing or the walking thing or whatever that thing is that you want to do so thank you so much for watching have a lovely day and I'll see you hopefully in the next video bye-bye
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