How to Invoice Clients For Your SMMA

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Iman Gadzhi
Here’s something you need to know about meetings with clients. They can go amazingly. You can sit ...
Video Transcript:
so ladies and gentlemen I am out here in Monaco for a couple days Filippo is behind me I think some of you guys know him and prequel he actually just got off a sales call right now did you mash clothes no which kind of brings us onto the topic of this video which I mean look at all first he that is a deal that looks very very promising it was 1500 months right 1500 a month with a coach out in America but that you know I was kind of in the other room pretending not to
listen and that's the whole thing but you know Filippo came in after I was like how'd it go he was man really really good really really positive he wants me to send over the contract and then we're gonna get started from there but you know it's just it's that weird it's that weird intermission between you know them saying yes to them actually you know finalizing and becoming a client and this is what I want to talk to you guys about today because the way I see it to me if someone leaves the meeting and once
again I have literally 95 percent of my meetings on zoom' remotely but if someone leaves a meeting at this point and they have not paid the invoice yeah I don't really even consider them as a potential lead at that point to me that is a loss deal and I put that I categorize that in my brain as a lost deal now I will still follow up with those leads and along those leads in fact I actually have one sitting in my inbox right now I actually have a lead who came back and we were gonna
do a two day training where I build out their webinar so we do for twenty five thousand pounds I do a two-day funnel build and then from there they were gonna be a retainer client of ours for four thousand pounds a month which i think is that's our minimum retainer that we charge he actually came back to me around a month later and was like yeah dude we're ready to roll we don't want the webinar funnel billed we'd rather just start exclusively with the retainer and you guys starring as ad so my point is that
they do come back around sometimes but I had already categorized that lead as just a note right and just moved on to the next one and I feel as though there's a lot of people wasting a lot of time with dead leads when they should have just been more killer and had that killer instinct within the meeting so the way that I do it with clients once they say yes I say the exact same thing every single time I'm like all right awesome can you sell me your register business address and your company name I'm
gonna send you over the invoice right now so that way we can get your ads up and running ASAP and then once again I hop on simple invoices and I put in their registered business address their email I go and I say pit all out and I go I also also my CENTAC can you check your email they check their email I'm like awesome so let's get this invoice paid you know let's get this invoice paid right now because the sooner this gets paid the quicker we can all board you and the quicker we can
get your ads up and running and making money so the thing is people are pretty much happy to do anything in this you know in life people are pretty much happy to do anything just as long as you make it very very clear what the benefit is of doing it right same thing with me you know a long time I'll get an invoice for something and I'm really terrible at this especially if it has to be like a bank wire so that's the next thing always always use stripe I use stripe for all my clients
it's funny on my story I posted the other day I had a 32 thousand pound a stripe payment come in this from a client that I charged for two day training so one of our existing clients flew in from America my stripe fee for that I think was like almost a thousand pounds and you know tons of people you know because I posted an actual screenshot so you can see you know how much was deducted and tell us the people were like dude like can't believe you're paying like a thousand pounds you know in feed
a stripe when they could have just Bank wired you and to me that's totally worth you know to me it's fine paying you know anywhere from 1.4 to 2.9 percent depending on you know where they are in the world I'm totally cool paying that because that brings up the likeliness of me signing a clan exponentially that honestly I just couldn't care less about the fee so for those of you guys that are still doing Bank wire sending manual invoices and getting them to transfer you that way in certain countries I understand you genuinely can't you
know for example Jeremy I have a few clients in Germany and I've had a loyal clients in Germany in the past that's just something that I can't get past is this weird thing where the credit limits are really low there so they have to use that for you know flights and other stuff other expenses for the business so they just generally prefer bank wiring so you know that's a country where you know that's a valid excuse but you know if you can just manually or if you can invoice your client and they can pay with
card using stripe then as I said your conversion is just going to go through the roof so once they say yes you get their business info and you send them an invoice you tell them to check their email they pay the invoice right then in there and once again I've had it in the past where a client and and this happens maybe with 20% of clients I get on stripe a code called do not honor that basically as a bank decline so I have literally had in the past where their bet their cards decline I'm
like ah Dorian this happens all the time can you check your phone right now you probably would have received a text from your bank just asking you to verify that this is obviously an authentic payment can you go ahead and just reply to them and sometimes for example in my bank they do that some banks don't do that and they're like oh I haven't received anything I'm like oh all right awesome no worries just literally give your call bank I'll stay on the line it'll only take 2-3 minutes it takes around 15 to 20 minutes
but once again I just kind of bridge that that time gap and I'm like look it'll only take 2-3 minutes I'll stay on the line don't worry so I've literally been there for 15-20 minutes in the past just sitting there while they're calling their bank making sure that this payment goes through because I know the second I leave that meeting and they have not paid even if they've said yes even if they've put in their card info and the payment should have gone through but it was their bank that didn't let the payment go through
I know the second that I leave that meeting the honesty I've lost you know the chances of me of signing that Cline have gone from a hundred percent to literally twenty to thirty percent I know that and I internalize that which is why I will not let the client leave if they've said yes I will not let the client leave that meeting without them pain and once again for the clients that are abroad I will literally make them open up their bank and using the same invoice that I've sent sure they can't pay with card
and you know that all hooks up with stripe I'll literally make them do a bank wire then and there okay so once they've gone ahead and that made they've made that payment and sometimes as I said you need to kind of hold her hand that's why it's not enough to just send the invoice and be like oh awesome jobs done because as I said a lot of time what will happen is their bank will decline it they'll start to have second thoughts etc etc the only way that I can kind of or a good analogy
for this is I'm sure you guys have had in the past where you have you know one of your friends and you know going out for drinks that night or going out and partying that night or just going out and just even going to dinner that night right and you want your friend to join you and some other friends for dinner you know the only way I can describe it is you know when you've finally convinced that friend to come with you you need the uber outside or you need the uber ready within one to
two minutes you know if you're out fumbling for a cab or a taxi you know that gives them a lot of time to reframe and that just gives them time to let buyers or more sink in even if it's the right thing for to them to do it gives them time just to rethink everything and as I said that is really just your worst enemy you guys know I talk about this concept a law called every every recall as a reframe so at every you know literally every single second every single hour every single minute
basically every single time they think about something they're slightly reframing it right and that's either gonna work positively or negatively and usually just after they've made a high ticket purchase they're really on edge right and if you don't have a clear path from them paying to getting on boarded then they're gonna reframe you know once again it's gonna be they're gonna reframe but it's gonna be very very negative for you so once they pay the invoice that's really where I can breathe I'm very tense very meticulous and very I wouldn't say pushy I'm not pushy
at all I'm just I I really am gonna guide them through every step of that process until I receive the money once I receive the money I can relax they've paid right so I can relax they paid and it's at that point that I send them my onboarding process right any you guys in six or guesstimate you guys have access to that you know a one-click plug-and-play for that so I send my onboarding process which once again you know I started I implemented my agency over a year ago at this point and you know every
single client I've spoken to especially ones that I've worked with other agencies have just been so blown away by it because it is literally one link and they onboard themselves and by the end of it I have access to their ads of you know we've been integrated as a partner in in I have access to business manager their ads mentor business manager but their ads manager their Instagram their Facebook you know I have their CSV files from their email list I have their an entire client avatar they've all just really made a video on what
they can expect from us and the way that we like to work with they've booked in their first strategy session with me and the rest of the team you know literally they on board themselves entirely so I said once I've paid once they paid that invoice I send them that onboarding link and then that way they can onboard themselves and that really has done you know that that's removed a lot of the heavy lifting from me right because once I send them that link they just do everything at their sort of own pace so ladies
and gentlemen the main takeaway from this is the way that I do it and it works for me perfectly well is I will get them to pay the invoice and then they'll receive the contract now I just have an evergreen uniform contract and that's on step number three I believe or step number four of my onboarding process is they just go and it's a hello sign you can use panda dog or whatever but it's a hell of a sign template that literally anyone can sign right and once they've signed that then you know they agree
to you know 3-month minimum the retainer etc etc so yeah that's really the main point that I'm trying to get across here is a client is not a client until you've received payment and you want to be very very regimented in the way or you want to you want to have just the easiest possible slope and the easiest possible path from the moment they say yes to them paying and becoming a client because once they pay and they become a client you know sorting out the contracts running out the assets all that stuff I have
a fully automated system for that but you know that's stuff you don't need to worry about as much because you know they're not gonna come back and then be like oh you know I don't want to sign the contract or I don't want to send the assets etc etc so yeah just a quick little video for you guys as I said you know that's something that came up you know 15 20 minutes ago just after filippo got off his sales call and yeah ladies and gentleman seriously seriously implement this ASAP and just to be more
structured because of the end they need to understand that for your client this is this is a big purchase you know they're spending a thousand you know a thousand pounds a month five thousand pounds a month ten thousand pounds a month that's a decent amount of money to any business owner and once they make a high-ticket purchase like that and make a commitment like that you don't want to let them have any sort of buyer's remorse what so so I said ladies in German hope you enjoy this video I'll see you guys the next one
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