The Luckiest People Who Survived The Impossible

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Steven mccormac Steven an experienced truck driver from New Zealand was working on his truck he was positioned between the truck's bumper and the trailer when something crazy happened he slipped and fell but something felt off he didn't feel just regular pain he felt his body inflating like a balloon nearly doubling in size his colleagues and his son rushed to help him quickly realizing what had actually happened Steven had fallen onto the brass valve that supplies compressed air to the truck's brakes the valve punctured his bum forcing pressurized air into his body they immediately shut off
the air supply laid him on the ground and called an ambulance unfortunately both emergency vehicles in the area were occupied forcing him to wait in that state for an entire hour when he finally arrived at the hospital doctors understood the severity of his condition the air had separated fat tissue from muscle filling his abdomen chest and even the spaces around his lungs heart and behind his eyelids to help him breathe doctors inserted a tube through his ribs and into his lungs as for the trapped air it had to be expelled naturally through farts a process
that took 3 days Steven made a full recovery and doctors later determined that if the valve had punctured another part of his body it could have damaged a blood vessel and he would have died Joan Murray Joan Murray was an experienced skydiver having already completed 35 jumps it was supposed to be just another routine dive and as she plummeted at 120 mph she attempted to deploy her parachute I say attempted because it didn't open after multiple tries she reached for her Reserve parachute which to her relief deployed successfully however another another problem quickly arose she
began spinning uncontrollably causing the parachutes cords to tangle into a knot rendering it useless she crashed into the ground at 80 mph and upon impact she heard a loud crack before losing Consciousness Joan fell into a coma and was rushed to the hospital where doctors performed multiple complex reconstructive surgeries and blood transfusions the entire right side of her body was crushed yet incredibly 2 weeks later she woke up from the coma and made a full recovery the reason she survived was just Crazy by pure chance she landed directly on a fire ant nest disturbing the
venomous ants in response they came out of their nests and swarmed her body stinging and biting her over 200 times fire ant venom known as solenopsin stimulates the nervous system the overwhelming amount of it that was injected into her body kept her heartbeating until paramedics arrived saving her life Margaret guire Margaret was a young Canadian woman who had just married her husband Herbert in 1915 to celebrate they decided to take a trip and boarded the RMS Lucitania in New York City Bound for Liverpool they were enjoying their trip having a routine dinner on the ship
when suddenly they heard a loud boom the ship had been torpedoed by a German submarine Herbert immediately escorted his wife Margaret to a Lifeboat where she was joined by three other women and a baby however as she looked up she saw the ship's massive Smoke Stacks above them and she feared they might collapse onto their Lifeboat in a moment of panic she climbed back up the stairs to the deck while Herbert believing she was safe boarded another Lifeboat with other passengers as the Luci Tania rapidly sank Margaret tried to swim away from the wreckage but
her efforts were in vain a Whirlpool formed as the ship submerged pulling her and two other men into one of the Smoke Stacks miraculously a sudden explosion From Below blasted her back to the surface where she was spotted and rescued by a nearby Lifeboat as she looked around she saw Herbert in another Lifeboat crying believing she had died Julie murly Julie murly and Liz cotril were kayaking in San Louis Obispo California drawn by a spectacular event humpback whales feeding on fish in the bay there were lots of tourists on their boats and kayaks watching the
whole thing and even though whale watching is a popular activity it comes with important safety precautions experts recommend staying at least 300 ft away from the feeding Zone to avoid dangerous encounters unfortunately Julie and Liz misjudged the distance a tightly packed swarm of fish known as a bait ball suddenly moved alarmingly close to them but they weren't the only ones to notice their presence had also caught the attention of a humpback whale before they had time to react the whale lunged forward to swallow the fish but in the process it also scooped up Julie and
Liz trapped inside its massive mouth they probably thought that they were about to be swallowed whole after all humpback whales can grow up to 56 ft long a huge size from a human perspective however despite their enormous mouths humpback whales have relatively small throats only about the size of a human Fist and capable of stretching to just 15 in in diameter they also lack teeth meaning the two women weren't crushed luckily a whale's natural instinct is to spit out anything that isn't fish and that's exactly what happened moments later Julie and Liz were spat out
from the whale's mouth and surfaced unharmed Matthew low Matthew was heading to his Factory for a routine shift just like any other day upon arriving he immediately got to work as he walked past an automated conveyor belt he suddenly felt his overall snag on something unfortunately it was the conveyor itself before he could react he was pulled onto the belt and dragged toward a 5-in opening within seconds his entire body was forced through the narrow tunnel he could hear the cracks of his bones as the machine spat him out on the other side miraculously he
remained conscious Matthew's agonizing screams alerted his co-workers who rushed to the scene what they saw was horrifying his back was broken in two places his pelvis ribs and hips were nearly completely crushed and his abdomen was severely torn he was rushed to the hospital but doctors had little hope for his survival they even advised his partner to prepare for the worst however Against All Odds Matthew survived after six surgeries and a month in the hospital he slowly began to recover 18 months later he made a full recovery and even return to work Tiba Tiba a
young Indian girl went out for a walk when she came across a construction site intrigued she decided to explore the area the site was filled with debris and half-finished structures making it extremely risky to navigate especially without proper equipment or experience as she walked through the site she tripped and fell neck first onto a long metal rod protruding from a brick bystanders witnessed the horrifying scene and immediately called for an ambulance when Tiba arrived at the hospital doctors were left stunned miraculously the rod had missed all vital nerves and blood vessels in her head after
a 35-minute surgery doctors successfully removed the rod amazingly she was discharged just 3 Days Later had she Fallen just a few inches further forward she would have died FR CAC FR CAC is an elderly music teacher from Croatia and he's both the luckiest and unluckiest man on Earth his first crazy experience happened in 1962 when he was on a train a fault in the tracks caused the train to derail and plunge into the freezing River below most passengers either died in the crack or drowned in the submerged train but FR miraculously survived with only a
broken arm and managed to swim to shore in 1963 just a year after the train incident he was on a small plane when mid-flight both engines failed as the aircraft went into a freef fall a malfunctioning door blew open yanking FR out of the plane without a parachute he must have thought he was going to die the plane crashed into a hill killing all 19 passengers on board however Fran survived by landing on a hay stack escaping with only minor injuries 2 years later in 1965 he was traveling on a bus that was crossing a
bridge the icy conditions caused the bus's Wheels to lock up sending the vehicle crashing through the safety barrier and into the valley below four passengers lost their lives yet Fran survived once again after multiple accidents involving public transportation he decided to rely on his own car only to find that it wasn't any safer in 1970 while driving his engine suddenly burst into flames miraculously he managed to jump out in time and survived but this wasn't his only brush with fire 3 years later in 1973 while driving another car the fuel pump ruptured causing yet another
fire this time the Flames were blown directly toward him through the air vents despite suffering Burns he once again managed to escape as if that weren't enough in 1975 he survived being hit by a bus then just a year later he had another near-death experience when his car fell off a Mountain Road plummeting 300 ft after a careless driver forced him off the road the car exploded upon impact but FR managed to survive by jumping out of the vehicle's window mid-fall and landing on a tree and by the way he won the lottery in 2003
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