DON'T LET LIFE PASS YOU BY - Best Motivational Video For Success

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Eddie Pinero
"Happiness, not in another place but this place…not for another hour, but this hour." — Walt Whitman...
Video Transcript:
it's going to show up for you she said pointing up at the night sky which was completely covered in clouds hiding a full moon behind it in fact the sky revealed only the moon's glowing silhouette and still I felt like it was the brightest I'd ever seen it I wasn't exactly sure sure I never really paid attention like this but in that moment it felt remarkable it was around midnight we' pulled over a few miles north of Scottsdale got out of the car and were standing about 10 ft from the road on a little clearing
amidst the CAC ey and other desert plants both looking up taking in the silence the loudest silence I'd ever heard again things are just so so different when you pay attention a few moments went by and we watched as the moon pushed its way from behind the clouds through the darkness and right to the center of a small clearing in the cloud covered sky as if the world had created one tiny window for that moon to peer down at us unrestricted there it was it was perfect I told you it would show up for you
she said I could somehow feel her smiling as she said it but I didn't say anything cuz I didn't know what to say Believe It or Not sometimes even people who Yap for a living have no words then just as fast as it arrived it disappeared behind that cloud covered curtain again just as fast as it was shining down in all its beauty its power its light it was a memory it was just like life I feel like I've been reminded lately how fast things come and go how intentional we have to be about stopping
and capturing the beauty around us because it is so easy to miss it's so incredibly easy to walk right by that window it appears and it closes and I've been thinking I've been asking what is that window what is that little flicker of light that piece of life that candle that the Universe seems so hellbent on blowing out it must be an opening to your soul it has to be a portal from God's ears to your heart a message from The Ether to your hands will you accept it will you listen because you can't dance
in the Moonlight if you don't get out of the car you can't give yourself to the world if you stay inside you cannot lead if you watch from afar it's going to show up for you because you're going to let it to seek it out it's going to show up for you because you're the kind of person who chases life down who recognizes that this little window we're dancing through is the magic it is the show it's not a means to an end it is everything so don't lose sight of that put yourself in places
where you are free to be the best version of you surround yourself with people who love you fully for who you are who push you to step into your greatness and Embrace Life amidst the darkness find the Moonlight because it's there I promise you behind the clouds away from home Beyond normal sea it's going to show up for you because you are going to find the courage to seek it out greatness starts small it's born from the preparation the rest the recovery it's giving yourself the tools to be the best version of you unlocking the
Excellence that was there waiting to emerge the whole time greatness is allowing those little things to become the big things procompression elevate your performance there's a quote that states whatever you are be a good one The Pride you take in your work and the quality you're looking to OB attained throughout well it's just as important as the direction you are heading and I spent some time thinking about this was recently on an 11-hour flight home from Japan where um you know I got to see a lot I learned a lot a few things I want
to share over the course of the next couple weeks but there was one that stood out to me above all right one that uh I I felt I needed to inject into my personal life and so let's start there it's the apparent Pride that the Japanese take in their culture now admittedly anecdotal right based on a relatively quick experience that was only there for about a week but also it was the thing that was most evident right that that jumped out at me uh it felt sacred from the way they talked about being Japanese at
least those few uh short conversations I was able to have to the cleanliness of the cities and buildings I mean the subway in Tokyo was so clean that it felt like a simulation uh to every car that drove by being washed and waxed and I mean every car I saw no trash on the street there were no homeless people out which given that I was in the busiest part of Tokyo seems to be quite the feat um the bottom line is these folks across the board take tremendous pride in themselves and their communities now I
can't speak nor am I going to attempt to speak to the socioeconomic impact of that type of standard but I can tell you that in many ways from a personal standpoint there was something powerful about it I can tell you that my first instinct was again to inject that mentality into as much of my my own world as I can that taking pride in your surroundings and your outward appearance makes you feel better inside that when your world is messy and cluttered so is your M that when you don't invest in your environment it probably
diminishes your likelihood of succeeding in it there is power in Pride in caring and taking responsibility for that which is yours I said something simil similar in an episode last week talking about identifying your North Star and acting the part and someone commented under the video agreed how you do one thing is how you do everything and I really like that I think it it sums it up beautifully now I'm not ignorant enough to think that Japan is perfect because I spent a week there and the Subways were clean I'm sure underneath the hood it
has flaws like every society does like every individual does but pride in oneself and surroundings doesn't appear to be one of those flaws I think it's a a source of strength and uh seeing this came at a time when I needed it most perhaps I may have even you know subconsciously been looking for it and over the years I've realized this in different areas of my life without knowing in many cases that I was longing for consistency Pride not just in a few habits but in the greater overall picture getting into shape I think is
the easiest uh example to demonstrate cuz it's not just a habit change it's a lifestyle change right to be truly fit you have to raise your standards across the board adjust many aspects of your life so that they essentially come together to create something new it was and focus and attention on when I woke up what I ate obviously how and when I worked out what I said yes to what I said no to my work and social lives uh were also inextricably linked to those decisions and in neglecting some aspects there diminished the stock
of all the others it's taking pride in how you do everything it's not allowing yourself to fall short of a particular standard when you don't let the little things fall off it creates an environment where you can conquer the big things that's why I think that quote is so impactful whatever you are be a good one not in one area or in you know one aspect of who you are but in totality set a standard right don't allow yourself to fall below it you will feel better Freer healthier if the car is dirty the office
space is probably cluttered too which means so is the desktop which means so is the mind in its way of navigating and processing information nothing is completely siloed off or on the other hand you know if one thing is immaculate odds are everything is right so that little trip was a beautiful reminder to raise the bar in all aspects of my life the standard can't just apply to my work or my art everything is intertwined greatness is holding on to the standard you set the value system you deem meaningful and accepting absolutely nothing less [Music]
let's talk about the most important thing one can do while navigating the trials and tribulations of Life the thing that as far as I can tell supersedes all others the the great equalizer of human [Music] beings one's ability to get back up you simply cannot defeat someone who despite the inevitable obstacles life presents Rises to their feet again and again you can't take someone down who molds the adversity they face into armor they [Music] wear no those people are God of their own worlds they are immune to the shackles that hold most back see the
world is unpredictable it's challenging often it takes everything we have right even the most planful and most prepared or at some point taken down even the most skilled will at some point find themselves outmatched there are no perfect roads and there are no Flawless performances no one wins all the time which implies necessarily the ones who create meaning in the world are the ones who shape it from that chaos that surrounds them who when brought to their knees refuse to roll over and look at the world from their back but instead rise with a more
thoughtful aware focused depersonalized approach life is not happening to you it's happening for you it's not giving you problems it's giving you building blocks the differentiator is some people build walls around themselves and some build staircases to the moon but ultimately we are all building something you might ask you know really Rising when you fall that's the most important thing more so than courage strength intelligence confidence more than Faith contentment success growth Joy more than love and my thought is 100% because you don't get any of those things without the ability to rise in the
face of their opposite being those things means fighting for those things and fighting for those things means a commitment to stand to reach for them even when the world says no even when the road is long if you learn to rise when you're fearful when you're tired when you're lost confused or angry if you promise yourself getting back up is not up for debate that there will be no negotiation that it's what you do and who you are you simultaneously hold the world in the palm of your hand see most focus on avoiding the ground
and because of this they find themselves disheartened when life is well life we've all been there right sometimes you cannot avoid falling sometimes the ground comes to you sometimes you get no say and the ones who Find meaning in the pain who brush themselves off and carry on into the night well they're the ones with the power to change themselves in the world [Music] [Music] world you can allow yourself to be distracted or as Robin Sharma suggests you can do incredible things but you can't do both you can stay where the Safety and Security is
or you can risk what you have in pursuit of your dreams but you can't do both you can remain the character depicted in yesterday's story story or you can take those lessons experiences and craft a new story but you cannot do both life is a game of trade-offs where any decision to go in One Direction is a simultaneous decision to not go in another a commitment to X is necessarily a rejection of Y at least in that moment making this question all the more important what is your North Star I ask because everything you do
is bringing you closer to or holding you back from capturing [Music] it one of my lifelines over the years has been clinging to the quote or idea that Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication right consistently trying to arrive there why because when things get complex in my life I don't know what I'm choosing clutter means I've lost sight of what's necessary versus what's trivial I become unclear on those critical trade-offs I'm making and we've all experienced this right the simplest questions are always the hardest to arrive at we can talk in circles about the details but
how often are we honest with ourselves about the why I remember job interviews in college going on and on about the books I read the papers I'd written current events but then falling flat on my face when asked so who's Eddie Panero uh a dude doing an interview like what do you want from me my brain had never gone there or even less formal I'll never forget a friend of mine a few years back asked me what my perfect day was just casually as we're driving said said I don't know Tom I've never really thought
about that he goes then how are you ever supposed to have a perfect day if you don't know and how simple simple and simultaneously incredible who wants a life without perfect days right like like what is all this for the world is infinite and you can be ruled by its variability and its complexity you can run around adhering to all its rules hoping you're doing the right thing whatever that is or you can identify carve out and rule over your own little piece of it your own kingdom you can choose you if you take the
time to uncover who you are what lights you up and then as Emerson Advocates hits Your Wagon to that [Music] St the best investment of our time is to truly understand and decide what we should be saying yes to because if we don't know what matters then nothing does here's a famous dialogue from lisis Carol's Alice and Wonderland Alice would you tell me please which way I ought to go from here that depends a good deal on where you want to get to said the cat well I don't much care where said Alice then it
doesn't matter which way you go said the cat well so long as I get somewhere Alice added as an explanation oh you're sure to do that said the cat if only you walk long enough beautiful passage if you don't care where you go any road will take you there and see it's not wrong to not know know it doesn't make you bad or mean life is a waste of time it just means you're taking a large portion of control which is one of your superpowers and tossing it up into the ether it means you are
bowing to Hope and I know that no one here wants to live every day merely clinging to hope this is not a we'll see how it goes Channel or podcast right this is about the little changes that take life from a 6 out of 10 to a 9 or a 10 out of 10 it's about using what's around us to maximize the miracle we are living and breathing every day again life is complex so for you to take the time and simplify to remove what's unnecessary what an advantage yeah I could do this or that
I could go here or there but guess what but I've spent the time thinking asking myself the tough questions and now I can be more deliberate in choosing my path so that I arrive at a correct destination a destination that belongs to me that means something to me that lights me up and excites me that's living and of course this isn't a one-time light bulb moment a permanent move no as we grow we change what we want shifts hey sometimes the current path even reveals itself to be the wrong path it's happened to me plenty
but when you're consistently in tune with what matters to you who you are you can make the adjustments you can be deliberate no more shooting targets in the dark because life is too short our days numbered our arrows finite live life like each day means something because each day is transporting you to your something let's use the pieces around us to build our own skylines etch our own stories into the sands of time if a decision to do one thing is a simultaneous decision to not do something else make sure to have that North Star
in scope so that you don't amidst that chaos of Life unknowingly turn your back on it ask yourself who you are and be as patient as possible working for that answer because as far as I can tell that information is the key that unlocks infinite possibility it's knowledge that opens the door to life on your terms [Music] I was in the middle of a workout the other day and right before things got intense right before we picked it up a level I heard someone say brace yourselves your minds are about to start lying to you
now note the message was not brace yourselves you're about to lose focus brace yourselves things are going to get challenging the path's going to be unclear no the message was much much simpler that we would be told lies objectively and who would tell them well the adversary within each of us the dark side of the moon right just just as there's light there's Darkness just as we have the tools to build we have the tools to tear down in fact our life trajectories hinge on whether we find those reasons we can or we find reasons
we can't whether we push those socalled lies away or Embrace an adop but here's what I loved most about that comment why I found it so uh moving you know I'm someone who's fascinated by the power of mindset obviously I read about it I experiment with it I talk about it almost every day but I guess in my head i' compartmentalized it as something slightly more subjective right we'll call it negative selft talk you know as as an obstacle as chaos we have to learn to navigate and while that's not wrong there's something about the
simp licity of you can do this and any thought in your head that says otherwise is a lie that's freeing that message is like removing shackles because that voice in your head you can call it a distraction a battle you can call it the unknown you can call whatever you want but the bottom line is it's an untruth you're strong enough to handle the now period you are strong enough because the liar in you says you need to know what x minutes X hours X days down the road will look like oh you don't well
then you can't handle this it says you need to sustain this pace or maintain this momentum imagine how bad that will hurt you see that you can't endure that the liar in you says you're not as strong as the ones who did it before you you see them they're better the liar in you will do whatever it can to protect your ego at the expense of your growth it wants to push off any type of pain because the liar in you knows one thing and one thing only safety so as you put your head down
and Embark upon the Journey of Life remember that when things get tough much of what you will be told will be untrue and the vast majority of that won't be external it will be derived from whatever entity manufactures the thoughts floating around in your head winning is calling that liar out stopping it in its tracks winning is saying there's no proof on Earth that suggests I can't take another step forward and then another and then another there's absolutely zero evidence that you can't take what's being given to you and not only survive the moment but
Thrive see when you hold the pen anything seeking to tell you how the story ends is simply definitionally unequivocally not true not unless you want it to be because the story and its ending are yours what will become truth is what you write down line by line Moment by moment day by day so when the liar speaks understand what she is and keep writing and when the liar Cries Out understand his intentions and keep building if you want this moment it's yours and that is truth a cheat code in life is understanding the significance of
getting to one because if you can get one you can absolutely get two and if you can get two you can get three four five 5,000 500,000 or 5 million once you realize that something is possible you're no longer the same person you once were your hands need not be held to the sky as though the universe is going to drop something into them no you've cracked the code you have the info and the burden has now been placed directly onto your shoulders that little question is this possible dissipates getting to one was your proof
of that and then the obvious accompanying question now what are you going to do about it what are you going to do because the race isn't to 1 million it's to one one is the power one is the reassurance one is everything you need if you can sell one painting you can sell 50,000 paintings if you can make one three pointer you can make thousands of three-pointers if you can create one genius marketing video that goes viral you can create hundreds thousands millions again the evidence you got one anything beyond one is procedural it's a
testing of methods it's becoming Relentless in your pursuit to repeat the process with the pieces at your disposal but make no mistake those pieces are there everything you need is there so long as you get to one I had to recently break through to this realization like so many of us I'm an ambitious person I love the game I want to add value to more people reach more listeners generate more Revenue scale impact all that stuff of course but for a while I just couldn't figure out how I became almost disillusioned what am I doing
wrong maybe what if maybe do I dare say do I dare even think for a second that I've gone as far as I can go but was ultimately rescued rescued by the realization that I was asking the world for things I didn't have instead of leveraging what I did I needed to separate the value I possessed from the logistics that would transport it because and this is what we forget I've already performed my Miracle I've added value to one person and if you can add value to one why not 10 why not 10 million it's
not a product issue it's a scaling question the car Works figure out how to get it to the racetrack the tool is effective now get it into the hands of the builders you see the difference the confidence that comes with that instead of doubting all that you bring to the world asking yourself if more is possible you say yeah of course it is because I've already done it here is my proof now what's around me that I can use to deliver it how can I try things reposition things figure out how to scale and get
further but I know it's possible so many of us have already gotten to one we're adding value we're doing what we believe in but we're asking the wrong question we're still asking whether more is possible it is the burden is just on you to bring it to fruition the burden is on you to find a way to scale the value contained in your one thing and by the way if you haven't arrived at 1 yet buckle up right getting to one was one of the best periods of my life right finding your value proposition enjoying
the process exploring finding that intersection of value and personal contentment you'll eventually arrive there but remember for you the goal is not 1 million it's one one idea that works one approach that lights you up one action that opens your eyes to the upside that makes the world better to those around you when you found your one thing when you know it makes a difference then you move on to the scaling chapter right then how do we turn one into 1 million but they're two different questions so remember that moving forward no matter how stuck
you feel if you have one you simultaneously have a little seed capable of producing Infinity it just needs attention trust yourself to work through the logistics because that's all it is transform the if into how and start building that staircase straight to the Moon [Music] [Music] find a way because first and foremost there always is one find a way because you are more than strong enough because anything other than a solution or some semblance of progress means you gave in called it quits threw in the towel and giving in is not who you [Music] are
find a way because that discomfort today well it becomes our greatest source of pride tomorrow the simple decision to carry on or stick it out now is so much more than it appears to be when under duress sure it's easy to turn around but everything everything relies on your moving forward into that Darkness [Laughter] find a way cuz while we may think we want safety and need predictability our souls want Adventure life's meaning is comprised of the mountains climbed and Dragons slayed so step out and slay your [Music] dragons f find a way because an
evolved self has to be earned keeping promises to yourself is no small ordeal putting your head on the pillow at night knowing you followed through on who you decided you would be that's power it creates a trajectory towards infinite possibility it points you at the [Music] stars find a way because you must reinforce the fact that the world is Clay to be molded not a checklist it's a game not a chore a gift not an obligation when you find a way you become the ruler of your own [Music] Kingdom look there exists a way a
path that's not the question the question is one of effort is there a willingness to move beyond the parameters imposed upon you by others by the past by the thoughts that bounce around in your head is there a willingness to endure duress in the short term is there a willingness to fall down now to look dumb to not always be perfectly packaged or assembled are you willing to endure that in exchange for the infinite I remember hearing the Mantra there is always a way to get to your Finish Line it's not can I it's not
is is it possible know it how how do I get there the dots exist you have to be the one to connect them you have to build bridges over the oceans of unknowns The Valleys comprised of the unforeseen oh there is a way remember that remember that it's not the destination that's in question but one's willingness to knock and knock and knock until the right door opens remember that you have everything you need that you are armed with all that is required you were made to connect those very dots before you you just have to
decide what's more important to you that feeling of reaching the top of the mountain or the feeling of its shade at the bottom what will you give to be more than you've ever been do more than you've ever done there is always away are you willing to find it [Music] if someone were to tell you life is easy they'd be incorrect if they were to tell you there's a specified path to contentment they'd be misinformed if they were to tell you there's a book of answers to every question you'll come across they'd be misled the
point is not that life is easy predictable or defined the point is that despite the fact that it's none of those things you're capable of making something from it that from a seemingly endless barrage of unknowns exist the pieces to build something truly extraordinary I came across a quote few years ago from uh Abraham masau and and a concept that uh was in Ernest Becker's book the denial of death and the idea is we are simultaneously gods and worms and every once in a while you come across an idea that changes the way you see
things that's definitely one of them right a duality that is is perpetually under tension gods and worms we're animals we're flesh and Bone eroding by the day we given a temporary stay on a giant rock rotating around the sun while simultaneously equipped with the power to not only be aware of that finitude but to transcend it to dream to see things that are not yet there our minds are miraculous we are both gods and worms so what do we do about this how about use the fact that we're going to die the fact that in
many ways we don't have control the fact that life is messy and unpredictable and often a maze of complete chaos to rather than shrink because of it take off the guard rails and reach for the Heavens to put things into existence that do not yet exist why not go all in after all the thing about living as the saying goes is that no one makes it out alive no one hops on the road roller coaster to constantly look at their watch to dwell on its temporary nature now it's to enjoy the ride and what is
our time here but a few short rides around the Sun so when it feels like life is too big when the day overwhelms or disintegrates into chaos don't fixate on the rocky nature of the world around you but on your ability to take it all and make it mean something cherish the idea that although everything around you is dictated by natural laws and constraints your mind is bound by nothing and where you seek answers you will find them where you pursue more you will unlock it our finitude our challenges are essential to our existence they
remind us that we have nothing to lose that the song will end so why not dance like it's your last time because sure in time we will be dirt for worms but that's exactly why as long as we're here we'll live to in our own unique way bridge the gap between the ground we walk on and the heavens above the hard thing brought me through hell but also So to that which exists on the other side the hard thing prompted me to question and doubt but also provided the pieces I used to build my confidence
little by little it made me ask the tough questions the ones maybe I didn't want to hear the answer to but also gave me the power to transform those answers I didn't like the hard thing meant forfeiting being the expert in my world in exchange for the role of student in a foreign Arena gave me new ladders to climb new possibilities to reach for it showed that true growth requires a willingness to be the beginner it took some people out of my arms my circle my work and in some cases my life alt together but
always seem to open the door to those Souls better aligned those conducive to the journey and the process let's remember what the hard thing is beyond the pain because we all know it does bring that beyond the challenges because there are certainly many Beyond all that exists The Hope and the change and the promise Robert Frost says the best way out is always through through because it's the chaos the haze the darkness of night that shapes us it's in being broken that we learn to rebuild our world with the pieces and perhaps most importantly we
learn that such a rebuilding process is possible to begin with that the now is not mandatory or permanent the hard thing as it turns out is nothing more than a transaction turbulence for the view above the clouds fear in the moment for confidence in the future it's learning that although life sometimes appears to paint a picture of Conformity and he hopelessness there's always a path leading to the very place we need to go it just asks we find the courage to walk it Churchill has said the pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity The Optimist sees
opportunity in every difficulty and this beautiful message Rings true because from the difficulty is the advantage and sure our first instinct is to see the problem our eyes tend to initially fixate on that which is unfortunate but beyond that is where we get the most incredible things life provides as if one is removing the shell or outer layer in order to get to the nutrients in the center the ingredients required for growth the pieces necessary to experience life at its fullest and so we must be reminded that those opportunities they're not rare they're not reserved
for everyone but you they just tend to disguise themselves as the things we're most inclined to disregard or walk by but if one finds the courage to move into them through them if one can see the difficulty not as a deterrent but as a bargain they'll be given everything on the other side reality is not changed with a magic wand or the granting of a wish it's from staring down the hard thing and moving directly into it one little step at a time [Music] to Life's adversity thank you to the challenges the ones I hated
in the moment I am beyond grateful they became invaluable those moments that forced me to be more than I was step out before I was ready so that I could arm myself for the path that was meant for me thank you to those times I was afraid you taught me that the darkness is never as bad as our thoughts make them out to be and when we learn to trust ourselves we realize that fear becomes strength thank you to those times I fell short of expectations the times I didn't quite hit the mark you taught
me that it's not about me it's not personal it's about taking that awareness and going at it again more intelligently thank you to the times I felt alone the times I didn't get the support I hoped for or anticipated you did two things reinforce the value of an effective committed team but you also emphasize that if that candle's going to stay lit it's going to be because I commit to keeping it lit and when tempted to point out and blame the external world I must pause reassess and focus on the world within thank you to
those times of stagnation The Valleys of despair of uncertainty you reminded me that momentum has to be manufactured and the answers we need are never big or complex they are small and they are simple we are always one step away from getting back on track thank you to the unexpected setbacks that from out of nowhere obstacles you taught me that the trials and the tribulations they are not the exception they are the rule that success isn't running from them but learning to deal with them there's a saying that life is 10% what happens to us
and 90% how we react to it thanks for showing me to allocate my energy to the reaction thanks for the times I looked around and couldn't find a conceivable way the times things seemed helpless and hopeless you taught me that even in our darkest moments there is an answer that I am capable I am strong enough and who would have thought that all these things all these situations I would have loved to run away from were a gift more valuable than any other who would have thought that predictability and comfort were wolves in sheep's clothing
that danger is never the obstacle it's in thinking you've been slided by life when the obstacle arrives in reality every setback is a chance to be more to step into that future self to live life it is from our struggle that we acquire our strength from our pain we find just how far we can go so to these challenges that made me who I am thank you for the Insight the lessons and the evolution thank you for showing me what no success could ever have shown there's a Latin phrase pronounced amorti it's one of the
more powerful ideas I've come across its translation means love of Fate it implies everything that happens is good with the very least necessary and I think we need that reminder from time to time because funny enough it is one of the first sentiments to leave us when we're in trouble when we're down or lost the idea that every everything has its value and sure we don't always understand it in the moment or when we're fighting through it but that circumstance or even tragedy in the great play of life has a crucial role someone recently sent
me a beautiful clip from Steven clar interview and I want to dive in but there's a caveat I ask that you listen to this in a vacuum for our purposes not going to be the Steven cber who mocks half the country on live TV every night this is the wise Steven coar with a lot of value to ad because he can be both to frame the interview he's sitting across from Anderson Cooper and Anderson's asking him about something he said a while back Anderson reads the quote I've learned to love the things I'd most wished
had not happened what punishments of God are not gifts Anderson then looks up from the paper looks over at Steven and asks do you really believe that to which Steven responds yes it's a gift to exist and with existence comes suffering there's no escaping that you can't pick can choose what to be grateful for a truly incredible emotional moment it is the realization of a more fatti even the most trying of times are a bridge to something even that which is taken away creates a space for one to ultimately find what they need a couple
years ago I did a keynote in Hollywood Beach talking about those difficult situations some of them are external but some of them we create right chaos self-induced that opens the door to the most precious of occurrences things that I never would have had or arrived at if not for the pain the sadness the confusion it truly all fits together and so I basically take a trip down memory lane talking about the physical duress of a cold morning run wouldn't you know it strengthens one's conviction and belief in thems or the sadness in leaving someone you
care about someone you love knowing it's no longer what's best for either of you but was necessary touched on the fear the physical resistance I felt walking onto stages in 2015 and 16 dreaming of off ramps thinking of excuses in my head all the way up until the mic was in my hand on stage and words came out of my mouth that propelled me to comfort and confidence in sharing my voice again it's all one big puzzle every piece matters you don't get UPS without downs and as you push forward into the next thing and
the next as you see the breath of the unexpected and the power of the unknown you learn you learn that the so-called lows aren't the exception they're not a problem to be solved and as I said here now I even view them less as a cost than I once did a pain that must be endured no it's all worthy and deserving of our gratitude it all matters it's all precious I talked about on a recent episode getting migrant and one of the days I remember more than any other in my life and and I'm 36
now by the time this episode's released I have a few days under my belt this one was truly memorable to me I was having a debilitating headache in a ton of pain finally able to fall asleep and I remember waking up opening my eyes and realizing that the night had finally slipped by morning arrived and I felt good again I slowly got up kind of tilted my head back and forth testing the waters all clear I walked outside down to the beach and as the sun came came up I sat on the Lifeguard stand and
just looked out in awe the sand the waves the seagulls the sky it all meant more in that moment than it ever had I was just beyond grateful to be there and so you talk about the Lowe's being gifts you know I get it it's it sounds cliche at best maybe even ridiculous but those lows I swear by it always seem to give me the things I'm most grateful for it's a pattern that constantly repeats itself they always remind me that the magic is the stuff I walk right by they put me in hell for
a period of time so that I understand to exist beyond that space is a miracle without Lowe's life's Beauty becomes a Baseline and when something is a baseline it's definitionally average or regular it's [Music] mundane I've learned to love all the things I'd most wished had not happened what punishments of God are not gives it all all matters it all brings you somewhere and if you're at a point where you're so deep in the weeds or so far in the trenches that you've forgotten I hope this finds you and lifts you above it [Music] all
I hope it reminds you that you will arrive at the place you most need to be and it will be not despite but because of this path you walked that you arrive there some people live their entire lives waiting for [Music] miracles and some people realize they're already in one and act [Music] accordingly I hope today you choose the latter because it is a gift to be here
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Eddie Pinero
CONTROL YOUR EMOTIONS | Powerful Motivational Speeches | Wake Up Positive
CONTROL YOUR EMOTIONS | Powerful Motivatio...
Eddie Pinero
"It’s All Within You” - 30 Minutes Inspirational Speeches Compilation
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Eddie Pinero
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GREATNESS BEGINS WITH BELIEF - Best Morning Motivational Speeches to Change your Life
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Eddie Pinero
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