it's the oldest question in crypto who is Satoshi Nakamoto every so often somebody comes out of the woodwork claiming to have the answer I know who he is I know who he is and the crypto Community is dragged back into the debate but if you're tired of seeing aging Bitcoin ogs like Adam back and Peter Todd getting harassed then we've got a treat for you today our latest candidate is someone few intelligent people would ever suspect and the claims are some of the most creative we've ever seen this may be the craziest chapter yet in
Satoshi story my name is Guy stay tuned who is Satoshi the identity of the person or people who gave the world Bitcoin is one of modern history's great Mysteries every bitcoiner has their own Theory but 15 years after Satoshi disappeared from the internet the consensus is still we don't know or at least that's half of it if you care about crypto then the party line is we don't know and we don't want to know bitcoin's strength lies in its absence of a central Authority or identifiable figurehead satoshi's Disappearance in 2010 2011 forced the community to
Steward the project collectively and ensured no individual could control it since then the network has outgrown this risk it's now far too big to be controlled or influenced by any single actor yet satoshi's pseudonymity is still core to bitcoin's Identity and For Better or Worse their greatest Legacy may be their silence moreover Satoshi holds the keys to more than 1 million BTC but hasn't touched a single set for 15 years during which time the value of these Holdings has appreciated from virtually nothing to more than $100 billion now of course it's possible that Satoshi mislaid
their private keys or otherwise lost access to their wallets it's also possible that their disappearance was because they died however crypto is empowered by the other possibility which is that Satoshi chose to walk away forever as a matter of principle and as a political statement this is the legend of Satoshi the greatest of the cipher punks the early internet movement that sought to resist centralized power through cryptography privacy enhancing Technologies and decentralized networks now if Satoshi is identified as a mere mortal living among us it could destabilize The Narrative of decentralization invite legal chaos and
risk turning Bitcoin into a cult of personality their intentions would be subject to intense scrutiny and Bitcoin could be further politicized for Satoshi meanwhile being doxed would mean becoming one of the world's most wanted people the world's governments criminals and media would stop at nothing to Target their person and their $100 billion BTC Holdings they would never know peace again and this is not to mention the shock that a Satoshi doxing would bring to the markets if even a single set of the million BTC held by Satoshi were to be moved it would imply that
$100 billion doar of BTC could be liquidated without warning and this would likely trigger a wave of panic selling this is why the the crypto Community frowns upon serious efforts to track down and expose Satoshi we don't know who Satoshi really is or was and we like it that way of course this hasn't stopped Wannabe sleuths from trying many exposes have been attempted over the years but in each case the evidence has proven flimsy and the accusers have come off looking foolish at best if you don't remember just how pitiful these efforts have been well
allow me to refresh your memory Satoshi outings started getting out of hand in March 2014 when Newsweek ran a front page scoop claiming to have caught Satoshi orang handed actually that's my pun but don't worry the Newsweek article was pure comedy too it alleged that California resident Dorian Nakamoto whose middle name is Satoshi was The Man Behind Bitcoin newsweek's claim was based primarily on this Coincidence of names Mr nakamoto's location and his experience as a former computer engineer after all California was a hub for early Bitcoin development activity and if that wasn't enough Newsweek ran
a direct quote from Mr Nakamoto saying quote I am no longer involved in that there it was The Smoking Gun straight from the horse's mouth case closed right well not quite Dorian Nakamoto clarified that he'd been referring to his career in computer engineering not Bitcoin he released a statement via his lawyer that read quote I did not create invent or otherwise work on bitcoin I unconditionally deny the Newsweek report the story fell apart quickly but not before pictures of a disheveled and bewildered Mr Nakamoto being hounded by journalists had been broadcast all over the world
and quite aside from robbing him of his privacy and making him into a meme Newsweek put Dorian Nakamoto in danger that that's because even back in 2014 the BTC held in satoshi's wallet was worth some $400 million anyone doxed and alleged to be sitting on this much BTC is going to be a magnet for criminals if nothing else newsweek's botched expose was a cautionary tale about the Perils of outing Satoshi candidates based on flimsy evidence however 10 years later HBO ran a much typed documentary with the same premise I.E we found Satoshi the leadup to
the October 2024 release once again captured the attention of the crypto Community would we finally know the truth about Satoshi is it all over for Bitcoin and what did HBO know that the rest of us didn't well as it turned out the answer was nothing HBO's big reveal was that Satoshi Nakamoto is Canadian cryptographer Peter Todd now Todd is a prominent Bitcoin core developer who had been active on early Bitcoin forums this is an admittedly stronger case than Newsweek had but it was roundly dismissed upon HBO's airing of the documentary this time the supposed Smoking
Gun was a reply by Todd to a post made by Satoshi Nakamoto on the Bitcoin talk Forum in December 2010 the documentary suggests that this reply was actually authored by Satoshi who had slipped up and was using the wrong account by mistake the theory goes that Satoshi had accidentally logged out of his Satoshi Nakamoto account and into the other account he maintained under his real name Peter Todd and so Satoshi or I guess Peter mistakenly posted the reply under the name Peter Todd inadvertently exposing their true identity in the process now if this doesn't strike
you as a big gotcha moment you're not alone Todd who appears and denies being Satoshi in the film has described this Theory as quote outlandish the response from the crypto Community was much the same the documentary was just another copout and nobody seriously believes that Peter Todd is Satoshi now there is one more notable expose that we need to address this one was Rock Bottom for Satoshi outings and it's all pretty cringe so in December 2015 wired and Gizmodo published articles that suggested Satoshi could be Australian computer scientist C right the evidence for this claim
was found to be full of inconsistencies and likely forgery but the damage had already been done Craig Wright took the ball and hasn't stopped running with it ever since in May 2016 he dropped a blog post entitled I am Satoshi which was roundly dismissed for its lack of evidence undeterred Wright went on to register copyrights for the Bitcoin white paper and Bitcoin 0.1 code in 2019 he then proceeded to sue Bitcoin core Developers for infringing on his intellectual property rights and anyone else who dared to refute his claim to be Satoshi notably he tried to
take advantage of the UK's strong Lial laws to accuse everyone from vital buaran to Roger ve and the podcaster Peter McCormack of defamation a court awarded him one British pound in Damages in the McCormack case which sounds like the very definition of a pic Victory Wright never produced any compelling evidence and in March 2024 the UK High Court ruled that he was not Satoshi Nakamoto and ordered him to stop claiming that he was the judge found that Wright had lied quote extensively and repeatedly and forged evidence quote on a grand scale to support his conceit
that's not us saying that it's the judge still undeterred Wright proceeded to sue payments company block formerly known as Square and others for more than a trillion dollars in Damages this was a flagrant violation of the existing court order against him as a result Wright was convicted of contempt of court and given a one-year suspended prison sentence now if you're wondering why we're mentioning all of this that's because of the connection to our latest Satoshi candidate Jack dorsy now Jack dorsy is best known as the co-founder and former CEO of Twitter but he's also silicon
Valley's most dedicated Bitcoin Maxi dorsy was interested in the ciper punk movement in the 1990s so it's no surprise that he is a Bitcoin fan however it wasn't until he experienced building a payments company in the 2010s that dorsy was completely orange pilled after co-founding Square in 2009 he found out how much more difficult it is to launch a payments company than say a social media platform in foreign markets in interviews in the the 2010s dorsy mused about how much easier payments could be if the internet had a universal native currency like Bitcoin as the
years went on his curiosity turned to conviction in 2014 Square began exploring Bitcoin integration in 2018 Square's cash app began offering BTC trading services and in 2019 Square launched Square crypto an initiative to fund open-source Bitcoin development by the early 2020s dorsy had become a card carrying Bitcoin Maxi and his activities in this capacity are now too extensive to list in full here for example though he told a crowd at the 2021 Bitcoin conference that he would be working on bitcoin if not running Twitter and square square also rebranded as block signaling a new focus
on bitcoin and blockchain development and in September 2020 Square founded the crypto open patent Alliance or Copa a New Consortium to fight patent trolling and ensure open access to Tech in the crypto industry Copa whose members also include Kraken coinbase and other industry leaders became the industry's vehicle for suing Craig Wright in the high court in London it's Copa and by extension Jack dorsy who we have to thank for getting a court to rule that Wright is not satosi so that's all pretty cool but what's all this about dorsy himself being being Satoshi Nakamoto so
the Satoshi jimoto theory is the work of debanked Chief editor sha Murray who laid out why he believes Jack dorsy is Satoshi Nakamoto in a magnum opus posted to Twitter on the 16th of February 2025 Murray contends that Bitcoin history is Laden with a trail of breadcrumbs that all lead to Jack dorsy he concludes quote the reason why Jack would do all of the above while not directly admitting it is because Satoshi and Bitcoin are his art and it's a masterpiece at Jack dorsy never responded but that didn't stop Murray's post from going viral at
the time of making this video it's been viewed more than three million times now this was in part thanks to a quote tweet from Matthew seagull the head of digital assets at Bitcoin ETF issuer Vanek after pouring over Murray's evidence Matthew was dorsy pilled so to speak in in his quote tweet seagull emphasized that this was his personal conviction and not that of Vanek he explained why the benefits of publicly outing dorsy outweighed the risks before launching into a 25 slide PowerPoint presentation of Murray's evidence now since the credit belongs to sha Murray we'll head
over to his website where he has a whole books worth of connections between dorsy and Nakamoto there are 14 chapters in total five of which have yet to be published so let's begin with the strongest arguments presented by Murray firstly Jack dorsy is identified as a potential candidate by his interest in the cipher Punk subculture in the 1990s as evidenced by his subscription to the cipher Punk mailing list this mailing list was launched in 1992 and in the absence of a Reddit or GitHub or any other such Forum at the time it became the leading
venue for Cipher punks to debate and share ideas according to sha Murray there were only around, 1300 email addresses is subscribed to the list in 1996 and Jack dorsey's University email address was one of them dorsey's interest is also confirmed by a 1996 photo of him wearing a t-shirt inspired by Adam back if you're not familiar Adam back's work on proof of work based digital Assets in the 1990s landed him a spot among just eight references cited by Satoshi in the Bitcoin white paper back was also one of the first two people ever to receive
an email from Satoshi so clearly dorsy identified with the same milu whose ideas were later manifested in the white paper however having this kind of interest is really the bare minimum for qualifying as a Satoshi candidate the trail gets warmer however when we learn of dorsy stint as a programmer at a company called Myra digital publishing in the 1990s dorsy is credited with steering the company in a New Direction namely towards publishing white papers presented at academic conferences Among The Works published by Myra was at least one of the references that made it into the
Bitcoin white paper Murray lays out in great detail how dorsey's association with Myra places him in an even narrower Circle namely that of people familiar with the Obscure early research that the Bitcoin white paper is indebted to now this is starting to get intriguing but unfortunately Murray's case goes downhill from here his website is an unhinged collection of connections between dorsy and Satoshi that really do strain the imagination independently almost none of the evidence is compelling instead Murray relies on his compilation of fluff being greater than the sum of its parts but evidence doesn't work
like that much of the case consists of breadcrumbs allegedly left by Satoshi and newly discovered by Murray in Bitcoin addresses specifically they are vanity addresses containing numerous ological codes all leading back to Jack dorsy in one way or another for example satoshi's first Bitcoin transaction made in 2009 was sent on the 11th of January which is Jack's mother's birthday coincidence I think not in this transaction Satoshi sent 50 BTC to Hal finny an American Computer scientist an early Bitcoin contributor in an email sent to finny at the time Satoshi discussed the ability to Brute Force
Bitcoin vanity addresses or in other words produce addresses containing a desired sequence of characters through trial and error according to Murray satoshi's next four transactions were sent to vanity addresses each containing a reference to Jack dorsy so what are these references well they're DSF J d2m 3H and by lsv if you didn't catch what Satoshi meant here don't worry Murray provides the English translations DSF means dude San Francisco this is unmistakably a reference to Jack dorsy who famously lived in San Francisco at the time and is well a dude specifically dorsy lived at two mint
Plaza San Francisco this explains the JD 2m in the second address Jack dorsy to Mint and just in case anyone struggled to find this on map Satoshi further described dorsey's whereabouts in the next two addresses Jack's home at two mint Plaza was three houses down from a cafe identified by Murray as latte Express soup and sandwich and Vietnamese sandwich and ice coffee the 3H in the third address comes from three houses down whereas the b lsv in the fourth address is a shortened reference to the cafe meaning by latte soup and Vietnamese now we'd like
to say that this is the most Bonkers evidence presented by Murray but it faces stiff competition from his discovery of countless numerological Easter eggs linking Satoshi to dorsy for example block 5353 which was mined by Satoshi in February of 2009 was awarded to an address that starts with 4 dby Jack's Father Tim was born on the 3rd of May 1953 and his favorite number is 53 so naturally 4 dby means for Dad's birthday and if that's not enough to convince you satoshi's last Mind Block was mined on the 3rd of May 2010 in their last
known email Satoshi said quote I've moved on to other things and this was the year that dorsy founded square and we're supposed to believe this is a coincidence can't fool me Jack I'll give you just one more satoshi's birthday as registered on the P2P Foundation was the 4th of April 1975 the 4th of April was also the day that Kurt cabain passed away in 1994 in 2011 dorsy tweeted a sketch he'd drawn of cabain right before he died last year dorsy tied it all together by sporting in public a graphic t-shirt inspired by the iconic
Nana logo except the text read Satoshi instead of Nana and if that isn't The Smoking Gun you needed well I don't know what is Satoshi once wrote If you don't believe me or get it I don't have the time to explain it to you in this sense sha Murray is kind of the anti Satoshi he seems to have a lot of time to explain his vision but the more he does the harder it is to believe we barely scratch the surface of his material here but I think you get the gist but if you think
more of this so-called evidence will amount to a Vin in case then Be Our Guest and check out Murray's website we'll link to it in the description whereas Bitcoin is digital gold this Satoshi jimoto theory is pure comedy gold and it was mightily enjoyable to read and we have to agree with Matthew seagull that discussing this one in public is not going to do any great harm it's just too silly and dorsy is already doxed as one of the world's richest people any damage done is likely to be self-inflicted by Murray seagull and anyone else
publicly promoting this Theory with a straight face and if this is the new quality of work we can expect from Satoshi sleuths then we say have at it the mystery of satoshi's identity is safe in their hands but let us know what you think of the Satoshi jimoto theory in the comments Below have we been unfair to Shawn Murray Could Jack dorsy really be our hero we'd love to hear what you think and if you got something out of this video brute force that like button to stay up to date with all things Bitcoin and
crypto make sure you're subscribed and have your bell notifications switched on thank you all for watching and I will see you next time