How to Think your way to Success

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Iman Gadzhi
How To Start & Scale A Profitable Marketing Agency: Six Fi...
Video Transcript:
so guys I want to shoot this really really quick video basically just to kind of give you an idea of what goes on in my head when I'm problem solving in order to get success know success is this big esoteric thing and a lot of the time people fixate on the micro rather than looking at the macro so they'll fixate on this little problem was a little tactic that they need when really they should be unplugging from the situation and looking at a bigger context as to their life so this happened in one of my
deep work blocks I've talked about that in other videos but I started thinking about the idea of sacrifice and how I can apply that personally in my life is if I'm completely honest at this point in my life I genuinely think I can be like Tony Robbins Elon Musk and Hugh Hefner all the same time like the energy has been driven into all these different channels and that is a problem you really have to decide what is most important to you in life and be willing to sacrifice all the other in order to get those
one or two outcomes that you're looking for and as I said because I'm really young like this isn't something that I've really understood or had to tackle as of yet but now I'm realizing it it's like my calendar is just being flooded there's like opportunities coming in all different directions there's distractions coming in all different directions now that's not what this video is about what this video is about is the different thought processes that I go through and I do this on a weekly if not daily basis so as I speak about this I'll cut
to like some different angles and whatnot just so you can see the page that I'm kind of looking at right now now this is just some little paper where I've charted some notes down the first thing that I want to tackle is sacrifice so you want to start if you have a problem you want to start with clarity there's a problem and what is the outcome what is the problem that you want to solve get complete clarity with that so in here I remove things rather than add them success is about removing the things that
I don't need not about learning or adding things to my life so then I go on to say what things are me up and this paper is generally just for me but I'm very very open and more than happy to share the things are kind of me up right now so this is like a very cool insight into my head and where my life's at right now so first on that list is partying and in brackets sporadic sleep schedule so you know what I'm going out to clubs or I'm hanging out with really cool girls
like I might end up in bed at like 4 5 6 7 a.m. and that's not very good for me like I don't drink so that helps it but nonetheless it completely throws off your sleep schedule and you definitely feel the effect the next day so that's number one partying number two is actually smoking now I don't smoke on a day-to-day basis but like in the past month and a half I've just kind of like started social smoking which is very very unlike me and I think I was just having a very like stressful day
and I decided it and I was around six weeks ago and something that I've done like once a week since then had three four cigarettes over dinner with a friend not good there's no benefit to this at all so that's one of the things that's currently like me up number three my phone usage so I get the loss of deep work and then I also get FOMO which is fear of missing out so obviously with social media like I will be in deep work blocks then I'll check my phone in between in my breaks and
I'll see my friends going out having fun doing lot fun and crazy and I get this FOMO also part of that is I've just called people hitting me up like trying to fill up my calendar and trust me you want to keep your calendar as empty as possible to get real work done so checking my phone gives me more reason to say yes to these people after my friends to say yes and meet up if their acquaintances or other people or business people to send them my scheduler so they could book an appointment or meeting
with me the less I do that the better number four is nutrition so I eat very healthy usually but then once a week maybe I will just eat like dog and I feel the effects for probably 24 hours after that and that's another thing that's me up last thing is coffee dinner lunch with people who are no use to me I don't mean that in a bad way I just mean that as in I'm trying to build up as much momentum here as possible I'm cautiously filling out my schedule with old friends friends stuff like
that and it's just coffee dinner etc etc like that doesn't leave much time to give real work done and one thing about me and my friends is like I can go six weeks comfortably without talking to someone meet up with them again and it's just like nothing changed and that's simply because people understand my schedule but then you get acquaintances and old friends and like kind of new friends morning to meet up and that's amazing I love to have that downtime but you just need time to yourself you need time for real deep work so
those are the list of things that are me up then I break it down to two things which I think are having like the biggest detrimental effect on my momentum and where I'm at right now and those to come out to my phone usage it's really distracting me from that deep work having that distraction of people trying to pull me away from my work and then finally the fear of missing out that and then below that I'd say the partying the sporadic sleep schedule stuff like that so then I asked myself what is the one
big Domino Tim Ferriss uses this a lot if I solve this one problem the other one will just eradicate anyways so kind of where I went where that was you know if I lower my phone usage then I'm gonna get less fear of missing out and less fear of missing out is gonna lead to less clubbing less partying less seeing people at times that don't really work with my schedule or stop my momentum but then on the flipside the less phone usage I have the increased deep work I have which means if I get more
deep work more better work done actually these more time to party more time to see some of the girls I'm seeing more time to see old friends so for me that is like the one big domino that kind of has a cascading effect on all the rest of this stuff so if we flip over to the next page you have two action steps because if you don't apply this straightaway if you don't make a change or even just a small little something right now then it's never gonna happen the action steps I asked myself Wanda's
phone usage occur most and the answer is whenever the phone is visible whenever the phone's on the desk whenever it's around me I'm inclined to use it it's like trying to go on a diet but stuffing your cabinet with like junk food you don't really doing yourself a favor there the next question I ask myself is when is it pivotal that I don't use my phone and I answer with before I finish my morning routine so that's pretty much like the first 45 minutes of my day it's pivotal that I do not use my phone
I do not get my brain in that zone where I'm looking at how's the business doing are the client relations okay did this girl text back did my friend hit me back what's my Instagram looking like what's my email looking like how are sales doing like all this stuff it's just something I don't need first thing in the morning then 30 minutes before I go to bed that's another very very crucial part in your day that's when you need to unwind that's when you need to prepare for the next day so lastly how am I
going to change this there's an app called momen app so it actually tracks all of your activity so you can basically figure out this is how much time I'm spending on Instagram on Facebook etc etc etc you can set time limits stuff like that and you can even set it so that your phone doesn't even turn on before a certain point like it's just locked then we've got my phone on another floor when I work so for example this is my off I have my second third floor I should be keeping my phone on the
second or third floor so that I can't even see it if I walk into the kitchen to make myself a coffee it's not even visible to me and then the last one is airplane mode just basically whenever I can because sometimes it's gonna be between work block stuff like that I'm gonna have my phone on my desk like this and I don't need it going off and stuff like that I mean I even have my phone on Do Not Disturb like 99% of time but nonetheless so that's how I'm gonna go about changing this so
really I thought this would be a cool inside just to kind of give you guys an idea as to what goes on in my head when I'm thinking about the problems that I'm currently facing in my life sacrifice was this how I break it down how I think of the one big domino how I think about action steps because look you can know everything to know about digital marketing you can know everything to know about e-commerce real estate whatever it may be but if you don't have discipline if you're not willing to sacrifice for it
if you're not willing to put in hard work none of that matters I can give you as many tactics as you want my coaches my mentors can give me as protect as many tactics as they want but unless I put in good systems and infrastructure it really won't mean so that is it for today's video I'm actually working on my content scheduler for next month I'm gonna be putting in a lot more time into YouTube we're gonna be upping into three uploads a week actually planned this time so it's actually gonna be 3 a week
so let me know what you guys think of this sort of video do you want me guys to do more of it I'm thinking I want to do more off-the-cuff videos like even if I have an idea just front-facing camera on my iPhone obviously here I have like a little light to the side I have the tripod and my camera set up I have my microphone I've actually thought about this stuff but like I have thoughts constantly and I'm thinking even if I can just pick up my iPhone front-facing camera there's a lot of people
that can help with that so let me know what your thoughts are can you also leave me with a comment down below as to what video you'd like to see next and I hope you enjoy this video and I'll see you then
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