10 Jewish Business Secrets You MUST Know

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Berel Solomon
In this video, we're going to be talking about 10 Jewish business secrets that you MUST know if you'...
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so the whole world keeps on talking about how Jewish people are great a business and you know instead of fighting it instead of calling that anti-semitic I'm going to go in the opposite direction and I'm just going to own it you know if everybody is saying that then it must be true so I is a Orthodox Jewish person I would love to share with you some Jewish business Secrets 10 actually taught my top 10 Jewish business secrets and I hope that you're going to enjoy them this is great stuff this is stuff that we've known
for thousands of years and I think that you're really going to appreciate it and by the way if you're here to hate just go somewhere else this is about love this about education this is about growing and uh go take your hate somewhere else not uh you're not welcome here but for everybody else it generally wants to learn genuinely wants to grow I think you're going to get a ton of value so let's just Jump Right In so number one Jewish Business secret is we actually have a commandment to teach our children how to earn
a living there's actually two things you have a a commandment to teach your child how to earn a living and teach your child how to swim believe it or not and they're kind of they're kind of related if you think about it so it says that if you don't teach your child how to earn a living it's as if you're teaching them how to steal because if they don't know how to earn a living then their only other way to make money is through theft so teach your children fathers have a commandment to teach their
sons to teach their children how to make a living that's number one number two you have to be honest in all of your business dealings now I know there's some haters here that are going to start talking about how Jewish people this and Jewish people then in business but look you don't get to be in business for thousands of years and you don't get to taught the industries for no for no reason and you there's only so long that a person could be dishonest until finally it catches up with them so honesty is something huge
as a matter of fact in the Old Testament in the Bible it says that you have to have honest weights you know it used to be in the market people had different weights to weigh their grain you cannot have a weight that is incorrect you must be honest in all your business dealings the first thing that they ask you in heaven when you go there is were you honest in your business dealings number three is to have a general positive relationship with money a lot of people think that money is the root of all evil
or money causes all the bad things in the world to happen the Jewish approach to money is actually very positive and very healthy we believe that money is a tool to use to build communities to build family to build institutions we believe that we have a very there's very positive relationship with it instead of looking at it as something that is wrong or something that is dirty or something that is something that we don't talk about the opposite we embrace it we have an extremely positive relationship with it number four we help our community you
know this is something that people talk about that they don't like about the Jewish Community well I have other friends by the way um from different communities and they tell me that they literally trying to destroy each other when it comes to business they're not happy to see each other succeed the Jewish Community takes the opposite approach we try our best to support each other we try our best to help each other as much as we can and you might say hey that's not fair but you have to understand we're a family just like your
community you're a family with your community try helping your community and see how much how much more you guys will take off together and how much you you guys will see succeed with each other number five we give at least ten percent of our earnings to charity so that means that the more successful a person becomes usually what happens in in the world is the more their ego gets a hold of them and the more money hungry they get in our community we give charity in order a to stay humble and B it encourages us
to make even more than we need if a person doesn't give charity technically you can make what you need and then you could uh you could relax the rest of the day one of the big motivations for us is to give charity so there's no limit to how much we can make because even if we are satiated we try to make more in order to give more charity number six it's preferable to be an owner than to be a worker you know it says in the Bible that when there is a a Hebrew slave that
works for a a master and they work for them for seven years and they want to continue working for that Master at the end of seven years they actually used to take a nail and put it through his ear and put it into the door why because it reminds the person that really a person should only be working for God and should all and Only God should be their Master it is preferable to be an owner to be a boss than to be a worker number seven don't do to other people what you wouldn't want
done to you in other words the world lets it calls it karma but as a real business secret when you treat others with respect and when you treat others with properly and you don't do to them what you wouldn't want done to you that will come back to you full circle number eight you keep one third of your money in cash 130 of your money in real estate and one third of your money in inventory that way if something happens to any one of your income streams God forbid you're hedged and you're protected number nine
we take one day off from work every single week that means no emails no phone calls not even thinking or speaking about work and that day for us is called Shabbat the Sabbath that's a day where we recharge where we rejuvenate where we don't involve ourselves in business so that way when Sunday and Monday morning comes we are ready to hit the ground with a Vigor because we had a chance to have some down time and number 10 probably the most important of all on the American dollar bill it says the beautiful words In God
We Trust so at the core of our business dealings we trust God we trust God he's going to give us success that's why we're not afraid to take calculated risks because we understand that we are not part of a random Cosmic cycle that you could be burned at any given time no we trust that there is a creator of the universe we trust that he will reward us if we try our hardest he will reward the work of our hands and when we go out into our work we trust that God will bless us and
this gives us confidence to keep on growing I hope you enjoyed this video I know it's definitely a different spin on the whole narrative if you did enjoy it please hit the Subscribe button hit the like button leave me a comment if you love the video leave me a comment if you hated the video leave me a comment I would love to hear from you guys God bless you and thank you for spending this time with me I wish you a lot of success and all of your business dealings God bless
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