everyone is different not everyone learns English in the exact same way however today I want to give you a simple English speaking routine that anyone can do at any level of English and you can change it you can personalize it to fit what you prefer to do and actually you should change it the more personalized your study is the more likely you are to actually do it and the more likely you are to improve your English speaking but this plan is a great start for anybody I'm going to put everything that we learn here into
a helpful guide for you that you can download from the link down below all right so the first thing that I want you to do is to commit to just 5 minutes a day that's it and the reason I say five minutes is because usually when you start doing something and then five minutes passes you realize oh I think I can keep doing this I want to continue doing this and five minutes sometimes turns into 10 minutes which sometimes turns into 30 minutes 1 hour etc etc it's very difficult to commit to speaking English for
one hour or more every day but we can all commit to just 5 minutes a day what are you spending 5 minutes on that you can replace with speaking English okay and now what do you do in that time what do you do for those five minutes first thing start with a question ask yourself this question what do I want to do right now what do I want to do not what should I do not what do I have to do but what do I want what do I want to do for these five minutes
what would be fun to do right now not what would be most helpful for my English learning no what would be most fun I know this is really strange for some people this is how you learned your first language this is how children learn they they learn through playing they learn language through having fun fun comes first and the other stuff follows okay and then next the next thing you want to do we're going to have two different kinds of speaking practice and some days you're only going to have time to do one that's okay
maybe some days you really only have 5 minutes you don't have a lot of energy you're tired and you can only do do one kind of practice that's fine the two types of speaking practice that we would like to do are guided practice guided speaking practice is kind of like having training wheels when you're learning to ride a bike guided practice is speaking practice where you have a guide you have something helping you as you're speaking but it's not yet your voice there are two simple exercises that we'll talk about right now the first one
is simply reading something out loud in English maybe there's a book that you're reading in English maybe a news article read it out loud in English for 5 minutes nobody is watching you nobody is judging you but you are still able to do some muscle workout and also so to work on your pronunciation and also to hopefully discover some vocab ulary in context very important and then the second super simple exercise that you can do as a guiding a guided speaking exercise is shadowing there are many videos on YouTube about shadowing about how to do
it they're all maybe slightly different from each other but the basic concept is the same you choose an audio or a video of somebody speaking this should be somebody who you want to sound like someone whose voice you like someone whose speech patterns you think are cool or interesting someone who you want to copy and you copy them you say what they say out loud I demonstrated how to do this in one of my videos as well so I'll link that down below for you if you'd like to watch that play the audio the podcast
the video play it for a couple of seconds pause pause it and then repeat exactly what you heard try to copy what the speaker said exactly try to copy their energy try to copy their intonation just like it's music these are two very simple guided practice exercises you can use to improve your speaking to improve your vocabulary pretty quickly if you are doing this consistently remember just 5 minutes a day which hopefully turns into more minutes but at least 5 minutes how however to become a fluent proficient English speaker we do also need another kind
of speaking practice what we need is something called productive speaking practice or generative practice and basically this means the words have to come from you this is interesting because many students don't think that they're able to do this by themselves but I'll tell you I know of many people who have become proficient English speakers by practicing a lot by themselves so the first one that you can do is write something simple and read it out loud I'm going to call this journaling or writing a journal entry but it's not really journaling so what you can
do is take a question how are you feeling right now and you can just write about this or think about a series you're watching think about a YouTube video that you watched think about a podcast that you listen to maybe something you shadowed in the guided practice and then react to that give your opinion to the thing that you just watched give your opinion in English you're going to find that a lot of the speaking that you do in English is giving your opinions about things and so it's a really great idea to practice this
while you're alone by yourself now you might be thinking but how do I know if what I write is correct I don't want to just make a bunch of mistakes and then read it out loud and practice my mistakes which is a really valid point I suggest that you take whatever it is that you wrote maybe five sentences maybe two sentences maybe a paragraph or a page take that text that you wrote and put it into chat GPT and get some corrections and then take your corrected text and practice reading it out loud I'm a
fan of reading things out loud I don't know if you could tell and this is productive it's generative because these are your words you wrote them have a conversation with no one or with yourself so not with no one with yourself so many people don't want to do this one you can have a conversation with AI you know there's so many there are so many AI apps these days that you can practice conversation with usually they're not free though it's usually not a free option you can do what my three-year-old does and just talk to
objects in your house it's amazing to watch little kids learn languages they just talk to their toys all day long and make little conversations between them they don't worry about feeling silly in fact it it's supposed to be silly it's fun so you could choose some kind of object to be an English-speaking person English-speaking animal maybe you have an animal maybe you have a cat or a dog or a fish that you can talk to in English is this exercise still good good still beneficial if you don't have feedback I would say yes I think
yes I believe that any time you're taking a chunk of time to allow English words to come out of your mouth to escape your mouth it's worth it it's worth doing even if you don't have feedback I see this with my son all the time for the most part he does not have direct explicit feedback about his language but he speaks all day long practicing those muscles getting his pronunciation just right don't forget to download The Helpful guide for this video from the link down below learn how to become fluent in English this year and
which mistakes to avoid in this video next thanks so much for watching guys I'll see you next time