Michael Singer - Handling Your Reactions to Reality

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Michael Singer's work has changed my life. I hope you find his talks helpful. My channel includes ...
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g g Masters sometimes people say they want to ask questions some people even dare to ask for a oneon-one with me I always say no why because if you're in your mind you Tred to find answers in your mind and there are no answers in your mind not for the spirit spiritual path because spirituality is about transcending your mind you know people say he's out of his mind you wish what they what they mean by that he's in his mind he or she in their mind but their mind's crazy so that's out of your rational
mind how's that that's you say but out of your mind you wish you could transcend get out of that little Dome you wear over your head where all these thoughts are created and you can't see past it so the essence of what everybody asks they think they have questions about the teachings or what am I supposed to be doing how do I know when to let go how do I know if it's me or life or God doing things it is never about not doing things and it is never about doing things you've heard that
in Zen it's not about doing or not doing it's about being that all sounds so esoteric so mystical what does it mean there are going to be things unfolding in front of you every moment of your life whether you like it or not it's irrelevant whether you like it or not there are going to be things unfolding in front of everybody every single minute every nanc there is something going on in front of you period the question is not what is going on in front of you what are you doing about what is going on
in front of you under normal human being situations what I am doing is not interacting with the moments and folding in front of me I'm interacting with my reaction my mental and emotional reaction to what's unfolding in front of me if my mental and emotional reaction is Pleasant then I like what's happening in front of me if my mental and emotional reaction are unpleasant then I don't like what's unfolding in front of me that has nothing to do with what unfolding in front of you the other person can standing right next to you and having
a total different internal reaction and liking or disliking what you dislike and like by the way it doesn't even take another person yesterday if the exact same situation unfolded in front of you you might have internally reacted differently so it's not about the moment that's unfolding in front of you it is about what is happening inside of you as a reaction to the moment of f holding in front of you I rarely slow down enough to give you a breath I'm going to do it it's unheard of all right it's the first time ever it
is not about what is unfolding in front of you it is about how you are dealing with the reaction of your mind and your emotions due to what's unfolding in front of you so if you think what's unfolding in front of you is it's totally unacceptable it's disgusting it's so wrong then it's wrong if you think what's falling in front of you kind of edgy then it's fun it is not about what is happening in front of you it is about how you deal with the reaction of your mind and your emotions about what's happening
now if you go to the extreme you know somebody shooting at you or beating you up or you know something like that right we're all going to say we don't like it so we all agree that it's difficult to deal with your reaction to what's going on in there I'm telling you there are beings that have walked this planet maybe they're not human I don't know right that are able to handle anything that happens in front of them I use the example of Gandhi Gandhi he went through so many things in his life that he
was so able to handle things that when he was shot he was giving a lecture in India and his you know small groups in front of him and somebody pulls out a gun and shoots him as he fell to the ground he pronoun Ned in forgiveness to the person who shot him he looked right at him and as he fell he ProMed wow who can do that that's a very high being but is it possible I don't know someone I heard laid down on a cross and said forgive them for they know not what they
do is it possible that a human being can handle whatever goes on outside inside of them maybe I can't maybe you can't but let's just talk about the fact that what it's all about is now it's happening out there it's about your ability to handle what's happening in here so we use the example of Christ was Christ so high I mean Christ high as they come was Christ so high that his reaction to anything was totally acceptable it didn't matter he could handle everything obviously not I love that it tells the story in the garden
he prayed to God that he didn't have to go through this he was psychic he saw all that terrible stuff was going to happen and what did he say may I pass this cup he meant do I have to do this do I have to go through this and what did he say the moment he said May P this cup he said no I'm sorry not my will but thy will in other words it doesn't look interesting I'm not going to have a very good reaction to it but I can handle it so let's start
off by understanding what it's all about is your ability to handle your emotional and mental reaction to what's happening in front of you now we are not Christ or Buddha or right we're just poor little humans that are trying to grow so what does it mean it means events that unfold in front of us cause different mental and emotional changes how come you have different changes than she does to the same event how come yesterday you had a certain change and today you have a different one so there let's say quiet let's talk real it's
easy to answer you don't have to say psychology you don't have to do anything it's easy psychology says man is the sum of his love leared experiences they are right that your psyche your mind's reaction your emotional reactions are learned their learned experiences it is the sum of your learned experiences that's not who you are you're the one who notices the reaction do you notice your reaction to things sometimes you can raise above them can't you sometimes you can decide not to do your reaction sometimes your reaction so strong is done before you even wake
up you said something you did something you hid somebody you did ran away something happened and then you come back ah okay so you have the ability the Consciousness is able to experience the reaction but it's not always able to be strong enough not to get pulled into the reaction how about I say like that okay so basically it's true that your psyche I I call your psyche the combination of your mental and emotional reaction that your psyche is the Su you learned experiences but you are not you the the one that is conscious that's
experiencing the reaction you have to things now what does it mean that mental and emotional reactions some your learned experiences you you really like somebody you just like somebody you always like being around them they're good friends of yours and so on so every time you see them your heart opens up your mind say oh there's Sally there's George yes or no happens right then the day before yesterday however you're walking down the plaza and there's Sally and hey Sally and she doesn't even turn around just keeps on walking and completely ignores that you're called
out to her what's your reaction your mind says I thought we were friends what's going on what what did I say what did I do I didn't do anything what did somebody say something to her right the whole thing goes on that was a learned experience you now had a different experience with Sally even if you're friends with her for 15 years you just had one different experience now everything goes away two days pass by you haven't seen Sally you're back in the same place and Sally starts to come around the corner you tell me
that you don't have a different reaction than you would have if that thing didn't happen maybe you avoid her maybe you walk right up to her say why'd you ignore me yesterday in other words that was a learned experience and it changed how your psyche worked didn't it it happens all the time to you every single moment every interaction you have causes a reaction and then how you deal with it or how it deals with you caus another reaction and next thing you know you're the Su learned experiences you your sister got the red bike
when you were little you both were twins you got the blue one we always resented that right I'm telling you if you're with your sister when you're 25 years old and she says hey you want to go bike riding I get the red one here the sum of your learned experiences let's say your parents got divorced I have met people that say I will never get married I'm never going to get married I'm never going to have children why because my parents got divorced and it hurt me so bad I will never want to do
that to my child therefore I'm not going to have children does psychology teach you that what happened to you when you young determines how you think today and how you feel and how your reactions are okay they're right that is the sum of your learned experiences that's all that's happening when moment unfolds in front of you it's not meaningful it's a moment there's always a moment but that reaction inside is very personal to you because this is some of your learned experiences nobody ever had the same experien as you and it just keeps happening all
right so spirituality is about the ability to handle not the experience your reaction to the experience so it's not about do I do this do I not do this remember they said it's not about doing and not doing it's about being it's not about do you do this or what should I do what shouldn't I do or anything that it's about something unfolds in front of you a reaction happened inside of you based upon the some you learned experiences are you going to go with that that's that's that simple if it says I don't like
that I don't like that herir reminds me of that that girl would dump me when I was in in high school and I a never going to have red heads ever again or blondes blondes May more F but not with me don't you dare say people don't think like that okay because it's some stupid experience they had so the question is not what do I do outside the question is am I going to go with this reaction that takes place in my mind and my heart which is 100% meaningless it is meaningless your reaction that
you brought forward from your years of having experiences has nothing to do with just unfolding from of you that person has red hair or blonde hair or sounds like your mother or has an accent that you your uncle had that you don't like that has nothing to do with you they have a whole different cause and effect chain than you do all right and there is in front of you and this very personal things going to come up which is your personal reaction to what's unfolding in front of you spirituality is about always under all
conditions letting that go oh my God he didn't say that yes I did that thing that came up inside of you is meaningless but it doesn't feel like it does it because it's completely personal in fact it's the only thing you have it's the only reaction you had what if somebody says to you you don't understand I'll never talk to you again you hurt me so bad I didn't do anything yeah but your hair's red you sounded just like my mother sound just like my father and so you just basically are listening to a part
of your being that has nothing to do with anything you just built this over the course of your experiences and I told you once before I know nobody I never seen anybody can understand when I try to explain this you've had experiences in your life how many experiences were going on at the same time that you were having your experience elsewhere 700 billion zillion quillion and you had one let's go build our life and our self-concept and our hopes and our dreams and our values and our likes and our dislikes based on the one out
of 700 billion trillion that I had but I had another one the next moment yeah you also Miss 700 billion trillion that moment too and that's just on a planet Earth by the oh no that's in Florida okay I mean every moment there's something going on everywhere is in there you missed all of them and then you take this one stupid experience you had and form all your opinions and values and hopes and dreams and Concepts and beliefs you don't realize you're doing that but that's the only experience you had if you read a book
and never read another book everything you know is that book now going read two books now you'll know a little more but I read a thousand books how many are there but I I read three books on that subject how many books are written on that subject everywhere is anything so and now we're just talking about in Florida or the planet Earth that's not where all the experiences are happening they're happening on the moon they're happening on Mars they're happening on every planet happen in every Galaxy you have all those experiences to build your knowledge
on no no you know nothing your personal reaction is the most meanest thing in the entire world I know you you don't want to hear that no one will tell you that you know that they tell you're important your likers are important your views are important they are meaningless they're so meaningless that they're neither right nor wrong they're irrelevant okay I want you to find out who's going to be the president in the next election I go on send you out figure it out you come back I know I got it you do yes I
do I know exactly I got a 100% correlation coefficient all right perfect correlation okay very good let me see your model I asked Sally yes Sally what I asked who you going to vote for there's complete agreement that's what you did with that moment in front of you I've seen this I know what he's like do you understand that but you don't know what anybody you don't know anything you don't know anything do who's Will to see do you understand you don't know anything wow if you understand you don't know anything I'm really proud of
you because I try to get this across in my books at different times and boy this is so anti- egoo that do you see you don't know anything what is the importance of your views nothing what's the importance of your opinions nothing is it true that had different experien have different views even about the things you're most strong about your political this every single thing if you had different experiences about that subject you would have different views all right just be totally Pro or anti this or that okay then fall in love with somebody and
not realize that they have different views than you and get really hooked up and in love right your views change yeah I thought it was this way but you know now since I met so and so I'm being more open about that right that sounds real spiritual no no it means you change your F I don't care how good you make it sound it is a sum of your learned experiences and you're not having any number of experiences that mean a single thing you know I took very Advanced statistics in school I like that kind
of stuff right when I college and I heard a term I really like it's very spiritual it's called statistically insignificant that's what's going on inside of you it is statistically insignificant if you took all the potential pool of variables you have one out of 700 trillion so I don't care that you had a lot of experience you don't have anything it's so hard isn't it but it's it's logical isn't it right you don't know anything your views mean nothing your opinions mean nothing nothing all right you're grw up in a different countri have different opinions
you did not decide what you like and what you don't like you're programmed by the experiences that you had so you come to the point where you understand what remember I started talking about people want to ask what should I do this is it right to do this is it spiritual that nothing is spiritual or not spiritual nothing like that is right or wrong May moral or immoral but that's not what we're talking about we're talking about the fact that events unfold in front of you that's reality I like reality reality is a very sacred
thing someone was asking what is reality ready that which already happened I don't have to get more complicated than that do I if it already happened it's reality I didn't say it should happen or shouldn't happen for God's sake it happened all right ha I looked at her she was wearing glasses but maybe there's no maybe right I didn't say when I look at her tomorrow maybe she'll be wearing glasses I didn't say that it's not reality that's an opinion A View a projection something like that right I looked she's wearing glasses that's never going
to change well she could take them off that's later that'll be the reality later the reality now is that which already happened and you have never changed that would already happened no one has ever changed what already happened so you start looking and saying okay that's that's reality what already happened then I have these opinions about it these views about it these beliefs about it it's right it's wrong she shouldn't wear glasses don't you dare bring that into this she is wearing glasses how do you know Christ said let those of eyes to see let
them see let those of ears to hear Let Them hear that's how easy this whole thing is that which is is that's a line of the G Krishna says to Arjuna that which is is that which is not is not what's so complicated about that literally it says that that's called reality there is a thing called reality so somebody once said to me which reality everybody's got their own reality no no no no that's not true everybody has their own reaction to reality but if we're all standing there she wearing glasses there's reality out there
but that's not in not the same reality here once it comes in I get all upset or I get all excited that's not reality that's a reaction to reality so how do you live a spiritual life we're talking very deep but you have to the foundation to understand your psyche is a problem your psyche is never right never your opinions are nothing your Concepts your views your dreams your hopes all that stuff are just things that are the some of your learned experiences they're going inside your head nobody else's that's why there are Wars that's
why nobody gets along CU everybody's had different experiences therefore everybody develops a different self-concept a different sight so you basically get to the point where your spiritual means I'm at the point that I understand I don't know anything I don't know anything I think I do I think I do but I don't all right so now a moment's unfolded in front of me what should I be doing with that okay all of spirituality starts with the following accepting the reality that that moment unfolded in front of you no I didn't like it I don't care
it's not that I don't care care about you I care about you but I don't care that you don't like the moment or that you do like the moment it's completely irrelevant spirituality real spiritual growth starts with I accept reality and nothing inside me gets to say but how do I know what reality is open your eyes it's what is in front of you that's reality be here now see be here now is deeper than you think it is there we are but you can't be here now why because you're busy with your reaction to
here now you're busy with whether I like it you're busy with what I don't like you're busy what I'm supposed to do about it and so that you can't be with the moment you're with your reaction to the moment so spirituality is about at least for one moment stop look and listen that's I always used to say stop look and listen stop for a moment and accept accept doesn't mean you don't do anything about it now we're going to get real deep the fact that I accept it doesn't mean I don't do anything about it
but at least I'm doing something about it instead of doing something about my real action to it and we see that difference I have to start by accepting the reality so the first thing I do is say that happened that's the way it is there it is it'll never change ever for history of the universe that moment happen in Einstein's time space continuum everything has a moment in time and space that was that's moment time and space it'll never happen again the same way just passing through so now it happened can I accept the reality
that that happened without getting off weird about the fact that it happened can I start by accepting it happened but what if I have a reaction inside me you said I was the someone that my psych was some learned experiences isn't going to react it is going to react now accept that whoa now we're going deeper so spiritual being starts by accepting this reality and understands that they have a psyche they have a self-concept you do don't you okay you have opinions and Views and Concepts and things and likes and dislikes and preferences and hopes
and dream don't you have those things all right can you stand before the moment that happened in front of you except the reality that person said that that person did that that person didn't say that didn't whatever it is there's the moment and there's going to well maybe I should ask you is there going to be a reaction inside of you there's going to be a reaction inside of you the spiritual say there shouldn't be you're going to go to hell cuz you had a reaction spiritual doesn't say anything like that spirituality does not even
judge your reaction why CU how can I judge your reaction my reaction is some of my learning experiences your reaction to some of your own experiences so first you accept this deep first you accept the reality unfold in front of you that it happened not not that I don't do anything about it but that it happened it happened and then you accept there's going to be a reaction inside of you it's very deep don't you dare thing I'm a Buddhist I don't have reactions I told you even Christ had a reaction may I pass this
cup it's a action yoga n fully enlightened being I love that he said it he said God tested me to the last day of my life in other words I had reactions had reactions okay so you accept the reality that it unfolded in front of me there it is be here now and then you accept that there's going to be reaction inside of you those are acceptance that's I teach acceptance you understand you let go of the part of you that can't accept that it happened you let go of the part of you that can't
accept your reaction that it happened so you start with accepting what happened I'm talking business I'm talking relationship everything don't think I'm just talking some abstract thing people want to know what to do with relationships what to do with business what to do with politics Etc you start with the reality that's unfolding in front of you and don't say how do I know because you wouldn't be dealing with it wasn't unfolding in front of you all right and it folds in front of you then you have a reaction that's the big one are you able
to look at that at least for a moment and say oh that's my reaction that's what that is that's my reaction to what unfolded it's not what unfolded it's my reaction to What unfolded and then remember that reaction is meaningless it's completely meanless it's what we call person it's your personal being everyone's got the one everyone's got one everyone's got a nose everyone's got ears okay everyone's got a personal reaction don't they it is meaningless it's just the Su of learn experiences like I said I know it's hard to conceive what I'm talking about that
that's meaningless because it seems like the most meaningful thing in the whole world it all right why because if it's comfortable if my reaction is comfortable I'm comfortable with it if my reaction is uncomfortable I'm uncomfortable with it and guess what I like being comfortable how about you that's the problem in other words that's where it all comes from I'm in here experiencing the moment and experiencing my reaction action but I'm not comfortable in here I've never been comfortable in here I'm uncomfortable in here right kind of scared and just kind of freaky and if
you say something to me that my reaction is not comfortable I am not comfortable with that at all I can't handle it that's what I like I can't handle that you better say you're sorry you better take that back cuz I can't handle that therefore I can handle you and go away that's we can't handle things in here right again it's not that we can't hand the event we can't hand our reaction to the event somebody says he said that to me and I can't believe he said that to me I can't handle it well
what if you liked your reaction what if you liked it what if you grew up in a household where everybody yelled at each other and everyone told you that's how you know you love each other you argue at the dinner table all the time a good family interaction that's the sem learned experiences so now somebody yells and argu at a dinner table you feel one right then you wouldn't have a problem with it so you get down to the point where you understand can I handle that's the bottom line spirituality can I handle the reaction
that happened inside of me to the event that unfolded because I'm going to tell you if you can't you're in trouble if you can't handle it I just want to stop for give me the time here what does that mean I can't handle it you know what it means you shouldn't be the person dealing with it cuz you can't can't handle it I I can't handle the side of blood then I don't want you showing up in my car accident you can't do any good you just said I am of no use at this thing
because I can't handle it right so you start waking up and saying how do I get around this whole thing of my personal reaction inside you learn to handle it that's spirituality so the first thing is you accept that it happened you accept that there's there's a reaction and then you question why can't I handle the reaction it's just a reaction it's just a reaction how come my Consciousness my being who's experiencing the reaction why can't it just say Okay H been here done that I've seen you before there you are freaking out again that's
how you should be with your personal self hi how you doing down there and you just I can handle the reaction I can handle there's Bloods I've been here before let me let me put a tourniquet on here good thank you you handled the situation and you help the situation as opposed to I can't handle this I'm out of here and the same thing with relationships the same thing with everything you forgot the anniversary I can't believe you forgot the anniversary I'm never going to talk to you again give me a break there was this
thing called an anniversary it caused a reaction inside of you because somebody didn't react to it properly the way you wanted them to and now you ruined your relationship no they ruin the relationship but not remembering the anniversary no you ruined the relationship but not being able to handle your reaction to the fact that they didn't remember the anniversary so you want to ruin your relationship just be like that just not be able to handle the reality that's unfolds in front of you but I never thought you would do that well of course not because
you think very different from me your thoughts are the Su of your learning experiences my thoughts are the Su of my learn experiences the fact that you never thought that I would do something that's ridiculous ridiculous it's more important to sit there and say oh you did something there it is you said it you didn't do it whatever there it is and look at my reaction oh boy I ain't going that I can handle my reaction and that is not what is going to determine your life or my life isn't that more rational can I
handle the reaction if I can handle the reaction I can stand there it comes in it goes through and but I'm still here but doesn't mean to handle it I'm still still here I'm stillw okay let's get I never go this deep you ready I'm sitting in a seat of Consciousness dealing with my thoughts dealing with my emotions dealing with the world all of a sudden something happened outside and my thoughts and emotions W they change completely okay I'm still here I'm still in the same seat of objective observation witness Consciousness centeredness I'm still here
I was here before it happened I'm here while it happened and I'm here after it happened I'm me I'm the center of Consciousness that is experiencing these different reactions that are going on inside I told you ramach Krishna is a great enlightened Master highest as they come somebody once asked him does enlightened being ever feel anger he said yes but it's like riding on water in other words it doesn't matter that the event happened and this feeling of jealousy or anger or fear or need or desire or lust or greed whatever it is came up
a human emotion came up if it writes on water it makes no difference does it it makes no Lasting Impression it just comes up and goes right through just like everything else what if anger coming up inside of you was the same as seeing the white lines on the road did you see them yeah were you aware of them yeah did they get stuck in there did you have to do anything about them no they just came in and went through what if anger did that what if jealousy did that what if insecurity did that
what if fear did that what if it just came in right through so you're still there that's called being there it's very Zen that's what it means neither doing nor not doing being your being is still there you're centered you're clear now I said to you it doesn't mean you don't do anything about it but you do something about it from a seat of centered Consciousness from a seat that says okay that didn't feel so good writing on water but I can handle it now what so that what I'm about if I act or don't
act what I'm about to do is not a reaction to my reaction it's not just some immediate hitting somebody or yelling at somebody or defending myself or doing whatever it is that we all do all the time I managed to say standard that is the start star in point of a decent life otherwise I don't want to see what happens cuz it's a mess and you know it is it's a mess I don't care if it's about relationship I care if it's about business I don't care what it is oh my God my competitor seem
to come up with the same product that I had and and so what am I going to do right no no no except the fact that they put out a product that seemed similar to yours and is going to be competitive except the fact that fear and anxiety and disappointment came up inside of you and you're still there then I want you sit at the board table you're the one I want making a decision of what to do next because it's not a reaction sue him he probably stole our stuff right and then go do
that and find it they didn't steal anything and you Wast all your money suing them that's what it means to react and go with your reaction you've reacted to the fact that you couldn't handle a situation I don't want you at the table you don't belong at the table same thing with the marriage same thing with relationship same thing with everything thing who's the being that experiences the reaction and is capable of accepting that's my reaction doesn't mean anything it's just the reaction now I'm clear now we're here I want to be surrounded that's I
want at the board table I want be surrounded by those people because once I'm clear I want other people that are clear let's get different opinions but I don't want different reaction give me people at least one person but people who can handle their reaction and let it go let it be like riding on water notice I didn't say you don't have a reaction I'm being very nice to tonight don't sit there and Define spirituality not having a personal reaction you do have a personal reaction there is a psyche in there isn't there there is
a lower self call it whatever you want it's going to react right the question is you in there we call the higher self the self the optimal call whatever you want you in there the Consciousness are capable handling that reaction how I teach you relax and release relax and release don't relax and release the event you can't it already happened don't even bother don't relax and release your reaction it already happened don't make it not happen don't suppress it deny it you in there who's experiencing your reaction can you relax and release if you don't
relax and release it's not like riding on water it's like carving with a chisel into marble why you put resistance there so now this event can't go through through cuz you said no not on my watch you're not saying that in front of me that ain't happening excuse me sir it did happen no it's not happening so that what you're doing is not being able to handle the reaction inside you're putting resistance will that's the opposite of acceptance resistance you resist it then you put something solid in there it can't make it through there you
damned it up it will be there years later versus if you can handle it it passes through and now you're clear and clean so what do you do now look at it just one person clear and clean that they're not going with their personal reaction they transcended that they're centered they're clear now you look at it and say first I accept the event I accept my reaction to the event all right now what and the first question that a clear person asks is is there something I'm supposed to be doing about this not I can't
handle it is something I'm supposed to do cuz if you can't handell I know what you're going to do you're going to fight it don't you dare go out with him don't how could you talk to somebody that long I thought you loved me I can't handle that you danced I can't believe you dance twice like okay you got a jealous reaction fine there's nothing wrong with that it's reality it's your reaction are you going to Define your relationship based on that are you going to ruin your relationship because you couldn't handle the reaction what
if you find out that he was walking with his sister and so they're holding hands let me ask you has your reaction ever been wrong has your mind ever been wrong when it told you why something happened or what you should do about it you should keep score it'll freak you out but so basically your reaction you have to let go of your reaction not suppress it not deny it I'm talking to real honest and mature like mature people suppression doesn't work you can't say no I'm not jealous you know what you should say is
yes I see jealousy I can handle this right now what now what stay clear first the event took place the reaction took place I'm still here I was here before it happened I am here while it's happening and I'm here after it's happening the same it's called the continuity of Consciousness it's called becoming established in the seat of self we're talking about deep spirituality here that's what spirit is pure Consciousness now you have reached that state now what that's what I want to talk about because people ask me what should I do now from there
I will talk you about what to do otherwise you're just reacting and that's never what to do never reaction is never the best action Clarity then look at the situation and the first thing you ask is is there something I'm supposed to be doing about this situation not there something I want to do not something I don't want to do not how do I protect myself not how do I get rid of this terrible feeling that I feel or how do I get a hold of what I want no no no it's I'm clear there's
all kinds of things going in the universe is there something I'm supposed to be doing about this one at that point it's amazingly spiritual because you realize wait a minute I'm the only person that that saw this thing nobody saw it the same as you they looked from a different angle they didn't see it at all 8.5 billion people on planet Earth how many saw what you just saw you you were just called upon the deal with this moment that's how I look at it the whole universe got created and this moment of Flo in
front of you and nobody else is there something you're supposed to be doing about it as opposed to reacting and way do you see what that Clarity does the majority of time you're going to find out it's just something unfolded there's nothing it wasn't personal there's nothing I'm supposed to do about it it's what's her place there it is the driver in front of me keeps stepping on brakes or done us their blinker or driving 10 miles over the speed limit okay can I handle that okay great at first I can't handle it I'm beeping
at him trying to pass them freaking out in other words just reacting to your reaction what if I'm clear okay I see he don't like that he don't like that they're doing that is not comfortable I can handle that now now that I can handle my own reaction is there something I'm supposed to be doing about it no they'll turn in three blocks or no there's nothing to do about it okay I'm driving down the street I'm in a rush I've just caught every single light between here and gainville the darn things just keep turning
red in front of me do I like that no no no you can feel it it doesn't feel good can I handle that can I handle the fact that the lights did indeed turn red every one of them and can I handle my reaction to that which is this is not comfortable can I just sit there and be okay with that now the question is okay now that I'm okay with it what am I supposed to do about it nothing there's nothing to do about it all right I told you the car in front of
you is not bothering you you're bothering yourself about the car in front of you the lights are not bothering you you're bothering yourself about the lights under those circumstances there's nothing to do about it except the fact that it bothered you except the fact that something happened inside it was like R Krishna riding out water it just came in and went through and I'm driving my car so you just get to this point where you realize the majority of the time once you get clear there's nothing to do you're liberated you're free that's what it
means to be free it doesn't mean you leave the world no you're in the world why not what's the difference leaving in same it's all the same well it doesn't matter business not business married not married children not children it doesn't matter what matters is can you handle it can you handle what's going on and the moment you get to the point that you work with yourself so you can handle it you're going to find out you are making yourself a mess you are making life a mess you making everybody in your life a mess
and if you work with yourself we talk about that I only ad minute to tell you how to do this the question is are you ready to wake up and realize you're screwing your own self up by not being able to handle yourself not being able to handle your reaction to things so spirituality is learning to be able to handle reality learning to be able to handle your reaction to reality and so if you're centered you're going to find out that the vast majority of the time there's nothing to do you're liberated so you got
red lights just stop listening to music to a mantra I don't care okay you get stopped by a train count the cars that's some fun you don't have to make yourself a mess just cuz your reaction was that now sometimes you're going to be there and you're going to be clear and you're going to see this event happen you're the clear person in the room is there something supposed to be doing about this and the answer is yes how do I know because you're the only one there you're at the car accident and people are
bleeding if you're in that situation you're clear yes there's something supposed to do I'm supposed to help pretty clear isn't it I'm supposed to help but I don't know how to you're not supposed to know how to you're supposed to walk up the situation and see what you can do it's a stepbystep situation everything is you don't know what it's going to be like when you get there don't think about it ahead of time is there something I'm supposed to be doing about this yes stop don't just go drive past you might be able to
help somebody and that's the key word you'll find out the more you can stay centered that when you say yes or something to do about it you're supposed to help it happened in front of you this person's having a problem that's this this person said this what if somebody comes to says I hate you I hate you guts I can't hear what you said I hate you to pieces right well can you handle that okay now what do I do is there something I'm supposed to do about it what's wrong who died is come on
can we talk about this is there something I can do to help not myself when you're dealing with your reaction it's all for you that's how ego runs it's like what can I do to make myself feel better what can I do to get what I want what can I do to avoid what I don't want I I I I I when you're centered and you can handle your own reaction then it's not about you and it gets to be about everybody else like if you can't handle the environment because you can't handle that people
cut down trees and I hate them oh my God I can't even think about the fact that they kill animals and they kill trees and they take the things down right then you're going to act based on the fact that you can't handle it and it's going to be anger and it's going to be this and it's going to be that you understand that they're they're people that do all kinds of weird things because they can't handle things what if you can handle it okay I can handle it and I'm seeing different things happening it's
just something I can do you may be doing the same thing that the other people are doing except you're doing it for the right reason you're not doing because I can't handle you're doing I can handle it I'm trying to help and you'll end up being a leader those people end up leaders all right cuz they they're doing right action that's a right action means the Buddhist talks about and so you get to the point it's all about staying centered then you will always know what to do and I don't know how to explain that
to you you'll always know what to do because you're not doing you're being part of the situation and it will call upon you its energy and your clear energy you do the best that you can it's not right or wrong you just you're not acting based on your own reaction which is always not the highest thing that can be you're accepting the event you're accepting your reaction and now you're clear what's the best that you can do to help the situation and the best that you can do is always enough it's not about being the
perfect person or anything like that no it's not it's I'm clear enough to be bringing the best that I have to this situation and if everyone's like that I told you be the way that everybody was your way everything would be beautiful not because they got their way but because you transcended the personal and so you get to that point right now the question is how do you do that I have a minute left to there's nothing to it if you want to do it you win what do you mean you're going to have trouble
with an event because that's the biggest thing I taught you it's not the event it's your reaction to the event you have trouble with you can't have trouble with an event it's event okay it already happened but you have trouble with your reaction don't you you have trouble with your mind and your emotions right you have to work with yourself how practice practice makes perfect practice the piano you'll be better practice tennis you'll be better practice the instrument you'll be better practice Works doesn't it we all know practice practice practice practice being okay that's how
you do it not you should have been okay with this no no I wasn't okay but you practice being okay practice being okay that it's raining why because you need to learn how to be okay with things you you need to learn how to be okay things will happen they're little look at them say I can handle this that's your Mantra I can handle this I can handle this but part of me can't I know but I can handle the part of me that can't that's the deepest thing I can teach you see the difference
I can handle the part of me that doesn't want to or can't handle this and then you just practice and if you practice with the little things eventually you'll find out that you learned how to deal with things you learned how to handle things now something bigger will happen and that's something if you do it enough for years every day every moment eventually something very big will happen somebody will die you'll get fired somebody will steal your business something's going to happen and it's big and you look at it and your first it's beautiful I
want to meet you when you're there your first reaction is to say Center okay did it take place yes do I like it no a single thing inside of me that likes this it's the worst thing I ever thought could ever happen am I still here yes can I handle it yes what if something terrible happens I can handle that too I will be able to handle anything that happens if you can handle anything that happens you can handle with event and then you're there and you're going find out you will know what to do
that's all I can tell you you'll know what to do because you're clear and that is your spiritual growth and that's how you do business that's how you do so I say I don't do oneon-one with people cuz look how long it took to even talk about how to deal with it properly look how much you have to grow to get Beyond oh I need this I need that I want to be this you're trying to manipulate everything to be the way you want you have to let go of yourself and when you let go
of yourself you will be a great contributor to the universe I hope you can hear this and if you practice you'll actually get there and you will reach a point in your life in this lifetime if you practice all the time practice by renouncing no there's no renunciation you practice by dealing with things hear me it's the opposite of going to a cave or doing something you're in the world but not of it that's what that meant by that so you're in here you're dealing with it it's dealing with you and you're practicing and eventually
you'll get to a point where you will never ever for a billionth of a second lose your center of Consciousness I'm so strong no it doesn't take strength how hard is it for you to see what's in front of you right now answer me how hard was it that's how hard it is to see what's going on inside of you you're there and it's going on you don't get pulled into it but you have to practice otherwise it pulls you in and once you're there and become established in that seat you think that's a high
State that's not a high State now youve just brought the rocket ship to the launching pad there's something Way Beyond that once you're able to not get pulled down into your personal self you're going to find out there's real Beauty in there where in that seat of consciousness there's ecstasy there's joy there in fact it is a source of love it's a source of beauty it's a source of everything when you were open and weren't getting pulled into your stuff you felt love you felt openness now you're there you're there where it came from and
even that's not a high State I feel exstasy all the time I feel Joy all the time I see nothing but Beauty everywhere it's good very good there's higher than that what do you mean all of a sudden that beautiful energy that's flowing inside of you where does this come from it has a source everything has a source my awareness of being what's its source so now it's down to just two things in your Universe this flow of shocky pouring inside of you and the awareness of that flow and eventually I want to know where
it came from then you let go you let go and they merge your Consciousness and the flow of ecstasy merge and it pulls you all the way back to the true seat of Consciousness the seed of self which is God is the universal Consciousness is Oneness with the whole universe and that's what's looking down now that's a high State that's that's what enlightened means just understand people use that word that's what Enlighten means full self-realization he realized where Consciousness comes from okay that's all I got to say Dr
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