how to be a God over all your problems now as you can see this video is slightly different to the ones that we've done before me and AJ are trying something new we'll see how you react to this but how to be a God over all of your problems now it's important that you understand that God actually made you a God over your problems but because you don't know that you can't be that and your ability to be able to harness what God means which we're going to have to redefined for you so you can
actually understand what it means to be a God over your problems without the Blasphemous connotations so with that being said the first thing that I want to do is to actually redefine what true blasphemy is because with the religious indoctrination that you've received just like the one that I received the way that we begin to view these things it can almost be a bit audacious to even conceptualize of you being a God over your problems but you can you can be a God over your problems to the point where your problems don't suffocate you in
the way that I know they're suffocating you they don't cause you the anxiety that I know they're causing you they don't cause you the stress that I know they're causing you it's just about being able to harness God and we're going to get into that in this video right here by the way if you don't actually like this if you genuinely like this whole whiteboard style thing drop a comment and let me know now first things first like I said when you first clicked on this video and you saw how to be a God over
all your problems blasphemy alarm bells are probably ringing off in your head like crazy you probably had some Pastor maybe TD Jakes in your head saying devil this and probably a Pentecostal scene right now it's important for you to understand what true blasphemy is and I say blasphemy from an esoteric standpoint what true BL for me is is externalization and what externalization is is quite literally in the name it is when you externalize your Divinity your Holiness the God within you outside of you now what this looks like is this take church I grew up
going to church now going to church [ __ ] put on their best clothes they move a certain way they don't talk a certain way in church they conduct themselves holy in church they have more reference for what's external to them as opposed to what's internal to them which is why in Corinthians it says do you not know that the spir you have the spirit of God in you that you are the living temple of God now that's an example of what true blasphemy is and believe it or not i' probably say safe to say
that 98% of the world engage in true blasphemy they look outside of them as opposed to realizing that you have everything you need within you already you have everything that you have within you to possess the ability to create the reality you want so believe me what I tell you it's not blasphemy don't worry you're not going to go to hell yada yada yada now first things first we actually have to redefine what God is which is quite a philosophical question that as humans we are going to have to have some humility for because what
is God right people might say God is a man sat in a sky and our religions portray God to be sat in a sky the idea of God sitting in the sky doesn't make sense because for God to sit on a throne that means he has a botton that means he has elbows that means his feet can be planted but we know this is nothing more than the conceptualization of God from a human standpoint so the first thing that we have to do is to actually come to the understanding that because our minds are finite
we could never conceive of the infinite that's the first thing now what is God I'm going to break it down to you from a metaphysical point of view now this goes beyond the religious indoctrination the religious programming that will make you think he's a man because he's not well well now what God really truly is is this this is the easiest way I can help you conceptualize it impersonal energy God is impersonal energy but a specific kind the highest level also known as the most high now why is God called the most high because it
is the most high frequency God is the highest level of Consciousness which is impersonal energy now to give you an example of what I mean when I say impersonal energy think about gravity gravity is impersonal now sorry for this morbid example but it will help you conceptualize what I'm trying to say take a innocent baby thrown off a building that baby is going to hit the ground and die gravity isn't going to be like now hold on he's cute oh he's you know he shouldn't be here no Angel's going to come catch him in midair
like Justice League it's just not happening now take Batman if he threw an evil old man off a building who had mad serial killer let's say he's going to hit the ground and meet the exact same fate as the baby would why because God is an impersonal energy now esoterically this is mentioned in Acts 10:34 if you go to acts 10:34 it will say God is no respector of persons let's take electricity for example electricity can be used to paracity it can also be used to kill somebody now if somebody gets electrocuted to death did
electricity have a personal Vendetta against him no it didn't it's impersonal it doesn't care who you are it acts regardless of however you use it now what often happens is that people believe that God is punishing them really and truly you're just sticking a fork into an electric socket and getting shocked you wouldn't be like electricity hates me you simply misused that energy understanding that God is imp personal energy and let me write this down so you have no confusion of what I'm trying to say here understanding this then the way that you should begin
to conceptualize God should completely change because the way that you define God is actually how you experience God now I'll give you an example of this now if you believe that God is a god of anger and he gets angry when you do things then by definition of of you utilizing that energy you will then experience that particular reality of God one thing that I never understood is that when I was growing up and we were struggling financially and going to church and stuff I could never understand you know why would God allow some people
to be broke and some people to be rich and I came to find out that really and truly [ __ ] worship different gods and I'll tell you that for free right now and I'll give you an example of this how many times have you thought to yourself or prayed to God and said God if you give me this job I won't ask you for anything again I won't ask you for anything again and think about the way that you're characterizing God think about the way you're molding that formless energy that has no form what
you are really doing to that energy is defining it and the way that you define it is the way that you form it which is the way that you experience it and if you may try and negotiate with God like he's a stingy African man then unfortunately he's going to be stingy while some people see God as an infinite abundant God that wants to bless them in the way that they want which is why they experience that now that we understand what God is just to reiterate impersonal formless energy then a whole bunch of things
make sense now there's a scripture in Isaiah I don't remember what specifically is if it's 35 or 45 but I'll get AJ to put it on the screen where God says something to the and this confused me when I was Christian I could be like what because you're told that it's the devil that does all the evil and stuff like that and it doesn't make sense but then if you go to Isaiah you know it stated something to the effect of I make the peace I make the evil then he also says something to the
effect I'll get AJ to put on the screen what I'm talking he says something to the effect so I'm I form the light I form the darkness I make the peace I make the evil I also form the suffering I the Lord do all of these things so then it's like hm what does that mean and it's alluding to the fact that however you have formed God is how you experience God the highest level of Consciousness exists within you inherently being a manifestation of God and the way that you use it will def well will
be reflected in your reality now you can use this to transform your reality and you can also use it to destroy your reality which more often than not we always allow these things to destroy us now now that we understand what is God on a metaphysical level just to reiterate highest level of Consciousness impersonal energy that doesn't care who you are then it's like all right cool how do I become a God to my problems what does that even mean it still doesn't make sense Nero I never thought you'd ask before we do that we
have to actually realize who you have been worshiping who your gods are now I ain't going to say Jay-Z and Beyonce and all them [ __ ] conspiracy videos that's not what we're doing here what we're doing here is to give you real practical metaphysical information that you can actually use to transform and create your reality without all the corny stuff it's exactly why I'm hired by Elite entrepreneurs now with that being said it's important for you to understand who you have allowed to be your God you've allowed worry to be your God you've allowed
stress to be your God you've allowed chaos to be your God you might have allowed poverty but let's say struggle you've allowed all of these things to be your God now what does that even mean I thought God is the highest level of Consciousness how have I allowed worry stress chaos and struggle to be my God how does that make sense once again I never thought you'd ask now it's important for you to understand how things become your God now for most people like I said it's safe to say that 98% of the world which
is always the number used in these spiritual literatures you know 98% of the world worship stress worry chaos and struggle and you do from time to time and I do from time to time but it's important for you to actually understand how these things become your God so it's like God highest level of Consciousness in personal energy that makes sense how does something become a God over my life well for something to become the god over your life all it has to do is this one thing all it has has to do is to have
a stronger frequency that is it that's it that's literally it for something to be the god over your life all it has to do is have a stronger frequency if it's got a stronger frequency over you then you're holding a big L now unfortunately for most people and as I said the 98% they can be characterized as the 98% they allow those things that I mentioned to be their God they allow worry to have a stronger frequency than them they allow chaos to have a stronger frequency I'm pretty sure I spelled that wrong but hey
who cares they allow chaos to have a stronger frequency than them they allow worry to have a stronger frequency than them they allow stress to have a stronger frequency than them they allow struggle to have a stronger frequency than them they allow failure to have a stronger frequency than them and this might be you from time to time in your life your frequency is always oscillating I know these spiritual [ __ ] will tell you that you can be high vibration all the time but you can't unfortunately that's just not how it works your frequency
is always oscillating as shown in Dr David R Hawkins level of Consciousness scale and also Frederick do Frederick dodson's book called levels of energy now for something to be your God all it has to do is have a higher frequency once again I'm reiterating this for repetition repetition is one of the ways to program the subconscious mind the other one I'll tell you on another video or maybe later in this video but whatever has a stronger frequency than you at that particular moment in time will be your God and if it's your God then that
means you submit to it and I'm not talking about in a diddy way I'm just talking about in a way that you quite literally feel like you're being suffocated by your problems how many times have you felt suffocated by struggle suffocated by failure tormented by stress and worry that seems inescapable over your reality and it all comes down to it having a stronger frequency than you whatever has a stronger frequency than you will temporarily be your God because remember God is the highest level of Consciousness God is the higher level of Consciousness and throughout our
human existence there are periods of time where these things end up defeating us now it's important for you to also understand that when I'm talking about stronger frequency the world that we live in isn't like the old world and this ain't all caveman stuff as it used to be if you believe in all of that stuff anyways but the world that you live in is governed by something else now it's important for you to understand and I know I keep saying that a lot technically all of this stuff is important for you to understand because
this is the information that people will die never knowing so you shouldn't take that lightly and this shouldn't be something that you watch for fun to pass the time so if you're doing that please leave in the old world strength was determined by one thing physicality physical strength this is what the old world was governed by put o w for Old World yes I'm getting lazy writing however it's important for you to understand that as Consciousness evolved as human beings and our level of awareness evolved we enter the new world and the new world is
only governed by one thing and that thing frequency the new world is quite literally governed by frequency in the new world Whoever has the strongest frequency wins quite simple so then you're probably thinking okay how does somebody have a higher frequency than somebody else what does it mean for worry to have a stronger frequency than me at any given time well once again I thought you'd never ask now strength of frequency can be summed up into one sentence one sentence and one sentence only so make sure you're locking in and make sure you're taking notes
don't just be watching me to pass the time I'd rather you not watch at all now as I was saying it all comes down to one thing what does it mean to have a stronger frequency what does something have when it's stronger than me in frequency comes down to one thing the strongest frequency all comes down to this one thing the strongest frequency is determined by your ability to maintain conviction in your idea slash belief that's who has the strongest frequency the strongest frequency whether reality over you whether another person over you is Whoever has
the ability to maintain conviction in their idea or belief conviction being the most important word here I'll give you an example of what I'm saying so let's say you get something that stresses you now typically let's say emotionally you're quite balanced you're quite balanced as such your ability to be able to maintain emotional balance is an indication of your level of conviction so like I said let's say you're trying to do better you're trying to maintain some sort of emotional IM balance and things are going fairly cool let's say something comes out completely out of
nowhere out of nowhere and it immediately stresses you out you're no longer emotionally balanced you are up and down up and down up and down up and down you have failed to maintain emotional imbalance emotional balance and really and truly never un never forget what emotion truly is emotion is energy emotion which is an energetic signature that we call a frequency which is why when you look at Dr Hawkin scale he's mapped the most common human emotions down to energetic signatures now as I said you're going through your life things seem to be calm a
client leaves you for example you fail to get a job you get fired from your job somebody's trying to give you drama the moment that you are able to deviate from a state of emotional equilibrium or balance this is an indication of your level in conviction in whatever it is that you're trying to hold so if I'm maintaining peace in my life and I believe that I'm an abundant individual and I'm going down a path of being able to materialize the financial goal that I want and I get a parking Bill and I've got no
money and the parking Bill couldn't come at a worst time or somebody robs my front bumper like what happened to my editor and I immediately go into a state of emotional chaos I have deviated from my emotional balance which is an indication of my level of conviction in my specific level of peace and the strongest frequency is determined by your ability to maintain conviction in your idea or belief once again to reiterate let's say that there's a certain Financial Target that you want to hit let's say you want to make 100K a month let's say
you're at 10K a month now each and every single time that money is withdrawn to your account you see 10K now if you then look at your 10K and it's able to sway you emotionally away from maintaining that you're already at 100K then this is an indication of your level inoni level of conviction in your belief that you are somebody who's already at 100K because you can only have what you already have and if you are emotionally swayed then that means your level of conviction is only one thing and that thing is weak and a
weak level of conviction is a weak frequency which means that the strongest frequency will be whatever is able to sway you from maintaining conviction in your idea or belief now now that you understand what is God things in the world that are your false gods and it's not no celebrities we don't care about the Illuminati or none of that stuff let let all the silly people play with all all of that we're focused on controlling our reality because any form of spirituality that doesn't lead to self-mastery and master over reality is Vanity so y'all [
__ ] can go do that silly stuff but anybody who's seeking to maintain and create their desired reality and make the best use of their ego which is nothing more than a vehicle that you're supposed to master to get you to a destination that is true spirituality as it was said know thyself and thou shal know all now that you understand all of these things then it's like huh I get you nuro but it all does sound a bit suspect you said I can be made a God over my problems it's a bit mad you
know I'm struggling to you know accept that idea well if it's esoterically hidden in the Bible now I went to a lot of church sessions I even went to a weekend Church sessions where I saw people supposedly get demons taken up why why don't pastors perform miracles in hospitals but anyways I was never shown this particular scripture where God actually made Moses a God yeah God made Moses a God and Moses he's no different from you Moses was simply somebody who had the ability to harness the impersonal energy of the highest level of Consciousness which
was God which is what Christ represents now it can all be summed in one particular verse Exodus 7 1 now because I'm not a complete robot and I don't want to get anything incorrect In reciting the scriptures I'm actually going to pull it up to make sure that we are all on the same path now Exodus 7:1 and the Lord said unto Moses see I have made thee a God to pharaoh and Aaron thy brother shall be thy Prophet now it's important for you to understand that God literally and you should be seeing it on
your screen God made Moses a God to the world around him and he also made you a God but you forgot that and it's esoterically hidden in Exodus now when things are your God it's like what we spoke about earlier you know this is when things seem to have a level of power over you now this actually reminds me of one of my clients shout out Nicole I'm very very proud of you Nicole joined the awakened entrepreneurs secret society making 9k k a month 99k a month and throughout this time just like what we're talking
about right now she was tested by all of these false guts she was tested by worry stress anxiety deals going wrong clients not returning cuse people you know avoiding her whatever she went from 9k to 62k I really need to wait for this to dry because you know it keeps messing up she went from 9k to 62k and I'll put a screenshot in like two months just by being able to maintain exactly what I'm about to tell you right now so if you're an entrepreneur that's interested in that in being able to multiply your Revenue
without working harder just simply using the awaken entrepreneur frequency the link in the description now like I said Exodus 71 God made made Moses a God to Pharaoh now it's very important for you to understand the context of what Exodus represents now in Exodus there were the Israelites the Israelites were enslaved by the Egyptians specifically by the head of the Egyptians called Pho now it's very very important for you to understand the esoteric nature in these stories now first things first pharaoh represents oppression represents how can I say this evil but evil not in a
way of actual evil but typically as human beings we categorize things as evil evil whenever they seem to go wrong for us but we know evil is nothing more than Duality with good the same energy different vibrations but Pharaoh represents oppression evil enslavement which are all things that happen to you now here's the thing you are Moses you are Moses Pharaoh is the world the world will attempt to enslave you and oppress you and I don't mean that in a sense of the 9 to5 Matrix system I'm not talking about that I'm simply talking about
the negative aspects or the negative energies in reality that seek to dominate you by making things in your life go wrong we've all experienced these things in our lives where it seems like the world is just trying to do us wrong really and truly this is nothing more than the negative aspect of our Duality simply being materialized into reality through our unawareness now Pharaoh represents enslavement oppression and evil now you might be having problems in your life right now whether those problems are creating anxiety whether they are creating worry whether they are creating stress whether
they're creating business problems relationship problems family problems this is what Pharaoh represents problems and you are Moses now the context of Exodus is very very specific now God well Moses went onto a mountain and then he came across God and he basically gave Moses a bunch of instructions to go free his people and then Moses turn around and says but who should I say sent me because you know I can't really see anyone right now I just see like a bush that's on fire but it's not being consumed who should I say sent me and
God said tell them I am sent you I am hath sent me onto you that's the specific verse it'll be pulled up now it's it's important for you to understand what the I am is the I am is exactly what we were talking about earlier it is the highest level of Consciousness if this is the name of God every time that you meet somebody what do you say you say hi I am Nero when you're angry you say I am sad or angry when you're hungry say I am hungry when you say I am stressed
we utilize the name that God gave to Moses in Exodus so often and it's because unconsciously subconsciously internally spiritually you are the physical manifestation of God you know this inherently now what it truly represents is formless substance the am refers to the present tense of what you're currently declaring yourself to be which really and truly is the now which is the only time that exists because time doesn't exist outside of our third dimensional realm it's merely a construct within it and the I is the physical manifestation of God which is exactly what you are physical
manifestation physical and only when Moses received this Revelation from God the I am principle the formless substance that you form with your mind did he and was he able to then become a God to pharaoh and Moses became a God to Pharaoh why because he was able to maintain the stronger frequency and the stronger frequency was a result of the stronger level of conviction in the belief that Moses had as opposed to what Pharaoh had for the enslavement and the oppression and once again all of these stories are nothing more than metaphysical metaphorical explanations of
what happens within you because the whole Bible is really about you shouldn't be reading it like a history book or it would get very dark if we go to some scriptures now with that being said the specific verse to which I was reciting when I said I am have sent me onto you just for the Bible bangers to make sure that you are satisfied is Exodus 3:14 now like I said the I am principle it's your God self it's the formless aspect of you that is ready to materialize whatever you then move it into so
it's important for you to understand that the only way that you can become a God to your problems is to have a what you should have said it like wherever you're watching it you should have just said it out loud you can only become a God to your problems once you have the stronger frequency and how do you have the stronger frequency by being able to resist being emotionally swayed because your emotion is energy emotion which is energetics which is the energetic vibration that creates a signature that we call a frequency and that frequency then
deviates you from the ability of whatever it is you're trying to materialize so to cut all of this and to summarize it into this simple point if you want to be the god over your reality you need to have the stronger frequency the way that you have the stronger frequency is being resistant to being emotionally swayed reality is going to try emotionally sway you when things go right they're also going to go wrong when things progressively seem to be getting worse for you you should understand that this is nothing more than the world or reality
trying to dominate your frequency and the only way that you can have the stronger frequency is if you're able to maintain conviction in your desired reality anytime the world can make you deviate from being in the state of being in the frequency of your desired reality then you will literally be worshiping worry stress chaos and the only way that you can maintain that level of conviction is through practice that is literally it it's discipline which is one of the most unused words in this entire manifestation space I'm not going to [ __ ] you and
let you think that you can just run around you know there's a certain level of conviction that you have to have in whatever you're believing if you want to enter this reality then you need to be able to maintain that you're already there when something shows up in your world like it says in John you know don't judge by appearance by judge by by righteous judgment the righteous judgment is all coming down to this one thing it can all be summarized into two words two words and the people that fail to materialize their world and
the people that are worshiping the gods of worry chaos and stress they all fall for one thing that you cannot fall for and I'll end it with this eyesight versus mindsight you need to be able to understand that the world that you're living in is nothing more than a product of your mind each and every single time that you are able to take reality for what you see it to be you are falling for the illusion of reality and this is how things become your God everybody who has something else as their God as opposed
to their desired reality the highest level of Consciousness God is because they're all falling for their eyesight so once again maintain that level of conviction I'll see you on the next one