"I wanna give up" | Biblical Motivation

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Faithful Journey
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life is full of distractions challenges and detours but you must keep your eyes on the prize when you feel like giving up remember this God has a plan for you Jeremiah 29:11 tells us for I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future hold on to that promise no matter how tough the journey gets we often find ourselves at Crossroads unsure of which path to take the world around us is noisy full of opinions and advice that
can lead us astray but deep within you there's a compass the Holy Spirit trust that inner guidance when you're aligned with God's purpose you cannot fail remember the story of Joseph he faced betrayal false accusations and imprisonment but through it all he stayed true to his purpose he didn't let the pit or the prison break his spirit and in the end he was elevated to a position of power Joseph's story teaches us that no matter where you start if you stay on track and remain faithful God will lead you to your destiny staying on track
also means being disciplined Hebrews 121 reminds us let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us it's not easy but it's necessary you have to let go of what holds you back sometimes it's the people around you sometimes it's your own fears and doubts but you must press on sometimes staying on track means standing firm in your faith even when everything around you is falling apart the enemy will try to throw you off course with doubt fear and discouragement
but I want you to declare today I am unshakable because I'm standing on the promise of God Speak Life into your situation prophesy to those dry bones and watch God Breathe new life into them you see every great testimony requires a test every great Triumph requires a trial don't be afraid of the fire remember Shadrach meach and Abednego they were thrown into the fiery furnace because of their unwavering Faith but they stayed on track and God delivered them without a single burn in fact he walked with them in the fire your struggles are not meant
to destroy you they are meant to develop you each trial you face is an opportunity to grow stronger in your faith james2 to4 encourages us consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters whenever you face Trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance let pers verance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete not lacking anything let perseverance finish its work in you keep pressing forward keep your heart and mind focused on God's promises surround yourself with people who will uplift you pray with you and
encourage you to stay on track iron sharpens iron and we need each other to stay strong in this journey in closing I want to leave you with this thought God has equipped you with everything you need to succeed you are stronger than you think braver than you believe and more capable than you can imagine Philippians 4:13 says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me so my friends stay on track don't give up don't lose heart your best days are ahead of you trust in God's timing trust in his process and trust that
he's leading you exactly where you need to be stay on track and watch how God transforms your life for his glory
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