big sports are a massive industry where unique moments often occur some set records some win under nearly impossible circumstances and some lose so spectacularly that they overshadow the winner Sports have room for humor and kindness achievements and failures and we've gathered for you the most striking moments from this incredible World of Sports [Music] it's a Pity the race ended for this car but drifting with a missing wheel was Unforgettable Back to the Future we don't need no stinking Wheels where we're going [Applause] we such a dynamic struggle for the ball with wrestling moves included looks
more intense than a Hollywood action movie [Music] a jump strike is impressive but the way that wooden plank shattered like it was hit by a bullet imagine the power in that athlete's [Music] [Music] legs when you witness rapid changes in distance incredible speed and precise shots you realize that table tennis is far more spectacular than it's often given credit for to return the ball the athlete seemed to momentarily disable gravity though it quickly came back meaning his ribs will probably hurt for a few daysi did one ear in the tournament and what about that for
from D that's even better than gret how she landed and maintained her balance on the dice after so many spins is a mystery the goalie definitely didn't see that trick coming honestly neither did we for a moment it looked like the ball would leave the lane but instead it curved perfectly for a masterful strike [Music] to cling to such a smooth sloping surface his fingers must have the strength of steel clamps [Music] a figure skater in a crimson costume is spinning like a top on jet fuel and not a hint of dizziness looks like her
inner ear went through Astronaut [Music] training the level of body control this girl has is impressive every movement she makes is a blend of precision strength and Grace [Music] one of the most inappropriate reactions to a red card is open indignation and aggression in response to the referee's decision they should be more cautious the upcoming game will require every team member to play their crucial role he doesn't need water or a coach's help just a deep breath and he's back in the ring ready to win she was flying towards Victory on the uneven bars making
the crowd Roar with excitement but in sports just like in life relax too much and you might take a fall [Music] judging by his reaction this athlete is definitely happy with his shot put result [Music] a come [Applause] on didn't even get to start and already on the Dropout list looks like her big moment will have to wait maybe until the next competition or perhaps even another planet look at this rocket on skates it feels like is not just playing with a hockey stick but slicing through the ice like a laser now the question is
is this hockey or tryouts for a Hypersonic flight Championship 14 the events got started she a little nervous about it who wouldn't be the distraction maneuver worked 100% these athletes are also masters of bluffing [Applause] a spectacular crash after flying off the track didn't stop the car from getting back in the race albeit with some new uh decorations when this guy threw the ball into the basket and then himself right after he invented the first ever five-pointer oh my and we're moving on at the speed of light all the most interesting things are still ahead
all the hopes placed on her at the beginning of her performance faded by the [Music] end well if you're not confident in defending the goal why not just turn it sideways an interesting strategy but I doubt the referees will approve what do you think [Music] guys unfortunately the gymnast's mistake resulted in a a very painful [Music] Landing watching snowboarders is pure enjoyment offering not only picturesque Landscapes but also extraordinary skills and breathtaking [Music] tricks this figure skater clearly wanted to add some extra flare to her look with a bold fashion statement why not the ice
needs style too [Music] the gradual increase in Tempo and speed in table tennis makes it incredibly intense one mistake could cost everything yeah another fantastic Point scoring with her hands to easy this athlete nailed the shot with her feet and oppose worthy of a yoga magazine cover acrobatics meets pure [Music] skill a spinning last second winning shot on the tennis court looks like someone took inspiration from action movies flashy unexpected and most importantly [Music] effective this isn't a movie no stunt doubles needed one precise punch in the ring and the opponent is already getting a
close-up view of the floor beyond the ropes looks like the lesson on inertia was learned perfectly this pair of figure skaters pulled off an incredibly difficult lift flawlessly no doubt about it we're looking at true Professionals in action the driver almost lost control but got back on track and ended up taking a rather effective shortcut aerody going to either know someone tells me he's going to get more than not only did the goalkeeper miss the ball but he also got hit in the face [Music] figure skating is all about balancing Grace and gravity but when
your partner turns into dead weight instead of support the fall becomes the grand finale of the [Music] routine table tennis a sport where the ball flies and the players fall but when Victory is on the line even the floor has to be tested for durability is this Spiderwoman at The Climbing Gym she's scaling the wall so fast it looks like gravity just stepped aside to admire her Talent the motorcycle soared the race heated up and an epic crash added a dramatic twist the athlete might not be thrilled right now but the audience definitely got a
moment to remember one cyclist yet the impact of a runaway truck on a narrow road half the racers just vanished from the track leaving him in the eye of the chaos [Music] storm it might look like only one unlucky Rider had a bad start but it seems none of the motorcyclists were in top form today [Music] what an incredible footage we always strive to choose the best content for [Music] you the fighter wanted to make a dramatic entrance to the ring well he succeeded and defeating a laughing opponent should be easier one skier made a
mistake and now we have a domino effect on the slope time to count the crashes and award a trophy for the most spectacular [Music] pileup didn't finish the race himself and took down his opponent along the way talk about a if I can't have it no one can approach to sports maybe next time luck will be on his [Music] side a race where the winner was simply the only one who knew the route the rest they turned it into a rolling flash mob and disappeared in random [Music] directions women's beach volleyball isn't just a game
it's a full-on sand battle here emot itions fly higher than the net and words are no longer necessary great defense from USA this is remarkable defense from Hughes absolutely scrambling can she find the point she finds the ball trick was so impressive it could make the highlight reels for the best plays of the year or the funniest bloopers it honestly looked like a scene from a comedy a long jump that could have made history if only the foot hadn't decided to test the sand before landing looks like records will have to wait or maybe it's
time to work on flying without touching the ground now this is the emotion of true Victory the marathon was brutal but her energy and pure joy at the Finish Line are contagious keep it up pulling off a back flip well sitting on his bike on a snowy track dangerous yes but damn what a spectacular way to finish the race does anyone actually know what this sport is half the audience is probably already looking up where to buy the uniform and sign up for lessons after losing balance the motorcyclist managed to push off the bike in
a split second and fall with minimal risk incredible reflexes and a bit of luck save the athlete she has a long flight ahead so her decision to stretch before the journey seems entirely [Music] [Music] reasonable that's one way to exit the ice track and take your competitor along for the ride [Music] this jump was pure sacrific for the team and judging by the scoreboard the hero of the day is now not only on the court but also in the hearts of the [Music] fans can someone finally tell him that he needs to jump when he
reaches the bar it's no wonder figure skating attracts so many fans worldwide it's a serious and competitive sport where technique meets [Music] Artistry it was so cool it's hard to comprehend how this is even possible [Music] it's immediately clear which volleyball player is willing to do whatever it takes for the success of her [Music] [Music] team underwater rugby is a unique and thrilling sport but for spectators it sometimes turns into a mysterious show since it's not always possible to see what's happening football is a serious sport but even in it there sometimes seems to be
room for jokes and Mischief of course everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves however it's clear which athlete seems out of place here saying that this athlete May an impressive jump from the diving platform would be an understatement that epic fall into the water that will be remembered for a long time a Flawless series of gymnastic moves was going perfectly until in the grand finale gravity and the athletes backside decided to take over a unique tripping technique don't you think well the attack was [Music] thwarted impressed by the guy who caught three balls in a
row so is his friend it's funny how the dog didn't even run across but calmly walked through the road as cars sped by drivers could learn a thing or two about composure from it it seems the tennis ball punished the player for giving up too [Music] soon looks like Spider-Man has left superhero work and movie shoots behind now he's gone into sports sand is flying emotions are boiling beach volleyball is hot in more ways than one here every ball is like a duel on a Sandy [Music] [Music] Battlefield apparently the babyfaced athletes age misled her
opponent and her skill turned out to be a real shock for him women's basketball isn't just about shooting Hoops it's a battle judging by the intensity of the game these ladies are fighting not just to win but for every inch of the Court [Music] fans are a Fearless Bunch they catch flying sports equipment like they've been training for a superhero casting call too bad not all of them make it to the finals without bruises [Music] she was one step away from falling but recovered so gracefully that she could rent out her balance to Circus performers
bravoo queen of [Music] poise you don't need to be an expert to notice how much effort the team on the right is putting into this match it happens metal in hand Victory secured but the award refuses to go around the neck looks like it decided this win deserves a little challenge of its own [Music] looks like this motorcycle decided to become a star all on its own No Rider but full Charisma let the world see who the real leader on the track [Music] is to be honest I'm speechless after witnessing it what about [Music] you
the racket might deserve a stern look but this level of punishment seems like the tennis player nerves have officially [Music] snapped athletes are human too sometimes instead of Records they end up treating themselves to an unexpected water show right on the field a performance with strong water park vibes [Music] this pole vault attempt was doomed from the start as if the athlete had made it her mission to break every rule in the book well at least it was [Music] entertaining a cyclist tried to sabotage his opponent but Carmo was faster than his bike fate took
matters into his own hands [Music] a tennis player is deliberately ignoring the ball girl focused athlete or a diva with Attitude what do you think is this Behavior acceptable in [Music] sport a cyclist got stuck with a mechanical issue right on the track and judging by his nerves he ended up fixing hisem motions rather than his [Music] bike a swarm of gats decided to throw a party on the tennis court but the players are definitely not in the mood for dancing the game continues but the audience's nerves are already on the edge of a tie
break [Music] the runup was there the pole was there but success somehow ran off maybe it's just hiding behind the bar watching this almost M it [Music] attempt a cyclist changing shoes mid-race this isn't Just Sports it's pure absurdus theater looks like his legs decided to take a break right in the middle of the action [Music] the relay baton exchange looked like a thriller with a touch of drama but the Japanese team nailed it seems like fate decided to give them a little [Music] boost pole vating is either a takeoff or a crash today the
pole clearly wasn't in the mood to help time to start preparing for a rematch [Music] leading the race a dream clearing the hurdles a must but unfortunately the barriers decided they'd cross the finish line with [Music] him as they say all's fair in war and running but is stomping on your opponent really part of fair play a controversial move but definitely an eye-catching [Music] one when the opponent failed to make a throw the judoka in white didn't hesitate he grabbed his rival by the belt and decided the match in a single move he is not
just physically strong but also has excellent control over his body confidently maintaining balance the push off from the ground was so powerful that the jumper almost flipped in midair though the landing was a bit rough it seems this guy confused his sports but his football skills came in handy on the hockey rank [Music] the motorcyclist put on such a show that the audience forgot to breathe flying out of the saddle and nearly Landing under someone else's Wheels this isn't just a race it's a full-on action thriller with stunt work included [Music] even if her performance
didn't include the ball watching her would be no less fascinating every move she makes is a combination of strength and precision and how do you like such a Twist to be honest I can't do without your comments [Music] here even the pros sometimes end up on the ice in positions they didn't plan no one is safe from an unexpected meeting with their backside [Music] serving the ball that's all about hand coordination but don't let your feet relax otherwise instead of a perfect play you'll get a spectacular fall did he just decide to slide across the
track on his stomach instead of running creative sure but I doubt the judges will appreciate this new technique a trip in football is normal but someone should tell the guy in the vest that it's only normal between the players she was so determined to hit the tennis ball that she nearly ended up in the hospital with a leg injury luckily she escaped just in time [Music] [Music] it's funny when it's not happening to you this trenched hockey player clearly wasn't expecting an ice cold shower especially in a sport where Hot Heads freeze [Music] fast one
tiny insect yet the impact of a referee's whistle stopping the game distracting the players and stealing more attention than the final goal now that's [Music] talent that moment when a goalkeeper skills came in handy for a simple household task let's hope he catches balls just as precisely as he caught that bottle of [Music] water the trampoline jumps were impressive until physics reminded everyone that the butt always wins in a battle against gravity is this a pre-match warm-up or a new fitness program called Dance Like A Champion judging by these moves their joints are warmed up
to the max this girl performs flips so effortlessly that it seems she could go on and [Music] endlessly now that's what you call luck the puck was millimeters from crossing the goal line but changed its mind at the last second guess today just wasn't his day still skill alone is not enough Victory usually requires a bit of luck as [Music] well in such matches not only physical strength but also tactics and strategic thinking are essential otherwise the fight could end sooner than expected curling should not be underestimated this seemingly calm sport hides plenty of tense
moments [Music] one misplaced flag on the course and the skier slipped straight into disaster an iconic fall that's definitely making the Highlight Reel of winter sports [Music] fails the takeoff was so powerful but the eyesight not so much a foot fault ruined everything maybe next time look down before stepping [Music] forward the figure skater jump was spectacular but the landing not so much the program fell apart in an instant unfortunately ice doesn't forgive [Music] mistakes basketball is a game where fractions of a second can decide the outcome of a match let's hope he hasn't actually
gotten stuck in the basket and can quickly jump [Music] down fans love her not only for her professional skills but also for her cheerful personality and energetic dances instead of giving up on the beer or drinking it they found another equally creative use for it do you think that fall was intentional or pure [Music] coincidence Sports journalists often have physical fitness comparable to that of the athletes themselves [Music] the weightlifter used her performance at the competition to make a statement about beauty standards showing that achievements matter far more than appearance at such [Music] events one
of the bob sled team members slipped and was on the verge of falling thankfully his teammate reacted in time and helped him apparently his desperation reached its peak as he resorted to grabbing his [Music] opponent years of regular training have paid off the racket now feels like an extension of his [Music] hand the athlete completely focused on her upcoming performance suddenly realized she had forgotten to wear shorts under her pants unsurprisingly she immediately dashed to the locker room this picture is so cool he could catch bullets with his bare hands like a ninja in old
action films subar coming up how are you guys that sense of balance combined with flexibility truly feels like a superpower in real [Music] life only the best professional trainers can save their athletes from injury like that perfect timing this athlete exemplifies what true strength is beyond just powerful [Music] muscles it's obvious who became the star of this basketball game [Music] Sports photographers are true masters of capturing the perfect shot especially when they accidentally catch athletes from some very revealing angles the hit was so powerful that the racket flew out of his hands leaving the tennis
player with no way to return the next [Music] shot well bronze may feel like gold to some but the athlete showed true Sports Ship by giving her medal to the winner of course the idea of proposing is cool and romantic but he's definitely going to hear it from her for making her worry so much [Applause] [Music] looks like someone mistook their opponent's leg for the puck good thing the referee caught the [Music] misconduct when you see a catcher catch a ball with his helmet you truly appreciate why that protection is so necessary don't [Music] you
the motorcyclist lost his balance and slid dramatic ically down the road but his steel Steed seemed determined not to give up and continued the race on its [Music] own is there even a rule for counting a ball Landing in the referee's pocket is that a [Music] strike neither the ball's trajectory nor its speed matters should return any [Music] shot volleyball requires players not only to have Precision but also to demonstrate strategic thinking calculating Force angle and [Music] trajectory if you haven't liked this episode yet now is the best time to do it the little boy
didn't hesitate and immediately identified which metal was the most valuable sometimes athletes cannot resolve conflicts peacefully and tensions on the field reach their Peak she was ready for her best jump ever probably but something went wrong right at the takeoff [Music] this sport might gain popularity it seems to be a mix between water polo and beach volleyball football clubs should pay attention to this guy he clearly has not only talent but also potential for further growth this time the referee was in the wrong place at the wrong time leading to an unexpected collision and a
player's fall [Music] the moment when you're a basketball player to everyone else but a dancer at [Music] heart she couldn't hit the ball but but this day will surely stand out as one of the brightest in her life he was trying to wipe something off his jersey but the way it looked it might have been easier to just change shirts or disappear from the camera altogether it's sweet that she didn't get upset when a cheeky k snatch the ball right in front of her [Music] [Music] [Music] if he had just lifted the winner in his
arms this moment probably wouldn't have been as memorable the organizers of this football match will likely face a hefty fine as their error led to a player's injury professional gymnasts Captivate not only with their physical fitness but also with their skill in performing the most complex elements and our episode has come to an end and we hope that you enjoyed watching this video we look forward to your questions and comments thank you for always being with us [Music] for [Music] [Music]