Adrien and Julian Crawford the golden twins of this affluent neighborhood were known for their charm wealth and bond so unbreakable it often made others feel like Outsiders their parents prominent figures in Los Angeles's Elite Social Circle had always been proud of their son's achievements from an early age they were seen as Inseparable but something darker had taken root over the years it was a secret only the two of them shared one they had sworn to take to their graves June 23rd 2019 the first touch Julian lay on his bed Eyes fixated On The Ceiling lost
in thought the tension between him and Adrien had been growing over the past few months a palpable electricity neither of them could deny that night after a few too many drinks it happened Adrien stood by the door watching his brother they had always shared everything clothes jokes Secrets but tonight the air felt different Julian shifted slightly on the bed his shirt riding up just a little exposing his toned stomach without thinking Adrien walked over and sat down next to him the room was thick with an unspoken tension a slow burn that had been building for
years Julian's breath caught in his throat as Adrienne's hand grazed his side the touch was soft at first almost accidental but then it lingered fingers brushing against bare skin sending shivers down Julian's spine neither spoke but they both knew what was happening it felt wrong but at the same time neither could stop Adrien leaned in closer their breaths mingling in the silence he could feel Julian's heartbeat rapid and unsteady for a moment time seemed to freeze then without warning Adrienne pressed his lips to Julian's neck slow and deliberate Julian's hand instinctively reached for Adrians their
fingers intertwining in a way that was too intimate for brothers the line between siblings affection and something more had been crossed and there was no going back what had started as a single touch soon escalated into a fullblown secret affair it was intoxicating dangerous and thrilling they knew what they were doing was forbidden but the risk only fueled their desire they would sneak into each other's rooms at night their hands roaming each other's bodies in the dark desperate to feel closer to merge into one I love you Adrien whispered one night his voice thick with
emotion as his fingers traced the curve of Julian's back Julian hesitated the words caught in his throat he loved Adrien too but the weight of their secret was suffocating still the pull was too strong to resist they made a pack that night their lips Brushing in the dark no one could ever know about them and they would always be together if that meant going through with their insane plan to marry then so be it August 19th 2019 the pressure of keeping their relationship hidden was starting to take its toll they were becoming careless too comfortable
in their Forbidden Love that's when Khloe their childhood friend stumbled upon the truth it was a Hot August evening when Khloe stopped by their Penthouse unannounced she'd noticed things had been strange between the twins recently the way they avoided being around others their hushed conversations the strange looks they exchanged when they thought no one was watching she wasn't prepared for what she would find walking into the living room she froze Julian was on the couch his shirt half open Adrien straddling him their lips locked in a heated kiss the raw physical nature of it hit
her like a punch in the gut she had always known the brothers were close but this this was something else entirely Khloe gasped her presence startling them Julian scrambled to his feet his face pale Panic written across his features Adrien stood Frozen his eyes wide with Terror this is It's not what it looks like Julian stammered but the words fell flat there was no denying what Khloe had just seen I don't even know what to say Khloe whispered her voice shaking how long has this been going on the silence that followed was deafening Khloe wasn't
sure if she could keep their secret the idea of twin brothers in a secret relationship was too much for her to process she gave them an ultimatum either they ended or she would tell everyone the the weight of their Scandal threatened to implode their lives Adrien desperate to keep everything intact refused to bow to Khloe's threats she's not going to ruin us he said firmly running his hand down Julian's chest as if to reassure himself of their bond Julian however was starting to crack under the pressure each time Adrien touched him now it felt different
dirty wrong he wanted to pull away but the magnetic pull between them was too strong he could never fully Escape Adrian grasp their late night touches became desperate their kisses frantic as if trying to cling to the last vestages of what they had but every intimate moment was tinged with the growing realization that it was all falling apart the day of their wedding was fast approaching they had convinced themselves that their secret ceremony would be the ultimate Act of defiance proof that their love was unbreakable no matter how twisted it might be but the pressure
was starting to get to Julian his guilt over their relationship Khloe's threats and the suffocating nature of their Affair was eating away at him he began to withdraw his touches less frequent his kisses cold Adrien noticed and grew increasingly possessive grabbing Julian whenever he could pulling him close in the night as if to remind him of their paact I won't let you leave me Adrien whispered one night his hands trailing down Julian's body as they lay Tangled in bed we we meant to be together forever Julian's heart raced not From Desire but from Fear he
could feel the Noose tightening around his neck their love turning from passionate to poisonous and deep down he knew that if he didn't find a way out soon one of them wouldn't survive October 15th 2019 with only days left before the secret wedding the tension between Adrien and julan had reached a fever pitch their once intoxicating Affair now felt suffocating poison by guilt fear and Khloe's looming threat every day they were growing further apart their Forbidden Love strained under the weight of their dangerous secret Julian could barely look at Adrien without feeling sick to his
stomach the excitement that had Once Driven their secret relationship had turned into dread every time Adrien touched him Julian felt as though he were drowning unable to breathe under the pressure of their Twisted Bond but what terrified him most was Adrian Obsession the way his twin clung to him even as their relationship frayed at the edges it was as though Adrien could sense Julian's growing need to escape and it only made him more possessive Adrien had become increasingly paranoid since Khloe's Discovery he didn't trust anyone not even Julian every time he looked at his brother
a gnawing fear gripped him the fear that Julian would betray him that he would let Khloe ruin everything adrianne's love for Julian had always been intense but now it was bordering on madness he was desperate to keep Julian close and in his mind there was only one way to do that by eliminating the one person who threatened to take him away Chloe Khloe had kept her distance since discovering the twin's dark secret but it was clear that she hadn't made up her mind about what to do she couldn't shake the image of the brothers locked
in that forbidden kiss from her mind and the more she thought about it the more it ate away at her the crawfords were one of the most respected families in Los Angeles and she knew that revealing their secret would tear their world apart but could she really live with the knowledge that two brothers were involved in such a twisted relationship Julian too had been avoiding Khloe he couldn't face her knowing that she held their fate in her hands but Adrien wasn't one to sit idly by he knew Khloe had to be dealt with before she
ruined everything and he wasn't going to wait for her to make a decision on the night of October 18th khloee arrived at the Crawford Penthouse determined to confront Julian one last time she had made up her mind if they didn't end their relationship she would expose them she couldn't allow something so unnatural to continue no matter how much she cared for them Julian was home alone when Khloe arrived she looked at him with a mixture of sadness and disgust this can't go on Julian she said her voice trembling you and Adrian it's wrong you have
to stop before you destroy yourselves Julian said nothing staring at the floor he knew she was right deep down he had known it all along but how could he walk away from Adrien from the only person who had ever truly understood him I can't Julian whispered his voice barely audible he won't let me Khloe shook her head tears Welling in her eyes then I have no choice I have to tell someone you need help both of you panic shot through Julian he grabed grabbed her arm his eyes wide with fear no Chloe please you don't
understand he'll do something terrible if you tell he'll never let me go before Khloe could respond the door swung open Adrien stood in the doorway his face dark with Fury he had heard everything what are you doing here Adrienne's voice was low dangerous he stepped toward Khloe his eyes burning with rage Khloe pulled her arm away from Julian and stood her ground I'm here to stop this I'm telling the truth Adrien you can't keep living like this pretending nothing's wrong adrianne's face Twisted with anger he took a step closer to Khloe his hand clenching into
a fist you think you can just walk in here and ruin everything you think you can take him away from me Julian's heart raced as he watched the scene unfold he could see the fury in Adrienne's eyes the dangerous glint that meant something terrible was about to happen Adrien don't Julian began but it was too too late with a swift movement Adrien lunged at Khloe his hand wrapping around her throat she gasped her eyes wide with shock as she struggled to break free Julian stood Frozen too terrified to move as he watched his twins slowly
strangle their childhood friend stop Julian finally screamed rushing forward to pull Adrien away but Adrien was too strong his grip tightening around Khloe's neck until her body went limp the sickening sound of her last breath filled the room and then there was silence Adrien let go and Khloe's lifeless body crumpled to the floor the morning after Khloe's murder the Crawford Penthouse was eerily quiet Julian sat on the edge of his bed staring blankly at the wall his mind numb from the horror of what had happened Khloe was dead and it was all his fault he
had let this go too far let adrien's Obsession consume them both now there was no turning back Adrien on the other hand seemed seemed unfazed by what had happened he paced the living room his mind racing as he formulated a plan to cover up the murder we'll say it was an accident Adrien muttered to himself she fell down the stairs no one will suspect a thing Julian couldn't even bring himself to look at his brother how had they gotten here how had their love turned into something so Twisted so deadly I can't do this anymore
Julian whispered his voice shaking I can't be a part of this Adrien stopped pacing and turned to face Julian his eyes Dark and Dangerous you don't have a choice he said coldly we're in this together remember no one can ever know about us about what we've done Julian felt sick the weight of their secrets was crushing him suffocating him he couldn't breathe couldn't think he needed to get out needed to escape from The Nightmare his life had become but Adrien wasn't going to let that happen he had killed Chloe to protect their secret and he
would kill anyone else who tried to tear them apart even Julian over the next few days the pressure continued to build Julian knew he had to get away from Adrien before it was too late but he didn't know how every time he tried to distance himself Adrien would pull him back his hands lingering on Julian's body as if to remind him of their Twisted Bond late at night when Adrien was asleep Julian would lie awake plotting his Escape he had to leave Los Angeles had to disappear before adrianne's Obsession consumed them both but every time
he thought about leaving he hesitated could he really walk away from his twin the one person who had been by his side his entire life and then there was the guilt Khloe's death weighed heavily on Julian's conscience and he knew he couldn't just run away from that he had to face the consequences had to take responsibility for what they had done but Adrien had other plans he wasn't going to to let Julian leave not after everything they had been through together he would do whatever it took to keep his brother by his side even if
it meant killing again in October 21st 2019 the night before their wedding the tension between the Twins reached a Breaking Point Julian had made up his mind he was going to leave no matter what he couldn't live like this anymore couldn't be a part of adrianne's Twisted Fantasy but Adrien wasn't going to let him go that easily as Julian packed his bags Adrien stormed into the room his face Twisted with rage what are you doing he demanded his voice cold and dangerous I'm leaving Julian said his voice steady despite the fear gripping his heart I
can't do this anymore Adrien I can't live like this Adrienne's eyes darkened and for a moment Julian thought he saw a flicker of desperation but then adrien's face hardened and His Hands clenched into fists you're not going anywhere he said stepping toward Julian we're in this together remember you can't just walk away Julian backed away his heart pounding in his chest I'm sorry he whispered his voice barely audible but I can't stay I have to leave Adrienne lunged at Julian grabbing him by the shoulders and slamming him against the wall you're not leaving me he
hissed his grip tightening I won't let you for a moment they stood there locked in a deadly Embrace and then with a sudden burst of strength Julian pushed Adrien away and ran for the door but Adrien was faster he grabbed a lamp from the nightstand and swung it at Julian hitting him in the back of the head Julian crumpled to the floor unconscious as Adrien stood over his brother's motionless body his breath ragged the sun barely Rose over Los Angeles the next day but the Crawford Penthouse was already buzzing with tension the knight's violent confrontation
had left its Mark broken Furniture shattered glass and blood stains were scattered across the once apartment Julian lay unconscious on the floor his head throbbing from the brutal hit he'd received from Adrien Adrian Sat by his brother's side his mind racing as he tried to comprehend what he had done his hands were still shaking stained with blood not from Khloe this time but from the Twin he had spent his life protecting loving and ultimately destroying he hadn't meant to go that far hadn't meant to hurt Julian so badly but In the Heat of the Moment
when Julian tried to leave him something inside Adrienne snapped he had always known that their love would consume them both but now he realized the horrifying truth there was no Escape for either of them if Julian left Adrien would be left alone with the haunting secret of what they had done and without Julian Adrien had nothing hours passed and Julian finally stirred he groaned in pain feeling the weight of everything that had happened crashed down on him like a tidal wave his body achd his head pounded and as his vision cleared he saw Adrien sitting
beside him tears in his eyes I'm sorry Julian Adrien whispered his voice breaking I didn't mean to I just Julian's heart sank he knew his brother too well Adrien wasn't sorry for hurting him he was sorry for the possibility of losing him Julian pushed himself up slowly wincing at the sharp pain shooting through his skull he had to get out of here this had gone too far but as he staggered to his feet Adrien stood up too reaching out for him please don't go Adrien begged his voice thick with desperation we can fix this we
can still be together Julian shook his head his throat tightening with emotion we can't fix this Adrien It's Over You Killed chloee you nearly killed me this has to stop Adrienne's face darkened and for a moment Julian thought he might lash out again but instead Adrienne's shoulders slumped in defeat and he sank to the floor burying his face in his hands I can't lose you Julian he whispered barely audible I'd rather die then lose you the day after the attack Julian made his decision he was going to the police there was no other way Khloe's
murder was Haunting him and now adrien's unrelenting Obsession had crossed a line that Julian could never forgive he couldn't let this go on any longer but he knew what this meant for Adrien his brother would be arrested put on trial Tri and most likely sentence to life in prison could Julian live with that but as much as it pained him Julian knew there was no other choice he couldn't protect Adrien anymore not after everything that had happened so with a heavy heart Julian walked out of their apartment for what he knew would be the last
time he didn't look back the police arrived at the Crawford Penthouse the next day following Julian's confession Adrien had been sitting in the living room when they burst in guns drawn ready to take take him down he didn't fight didn't run he just stood there numb as the officers cuffed him and read him his rights Julian watched from a distance his heart pounding as Adrien was let out in handcuffs their eyes met for a brief moment and for the first time Julian saw something in his brother's eyes that terrified him more than anything hopelessness Adrien
had always been the strong one the one who held them both together through everything but now he looked broken defeated and as the police car drove away Julian felt a piece of himself shattered too he had done the right thing but the cost was unbearable adrianne's trial was Swift the evidence against him was overwhelming Khloe's murder the coverup attempt and Julian's testimony all pointed to a guilty verdict but the media had a fi day with the case rumors about the Twisted relationship between the Twins began to surface and soon the trial became as much about
their dark incestuous Affair as it was about Khloe's death Julian was forced to relive everything on the witness stand his love for Adrien their forbidden relationship and the guilt that had driven him to finally confess it was excruciating but he knew he had to tell the truth no matter how painful Adrien on the other hand remained silent throughout the trial he didn't defend himself didn't deny anything he simply sat there staring at the floor as his fate was decided for him in the end the jury found Adrien guilty of of first-degree murder and he was
sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole in November 3rd 2019 Julian visited Adrien one last time before he was transferred to a Maximum Security Prison the room was cold sterile and the atmosphere was thick with unspoken words Julian sat across from his brother unsure of what to say Adrien looked different his once vibrant energy had faded leaving him Hollow and empty he no longer resembled the man Julian had loved the man who had once been his whole world I'm sorry Julian finally said breaking the heavy silence his voice was barely above a
whisper and he wasn't sure if Adrien even heard him for a long moment Adrien didn't respond then without looking up he muttered I don't blame you I knew it would end this way Julian felt tears welling up in his eyes but he fought them back I never wanted it to end like this Adrien I didn't want any of this Adrien finally looked up his eyes meeting Julian's neither did I there was a pause before Adrien leaned in slightly his voice low and chilling but if I can't have you no one else will either the words
sent a cold shiver down Julian's spine for the first time he truly understood just how deep Adrienne's Obsession ran how far he would have gone to keep them together and as much as he still loved his brother he realized that Adrien would never have let him go I have to go Julian said quietly standing up Adrian didn't try to stop him he just sat there watching as Julian walked out of the room out of his life for good the next morning news broke that Adrien had taken his own life in his cell the guards found
him hanging by his bed sheet his face Serene in death the media was quick to seize on the story turning it into a scandalous Tale Of incestuous Love Murder and betrayal but for Julian it was simply the tragic end to a love that had never stood a chance in the weeks that followed Julian struggled to come to terms with everything that had happened Khloe was dead Adrien was gone and he was left alone to pick up the pieces of his shattered life the love that had once consumed him now felt like a distant memory something
dark and twisted that he could barely recognize he knew he had to move on to leave Los Angeles and start fresh but the scars of what had happened would stay with him forever and as Julian packed up the last of his things preparing to leave the city that had been both his sanctuary and his prison he knew one thing for certain he would never escape the ghosts of his past