Você vai ficar 12 anos aqui – EQM de Leandro F Alves | Experiência de Quase Morte | NDE

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Welcome to the channel "After all, what are we? " Leandro lives in the United States. In 2019 he started to feel a lot of discomfort in his right nipple and in 2023 he needed surgery because of this discomfort when he arrived on the operating table and started receiving anesthesia immediately.
He blacked out and started to hear a voice that called him that Leandro Leandro it was already his ekm and that's not all he also went through other experiences that also bring us a lot of information and obviously we will share everything with you this interview was divided into two parts both published today in the first part he tells us about his ekm in second part he continues to tell us about his experiences and answers our questions if you like it please like share with your friends subscribe to the channel this really helps the message reach more people ready let's get to know his story [Music] Leandro Good morning, thank you very much for agreeing to share your channel with us. After all, we are your near-death experience and other experiences that are also very interesting. Please, please introduce yourself, tell us where you are talking about, what you do, if you are all you If you want and regarding the experiences, don't spare us any details, please, thank you very much in advance and the word is with you, good morning Carlos, first of all, I thank you for your patience, your tolerance with my schedule and my indecisions, but Good morning to those who are listening My name is Leandro, I'm 44 years old, I'm from Brasília, and for almost 18 years I was a biology teacher in the private school and also in the public school, in Goiás, around the Federal District, in 2018, we decided to leave Brazil for some private reasons.
and today I live in San Francisco, California, since then I work here, I've done everything you can think of here, right now, I work cleaning and maintaining houses and there are these experiences that I told you about in our conversation, they have always been very common in my life, the first one I remember, I must have been about three or four years old, I was very little and my mother slept with me. I have a brother, a twin brother, and my mother put some Styrofoam clowns that she made herself on the wall of the room and all the At night these clowns moved, they jumped but they weren't, they danced on the wall, it wasn't something that pleased me, I was terrified of it, so I complained so much that she disappeared with the clowns, she put an end to these clowns, now bigger, I should have had them by now, I shouldn't have already I was about 18 years old, 18 to 19 years old, no, sorry, I was younger, I was about 17, I was doing the university entrance exam. I didn't pass the first time, my sister passed it and I didn't, and that left me devastated because I came from a high school that was university entrance exam and I really wanted to do biology and when I didn't pass I felt bad and then one night I went to sleep and I dreamed that I was in a field and there was a fallen tree trunk and I was sitting on that trunk and a nice gentleman arrived very characteristic of people from the countryside, well dressed in those simple country clothes, he sat next to me and asked me why I was like that, what happened to you, I explained, I told him, thinking it was the biggest problem in the world, oh, because I didn't pass He turned to me and said, don't worry, you'll get through next time, I said, I looked, he said some words of comfort, I said, we know each other, no, I thought it was strange, that feeling hit me that I don't know how to explain, I said, no, we know each other, he He turned to me and said I'm your grandfather but my grandfather is in the paternal case because the maternal one is still alive to this day my paternal grandfather died before I was born I woke up then my father was still alive at that time I went to him he was dating my mother I went to him, dad, I dreamed about your father, I didn't even call him grandfather, I said, I dreamed about your father, and then what's he like, what's he like, he's so small, right, the big hat there and I said, wait a minute, he's there He went inside and took a photo that had about six men standing there.
He said, there it is in this photo, so I took it and pointed to this one, it was the second one from the right, then my father got emotional, his eyes watered and he said, that's him. That's the only photo I have of him, I said. I don't know how to explain it, right?
Because I had never seen my grandfather, I only saw it this time, I don't know my grandfather's face, and then the second experience, which I found remarkable, I was already finishing college, when I was renewing my enrollment, I went to renew it and I had a huge fine of three books that I supposedly took and didn't return and I told the administration I said look, I don't have these books, they're books that don't even belong to me, I don't know what book this is, they didn't even want to know, right? books I pay the fine I got home I spoke to my mother I was already separated from my father I spoke to her we she oh but where is this I said I don't know I didn't get these books they are books Exactly they are history books I said I have nothing to see with these books and then I fell asleep I went to sleep and dreamed again I was in the same library in the college library there was a girl who guided me she went look your books are here I remember exactly the books are in the corridor on shelf three and I He showed it like this at the end of the shelf where the books were. I woke up and told my mother and she said, Oh, come on, I said, okay, I'm going to work, I was already teaching.
That time, when I get there, we'll go there at night, great, we went there at night, my mother She's already entered the library, wanting to cry, a bit emotional, I said, calm down, I don't even know if you're going to find her when I went to her, I had already told her, aisle air and shelf three, she went in front of me when I get there, she's there in the corner I indicated the three books in sequence, I said, it's not possible, right? Then she fell into the show, I said, no, calm down, you think I 'm doing something, right? You think there's something going on here, I took the books, I took them to the office They They didn't believe me when I told them, but they reduced the fine a lot, so I paid like 1% of the fine.
It made up for it, it was an advantage for me, other small events like dreams about people who have died with small ones, I don't even say Forecast, small stronger intuitions were happening, but of all The experiences that I think are prior to Our main one, the one that I thought was most fantastic was with my son, before you continued and talked about your son. They didn't believe it was in there. They didn't believe that I had found it.
I told you, I didn't tell you. Look. I dreamed about no, right?
I said I found the books here, I was looking for them, he said it was a very mechanical thing, what can we do? You returned them before the end of the semester. I can reduce the fine.
But you just proved that the books never came out. From there they didn't even want to know my story, I think they thought I got there, my mistake was I should have called someone. 1%, as you said, it's cheaper to pay that, although than trying to convince people otherwise, I could even appeal, but I said, oh, it won't delay registration, leave it alone, it was cheap at the time, so I said, no, let's go, I 'd rather close the problem and be done with it.
with this and the third most memorable experience I had was in 2013, around 2013 I had a dream in which I saw a lady in the room lying down and a little man next to her and through the door comes a tall boy with blue eyes in a hurry and you turn to him P I'm late again and then at first I found that scene strange But from the voice he spoke I looked like that quickly it was a bit cloudy I looked quickly and said wait there it's me I'm old, right And that I looked like that The lady's face was my wife, I said, but what's this conversation and the boy said to him, oh, dad, it was bad, I'm sorry, I said, dad, right, but I don't, I don't have a son, I only have my daughter from my first marriage, my wife has two, I said. What 's that? I woke up and looked at her, so at that time we were at a crazy professional pace, she was in four or five schools, already coordinator of one of them, but I was less so, but it was also very busy, we only saw each other practically on the weekends, so when we woke up, we went to have coffee I told her, look, we're going to have a baby, she laughed like that, right?
You're crazy, right? In this rush, I said, I think it's good for you to come to terms with the idea because we're going to have a child, so she joked and Life went on and then around 2000, in the middle of 2014, she got pregnant, so when she got pregnant, she was very scared, not because of that, but because of the madness that we were experiencing when we went to do it at three months, right, she went for an ultrasound to determine the sex I already knew I mean and I said I think it's going to be a boy don't you think so because you really want a boy I said it's definitely not right, right but I wasn't sure it was a boy and when you had an ultrasound it really was a boy so I I said, no, I was very happy, but internally for me it wasn't a surprise, right? I said, I already knew and but everything went well, the pregnancy went well, right, when it was with us, it was like the name, right, and I suggested it, I don't remember, I don't remember if I suggested it or She was the one who suggested Artur But she already knew that story, I don't remember who suggested the first one, but at first she didn't want it because she thought it was a very common name, right?
influence on these things but in the end it was decided it would be Artur and when he was born he was premature He was born 8 months old but he was born huge I joke that he was born premature because there was no more space He was born weighing 52 cm and 3 kg 250 as soon as he was born I I went to check the color of his eye , it was blue , I thought it's not common to be born light and then darken, right? a technique to calculate his height, his probable height as an adult and he's over 1. 80, so it's that description I saw in the dream.
It was exactly him, including the delay, the lack of time commitment, it was him and what many people who live with people are surprising to this day, that's what, so we're united, how close we are, so everything I do he wants to go, he's always with me, we have the same tastes, from food, to humor, to everything, we're very similar in personality, but what catches my attention what catches my attention was what happened a couple of months ago because he has a habit of when we go to sleep we lie down he appears out of nowhere he lies down and stays there for a little while with us curls up for a bit he plays and stays about 5 minutes there and then I carry it to bed on my lap, it barely fits on my lap, I almost touch the floor, but I carry it to bed, I lay it down, I smell it there, I give it a kiss and the other day it fell asleep in our bed very quickly. He was tired, he arrived and slept, so when I went to take him he was half awake, half asleep in that old lady there and when I was put in his bed he said to me, Oh, thank you for accepting to be my father, I looked and said that's it, Artur, he's crazy. right What kind of conversation is this But he already Dori automatically didn't say anything else but it stayed in my head I have the distinct feeling that we have already lived together before what we have today, I'm not surprised if I heard that we already you have known for a long time because our contact is really very close, we are very close to each other and these were the first three, the three that had the most impact before our main one, which happened, hey, I arrived here in 2018, at the end of 2019, at the beginning of pandemic here I started to feel discomfort on my right nipple, it was bothering me, it was sensitive and it progressed very quickly to a lump that became so big that you could see it through the shirt, it was big, it hurt a lot but there was no change in the skin, secretion, nothing like that.
but it grew and started bothering me a lot so I've been following up at a free clinic here since I arrived and there they started like this, look, let's follow up, right, but hey, let's do some tests, they gave me an ultrasound, a blood test, these routine tests, right, some showed changes. but it's always undefined and on the ultrasound I remember what the doctor told me he said oh the tissue is regular I can't determine if it's because it's too deep if it's soft or hard but I have a suspicion that it has blood supply I don't I can confirm this with this test, the clinic did not cover more detailed tests other than an ultrasound, so I took the results to my doctor and he said, look, Hey, I know your fear is cancer because my father passed away from cancer, I had one. uncle who passed away from cancer Ah Auntie, I'm sorry and then I said, that's what my fear is, I can't confirm that it is and I also can't rule out that it is .
let's do the following I'm going to put you on the waiting list for surgery I said it's ok I thank you But he said but it takes a long time, around 4 to 5 years because it's a free surgery, a doctor has to be interested in your case. there's a vacancy, so we'd better say that as it's growing very quickly, we'd better get in line straight away so you don't have to pay. but the expectation was four to 5 years, one year and a little later, one year and one month, one year and every few months, they call me from the Clinic, look, DrDavid, who was the one who operated on me, he was interested in your case, he has a clinic in a small town very close to where you live and I think it's interesting for you to go there, I said, of course, I'm going, right?
But what I said, Carlos, there was an angel, that doctor there, I arrived at the clinic, thinking well, he's going to evaluate me and will you at least tell me what it is, right ? What you have is there, zero cost for you, you will have the entire team, all the pre and post surgical support. But I only need two things that you agree to provide this material for study and that I can broadcast this surgery on streaming I said to my students Of course, of course I agree Without a doubt, not just because of what I gained But I contribute something, I give back what I'm earning, without a doubt, and then I scheduled the surgery for two months later, the surgery was on the 21st, now doubts, it was the 21st.
or February 24, 2023, it was on Monday and I got there very nervous, I'm terrified. It's not the first surgery I've had, but I'm terrified of surgery, I'm terrified of hospitals, these things, but I got there and was treated extremely well by a wonderful team. and make the preparations, clean the area, which was very big, my chest was already huge and I went to the operating room, the only thing I remember in the operating room was the nurse's doctor coming with the mask that he explained to me that first he was going to inhale a gas so that later I can have anesthesia take anesthesia the intention of the gas was just to relax I passed out I'm too weak for medicine I sleep with medicine for a headache I told him to me then he told my wife that before they put on the mask I had already slept so I turned it off now my surprise was that I remember sleeping and immediately a voice called me by my first name Leandro Leandro I said it's over, right?
But I realized that I was lying in a Gama, that's how I felt the Range stinging my face, I got up like this, half, half, it was still simply grass, a Lawn, but it had an elevation. It looked like the top of a little hill, like an entire lawn, grass, uniform, there was a tree here in the left corner here on the left side of my field. vision and the sky was orange the sky was completely orange and then I looked forward I recovered myself I recovered quickly and there was a person, a man with a long red outfit, I don't know if it was a cloak or an overcoat, but the coat was done with his back to me I said wow, what am I doing here, right?
I immediately thought I died, I died, the surgery went wrong, I was very nervous at the time, I said, I died, I'm dead, that's what I thought, I said, I'm dead, and then he answered me with his back turned, he Never in the time I spoke to him did he ever see himself facing me he replied no you didn't die from the surgery So far it's going well don't worry I don't know I don't know because I wasn't too distressed don't you know Carlos I calmed down I looked to the side there was a rock a rock on the ground you know those you know those I don't know if you've ever been to a waterfall those rocks in Cachoeira there was one like that I looked like this and said you can't sit down I still thought Wow I'm going to sit on the rock but that's ok right I sat down it was comfortable And he said so Look , can you calm down because we're going to spend a good amount of time here ? Calm down, you're going to stay here for 12 years, we need to talk and you need to learn, I said 12, I said 12 years, then I'm in a coma and I got nervous again, I got up, I said, I'm in a coma, I'm going to be, I'm going to be paralyzed for 12 years, he said, no, until then, and that was it. more patient with me he said no oh your surgery is going well but it will take a little longer this sentence stuck with me because the doctor has to remove a little more tissue it is very rooted but so far everything is fine I said but you are telling me that I'm going to stay for 12 years and if the surgery is going to go well and I'm not going to be in a coma, what do you mean, his sentence was time here in a different way than time in your time, so calm down and think, I don't know if it's because I've already I already like the subject I calmed down I sat where I was before I thought it was funny that I sat down it was a rock I could feel my hands I took my hand like this to see the same thing I had that I had touched now I sat on the rock I'm not going to say that It was comfortable but it wasn't uncomfortable I sat down and stayed, it didn't make any difference to me on the rock and I waited And then he asked if I was okay, how was I?
I said okay, what's your name? introduction because I didn't know what to do I was totally lost he said what do you want to call me I looked like this I don't know if the answer came automatically I don't know if it was because of my contact with the school that when you You work at a school, it's very common for you to call people teacher, whether jokingly or when you don't know their name, it's very common for me to call you teacher, so since you tell me that I'm going to learn, yes, you can, and there we talked for a few moments. trivialities that I don't remember exactly now but I spent a lot of time sitting on that rock with him teaching me technical things technical subjects laws I remember at the time Carlos understood concepts that I didn't understand made sense to me at the time but it doesn't now things that I don't know today but everything he told me about the technical part made sense and there I was like, hey, no, I didn't think about surgery anymore, I didn't remember what I had here, I just wanted to learn and It's funny because at a given moment I asked him okay but why are you telling me all this What is the point of me learning all this he said You will need it when you need it you will know why you are learning all this and I remember I remember less about a question about this technical part, but I remember that I asked him like this, hey, we're on earth, he said, what difference does it make and it's funny to point out a detail that wasn't a conversation with language, uh, not formal, sometimes He even gave me some somewhat interested answers when I felt that my question was too stupid and I associate that with when I was in the classroom I spoke like that to my students, it wasn't that very formal thing we had a more informal contact and he used the same language with me, which I found very interesting, a few times he even kind of gave me a one-off, let's go, we'll get there, but the first time was when I asked, come here, is there life on another planet ?
earth he said to me like this, do you think that all of this out there, this infinity was built just for you to look up and find it beautiful and I said That's really a Mediocre question, right ? I laughed at no point did I get nervous, I laughed and I said okay but if there is, if there is life, how does it work, and it's another planet, it's another dimension, how does it work, just out of curiosity, he told me what I can explain to you, what I can tell you now is that there is both in this dimension and in infinite dimensions I said damn So the business is really much bigger than we imagine, right and he didn't give me any more he didn't touch on the subject any more he continued until the part where We entered He told me that everything I had to learn about concepts had already been done learned had already been said and that we were now going to do a moral review and when I said when he talked about moral review I thought I thought well then let's talk about religion let's talk about God Jesus when I when I thought about Jesus He told me that you're against Jesus and it's really not that I'm against it, I'm not going to say that but I've always been very involved with the more mythical story of Jesus, I've never questioned the historical Jesus but the miracles, the wonders that he did But I've always been like that That didn't happen, it's a myth reused to impress to popularize religion I always had this internally, sometimes I expressed it But I saw that I was often not well regarded with this so I stopped and asked, okay, since you brought up the subject of Jesus, I Asking, right, I'm going to ask you a question Jesus He performed all those Miracles that we heard about, he said no, Jesus never performed any miracles, so he internally I celebrated, I said, you see, I was right, right, in my mediocrity, I thought, I was right, I always knew him. came to me and said Jesus is the miracle he is the Miracles themselves I said What do you say Jesus is so intimate with creation and he knows so much about the laws and norms that regulate this creation that he didn't perform any miracles he asked for them to happen and he was answered and he didn't give orders, he asked, I said, that's another story, right?
Then I can no longer dispute that, we talk about other matters, ah, we talk about the issue of time, the passage of time, I remember him saying that the time for whom he used a phrase he was trying to explain to me that the time on the other side first we talk about side I think I think that human beings think a lot in the negative the side there the side here is also part of the side There and there are not two sides, there are infinite sides, there are multiple sides, but he told me that the side of those who, ah, sorry, the time of those who died passes in a very different way than for those who are alive and that often the longing that There is much greater value in the heart of those who died than in the hearts of those who are alive, and to this day I remember this phrase Hmm, and then we also talked about a subject that I found very interesting and that I don't know how we can address here but that was the issue of people with a different sexual identity, varied, right? He told me that of course he was always careful to say that there is no pre-determined rule for anything, it 's not a certainty but that in most cases of people who identify with another gender with another sexual orientation are souls who are transitioning from male to female and from female to male that nothing is abrupt, nothing happens all at once, slow transitions are being made, testing this, testing that and the person he adapts, but in most cases his literal words, the overwhelming majority of the time, is an option that the person that the spirit made to transition, but that we all transition to at some point in our lives or at various moments, this transition is constant and that is why that we have so much variety because there are different stages of this transition I said no it's not interesting that's ok and then when we were already like this a more advanced conversation I became curious to know who God was I said look Do you know God he He laughed out loud, really laughed, say, I'm not going to do one to you, I don't know God, so who do you think he is? We hear so much about God here on Earth, right?
God I said, I'm thinking about the stairs You're on the ground and I'm on the first step, with each step that passes, it's someone who has greater knowledge than the previous one, I said, okay, he said, the person on the thousandth step doesn't have the slightest idea. Who is God, I said Oh, right, so I said, so let's change the subject because it's not for me And then when we were there, he told me I imagine the surgery is finishing He turned to me and said look, our time here is running out, but Carlos 12 Years have passed like the time we've been talking here I didn't see it, I didn't get tired, I don't know how long I was there like that, I didn't see the time passing, I didn't notice he said our surgery Your surgery is ending it was a success Although it took longer Oh but you need everything you learned you need after you put this to the test you need to look for Carlos I said Carlos but the only Carlos I know is a friend of Portuguese language, which as far as I know, isn't even in Brazil, I haven't seen it in 10 years, it won't make any sense to him but that's okay And he said when you meet Carlos Tell him that oh the decision he made would be different if he I knew what you know today that he wasn't at fault at that time, I said my reaction was I said that, I said, wow, what about a fortune teller, right? Because that applies to anyone I meet, even to myself, I can name at least 15 situations in that this makes sense and he said but and he will know he will know and we are Ending here in this class I got a little nervous I said okay let me just ask you a question why so much mystery Why do we have to suffer so much with this Uncertainty of knowing not knowing what this is for Why can't we have at least a minimal memory or or a certainty that things continue when we die so he saw it for me and said the following hey, you want to know me, I said yes, he said, oh your kind, your kind, your kind It's very cowardly, so, oh, if you were sure that there is something after death, the number of people giving up on this reality would be much greater.
This is one of the reasons why you won't be sure, I looked, I said, no, at that moment it started to get dark, it got dark and I already heard the medical team calling me, don't forget to watch the second part of Leandro's interview where he tells us more about his experiences and also responds to our many questions you will love the link is available for you up here and also in the video description run there if you liked it please subscribe to our channel Give lots of likes make comments share with your friends ring the bell so you always stay knowing when a new video arrives and if you have any questions or have been through an ekm and would like to share your story with the world please write to us our email is After all, we are @gmail.
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